FE :: Volume #13

#1372: Li Family Courtyard

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Chapter 1370 Li Family Courtyard 第1370章李家大院 After reading this letter/believes, Fang Linyan was also in the heart moves: Vladivostok from Japanese distance, only then more than 700 kilometers , after that four Spanish armed merchant marines met the person in this case, can launch the surprise attack in two days! 看完了这封信以后,方林岩也是心中一动:海参崴距离日本本土的距离只有七百多公里,这样的话,那四艘西班牙武装商船接了人之后,就能在两天之内发起突袭! On this point, the plan that Russian minister proposed transports the sailor delivery to be much stronger than in the past from Australia. 就这一点来说,俄国公使提出的这计划就比从澳大利亚运送水兵投放过去要强得多。 Naturally, do not look that this Russian minister's soldiers Russia blows give an exaggerated account of things, but definitely the discipline or obedient of army, these Russians inevitably are the difference. 当然,别看这位俄国公使将俄国的士兵吹得天花乱坠,但肯定无论是军队的纪律还是服从性,这些俄国人必然都是非常之差的。 Even Fang Linyan can guess correctly that the ingredient of this group of Russian mercenaries, should be one group of villains, the exiled criminal, blocks to come the adventurer in Far East. 甚至方林岩都能猜到这帮俄国雇佣军的成分,应该就是一群恶棍,被流放的罪犯,堵上一切来远东的冒险者. On military discipline this point, the British sailors in Australia were obviously stronger. 就军队纪律这一点来说,澳洲的英国水兵显然更强了。 However, Fang Linyan wants to do, throws these dregs of Russia to the Japanese city goes to calamity calamity, as for their moral characters is to stop at no evil or the modest and self-demanding gentleman, Fang Linyan does not attach great importance, in any case calamity calamity is not the Chinese on the line. 但是,方林岩想要做的,就是将这些俄国的渣滓丢到日本本土城市当中去祸祸一番,至于他们的品性是无恶不作还是谦谦君子,方林岩并不重视,反正祸祸的不是中国人就行。 The result that he wants is actually very simple, hits to love the dozen the Japanese to hit to instigate ruthlessly, they will face the reality, then kneels to call the father. 他要的结果其实很简单,就是将日本人打疼打狠打怂,他们才会面对现实,然后跪下来叫爸爸。 The matter that the second war time American did can explain this point, after the Japanese was beaten violently one, honestly to American, when the dog worked as for dozens years. 二战时候美国人干的事儿就很能说明这一点,日本人被狠揍了一顿之后,就老老实实的给美国人当狗当了几十年。 After considering to be clear, Fang Linyan very simple said to: 考虑清楚了之后,方林岩很干脆的对马奎道: Brother Ma did not need to go to Shanghai, this letter/believed me to look, is mainly proposing money the matter, I felt the condition that above put forward can comply, wait/etc my writing strip, you ran again, went to send a telegram to Sir Song directly in the past on the line.” “马大哥不用跑到上海了,这封信我看了,主要是在提钱的事情,我觉得上面提的条件是可以答应下来的,等等我写个字条,您再跑一趟,去直接给宋大人发一封电报过去就行。” Also is very clear, Fang Linyan and Qiao were the purses of Sir Song, since involves the matter in finance, he can certainly say to decide, therefore did not have the objection to the arrangement of Fang Linyan, said directly: 马奎也是很清楚,方林岩和乔家就是宋大人的钱袋子,既然是涉及到财务上的事情,那他当然能一言而决,所以对方林岩的安排并没有异议,直接道: Good!” “好的!” Then Fang Linyan wrote the returned telegram in a hurry, this time telegram is expensive, therefore is certainly brief and to the point, then gave. 接下来方林岩匆匆写了回电,此时的电报昂贵,所以一定要言简意赅,然后递给了马奎。 At this time also almost arrived at eating meal meals and snacks, do not look here is the countryside, but also really complied with two poems: Smiles the peasant family liquor to be muddy not, good harvest year keeping a guest full chicken suckling pig.” 