Other side who Chapter 1385advances on
第1385章进击的另一方Withthismentality, Fang Linyanis enthusiasticvery muchobviouslyall of a sudden, acceleratedto pursuetoward the front, after all the opposite partyrode a horse, slowfor fear that the wordscould not bite.
在这种心态下,很显然方林岩一下子就来了劲,朝着前方加速追了上去,毕竟对方骑马了,慢了的话唯恐咬不住。But the speed that his runsfull powerdo not say that the ordinarypro-green campsoldiers, LiJufeltsomewhatcannot follow, be onlyLithree can also unflusteredfollowedinbehind.
而他这一全力奔跑的速度不要说普通绿营士兵了,就连李沮都觉得有些跟不上,只有李三还能从容不迫的跟随在后面。ThereforeFang Linyantold that the rest is the sameknowledgeleads the personto followas soon as possible, oneselfleadLiJuandLithreefirstwalksonestep.
于是方林岩就吩咐余同知带着人尽快跟上,自己带着李沮和李三先走一步。Time that the resultthreepeoplepursued an almost56li (0.5 km)place, suddenlysaw the frontencircledonegroup of villagers, after the pastFang Linyaninstinctlooked atone, in the heartactuallymovedimmediately, originallythesevillagersare dividing a deadhorseunexpectedly!
结果三人追出了差不多五六里地的时候,突然见到了前方围了一群村民,靠过去之后方林岩本能的看了一眼,心中却是立即一动,原来这些村民居然在分割一头死马!Thishorsehad been cut, anddivvied uponeless than half, flows the blood that to seefromside, the time of dying is not too long.
这匹马儿已经被切割开了来,并且分掉了一小半,从旁边流淌的鲜血就能看出,死的时间还不算太久。horsemeat/flesh the flavor is very certainly ordinary, butregardingthesepoorvillagers, is the raremeat, in additionhas the psychology of law does not punish numerous offenders, therefore the person of minute/sharemeatare many, the keyissaddle with saddle clothanything of horsealsoinside, thisimpressivelyis an army horse!
马肉的味道当然很一般,不过对于这些贫苦的村民来说,已经是难得的荤腥了,加上带着法不责众的心理,所以分肉的人很多,关键是马儿的鞍鞯什么的都还在旁边,这赫然是一匹军马!SawFang Linyanpays attention tothisdeadhorse, Lithreeunderstands certainly, immediatelyin the pastshouted a questionwhat's the matter.
见到了方林岩十分关注这头死马,李三当然就心领神会,立即过去喝问怎么回事。Nearbyvillagerssee the appearance that hethreatens, it can be said thatwas startledandfeared, the country folkexperiencesshallowly, cannot withstandto frighten, thereforequick said that before sayingsoon, hadseveralpeopleto ride a horse, finally before suddenly the horselost , the hooffell.
The person who thatrides a horsehas not been fallingactually, after setting outlaterto examine a horse, after scoldingseveral, verysimpleleftdirectly, eventhishorsealsolostdirectlyin the roadsidedisregards.
那骑马的人倒是没摔着,起身以后查看了一下马儿以后,就骂了几句后很干脆的直接走人了,连这一匹马儿也直接丢在路边不管不顾。Thereforethesevillagersverynaturalhad the greed, detected after the horsedied, cameto shear the meatto skin.
所以这些村民很自然的就起了贪心,发觉马死了之后就前来割肉扒皮了。Understood after thesesituations, in the heart of Fang Linyanisamazed, butthinkstoward the deep place, in the heartgushed out an inexplicablefear
了解到了这些情况之后,方林岩的心中本来是惊诧,但是往深处一想,心中更是涌出了一股莫名的恐惧„Does not know that thisis the accidentalcoincidence, was painstakingly arranged the laterresult? Ifpainstakinglyarranges, thatplans the heartcitygovernment offices of all thesepeoplealso is really fierce, becomesmyarchenemyinevitably!”
“不知道这是偶然的巧合,还是被人刻意安排以后的结果?如果是刻意安排的话,那谋划这一切的人的心胸城府也真的是厉害,必然成为我的大敌!”„Iffrontpresents the seconddeadhorse, thenall thesewere near perfect.”
