FE :: Volume #13

#1386: Takes advantage of a mistake?

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Does Chapter 1384 take advantage of a mistake? 第1384章捡漏? Then, this group of green-standard troops on helplessly looks that this group of people moved toward the barn, at this time in the barn Japanese is also observing outside condition closely, saw that one group of common people came to say with a smile ferociously: 接着,这群绿营兵就眼睁睁的看着这帮人走向了谷仓去,此时谷仓里面的倭人也是在密切观察着外面的状况,见到一群普通百姓来了狞笑道: These emaciated clear people, brings death!” “这些羸弱的清国人,又来送死!” After saying, a Japanese stood to bend the bow the nocking directly, aimed to walk in the front person to shoot. 说完了之后,一名日本人直接站起来弯弓搭箭,对准了走在前方的人就射了过去。 Can also be able not to dread the Japanese who keeps to bring up the rear in this time, inevitably was the will firm stubborn members, the archery was also very good, shot directly in the front old person's right chest! 能在此时还能毫不畏惧留下来断后的日本人,必然都是心志坚定的死硬份子了,箭术也很好,直接就射在了前方一名老人的右边胸口! Under normal circumstances, this old person is the falling to the ground pain moans inevitably, then died slowly! 在正常情况下,这老人必然是倒地痛苦呻吟,然后慢慢死去! However, the old person of arrow is only the whole body shakes, backed up half step toward behind, then continues to drag the footsteps to walk toward the front, looks at his expression is still numb, but delay, as if this arrow hits a target is not his chest, but fell on others, but this old person as if completely lost the sensation of pain! 但是,中箭的老人只是浑身一震,朝着后面倒退了半步,然后继续就拖着脚步朝着前方走来,看他的表情依然是麻木而呆滞的,仿佛这一箭射中的不是他的胸口,而是落在了别人身上,而这老人仿佛完全丧失了痛觉! This Japanese complexion suddenly changed, he cursed angrily one, drew to project several arrows continuously, probably was because in heart tense reason, therefore failed two arrows, but last arrow actually accurate shooting thoroughly the throat of this old man! 这名日本人脸色陡然都变了,他怒骂了一声,连续开弓射出了好几箭,大概是因为心里面紧张的缘故,所以落空了两箭,不过最后一箭却准确的射透了这名老者的咽喉! The old men cannot support finally, first walked two steps, then kneels down slowly, lay in the ground air/Qi finally died certainly, from beginning to end his look has not changed, when the death arrived, near his lip revealed unexpectedly wiped the smile. 老者终于支持不住,前走了两步,然后缓缓跪倒在地,最后趴在了地上气绝而死,至始至终他的眼神都没有变化过,只是在死亡来到的时候,其唇边居然露出了一抹微笑. It seems like to him, dying is not the dreadful matter, instead is an extrication! 看起来对他来说,死并不是什么可怕的事情,反而是一种解脱! Facing one group of common people of this as if good-for-nothing, inside Japanese somewhat is actually scared, they truly do not fear death, however front these villagers do not fear death similarly, but what is most fearful is the look of this group of people, although delay, numb, but is actually also hiding the big terrifying!! 面对这样仿佛行尸走肉的一群老百姓,里面的日本人却有些慌了神,他们确实不怕死,然而面前的这些村民同样也不怕死,而最可怕的还是这帮人的眼神,虽然呆滞,麻木,可是其中却还隐藏着大恐怖!! Quick, the arrow arrows of these 56 Japanese used up, only killed three people, but also at least surplus twenty villagers! They cry out strangely to clash, put in an appearance hacks to death to cut and injure five people. 很快的,这五六个倭人的箭矢就用完了,也就只射杀了三个人而已,还至少剩余下来了二十几个村民呢!他们怪叫着冲出来,一照面就又砍死砍伤了五个人。 