Chapter 1374bloody battle
第1374章血战To be honest, after seeingthis, Fang Linyan is also exceptionallyshocking, hehas not thought,underso the situation, Liu Jialiang can also standto tidy up the morale of troopsunexpectedly, thendoesthiswrestlesfinally!!
说实话,见到了这一幕之后,方林岩也是异常震惊的,他万万没有想到,在如此情况之下,刘家亮居然还能站出来收拾军心,然后做最后这一搏!!In the impression of Fang Linyan, the army of Qing dynastywas decayed, seemed to be the tofusamecollapses at the first blow, butherealizedat this time, the aboveQing dynastygovernmenthad passedfrom the plant rootalthoughrottenly, but, the followingarmywas actually not true.
在方林岩的印象里面,清朝的军队是腐朽的,是仿佛豆腐一样不堪一击的,但此时他才意识到,尽管上面的满清政府已经从根子上烂透了,但是,下面的军队却并非如此。Is flowingChinese nation'sthem of blood, can still tenaciousin the middle ofaspect that inthisdarknesshas not gasped for breath, the sparkle of ash fire a pointis passing the redray, oncehas the potential, thencanform the prevailing situation!
流淌着中华民族之血的他们,依然可以顽强的在这黑暗得喘不过气的局面当中,余烬似的闪耀着点点通红色的光芒,一旦起势,便能形成燎原之势!FromLin Zexu, Zuo Zongtang, Liu Mingchuan, againtoafterwardFengzicai, Guan Tianpei, Deng Shichang, they, sinceis supporting the destiny of thisnationalitytenaciously, theyare still giving self up to forgetis fightingfor the Chinese nation, althoughhundreddie with no regrets!!
从林则徐,左宗棠,刘铭传,再到后来的冯子材,关天培,邓世昌,他们既然在顽强的支撑着这民族的气运,他们依然在舍身忘死的为了中华民族而战斗着,虽百死而无悔!!Therefore, Fang Linyanafterwitnessingthis, immediatelypulled tautTan Sitong. Heshouldalsoone's blood bubbles up to the brimat this time, mustfollowrushing, Fang Linyanwas saying:
所以,方林岩在目睹了这一幕之后,立即一把扯住了谭嗣同。他此时应该也是热血沸腾,就要跟随着冲上去,方林岩则是道:„Tanbrother! Comes back to life the brother! Waits!”
“谭兄!复生兄!等一等!”Tan Sitongwas heldbyFang Linyan, immediatelygets angrydisgruntledly:
谭嗣同被方林岩抓住,立即不悦怒道:„Ifurgedmeto be needlessto say! Youlook atthissituation, person who so long ashas the conscienceslightlywill actangrily.”
“若是劝我的话不用说了!你看这局势,只要稍有良知的人都会愤然出手的。”Fang Linyanactuallyverysimplesay/way:方林岩却很干脆的道:„Floats the freshbrother, Idid not urgeyouto stand by, butwas the person who the presentrushesare manyenough, yourushnoware little significance, on the contrary, ifstayed here to do a matter, insteadcanbetterhelpedSirLiu.”
“浮生兄,我不是劝你袖手旁观,而是现在冲上去的人已经够多了,你现在冲上去并没有太大的意义,相反,若是留在这里做一件事的话,反而能更好的帮助刘大人。”Tan Sitongdoubtsay/way:
“什么事情?”Fang Linyanreferred tothat side the distant placeJapanese forces:方林岩指了指远处日军那边:„The presentsituationstill is actually very dangerous, youlooked that side the Japanese forcessomepeoplecatch upone after another, before theyusesharpestonesuddenly , conducts the hand-to-hand fighting, somerearalsomanypeoplemake a sneak attackin the distant place!”
“现在的局势其实依然很危险,你看日军那边陆续有人赶来,他们用最精锐的一部突前进行白刃战,后方还有不少人在远处打冷枪呢!”„Hereterrainis limited, werushnow are also can only stare unable to displaydry/does, Ilooked that Tanbrother'sseveralaccompanyis the real men who the bowhorseis skilled, might as wellcrawltonearbyridgecomes up, puts the words of spear/gunonthere, canthreatento divertthatgroup of Japanesefrom one side, forms the potential of effectiveconverging attack!”