“如果前面出现第二头死马,那么这一切就八九不离十了。”Fang Linyanthenleadstwo peopleto continue the fastvanguard, finallythesejustran less thantwoli (0.5 km)time, saw the fronthasonegroup of villagersto gather, walksto look, detectedtheyreallygather roundanotherhorse.方林岩接下来带着两人继续快速前行,结果这一次刚刚奔跑出不到两里,就又见到了前方有一群村民聚集,走过去一看,发觉他们果然围着另外一头马儿。Thishorsehas not diedevidentlythoroughly, corners of the mouthsidevomiteda lot ofwhitebubbles, but the eyesdo not have the appearance, evidentlytorefusing stubbornlyfar.
这头马儿看样子还没死透,嘴角旁边呕吐出了大量的白色泡沫,但是双眼已经毫无神采,看样子离死不远了。Sawthis, Fang Linyansighedslightlyin the heart, thenpulled out a smallsilver ingotto losefrom the bosomon the horses, to a quite old humanity:
见到了这一幕,方林岩在心中微微叹息了一声,然后从怀中掏出了一个小银锭丢在了马匹身上,对着一个较为年长的老人道:„Elderly man, was courteous below, thishorsewas the poisoncausesto fall downdirectly, ifeveryoneeating, will perhaps have the future trouble, these22moneywereIgiveburyfee/spent, hopes that everyonecandig a pitwill bury, so as to avoid the innocent personwas poisoned.”
After the old personlistened, onestares, thendeeplyis bowing with hands claspedtoFang Linyan:
老人听了以后一愣,然后对着方林岩深深一揖:„Thankyoungmy dear, youwere a knowledgeableperson, thanks toraising.”
“感谢小郎君了,您是个有见识的人,多亏提点。”NearbyLithreeandLiJusaw the Fang Linyanbehavior, on the mouth, althoughdid not sayanything, in the heartquiteapproves.
旁边的李三和李沮见到了方林岩的行为,嘴上虽然不说什么,心里面还是颇为认可的。EspeciallyLiJuthispersonis brave, cruel and merciless, usuallysnorts contemptuouslyregarding the comforting and aiding a bereaved familypeoplesuchperson, looks down uponvery much, feelsiswomanly compassion, could not become the atmosphere.
尤其是李沮这种人胆大手黑,心狠手辣,平时对于抚恤民众这样的人都是嗤之以鼻,很是看不起,觉得乃是妇人之仁,成不了大气。Butat this time was the Fang Linyanmanagement, suddenlythought that as iffollowedsuchpersonto mixalsowell, thisboyordinarycommon peoplecancomfortto take care ofcontinually, efficientwas definitely no worsehand/subordinatetofather
***Fang Linyanhas not expected the approach of chance accomplished what art had failed, unexpectedly can also letLiJuandLithreehas a change of heart, hispresentheart is actually exceptionallyheavy.方林岩也没料到自己无心插柳的一个做法,居然还能让李沮和李三收心,他现在的心情却是异常沉重。Nowseems like, thesefivehorses that the Japanesesnatchesdefinitelyhave the issue! Theythink after snatchingfivehorses, cansend off the core figurebyitshighmobilitypromptly, escapes the birthday, actuallydoes not know that thesefivehorsescould not do wellare the opposite partyplan the following development, arranged the personto deliverspecially.
After attaining the horse, originallygathers togetherthegroup of Japaneseodd/surplusevil who escape, because of the mobileinconsistency, must certainlymake the choice! Especiallyinrear areahasin the situation that the cavalrypursues.
Obviously, thatseeminglylistlessbiglawsuit is actually the inspirational figure, must be escortedis first being out ofdanger, thiscompelled the opposite party to divide forces.
很显然,那个看起来病恹恹的大官司却是灵魂人物,必然要被护送着先脱离险境,这就逼着对方要分兵了。Ifall thesepainstakinglydo not arrange, is very obvious, Japanwalked a goodchess.
若这一切并非是刻意安排的话,那么很显然,日本一方是走了一步好棋。However, ifthatfivecavalrieswere arrangedintentionally, the warhorsewas not only intoxicatedahead of time, the bodymade the symbolinevitably, dividing forces of thatJapanappearedstupidlywas incomparable, not onlycannotcast off the rearpursuing troops, was thinside the biglawsuitescortingstrengthminute/share.
