FE :: Volume #13

#1369: The village is positive

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The 1367 th Zhang Village is positive 第1367章村正 Adopts first round of selected sixth is: The cloud lives on the water, by the above through the first round of selected list, asks the above six shops to prepare the thing on your list now, later we will visit everyone, comes to appraise everyone to be used in the treasure of exchange.” “通过第一轮中标的第六名是:云水居,以以上就是通过第一轮中标的名单,现在请以上六家店铺准备好你们名单上的东西,稍后我们将会拜访各位,前来品鉴各位用于交换的宝物。” Li three read the thing that Fang Linyan finished with the stutter language, in the heart rejoiced secretly in the past attended the private school time has not opened too many small difference, can even/including veiled bring to read this thing that guessed. 李三用结结巴巴的语言念完了方林岩写完的这一份东西,心中暗自庆幸当年自己念私塾的时候没有开太多的小差,能够连蒙带猜的将这一份东西念完。 For all this, this boy read to have sweat, and in the heart has the feeling of intense feeling relieved. 尽管如此,这厮念完还是出了一身大汗,并且心中有着强烈的如释重负的感觉。 By Fang Linyan to the six antique stores of name, although some unstated criticism Hu boys really can toss about, but looks that cannot be accepted to the first round of selected most people, storekeeper and waiters cannot bear the throwing out the chest chest cavity, this was beamed with joy greatly one in the local peer! 方林岩点到名字的六家古董店虽然有些腹诽这胡家小子真能折腾,不过看着没能入围第一轮中标的大多数人,掌柜的和伙计都忍不住挺了挺胸膛,这可是在本地的同行里面大大露脸了一把啊! *** *** Two after hours, 两个小时以后, Fang Linyan carried front one cup of steaming hot gold/metal Jun eyebrows to drink one, was saying to a front silver-haired old man: 方林岩端起面前的一杯热气腾腾的金骏眉喝了一口,然后对着面前的一名白发苍苍的老者道: Mr. Tian, I am redundant, my asking price is not high, in fact, if not for I compare to be partial to the weapon, then I will not stop over here am so long!” “田先生,我再重复一遍,我的要价并不高,事实上,若不是我比较偏爱武器的话,那么我根本不会在这里逗留这么久!” This old man is called Tian Mogeng, he is also Fang Linyan visit the boss in Sanjiadian, he wanted to convince Fang Linyan to finalize strongly, and put out command Fang Linyan heart movement goods, but. This is insufficient. 这名老者叫做田墨耕,他也是方林岩访问的第三家店的老板,他竭力想要说服方林岩成交,并且也拿出了一件令方林岩心动的物品,但是.这还不够。 Tian Mogeng sighed: 田墨耕叹息道: I have the sincerity very much, the new merchant ship that three shop in addition of foreign settlement launched the year before last must add on this blade, the reckless six young masters, this is the recent two years of Tianjin maximum rate.” “我已经很有诚意了啊,租界的三个铺子外加一条前年才下水的新商船还要加上这把刀,胡六公子,这已经是最近两年天津这边的最高成交价了。” Fang Linyan shrugs: 方林岩耸耸肩: Yes, such chip is truly attractive, but that is to most people, however I do not want the shop, does not want the ship, to me only meaningful is this blade.” “是的,这样的筹码确实很有吸引力,但那是对大多数人而言的,然而我不要铺子,也不要船,对我唯一有意义的就是这把刀。” Then he somewhat regretted that looked in front several cases that the seemingly ordinary blade, stood very much simply: 然后他有些惋惜的看了看面前几案上那把貌似普通的刀,很干脆的站了起来: Very sorry, wants also to have the opportunity of cooperation next time.” “很抱歉,希望下次还有合作的机会。” Regarding Fang Linyan, he at this time also not anxiously the world words female room and Fujisan( bosom snow hold Fang) trading, has the sufficient time stay in the middle of this world after all, and the curio market of national capital and Shanghai has not gone, there also has lots of buyers very much obviously. 