FE :: Volume #13

#1375: Girder charge

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Chapter 1373 girder charges 第1373章墙式冲锋 What is contrary to pro-green camp this group of people's response, the Japanese of this group of invasions is actually in the enemy, knows that crisis-ridden and bad risk is incomparable, holds determination that must die, although therefore suffered the surprise attack, was actually shouting flushes away upward, succeeded defended the place of this strategic point. 与绿营这帮人的反应相反的是,这帮入侵的日本人却是身在敌国,知道危机四伏并且还凶险无比,早就抱有必死的决心,因此虽然遭受到了突袭,却还是大喊着往上冲去,成功的守住了这个要害之地。 At this time the love of Commander Liu has rushed to the horse sledgehammer, immediately shouts out loudly is starting to dress ranks, evidently is plans to clash one wave again, can look at the level and ability of this fellow has, the prestige is also very full, quick convened dozens personally in the side. 此时刘总兵的爱将马大锤已经赶到,立即大声呼喝着开始整队,看样子是打算再冲一波的了,看得出来这家伙的水准和能力还是有的,威望也很足,很快就召集了几十个人在身边。 But at this time, the front door that the inner courtyard shut tightly suddenly opens, then during saw the flare to shine, under the flame of sparkle, is arranging almost 20 people neatly! 可是就在这时候,内院紧闭的大门突然打开,然后就见到火把照耀当中,闪耀的火光下,整整齐齐排列着差不多二十来人! Probably is because the width of inner courtyard front door is limited, in the middle of this 20 people, one less than half lies on the ground, aims by the posture of lying face downward, other larger part partly squats in the place holds a gun to aim, what hand inside grasps to hold is the brand new Springfield rifle, is arranging neatly, the pitch-dark muzzle aimed at the front! 大概是因为内院大门的宽度有限,这二十来人当中,有一小半是趴在地上的,以俯卧的姿势进行瞄准,另外的一大半则是半蹲在地持枪瞄准,手里面握持的是簇新的春田步枪,整整齐齐的排列着,黑洞洞的枪口指向了前方! Stands by the team, grasped Japanese military officer of officer's sword to raise the weapon fiercely, then under fierce wielding!! 紧接着,站在队伍旁边,手持指挥刀的日本军官猛的扬起了武器,然后猛的挥下!! Immediately, the sound of gunfire made a sound immediately. 顿时,噼里啪啦的枪声顿时响了起来。 Originally the gathering green-standard troops had several people to throw down by the strange posture immediately directly, was then motionless, these had the horse sledgehammer impressively! 本来正在聚集的绿营兵顿时就直接有好几个人以怪异的姿势摔倒了下去,然后便一动不动了,这其中赫然就有马大锤! Others see that wonderfully, do not flee like a scared rat immediately, finds the place to be covert, had a body guard to bring the weeping voice howlingly: 其余的人见状不妙,立即抱头鼠窜,纷纷找地方隐蔽,更是有一个马弁带着哭腔嚎了起来: My family Sir was killed!” “我家大人被打死啦!” He defeated a morale of troops throat to call extremely, morale big Ju, the clear to see must crash without a doubt immediately at the scene, everyone came the students'strike big powder. 他这么极败军心的一嗓子叫了出来,毫无疑问立即士气大沮,眼见得就要当场崩盘,所有人来个卷堂大散。 At this time, fierce jumped out a person's shadow, jumps in the front that crowd of dead crowds directly, the time that this person acts chooses excellently, exactly was the Springfield musketry of Japanese forces one time, needs to trade the ball the intermittence. 就在这时候,猛的就窜出了一条人影,直接就扑进前方的那群死人堆里面,这个人出手的时机选择得极好,恰好就是日军的春田步枪射击了一次,需要换弹的间歇。 After this person threw, rolled directly, then lifted up a person to run to go toward the rear area. He is not others, is Fang Linyan. 这个人扑过去了之后,直接就地一滚,便扛起了一个人朝着后方奔跑而去。