After thesethingsinfer, in the Fang Linyanheartgives birth, istomapping out strategic plans in an army tentdreading of all thesespacesoldiers!
将这些东西推断出来之后,方林岩心中生出的,就是对运筹帷幄这一切的空间战士的忌惮!Has the enemy who a few wordsare called the enemyis a friend, butthisis not suitable for the currentconditionabsolutely.
有一句话叫做敌人的敌人就是朋友,但这绝对不适于当下的状况。Onlycansay that the opposite partyandare makingChinawinthis, on the one handhas the commoninterest, even if in this regard, both sidesstillhave the conflict!
The contributionvaluefirstthreeon the Chinesewarprogress bar, the rewardcertainlycompared withfirstten, the contributionvalueis finally highest, certainlycompares23.
在中国战争进度条上贡献值前三的,最后奖励一定比前十的强,贡献值最高的,一定比二三名强。If possible, the firstthreeestimateswill not mind when necessarydoes others, 23wantfirstpulling down, firstwantsto eliminate23threats!
若是有机会的话,前三名估计都不会介意在必要的时候干一下其余的人,二三名想要将第一名拉下来,第一名想要排除掉二三名的威胁!Therefore, althoughtoFang Linyan, strikesto kill the probability of biglawsuitto be getting higher and higher, but the risk also increases progressively, andthisrisk came from the enemyincessantly, similarlyalso came from thatnominalallied armies.
所以,尽管对方林岩来说,击杀大官司的概率越来越高,但是风险也是随之递增的,并且这风险不止来自于敌人,同样也是来自于那名义上的盟军。Threepeoplecontinue, but alsowithoutgoing out ofoneli (0.5 km), detected that the roadsidedropped downthreewarhorses, many peoplehave surroundedstrongly. Butlookedby the pastdetected,thesethreewarhorseshave diedpassed, itscause of deathwas not the poison, butwas heldseveralblades.
Obviously, the Japanese was also detects be swindleddirectly, ominoussentgreatly, killed the horseto give vent to indignationdirectly.
很显然,日本人直接也是发觉上了当,凶性大发,直接杀马泄愤。Moreover, presented a hugesmall townin the frontimpressively, LithreeandLiJuare the out-and-outlocal bullies, immediatelytoldFang Linyanhereto be calledGucheng Town, was thattypeto extend in all directions, the transportationimportant place of businessassembly, the nativewere not many, the people from other placewere many, butat this timeseason of muletransaction, thereforeherecould be said asespeciallylively.
不仅如此,在前方赫然出现了一处庞大的市镇,李三和李沮两人乃是不折不扣的地头蛇,立即告诉方林岩这里叫做古城镇,却是属于那种四通八达,商贸集会的交通要地,本地人不多,外地人却不少,而此时正是骡马交易的时节,所以这里可以说是格外热闹。Althoughhereis calledGucheng Town, actuallyat presentis livelier than manysmallcounties.
虽然这里是被称为古城镇,其实眼下比许多小县城都要繁华。Afterunderstandingthisinformation, in the heart of Fang Linyanmovesimmediately, no wonder the Japanesekills the horseto give vent to indignationdecisively.
Obviously, afterdetectingfell into a trap, now the optimization of thisgroup of people, does not travelinevitablyagain, the warhorse that butabandons the poisondirectly, sneaksin the middle ofGucheng Townto take a short break, the manpower who the waitinghelpsone after another, thenhandlesotherthings.
很显然,在发觉中计之后,现在这帮人的最佳选择,必然不是再次跑路,而是直接抛弃掉中毒的战马,潜入古城镇当中稍事休息,等待陆续来援的人手,然后再做其余的事情。Most critically, pursuedtheircavalryestimatesalsosuch100-200to ride, thisgroup of peoplerushed aheadinvinciblyon the flat land, actuallydid not representin the towncomplex terraincansweep away all obstacleslike this.