“这里地形有限,咱们现在冲上去也是只能干瞪眼施展不开,我看谭兄的几位随从都是弓马精熟的好汉子,不如爬到旁边的屋脊上去,在那里放枪的话,就能从侧面威胁牵制那帮日本人,形成有效的夹击之势!”Tan Sitonglooked at the battlefield, immediatelyquickly grasps the meaning of something, thought that Fang Linyansaid is reasonable, immediatelylookedtonearbyaccompanying:
谭嗣同看了看战场,顿时一激灵,觉得方林岩说得很有道理,立即看向了旁边的随从:„Tanthree! How do youfeelYoung MasterHu'sidea?”
“谭三!你觉得胡公子的主意怎么样?”Mentioned by nameTanthreeunemotionalsay/way:
“挺好。”Tan Sitonglookedtootherhumanity:
谭嗣同又看向了其他的人道:„Do youfeel?”
“你们觉得呢?”Anotheraccompanies the Tanfiveverysimplesay/way:
另外一名随从谭五很干脆的道:„Thisideais greatly wonderful.”
“此计大妙。”In the pastTaiping Rebellionoccupied the Jiangnan, Tan Sitong'sfatherTanJixunoncewas also dispatchedto exterminate„HongNi”at that time, at this timetheseaccompanied are elite that the past yearsjoined the armyto chooseto be collector, was the spear/gunhorseis adept, changed toTanin abundance, was the male servant of Tan.
当年太平天国占据江南,谭嗣同的父亲谭继询当时也是曾经被派遣过去剿灭“洪逆”,此时这些随从便是当年从军中挑选收罗下来的精锐,一个个都是枪马娴熟,纷纷改为谭姓,做了谭家的家丁。Thisgroup of people40 years old is, physical strengthdefinitelyis inferior to20 -year-old timesnow, but the battlefieldexperience is very rich, marksmanshipmartial skilland so oniseven moreexquisite, the battle efficiency that ifdisplaysby the cold weaponscombatdefinitelyis inferior to the young fellow, butinstartingto use the modern times of firearm, the battle efficiency is actually the strongesttime.
Who is Tan Sitong? Canachievein the modernhistoryleaves a good name, inevitablyis not the mediocregeneration, after listening , after thisgroup of accompanyingwords, immediatelymadedecided:
谭嗣同是什么人?能做到在近代青史留名的,必然不是庸碌之辈,听了之后这帮随从的话之后立即做出了决定:Meaningoffice that „thatpressesYoung Masterreckless! On!”
***ButwhenFang LinyantalkedwithTan Sitong, CommanderLiu JialiangLiuis leadinggreen-standard troops, looked like the wildwaveto be together same, ruthlesslyhad the collisionwith the Japanese forces.
而就在方林岩与谭嗣同交谈的时候,刘家亮刘总兵率领着的绿营兵,就像是一道狂暴的波浪一样,狠狠的与日军产生了碰撞。In a flash, in the fierce combat, dropped downmore than tenforms, bloodsplattering, in the airhad/left a strangeflavorinstantaneously, thatis the blood and ironflavor that the gunsmoke and bloodmix!!!
只是一瞬间,在刀光剑影当中,就倒下了十几条身影,鲜血喷溅而出,空气里面瞬间就多出了一股奇怪的味道,那是硝烟与鲜血混合的铁血味道!!!Courageinbattlefieldindispensable, but is actually not the determining factor of fightvictory or defeat.
勇气在战场上不可或缺,但是却并不是战斗胜败的决定性因素。Cansay: Wantsonlyto depend on the courageto win a fight, thatisnot possible, particularlywhenfacingJapanese forceselite of stricttraining!
The green-standard troopsarerely on a cavitybloodto be brave, rushesin noisy disorder, let alone are theirweaponson an obviouslyshortsection of waist sword?
绿营兵乃是凭借着一腔血勇,乱哄哄冲上去的,更何况他们的武器还是明显短上一截的腰刀?PuncturesbeforeentireplatoonJapanese forcestreadsuddenly the full powersuddenly, thisbatchtoalmostcalled out pitifullyin the forefrontgreen-standard troops are completely puncturedto pass the heartto be cool!! Buttheycut and injuredtwoJapanese forces, andminor wound.