他不是别人,正是方林岩 This time Fang Linyan also be forced, if because he looks on that now the green-standard troops were routed, then these in view of the action of this Japanese Task force, will have a strong beginning but a weak ending inevitably, gives up halfway directly, that is one that he does not want to see absolutely. 此时的方林岩也是迫于无奈,因为若是现在他坐视绿营兵惨遭击溃的话,那么这一场针对这支日本特遣队的行动,势必虎头蛇尾,直接半途而废,那是他绝对不想看到的一幕。 Fang Linyan brings to run away, naturally hit horse sledgehammer, because he sees very clearly, although the horse sledgehammer is hit, but is not the strategic point of head and chest, but is the thigh is hit, therefore should not have the danger. 方林岩带着逃走的,当然就是被击中的马大锤,因为他看得很清楚,马大锤虽然中弹,但并非是头部和胸口的要害,而是大腿中弹,所以应该没有生命危险。 But the horse sledgehammer as the military rank highest that person on the scene, does not serve as anything at this time, only needed saying that several words can also stabilize live in the morale of troops. 而马大锤此时作为在场军阶最高的那个人,不用做什么,只需要说几句话也能稳定住军心。 The rear sound of gunfire resounds again, but Fang Linyan also as if has foresight to be the same, ahead of time one step jumps over toward the front, evaded exactly behind a porch pillar, although this wood/blockhead porch pillar was hit immediately bumpy, the smog scattered in all directions, actually also evaded perfectly bullet that several rounds shot accurately. 后方枪声再次响起,不过方林岩也是仿佛未卜先知一样,提前一步朝着前方跳了过去,恰好就避在了一根廊柱后面,虽然这根木头廊柱随即被打得坑坑洼洼,烟雾四散,却也完美的避过了好几发准确射来的子弹。 Fang Linyan rushed to the cover position of distant place, put horse Dachui directly, does not see him to have what movement, horse sledgehammer corpse moved, then he breathed several tones, that harsh general unique voice made a sound: 紧接着,方林岩就跑到了远处的隐蔽位置,直接将马大锤放了下来,也不见他有什么动作,马大锤的“尸体”就动了一下,然后他喘了几口气,那破锣一般的独特嗓音就响了起来: Does! Howling mourning? The father has not died!!” “干啥呢!嚎丧啊?老子还没死!!” The morale of troops that these vulgar language saying, must be defeated and dispersed stabilized immediately. Moreover, the horse sledgehammer was pokes the person nose that started to mention names to start to curse: 这几句粗话一说,本来要溃散的军心立即稳定住了。不仅如此,马大锤更是开始指名道姓的戳着人鼻子开始大骂了起来: Liu big nose, how did you say in drinking? The head fell the bowl big scar! Escaping of his mother must be quicker than anyone a moment ago!” “刘大鼻子,你在喝酒的时候咋说的?脑袋掉了碗大个疤!刚才他娘的逃得比谁都快!” Small nasal mucus, you did not say that must rush to front of the father to keep off the spear/gun? You!” “小鼻涕,你不是说要冲到老子前面挡枪的吗?你人呢!” Damn, what Gousheng, father looks is clear you are first escapes, you remembered to me, this weaponry fires off, if won, this matter writes off, if lost, hehe, yourself look for the judge advocate!” “他妈的,何狗剩,老子看得清清楚楚你是第一个逃的,你给我记住了,这一仗打完若是赢了,这件事就一笔勾销,若是输了,呵呵,你自己去找军法官吧!” „.” “.” In addition after a threat cursed angrily tempted with the promise of gain, entire scattered in disorder morale of troops immediately calm. 一番威胁怒骂外加利诱之后,整个散乱的军心顿时就镇定了下来。 Fang Linyan also has to acknowledge that at this time horse sledgehammer such careless person has the forte, can be recognized by Commander Liu is not Xing arrive. 方林岩此时也不得不承认马大锤这么个粗人拥有过人之处,能被刘总兵赏识绝非幸至。 At this time the after Japanese in inner courtyard opened fire two waves, actually detected that the enemy had not been routed by the continual volley, but starts to continue to assemble in the dark hiding place- Although appears is somewhat flurried and loose, but obviously these clear people also want to continue to organize very much to attack. 