According to the experience of this group of Japanese, even if at this time were the elite army of Qing dynasty comes across so the casualties, will unable to support, dispersing instantly, but these villagers are still silent nearness, numb, but the continuation advance of delay. 根据这帮倭人的经验,此时哪怕是清朝的精锐军队遇到如此伤亡的,也会支撑不住,一哄而散,可是这些村民依然沉默着靠近,麻木而呆滞的继续前进。 Suddenly, a Japanese blade held in the belly of front woman, but this woman has not dropped down, instead put out a hand to grasp him, then bit his cheeks on the opens the mouth stubbornly. 忽然,一名倭人一刀捅进了前方的女人的肚子里面,但这女人并没有倒下,反而一伸手就抱住了他,然后就张口死死咬住了他的脸颊。 The Japanese pain resulted in the rave, struggled crazily, worked loose with great difficulty, on the face was actually also nipped a bulk meat, the dripping with blood, was very frigid. 倭人痛得狂吼了起来,疯狂挣扎,好不容易挣脱开来,脸上却也被咬下来了一大块肉,鲜血淋漓,十分惨烈。 He just wants crawls toward behind, who knows that behind the person had thrown directly! Effort grasped him, then bit ruthlessly. 他刚想连手带脚的朝着后面爬去,谁知道后面已经又有一个人直接扑了上来!用力的抱住了他,然后狠狠的咬了下去。 This then happened on the bodies of surplus several Japanese, they are calling out pitifully sad and shrill, is tumbling crazily, did not have the least bit use. 这一幕接下来就发生在了剩余几个倭人的身上,他们凄厉的惨叫着,疯狂的翻滚着,却并没有半点用处. Clash/To although the group of villagers the casualty the larger part, inside these Japanese have not however lived! Was ripped with the hand by this group of villagers, bites with the tooth, made into flesh puppets livingly. 冲进去的这群村民虽然死伤了一大半,但是里面的这几个日本人也一个都没活下来!被这群村民用手撕,用牙咬,活生生弄成了一具具血肉傀儡。 The villagers who these also live at this time seemed like are also if the evil spirit were ordinary, from top to bottom all was the blood, particularly turned the head, with just ate the mourning corpse of person is not different. 那些还活下来的村民这时候看起来也是若厉鬼一般,浑身上下全是鲜血,尤其是转过头来的时候,和刚吃过人的丧尸都没什么两样。 Was is also startled outside that group of green-standard troops stayed, they also see the slippery customer who the market has killed people, has actually also never seen so frigid one! Is the head always say/way of complexion grieved muttering: 在外面的那群绿营兵也是惊得呆了,他们也是见过市面杀过人的老油子,却也从未见到过如此惨烈的一幕!为首的把总都脸色惨然的喃喃的道: Damn young devil, this made the big evil, became this appearance person compelling forcefully!” “狗日的小鬼子,这是造了多大的孽啊,才把人硬生生的逼成了这个样子!” At this time, on nearby say/way ran over suddenly totteringly a middle-aged guy, sound sad and shrill shouting: 这时候,旁边的道上忽然又跌跌撞撞的跑过来了一个中年汉子,声音凄厉的喊道: Three kids, three kids!” “三娃,三娃!” Heard the familiar sound, is riding to be slowly excessive on a Japanese body man revolutions, his time appearance is very fierce fearsome, the mouthful is the flesh, in the middle of two actually is still the wooden delay, vapid. 听到了熟悉的声音,正骑在了一名日本人尸体身上的一个汉子徐徐的转过了头来,他此时的样子十分狰狞可怖,满嘴都是血肉,两眼当中却依然是木然呆滞,了无生气。 Asked his middle-aged guy to see so the appearance, was startled backed up several steps, but the person of close bloodlines, inborn will always be intimate with, that middle-aged guy stayed a while, called several cautiously: 叫他的那中年汉子见到了如此模样,也是被惊得倒退了几步,但总是至亲血脉之人,天生就会亲近,那中年汉子呆了一会儿,又小心翼翼的唤了几声: Three kids!” “三娃!” Suddenly, the manner of man had the change, the lips spoke haltingly fiercely several, wailed: 忽然之间,那汉子的神态有了变化,口唇剧烈的嗫嚅了几下,嚎啕大哭了起来: Uncle!! My mother dies well miserably!” “大舅!!