面对一整排日军骤然踏前的全力突刺,这一批冲在最前面的绿营兵几乎全部都惨叫着被刺了个透心凉!!而他们则只是砍伤了两名日军而已,并且还是轻伤.Was gooddoes not wastebecause oftheirsacrifices, thatgroup of people who welled upreceived the gap of bladeto rushwhile the Japanese forces, thenlaunched the tangled warfarewithit.
好在他们的牺牲并不是白费的,紧接着涌上去的那批人趁着日军收刀的间隙冲了上去,然后就与之展开了混战。Atthis time, Fang Linyanseveralexperts who will knowhad convened.
就在这时候,方林岩已经将自己认识的几名高手召集了起来。In the middle ofthesepeople, LiSanfan, butisobedientis best, becausethisfellowhas been pondering over the position of steward, can thatdo againstwith the master?
这些人当中,李三反而是服从性最好的,因为这家伙已经在琢磨着管家的位置,那能和老爷对着干?Kingsfive, althoughis somewhat puzzled, butbelieves that Fang Linyandefinitelyis not the person of thatonlooking, therefore is also nodsto obeyhisarrangement.
王五虽然有些不解,但相信方林岩肯定不是那种旁观的人,因此也是点点头听从他的安排。MasterHuowas actually infectedbymoodat the scene, thereforeis rushingto kill the youngdevilanxiously, althoughfivewas persuadedby the king, butissomewhatpuzzled.
霍师傅却是被当场的情绪所感染,因此急着冲上去杀小鬼子,虽然被王五劝说住了,但还是有些不解。Be onlyflattersevenare an impatient person, nowurges unable to calm down, chargeddirectlytogetherwith the pro-soldier of SirLiu.
只有阿七本来就是个急性子,现在劝都劝不住,直接与刘大人的亲兵一起冲锋去了。At this time, Fang Linyanlookslook that MasterHuoinquired , can only explain:
这时候,方林岩看着霍师傅询问的眼神,也只能解释道:„Isthis, MasterHuo, as the saying goes, the goodsteel to useon the blade. Hereterrainis restricted, the words that werushnow, mustface the attacks of 34bayonetsat the same time, actuallyinthatpositioncanachievehas no differencein the effectand an ordinarysoldier.”
“是这样的,霍师傅,俗话说得好,好钢要用在刀刃上。这边地形受限,我们现在冲上去的话,在同一时间要面对三四把刺刀的攻击,其实在那个位置上能发挥出的效果和一名普通的士兵没有什么区别。”„Nowwecome up, actuallylooks likewith the cavalryattacks a cityto be the same, cannot achieve the biggesteffect! Therefore, matter that wemusthandlenow, is!”
霍师傅有些焦躁的道:„When can thatwait till?”
“那要等到什么时候?”Fang Linyanearnestsay/way:方林岩认真的道:„Japanese is also a person, similarlywill be tired, will be afraid, will vacillate, wemustwait, is the opposite partyexposes weaknesses, yourduties, behead! Directlycommander who is the Japanese forces!”
“日本人也是人,同样会累,会害怕,会动摇,我们要等的,就是对方露出破绽的时候,你们的任务,就是斩首!直接做掉日军的指挥官!”MasterHuo the muscle on facetwitched, anxiouslooked at the direction that distant placeflattersevendeparted, actuallystarts to speak but hesitates, becausehisveryclearFang Linyansaidis right.
霍师傅脸上的肌肉抽搐了一下,焦急了看了看远处阿七离去的方向,却欲言又止,因为他很清楚方林岩所说的都是对的。At this timein the fightfirst line, both sidesmadereallyhot, describedwith the meat grinderis not overrated, eachwasmounts the flour gruelinfighting with all might the under foot of person the bloody water, evenonedid not pay attention to step on the corpse.
此时在战斗的第一线,双方都打出了真火,用绞肉机来形容都不为过,每个在拼杀的人的脚下都是黏黏糊糊的血水,甚至一不留神就能踩踏到尸体。Although the casualties of green-standard troopsare obviously higher than the Japanese soldier, but, the formation of Japanese is also obviousbecamemust the disorder.
虽然绿营兵的伤亡明显比日本兵要高,但是,日本人的队列也是明显的变得紊乱了起来。Naturally, the green-standard troopsheremorale of alsostartsto startrapidlywith the casualties that increasesrapidlyto drop. Liu Jialiangstandsin a distancebattlefieldmore than tenmetersplace, the complexionlike the iron, the flameis sparklingonhisface.
