FE :: Volume #13

#1371: The halfway killed the Russian

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Chapter 1369 halfway killed the Russian 第1369章半路杀出了俄国人 Tan Sitong and king five look one, laughed, regarding this Tan Sitong is not repugnant, because many celebrities and their storieses remain through the ages in such joke. 谭嗣同和王五对望一眼,哈哈大笑了起来,对此谭嗣同并不反感,因为古往今来有很多名人轶事都是在这样的笑谈当中留下来的。 Probably anything pushes the back chart, the great-great grandfather cuts the snake, the importance of choosing proper companions, Sima Guang pounds the vat wait/etc to become conversation topic among the writers. 像是什么推背图啊,高祖斩蛇啊,孟母三迁,司马光砸缸等等在文人之间传为美谈。 Therefore Tan Sitong then said with a smile: 于是谭嗣同便笑道: „Below has really not known that has what anecdote, reckless brother please say.” “在下还真不知道有什么逸闻,胡兄请讲。” Fang Linyan said immediately: 方林岩立即道: Hears Tan brother childhood time quite dumb, but the fifth that year serious illness stupor three days later, lived suddenly, from now on will as if have, if intervention, has the name of child prodigy in the native place at one fell swoop, because of this, therefore the character does come back to life?” “听闻谭兄幼年时候颇为驽钝,但在五岁那年重病昏迷三天之后,忽然又重新活了过来,自此仿佛有若神助,一举在乡里有神童之名,也因为这样,所以字复生?” Tan Sitong said confidently: 谭嗣同坦然道: „After really has the serious illness, matter that recovers, but there are, if the intervention were exaggerating, now still dumb, but works with a cavity absolute sincerity.” “确实有重病后复苏的事情,不过有若神助夸张了,现在依然驽钝,只是凭着一腔赤诚做事而已。” Really so some Fang Linyan exclamation. “果然如此啊”方林岩有些惊叹。 In the middle of material that him inquired, many people suspected that Tan Sitong was crossing over, the reason was he fifth this year accident seems like the experience of crossing over. 在他之前查询的资料当中,就有不少人怀疑谭嗣同乃是穿越者,理由就是他五岁这一年的变故太像是穿越者的经历了。 Serious illness stupor dying, 重病昏迷垂死, Suddenly recovers rapidly, 突然迅速复苏, Performance obviously before being sick acts like a different person, 表现明显与患病前判若两人, Such label is the standard crossing over template. 这样的标签乃是标准的穿越者模板啊。 Then his why Reform Movement of 1898 will be defeated, finally perishing body in this? 那么他为什么戊戌变法会失败,最后殒身于此呢? Then is because Tan Sitong likely contracted the mistake of acting foolishly, passes through the beforehand that potential surface convention with him, wraps to the crossing over later potential surface history. 便是因为谭嗣同很可能患了刻舟求剑的错误,拿他穿越之前的那个位面的惯例,来套到穿越之后的位面历史来。 Fang Linyan is very clear, each parallel world is not exactly the same, although the history is probably same, but may because certain secondary even main time node defects, therefore seems specious. 方林岩就很清楚,每个平行世界并不是一模一样的,虽然历史大概相同,但有可能会因为某些次要甚至主要的时间节点缺失,所以显得似是而非。 Tan Sitong is a standard native of Hunan, the manner is upright, the stubborn, recognized matter does not give up, is that type does not hit the south wall character not then, therefore some people manage him to call directly: Tan Manzi, character decision destiny, therefore did the crossing over tragedy to come out. 谭嗣同乃是标准的湖南人,为人方正,倔强,认定的事情决不放弃,是那种不撞南墙不回头的性格,所以有人直接管他叫:谭蛮子,正所谓性格决定命运,所以搞了个穿越者悲剧出来。 But at this time, on the retina of Fang Linyan sprang a series of inscriptions suddenly: 而就在这时候,方林岩的视网膜上又突然弹出了一系列的字样: Hides the milestone: The riddle of crossing over was triggered.” “隐藏里程碑:穿越者之谜被触发。” Explained: About Tan Sitong whether is the crossing over incident, there are many potential surfaces eating melon people to express very warm view, if you can find the truth, satisfied their curiosity, then you will obtain the rich reward.” “说明:关于谭嗣同是否是穿越者一事,有多个位面的吃瓜群众都表达了十分热烈的看法,若你能找到真相,满足他们的好奇心,那么你将会获得丰厚的奖励。” Saw this prompt, Fang Linyan at present one brightly, this can have. 