FE :: Volume #13

#1368: Li three many selected topics

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Chapter 1366 Li three many selected topics 第1366章李三的多选题 Listened to the request of Fang Linyan, Boss what smiling slightly, does business opens the door to receive a guest, hasn't his what guest seen? 听了方林岩的要求,何老板微微的笑着,做生意开门迎客,他什么样的客人没有见过? Regarding the Fang Linyan words, he has the preparation early, nothing but exchanges money for the goods, so long as the cash does not want the paper money, even traded successfully wanted nearby partner to accompany an evening and so on, therefore nods saying: 对于方林岩的话,他早有心理准备,无非就是一手交钱一手交货,只要现银不要银票,甚至交易成功了要旁边的伙计陪一晚上之类的,于是点点头道: Please say.” “请讲。” However, the smile of quick Boss what seemed somewhat stiff. 不过,很快的何老板的笑容就显得有些僵硬了。 Because the Fang Linyan words are really make him feel somewhat hard to accept. 因为方林岩的话实在是让他觉得有些难以接受。 First, this cup will not sell now, after four hours will sell officially.” “第一,这个杯子现在不会卖,直到四个小时以后才会正式出售。” Second, in principle, this cup does not sell for money, only accepts by the thing changes the way, and only trades the same rank the thing.” “第二,原则上,这个杯子不卖钱,只接受以物换物的方式,并且只换同等级别的东西。” Third, if Boss what to it interested, then four after hours, come. slow record Inn here looks for me.” “第三,如果何老板对它有兴趣的话,那么就四个小时以后,来.徐记客栈这里找我。” Finally, because of three master and Boss what private relationship, therefore I disclosed again, the thing that these took time was not one, but was two, besides this tea set, a famous blade of same quality.” “最后,因为三爷与何老板的私人关系,所以我再透露一点,这一次拿出来的东西不是一件,而是两件,除了这一件茶器之外,还有一把同等品质的名刀。” After saying, Fang Linyan stood, smiled is asking Boss what to put on the table hand inside cup, then oneself bringing back, however will walk leisurely. 说完之后,方林岩就站了起来,微笑着请何老板将手里面的杯子放到了桌子上,然后自己将之拿回,施施然走了出去。 Li three saw this, is admires full of admiration, the heart reckless six young masters are really the rich and powerful family respected family family background, the imposing manner are really uncommon. 李三见到了这一幕,已经是佩服得五体投地了,心道果然胡六公子果然是豪门大家族出身,气势不凡。 This Boss what usually looks friendly, but has to do with it can always eat stubbornly, and that superiority feeling that the body reveals makes people think that is very uncomfortable, you did not have the means to find fault. 这个何老板平时看着和气,但是与之打交道的时候总是能将自己吃得死死的,并且身上流露出的那种优越感让人觉得很不舒服,偏偏你还没有办法找茬。 Result old fox falls in reckless six sons' front today completely leeward, two people have not quarrelled, without pounding on the table, Young Master reckless smiled is speaking softly several words, Boss what obviously fell dejectedly leeward, even does not dare to say a few words. 结果这只老狐狸今天在胡六公子的面前完全就落入了下风,两人既没争吵,更没有拍桌子,胡公子就是微笑着轻言细语说了几句话,何老板就明显垂头丧气落到了下风,甚至连一句话都不敢多说了。 This may really be the role change, the clown turned into old what all of a sudden. 这可真是角色转换,一下子小丑变成了老何。 