当然,绿营兵这边的士气也是开始随着迅速加大的伤亡开始迅速下降.刘家亮站在距离战场十几米的地方,脸色如铁,火光在他的脸上闪耀着。Buthisfront, the whole bodyisMenglittlesevenbig of bloodis panting for breath, suddenly„pūpassed”oneto kneel downinhisfront, soundinsidebrings the weeping voice:
而他的前方,满身是血的孟小七大口喘息着,突然“噗通”一声跪倒在了他的面前,声音里面带着哭腔:„Sir!! Owntroopskeep a seedtous! 28people, onlyhaveninenow, oldYuanalso an arm!!”
“大人!!给咱们亲兵队留点种子吧!二十八个人,现在只剩下九个了,老袁还断了一条手臂!!”„Weare not the cowards, weled the personto clashthreetimes, wasthathelp/gangyoungdevilis too ruthless! A bladecuts the brownot to wrinkle, but also a bayonetput onoldWei'sthroatin turn, thisweaponrydid not have the meansto hit”
“咱们不是孬种,咱们足足带着人冲了三次,可是那帮小鬼子太狠了啊!一刀砍上去眉头都不皱一下,还反过来一刺刀穿了老魏的咽喉,这仗没办法打了啊”Liu Jialiang'sbreathloud, he is also a person, hasownthoughts, hethinksthisgroup of Japanese piratesare only the motley crew, has not actually expected a front surfacewar, unexpectedlybumped intoso the unyielding person!
刘家亮的呼吸粗重了起来,他也是人,也是有自己的心思,他本来以为这群倭寇只是乌合之众,却没料到迎面一战,居然碰上了如此硬骨头!Liu Jialiangself-examinedhas achieved the limit, butthismayreally be the antiwarcrime!
刘家亮自问已经做到了极限,但是这可真是非战之罪啊!Thiswarwas defeatedactuallyandhas nothinggreatly, deliversseveral thousandtwomoneycanbullyto be open about the factsto hoodwink under toward the boss, ifoneselfthesepro-soldierslose completelyhere, thatwantedto lead troopsdifficultly.
这一战打败了其实并没什么了不起,朝着上司送几千两银子就能欺上不瞒下的蒙混过去,但是若是自己的这些亲兵都在这里丢光的话,那想要带兵就难了啊。Looks atfrontMenglittleseven, Liu Jialiangis just aboutto heave a deep sigh, ordersto retreat, actuallyheardsuddenlysideheardas ifparched beansa series ofsounds of gunfire!!
看着面前的孟小七,刘家亮正要长叹一声,下令撤退,却突然听到了旁边传来了仿佛爆豆子似的一连串的枪声!!Thisgunshotis fragmentary, is notvolley that in the middle of the army the customuses, but the effectis good, the flank of Japanese forcessankall of a sudden a section, at least56soldierfell to the ground, ifin the hand-to-hand fighting, the green-standard troops the moraleJu, has filled in20 people not necessarily have thiseffectat this time!
这枪响却是零星的,并不是军队当中习惯用的排枪,但是效果却非常好,日军的侧翼一下子就凹进去了一截,至少五六名士兵一头栽倒在地,若是在白刃战当中,绿营兵此时士气已沮,填进去二十个人都未必能有这效果!UnderLiu Jialianggreat happiness, turns the headto look,thensawinnearbyridgeascendsbiggunsmokes, Tan Sitongleadshismale servantto overtakepromptly, thensuccessfullylaunches an attack.
刘家亮大喜之下,转头一看,便见到了旁边的屋脊上升腾起一大片的硝烟,正是谭嗣同带着他的家丁及时赶了过去,然后成功发难。Naturally, the firearms that Tan Sitong'sthesemale servantsuseare notordinarypro-green campcancompare,
当然,谭嗣同的这几名家丁所用的枪械也不是普通的绿营能比拟的,Many that ordinarypro-green campuseswere the oldsleeve, the bulletmightslightlydid not say, the fillingspeedwas also slow, firing at the latergunsmokewas very heavy.