看到了这提示,方林岩眼前一亮,这个可以有啊。 Tan Sitong's such gentleman, so long as won his trust, wants the polite talk not to divide minute's of matter. 谭嗣同这样的君子,只要自己取得了他的信任,要套话还不是分分钟的事情。 After three people gossipped a while, Fang Linyan then said suddenly: 三人叙谈了一会儿之后,方林岩便忽然道: Sir Song That side situation how? I remember last time contact time, as if some are not smooth.” “宋大人那边的情况怎么样?我记得最后一次联络的时候,似乎有些不顺利。” The kings five nod, complexion some unattractive say/way: 王五点点头,脸色有些不好看的道: Yes, that group of English collected the money of Japanese young devil, originally shook hand with Sir Song, the hug was very warm, but also please drink the afternoon tea, finally next day will only spread out the hand to say what show auspicious show auspicious.” “是的,那帮英国人收了东洋小鬼子的钱,本来和宋大人拉手,拥抱都是十分热情,还请喝了下午茶,结果第二天就只会摊开手说什么骚瑞骚瑞。” Was good because of Sir Song is also makes friends very broadly, these setbacks had not been cared by him completely, although he every day only rested for 2-3 hours, was still energetic, socializes in these people, even if were the throat somewhat were mute, going and each foreigner who still took great pains had to do.” “好在宋大人也是交游十分广阔,这些挫折完全没有被他放在心上,他每天虽然只睡2-3个小时,依然精力充沛,周旋在了那些人当中,哪怕是嗓子都有些哑了,依然不厌其烦的去和每个洋人打交道。” Heard the king five descriptions, Fang Linyan sighed slightly, the person who really each can historically leave behind the signature, must have the forte! 听到了王五的描述,方林岩微微叹了一口气,果然每个能在历史上留下自己印迹的人,必有过人之处! At that time the corruption of Qing government is world-known. Song cultivating talent must face externally, but not only discriminated, the taunt, despised, ridicule! Fang Linyan only depends on the imagination, can infer Song Yuren then difficulty. 当时清政府的腐败已经是世界知名。宋育人在国外要面对的,可不仅仅是歧视,嘲讽,鄙夷,讥笑!方林岩仅凭想象,就能推断出宋育人当时的艰难。 But, listens to the king five descriptions, he does not care at all to all these, disregards individual honor or disgrace, is keeping fighting with the indomitable spirit completely. 可是,听王五的描述,他对这一切都是毫不在意,将个人的荣辱置之度外,完全是以百折不挠的精神在继续奋斗着。 Fang Linyan they are hitting to live to kill with the enemy, but Song cultivating talent in by own way, for own country, own nationality is actually also striving for a odds of success!! 方林岩他们在与敌人打生打死,但是宋育人却也是在以自己的方式,在为了自己的国家,自己的民族争取着一丝胜算!! Tan Sitong is also sighs with emotion: 谭嗣同也是感慨道: Westerner wild ambition, is concerned only about profit, Sir Song I have seen several times, cannot deeply chat, can actually socialize with it repeatedly, unexpectedly is so tenacious!” “西洋人狼子野心,唯利是图,宋大人我见过几次,未能深聊,却能与之反复周旋,竟是如此坚韧!” But the king five then revealed finally a good news, the heaven not to lose the person with high aspirations as the saying goes, although Song cultivating talent, because compared with historically started the plan ahead of time, therefore appears runs into a wall everywhere, money that but Fang Linyan and Qiao provide for him, actually opened another leaf of new front door for him! 而王五接下来终于吐露了一个好消息,有道是皇天不负有心人,虽然宋育人因为比历史上提前发动了计划,所以显得处处碰壁,但是方林岩和乔家为他提供的金钱,却为他推开了另外一扇新的大门! In this world always has does not like Japan, and person who is also concerned only about profit. 这世界上总是有不喜欢日本这个国家,并且还唯利是图的人的。 The demand that money that Song cultivating talent spent and proposed, was rich in another state of pirate- Spain's rich merchant noticed, this rich merchant contacted on Song cultivating talent on own initiative, said that his here can provide four large armed merchant marines, these four ships can install over 3000 combat troops! 宋育人撒出的银子和提出的需求,被盛产海盗的另外一个国度--西班牙的一位富商注意到了,这位富商主动联络上了宋育人,说他这里可以提供四艘大型武装商船,这四艘船可以足足装下超过三千名战斗部队! What is more wonderful, these four ships are supplementing the fresh water in Malacca, is navigating to come toward Shanghai, means that can take place quickly. 