此时内院的日本人又开火了两波之后,却发觉敌人并没有被连续排枪击溃,而是在黑暗的隐蔽处开始继续集结--虽然显得有些慌乱和松散,但是很明显这些清国人还想要继续组织进攻。 At this time, was sprinkled to awake by the cold water, caught up with the Japanese forces core member who supported to come almost twenty people in a hurry. 在这个时候,被凉水泼醒,匆匆赶来支援的日军核心份子又来了差不多二十几人。 Therefore, in that Japanese few Gan Satou male eyes that are responsible for directing revealed the frantic ray, immediately roared loudly: 所以,负责指挥的那名日本少佐藤刚雄眼中露出了狂热的光芒,立即大声咆哮了起来: Fixes bayonet!! We must in the brutal hand-to-hand fighting, rout this group of vulnerable clear people thoroughly!!” “上刺刀!!我们要在残酷的白刃战当中,彻底击溃这帮脆弱的清国人!!” Even if the hand-to-hand fighting in the Second World War, still routs the best fight pattern of enemy, does not have one! 白刃战哪怕是在第二次世界大战当中,依然是击溃敌军的最好战斗模式,没有之一! Very difficult some people able in front of large number of naked swords that in facing to force densely can also keep calm, only if the side is one crowd has a common goal, companion who the life and death relies on one another, but they hold the determination that must die! 很难有人能在面对森然逼迫过来的大量白刃面前还能保持镇定的,除非身边是一群志同道合,生死相依的同伴,而他们更是抱着必死的决心! After hearing Gan Satou's male roaring, this crowd of Japanese starts of silently line up in formation rapidly, simultaneously directly bayonet card on barrel, finally „” all stands at attention, lines up in formation!! Can look at this group of Japanese to be well-trained, when makes all these really to form a coherent whole. 听到了佐藤刚雄的咆哮之后,这群日本人默默的开始迅速列队,同时直接将刺刀卡在了枪管上,最后“啪”的一声全部立正,列队完毕!!看得出来这批日本人训练有素,在做这一切的时候真的是一气呵成。 Gan Satou hero wielded the officer's sword, in the eye was sparkling the exciting flame, yelled: 紧接着,佐藤刚雄挥出了指挥刀,眼中闪耀着兴奋的火焰,大叫道: Many!”( Japanese: Suddenly ji) “多给给!”(日语:突撃) This 50 Japanese forces formed the neat formation immediately, grasps the cold light sparkling bayonet to start to charge forward, they march in step, the complexion indifferently, passes through the open area that the white smoke disseminated quickly, in the middle of night and thick smoke, Japanese forces „” the neat small running sound of footsteps can be said as extremely resounding, so population few, unexpectedly feeling of mighty force charge. 这五十来名日军立即形成了整齐的队列,手持寒光闪闪刺刀开始向前冲锋,他们步调一致,脸色漠然,快步走过了白烟弥散的空地,在夜晚和浓烟当中,日军“咔嚓咔嚓”的整齐小跑脚步声可以说是极其响亮,如此寥寥的人数,居然有一种千军万马冲锋的感觉。 Saw this, the pro-green camp army, although obviously has the population advantage, but cannot bear the imposing manner the fear! Obvious is backing up! 见到了这一幕,绿营军虽然明显占据人数优势,但是忍不住气势为之所慑!明显的在倒退! Several brave is still firing the spear/gun, overthrew two Japanese forces, but these two soft crooked of falls on after the ground, the vacancy that it keeps filled by the unemotional Japanese forces soldiers instantaneously! 有几名胆子大的依然还在放枪,也是打倒了两名日军,但是这两人软绵绵的歪倒在地面上之后,其留出来的空缺瞬间就被面无表情的日军士兵填上了! Once the Japanese forces start the half step charge, they with front set the distance of green-standard troops are really more than ten seconds, at this time the backwardness of weapon also lets the green-standard troops, only then puts an opportunity of spear/gun, then when they are thrown into confusion is drawing the bolt, the sharp bayonet has handed front! 