普通的绿营用的多数都是老套筒,子弹威力小不说,装填速度也慢,射击以后硝烟很重。ButTan Sitong'smale servant they use is a waterGermanyproducesfivechildmagazine rifles, Mausel93 rifle that alsointernationally said that can the ripple firefivetimes, after the magazinefire off, changes the bullet. Thereforealthoughonly then56people, made the old stylefirearmsto be close to20personripple fires the effects.
而谭嗣同的家丁他们用的都是一水的德国造五子快枪,也就是国际上所说的毛瑟93式步枪,可以连射五次,弹匣打完了之后才换子弹。因此虽然只有五六个人,还是打出了老式枪械接近二十个人连射的效果。Anyarmyhas the lower limit of withstanding the casualties, Japanese forces that at this time conducts the chargeevenagainhowelite, in the final analysis is still only the first batch ofnew-stylearmies of Meiji Restoration, beforerelied onoverbearingair/Qito clash, flavor that such a sharewas ever-victorious.
Regardless how saying that thisarmyin the beforehandhand-to-hand fightingalsodiedtento comeindividual, nowruns into the green-standard troops who thiscrowddid not fear deathalsoto withstand/topdirectlysimilarlyverylaboriously, most critically, the flankalsoreceived the gunshot!
但是无论怎么说,在之前的肉搏战里面这支军队也是死掉了十来个人的,如今正面遇到了这群不怕死的绿营兵同样也顶得很辛苦,更关键的是,侧翼还受到了枪击!Wordsas the matter stands, the thoughts of thisgroup of Japanese forcesalsoflurried, meaning that even iftheyhave not retreated, but the split vision of inevitablecorner of the eyewill lookto the sidethatridge, thisis the way things should be, human nature how unable to obliterateagaindifficultly.
这样一来的话,这群日军的心思也都慌乱了起来,他们纵然没有退却的意思,但是必然眼角的余光就会看向侧面的那片屋脊了,这是人之常情,再怎么艰苦都磨灭不了的人性。Theydivert attention, toimmediatelyalsochangedin the pressure of frontgreen-standard troopssmallmany! Thisis the dominoeseffect in the battlefieldpresenting, a linkhas problems, then the overallbattle efficiency will also slideinevitably.
他们一分心,冲在前面的绿营兵的压力立即也就变小了不少!这就是战场上出现的多米诺骨牌效应,一个环节出了问题,那么势必整体的战斗力也会随之下滑。Seizedthisopportunity, before a vigorous and healthyformsuddenlysuddenly ! The modeling of thisperson is very special, the left handtook a pot cover, the right handalong withcarrying with the hand a waist sword of belt/bringblood, pickedevidentlyfromnearbycorpsethere.
抓住了这个机会,一个健壮的身影骤然突前!这个人的造型就很特殊,左手拿了一个锅盖,右手则是随手提了一把带血的腰刀,看样子就是从旁边的尸体那里捡过来的。Moreover, heis going barefoot, twotrouser legs coveringspullhigh, seemed likejustto get downpaddy fieldfarmer.
不仅如此,他更是打着赤脚,两条裤腿高高挽起,看起来就像是个刚下了水田的农民似的。Thispersonis notothers, is the discipleflatter of MasterHuoseven!
这人不是别人,正是霍师傅的弟子阿七!Helooksveryfiercebeforepotential of , therefore the positive/directthatJapanese forcescried out strangelyimmediately, a front surfacebayonetpoked, wasthisformunder footonewrong, unexpectedlyenteredlet a half step that swiftlydrew backsuddenly.
他冲前之势看起来很猛,因此正面的那名日军立即就怪叫一声,迎面一刺刀就戳了过来,可是这身影脚下一错,居然倏进忽退的让了一小步。Thisbayonetseemed likestabbedhischest, actuallyonly thenintendedthatJapanese forcesto know,whatin the hand of being ready with the rifle firingtransmittedwas the strangeemptyfeeling! Originallythisbayonetfails, was grippedin the opposite partyarmpitdirectly.
这一刺刀看起来似乎是刺中了他的胸膛,其实只有出手那日军才知道,端枪的手上传来的是诡异的空洞感!原来这刺刀是落了个空,直接在对方腋下被夹住了。Above the battlefield, varioussituationsarefast changing, thisJapanese forcesare just aboutto receive the bladeto punctureagain, thisbarefootingmancrosspreviousstephad actually arriveditsfront, the long blade of right handraisesas if to cut, actually the left kneehas gone againstruthlesslyinhiscrotch.