更关键的是,追击他们的骑兵估计也就那么100-200骑了,这帮人在平地上冲杀无敌,却不代表在镇子这样的复杂地形里面可以所向披靡。Not to mentionthrows into ten thousandpeopletownsto hunt down, actuallyconsumes the timevery much.
The keyisat present that welldoing of green-standard troops, entersin the rich and populoustownto opensearches, hehe, kills and burnsto be insufficient, grabbingisinevitable! When the time comesdoes not need the Japaneseto act, thesehorse dealerlocaltyrantscanwithitsdirect conflict.
关键是就目前绿营兵的那德行,一进入富庶镇子里面开搜,呵呵,烧杀不至于,劫掠是必然的了!到时候根本不用日本人出手,那些马贩子本地的豪强都会和其直接冲突起来。Thesecavalriesonly thendress ranksto chargeon the plain to striketo kill the ability of biglawsuit, leavespremise that benefitted, thatisin a state of disunity.
这些骑兵只有在平原上整队冲锋起来才具备击杀大官司的能力,离开了地利的前提,那就是一盘散沙。„Splendid, is really splendid.”
“精彩,真是精彩啊.”Fang Linyanat this timebe atonlookingcondition, alsocannot bear the feelinghaveboth sides the confrontationinstrategy.方林岩此时处于旁观状态下,也是忍不住感慨起双方在智谋上的交锋起来。Thismayreallyfrequent each other, being without making any mutual concessions, wasrival in chess.
After so manythings, Fang Linyanclosed the eyeto hesitatea while, thendidvery muchsimplydecided:
在考虑到了这么多东西以后,方林岩闭上眼睛沉吟了一会儿,然后很干脆的做了决定:„Artificialwealthdeadbirds die in pursuit of food, even iffirstwent wellby the spacesoldier of Songcelebratethatside, Ialsorecognized! Safety first! Firststood firmsaidagain!”
After nextdecidedthisdetermination, Fang LinyangreetedLiJuone, benignsay/way:
下定了这个决心之后,方林岩招呼了李沮一声,和颜悦色的道:„Iknow that in the bigSenior Brotherhand the outstandingly able persondifferentgentlemanis extremely numerous, does not know that theyare interested inearning an extra income?”
After saying, handed over1200paper moneydirectlyin the past, LiJuwas calm a deadface, saw the thing that paper moneythiswas liked by everybody is also at presentonebright, putting out a hand of being able not helpsaidin the past:
说完了之后,直接就递了一千两银票过去,李沮本来沉着一张死人脸,见到了银票这人见人爱的东西也是眼前一亮,情不自禁的伸手过去道:„Howto gain??. Young master?”
“怎么赚??.公子?”Fang Linyansaidimmediately:方林岩立即道:„Ialwaysthink that at presentthissituationis passingeverywherestrangely, on the currentsituation, the Japanesewill definitely chooseto hidein the frontGucheng Town. Buttheirvitalityhas not injured, the Japaneseescortsthatbiglawsuitinevitablyis a expert, assurance that wethesethreepeople cannot winat present.”
“我总是觉得眼下这局势处处都透着诡异,就目前的这局势来说,日本人肯定会选择藏身在前方的古城镇上。可是他们元气未伤,日本人护送那大官司的必然都是好手,就我们目前这三人还没有必胜的把握。”Lithreeposes as the majordomoat this time, hurriedsay/way:
李三此时以大管家自居,急忙道:„Young master, since the Japanesetreatedheredid not walk, wejust rightand otherarmies! When the time comesencirclesto catch a turtle in a jar the town!”
“公子,日本人既然待在了这里不走,咱们正好等后面的大军!到时候将镇子围起来瓮中捉鳖!”Fang LinyanheartoldLiualtogethersent No. 200soldiertome. Whatarmy did thiscall? Songcelebrate the elitecavalriesdo not dareto go to search, what can oneselfthisflock of weakchickensdohand/subordinate? However the Lithreefacesmustlook, access road/simply said:方林岩心道老刘一共就给我派了两百号兵丁.这叫什么大军?连宋庆这边的精锐骑兵都不敢进去搜,自己手下这群弱鸡能干什么?不过李三的面子是要照顾的,便道:„Weare unfamiliar with the people and placeinthistown, ifletsput the green-standard troopsto go, thatgroup of peoplecanhandle mattershonestly?”