俺娘死得好惨啊!” This group of day of killing young devils, making our family draw lots, said that was selects the shortest that person dead, can preserve entire family, finally pulled out to kill one one time!” “这帮天杀的小鬼子,让咱们全家抽签,说是抽中最短的那个人死了,就可以保全全家,结果抽一次杀一个!” We managed, the son of a bitch actually does not recognize, unexpectedly first cut open the belly first to kill my mother, then strangled Cuier with mother's intestines unexpectedly unexpectedly!!” “我们招办了,狗东西却不认了,居然先剖开肚子先杀了我娘,然后竟然竟然用娘的肠子勒死了翠儿!!” Here, this man is shivering from top to bottom, say/way that muttered: 说到了这里,这汉子浑身上下都颤抖着,喃喃的道: Is these sons of bitches, is these sons of bitches!!” “都是这些狗东西,都是这些狗东西!!” Then saw that he threw on the body of nearby Japanese, bit ruthlessly, throat inside exuded as if the wild animal common sobbing sound. That uncle also dumbfounded, squatted getting down both hands to cover the face all of a sudden, cried loudly loudly. 然后就见到他重新扑到了旁边日本人的尸体上,狠狠一口就咬了下去,喉咙里面发出了仿佛野兽一般的呜咽声.那位大舅也是呆住了,一下子就蹲了下去双手捂住了脸,大声嚎哭。 Nearby these green-standard troops, even saw so the human calamity including Fang Linyan, thought that is really nervous of to terrify!! 旁边的那些绿营兵,甚至包括方林岩见到了如此人间惨剧,都觉得身上真的是瘆的慌!! The good-for-nothing common villagers of as if these come, it is estimated that the experience is mostly the same except for minor differences. 想必那些前来的仿佛行尸走肉一般的村民,估计经历都大同小异。 The witness miserable scene, after sobbing sighed with emotion one, Fang Linyan starts to manage the corpse in proper business check battlefield, at this time remained was the allied force, therefore also no one detained the action of Fang Linyan. 目睹如此惨景,唏嘘感慨了一阵之后,方林岩开始办正事清查战场上的尸体了,这时候留下来的都是友军,因此也没什么人拦阻方林岩的行动。 He took inventory a corpse simply, mainly roughly grasps the concrete loss of Japanese, the heart inside is good the integer. 他简单清点了一下尸体,主要是大致把握一下日本人的具体损失,心里面好有个数。 Finally to inventorying of corpse during detected that this group of Japanese are really ruthless, drew many cavalries to front the back in this hopeless situation unexpectedly, it is estimated that after these hit time, Song celebrate this old man must stamp one's foot scolds one child to sell the master field not to love dearly! 结果在对尸体的盘点当中发觉这帮日本人还真狠,在这绝境当中居然还拉了不少骑兵垫背,估计这一次打下来之后,宋庆这老头子也要跳着脚骂一句“崽卖爷田不心疼”! Because Song celebrate under the almost 8000 people, the core that goes forth to battle to take acts elite is less than 2000 people now truly, other was the genuine weak chicken waste, brought to knock at most comes to somebody's aid, cleans the battlefield. 因为宋庆现在麾下差不多有八千人,真正上阵能拿得出手的核心精锐不到两千人,其余的都是真正的弱鸡废物,顶多拿来敲敲边鼓,打扫一下战场而已。 But the cavalry, is the core in core, elite elite! 而骑兵,更是核心中的核心,精锐中的精锐! This core cavalry died several hundred people, later 1-2 years have not been hard to make up! 这核心骑兵死了数百人,之后没有1-2都难以补回来! Saw this, in the Fang Linyan heart did not get angry counter- happily, to him, both sides best to hit at this time the dog brain, oneself can make canary in turn a time. 见到了这一幕,方林岩心中不怒反喜,对他来说,此时双方最好是能将狗脑子打出来,自己才能反过来做一次黄雀。 After keeping abreast of the general situation, then naturally must go to beat severely don't hit a person when he's down, pursues the Japanese, this time Fang Linyan starts to think of infinitely Lubos comes, if there is its smell tracing, now does not need to expel such laboriously. 