这时候也差不多到了吃饭的饭点儿了,别看这里是乡下,还真应了两句诗:“莫笑农家腊酒浑,丰年留客足鸡豚。” Huo in this township is also the family/home of producing, besides medicine shop, more than ten mu irrigable land, therefore even if was just by the disasters of war, entertains a guest still has the liquor to have the meat. 霍家在这乡里面也算是中产之家,除了药铺之外,还有十几亩水浇地,所以哪怕是刚刚遭了兵灾,待客依然有酒有肉。 At this time the weather was hot, at noon ate was the corn sediment gruel that the boiled and cooled water penetrated, the azure radish skin of cold food in sauce, was joined to just to explode the sallow small fish of pot again, died a wheat pancake, was quite sumptuous. 这时候天气热,中午吃的就是凉开水透过的苞米渣子稀饭,凉拌的青萝卜皮,再配上刚炸出锅的焦黄小鱼儿,死面烙饼,也是相当丰盛了。 Finally some people in eating meal, the disciple flatter of Master Huo seven also slightly ran from outside, after seeing Fang Linyan, on pleasantly surprised say/way: 结果一干人在吃饭的时候,霍师傅的弟子阿七也从外面小跑了进来,一看到方林岩之后就惊喜的道: Young Master reckless you came back, Sir Liu said that has the urgent matter to ask you to pass, said that had the new discovery to that group of Japanese, should find their safe house.” “胡少爷您回来了,刘大人说有急事请你过去,说是对那群倭人有了新的发现,应该是找到了他们的藏身处了。” Fang Linyan one hear, came the interest in say immediately: 方林岩一听,立即来了兴趣道: „? You first cope are eating one, we immediately on the past!” “哦?那你先对付着吃一口,咱们马上就过去!” Needless saying that those present must certainly go together. 不消说,在场的人肯定是要一起去的了。 Li three are to receive money, and had been subdued by Fang Linyan, in experiencing the high light/only time time of beforehand life, his dream from saving enough 50,000 taels money washed off to turn the majordomo who was Young Master reckless, crossed on the monthly salary since then 22, the stability life of wife and kid hot head 李三是收了钱并且已经被方林岩折服了的,在经历了之前的人生的高光时刻时候,他的梦想已经从存够五万两银子就金盆洗手变成了做胡公子的大管家,从此过上月薪二十两,老婆孩子热炕头的安定生活 Kings five not to mention, even if regardless the relations of Fang Linyan, he and Master Huo is also the good friend, comes to help it can be said that bounden. 王五就更不用说了,哪怕是抛开方林岩的关系,他与霍师傅也是挚友,前来助拳可以说是义不容辞。 But Tan Sitong is a practical person, he knows that the recent royal government is done in a terrible fix by the Japanese pirate who this crowd attacks: 而谭嗣同则是个务实的人,他知道最近朝廷就被这群突袭过来的倭寇搞得焦头烂额: Some people said that this group of Japanese pirates only have several hundred people, but blustered to plunder, 有的人说这帮倭寇只有数百人,只是虚张声势打家劫舍而已, Some people said that they are only the leading troops come to hit the outpost, follow-up unit also in behind! Position immediately national capital curfew! 有的人却说他们只是先头部队前来打前哨的,后续部队还在后头呢!主张马上京师宵禁! Also some optimists directly write off: Li Gongzhang Li Sir the Huai army of made into shrank the egg, is reliable on present national capital pro-green camp that bird type? Suggested that Laofoye must do early west hunts the preparation of Chengde. 还有的悲观派则是直接在唱衰了:李宫彰李大人的淮军都被打成了缩卵,就现在京师绿营那鸟样靠得住?建议老佛爷一定要早做“西狩”承德的准备。 Therefore, since met, Tan Sitong searches the actual situation that this group of Japanese pirates on the preparation and good friends together, this attained the first-hand material, will increase in royal government inside right to speak without a doubt inevitably. 