However, when Fang Linyan gets to the entrance, Boss what cannot bear counter-attack one: 不过,当方林岩走到门口的时候,何老板还是忍不住反击了一句: reckless six young masters, with all due respect, your cup, although seems like also good, but also is also good, after four hours, I will not go.” “胡六公子,恕我直言,您的这只杯子虽然看起来还不错,但也就是还不错而已,四个小时之后,我是不会去的。” Fang Linyan heard his these words, smiled saying with a smile: 方林岩听到了他的这句话,笑了笑道: You can say such words, that can only explain that your level is insufficient, if the big master in your shop, should not say.” “你能说出这样的话,那只能说明你的水准不够啊,如果贵店的大东家在,应该就不会这么说了。” „, This cup uncle and Sir Zuo Zongtang left praised without cease, held appreciatively long time, you said that it was good, in other words the family/home uncles and was the vision of Sir left insufficient?” “要知道,这只杯子家叔和左宗棠左大人都是赞叹不已,把玩良久,你说它还不错,那就是说家叔和左大人的眼光不够了?” After Boss what listened, is startled: 何老板听了以后大吃一惊: I, I may not have to say!!. Sir left!!! Is your uncle?” “我,我可没这么说!!.左大人!!!贵叔是?” Fang Linyan laughs, walked into the middle of the darkness directly. 方林岩哈哈一笑,直接就走入了黑暗当中。 Nearby Li three are dumbfounded, looked that has only been able to describe with the worship to the Fang Linyan look. 旁边的李三已经目瞪口呆,看向方林岩的眼神已经只能用崇拜来形容了。 Various vulgar commendatory terms in his heart- These commendatory terms mostly and birth organ of cow or female human related- already, if the torrential river water gushes out generally crazily. 他心中的各种低俗褒义词--这些褒义词大多都和母牛或者雌性人类的生育器官有关-已经若滔滔江水一般疯狂涌出。 As for why vulgar commendatory term, because you cannot count on that can have good cultural literacy by the cat burglar and thief as the fellow of lifetime career and lofty community, after all in this world seems like Chu Liuxiang such very has, only then such. 至于为什么只有低俗的褒义词,因为你不能指望一个以飞贼和大盗作为终生职业的家伙能有多好的文化素养和多高雅的社交圈子,毕竟这世上像是楚留香这样的贼有只有那么一个啊。 Regarding Li three this unimportant people, and to reputation very sensitive unimportant person, then naturally regarding coming from despising of high is very uncomfortable, the aura that how compared with the despising vision of boss, to reveal is a cut above others lightly. 对于李三这种小人物,并且还是对名声十分敏感的小人物,那么当然对于来自高位者的鄙视很不爽,就比如何老板的鄙视目光,还有流露出的淡淡高人一等的气息。 However Li three, although uncomfortable , is enduring, because even if in his own heart, must acknowledge sorrowfully the opposite party despises is reasonable. 然而李三虽然不爽,也只有忍着,因为哪怕是在他自己心里面,也要悲哀的承认对方鄙视得很有道理。 Because this uncomfortable, when Fang Linyan despises with the same lightness the attitude comes facing Boss what, Li three in the flash felt that the thought understood, and also had an indescribable pleasant sensation. 只是,正因为这种不爽,所以当方林岩用同样的淡淡鄙视态度来面对何老板的时候,李三在一瞬间就感觉念头通达了,并且还产生了一种无法形容的快感。 Witnessed that high-rank was humiliated, originally is one of the low-rank pleasant sensation sources. You looked these nobilities were beheaded, is unsolicited many people that surround is the ironclad proof, for this reason during these people and will chat for this reason the sputtering in the tavern will also argue excitedly for several days. 目睹上位者被人欺凌,本来就是下位者的快感源泉之一。你看那些王公贵族被斩首的时候,不请自来围观的大量民众就是铁证,为此这些人还会在酒馆和聊天当中为此口沫横飞的兴奋争辩好几天呢。 And what is without a doubt, an officer bigger title is higher, the person who surrounds are more. 并且毋庸置疑的是,官儿越大爵位越高,来围观的人就越多。 Therefore, the Li three present starts to be able not help from one by the role that the employment substitution accompanied, because such words he will feel oneself were more intimate with this reckless six young masters, looked like one group. 所以,李三现在开始情不自禁的将自己从一个被雇佣者代入随从的角色了,因为这样的话他会觉得自己与这位胡六公子更亲密,更像一伙儿的。 *** *** Four after hours, 四个小时以后, Fang Linyan has sat in Tianjin the best room in slow record Inn, he is drinking the tea-oil tree, then loudly is stuttering the fried cake fruit. 