掌握了大致情况以后,接下来当然也要前去痛打落水狗,追击日本人,此时的方林岩开始无限想念起鲁伯斯来,若是有它的气味追踪,现在也没必要撵得这么辛苦。 Is good because, although does not have Lubos, Li three this time actually stood came out to guide, the ability of gentleman of up to cunning or petty ruses in this time was to also show incisively, under his leadership, some people's edge along shallow lake advanced rapidly, then arrived at reed marsh here. 好在虽然没有鲁伯斯,李三此时却站了出来带路,鸡鸣狗盗之士的能力在此时也是展现得淋漓尽致,在他的带领下,一干人沿着水淀的边缘迅速推进,然后来到了一片芦苇荡这里。 Can very clear sight, the Japanese should disembark here, hurried middle conducted one to fit out, even several have become the stretcher patient of implication to commit hara-kiri here. 可以很清晰的见到,日本人应该是在这里登岸的,匆忙当中进行了一番整备,甚至还有几名已经成为了拖累的重伤员在这里切腹。 These person of colorful belly and intestines flowed place, even even/including Jiecuo the later head has not placed, obviously it also walks is very hurried. 这些人花花绿绿的肚肠流了一地,甚至连介错之后的脑袋都没有摆放好,可见其走得也是十分匆忙。 Li three sought here carefully, finally determined the big lawsuit that Fang Linyan must look for disembarks here, because he in nearby one found the mauves of palm of the hand size from the reed. 李三则是在这里仔细寻找了一番,最后确定方林岩要找的大官司就是在这里登岸的,因为他在旁边的一从芦苇上找到了巴掌大小的一片绛红色。 Originally since the oriental cherry sends out that tyrant cut extremely, Fang Linyan judged that the Japanese invaders here main force is using diversionary tactics, attacking the enemy's rear in order to compel him to give up his own attack, its goal is in the attraction firepower, the convenient main force breaks through. 原来自从樱花发出了那一记霸极斩之后,方林岩就判断出日寇这边的主力是在声东击西,围魏救赵,其目的就是在吸引火力,方便主力突围。 Therefore, Fang Linyan sent out Li three to go to trace immediately, but Li three did not lose to hold, finally saw that mysterious big lawsuit! This fellow sat in the middle of wooden carriage unexpectedly, the surroundings had the fine gauze, is being lifted the journey by four people. 因此,方林岩在第一时间内就派出了李三前去追踪,而李三也是不负所托,终于见到了那名神秘的大官司!这家伙居然是坐在了一处木辇当中,周围都有轻纱,然后由四人抬着出行。 But the big lawsuit is lifting departure in this time important person, is not for the ostentation, to not show the status, truly cannot walk, is exceptionally weak. 而大官司在这时候都要人抬着离开,并不是为了排场,也不是为了彰显身份,是确确实实走不动路,异常虚弱。 Although the big lawsuit seems like also only then 40 years old, his hair majority is unexpectedly white, as if breathes to him is a burden, momentarily difficult is panting for breath. 虽然大官司看起来也就只有四十来岁,其头发居然都已经大部分都白了,似乎呼吸对他来说都是一种负担,随时都在艰难的喘息着。 Moreover, Li three also saw he held on nearby parapet hand, it can be said that was heavily wrinkled, the flesh surface has a lot of age-spots, even relaxed presented massive pleating, can only describe with the 80-year- old person's palm. 不仅如此,李三还看到了他扶在了旁边栏杆上的手,可以说是皱纹密布,肌肤表面有着大量的老人斑,甚至都松弛得出现了大量的褶子,只能用80岁的老人的手掌来形容。 When the cavalry attacks to come, the scene becomes a hopeless mess randomly time, Li three projected a swallow dart quietly, attempts to plot against the opponent, but after the dart leaves the hand, not only flies back without any results, but also drew on the intense incomparable counter-attack immediately. 当骑兵冲击而来,现场乱成一锅粥的时候,李三就悄然射出了一支燕子镖,尝试过暗算对手,但镖一离手之后非但无功而返,还就在第一时间招来了激烈无比的反击。 