Chapter 1375intercepts
第1375章截杀IshiharaisGan Satou'smaleassistant, after hearing the words of opposite party, immediately the nodloudlyexclaimed:
石原是佐藤刚雄的副手,听到了对方的话以后,立即点头大吼道:„Depends on! Certainlydoes not loseyour excellencyto look!”
“哈依!一定不负阁下所望!”Simultaneouslyfierceoneandfootheel, „”hitstogether!
同时猛的一并脚后跟,“啪”的一声撞击在一起!ThenIshiharalooked at the situation in battlefield, is the sinceresay/way:
然后石原看了看战场上的局势,还是正色道:„Your excellency! Enemyveryslyhidinginthatposition, andalsooccupies a commanding position, Imustobtainenoughmanpowersupportto be good, otherwise, can only cause the warriors in Empire of Japan dead honorablyin vain.”
“不过阁下!敌人很狡猾的躲藏在了那个位置,并且还居高临下,我必须要获得足够的人力支援才行,否则的话,只能导致大日本帝国的勇士白白玉碎。”Gan SatouOmotocomesnot to treatvery muchseesoneselfassistant, but the circumstanceis now critical, everyoneon a ship, thensaidimmediately:
佐藤刚雄本来不是很待见自己的副手,不过现在情势危急,大家都是在一条船上,便立即道:„Yourselfselect the person! The person who youwantIgivesyou!”
“你自己去挑人!你要的人我都给你!”Ishiharawantsisthese words, immediatelyfound the personflustered, he was also a senior officer, could look atTan Sitong'sThat sidepersonis not a regular army, butwas the seniorworthless soldiers, the bullethitruthless, only thenopened firecropped up.
石原要的就是这句话,立即就急吼吼去找人了,他也是个资深军官,看得出来谭嗣同那边的人并不是正规军,但都是老兵油子,子弹打得又狠又准,并且只有开枪的时候才冒头。ThereforeIshiharaalsodeals withthisgroup of people unable to lead the regular armyvery muchclearlyto go, musttidy upthistype of heresy, thatmustuse poison to combat poisonwith the person of side door, goeswith the people of armyis not, onlymeets the wasted effort.
After twominutes, Ishiharathenledmore than tenpeopleto embark, the leading members of thesepeoplewere the Ninja and vagabond, theydid not break through enemy linesdirectlygood, being usedto sneak attack the assassination is actually a expert.
两分钟之后,石原便带着十几个人出发了,这些人的主要成员就是忍者和浪人,他们正面冲锋陷阵不行,用来偷袭暗杀却是一把好手。Thisgroup of peoplequietlycircled a great-circlefromside, aimed atTan Sitongthatgroup of peopleto touch. Whentheyapproachedtwentymeters, thesepeoplenotdetected, is continue open fire.
这帮人悄悄的从旁边绕了个大圈,对准了谭嗣同那群人摸了过去。就在他们逼近到了二十几米的时候,那些人似是毫无察觉,还是在继续开火。Butin the nextsecond, as ifIshiharathisgroup of peopletouchedwhatwarning line, onroofthecrowd of personas if by prior agreementturned around, aims atthemto aim, touched off the trigger!
但就在下一秒,仿佛石原这群人触碰到了什么警戒线似的,屋顶上面的这群人就不约而同的一起转身,对准了他们瞄准,扣动了扳机!Looks at the action of Tanthisgroup of people, obviouslyis preparedearly.
看谭家这群人的行动,显然是早有准备。At this time the distance between both sidesalreadyrelativenear, therefore after opening fire, looks like the strong windsto sweep acrosssimply, but, Ishiharathisgroup of peoplehave not had the throathalf soundimmediatelyrepeatedlybut actually1/3, buttheyare still clenching teethto endure.
此时双方之间的距离已经相当之近,因此开火之后,简直就像是狂风席卷而过似的,石原这群人立即连声也没吭半声就倒了三分之一,不过他们依然在咬牙忍受着。Because in their mind, thisgroup of emaciatednatives of China, once after bynearbody, can only call out pitifully the cryingnumber, scared shitless, thenthrows down the weaponto travel!!