更妙的是,这四艘船正在马六甲补充淡水,正在朝着上海航行而来,也就意味着很快可以就位。 Naturally, the Lord heard in Song Yuren the hand had the money, this suddenly discovered oneself and Sir Song friendship was deep. 当然,勋爵是听说了宋育人手里面有一大笔钱,这才突然发现自己和宋大人“友谊深厚”的。 This fellow besides calling high leasing expense, but also request post-war related drawing bonus, this somewhat was excessive, but this can still discuss. 这家伙除了叫出高额的租赁费用之外,还要求战后的相关分红,这就有些过分了,但这依然是能谈的。 In addition, the initiative effort of Song cultivating talent, although returns few, drumming up support actually is also compares successfully- another opportunity actually seperately looked, Russian minister sends people to relate unexpectedly on own initiative!! 除此之外,宋育人的主动努力虽然回报寥寥,造势却也是比较成功的-另外一门机遇却另外找了上来,俄国公使这边居然主动派人来进行联系!! Heard here, Fang Linyan shines at present immediately, looks eagerly the king five he continued on, finally the king five does not speak unexpectedly, only did Fang Linyan to pursue asks: 听到了这里,方林岩眼前顿时亮了起来,眼巴巴的看着王五就等他继续说下去了,结果王五居然就不吭声了,搞得方林岩只能追问道: Afterward?” “后来呢?” The kings five shrug saying: 王五耸耸肩道: Afterward Sir Song made me come to Tianjin foreign settlement, finds the person in Russian Consulate, then gives him a confidential letter, therefore how I do not know specifically.” “后来宋大人就让我来天津这边的租界,找俄国领事馆的人,然后将一封密信交给他,所以具体如何我就不知道了。” Fang Linyan considers as finished in the heart central disk, in original historical, Song cultivating talent that failing when success seemed within reach plan delivered about 2000 Australia sailors to attack Japan with the British merchant ship, but this plan should be ahead of time at this time for about a year, therefore resistance numerous. 方林岩在心中盘算了一下,在原本的历史上,宋育人那个功败垂成的计划是用英国商船运载两千名左右的澳洲水兵突袭日本,不过此时这个计划应该是提前了一年左右,所以阻力重重。 But present's plan is also good, with the ships of Spanish, transports/fortunes one group of savage hot tempered Russians to attack Japan, sounds like very good appearance. 但现在的这个计划同样不错啊,用西班牙人的船只,运一群凶残暴躁的俄国人去袭击日本本土,听起来好像还是很不错的样子。 Fang Linyan hesitated evil ways: 方林岩沉吟了一下道: Such variable, I may really not think that the Russian will come to seek the cooperation unexpectedly on own initiative.” “这样的变数,我可真的没有想到呢,居然俄国人会主动前来寻求合作。” Tan Sitong sighed: 谭嗣同叹息道: Russian similarly is also greedy uncouthly, is concerned only about profit, I had had the conversation with Russian minister, if said that UK , France and other country's of the ministers must put on a civilized coat, then Russian minister is the naked demanding benefit, will otherwise get angry directly.” “俄国人同样也是贪婪粗鲁,唯利是图,我曾经与俄国公使有过交谈,若说英法等国的公使还要披上一层文明的外衣的话,那么俄国公使就是赤裸裸的索要利益,否则的话就会直接翻脸。” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: Uncouthly barbaric greedy that was right, currently the national deterioration, has the powerful minister to dominate the royal government, embezzles the national interest, we must socialize in the big powers in the fire take the chestnut, driving the tiger to swallow the wolf, using one barbarian to control the other that cannot avoid.” “粗鲁野蛮贪婪那就对了,现在国家积弱,更是有权臣把持朝政,侵吞国家利益,我们要周旋在列强之间火中取栗,驱虎吞狼,以夷制夷那是免不了的。” Russia always guards against very fiercely by European this group of countries, Britain hits is diverting the idea of Russia by Japan, in this regard, we are they have the common interests.” “俄国历来都被欧洲这帮国家提防得很厉害,英国更是打着以日本牵制俄国的主意,在这一点上,我们是和他们有共同利益的。” So long as can succeed source of trouble lead to the east, lets between Russia and Japan has the friction even to conflict, then we sacrificed earlier even again in a big way, money of consumption many are is still worth again!” “只要能成功将祸水东引,让俄国与日本之间产生摩擦甚至是冲突,那么我们前期就算是牺牲再大,耗费的钱再多也是值得的啊!” Heard the Fang Linyan words, the king five and Tan Sitong nodded silently, approved his view. 