Is good after the Li 31 darts make a move flashes the person immediately, therefore successfully escapes. 好在李三一镖出手之后就立即闪人,所以成功逃过一劫。 Therefore others have not noticed, Li three are to actually project series double dart, the first swallow dart to killing people, but second actually delimited a curve to sew on wooden carriage that in the big lawsuit rode, penetrated majority, only revealed less than a half inch section. 所以其余的人都没有注意到,李三其实是射出的连环双镖,第一支燕子镖是冲着杀人去的,但是第二支却划出了一个弧度钉在了大官司所乘的木辇上,深入了大部分,只露出半寸不到的一小节。 As rides the vibration of carriage, the second swallow dart reveal will sprinkle a handful powder to go out outside end once in a while, initial time, if the dust is common, separates a while the turning red gradually. 随着乘辇的抖动,第二支燕子镖露在外面的尾部每隔一段时间就会洒落一小撮粉末出去,最初的时候若尘土一般,隔一会儿才渐渐的变成红色。 Naturally, does also has a risk, that is this big lawsuit desperate under abandons carriage to depart in travelling. However Li three thought that he is very feeble, and god carriage that he rides builds extremely exquisitely, looks is the precious antiques, should not abandon at will, therefore was certainly worth gambling one. 当然,这么干也有个风险,那就是这位大官司在跑路的时候情急之下弃辇离去。不过李三觉得他十分衰弱,并且他乘坐的神辇打造极其精巧,一看就是名贵古物,应该不会随意抛弃,所以当然值得赌一手了。 Now seems like, Li three bet very much obviously right. 现在看起来,很显然李三赌对了。 After some people continued to pursue 34 li (0.5 km), Fang Linyan stopped suddenly, the unmanned aerial vehicle that because lifted off has discovered the front questionable point. 一干人继续追出了三四里地之后,方林岩忽然停了下来,因为升空的无人机已经发现了前方的疑点。 Then Fang Linyan rapid ran toward nearby paddies, what in this paddies plants is the corn, and is long a person high, the line of sight can only penetrate less than one meter at most, with the green curtain of tall crops described that is also worthy of the reputation. 然后方林岩迅速朝着旁边的田地里面跑了过去,这一处田地里面栽种的乃是玉米,并且已经长到了一人多高,视线顶多只能穿透进去一米不到,用青纱帐来形容也是名副其实。 In this cornfield, Fang Linyan dragged out several corpses quickly, looked at their appearance is also green-standard troops, but equipped very excellent, from the riding boot to the military uniform that the body wore, obviously high scale compared with Sir Liu Jialiang Liu. 在这块玉米田里面,方林岩很快就拖出来了几具尸体,看他们的打扮也是绿营兵,不过装备很是精良,从马靴到身上穿的军服,都明显比刘家亮刘大人这边的高一个档次。 Quick had green-standard troops to recognize an identity of corpse, this was the person of Song celebrate that squadron, two people have also met in the unlicensed prostitute hall five days ago together, drank round of big liquor, then shook hand to brush while convenient put into the pot. 很快就有一个绿营兵认出了一具尸体的身份,这就是宋庆手下的那支骑兵营的人,两人在五天前还一起在私娼馆里面遇到过,喝了一轮大酒,然后顺带握握手刷了一下锅。 Fang Linyan gathers up to go look, detected these corpses the causes of death are consistent, is the neck bone fracture breaks dead completely! It seems like dark has a mysterious strength, making them also fall, broke the neck. 方林岩凑上前去一看,发觉这几具尸体的死因都是一致的,全部都是颈骨折断而死!看起来就像是冥冥中有一股神奇的力量,让他们同时落马,摔断了脖子。 This very obviously is a very odd matter! Because in the middle of these people, at least three people are the Mongolians, can say from the birth starts to stay on the horseback, such person falls to break the neck to have possibly from the horseback, but certainly is the small probability event. 