The resulttheyapproachedinfivemeterstime, suffered the secondround of firepowerfire, thistheirdodgingplays the role, was only overthrownthreepeople.
结果等他们逼近到了五米之内的时候,又遭受到了第二轮的火力射击,这一次他们的闪躲还是起到了作用的,只被打倒了三人。From the overallpopulation, thisgroupcomes the Japanese who sneak attacksstillmore than ten, obviouslyaccompaniesto have the numerical advantagecompared withTan Sitong'sgroup.
从总体人数上来说,这帮前来偷袭的日本人依然有十几个,明显比谭嗣同的这帮随从拥有数量优势。Butwhenwill soon enter the hand-to-hand fighting, onnearbyridgeexplodesloudly, fromfliesto shootin the middle ofchaoticVanuatu that massively, presented a husky fellowimpressively!
可是就在即将进入白刃战的时候,旁边的屋脊上面轰然爆开,从大量飞射的乱瓦当中,赫然出现了一个彪形大汉!Hebellows, if the soundtiger's roarsuch, were full of the astonishingpenetrating power, thenleaptfrom the sky,
紧接着他大吼一声,声若虎啸那样,充满了惊人的穿透力,便从上空直跃了下来,Most critically, during the process of whereabouts, inthisguyhandcame outsuddenly a heavyMoblade!!
更关键的是,在下落的过程当中,这大汉手中突然多出来了一把重型陌刀!!Thisgadgetwas calledcutsin the ancient times the saber, wasTang DynastytimeLi ShimintorestrainTurkic peoplethatenormously and powerful, if the floodswept across the wolf that cameto ride the offensivegenerally, powerful weapons that developedespecially.
The strongman who needsthousandselectten thousandto electcanbeMosword wielder, a bladecuts, as if the thunderthunderclap, the power and influenceis infinite, evensevers completelywithhorse!
必须要千挑万选出来的大力士才能担任陌刀手,一刀斩出,仿佛雷霆霹雳,威势无穷,连人带马甚至一刀两断!Thisis the terrifyingplace of thistype of weapon.
这就是这种武器的恐怖之处。Theguy who at this timepresentsis notothers, is the kingfive!!
The kingsfivefollowed the Fang Linyanambushhere, are seeing the compatriottragic deathall the way, the plunging the people into disaster, warintent in heartare surgedto quenching over tentenths,
王五跟随着方林岩潜伏在此,一路上看到同胞惨死,生灵涂炭,心中的战意早就被激荡淬炼到了十成以上,Heby the strength of bladesay/waygrandmaster, governingcausesMobladesuchpowerful forceweapon , the power-and-power union, may be called the perfect match.
他以刀道宗师的实力,御使陌刀这样威力强大的武器,也正是强强联合,堪称珠联璧合。Finallywhen the bladeoccupies a commanding position, chops the potential of Mount Huato jump downby the strength, played the pinnacle the might of thisblade.
最后在出刀的时候居高临下,以力劈华山之势一跃而下,更是将这一刀的威力发挥到了极致。In a flash, the cuttinghorsebroadswords in kingfivehandcutswiftly! The bladelightcoldelectricityis common, resembles to thispaintdarknighttear to piecesunexpectedlyforcefully, the whole person is also powerful.
一瞬间,王五手中的斩马大刀倏然斩出!刀光似冷电一般,竟似要将这漆黑暗夜硬生生撕破似的,整个人也是威风凛凛。But after thatbladelightfell into the eyeground of Fang Linyan, fine hairunexpectedly on back of the handset upright, in the heart was also the production of being able not help an absolutely terrifiedfeeling, as ifclose tothisbladelightwas an extremelydangerousmatter.
The bladeglowflashesthendrinks the blood, the tiger's roarmountain forestmusteat the person!!!
After thisgathers a potentialfor a long timebladecuts, the leeway that threeNinja of bearing the brunthave not hit back, pulled outonas if the soultodirectly, stoodinwoodensame place,
这蓄势已久的一刀斩出之后,首当其冲的三名忍者根本就没有还手的余地,直接就仿佛魂魄被抽离了似的,木然站在了原地,Some little timelater, the upper partbreakssuddenly, spoutsa lot ofbloodcrazily, the both legs of lower partalsostandstraightly!!
