FE :: Volume #13

#1373: Cruel night

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Chapter 1371 cruel night 第1371章残暴的夜 After yellow Daliu said that raised the package to laugh to go out. 黄大瘤说完了之后,就提着包裹大笑着出门去了。 Li spring looks ashen, at this time knows profoundly anything is called to seek an impossibility! He seeks after yellow Daliu 52 gold, actually does not know that others covet, is his entire family high and low family property! 李泉面如土色,此时才深刻的知道了什么叫做与虎谋皮!他贪图黄大瘤的五十两黄金,却不知道人家觊觎的,是他全家上下的家产! At this time the father and son four people sit alone in boredom at the scene, look at each other in blank dismay, the heart is relaying the thought is various. 此时父子四人枯坐当场,面面相觑,心中转着的念头各不相同。 Suddenly, Li Tao Station got up a palm to pull out right in the face on the younger brother Li spring face, simultaneously in the mouth scolded: 忽然之间,李涛站起来劈面一掌就抽在了弟弟李泉的脸上,同时嘴巴里面骂道: Tortoise lamb, good, the whole family must be killed by you right now!!” “王八羔子,这下子好了吧,全家人都要被你害死了!!” How Li spring is possibly hit by the Elder Brother who oneself usually looked down upon white/in vain, immediately instead scolded to return to hit, two people wrestled one group, the third child was a puzzle, the air/Qi results in the old man to cough again and again, quickly exhorts did not urge. 李泉怎么可能让自己素来看不起的哥哥白打,立即就反骂着回打了过去,两人扭打成一团,老三又是个闷葫芦,气得老头子咳嗽连连,急忙去解劝了都劝不了。 While the whole family becomes a hopeless mess randomly time, suddenly heard outside transmitted a series of sounds, they were also in vacant has not recovered, had actually seen one group of Japanese welled up, this group of people are sending out the smell of sweat and strong liquor, some are naked the upper body, some were in the eye has the impulsion of bloodthirsty, directly flushed to tie hands them 正当一家人乱成一锅粥的时候,突然听到了外面传来了一连串的响,他们还处于茫然没回过神来的时候,却已经见到了一群日本人涌了进来,这帮人身上散发着汗臭和烈酒的气味,有的赤裸着上身,有的则是眼中带着嗜血的冲动,直接就冲上来将他们来了个五花大绑 In the room exuded the woman panic-stricken squeal, but also before some people die, pitiful yell sound that shouts oneself hoarse. 紧接着,内屋里面就发出了女人惊恐的尖叫声,还有人死之前声嘶力竭的惨叫声。 This is also performing in the middle of the entire Li Family Courtyard- although here named yard, was actually occupied by the entire 500-600 families, so the scale could be the market town, quick, this peaceful auspicious Zhuangzi, turned into the world ghost legendary creature. 这一幕也是在整个李家大院当中上演着-这里虽然名为大院儿,却是住了整整500-600户人家,如此规模都算得上是集镇了啊,很快的,这个本来安宁祥和的庄子,就变成了人间鬼蜮。 Before the Japanese starts, the weather is black, the Japanese also prepared guard, Zhuangzi inside crossroad was being guarded by the fully-armed Japanese soldier, and ambush in side, in the village person escapes to kill one, cannot successfully escape unexpectedly. 而在日本人发动之前,天色就已经黑了,日本人也是做好了防范的准备,庄子里面的路口被荷枪实弹的日本兵把守着,并且还是潜伏在旁边的,村里面的人逃出来一个杀一个,竟是没有能成功逃出来的。 In the village scene is horrible to look , the man was massacred at the scene, the woman must face more pitiful one. 村子里面的景象更是惨不忍睹,男人被当场杀掉,女人则是要面对更凄惨的一幕. This group of Japanese invaders make a long-range raid hence, already suffers exhausted by exhausted and danger, the nerve is also highly intense, will soon arrive at the brink of collapse, is completely depends upon the beforehand brutal discipline and cruel method is restraining. 这帮日寇奔袭至此,已经被疲惫和危险折磨得精疲力尽,神经也是高度紧张,即将到达崩溃的边缘,完全是依靠之前残酷军纪和暴戾的手段约束着。 If not rest to indulge, only feared that will be in commotion shortly. 若是再不休息放纵一下,只怕炸营就在顷刻之间。 However, what this group of Japanese invaders do not know, when they spoil the innocent common people crazily, the shadow has moved sideways to depart together quietly. 不过,这帮日寇并不知道的是,就在他们疯狂糟蹋无辜的老百姓的时候,一道影子已经悄然闪身离去了。 He is not others, was sent inquiry news Li by Fang Linyan three. 他不是别人,正是被方林岩派过来打探消息的李三。 