战场之上,各种情况都是瞬息万变,这日军正要收刀再刺,这赤脚汉子却已经跨前一步来到了其面前,右手的长刀一扬似乎要砍下来,其实左膝已经狠狠顶在了其胯下。ThisJapanese forcescomplexionbecamepurpleroseimmediately, the eyesalmostwanted the ballooningto haveoutside the eye socket, butthiswas only a start.
The flattersevenminds are also quiteflexible, knows that the after fierceplace of Japanese forceslies initsplatoonhas the array same as drawing back, fastnofacing forwardpuncturessuddenly!
阿七的头脑也是相当灵活,知道日军的厉害之处就在于其排成阵列之后的同进同退,迅捷无伦的朝前突刺!Thereforewhileopposite partypaindifficult to beartime, oneheldhisright hand, catches upsuddenly, entrainedto regard the weaponhiswhole personto sweep awayequallydirectly, nearby34Japanesesoldiersmoved asideimmediately, was poundedto turnin the place.
所以趁着对方痛苦难当的时候,一把就抓住了他的右手,猛然发力,将其整个人都拽了起来当成了武器一样直接横扫,旁边的三四名日本士兵顿时躲闪不及,被砸翻在地。Clash/TotheseJapanesesoldierswere hit the moralegreatlyto frustrateby the sideforeign-made small armssneak attack, metlike this sudden outbreakdirectly, immediately the formation of entirefrontwas disruptedthoroughly, the situation in battlefieldwas in inverse proportion, the green-standard troopssee that the latermoraleto inspiregreatly, immediatelyis shoutingrushing.
冲出来的这些日本士兵本来就被侧面的洋枪偷袭打得士气大挫,正面又遇到了这样的突发状况,顿时整个前排的阵型都被彻底打乱,战场上的态势本来就是此消彼长,绿营兵见状以后士气大振,立即就大喊着冲了上去。Sawthis, Liu Jialiang'slongspittingexhales, after heafter all is a star, has feltarrival of chancekeenly. This timeheis holding up the flagvery muchsimply, startsto walkstep by stepforward.
The flag of commander in chiefmoves, the followingthesegreen-standard troopsnaturally must follow.
主帅的大旗一动,后面的那些绿营兵当然也要跟上。Otherwise, the commander in chiefgoes forwardtaking to one's heels of yourTMto runin the future, was broughtto offer a sacrifice to the bladenot to have the wordsby the followingjudge advocateto say.
The green-standard troops who Liu Jialiangtrains, usuallydrillto relax, eatspatialpaywait/etcmatterdefinitelyto have, butis stricting enforcement of orders and bansthis, on the one hand, can actually basicallyachieve.
刘家亮调教出来的绿营兵,平时操练松弛,吃空饷等等事情肯定是有的,但在令行禁止这一方面,却还是能基本做到的。Thegroup of Japanese forces that at this timechargeelitehad lost the initialsharp qi, was suppressed to startto retrocede, butoncethismatterbegins, was very difficultto stop.
After witnessingall these, Gan Satouhero is also breathless, at the same time rear area shouts wildlytwentyJapanese forces that are lettingdress ranksto supplement the support!
目睹这一切之后,佐藤刚雄也是气急败坏,一面狂叫着让后方整队完毕的二十几名日军补充上去支援!Then after arrangingthesepeople, immediatelyorganizedanothersquad, tois being that person of breathlesssay/way of head:
然后安排好了这些人之后,立即就组织了另外一支小分队,对着为首的那人气急败坏的道:„Thesedamnnatives of Chinaare the spent forces, theynowtowebiggestthreat, areshamelesssneak attack in rightthat sideridge, hadtheirfirepower support, side ourfrontpeoplewill divert attentionattend.”
“这些该死的支那人已经是强弩之末了,他们现在对我们最大的威胁,就是右边那边屋脊上的无耻偷袭者,正是有了他们的火力支援,我们前方的人才会分心旁顾。”„Therefore, Ishihara, all theseaskedyou! Gets rid ofthesehatefulsneak attack, theylook likestinking insectsuchnausea!”
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