听到了方林岩的话,王五和谭嗣同都默默点头,认可了他的说法。 Three people chatted the happy time, outside broadcast the voice of fast horse, then saw king five trusted aide flushed hurriedly, on the horse of crotch the sweat was wet, gasping for breath, could look to dash about wildly. 三人聊得正开心的时候,外面传来了快马的声音,然后就见到了王五的心腹马奎风风火火的冲了进来,胯下的马儿身上汗水湿漉漉的,不停的喘着气,看得出来是一路狂奔过来的。 After came, also stares, then immediately gives Fang Linyan to greet, raises begins inside letter/believes bamboo slip saying: 马奎进来了之后也是一愣,然后立即给方林岩打了个招呼,紧接着扬着手里面的信签道: „The Europeans that side minister of replied in writing!” “老毛子那边的公使回信了!” The king five personalities are discrete and heroic that when makes the proper business, is grasping that wrap/sets of bodyguard office, therefore the letter/believes of Song cultivating talent, was the reply of this time Russia minister, he will not open looks. 王五的性格是谨慎而豪迈的那种,并且在做正事的时候,也秉持着镖局的那套,所以无论是宋育人的信,还是此时俄国公使的回信,他都不会去打开看的。 However Fang Linyan has no too big scruples, after bringing, disassembles directly, then saw a Russian of all various professions, is good, in he entered this world to obtain has recognized the foreign language automatically the ability, otherwise definitely was also a face compels ignorant: 但是方林岩却没有什么太大的顾忌,拿过来了之后就直接拆开,便见到了一行行的俄文,好在他进入到了本世界当中就已经获得了自动辨识外国语言的能力,否则的话肯定也是一脸懵逼: Dear Song, my very happy Ivan successful expressed my meaning accurately gave you, regarding Japanese that stupid backwardness, and also the greedy country, I have the deep dislike, heard that they did not even have including oneself bed, only ate some seaweed and live fish, oh God, how I could not imagine that hell general life am!” “亲爱的宋,我很高兴伊万成功的将我的意思准确的表达了给你,对于日本那个愚蠢落后并且还贪婪的国家,我带着深深的厌恶,听说他们甚至连自己的床都没有,只吃一些海草和生鱼,噢上帝,我根本就想象不到那种地狱一般的生活是怎么样的!” Regarding your doubts, I replied that forever is YES! Forgot that Australian these emaciated sailor base men, their only fondness play fart yan mutually, will hear the sound of gunfire to frighten the urine, the body will disperse the becoming stale egg and gunpowder flavor.” “对于您的疑惑,我回答永远都是YES!忘掉澳大利亚那些孱弱的水兵基佬吧,他们唯一的喜好就是互相玩屁yan,听到枪声就会吓尿,身上散发着臭鸡蛋和火药的味道。” I can guarantee, you can find at least 4000 to be strong in Vladivostok seem like the brown bear common young fellow, their height seven feet, the body weight exceeds 200 pounds, the game that usually most likes playing is the Russian roulette, has received the strict militarized training, and is very cruel to the enemy! You give each of them one bottle of Vodka, even if what faces will be Satan they also fearless will conduct the charge!” “我可以保证,您可以在海参崴找到至少四千名壮得像是棕熊一般的小伙子,他们身高七英尺,体重超过两百磅,平时最喜欢玩的游戏就是俄罗斯轮盘,受到过严格的军事化训练并且对敌人十分残暴!你给他们每人一瓶伏特加,哪怕面对的是撒旦他们也会毫无畏惧的进行冲锋!” Therefore, Song, if you are willing to pay for some insignificant employment expenses, then these young fellows will offer lovably that for you were loyal, they will seem like the Siberia strong winds the same as eliminate keep off in front all enemies!” “所以,宋,如果你肯支付一些微不足道的雇佣费用的话,那么这些小伙子就会为您献上那可爱的忠诚了,他们会像是西伯利亚狂风一样肃清挡在面前的所有敌人!” Finally, if you are for this reason excited, please do not forget my commission, good! Looks in friendship the share among us, I can a preferential price to you, that be the 30% discount, this was the astonishing discount that the transaction trip of St. Petersburg never presented that is anticipating your answer.” “最后,如果您为此心动的话,请不要忘记我的佣金哦,好吧!看在我们之间友谊的份上,我可以给一个优惠价给您,那就是七折,这是圣彼得堡的交易行都从未出现的惊人折扣了,期待着您的答复。”
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