对于方林岩来说,他此时也并不急着将世话女房和不二山(怀雪盛芳)给交易出去,毕竟在本世界当中还有充足的时间逗留,并且京师和上海的文玩市场还没有去过,那里很显然还拥有大量的买家。 As the saying goes could not eat the hot tofu impatiently, he now is a seller, then had certainly the qualifications to pick. 有道是心急吃不了热豆腐,他现在是卖方,那么当然有资格挑三拣四。 It looks like one not to pass through the beautiful face 78 beauty female anchors to be the same, can have the nitpicking vision unflustered, in the list arrives at the candidate who in the list ten big brothers chooses passes the night tonight. 就像是一个没有经过美颜还有七八分姿色的女主播一样,可以带着挑剔的眼光从容不迫的在榜一到榜十的大哥中挑选今晚过夜的人选. Saw Fang Linyan to get to the entrance, and completely the meaning then, this old man do not sigh deeply, stamped the feet saying: 见到方林岩走到了门口,并且完全没有要回头的意思,这个老头子长叹了一声,一跺脚道: That matter that you said before real?” “你之前说的那件事是真的?” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: What matter?” “什么事情?” Tian Mogeng is pointing at world words female room/house say/way: 田墨耕指着世话女房道: You have its incomplete that part of whereabouts.” “你有它残缺的那一部分的下落。” Fang Linyan nods: 方林岩点点头: Naturally real, I can tell you to fall, been able to find words my guaranteed return of goods if unsatisfied! My Hu peddler for 70 years, had the place of Qingyutang to find me!” “当然是真的,我可以告诉你下落,找不到的话我包退!我胡家行商七十年,有庆余堂的地方就能找到我!” Fang Linyan said that offered a sacrifice to kill directly greatly- The rich and powerful family family background, Tian Mogeng was definitely speechless, sighed deeply a sound said: 方林岩都这么说了,直接祭出了大杀器--豪门家世,那田墨耕肯定就无话可说了,长叹了一声道: „, If not for I am urgently needed your two things to save others a life, otherwise, is not possible to take to trade with you.” “罢了罢了,若不是我急需你这两件东西救人一命,否则的话,是不可能拿出来和你换的。” Then Tian Mogeng turned around to enter the inner room, then held two seemingly obsolete weapons, after closing the eye , the muscle on face is beating, evidently was also the meat pain, finally pushed to Fang Linyan directly. 然后田墨耕转身走进了内室,接着捧出来了两把看似陈旧的武器,闭上眼睛后脸上的肌肉不停的跳动着,看样子也是十分肉痛,最后直接推向了方林岩 Fang Linyan is also somewhat curious, heart father's both things are the national treasure, Fujisan are Chinese + Japan dual authenticate, what good meat pain you put out two Japanese too blades to come two to trade two also to have? Why must make one dead the parents grieved incomparable appearance. 方林岩也是有些好奇,心道老子的两件东西都是国宝,不二山更是中国+日本双重认证的,你拿出两把日本太刀来二换二又有什么好肉痛的呢?干嘛要做出一副死了爹娘心痛无比的样子。 Obviously, then Fang Linyan began directly, he took up a too blade, the pulling sheath, will think on directly immediately the blade has the monster different ray to flash before, the chill in the air heads on, stirs up him unable to bear sneeze! 很显然,接着方林岩就直接上手了,他拿起了一把太刀,直接将之拔出鞘来,顿时觉得刀刃上有妖异的光芒闪现,还有寒意扑面而来,激得他忍不住打了个喷嚏! Then Fang Linyan sees on the hilt was engraving village two characters, immediately is astonished. 然后方林岩就见到了刀柄上镌刻着的“村正”两个字,顿时讶异的哦了一声。 Initial time, Fang Linyan thinks that the monster blade village is having a blade, however after deep understanding knows: 最初的时候,方林岩以为妖刀村正就只得一把刀而已,然而经过深入了解之后才知道: Originally lived the village Muromachi period to the Edo period in Iseno Sang name/reputation one crowd hammers the blade artisan famous, these swordsmiths in the name of village, for example village maple tree, village ikebana, village round-year birthday celebrations wait/etc. 