所以,既然遇上了,谭嗣同就准备和好友们一起去探一探这帮倭寇的虚实,这样的话自己拿到了第一手资料的话,毫无疑问在朝廷里面的话语权势必大增。 But Tan Sitong's status is unusual, oneself are the rich and powerful family son of upper-class family, but also is deep the emperor to believe heavily, is the emperor master Weng Tonghe's favorite student, this tertiary status decided his not possible barbel dragon Fu journey. 而谭嗣同的身份非同寻常,自身本来就是豪门贵公子,还深得皇帝信重,更是帝师翁同龢的得意门生,这三重身份就决定了他不可能白鱼龙服的出行。 Therefore his coming time, the side also had 78 to accompany, evidently was also very terse, listening to the king five to introduce, these people were Sir Tan Jia( Tan Sitong's father) send, regardless of the loyal skill were great. 所以他这一次前来的时候,身边也是带了七八个随从,看样子是也十分精悍,听王五介绍,这些人都是谭家老太爷(谭嗣同的父亲)派过来的,无论忠心还是身手都是一等一的强。 Therefore some people are enormously and powerful direct killed, meets later Fang Linyan to detect that the facial expression of Sir Liu could be said as. 于是一干人便直接浩浩荡荡的杀了过去,见面之后方林岩就发觉刘大人的气色可以说是好了很多。 Looks after the rest of over night, the recuperation of in addition Master Huo, the state should be controlled, naturally, this degree of rib bone fracture does not calculate with Sir Liu seriously related. 看起来经过一夜的休息,外加霍师傅的调理,伤情应该是被控制住了,当然,这也和刘大人肋骨骨折的程度也不算严重有关。 Tan Sitong also knew Sir Liu unexpectedly, this was the powerful place of official's second generation. 谭嗣同居然也是与刘大人认识,这就是官二代的强大之处了。 Because Tan Sitong's father before becoming Huguang governor, did in the middle of the board of personnel the entire 15 years, board of personnel place moves the revolutions in charge of the world official, sold the governmental monopoly nobility under the Qing dynasty at that time the atmosphere, some family household estimate people of board of personnel climb the friendship, therefore Grandpa Tan Jia is definitely familiar with most officials. 因为谭嗣同的父亲在出任湖广总督之前,就在吏部当中做了整整十五年,吏部这地方主管天下官员迁转,在满清当时卖官卖爵的风气下,吏部的门子估计都有人来攀交情,所以谭家太爷肯定是对大部分官员都了若指掌。 Quick after having chatted about a friendship, Sir Liu very simple say/way: 很快的叙过一番交情之后,刘大人就很干脆的道: This group of Japanese pirates are so rampant, unexpectedly also dares to assassinate the imperially appointed official, this officer is really somewhat angry, therefore then makes one explore their trails everywhere, result group of thieves also are really cunning, unexpectedly broke up the whole into parts to hide that side in a Cui lake island.” “这帮倭寇如此猖獗,居然还敢来刺杀朝廷命官,本官实在是有些恼怒,于是便让人四处探索他们的踪迹,结果这帮贼人还真的是奸滑,居然化整为零藏到了崔家淀那边的一个岛上。” They put 300 people on the island, surplus 100 people rest directly on the ship, other 100 people in the area *** under the person leads, was admitted to a village named Li Family Courtyard.” “他们在岛上放了三百人,剩余下来的一百人直接在船上歇下,另外的一百人在当地的***的人带领下,住进了一个叫做李家大院的村子里面。” Fang Linyan listened to the heart to move said: 方林岩听了心中一动道: Like this said words that we must grasp now. The opposite party look has the vigilance very much, can embark to travel momentarily.” “这样说起来的话,我们现在要抓紧了哦。对方看起来很有警惕性,随时都可以上船跑路的。” Sir Liu beckons with the hand saying: 刘大人摆摆手道: This does not use anxiously, according to this officer understood the information that this group of Japanese pirates flee in all directions now, was the spent force. They were also just the sums *** the person relates on, middle is wounded has to be close to more than hundred people, since at this time rested there, then at least must repair and maintain for 2-3 days to say again.” “这倒不用急,根据本官了解到的信息,这帮倭寇流窜到现在,也是强弩之末了。