Is Chapter 1368oldTancrossing over?
第1368章老谭是穿越者?ThereforeFang Linyanhesitated, verysimpleplowstofieldblack inksaid:
于是方林岩沉吟了一下,很干脆的对田墨耕道:„Thesetwoweaponsare weird, abovehas a aura that madeonetremble, thereforeImustfind a peacefuluninterruptedplaceto studyalone.”
“这两把武器非常邪门,上面有一种令人战栗的气息,所以我必须要找一个安静的无人打扰的地方独自研究一番。”„Naturally, as the mortgage, IkeepsFujisan and worldwordsfemaleroom, the researchtimeovertwominutes, thenIcannotdecidewhethertraded.”
“当然,作为抵押,我会将不二山和世话女房留下来,研究时间不会超过两分钟,然后我就能决定是否交易了。”TianMogengnaturallyhave no reasonto reject the request of Fang Linyan, butFang Linyanis not the person who worksto haul, was determining the psychic forcetentacleuseingenious methodvillagejustcantrigger the coverallafter effect, then very simplenodmade the dealwithit.
田墨耕当然没有理由拒绝方林岩的要求,而方林岩也不是一个做事拖拉的人,在确定了精神力触手使用妙法村正能触发套装效果之后,便很干脆的点头与之达成了交易。Fang LinyanisguaranteedtoBossTian, ifoneselfgive„worldwordsfemaleroom”fragmentaddressincorrectwords, thencanlook for the theory.方林岩更是对田老板保证,若是自己给出的“世话女房”残片地址不对的话,那么可以来找自己理论。Sinceboth sidesmade the deal, thatdefinitelyisguests and hosts having a good time, whenChitablack inkplowswill also operate the landed propertytransactionwhile convenient, the title deed that Fang Linyanwill fallalsotook, asked that BossTianis interested.
The specific detail of thisgadgetis, the title deed of DongpingmansionZeTownship, has a heresuperiorirrigable land74mucertificate.
这玩意儿的具体介绍是,东平府泽沟乡的地契,是持有此处上等水浇地74亩的凭证。BossTianlooked the eyeshone, Fang Linyanis the groupbystander, does not knowthistitle deed the preciousplace, but onlyindustryin the talentknows that thistitle deedrarity, is not only becausethisfieldearth was cultivated for over a hundredyearsfat, ripe!
田老板一看眼睛就亮了,方林岩乃是行外人,不知道这一份地契的宝贵之处,但只有业内人才知道这一份地契的难得,不仅仅是因为这块田土乃是被耕种了上百年的肥地,熟地!IsbecauseitiscontinuallyLarge expanse, is a whole. Receives the land rent, the irrigation, is the plantercrops, hasowncertainlybigadvantage.
更是因为它是连成片的,乃是一个整体。无论是收租子,灌溉,还是种植作物,都有着自身的绝大优势。Probablythistypewas operatedseveral hundredyears of place, Tianearthoftenis the scattereddistribution, becausewhensells, the main familyoften has tenmuplace, emergencytimesells outonemu, whenhad been toseveralyears of moneyto all spendthensoldonemu.
像是这种被经营了几百年的地方,田土往往都是零星分布的,因为在卖地的时候,主家往往都是自家有十亩地,应急的时候就卖掉一亩,等到过几年钱花完了再卖一亩.Whensellsbreaks up the whole into partssimply, butwantedto concentrate guerilla forces for concerted attackdifficultly.
在卖地的时候化整为零简单,但是想要重新化零为整就难了啊。These74muplaces, are actually a baldXie Pengalmost20years of painstaking care, hecombined threats with inducements, took by force and deceited, finallyaccumulatedneatsuchbigplaces, actuallydid not thinkcheaplyFang Linyan.
这七十四亩地,其实乃是光头谢鹏差不多二十年的心血,他威逼利诱,巧取豪夺,才终于攒齐了这么大的一片地,却不想便宜了方林岩。Is goodbecause ofBossTian is also the sincereperson, insidepass/testhole1510saidtoFang Linyan, was initiative the extra30%high pricesreceivingthistitle deed, andspoke franklyoneselfgained20%.
好在田老板也是实诚人,将里面的关窍一五一十的给方林岩说了,然后主动出额外30%的高价将这张地契给收了,并且坦言自己从中赚了20%。Regarding thisFang Linyanalsohas no objection, hisgoalis very simple, is in need for cashwants the realization, sinceOitareturns the sincere, thatsold tohim.
对此方林岩也没什么异议,他的目的很简单,就是手头紧想要变现而已,既然老田这人还实诚,那就卖给他得了。HoweverFang Linyan is also very clear, TianMogeng the sincere is also shows partiality, after oneselfare the rich and powerful family, but can also put outFujisansuchtreasureto come outconveniently, heisspeaks certainly the truthto speak the custom.