“咱们在这镇子里面人生地不熟,若是让放绿营兵进去的话,那帮人能老老实实的办事?”Lithreeknits the browsimmediately:
李三顿时皱眉道:„Yes, thiscrowd of earthen moundseightdid not go to wargood, killed and torchednot to have the courage, saw the richthingactuallymustwalk off with another's possessionsmostly, the prettybig missyoung wifethey must profit at the expense of the state, the words that thiscamealsoattacked a Qiu!”
“是了哦,这群丘八打仗不行,杀人放火没胆子,看到了有钱的东西却多半要顺手牵羊,漂亮的大姑娘小媳妇他们也是要去揩油的,这一来的话还打个俅!”Fang Linyansatisfiednodsaid:方林岩满意的点点头道:„Therefore, mymeaningmight as wellpleaseseveralbe skilled in the hiddenfigure, the brothers of following closelyambush, monitorstheirsound, weconserve strength.”
“所以,我的意思是不如请几个精于隐藏身形,盯梢的兄弟潜伏进去,监视住他们的动静,咱们则是养精蓄锐。”„That severaldying a violent deathwarhorse of Japanesedies the fishy, weare indifferent to another's plightwell. Brothers'life is also the life, everyoneis the parentslives, cannot pay the price, will not run risksto takeisbest.”
“日本人的那几头暴毙的战马死得还是蹊跷,咱们就隔岸观火就好。兄弟们的命也是命啊,大家都是爹妈生的,能够不付代价,不冒风险将之拿下来是最好的。”LiJuting the Fang Linyanwords, nod of satisfactionsaid:
李沮听了方林岩的话,满意的点点头道:„Young Masterreckless your alsosaidis a logical expression, helping the person on your group of officersurfaceattend to official duties, reallymustguardcarefully!”
“胡公子你这说得还算是个人话,帮你们这帮官面儿上的人办差,真的是要小心提防着!”„BeforeImetofficerto makemehelphimhandle matters, actuallydid not consider that Iand others the safety, musttakebrothers'bloodto be incarnadinewholeheartedlyhisroof ornament, thisnonsenseofficer, Ihavemanyam farfromhim!”
“之前我就遇到个官儿让我帮他办事,却根本不考虑我等的安危,一心都要拿兄弟们的鲜血染红他的顶子,这种狗屁官儿,我是有多远就离他多远!”„Ok, youare generous, cultivates the behaviorenough the loyalty, Ialsohelpyouhandlethiserrandfull power!”
“行,你出手大方,做人够义气,我也全力帮你将这差使办好!”LithreeheardLiJu saying that an inexplicablesense of crisiswelled upimmediately, immediatelythoughtthisdamnLiJuwas the bigSenior Brotherdoesenough, had a liking for the position of majordomoHu?
李三听到李沮这么说,一股莫名的危机感顿时就涌了出来,立即觉得这狗日的李沮是不是大师兄做够了,看上了胡家大管家的位置?ThereforeLithreealsodoes not want to fall behind, immediatelysaidtoFang Linyan:
于是李三也是不甘人后,立即对方林岩道:„Young master, Ialsohadseveralacquaintanceshere, the fragrancetaughtthisgroup of peopleto handle mattersis not credible, Iaskedtheirthesenativesto handle matters, can definitely be twice the result with half the effort.”
Very highregardingthisenthusiasm, under the subjective initiativeverystrongexpert, Fang Linyanwill certainly graspto encourage the attitude, the emperornot to dispatch the hungrysoldier, thereforealsostopper a 1200paper moneyin the past, butLithreebeckons with the handunexpectedlydirectlydoes not want.
The clear to seesweeps acrossthegroup of manpower who oneselfhiredinvolutionunexpectedly, Fang Linyanloves certainly.
眼见得内卷居然席卷到了自己雇佣的这帮人手当中,方林岩当然喜闻乐见。Buthe is also very clear, whatpersonLi can threeknowhere? Nothing butistwotypes, the firsttypedefinitelyis a peer, the secondtypedisposes stolen goods.
而他也很清楚,李三能在这里认识什么人?无非就是两种,第一种肯定就是同行,第二种则是销赃的。Thesetwopeoplealsoreallylet alone, fullymeet the currentdemand.