日军一旦开始快步冲锋,他们与前方集合的绿营兵的距离真的就是十几秒的时间,此时武器的落后也让绿营兵只有放一枪的机会,然后在他们手忙脚乱拉着枪栓的时候,尖锐的刺刀就已经递到了面前来! Without a doubt, they throw the spear/gun to turn around to run immediately, but the front Japanese forces have made one very standard punctures the movement suddenly! Grips to fall these people to the ground instantaneously, making them call out pitifully dying. 毫无疑问,他们立即抛枪转身就跑,可是前排的日军已经做出了一个很标准的突刺动作!瞬间就将这几人扎倒在地,让他们惨叫着死去。 Then if this group of Japanese forces wall general continues to face forward, indifferent advancement! This time they came across, formed a terrifying whole completely, as if together unattainable tall wall, anybody, when tried to face it alone, felt the extremely strong suppression. 然后这群日军若墙一般的继续朝前,冷漠推进!此时的他们给人的感觉,完全就形成了一个恐怖的整体,仿佛一道高不可攀的高墙,任何人在试图单独面对它的时候,都感觉到了极强的压制。 The girder charge of this infantry colony, oppressive is extremely strong, is Japan after Meiji Restoration, the man of insight of its internal army goes to Prussia, Russia wait/etc land power abroad studies, the new-style tactical rules of then having. 这种步兵集群的墙式冲锋,压迫性极强,也是日本自明治维新以后,其内部陆军的有识之士前往普鲁士,俄国等等陆军强国留学,然后带回来的新式战法。 This time dispatches the task force to enter the Chinese center, besides promotion of space soldier, but also had the great support of military internal young guard, therefore the military headquarters sent out 50 armies elite, acts the core of this task force. 本次派遣特遣队进入中国腹地,除了空间战士的推动之外,还得到了军方内部少壮派的大力支持,因此军部这边才派出了五十名陆军精锐,来充当这一支特遣队的核心。 Facing the girder charge of Japanese forces, in bayonet hand-to-hand fighting competition determination, sacrifice, courage under the tactical rules, the horse sledgehammer shouts oneself hoarse more than 20 people who call to collapse at the first encounter, was leaving behind 56 corpses same place, surplus disperses instantly. 面对日军的墙式冲锋,在刺刀白刃战这种比拼决心,牺牲,勇气的的战法下,马大锤声嘶力竭召集起来的二十多人一触即溃,在原地留下了五六具尸体,剩余下来的都是一哄而散。 The modern war is from the hand-to-hand fighting to the transformation that the firearm fights, these armies that Commander Liu trains no doubt have the courage of the long-distance range and enemy correlation, this is in pro-green camp rare elite. 近代战争本来是由白刃战到火器战的转变,刘总兵调教出来的这些军队固然拥有远距离和敌人对射的勇气,这已经是绿营里面难得的精锐了。 However in the specific environment, for example the street fighting, the night fighting, met the girder colony charge of enemy in this case, then insufficiently looked completely! 但是在特定环境,比如巷战,夜战这种情况下,遇到了敌人的这种墙式集群冲锋,便完全不够看了! Such fight, except for must compete the military qualities to be accidental, is actually competing the firm determination of both soldiers. 这样的战斗,除了要比拼军事素质意外,其实更是在比拼双方战士的坚定意志。 Also only then after over the next dozens years, that although, the supplies are in rags deficient, has the army that the steel general will and acts boldly regardless of one's safety, can not spend skillfully in the upfront with the hand-to-hand fighting charge of most flourishing Japanese forces shakes hardly, wins!! 也只有在未来的几十年后,那一支虽然衣衫褴褛,补给匮乏,却拥有钢铁一般意志和奋不顾身的军队,才能毫无花巧的在与全盛日军的白刃战冲锋中正面硬撼,更是战而胜之!! Therefore, pro-green camp here rout is actually inevitable, in this case, the eye of Fang Linyan narrowed slightly, because he estimated beforehand had possibility to appear, therefore also completed the corresponding plan. 所以,绿营这边的溃败其实是必然的,在这种情况下,方林岩的眼睛微微的眯缝了起来,因为他在事前就预计到了有可能这一幕会出现,所以也就做好了相应的预案。 