This fellow qing gong is good to work discretely, is the best scouting candidate, but Li three, not only attained Li Family Courtyard suffers the devastation the first-hand information, went to nearby island and on the ship, collected enough information. 这家伙轻功好做事谨慎,乃是最佳的斥候人选,而李三不仅拿到了李家大院正在惨遭蹂躏的第一手信息,更是去了旁边的岛上和船上,收集到了足够的情报。 *** *** After Li three rushed to good 33 li (0.5 km), met the allied force of coming, 李三奔行了十二三里之后,就遇到了迎面而来的友军, After the darkness, hated Commander Liu of Japanese then to assign one battalion of troops impatiently, then travelled at double speed to catch up toward here. 在天黑之后,痛恨着日本人的刘总兵便迫不及待的调派了一营人马,然后朝着这边兼程赶来。 Naturally, this group of green-standard troops can so the efficiency, with Fang Linyan contribution 12,000 setting out fees have much to do with, otherwise, even if Commander Liu like this senior army head, must make this group of master soldiers go to battle difficultly also incomparable. 当然,这帮绿营兵能如此效率,与方林岩“乐捐”的一万两开拔费有很大关系,否则的话,哪怕是刘总兵这样的资深军头,要让这帮老爷兵出战也艰难无比的。 Is good because of Commander Liu is also the worthy son, actually comes in such family, even if a mediocre person, so long as can perceive the words, the side hit for a lifetime old military escort at least more than ten of weaponry, they add discussed the idea, that can definitely play three shoemakers to surpass Zhuge Liang's function. 好在刘总兵也是将门虎子,其实出身在这样的家庭里面,哪怕是个平庸的人,只要能听进去话,身边打了一辈子仗的老戈什哈至少有十几个,他们加起来商量一下出的主意,那肯定能起到三个臭皮匠赛过诸葛亮的作用。 Moreover, these used ripe the old person can under arrive in the army, played the role of grass-roots officer, person who otherwise, traded not to have the experience came, midnight marched to step onto a double-hour, the people in army can the escaping larger part! 不仅如此,这些用熟了的老人更是可以下到部队里面去,起到基层军官的作用,否则的话,换个没经验的人来,半夜行军走上一个时辰,军中的人能逃一大半! Because has these veterans, time Commander Liu who therefore, the plan of entire fight, embarks in addition person is thinks- that time, the green-standard troops arrive is after midnight person rests the ripest time exactly. 正是因为有这些老兵,所以,整个战斗的计划,外加出发的时间刘总兵身边的人都是想好了的-那时候出发,绿营兵到达的时候就恰好是下半夜人睡得最熟的时候. To be honest, Fang Linyan was very at that time shocking, because Commander Liu deployed the battalion of armies of past to say strictly words that from the Li Family Courtyard also 50 li (0.5 km), in the middle of this section of road also 34 li (0.5 km) major roads, but the time that the plan attacked was roughly 5 : 00 am. 说实话,当时方林岩还是很震惊的,因为刘总兵派遣过去的这一营军队严格说起来的话,距离李家大院儿也就五十里地,这段路当中还有三四里的官道,而计划袭击的时间是约莫凌晨 5 点。 In other words, selects the road, rides a horse can be said as the place that one hour rushes , can this battalion of armies consume unexpectedly fully for 89 hours on the road? 也就是说,这么点儿路,骑马可以说是一个小时就跑到的地方,这一营军队居然整整要在路上耗费八九个小时? Followed is walking knows, 89 hours calculate good, where these main strength TM called what army! 只是跟随着一路走了才知道,八九个小时都算好的了,这些大兵TM哪里叫什么军队啊! One marches, at the same time stops to pull out the army how many smoke bubbles propose the spirit? 有一面行军,一面停下来抽几个烟泡提精神的军队? Has to arrive on the halfway to run away, was caught to be smiling then the army that prepares to continue to run? 有走到半路上偷跑,被逮回来嬉皮笑脸然后准备继续跑的军队? Having five li (0.5 km) shouts was being hungry, then steals common people family's the army of chicken? 有走了五里地就嚷嚷着饿了,然后去偷老百姓家里的鸡的军队? Facing this endless show operation, Fang Linyan happened simultaneously from the initial startled anger, arrived following is incapable of complaining also only used for two hours. 面对这种层出不穷的骚操作,方林岩从最初的惊怒交加,到后面的无力吐槽也就只用了两个小时而已。 Under Commander Liu these main strength could be called pro-green camp elite this to make Fang Linyan really very difficult to weigh the lower limit of pro-green camp. 偏偏刘总兵麾下的这些大兵已经可以被称为“绿营精锐”了这让方林岩真的是很难衡量绿营的下限了。 