这两种人还真别说,完全符合当下的需求。Verysteps on a timesurelyneeds the quick-wittedin additionmovementto be flexible, can the seamlessengagementFang Linyandemand.
贼踩点的时候肯定需要机智外加身法灵活,可以无缝衔接方林岩的需求。Candodefinitelyin the local area that disposes stolen goodsmixeslike a fish in water, the relationsare perfect, that can also add onbusy.
能做销赃的肯定是在本地混得如鱼得水,关系过硬,那也是能帮上大忙。At this timeFang Linyanis the out-and-outobserver, andverywisehas not had a hand to meddle, thereforehein factunderstood the information that is truly limited, does not know that in the beforehandpursuit, both sideshad conducted severalintenseincomparabledarkwarsin secret!!
***At the same time,
同一时间,In the middle ofGucheng Town,
古城镇当中,Hereis a bigdwelling, cansee that a smilingmoon-facefattyis directingtoward the backyardseveralpeople, andattentivetosay/way that nearbymanis flattering:
这里乃是一处大宅院,可以见到一个笑容可掬的圆脸胖子正在将几个人往后院引,并且殷勤的对着旁边的男子讨好的道:„The Gongwangmaster, your honorable selfvisits, reallymakesBiZhaiyou honor my humble home, is really most honored below, canreceiveyou!”
“恭王爷,您大驾光临,真的是令鄙宅蓬荜生辉,在下真是三生有幸,才能接待到您!”However, sidethismoon-facefatty is actually the man of complexionsinister and vicious, itsstatureis thin, aquiline nose, on the leftarm the wound, seeminglycould not have hadanyrelationswith„the prince”to be honest!
然而,这圆脸胖子身边却是个面色阴鸷的男子,其身材瘦削,鹰钩鼻子,左边胳膊上还有一道伤口,说实话与“王爷”貌似根本扯不上任何关系!In fact, the presentPrince Gong over 60 years old, the hairbeard is also gray, had23yearsnot to have the national capital!!
事实上,现在的恭亲王足足有六十多岁了,头发胡子也已经花白,足足都有二十三年没出过京师了!!Listened to the words of thisfatty, say/way that the manactuallycoldly:
听了这胖子的话,那男子却冷冷的道:„ThiskingtimeCapital, presented the auspicioussecret order! Your, must keep secret, onceleaked, diedto draw!”
“本王这一次出京,乃是奉了祺祥的密旨!你的,务必要保密,一旦泄密的话,死拉死拉的!”At this timewantsis not a fool, will definitely discover the flaw in thismalewords, so long asispeople, howdares such bigthornnameemperorreign title? Thatis the crime of lese majeste, particularlyinthisperson in the situation of sayingPrince Gong.
此时只要不是傻子,都肯定会发现这男子话中的破绽了,只要是国人,怎么敢这么大刺刺的称呼皇帝年号的?那是大不敬之罪,尤其是在这人自称恭亲王的情况下。Facing the hard core+ the full of holesChinesetranslatorese, thisfatty is actually had not so detecteda little, immediatelyterrifiedkneelingevil ways:
面对如此硬核+破绽百出的中文翻译腔,这胖子却是一点儿都没有察觉,立即惶恐跪下道:„Onkingmustfeel relieved!!”
“王上务必放心!!”Quick, thisfattyhadownstudy roomseveralpeople, thenhonestwas busyother.
The manclosed the eyeat this time, somewhatexhaustedsighs:
那男子这时候才闭上了眼睛,有些疲惫的叹了一口气道:„Thisdemoncharmtechnique too consumed the energy, tocontrolthisclearpeopleIalmostexhausted the finalsupernatural power, in three days, Idid not have, then the safety of Sir the meansusedagainmustgiveyou, flying in circlesTianMonarch.”
“这魔魅术真的是太耗费精力了,为了控制这个清国人我几乎耗尽了最后的神力,在三天之内,我是没办法再使用的了,接下来大人的安危就要交给你了,翔田君。”Originally, thismaniswith the cult tactic: The demoncharmtechniquecontrolledmasterOfficialgold/metal in thismansionquietly, makinghimfall intodirectlyby the condition of illusioncontrol. Long-cherished wish of alwaysOfficialgold/metal, cansee that Prince Gongwas praisedseveralat the same time.
