FE :: Volume #13

#1374: Makes war comprehensively( wishes the hegemon I am Kress

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Chapter 1372 makes war comprehensively( wished hegemon I am Crespo happy birthday) 第1372章全面开战(祝盟主我是克雷斯波生日快乐) What on bow is a vagabond, he very professional has not slept, but Fang Linyan close to five meters in time, has smelled on this fellow to transmit strong wine taste, irritates the nose. 待在船头上的乃是一名浪人,他非常敬业的没有睡觉,但是方林岩靠近到五米之内的时候,就已经闻到了这家伙身上传来了一股浓重的酒味,非常刺鼻。 Can detect close to some, side of this fellow is two crooked young wine jugs, places position that can enough obtain conveniently, but his katana was actually thrown by far. 靠近一些就能发觉,这家伙的旁边就是两个歪斜的小酒坛子,放在了顺手可以够得到的位置,而他的武士刀却被抛得远远的。 Approached again, Fang Linyan detected that this fellow is backing on the parapet, in the mouth as if in whisper anything, careful one hear, is that very famous taking in a net folk song. 再靠近了一些,方林岩就发觉这家伙背靠着栏杆,嘴巴里面似乎在叽叽咕咕什么,仔细一听,原来是那一首很著名的拉网小调。 Really, again how crazy savage person, when is difficult to predict far away from the hometown life and death, was displays enough frail “果然,再怎么疯狂凶残的人,在远离故乡生死难测的时候,也是表现出了足够的脆弱啊” Then, has not fallen asleep facing this, but the guard thoughts almost no sentry, Fang Linyan had actually launched a savage surprise attack, after he touches to the opposite party back, first a psychic force tentacle empty link in the mouth of opposite party. 接下来,面对这个没有睡着,但是防范心思却已经几乎没有的哨兵,方林岩发起了一次凶残的突袭,他摸到对方背后以后,先将一条精神力触手虚环在了对方的嘴边. Then gets up to launch an attack suddenly! 然后就骤起发难! Launching an attack of this Fang Linyan was more violent than before: 这一次方林岩的发难就远比之前更暴力了: Plunders the tooth of food to shear the throat, 掠食之牙割喉, The short village is positive. Leech straight thrust back of the body, 较短的村正.蛭直刺后心, The long village is positive. Smelling was a blade chops from one side on the neck of opposite party! 较长的村正.嗅则是从侧面一刀劈在了对方的脖子上! Meanwhile, that psychic force tentacle is also shrinks tightly, blocked the mouth of this sentry ruthlessly, stopped up he panic-stricken and painful yelling directly in the mouth. 同时,那条精神力触手也是缩紧,狠狠的塞住了这名哨兵的嘴巴,将他惊恐而痛苦的喊叫直接堵在了嘴巴里面。 After obtaining coverall village, the Fang Linyan striking power insufficient weak area was made up most probably, in the flash of this sneak attack, he exposed the fierce fang! 在得到了套装村正之后,方林岩攻击力不足的短板被弥补上了大半,在这偷袭的一瞬间,他就展露出了狰狞的獠牙! Besides grasping to hold the left hands and two tentacles of weapon, the surplus right hands and two psychic force tentacles are live the opposite party band stubbornly. 除了握持武器的一只左手和两条触手之外,剩余的右手和两条精神力触手则是死死将对方箍住。 Three fearful numbers shot: 三个可怕的数字弹了出来: 174( plunders the tooth of food) 174(掠食之牙) 214 + 28( village is positive. Leech) 214+28(村正.蛭) 304 + 56( village is positive. Smelling) 304+56(村正.嗅) Can make the so shocking number, its reason lies in the addition of abstention of masonry fraternity, will initiate the attack injury that to double from the enemy directly. 能打出如此惊人的数字,其原因就在于石工兄弟会之戒的加成上,从敌人背后发起的攻击伤害会直接加倍。 This caused heavy losses sentry struggles strongly, his strength is even bigger than Fang Linyan this time seven strengths, but does not have the decisive advantage, therefore by clinging to for dear life of Fang Linyan delaying two seconds. 这名被重创的哨兵竭力挣扎,他的力量甚至比方林岩此时的七点力量更大,但并没有决定性的优势,所以还是又被方林岩的死缠给耽搁了两秒钟。 These two seconds, enough has made Fang Linyan attack again one round. 这两秒钟的时间,已经足够让方林岩再攻击一轮了。 The injury that second round explodes, then receives directly its last life, this unlucky Japanese sentry eyes open the eyes in a big way, is twitching in the pool of blood, his look starts to be rapidly gloomy. 第二轮爆出来的伤害,便直接将其最后一丝生命收掉,这名倒霉的日本哨兵眼睛睁得大大的,在血泊里面抽搐着,他的眼神开始迅速暗淡下来。 