他们也是刚刚和***的人联系上,当中身上带伤的都有接近百余人,此时既然在那里歇息下来了,那么至少都要修整2-3天再说。” Heard Sir Liu saying that Fang Linyan felt his message source sincerity was very flamboyant, such detailed data information can do. 听到了刘大人这么说,方林岩觉得他的情报来源真心还是很牛逼的啊,这样详细的数据情报都能搞到。 Words that however thinks carefully, if Japanese task force successfully goes well, will certainly change the current war situation, even it can be said that the change history, with giving the final word to describe is not overrated, the difficulty that therefore it faced was inevitably enormous! 不过仔细想一想的话,日本人这支特遣队若是成功得手的话,必将改变当下的战争态势,甚至可以说是改变历史,用一锤定音来形容也不为过,所以其面对的难度必然极大! In this case, Sir Liu earns the adequate intelligence support is also natural. 在这种情况下,刘大人这边获得足够的情报支持也是理所当然的。 *** *** The weather starts to get dark, even lightly the light rain falls, 天色开始黑了下来,甚至还有淅淅沥沥的小雨落下, In the middle of Li Family Courtyard, in each house lying this way and that crowded the person, this group of Japanese were also exhausted, even if no bedding, but fronted some wheat straw poles on the ground at will, they lie down quickly on the snoring sound like the thunder, called unable to awaken continually, even there is a wounded person to fall asleep dead directly. 在李家大院当中,每个房子里面都横七竖八的塞满了人,这帮日本人也是累坏了,哪怕是没有被褥,只是在地上随意垫了些麦草杆子,他们就地一躺很快就鼾声如雷,连叫也叫不醒,甚至有伤员直接睡着睡着就死掉了。 In Mr. Li Jia's side building, some people also look at each other in blank dismay, those who sit on head is the old gentleman in Li Family Courtyard, tobacco smoked dry bag quite some appearance with a worried look, but what next head is his three sons. 李家老爷的厢房内,一干人也是面面相觑,坐在上首的乃是李家大院的老爷子,吧嗒着旱烟袋颇有些愁眉不展的样子,而下首的是他的三个儿子。 Suddenly, Li Mr.'s second son Li spring extremely angry say/way: 忽然,李老爷的二儿子李泉愤愤的道: *** yellow Daliu is really the son of a bitch! He looks for my time did not say like this, gave my permits directly the gold 52, then said that a big caravan must stay overnight in somebody's home here for two days! I was deliberately considering this sum of quick money does not gain does not gain white/in vain, has not actually thought unexpectedly is such a crowd of gods of plague, damn yellow big lump!!” “***的黄大瘤真是个狗东西!他来找我的时候可不是这样说的,直接给我许了金子五十两,然后说有个大商队要在这里借宿两天!我寻思着这笔快钱不赚白不赚,却没想到来的居然是这样的一群瘟神,狗日的黄大瘤啊!!” Li spring words have not said, was trampled by Old Master Li: 李泉的话还没说完,就被李老爷子一脚踹了过去: Evil creature! What to shout? On the mouth doesn't have door? Whose hand don't you have a look at the sword hilt to grip now in?” “孽障!嚷嚷个啥?嘴上没个把门儿的?你也不看看现在刀把子攥在谁的手里面?” After Li spring was trampled a foot, the whole person is also looks fierce, the expression actually ratio on face wailing ugly, the mouth has not actually dared. 李泉被踹了一脚之后,整个人也是龇牙咧嘴的,脸上的表情却比哭丧还难看,却连嘴也不敢还。 