原来村正是室町时代到江户时代居住在伊势桑名的一群著名锻刀工匠,这些刀匠都是以村正为名的,比如村正枫,村正花道,村正寿等等。 Altogether three generations of villages are positive, each generation at least 3 and 4 use the village for the blade inscription simultaneously, 前后一共有三代村正,每代至少三、四人同时使用村正为刀铭, Therefore, has the village blade inscription in fact is equivalent to Li Jidao of China, stretch/open Jidao, what represented is the village this family in the famous blade that in some period forges. 所以,有着村正刀铭的实际上就相当于中国的李记刀,张记刀,代表的是村正这个家族在某个时期内锻造出来的名刀。 Why as for front was classified as monster blade these two characters, is because the direct descendant man of Tokugawa is extremely easy dead in or the wound in the village hand, Tokugawa forbid this blade circulation simply, and reprimands as the monster blade! 至于为什么前面被冠以妖刀这两个字,则是因为德川家的嫡系男子极容易死在或者伤在村正的手里面,德川家索性禁止这种刀流通,并且斥为妖刀! But Tokugawa is the general's office that Japanese last Wu Jia rules, after looking like been same by the government forbids, instead a more famous thing, the village from now on is also being famous. 而德川则是日本最后一个武家统治的幕府,就像是很多被政府禁止以后反而更有名的东西一样,村正自此也是名扬天下。 These two too blades one long one short, but the length disparity is not big, only has about ten centimeters at most. 这两把太刀一长一短,不过长度差距并不算大,顶多只有十厘米左右。 And on a blade seemingly is similar some dirts, but Fang Linyan cleaned one after the side snow white clean knife-shaped copper coin next discovered, is infiltrating in the middle of the blade edge of azure intent, impressively a blood-color texture, looks quite strange. 其中一把的刀刃上看起来仿佛有些污渍,不过方林岩用旁边雪白的洁刀布擦拭了一下之后就发现,渗着青意的刀锋当中,赫然有一丝一丝血色纹理,看起来颇为诡异。 But other one long after drawing out blade, in the air is sending out an indescribable flavor. 而另外一把较长的则是在拔出刀刃之后,空气里面就散发着一股无法形容的味道。 Although Fang Linyan cannot describe that flavor is anything, but in smelling felt that the entire mind was affected by the negative energy, the intuition told Fang Linyan, that was the death flavor. 虽然方林岩描述不出来那味道是什么,但在闻到的时候就感觉整个心灵都被负能量影响了,直觉告诉方林岩,那是死亡的味道。 Then comes him to know, this died in this were too many person under blade, smell that therefore industry the strength overflow sent out. 而后来他才知道,这是死在这把刀之下的人太多了,所以业力外溢发出的气味。 When the retina of Fang Linyan starts to spring attribute, he actually cannot bear lying trough, originally, these two blade impressively coveralls!! 紧接着,当方林岩的视网膜开始弹出属性的时候,他却也忍不住“卧槽”了一声,原来,这两把刀赫然还是套装!! The village is positive. Leech ( left ) 村正.蛭(左) Quality: Bottle green 品质:深绿色 Material quality: The meteoric iron, the blood crystallizes, soul of wailing, bonedust of burn, horse Lupi( ), thunder strike wood 材质:陨铁,鲜血结晶,哀嚎的灵魂,烧焦的骨粉,马鹿皮(柄),雷击木 Explained: At a night of heavy downpour, had the wild warrior to submerge in the village to conspire, then stuck out suddenly the murder. What killed is a swordsmith named Goro, what is more unfortunate, the murderer abandoned the blade to run away in the middle of the flurry at that time, after dawn detected Goro dies under the blade that oneself hammer unexpectedly. 说明:在一个大雨滂沱的夜晚,有野武士潜入到了村子里面图谋不轨,然后暴起杀人。被杀的是一名叫做五郎的刀匠,更不幸的是,凶手当时在慌乱当中弃刀逃走,天亮以后发觉五郎居然是死于自己锻打出来的刀下。 Heard after this matter, Goro's father came back, this is emaciated, is gray-haired, walks old person who several roads must cough fiercely, however his both arms exceptionally thick. This old person had returned to native place in the temple, every day the silent burning incense, is a vegetarian, confession. 