这很显然是一件非常离谱的事情!因为这些人当中,至少有三人都是蒙古人,可以说从出生起就开始在马背上呆着了,这样的人从马背上跌下来摔断脖子不是没可能,但一定是小概率事件。 But five cavalries are also dismissed, then breaks the neck, this matter really can only describe with shocking. 而五名骑兵同时落马,然后摔断脖子,这种事情真的就只能用骇人听闻来形容了。 Report! Trace that on this nearby main road has not battled!” “报!这附近大道上没有交战的痕迹!” A soldier of pro-green camp is also comes to return. 一名绿营的士兵也是前来回报。 Obviously, these five cavalries were dumped the corpse near this major road, place that they have an accident certainly on nearby major road, but according to the acquired information, in the Fang Linyan mind appears strange incomparable. 很显然,这五名骑兵被抛尸在这官道附近,他们出事的地方一定就在旁边的官道上,而根据目前收集到的信息,方林岩的脑海里面不禁浮现出了诡异无比的一幕. These five pro-green camp cavalries are progressing to dash about wildly, but looked like bumps into invisible hard transparent wall suddenly, the cavalry all from flew to break the neck immediately, the horses are still continue face forward to run. 这五名绿营骑兵正在策马狂奔,但是突然之间就像是迎面撞上了一道无形坚硬透明的墙壁似的,骑兵全部从马上飞了下来摔断了脖子,偏偏马匹还在继续朝前奔跑。 Braved several people from side, indifferent dragged out in nearby cornfield to abandon the corpse, then rode the horse to leave while convenient. 紧接着,就从旁边冒出来了几个人,冷漠的把尸体拖到了旁边的玉米地里抛弃掉,然后顺带骑上马儿离开。 If not for the unmanned aerial vehicle from in the air looks down, a green curtain of tall crops inside lodging piece of corn is very striking, otherwise, will change into other person to trace will miss this clue inevitably! 若不是无人机从空中鸟瞰下去,青纱帐里面倒伏一片的玉米十分醒目,否则的话,换成别的人来追踪势必会错过这个线索! After obtaining this information newly, Fang Linyan many have not stopped over here, but makes the best use of the time to continue to pursue forward, the result has not gone out much saw the front presented a three-road junction unexpectedly. 新获得了这个情报以后,方林岩并没有在这里多加逗留,而是抓紧时间继续向前追击,结果没走出多远就见到了前方居然出现了一条三岔路。 The key was Li three had not found the corresponding symbol here, Fang Linyan looked into a distance of three-road junction, then inquired a surrounding person, immediately pointed at a direction saying: 关键是在这里李三并没有找到相应的记号,方林岩眺望了一下三岔路的远方,然后询问了一下周围的人,立即指着一个方向道: Walks here!” “走这边!” Others are somewhat shocked, Fang Linyan actually very simple say/way: 其余的人有些愣住,方林岩却很干脆的道: „The left road can walk into the mountain, in front of the right road has a river, must be able to pass with the ferry, only then the middle road best! But now the Japanese snatched five horses, will then definitely make five person equitations bring importantly, was the frailest big lawsuit walks first!” “左边的路会进山,右边的路前面有一条河,必须要用渡船才能过去,只有中间的路最好走!而现在日本人抢到了五匹马,那么肯定会让五个人骑马带着最重要,也是最脆弱的大官司走先!” Path that therefore, the most suitable horse to run quickly, is the path of target selection. If I have not guessed that wrong, the Japanese will also be fanning out in three groups, in this case, the pursuing troops also can only disperse.” “所以,最适合马儿奔驰的道路,就是我们的目标选择的道路。若我没有猜错的话,日本人也会在兵分三路,这样的话,追兵也只能分散开来。” At this point, in the heart of Fang Linyan also gushed out an exciting meaning: 说到这里,方林岩的心中也是涌出了一股激动之意: „. Today really also has the opportunity to take advantage of a mistake?” “难道.今天真的还有机会捡个漏吗?”
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