In foreign land he, has not possibly gone to sea with the brothers again together snort/hum taking in a net folk song fishing, 远在异乡的他,已经没可能再出海和兄弟一起哼着拉网小调打鱼, Also has not possibly seen the beautiful oriental cherry of white Mount Fuji and hometown of distant place again, 也没可能再见到远处的白色富士山和家乡的美丽樱花了, Once beloved miss, will part forever, no longer met! 曾经心爱的姑娘,也将永别,不再相见! After massacring this sentry, Fang Linyan its corpse by side, then touched to another ship, is repeating the beforehand slaughtering behavior. 杀掉了这名哨兵之后,方林岩将其尸体靠在了旁边,然后又摸向了另外一艘船上,重复着之前的杀戮行为。 However, Fang Linyan the speed of speeding up murder as far as possible, actually still could not have compared Li although three, this fellow approached in ten meters, was a round of specially-made swallow dart hits, almost stood at the scene executes. 不过,方林岩尽管已经是尽可能的加快杀人的速度了,却依然比不上李三,这家伙靠近到了十米之内,就是一发特制的燕子镖打过去,中者几乎是当场立毙。 Almost is in just two or three minutes, two people completed the scheduled pre-war task, can mention a perfect opening. 几乎是在短短的两三分钟内,两人就完成了自己预定的战前任务,可以说来了个完美的开局。 After they secretly raided enemy's sentry post successfully, saw Commander Liu, although also has the injury, led own pro- soldier to clash, in the hand raised the broadsword flat and thin piece that the cold light is sparkling, embarked to chop directly right in the face. 他们摸哨成功了之后,就见到刘总兵虽然还带着伤势,就带着自己的亲兵冲了上来,手里面都是提着寒光闪闪的大刀片子,直接上船就劈头盖脸的剁了过去。 At this time, that side Li Family Courtyard sentry, although sounded the warning promptly, the smoke and fire skyrocketed in the middle of the midair, but had no egg to use, on several steamship that because was used to transport, has killed the head people billowing, pitiful yell repeatedly. 这时候,李家大院那边的哨兵虽然及时发出了警报,有一朵烟火在半空当中扶摇直上,但并没有什么卵用了,因为用来运输的几艘乌蓬大船上,都已经杀得人头滚滚,惨叫连声。 But in the wharf on island are stopping two ships and several boats, had been sent the past frogman to fudge by Commander Liu, 11 scuttles. 而岛上的码头里面停着的两艘乌蓬船和几艘小船,也都已经被刘总兵派遣过去的水鬼动了手脚,一一凿沉。 That more than 200 Japanese on island, are the out-and-out dead pigeons! 岛上的那两百多名日本人,已经是不折不扣的瓮中之鳖! After potential like a whirlwind that sweeps away scattered clouds eliminated the enemy invader on ships, Commander Liu can be said as quite satisfied, he looked to oneself trusted aide- strong, on the face also splashed at this time completely the vice general of blood, said loudly: 以风卷残云之势肃清了船只上的敌寇以后,刘总兵可以说是相当满意,他看向了自己的心腹-一名膀大腰圆,此时脸上还溅满了鲜血的副将,大声道: Horse sledgehammer! Meets the command, you command troops to go to Li Family Courtyard immediately, then surrounds it, currently also has a top double-hour to want mostly dawn, when dawn hit again, so as to avoid among the young devil some people while run away randomly.” “马大锤!接令,你马上率部前往李家大院,然后将其包围住,现在还有顶多半个时辰就要天亮了,等到天亮了再打进去,免得小鬼子当中有人趁乱逃走。” The horse sledgehammer loudly exclaimed immediately: 马大锤立即大吼道: End will meet the command!” “末将接令!” Then leads the person hastily to leave. 然后带着人匆匆离开。 Commander Liu is hints the subordinate to clean the corpse and cargo on cleaning up ship, this is also one of motives Commander Liu dispatches troops. 刘总兵则是示意手下人打扫清理船上的尸体和货物,这也是刘总兵出兵的动机之一。 This group of Japanese invaders when killing and torching, will conduct to grab, the probably clumsy cargo will abandon, if gold and silver valuables jewelry and so on thing, took conveniently. 这群日寇在杀人放火之余,也会进行劫掠的,像是粗笨的货物就会抛弃掉,但是若金银细软珠宝之类的东西,就顺手拿了。 Therefore, in the cargo hold on ships actually is also greatly delicious, this was also gives consideration to both public and private interests. 因此,船只上的货舱里面其实也是大有油水的,这也算是公私兼顾了。 This is the subordinate of Commander Liu has the reason of many skills, trading to do is other green-standard troops, that fears the enemy such as the tiger to act as lookout to escape directly, does not dare to have this idea. 要知道,这还是刘总兵的手下有两把刷子的缘故,换做是其余的绿营兵,那都是直接畏敌如虎望风而遁,根本就不敢打这主意。 After Commander Liu sends the trusted subordinate the property takes inventory, detects harvest big, is immediately high-spirited, therefore Commander Liu then ordered to rush to Li Family Courtyard to besiege that group of Japanese invaders directly. 