听说了这件事以后,五郎的父亲重新回来了,这是一个瘦弱,头发花白,走几步路就要剧烈咳嗽的老人,但是他的双臂异常的粗大。这个老人本来已经归隐于寺庙,每天沉默的焚香,吃素,忏悔。 Because beginning generation of villages of this old person forging are personally positive, cut to kill the general's office general Tokugawa Ieyasu's grandfather, Matsudaira Kiyoyasu. 因为这个老人亲手锻造的初代村正,斩杀了幕府将军德川家康的祖父,松平清康。 However his burning incense, the confession for the son, hopes that the Bodhisattva turns over to hand over own body all sins. 但是他的焚香,忏悔都是为了儿子,希望菩萨将一切的罪孽都归交到自己的身上去。 But his son has lain down in the ice-cold tomb now, therefore returning to native place of this old person becomes does not have the significance, even probably joke! 可是他的儿子现在已经躺在了冰冷的坟墓里面,所以这位老人的归隐就变得毫无意义,甚至像是个笑话! Therefore, this old person runs, silent and stubborn restarts the forging weapon, whenever even if wield the blacksmith hammers the time must cough a blood 于是,这个老人重新开炉,沉默而倔强的重新开始锻造武器,哪怕每当自己挥起铁匠锤的时候都要咳出一口血 When the user gripped this too the blade, obtains the following special effect. 当使用者握住了这把太刀的时候,获得如下特效。 Four torsos( passive): In the country of sunrise, the custom weighs a sharp degree of weapon with the corpse, a blade cuts, can cut in two at the waist a corpse, is a torso blade. Therefore four torso blades is a blade get down to cut off four corpses. 四胴(被动):在日出之国,习惯用尸体来衡量一把武器的锋锐程度,一刀斩下,能腰斩一具尸体的,就是一胴刀。所以四胴刀就是一刀下去就能斩断四具尸体。 Has this attribute weapon, when the success attacks the enemy, will have the injury additionally, each torso can have 6-9 injuries, and this injury is the real injury, this effect has the priority. 具备此属性的武器在成功攻击到敌人的时候,会额外产生伤害,每一胴能产生6-9点伤害,并且此伤害为真实伤害,此效果具备优先性。 Monster blade( passive): This is one by trillion people are thought is the monster different weapon, therefore definitely will produce certain unique results, when this creates the injury to the enemy the blade, will have certain probability to disregard against has, the injury, causes its disability limbs cutting off of enemy. 妖刀(被动):这是一把被亿万人都认为是妖异的武器,所以必然会产生某些独特的效果,当这把刀对敌人造成伤害的时候,会有一定几率无视防具,伤害,将敌人的肢体斩断使其残疾。 The strength of enemy is lower, the probability that the monster blade triggers is higher. 敌人的实力越低,妖刀触发的几率越高。 However, the monster blade is a lethal weapon, once after the monster blade were triggered, the holder will also lose 10 current volumes of blood. 不过,妖刀本身乃是凶器,一旦妖刀被触发以后,持有者也会损失十的当前血量。 The leech attracts( passive): When forges this monster blade, after that senile and adept swordsmith a skin refinement of leech monster, twined on the hilt, when the monster blade caused the damage to the enemy, and blood flowed, there is a certain probability to make the holder restore 10-20 life values. 蛭吸(被动):在锻造这把妖刀的时候,那名衰老而娴熟的刀匠将一头蛭妖的皮炼制之后,缠绕在了刀柄上,所以当妖刀对敌人造成伤害,并且鲜血流淌的时候,有一定几率使持有者恢复10-20点生命值。 The leech attracts the effect, once were triggered, the wound of enemy will also obtain the negative effect of bleeding, the injury is 10 points / 5 seconds. 蛭吸效果一旦被触发,敌人的伤口也将会获得流血的负面效果,伤害为十点/五秒。 If the leech attracts effect triggered time, the enemy has the negative special effect of bleeding, then this effect will be promoted as the heavy losses, the injury is 30 points / 5 seconds. 如果蛭吸效果被触发的时候,敌人已经拥有流血的负面特效,那么此效果将会被升级为重创,伤害为30点/五秒。 