Mr. Li's oldest son Li Tao sighed deeply a sound said: 李老爷的大儿子李涛长叹了一声道: I bring the long-term labor big column they to deliver the food, the the new group of people look like the starved ghost reincarnation to be the same simply, the boiling hot vegetable gruel drinks in the mouth hot looking fierce, is not willing to spit obstinately, in the mouth mumbling said is also Japanese words!” “我带着长工大柱他们去送饭,新来的这帮人简直就像是饿死鬼投胎一样,滚烫的菜粥喝到嘴里面烫的龇牙咧嘴的,愣是不愿意吐,嘴巴里面叽里咕噜说的也是东洋话儿!” Say/Way that Li spring clenches jaws: 李泉咬牙切齿的道: yellow big the lump has not said these, he told me, the friend on say/way fished jewel, was nipped tightly by the government authorities, therefore rested taking advantage of my family place!” “黄大瘤可没说这些,他只是告诉我,道上的朋友捞了一笔红货,被官府咬得紧,所以借我家地方歇歇!” Li Tao has not paid attention to this younger brother, the two brothers, if not for the above old gentleman town/subdues, has been making the dog brain to come, at this time looks forward to the younger brother more unlucky is better, but continues to aggravate the situation: 李涛也没理会这个弟弟,他们兄弟两人若不是上面的老爷子镇着,早就打出狗脑子来了,此时巴不得弟弟越倒霉越好,而是继续火上浇油: Father, you do not know that this group of people look at Ms. Wang the look, almost must spout the fire, that is Ms. Wang, 40 over, pleating on that face can fall the dregs, is the body is also full.” “爹,你不知道这帮人看王嫂儿的眼神,几乎都要喷出火来,那可是王嫂儿啊,四十出头了,那脸上的褶子都能掉渣了,也就是身子还算是饱满。” This group of people were now tired, therefore also appeared stops, if by any chance after they got back, was difficult saying that I thought that tonight must have an accident mostly, must prepare early.” “这帮人现在是累极了所以还显得消停,但等他们恢复过来以后就难说了,我觉得今晚多半要出事,还是要早做准备。” Official Li from nostril light snort/hum: 李员外从鼻孔里面轻哼了一声: Also reminded me with you? My afternoon time, makes Zhu Laosan have a look at that side the firewood room road also unimpeded not, when it one is black we to walk!” “还用你来提醒我?我下午的时候,就让朱老三去看看柴房那边的路还畅通不,等到天一黑我们就走!” Li spring is startled saying: 李泉大吃一惊道: We walk, doesn't pack the thing? My wife and kid what to do?” “就咱们走,不收拾收拾东西?那俺媳妇和娃怎么办?” Official Li listened to being angry, is a palm of the hand pats to hit the Li spring nosebleed long class/flow directly: 李员外听了大怒,直接就是一巴掌拍过去打得李泉鼻血长流: Now this during you are also pondering over the family belongings! Asks for money not awfully? Can wrap/sets several car(riage)s to go out from the main entrance to you?” “现在这当口你还琢磨着家当!要钱不要命是吗?要不要给你套几辆车从正门出去啊?” This you become greedy at the sight of money to let a wolf into the fold time, how also to have this matter!” “这一次要不是你见钱眼开引狼入室,又怎么会有这档子事!” Li spring embarrasedly does not dare to speak, but at this time, some people heard outside all trades to make a sound suddenly two, should be shoved open outside, then Kara had the loud sound, should be trampled. 李泉讪讪的不敢说话,但这时候,一干人突然听到外门门响了两声,应该是被人在外面推没推开,然后“喀拉”一声就发出了巨响,应该是被人一脚踹开了。 Official Li flies into a rage, gray eyebrow steep stood, but has not spoken, saw yellow Daliu swings suspends walked. 李员外勃然大怒,花白的眉毛陡的立了起来,可是还没说话,就见到了黄大瘤一摇一摆的走了进来。 This person given name is yellow Daliu, but by the nose grew the black sarcoma of pinky size afterward, therefore others called his yellow Daliu, usually was a false smile appearance, might be considered as the mouth with a laugh, the back pulled out the model of fellow. 这个人本名叫做黄大柳,但后来鼻子旁边就长了个小拇指大小的黑色肉瘤,所以别人就叫他黄大瘤,平时就是一副皮笑肉不笑的样子,堪称是嘴里笑呵呵,背后掏家伙的典范。 But yellow Daliu the right hand took a bloody head, the convenience was throwing into their front, the say/way of smiling: 而黄大瘤的右手则是提着一颗血淋淋的脑袋,顺手就抛到了他们的面前,笑眯眯的道: The brothers who went on patrol a moment ago discovered rushes in Zhuangzi inside thief! The convenience grasped to kill him, four did have a look is the understanding?” “刚才巡逻的兄弟发现了一个闯进庄子里面的贼!