等到刘总兵派遣亲信将财物清点完毕之后,发觉收获不小,一个个的顿时就士气高昂,于是刘总兵便下令直接赶往李家大院围攻那群日寇。 However at this time, actually some people jumped came out saying: 不过在这时候,却有人跳了出来道: Holds on a minute!” “且慢!” Being an expert military order time, others stand the words that does, that violated the big taboo, what because in the army on was usually tasteful was stricts enforcement of orders and bans, military commands are strictly obeyed, once ordered some people to present Yang Wei Yin, was reduced the head to have the possibility directly. 在行军令的时候,旁人站出来这么干的话,那是犯了大忌讳,因为军中素来就讲究的是令行禁止,军令如山,一旦下令的话有人阴奉阳违,直接被砍掉脑袋都是有可能的。 Commander Liu flies into a rage immediately, looks up, is can only sigh one in the heart, on the face must pile to say with a smile: 刘总兵顿时勃然大怒,不过抬头一看,也是只能在心中叹息一声,脸上还要堆笑道: What matter does Sir Tan have?” “谭大人有什么事?” Originally speech is not others, Tan Sitong who accompanies the armed forces! But this fellow the family background is prominent, the trusted aide of oneself emperor, although emperor does not have the real power now, however the later matter who said? 原来说话的不是别人,正是随军的谭嗣同!这家伙可是家世显赫,自己还是皇帝的心腹,虽然现在皇帝没有实权,但是以后的事情谁说得准呢? Therefore, do not say that Commander Liu, is his father is also alive, must yield three points to Tan Sitong. 因此,不要说刘总兵了,就是他的父亲还在世,也要对谭嗣同容让三分。 But Tan Sitong's personality is the authentic Hunan barbarian, the beforehand blood and slaughtering, the head people have not made him seem like other civil officials is so panic-stricken extremely, instead made him consider many details. 而谭嗣同的性格就是正宗的湖南蛮子,之前的鲜血和杀戮,还有人头并没有让他像是其余的文官那样惊恐万分,反而让他考虑到了许多细节。 He cups one hand in the other across the chest to say to Commander Liu: 他拱拱手对着刘总兵道: Actually this was took the liberty below, but was related to the surrounding livelihood of the people, has to many mouth, the general, if moved to besiege Li Family Courtyard the manpower completely, then the bandits on island did let matters drift?” “其实这是在下冒昧了,只是事关周围民生,不得不多一句嘴,将军若是将人手全部调去围攻李家大院儿的话,那么岛上的贼寇岂不是就放任自流了?” Once by its running away, that surrounding people were tormented the devastation inevitably, does not know that many households are with one's family broken up and decimated.” “一旦被其逃走的话,那周围的民众必然被荼毒蹂躏,不知道多少户家破人亡啊。” Commander Liu listened to laugh to say immediately: 刘总兵听了顿时哈哈一笑道: Sir Tan considered thoroughly, anchors on the island, only then three fishing boats, two black steamships, before we attack, I assembled to send 20 frogmen to row a boat from another side, will then launch the scuttle. “谭大人多虑了,停靠在岛上的只有三艘渔舟,两艘黑蓬大船,我们进攻之前,我就调集派遣了二十个水鬼从另外一边划船过去,然后下水将之凿沉了。 „The Japanese pirate on that islands at this time is the dead pigeon, cannot escape.” “那群岛上的倭寇这时候已经是瓮中之鳖,跑不了的。” Tan Sitong is frowning to look that said to the lake surface: 谭嗣同皱着眉头看向了湖面道: Sir Liu, such lake surface water surface is tranquil, how although the Japanese pirates on island do not know the situation in ashore, but will not shrink absolutely directly on the island waits for death.” “刘大人,这样的湖面水面平静,岛上的倭寇虽然不知道岸上的情况怎么样,可是也绝对不会直接缩在岛上等死的。” „The hometown of lower official near the Yangtze River, is skilled in the river character, in this lake so gentle state of the water, so long as holds a plank to swim across forcefully, the opportunity of living is very big.” “下官的家乡就在长江边,也算是精通水性,这淀里面如此平缓的水情,只要抱一块木板就能强行泅渡,活下来的机会很大的。” After Commander Liu listened to Tan Sitong's words, does not get angry counter- happily, he is the civil official of very repugnant that randomly direction, but Tan Sitong such agrees was probably reasonable, the key was also the powerful person, he is willing to explain 12: 刘总兵听了谭嗣同的话以后不怒反喜,他是很讨厌那种乱指挥的文官,但像是谭嗣同这样肯讲道理,关键是还位高权重的人,他还是愿意解释一二的: Is this, Sir Tan, my father is alive the frequent education I, will say, when will know the astronomy, will understand the geography. But Cui lake here is not outside area, is the area of jurisdiction of this officer, be honest with you, when midsummer the intense summer heat, I lead the family to come to here to catch the fish to evade the hot weather.” “是这样的,谭大人,家父在世的时候就经常教育我,说是为将者当知天文,懂地理。