And its injury has the priority, will disregard the defensive power of goal, but by PVP principle influence. 并且其伤害具有优先性,将会无视目标的防御力,但会被PVP法则影响。 The leech attracts the effect / lifeform to cause the double damage to plot character, its duration can only be renovated, is unable to iterate. 蛭吸效果将会对剧情人物/生物造成双倍伤害,其持续时间只能被刷新,无法迭加。 Coverall attribute:???, This effect , when single double holds will trigger 套装属性:???,此效果只有在单人双持的时候才会触发 Engraved inscription: When forges this weapon, that old swordsmith wields the next blacksmith hammers the time every time, metropolis/can routine read aloud an ingenious method lotus magnificent after middle scrip­tures, this not because of mercy, but must suppress with the Buddhist literature ahead of time dies in this ghost under ominous blade! 铭文:在锻造这把武器的时候,那苍老的刀匠每挥下一记铁匠锤的时候,都会习惯性的念诵一句妙法莲华经当中的经文,这并非是因为慈悲,而是要用佛经提前压制死在这把凶刀下的亡魂! *** *** The village is positive. Smells ( right ) 村正.嗅(右) Quality: Bottle green 品质:深绿色 Material quality: Slightly( and preamble same) 材质:略(与前文相同) Explained: Slightly( and preamble same) 说明:略(与前文相同) Stick prestige( passive): This is in cat monster the leg bone with the mountain makes the scabbard of weapon, the marrow was refined came out to cook down the medicinal ointment, therefore also has certain lethality, when this has not had the sheath time attack enemy the weapon, will cause its direct dizzy 2 seconds. 棍威(被动):这把武器的刀鞘乃是用山中猫妖的腿骨制成的,骨髓被提炼了出来熬成了药膏,因此同样具备一定的杀伤力,当这把武器未出鞘时候攻击敌人,将会使其直接晕眩二秒钟。 This effect can only become effective in one minute one time to the same enemy. 此效果对同一敌人在一分钟内只能生效一次。 If the attacked enemy has been at the dizzy condition, then the dizzy time of stick prestige will turn time. 如果被攻击的敌人已经处于晕眩状态,那么棍威的晕眩时间将会翻倍。 Seven torsos( passive): As blade of too Lord hand use, this has a stronger lethality the weapon, has this attribute weapon, when the success attacks the enemy, will have the injury additionally, each torso can have 6-9 injuries, and this injury is the real injury, this effect has the priority. 七胴(被动):作为主手使用的太刀,这把武器拥有更强的杀伤力,具备此属性的武器在成功攻击到敌人的时候,会额外产生伤害,每一胴能产生6-9点伤害,并且此伤害为真实伤害,此效果具备优先性。 World it enemy( passive): Was identified by Tokugawa of being in power for the village of monster blade is positive, therefore however absorbed massive industry strength, whenever this creates the injury to the enemy the weapon time, will attempt to inject part of industry strength of toward the wound of enemy in the middle. 天下之敌(被动):被当权的德川家指证为妖刀的村正,因此而吸收了大量的业力,每当这把武器对敌人造成伤害的时候,都会尝试朝着敌人的伤口当中注入一部分的业力。 After this enemy by continuous attack three times, injects industry strength to achieve the critical point to erupt, at this time the enemy will lose throws down balanced, but the holder will obtain for three seconds attack speed / traveling speed to increase 50 additions additionally. 当此敌人被连续攻击三次以后,注入其中的业力将会达到临界点而爆发,此时敌人将会失去平衡摔倒,而持有者则会获得三秒钟内攻击速度/移动速度额外增加50的加成。 Engraved inscription: Weapon do not have the good and evil and to wrong, all depend on grip its hand. 铭文:武器自身是没有善恶和对错的,一切都取决于握住它的那只手。 *** *** On the hilts of these two weapons, was engraved to forge the ingenious method lotus magnificent after on scrip­tures, therefore this pair of too blade is called the ingenious method village to be positive. 