好一会儿之后,上半身突然断折掉,狂喷出大量的鲜血,偏偏下半身的双腿还站得笔直!!Ifthiswere seenby the idler of having nothing to do, certainlywill frightenis frightened out of one's wits, yelledis haunted.
这一幕若是被无关的闲人看到,一定会吓得魂飞魄散,大叫闹鬼。Anotherlags a stepvagabondto be different, heis called the Nayefarwarehouse, itsrealstatus, issovereign of Japaneseswordsmanshipalwayssect, has the extremelystrongindividualstrength.
另外一名滞后一步的浪人则不一样,他叫做南野远仓,其真实身份,乃是日本剑道一向宗的宗主,拥有极强的个人实力。In the presentsociety, is only the strengthis insufficient, but alsobehindneedinghas the bigdonorto recognize, candisplayGuangda the Buddhist temple.
只是在现在的社会里面,只是实力强是不够的,还必须要背后有大金主赏识,才能够将道场发挥光大。Afterobtaininggreat person'scommitment, Nayewas convinced, joinedthisexpedition, hesaw, if the deitydescended to earth the king who generallydashed to comefive, knows that thiswas the archenemy who alwaysonlysaw.
在得到了大人物的承诺之后,南野被说服,加入到了这一支远征队当中,他一见到若天神下凡一般直扑而来的王五,就知道这是一个平生仅见的大敌。Thereforecompared withthatthreeNinja, Naye, when the kingfiveblades, healsoprepareddealing, then the directcuhapcutto counter-attack the past!
因此比起那三名忍者来说,南野在王五出刀的时候,他也做好了应对的准备,然后直接一记居合斩反击了过去!This is also always the essence of sectsword technique! Todyingto live, thinks the enemybiggestflaw, actuallyinitsmost abundantoffensive.
这也是一向宗剑术的要旨!向死而生,认为敌人最大的破绽,其实就在其最盛的攻势当中。Naturally, because of this, had the sectdecline of alwayssuchdeep meaning is also easyto understandvery much, learned/studiedthissword technique, eitherwas eliminatedin the actual combat, eitherwas the talentedtalentemergesfinally.
Obviously, the talenteventuallyisa few.
The Nayefarwarehouseishalfluckgoodtalent, thereforehecanliveduring the brutaldevelopment process, thenbecomes the Buddhist templebackbone, thenlivesnow.
南野远仓算是半个运气较好的天才吧,所以他能在残酷的成长过程当中活下来,然后成为道场当中的顶梁柱,然后活到现在。Howeverhe is also unfortunate, becausefills withlofty aspirations and high ideals, travels to distant landsto arrive atNaye of foreign country, at this timemustface the kingfivethistruetalents.
但是他同样也是不幸的,因为满怀雄心壮志,远渡重洋来到异国他乡的南野,此时就要面对王五这个真正的天才了。Whatis more fearful, this timekingfive , since stepping into the say/way of grandmaster, 20years of abundantaccumulationthereforeplayed the hugerole, itsprogress is also ten thousand li in a day!
更可怕的是,此时的王五自从踏入宗师之道以后,二十年的雄厚积累因此而发挥了巨大的作用,其进步也是一日千里!Theblade that at this time the kingfivewield, althoughsuperficialswallowing the lives of threeNinja, had actually still appeared the incomparablehunger and thirst,
The Nayefarwarehouseis usedto cutwiththecuhap that itattacks, although is also aggressive, actuallystillas ifin of Xingyueglow, byeasily accomplishedembezzlingin the kingfivebladeslight/onlymiddle, the finalfeeling of Nayefarwarehouse, is the endlessdarknessaims at itselfto raidinstantaneously
南野远仓用来与之对攻的这一记居合斩虽然也是气势逼人,却依然仿佛萤火之于星月,瞬间就被摧枯拉朽的吞没在了王五的刀光当中,南野远仓的最后感觉,就是无尽的黑暗对准了自己袭来Inherited472years of Japanesealwayssects, vanished in a puff of smokeunder the kingfivethisblade!