顺手就将他抓来杀了,四位看看是不是认识啊?” The Li and his son four people in the final analysis, nothing but are several countryside local tyrants, where had seen the scene that this blood steamed bun rolls randomly, frightens immediately is scared out of one's wits, trembling that the voice of speech can not help, when sees clearly after the face of that head, is panic-stricken inexplicable. 李家父子四人说到底,无非就是几个乡下土豪而已,哪里见到过这血馒头乱滚的场面,顿时就吓得魂不附体,说话的声音都情不自禁的发颤,等到将那脑袋的面孔看清楚之后,更是惊骇莫名。 Originally this head is not others, is Li Official of trusted aide Zhu Laosan, these bitters usually saw, must beg humbly shouted vermilion steward! 原来这个脑袋不是别人,正是李员外的心腹朱老三,那些苦哈哈平时见了,都要打躬作揖的喊一声朱管家的! But, such acquaintance, has been decapitated, the facial expression that looks fierce looked really appallingly, the goosebumps on back braves. 可是,就这么个熟人,已经身首异处,那龇牙咧嘴的脸容看了真的令人毛骨悚然,脊背上的鸡皮疙瘩直冒。 Said that is also skillful, that dead head/number of people rolled Li spring front, two unrequited eyes visit him intently, Li spring belly inside overwhelming, vomited. 说起来也是巧,那死人头就这么滚到了李泉的面前,两只死不瞑目的眼睛直愣愣的看着他,李泉肚子里面一阵翻江倒海,哇的一声就呕了出来。 At this time actually listened to yellow Daliu the leisure say/way: 这时候却听黄大瘤慢条斯理的道: „Before this thief dies, said that some people send him to inquire the news, therefore the above Sir makes me ask that is four acquaintances?” “这个贼人死前说是有人派他来打探消息的,所以上面的大人让我来问问是不是四位的熟人啊?” Li Tao quickly beckons with the hand saying: 李涛急忙摆手道: Of course not, course not!!” “当然不是,当然不是!!” yellow big lump false smile say/way: 黄大瘤皮笑肉不笑的道: Really isn't?” “真不是?” „It is not!” Li Tao dao. “不是!”李涛道。 yellow Daliu sneers saying: 黄大瘤冷笑道: Really didn't know?” “真不认识?” Li Tao dao: 李涛道: Really did not know!!” “真不认识!!” yellow Daliu shrugs saying: 黄大瘤耸耸肩道: That is good, that is good, said words that in your Zhuangzi is really a little guard thoughts does not have, was touched by the thief with ease, the words of what evil intent if the opposite party has, that entire family does want dead?” “那就好,那就好,这么说起来的话,你们庄子里面实在是一点儿防范心思都没有啊,这么轻松就被贼人摸了进来,万一对方有什么歹意的话,那岂不是全家都要死光光?” At this point, yellow big the lump deliberately aggravated entire family dead” these characters, then touches the chin, meaningful say/way: 说到这里,黄大瘤刻意加重了“全家死光光”这几个字,然后摸摸下巴,意味深长的道: How many supernumerary officials, you said, our brothers helped you eliminate such big hidden danger, should reward with food and drink? Let everyone eat well cheerful cheerful?” “几位员外啊,您说,咱们的兄弟帮你们消除了这么大一个隐患,是不是应该犒劳犒劳啊?让大伙儿吃点好的乐呵乐呵?” Official Li fierce pats the thigh: 李员外猛的一拍大腿: This!! Must give!” “该!!必须给!” The old men stood tremblingly, very grateful groped a package from nearby flue, opened looks, golden light sparkle! Then both hands offer. 老头子颤颤巍巍的站了起来,满脸感激的从旁边的炕洞里面掏摸出来了一个包裹,打开一看,金光闪耀!然后双手奉上。 This ardisia crispa you first take! Returned to lead horse supernumerary official there also to owe me 2000 money, I brought to thank the brothers together!” “这一百两金子您先拿着!回头马员外那里还欠了我两千银子,我一道拿来感谢兄弟们!” yellow Daliu saw the gold, in the eye revealed the greedy light immediately, deeply after looking at Official Li, laughed saying: 黄大瘤见到了金子,眼里面顿时露出了贪婪的光来,深深看了李员外一眼之后,哈哈大笑道: Old gentleman is really straightforward!” “老爷子果然豪爽!”
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