不过方林岩也很清楚,田墨耕的实诚也是看人下菜的,自己乃是豪门之后,还能随手拿出不二山这样的奇珍出来,那他当然是讲道理讲规矩。Otherwise, nowFang LinyanandQiaorelateveryclosely, hesuffers a losshere, thenchattedwith the person of Qiao, how longit is estimated thatcould not want, in the marketwill have the Gossip and relatedlegend of TianjinTaroboard:
The valuablefriend, BossTian in thisTianjin not sincere, the later generation of Mr.even/includingrecklessZhiyongmustplay the pattern, the swindling and abducting, the moral character of thispersonfeared that is not good.
宝友啊,这个天津的田老板可不实诚啊,连胡至庸先生的后人都要玩花样,坑蒙拐骗,这个人的品性怕是不大好呢。This timeChinesebusiness circle, simplydoes not have the contractand so onthing, even if the transactions of dozensover a millionsilver coins , after isacting of bothstorekeepers, a worddecides, thistransactionpatternrelies onownprestige.
此时的中国商界,根本没有合同之类的东西,哪怕是几十上百万银两的交易,也是双方掌柜的出面之后,一言而决,这种交易模式就非常依赖自身的信誉。Facingperson who having the abilitycanruin the prestige, BossTianis certainly affable, treats peoplegenerously.
面对有能力可以毁掉自己信誉的人,田老板当然和蔼可亲,宽厚待人。Changes intoothersto try?
换成别人来试试?Let alone the common people, baldXie Pengthisfellowcame toHetianblack inkto plowdoes business, was suppressedinevitablybutchers a fate- your cultschief, evena littleinfluencehow? Butcheredis your countrysideground beetle!
别说普通百姓了,就连光头谢鹏这家伙来和田墨耕做生意,也必然是被狠宰一笔的下场-你一个邪教头子,就算是有点势力又怎么样?宰的就是你这种乡下土鳖!Howthisnotoriousbanditsuffers a loss, howwalksto talk nonsense?
这种臭名远扬的土匪吃了亏又怎么样,走出去胡说八道又怎么样?MyTianthreegenerationspeddler the prestige of establishing, why does chamber of commerce'sinsidepersonbelieveyounot to believeme?
After both sidesfinalized, it can be said thatboth sides are very satisfied, after Fang Linyandranktea, at this timesuddenlysaid:
双方成交之后,可以说是双方都很满意的,方林岩这时候饮了一口茶之后忽然道:„Actually a mattermustconsultgoes the fields the boss.”
“其实还有一件事要请教一下田老板。”TianMogengdoes not certainly dareto takein a big wayin front ofFang Linyan, immediatelysaid:
田墨耕当然不敢在方林岩面前拿大,立即道:„Consults is not at all, what does the virtuousnephewhaveto sayeveryoneto consider in detail?”
The Fang Linyansmilesaid:方林岩微笑道:„In the middle ofnowancienthall of longBosshearsTian, lets the rich manto divide into periods the aspect is quite fiercein the distinctionantiques, was known as that the iron gatebreaks, a worddecides, not only that in the bronze inscription, the bonearticleattainments is also extremelydeep.”
“久闻田老板的今古堂当中,有一位任朝奉在鉴别古物断代方面相当厉害,号称铁口直断,一言而决,不仅如此,在金文,骨文方面造诣也是极深。”TianMogengincludingsaying with a smile:
田墨耕含笑道:„oldRen is truly fierce, heis the riches and honorjuniors, issolid educational foundation received from family elders, but after being grown, broke the family/home.”
“老任确实很厉害,他本是富贵子弟,乃是家学渊源,只是成年后破了家而已。”Fang Linyanthensaid:方林岩接着道:„Frankly, is being startedto haveantiques of unknown origin, wantsto ask the person of high skillto come a generation, speaks the origin. Somewhatcameto take the libertysharply, has not prepared the present, can only uncouth12.”
“实不相瞒,在下手中恰好就有一件不明来历的古物,想要请高人来断个代,讲一讲来历.来得急了有些冒昧,没有备下礼品,只能俗气一二了。”Thenhepushesto pass a 220paper money, TianMogengquicklydeclines, was goodto walkbecause oflets the rich manquickly, appearance that hisalsosomedid not prefer.