The kingfivethisblade, cutto killthreeNinja, cutssovereign that killedJapanesealwayssects, thenodd/surpluspotentialdid not fade, unexpectedlybladeintenteruptedagain, cut offthisJapanese forcescommanderIshihara'sright arm, makinghisright armsimultaneous/uniformshoulderfold, the painfaintedat the scene.
The might of thisblade, if the descending the mountainfierce tiger, movesifthunder, fiercefoodperson!
这一刀的威力,真的若下山猛虎,动若雷霆,凶恶食人!To be honest, Fang Linyan is also regarding thisextremely the surprise, because the area of king five blades were too rather big, even if the length of Mobladeenoughtwometers, butcut offright armthatenemyto be away from the kingfiveenough about tenmetersfinally!
说实话,方林岩也是对此极为诧异,因为王五的这一刀的覆盖面积未免太大了些吧,陌刀的长度纵然足足有两米长,但最后被斩断右臂那敌人距离王五足足十米开外!Kingsfive, if the bladeair/Qi of thisbladereallycancut is so far, thenthisworldshould notbe the lowmilitaryworld, butwas the immortalheroworldtalent.
王五若是这一刀的刀气真能斩出这么远,那么这个世界就不应该是低武世界了,而是仙侠世界才了。Howeverat onceFang Linyanafterseeing clearlykingfiveappearances, immediatelyunderstoodreason:
不过旋即方林岩在看清楚了王五的样子之后,顿时就明白了其中的原因:Cuts the king of thisbladefivealsoto pant for breathfiercely, the backclotheswere moistenedby the sweatdirectly, whatis more important, that in hishandMobladealreadyonlysurplus2/3lengths, itsknife pointplacewithout a trace.
Obviously, before kingfive , although a bladecutto kill the Nayefarwarehouse, but his Mobladewas not the almighty troopssharp weapon, the katana of owncutting edgeandNayefarwarehouseaftershaking a blade, presentedenormousinjuring.
很显然,王五之前虽然一刀斩杀了南野远仓,但是他这把陌刀并不是什么神兵利器,自身的锋刃与南野远仓的武士刀对撼了一刀之后,就出现了极大的伤损。However the kingfivetakes the bull by the hornsimmediately, will cutto stiffentofling the vigor, the strengthspitswhile convenient, underthatcutting edge the knife pointshakesdirectly, flingingwill flyright arm that went outto cut offIshihara.
不过王五立即当机立断,将斩劲化为甩劲,顺带劲道一吐,直接将刀尖下方那一段锋刃震断,将之甩飞了出去斩断了石原的右臂。According toFang Linyanspeculated, the techniques of king five flyingedgesshouldto the neck of Ishihara, because the knife skilldid not have the accomplishment, thereforeonlybrokehisright arm.
根据方林岩推测,王五的这一手飞刃之术本来应该是冲着石原的脖子去的,但因为刀法还没有大成,所以只断了他的右臂。Moreover, while the kingfivecutthisblade, others alsoact, for exampleLithreemadetwoswallowdarts, a move of enemy the painfalls to the groundimmediately.
不仅如此,在王五斩出这一刀的同时,其余的人也出了手,比如李三就打出了两把燕子镖,中招的敌人立即痛苦倒地。MasterHuohas not been idlingsimilarly, onefromnearbyshadowstepsteps forward, the seriesprogress, the elbowpalmandusing, hit the mouthto spit the blood a vagabonddirectly, backs upagain and again, does not have the strength to hit back.
霍师傅同样没有闲着,从旁边的暗影当中一步跨出,连环进步,肘掌并用,直接将一名浪人打得口吐鲜血,连连倒退,毫无还手之力。Moreover, whatMasterHuois rarestwas the overall perception, hehad seen the Ninja who behindat this time the enemyflushedhas aimed at the kingfiveto projectseveralpainnot to have, thereforeoneseized the neck of thisvagabond, will then aim at the frontto poundruthlessly.