原来,这男子乃是用邪术:魔魅术悄然控制了这名大宅的主人金员外,让他直接陷入了被幻境支配的状态。金员外的平生夙愿,就是能见到恭亲王一面被夸奖几句。Therefore, after thisdemoncharmtechniquedisplays, is equivalentsatisfiesin the gold/metalunfaithful intentionsmostto long fordeepestdesire, undersuchextremepositive/directmoodcontrol, otherquestionable pointsand so onnaturallywas disregardeddirectly.
所以,这魔魅术施展出来之后,相当于就满足了金员外心中最渴望最深沉的愿望,在这样的极端正面情绪支配下,其余的疑点之类的当然被直接无视了。Mentionedflying in circlesTianMonarchis the sinceresay/way:
被提到的翔田君则是正色道:„Suzuki, is enough, wehad at least found the safeplacenow, andalsoobtainedenoughrespitetime.”
铃木道:„Weoncoming the road in thisclearpeoplehotel, was seenbymanypeople, hereis not necessarily safe.”
“我们在前来这个清国人宅邸的路上,还是被不少人看见了,这里未必安全啊。”At this point, Suzukiknits the browsslightly, on the facerevealed the fiercecolor:
说到这里,铃木微微皱眉,脸上更是露出了狰狞之色:„Moreover that group of personvariousmethods of pursuingit can be said thatemerge one after another incessantly, unexpectedlycanresist the cursefrombiglawsuit! Moreover, has a method of quietlyattackpersonwithout interest, Yajiro, firstHeieidiesintheirsubordinates.”
“而且追来的那帮人各种手段可以说是层出不穷,居然能抵御来自大官司的诅咒!不仅如此,更是具备一种悄然无息的攻击人的手段,弥次郎,前兵卫都是死在他们的手下。”„Hateful, weon the land of clearcountry's, weteach the incantationtechniquemight unable to displaynow, otherwiseIcaneasilykillhim!!”
The man of anotherfamous name winenoseheldboth handsin the chest front, the say/way of jarsoundjarair/Qi:
另外一名酒糟鼻子的男子将双手抱在了胸前,瓮声瓮气的道:„Felt relieved, beforeenteringtown, Iused the fog of clever trick, the average person, even ifsawus, will not makeanyimpression.”
“放心了,在进入镇子之前,我就使用了诡计之雾,普通人就算是看到了我们,也不会留下任何印象。”beartooth who at this timespoke.
此时说话的正是熊牙。Heard his suchsaying, Suzukialsorelaxes, immediatelybuthesomewhatworrieslooked atsideanothercompaniononeeyes:
听到了他这么一说,铃木也是松了一口气,不过他又立即有些担忧的看了旁边另外一名同伴一眼:Thiswas an old person, the hairis gray, but the wainscotstillsupportedstraightly, is setting the meticulousappearancediligently, no matter whatwhocould look, hisbodyhassuch asexhausted of mountain:
这是个老人,头发已经花白了,但是腰板依然挺得笔直,正在努力做出一丝不苟的样子,只是任谁都看得出来,他身上有着如山的疲惫:„Walks, KuantianMonarchhas shouldered the biglawsuitto surpass for onehour, henowis laborious, wemustmake the best use of the time.”
After arriving in the middle of the inside room, thisKuantianMonarchsits cross-leggedto sit down, thenmadeboth handsto place the movement that the chest frontemptyheld.
来到了里屋当中之后,这名宽田君盘膝坐下,然后做出了一个双手放在了胸前虚捧住的动作。Cansee, itsboth handspalmrelativeposition, presented a luminous spotimpressively, thisluminous spotrapidlyexpanded, turned into a light gate.
紧接着就能见到,其双手掌心相对的位置处,赫然出现了一个光点,紧接着这光点迅速扩大,变成了一个光门。Thensaw the person who fourbring the fiendish featuresmaskliftedgodcarriageto walk, abovegodcarriagesits, wasFang Linyanmustwant, but after killing, quickbiglawsuit!
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