However, the variable appeared, when the Fang Linyan preparation takes an action, unexpected outbreak, at this time, Sir Liu Jialiang Liu had actually rushed to the scene, he is staring at front these Japanese soldiers stubbornly, the green-standard troops body everywhere, gets angry instantaneously. 不过,变数出现了,就在方林岩准备有所行动的时候,意外却突然发生了,原来这时候,刘家亮刘大人已经赶到了现场,他死死的盯着面前的这些日本兵,还有满地的绿营兵尸体,瞬间就红了眼。 To him, the Japanese not only means the enemy of the nation, the family/home hates!! In the past Liu Mingchuan was Taiwan governor time, if not for were intoxicated to plot by the Japanese, how also to have so bedriddened with a lingering disease, finally ahead of time passed away? 对他来说,日本人不仅仅是意味着国仇,还有家恨!!当年刘铭传做台湾总督的时候,若不是被日本人下毒暗算,又怎么会如此早就缠绵病榻,最后提前去世? His palm gripping of stubbornly this time on the hilt of waist, in the eye was sparkling the hatred, but military escort is the anxious and sincere say/way: 此时的他手掌死死的攥在了腰间的刀柄上,眼中闪耀着恨意,而身边的戈什哈则是焦急而恳切的道: Sir! Withdraw! The young devil and we played the life, we first drew back, then the organization good front to do them to be all of a sudden ruthless with the foreign-made small arms.” “大人!撤吧!小鬼子和咱们玩儿命了,咱们先退,然后再组织好战线用洋枪干他们一下子狠的。” Draws back!?” Liu Jialiang's voice as if pushes from the gap between teeth, brings beyond description ruthless spicy. “退!?”刘家亮的声音仿佛是从牙缝里面挤出来似的,带着难以形容的狠辣。 He shoved open nearby standard bearer all of a sudden, brings own flag, then the appearance fierce loudness is calling nearby name: 他一下子推开了旁边的掌旗官,将自家的大旗拿了过来,然后面目狰狞的大声喊着旁边的名字: Meng little seven, Liu strong, what Shengyou, Guo Xiaoliang. How you said the father usually to you!” “孟小七,刘强,何生友,郭小亮.你说老子平时对你们怎么样!” Was called the name, is completely side the Liu Jialiang pro- soldiers, altogether also twenty individuals, usually are the extra double rations feed, even if there is matter is also Liu Jialiang conducts the shoulder! 被叫到名字的,全部都是刘家亮身边的亲兵,一共也是有二十几个人,平时都是额外的双饷喂饱的,哪怕是有事也是刘家亮扛着! These people are the people of Liu Jialiang most trusted subordinate, once in the battlefield loses, this group of people are to escort Liu Jialiang to preserve the life to travel. 这些人就是刘家亮最亲信的人,一旦战场上兵败的话,这帮人就是要护送刘家亮保住命跑路的。 Even has engaged in factional strife in the army, conflict time, this group of people must take the person ready dead, assassinates personal enemy. 甚至在军中有所倾轧,冲突的时候,这帮人也是要作为死士,去刺杀仇人的。 Then Liu Jialiang does not wait for the person to answer, held own flag to walk from the concealed place stride directly, the left hand held up the flag, the right hand draws a sword, the direct stride faced forward to walk, this few step, then went out unprecedented, wind whinny Yi Shuihan's solemn and stirring imposing manner!! 然后刘家亮不等人回话,直接就举着自己的大旗从掩蔽处大步走了出来,左手擎旗,右手拔刀,直接大步朝前走去,这寥寥几步,便走出了一往无前,风萧萧易水寒的悲壮气势!! Before the clear to see will advocate on own initiative suddenly, side the Liu Jialiang pro- soldier also thought that the forehead buzz a sound, in the chest the courage vigor upwells, after Meng little seven saw, is anxious stamps the feet: 眼见得将主都主动突前,刘家亮身边的亲兵也是觉得脑门子嗡的一响,胸中血气上涌,孟小七见了之后,急得一跺脚: Sir! Sir!” “大人!大人!” Then rushed directly goes, keeps off in Liu Jialiang's front shielded. 然后直接冲上前去,挡在了刘家亮的面前为之掩护。 Some people take the lead, others also rush certainly in abundance. 有人带了头,其余的人当然也是纷纷冲上。 