不仅如此,霍师傅最难得的是大局观十分了得,他此时已经见到敌人后方冲上来的忍者已经对准了王五射出了好几支苦无,于是一把就掐住了这名浪人的脖子,然后将之对准了前方狠狠的砸了过去。MasterHuoinbornsupernatural power, eruptsincisivelyinthisflash, hepinches the personsingle-handed, thenthrows, butit can be said thatforms a coherent whole, the feeling of nodetention.
霍师傅天生神力,在这一瞬间爆发得淋漓尽致,他单手掐人,然后抛掷而出可以说是一气呵成,毫无滞涩的感觉。Vagabondbig, almostenoughonemetereight, evenwas higher than a headcompared withMasterHuo, almost the toysin the hand of MasterHuo, makingone unable to bearin the hearthave the strikingcontrast.
要知道,那浪人个头高大,差不多足足有一米八,甚至比霍师傅高出了一个头,在霍师傅的手里面却几近玩物,令人忍不住心中生出了强烈的反差来。Thisvagabondinvoluntaryacts as the meatshieldin the middle of the midair, thenkept offthreepainnot to have, thatpainfulcryhas not exported, poundedupside-down the reartwocompanions.
这名浪人身不由己的在半空当中就充当肉盾,然后挡下了三支苦无,那一声痛叫声还没出口,又砸倒了后方的两名同伴。Thesethreebigexpertsmake a move, thisJapanese who runsto attack the casualtiesis seriousimmediately, do not say that attacked, nowseemed likecannot rollto extinguishis good.
这三大高手一出手,这支跑来突袭的日本人顿时伤亡惨重,不要说是进攻了,现在看起来能不团灭就好了。Having one misfortune after anotheris, after kingfivetheir three peoplecome, wonround of firing timeto the rearTanmale servant, after a series ofsounds of gunfireresounded, the Japanese who cameto sneak attackdropped downthreepeople,
雪上加霜的就是,王五他们三人现身以后,又给后方的谭家家丁争取到了一轮射击时间,一连串的枪声响起之后,前来偷袭的日本人又倒下了三人,Therefore the words, thiscasualty ratehad surpassed70%! Sur-commanderIshiharaalsoalreadyseverely woundedstupor, thereforethissquadheartdoes not have the fighting spirit is completely verynormal, on the contrary, ifthey can also continueto battlenow, persists incharging, thatwas an out-and-outmiracle.
因此算起来的话,这伤亡率已经足足超过了70%!外加指挥官石原也已经重伤昏迷,所以这支小队心无斗志完全是很正常的,相反,若是他们现在还能继续作战,坚持冲锋,那才是个不折不扣的奇迹了。At this timewas lucky the Ishihara'sorderlyYasaburosees thatwonderfully, does not towIshihara'sneckto turn aroundto escapedirectly, then the othertwoNinjathrewtworounds of smoke shellto bring up the rear, otherwiseKuzuharawas made up the blade was also verynormal.
此时多亏了石原的勤务兵弥三郎见状不妙,直接拖着石原的脖子转身就逃,然后剩余的两名忍者丢出了两发烟雾弹断后,否则的话藤原被补了刀也是很正常的了。Kingfivethis timeandMasterHuolookone, the whole faceis the excitingcolor, loudlylongsays with a smile:
王五此时和霍师傅对望一眼,满脸都是兴奋之色,纵声长笑道:„Happy! Reallyhappy!”
“痛快!真是痛快!”MasterHuoislaughs saying:
霍师傅更是大笑道:„Todayknows that YuemartialMudeterminationhungrymealHu Lurou, the jokedrankfull of Hsiungnubloodin the pastthirstily!”
“今日才知道岳武穆当年壮志饥餐胡虏肉,笑谈渴饮匈奴血的酣畅淋漓!”Lithreecannot bearsay:
李三也是忍不住道:„Doeswith the person on one's own sidetrulydoes not have the meaning! Speaking of that tidies uptheseyoungdevilsalsoto support the vigor!”