这两把武器的刀柄上,都被镌刻锻造出了妙法莲华经上的经文,因此这一对太刀又被称为妙法村正。 Coverall attribute: Brutal mercy( passive). When these two weapons conduct slaughters, the killed ghost ingenious method lotus magnificent on blade inscription after the scrip­tures will attract, integration in which cannot help but, each ghost will increase 1-10 striking power for these two weapons. 套装属性:残酷的慈悲(被动)。当这两把武器进行杀戮的时候,被杀死的亡魂将会刀铭上的妙法莲华经经文所吸引,不由自主的融入其中,每一头亡魂都会为这两把武器增加1-10点攻击力。 The striking power that increases specifically is related with ghost before death strength, the maximum attack upper limit that the brutal mercy increases is 33 of weapon originally striking power. 具体增加的攻击力与亡魂生前的实力有关,残酷的慈悲增加的最大攻击上限为武器本来攻击力的33。 If not add any processing mode, will move into the knife ghost in one to three months to be scattered and lost to go, the sutras, will hold the Buddhist meeting, or comforting ghost one can extend the time that the ghost will move into on the means that but not over one year. 若是不加任何处理方式的话,入驻刀身当中的亡魂将会在一到三个月当中散佚而去,诵经,举办法会,或者安抚亡魂的一应办法都可以延长亡魂入驻的时间,但不会超过一年。 Coverall attribute: The cassock cuts( initiative): In reduce 10 current life values the prices to activate this ability instantaneously, to front enemy will cut a ruthless spicy incomparable attack, after the hit, to the enemy will cause the huge damage instantaneously. 套装属性:袈裟斩(主动):在瞬间以减少十当前生命值的代价激活此能力,瞬间对面前的敌人斩出一记狠辣无比的攻击,命中以后将会对敌人造成巨大的伤害。 What if the cassock cuts the hit is the plot character, will be causing the fierce damage instantaneously, this/should injury is equal to the 30 maximum life values of goal! However will have the injury upper limit. 若袈裟斩命中的是剧情人物,将会在瞬间造成剧烈伤害,该伤害等于目标的30的最大生命值!但是也将会有伤害上限。 What if the cassock cuts the hit is the space soldier, will be causing the fierce damage instantaneously, this/should injury is equal to 150 + goal 50 current life values, but will come under the influence of PVP principle. 若袈裟斩命中的是空间战士,将会在瞬间造成剧烈伤害,该伤害等于150点+目标50的当前生命值,但是会受到PVP法则的影响。 After the cassock cuts, the ghost in brutal mercy will be reset. 袈裟斩斩出之后,残酷的慈悲中的亡魂将会被清零。 *** *** Looks related attribute that shoots, in the Fang Linyan heart gushes out naturally is pleasantly surprised! 看着弹出来的相关属性,方林岩心中涌出的当然是惊喜! Oneself attained the coverall unexpectedly again! And the weapon coverall, front old man whole face as if shears meat general loving dearly no wonder! 自己竟然再次拿到了套装!并且还是武器套装,难怪面前的这个老头子满脸都是仿佛割肉一般的心疼! Now Fang Linyan only worry is, oneself use the left and right hands double to hold the words of this weapon, will then definitely suppress east the attribute of zhang (3.33 m) being troublesome rope, then the best choice uses two monster blades with the psychic force tentacle. 现在方林岩唯一担心的就是,自己用左右手双持这武器的话,那么肯定就会压制住东丈的缠手绳的属性,那么最佳的选择就是用精神力触手来使用两把妖刀。 Words as the matter stands, whether can also trigger their coverall attributes? 只是这样一来的话,是否还能触发它们的套装属性呢? In the tentative plan of Fang Linyan, should yes. Because he in the middle of the three-country world, meets is not the space soldier of human, to let the equipment can circulate in all space soldiers, will then equip in the manufacture will certainly consider the compatible issue between races. 方林岩的设想当中,应该是可以的。因为他在三国世界当中,就遇到过并非是人类的空间战士,为了让装备能在所有的空间战士流通,那么装备在制造的时候就一定会考虑到种族之间的兼容性问题。
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