然后他就推送过去一张两百两的银票,田墨耕急忙推辞,好在很快任朝奉就走了过来,他本来还有些不情愿的样子。Butsaw after thatancientseal that Fang Linyantakes, the eyeopens the eyesimmediatelyin a big way, after looking atseveral, the complexionchangesimmediately!! Even the whole personstaggers the appearance that as ifmustthrow downimmediately
***GrabbedenoughbargainafterTianjinhere, Fang LinyanledLiSanzhongto return tothat sideaidPeopleDrugstorenewly,
在天津这里捞到了足够的便宜之后,方林岩就带着李三重新回到了济民药栈那边,ThenFang Linyanobtained the pleasant surpriseagain, because a robustmiddle-agedguyis sitting well the drugstoreis drinking tea, after seeingFang Linyan, immediatelystood, thisguyis notothers, is the kingfive.
The Fang Linyanhalf stepgoes forward, pleasantly surprisedsay/way:方林岩快步上前,惊喜的道:„Fifth Brother! When do youcome back?”
王五道:„SirSonghas not gone toLondon, after hearrived at the UK , Franceforeign settlement in Shanghai, finallydetected that here severalacquaintances, in additionhadinyoursupport is also enoughample, thereforestartedto map out strategic plans in an army tent.”
“宋大人没有去伦敦,他到了上海的英法租界之后,结果就发觉这边就有好几个熟人,加上有了你的支持手里面也是足够宽裕,于是就开始运筹帷幄起来。”„Howeverhefourdays ago makesmereturn to the national capitalto deliver a confidential letter, Icame back, Tianjin that yesterdayarrived.”
“而他四天前让我回京师这边来送一封密信,我就回来了,昨儿到的天津。”kingWuzhi a nearbydark and thinyouthwere saying:
紧接着王五指着旁边的一位黑瘦青年道:„Alsomustrecommend a good friendtoBrotherreckless, SirTan SitongTan!”
“还要给胡兄弟引荐一位好朋友,谭嗣同谭大人!”Thisdark and thinyouthactuallyandcommon, before Fang Linyan, whenonlyheis the kingfivedisciplesoraccompanying! But after kingfiveintroductions, is startled:
Is thisTan Sitong?
这就是谭嗣同?Tan Sitong of Wuxusixgentlemen?
戊戌六君子的谭嗣同?Tan Sitong who goes togenerously?
慷慨赴死的谭嗣同?Ismileto the dayfrom the horizontalblade, Tan Sitong of staying or goingcouragetwoKunlun Mountains?!!!
我自横刀向天笑,去留肝胆两昆仑的谭嗣同?!!!To be honest, Fang Linyanhas not expectedwill draw out such a biggodto comeunexpectedly, the hurriedhalf stepgoes forwardto bow in saluteto sayon own initiative:
说实话,方林岩万万没料到居然会引出了这么一尊大神来,急忙快步上前主动作揖道:„Below recklessZhiyun, has seenSirTan!”
“在下胡芝云,见过谭大人!”Tan Sitongis a modest and self-demanding gentleman, naturallywill not be proud, quicklygoes forwardto support by the arm, finally after exchanging greetingsseveral, Fang Linyanalsounderstoodreason.
谭嗣同乃是个谦谦君子,当然不会自傲,急忙上前搀扶,结果寒暄了几句之后,方林岩也就明白了其中的缘由。Originally at this timeQing governmenton this occasionJiawudanger, stillwants the factional strife, althoughTan Sitong the devotion to the country, actually must be involvedfilled withunavoidably, becausehisteacherWeng Tongheisnow the teacher of emperor, thereforeis the naturalemperorparty.
原来此时清廷内部值此甲午危难之时,依然是要党争,谭嗣同虽然满腔报国之心,却也免不了要卷入其中,因为他的老师翁同龢乃是当今皇帝的老师,所以乃是天然的帝党。ButLiGongzhangisWeng Tonghe'ssworn enemy, two peopleit can be said thatfoughthalf a lifetime.
而李宫彰则是翁同龢的死对头,两人可以说是斗了半辈子。At this time, the clear to seeLiGongzhangBeiyang Armyhand/subordinatehad been a messinNorth Korea, the JapaneseisarroganceXuan, even the Britishfather'sshipalsodaresto hit, solemnmustride the appearance that defecatedin the head of Beiyangfleet.
The emperorpartysees that immediatelyexcited, becauseifin this casetheycanstrive to turn the tide, is very obvious, the resources on LiGongzhanghand- includingis not restricted in the tariff of customs, in the pastdid the factory of westernization movement to the honestjunction.
But at this time the auspiciousemperorhas personally guided the government into a new era for 78years, butbehindalsohasLaofoyein the hanging curtain, on the basicemperor's fatherisornaments.