The clear to seeto/clashes the Japanese forces of thatcrowd of hand-to-hand fightingto be hitdirectlyretreats in defeat again and again, the Tanmale servantalsotreats the wordsonroof, has lostoverwhelming majorityfireangles, Fang Linyanwas then greeting a sound saidtoTan Sitong:
眼见得正面冲出来那群白刃战的日军已经被打得节节败退,谭家家丁还待在屋顶上的话,已经失去了绝大部分的射击角度,方林岩便对着谭嗣同招呼了一声道:„Tanbrother! The burstingpotential of Japanese invadersalreadypresently, istimetwogroups of converging attack, destroyedYellow Dragon!”
“谭兄!日寇的溃势已现,是时候两路夹击,直捣黄龙了!”Tan Sitongafter all is a civil official, beforelayon the rooftwospears/gunsis the limit, butheactuallyalso was really brave, inbattlefield that in the bulletflewto shooteverywhereonetime, not onlydid not have the fear, on the cheeksalsospilled over not normalblushingbecause of the excitement.
After hearing the Fang Linyanwords, heimmediatelyexcitingsay/way:
听到了方林岩的话之后,他立即兴奋的道:„Good! Tanthree, youlead the personto clashwithustogether!”
“好!谭三,你带着人跟我们一起冲!”At this time, the kingfivehad mentioned a wild gooseplumeblade, thentook the leadto pursue the enemyto rush, MasterHuoalsofollowed certainly, Lithreehoneststaying that only thenhas posed asHustewardat present in same place, loyal and devoteddefendingin the Fang Linyanside.
这时候,王五已经重新提起了一把雁翎刀,然后率先追击着敌人冲了上去,霍师傅当然是随之跟上,只有目前已经以胡家管家自居的李三老老实实的呆在了原地,忠心耿耿的守在了方林岩的身边。Naturally, Fang Linyanwas notpastrecklessZhiyun, helookedclearlyregarding the Lithreethoughts, regardingFang Linyan, so long asLithreecansupporttooneself, thatdid makehimmakesteward of Huis not the convenientwork?
当然,方林岩可不是昔日的胡芝云,对于李三的心思他看得明明白白的,对于方林岩而言,只要李三能给自己鼎力支持,那让他做胡家的管家那不是顺手之劳吗?Not onlyso, oneself must take102,000moneytohim, contributedofficerto washtohimwhile convenientmadehimreturn home with riches and honorswhite. Toperson on one's own side. Person on one's own side who especially can help, Fang Linyanisverygenerous.
非但如此,自己还要拿十万两银子给他,顺带给他捐个官儿洗白了让他衣锦还乡。对自己人.尤其是能帮得上忙的自己人,方林岩还是很慷慨的。Gan Satouherohas not expected, the surprise attackteam of IshiharaOrganizationnot onlynoteffective, insteadwas givento hit the fate that a almostgroupextinguished, at this timeisdistressedincomparableescaped, Ishiharasevere woundlife and deathdoes not know.
佐藤刚雄也没料到,石原组织的突袭队非但没有奏效,反而被人给打了个几乎团灭的下场,此时更是狼狈无比的逃了回来,石原重伤生死不知。This , the keywas the enemylaunchedcounter-attackingunexpectedly, a large crowd the direction that retreatedfollowingIshiharakilled!
这倒也罢了,关键是敌人居然展开了反攻,一大群人顺着石原撤退的方向杀了过来!Facing the deterioration of situation, Gan Satouheroalso is really depressedincomparable, obviously before dozen minutes , a situationexcellence, the eliteinfantries in Empire of Japanpursued the emaciatedQinggreen-standard troopsto kill, expelthemto be in chaotic situation, scared shitless, put in an appearancedied a piece.
面对局势的恶化,佐藤刚雄也真的是郁闷无比啊,明明十几分钟前还是形势一片大好,大日本帝国的精锐步兵追着孱弱的清朝绿营兵杀,撵得他们鸡飞狗跳,屁滚尿流,一照面就死了一片。But, thisgroup of green-standard troopsall of a suddenwere unexpectedly hard, whatwas odder, nownot onlysends the hand-to-hand fightingelitewas hitretreats in defeat again and again, the enemypresentedpotential of the packageclipone on the left and other on the rightunexpectedly!
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