而崔家淀这里也不是什么外地,还是本官的辖区啊,不瞒你说,在盛夏酷暑的时候,我都带过家眷来这里抓过鱼避过暑。” What on that group of Japanese pirates is the steamed bun island in lake, in this island has spring water, has the undercurrent to exist in the surroundings of island, the water surface is seemingly tranquil, actually below undercurrent surges, every year has the fisherman to have an accident in side.” “那群倭寇上的是淀中的馒头岛,这个岛上有一眼泉水,不过在岛的周围有着暗流存在,水面貌似平静,其实下面暗流涌动,每年都有渔民在旁边出事。” Not only that the present is the high flow period in lake, without the ships, the shore terrain near steamed bun island were covered with the reed and water plant, is similar to the swamp, once they attempt to disembark, will definitely be fallen in the mud cannot move. Moreover this group of Japanese pirates, since wants to swim to come ashore, then definitely the armor and weapon do not have the means to carry, even if has luckily runs away, when several fishermen can tidy up them after dawn.” “不仅如此,现在乃是淀里的丰水期,若是没有船只的话,馒头岛附近的岸边地形长满了芦苇和水草,与沼泽类似,一旦他们尝试登岸,肯定会被陷在烂泥里面动弹不得。而且这帮倭寇既然想要游水上岸,那么肯定铠甲和武器都没办法携带,所以就算是有侥幸逃走的,等到天亮之后几个渔民都能收拾了他们。” Heard Commander Liu's explanation, the Tan Sitong deep ritual said: 听到了刘总兵的解释,谭嗣同深深一礼道: Originally General Liu has understood clearly in chest/heart to the livelihood of the people, was offensive below.” “原来刘将军早就对民生了然于胸啊,是在下唐突了。” Commander Liu goes to support by the arm immediately: 刘总兵立即前去搀扶: „It is not at all, comes back to life the brother to never forget the sufferings of the people actually momentarily, is really makes one sigh with emotion.” “不敢当不敢当,倒是复生兄随时都念念不忘民生疾苦,真的是令人感慨。” After two people modestly decline several, actually heard Li Family Courtyard to hear a series of sounds of gunfire suddenly! Commander Liu the complexion changes, quickly commanded that fast goes to reinforce hand/subordinate. 两人谦让几句之后,却忽然听到了李家大院传来了一连串的枪声!刘总兵脸色一变,急忙喝令手下速速前去增援。 At this time, Fang Linyan has been before they arrived at that side Li Family Courtyard, can see under the ray of flare indistinctly, in yard entrance lying this way and that has more than ten corpses, looked that the design of clothes should be the Japanese dies a lot, but the green-standard troops only died five. 这时候,方林岩已经先于他们到达了李家大院那边,在火把的光芒下隐约能够见到,大院儿的入口中横七竖八的有着十几具尸体,看衣服的款式应该是日本人死得多一些,而绿营兵只死了五个。 Obviously, the early warning of Japanese here space soldier plays a certain role, Commander Liu affiliated green-standard troops at least courage has, is directly howling the throat to clash toward inside, the one breath occupied less than half Li Family Courtyard. 很显然,日本这边空间战士的预警起到了一定的作用,刘总兵旗下的绿营兵至少勇气还是有的,直接就嚎着嗓子往里面冲,一口气就占据了小半个李家大院儿。 However, around this Li Family Courtyard is actually divided two enter, respectively is the inner courtyard and outer court, the vanguard soldiers of pro-green camp rushed to the front door of inner courtyard the time, during the Japanese finally compelled to sober from the surprise attack and drunk ignorant, then launched a wave of counterattack. 不过,这李家大院儿却分为前后两进,分别是内院和外院,绿营的先锋兵冲到了内院的大门的时候,日本人总算是从突袭和酒醉的懵逼当中清醒了过来,然后展开了一波反突击。 The result is the Japanese loses is obviously more serious, however the shortcoming of green-standard troops was exposed all of a sudden, that is the toughness are too few, toward the thorough place, the fighting will is insufficient! Clash/To / leading big brother dies in the front several bravos, others retreated immediately. 结果是日本人损失明显更惨重,但是绿营兵的缺点一下子就被暴露了出来,那就是韧性太少,往深入处来说,战斗意志不足!冲在前面的几个亡命徒/带头大哥一死,其余的人马上就溃逃了。
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