Finally made Fang Linyan understand finally the cruel reality, reached the destination- Outside after Lijiazhuang three li (0.5 km) screw dam, side after the Commander Liu two military escorts inspect the army, was full of the gratified dialogue: 最后让方林岩终于明白了残酷现实的,是到达了目的地--李家庄外三里的螺丝坝之后,刘总兵身边的两个戈什哈巡视全军之后,充满了欣慰的对话: Young master does well!” “少爷干得不错啊!” Such night forced march, the personnel losses are less than 30% unexpectedly! Is one group of good young fellows.” “这样的夜间强行军,居然减员不到30%!都是一群棒小伙儿。” Good good, master no lack of successors to conduct, has mystical powers to be gratified in the day.” “不错不错,老爷后继有人,在天有灵应该欣慰啊。” In the world does not have the lucky matter, this battalion head is the young master brings personally, a three days small exercise, a ten days big exercise, where others give up like this under the initial capital.” “天底下就没有侥幸的事情,这个营头是少爷亲自带出来的,三日一小操,十日一大操,旁人哪里舍得这样下血本。” „.” “.” Hears so make the blood boil rare and beautiful flowers opinion, Fang Linyan knows finally why in the North Korean battlefield Huai army bursts the thousand li (500 km), 听到如此令人发指的奇葩言论,方林岩终于知道为什么朝鲜战场上淮军一溃千里, Facing this brutal reality, the Fang Linyan inadequate tears flow, has a look at now the winning percentage of China again, thought that can support the present is not sincerely easy. 面对这残酷的现实,方林岩差点儿眼泪流下来,再看看现在中国的胜率,觉得能撑到现在真心不容易。 Naturally, this also explained another matter, Japanese military power similarly also condition in the middle of paying tuition, the difference is only the wrong possibility of lying in this group of bastards violates, was perhaps short was so little. 当然,这也说明了另外一件事,日本这边的军事力量同样也是处在交学费的状态当中,区别只是在于这群王八蛋犯的错误可能,或者,也许少了那么一点点。 Therefore, in this case, Fang Linyan has to consider a matter, that was the issue how this fought wins. 所以,在这种情况下,方林岩不得不考虑一件事,那就是这一战怎么打赢的问题了。 Oneself this side advantage is very seemingly big. 貌似自己这一方优势很大。 1st, from the status, is the regular army, even if removes eats the spatial pay, was still more than 800 people , the quantity had the overwhelming superiority, 一,从身份上来说,乃是正规军,就算是除掉吃空饷的,也是实打实的八百多人了,数量占据绝对优势, 2nd, from the tactic, the enemy at this time the chaotic piece, oneself this side or the night attacks. 二,从战术上来说,敌人此时混乱一片,自己这一方还是夜间突袭。 3rd, from the place advantage, the enemy crosses the thousand li (500 km) to come, oneself are actually the home game battles. 三,从地利上来说,敌人远渡千里而来,自己一方却是主场作战。 In brief, this war looks on the reason that nothing must lose. 总之,这一战看起来就没有什么要输掉的理由。 However Fang Linyan is very clear, only reason that the opposite party can win, is the biggest reason, that does not fear death! These people of opposite party travel to distant lands to come here, it is estimated that has the determination that must die before embarking. 但是方林岩却很清楚,对方能赢的唯一理由,也是最大的理由,那就是不怕死!对方的这些人远渡重洋来到这里,估计在出发之前就已经有了必死的决心。 With such enemy fight, big advantage, arrived at others to fly into a rage, asked one group of dare-to-die corps to fight tooth and nail to/clashes! 和这样的敌人战斗,再大的优势,也抵不过别人急眼了,找来一群敢死队搏命一冲! Only if the strength is too big, to deal with the reckless enemy, that also only has means that is not awfully!! 而除非是实力太大,要想对付不要命的敌人,那也只有一个办法,就是自己也不要命!! Therefore.” Fang Linyan looked at oneself person one eyes. “所以.”方林岩看了自己身边的人一眼。 The kings five, Master Huo, Li three, flatter seven, these people without a doubt, have the steamroll strength compared with the average person, if kneads together them in the same place, that can form one to control the battle field situation the overwhelming strength! 王五,霍师傅,李三,阿七,这几个人毫无疑问,比起普通人来说都有着碾压性的实力,若是将他们捏合在一起的话,那更是可以形成一股可以左右战场态势的压倒性力量! Can see, in the eyes of these people have flaming war intent, seeming like the fighting spirit is full, in the Fang Linyan heart also had a clear(ly) to become aware. 