On people 100, all forms, this group of pro- soldiers some are heroic generous, naturally also has to be good at seeking personal gain, is a shrewd schemer, but Liu Jialiang to/clashes now, how regardless of they in the brain think, in fact was compelled in the dead end. 人上一百,形形色色,这帮亲兵当中有的是豪迈慷慨,当然也有善于钻营的,还有工于心计的,但是现在刘家亮一冲,他们无论脑子里面怎么想,实际上都被逼到了绝路上。 Because at this time, if instigated, if Liu Jialiang lived definitely unable to forgive him! 因为在这时候若是怂了的话,刘家亮若是活下来那么肯定就饶不了他! If Liu Jialiang died, this group of pro- soldiers do not have the means to mix, the pro- soldier dies before the commander in chief is the inherent connotation, but if the commander in chief died you also to live, that reputation was also notorious, everyone spurned, this line simply did not have the means to base. 若是刘家亮死了,这帮亲兵也没办法混下去,亲兵死在主帅前头乃是应有之义,但若是主帅死了你还活着,那名声也臭了,人人唾弃,这一行也根本没办法立足。 At this time opposite transmitted a row of gunshot suddenly, originally deceitful Gan Satou hero detected after behind came a group of manpower, then makes this group of people ambush in side, then waits for the opportunity to act, at this time saw opposite Junggan has the change, unexpectedly seemingly wants to counter-attack, that first comes a wave of volley! 此时对面突然传来了一排枪响,原来狡诈的佐藤刚雄发觉后面又来了一批人手之后,便让这群人在旁边埋伏,然后伺机而动,此时见到了对面的清军有异动,居然看起来想要反攻,那就先来一波排枪! This volley hits, side Liu Jialiang pro- soldier what Shengyou immediately one fell down, the blood that he splashes even fell on Liu Jialiang's face, but Liu Jialiang is without turning a hair , to continue! 这一排枪打过来,刘家亮身边的亲兵何生友立即就一头栽倒了下去,他飞溅出来的鲜血甚至落了一些在刘家亮的脸上,但是刘家亮面不改色,继续前行! Meanwhile, in Liu Jialiang mouth angrily roared: 同时,刘家亮口中怒吼了起来: Has a look at the underground these brothers! They are the surface drop down toward the enemy, they died on the road of charge, no coward!” “看看地下这些兄弟们!他们都是面朝着敌人倒下的,他们是死在了冲锋的路上,没有一个孬种!” You must escape! Do you also want to walk? Thinks well, closed the eye to do right by their sacrifices?” “你们还要逃吗!你们还要走?好好想想,闭上眼睛对得起他们的牺牲?” The troop commander took the lead, lifts the flag led the way gave the soldier very in a big way shocked, after by a Liu Jialiang roar, looked to the corpse of ground, brothers who the colleague but who these day and night were together, in the battlefield fought side-by-side. 总兵身先士卒,举旗前行本来就给士兵很大的震撼了,被刘家亮一吼之后,更是看向了地上的尸体,那些可是日夜相处的同僚,战场上并肩作战的兄弟啊。 The eyes of soldier on the scene gradually was red, the horse sledgehammer angrily roared to kill!” Drew out the waist sword directly, lamely is following rushing. 在场的士兵的眼睛渐渐的就红了,马大锤怒吼了一声“杀啊!”直接拔出了腰刀,一瘸一拐的跟随着冲了上去。 At this time others could not endure, is following together before, drew out in at the same time mouth of waist sword to shout loudly that two characters killed!!” 这时候其余的人也是忍受不住,跟随着一起冲前,拔出腰刀的同时口中大声叫嚷着那两个字“杀啊!!” In darkness, after the muzzle fires in the middle of smog that braves, kills scream continuously, as if everyone reckless shouts to yell before 在黑暗当中,在枪口射击之后冒出来的烟雾当中,“杀啊”的喊叫声此起彼伏,仿佛每个人都在不顾一切的扯着嗓子喊叫冲前 All green-standard troops in this time unity is strength, lifted up high the troop commander of flag to collect a mighty current in them, hit toward front that group of charging overbearing Japanese forces loudly!! 所有的绿营兵在此时众志成城,在他们高举大旗的总兵汇集成了一道洪流,轰然朝着前方那群正在冲锋的骄横日军撞击了上去!!
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