而此时虽说祺祥皇帝已经亲政七八年了,但后面还有个老佛爷在垂帘呢,基本上皇上就是个摆设。Whatdegreeis usually base and lowto? Wantedto speakseveralwordsto the official, Laofoyethought that the words of thisemperorsaidsomenotgreatlyabout the intention, coughed, must the little darlingshut up.
平时卑微到什么程度呢?想要对臣子多说几句话,老佛爷觉得这皇上的话说得有些不大合心意,咳嗽一声,就得乖乖闭嘴。Ifthiswarcansucceed, with the prestige of win, makingLaofoyerelease authorityis notnot possible.
若是这一战能成功,携大胜之威,让老佛爷放权也不是不可能的。Naturally, inemperorpartymost peoplehave not thoughtwhat to docannot do the Japanese- The Saintemperor on, has the intervention, is surely ever-victorious!
当然,帝党里面的大部分人就没想过搞不过日本人怎么办--圣天子在上,自有神助,必当百战百胜!Inrare the pragmatistas the emperorparty, Tan Sitong is also knows that sitsin the national capitalcanwinlittleJapanalsoto talk nonsensedry/doeson the prospect, oneselfmustfind the wayto look for the opportunityto be good, heexactlywith the kingfive is also a good friend, two peopleeat mealto chatfrequently, will communicate.
作为帝党里面难得的务实派,谭嗣同也是知道干坐在京师就指望能赢小日本儿也是扯淡,自己必须要想办法寻找机会才行,他恰好与王五也是好友,两人常常吃饭聊天,也会通信。Initialtime, listening to the kingfiveto mention the matter of Songcultivating talent, Tan Sitong'sappraisalactuallysomewhatdisdained, thought that thiswas the air/Qi of student. Naturally, heas the renownedscholar, the speech is quite definitely tactful, the original wordsare:
最初的时候,听王五说起宋育人的事情,谭嗣同的评价却是有些不屑,觉得这是书生之气.当然,他作为著名读书人,说话肯定比较委婉,原话则是:„SuQinzhang the meterwas not goodto do.”
“苏秦张仪可不是那么好做的。”However, whenheknowsafterwardSongYurenwent toShanghaiunexpectedly, andalsoobtainedsupporting of HuandQiao, after havingabout1 millionmoneygoes tothat sideShanghaito operate, immediatelyonheart movement!
但是,当后来他知道宋育人居然去了上海,并且还得到了胡家和乔家的力挺,带了近百万的银子去上海那边运作之后,顿时就心动了!Because the presentemperorpartycan be said asis short of manpowerandis short of money, takesis„the principle of righteousness that”onlyacts, sealsseveralofficer. Weng Tonghealsowon overa number ofpure running water+ the auspiciousemperor who reigned to pull the flag, thereforein the power over personnelwasa little right to speak.
因为现在的帝党这边可以说是又缺人又缺钱,唯一拿得出手的就是“大义”,还有封几个官儿。翁同龢也拉拢了一批清流+已经在位的祺祥皇帝能扯一扯大旗,因此在人事权上还是有点儿话语权的。RegardingFang Linyan, allcanhelponeselfstrengthnow, canbringto draw support, let alone the moral behavior of Tan Sitongisquitegood, the backgroundispowerful.
对于方林岩来说,现在一切可以帮助自己的力量,都是可以拿来借助的,更何况谭嗣同这个人的人品还是相当不错,背景更是强大。HisfatherTanJixunis the out-and-outgovernor, immediatelyisHubeigovernorandHuguanggovernor! Is equivalent to the provincesenior official+senior official in presentHUBprovince+ HUNprovince.
其父亲谭继洵更是不折不扣的封疆大吏,当下任湖北巡抚兼湖广总督!相当于现在的HUB省+HUN省的省高官+高官。Tan Sitongwas the core figure of Chingliuat that time, hasonein the propagandavery much.
谭嗣同更是当时“清流”的核心人物,在舆论宣传上很有一手。At this timeif the plan of Songcultivating talenthadTan Sitongto be ableinsideto assist, thatinevitablywaseven more powerful.
此时宋育人的计划若是有谭嗣同能在旁边协助,那必然是如虎添翼。Thereforein this case, Fang Linyanhave no reason to himkeep them out, butadmitsjoyfully, both sidesit can be said thatfit in easily.
After chattinga while, Fang Linyanthinkssuddenly an anecdote, oneselfpresentat this time, thensaidimmediately:
聊了一会儿之后,方林岩突然想到了一件逸闻,此时本人在场,便立即道:„Tanbrotheris the world-famoustalented person, Ifrom a young ageonhearingaboutyouranecdote, is very curious, cannot beartries to prove12face to face, later when the friend who wantsto take the libertygathersalsohas the subject.”
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