可以见到,这几个人的眼中都有着熊熊战意,看起来斗志满满,方林岩心中也生出了一股明悟。 „Can this war win, how must look to use them!” “这一战能不能胜,就要看怎么用他们了!” *** *** Quick, the fight then started, 很快的,战斗便打响了, Although this group of Japanese invaders also during killing and burning to plunder to snatch in the middle of the revelry, but they still sent out the dark sentry post, discovered promptly enemy who attacks Li Family Courtyard. 虽然这帮日寇还在烧杀掠抢当中的狂欢当中,但是他们依然派出了暗哨,及时发现了来袭李家大院的敌人。 Naturally according to the speculation of Fang Linyan, the quality of this group of Japanese invaders should not be strong, is the space soldiers of Japan may be very standing sentry, then warned promptly. 当然根据方林岩的推测,这群日寇的素质应该还没那么强,很可能是日方的空间战士在放哨,然后及时示警。 Therefore with the way of belated action, this is actually the surprise attack that one is defeated very much. 所以用马后炮的方式来讲,这其实是一场很失败的突袭。 Was good because of this time Japanese response same slow, after all among them the roguest that group of people have drunk the dead drunk, and still vented the final several drops of physical strengths on the bodies of these innocent women, is having the resounding snoring, at this time estimated that sprinkled with the cold water does not awake. 好在这时候的日本人反应同样的缓慢,毕竟他们当中最凶恶的那批人已经喝得烂醉,并且还在那些无辜女人的身上发泄出了最后几滴体力,然后打着响亮的呼噜,这时候估计用冷水都泼不醒。 Meanwhile, according to the plan of pre-war making, attacking Li Family Courtyard is only the deceptive attack, the true direction of attack anchored in the Cui lake on that 56 flat base boat covereds with black matting, once burnt down or seizes these ships , the Japanese invaders on island were the dead pigeons. 同时,根据战前制订的计划,进攻李家大院只是佯攻,真正的攻击方向是停泊在了崔家淀里面那五六艘平底乌篷船上,一旦将这些船烧掉或者夺到手里面,岛上的日寇就是瓮中之鳖。 But three investigated in battle beforehand Li, detected defends on the ship, only then 20 come individual, and should be the position is very low, battle efficiency not strong that- has the right to speak went to Li Family Courtyard to eat crazily drinks to spoil the woman fiercely. 而在开战之前李三又去探查了一遍,发觉守在船上的只有二十来个人,并且应该都是地位很低,战斗力不强的那种-有话语权的早就去李家大院狂吃猛喝糟蹋女人了。 Clear to see companions in crisp askew, oneself actually feed the mosquito here, remaining behind this group of people inevitably is a lot of air/Qi, and that side Li Family Courtyard companion gave back to them to send the wine and meat, eating and drinking extravagantly that therefore was certainly foul-mouthed on the mouth, was stranded intent to come also to go right to sleep, snoring sound like thunder. 眼见得同伴都在爽歪歪,自己却在这里喂蚊子,留守这帮人必然是一肚子气,并且李家大院那边的同伴还给他们送来了酒肉,所以当然就嘴里骂骂咧咧的大吃大喝,困意来了也是倒头就睡,鼾声如雷。 When Li Family Courtyard sentry warned, in fact the ships has killed a head people billowing. 所以当李家大院这边的哨兵示警的时候,实际上船只这边已经杀了个人头滚滚。 Fang Linyan and Li three, have traced the ship to come up!! 方林岩和李三,已经率先摸到了船上去!! As the saying goes the dark and windy murder night, is depending upon the strong support that Csillo's package kerchief and masonry meeting brothers abstain from provide, the faced enemy is weak that therefore Fang Linyan also fully enjoyed at this time the pleasant sensation of opening the unparalleled murder. 有道是月黑风高杀人夜,依靠着奇洛的包头巾和石工会兄弟戒提供的强力支持,面对的敌人还是较弱的那种,所以方林岩此时也是充分享受到了开无双杀人的快感。 Under the cover of dark, Fang Linyan touched a bow of boat covered with black matting quietly. 在黑暗的掩护下,方林岩悄悄摸到了一艘乌篷船的船头。 The ships that the Japanese do carefully have chosen, the length of this boat covered with black matting was about 20 meters, the width six meters, are the typical inland river bateaux, can deliver 50-60 people with ease, pushes crowded words 100 people also to install under. 日本人搞来的船只都是精心挑选过的,这艘乌篷船的长度达到了二十米左右,宽度六米,乃是典型的内河平底船,可以轻松运载50-60人,挤一挤的话一百人也能装得下。
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