方林岩已经坐在了天津的徐记客栈的上房里面,他正在喝着油茶,然后大口吃着煎饼果子。 They altogether only walked Sanjiadian, 他们一共就只走了三家店, The storekeeper who then heard the news to catch up with, steward and the others encircled watertight. 然后就被闻讯赶来的掌柜,管家等人围得水泄不通。 All rush about to toil, shamelessly seek gain, nothing but for one advantage character, Fang Linyan this once the discredited rich and powerful family abandoned the child, actually brought the enough large profit for them, that will certainly bring by the fly butterfly of advantage dances in the air. 一切奔波劳碌,蝇营狗苟,无非就是为了一个“利”字,方林岩这个曾经声名狼藉的豪门弃子,却为他们带来了足够丰厚的利润,那当然会引来逐利的蝇蝶飞舞。 In the final analysis, Fang Linyan underestimated eventually the space definition gives bosom snow hold Fang this teacup: The might of valuable label, the old rich men until Sanjiadian fluttered saying: Till national treasure two characters!! 说到底,方林岩终究还是低估了空间定义给“怀雪盛芳”这个茶杯:贵重物这个标签的威力,直到第三家店的老朝奉颤声说出了:国宝两个字为止!! Fang Linyan then detected oneself seem like the beforehand judgment a little to make a mistake, if we had known is more impolite to Boss what! 方林岩这才发觉自己似乎之前的判断有点儿失误啊,早知道就对何老板更不客气了! Yes, all was determined as: The thing of valuable, is the national treasure!!! 是的,所有被判定为:贵重物的东西,都是国宝!!! And by multi- country recognized national treasure!! 并且还是被多国公认的国宝!! Significance sounds somewhat incoherent, is actually not difficult to understand, for example the original of Mayflower Compact, this broken paper that suffused the criminal hand imprint definitely to some country is the national treasure, but to Asian nation is scrap paper one. 这其中的意义听起来有些拗口,其实不难理解,比如说五月花号公约的原件,这一份盖满了罪犯手印的破纸肯定对某国来说是国宝,但是对亚洲国家来说就是废纸一张。 Also Yunglo Great Emperor bestows the gold/metal seal of North Korean king for example, this thing without a doubt is the national treasure of China, naturally is also the national treasure of North Korea. 又比如说永乐大帝赐给朝鲜国王的金印,这东西毋庸置疑是中国的国宝,当然也是朝鲜的国宝。 Also for example bosom snow hold Fang this teacup, initial time was collected by Ming Dynasty everyone Tang Bohu, finally actually flowed in Japan, general's office general Ashikaga Yoshiteru who was liked the tea ceremony collected, was named as Fujisan. 又比如怀雪盛芳这个茶杯,最初的时候是被明朝大家唐伯虎收藏,最后却又流入到了日本,被喜好茶道的幕府将军足利义辉所收藏,被命名为不二山。 Tang Bohu's famous did not say that among the scholar of Ming Dynasty chose most famous first three, his name should arrange to be one of them, let alone was another status of this boy the first under heaven palace of the crown prince artist? 唐伯虎的鼎鼎大名就不说了,明代的读书人当中选名气最大的前三位,他的名字怎么都应该排在其中,更何况这厮的另外一个身份是天下第一春宫画师? Here first under heaven, even can add on through the ages four characters. 这里的天下第一,甚至可以加上古往今来四个字。 But Ashikaga Yoshiteru of Japan in China, although the reputation does not reveal, but in Japanese Warring States period, its status is also the general's office general, in name is ruling the entire Japan. 而日本的足利义辉在中国虽然声名不显,但在日本战国时期,其身份也是幕府将军,在名义上统治着整个日本。 Words that in the historical figures with China described, quite therefore the week emperor of Spring and Autumn Period time, had the governance power to the feudal lord in name, but in fact and had no control power, but its status was actually noble without a doubt. 用中国上的历史人物来形容的话,相当于是春秋战国时候的周天子,对诸侯名义上有统辖权,但实际上并无任何管束权,但其身份却是毋庸置疑的高贵。 So can the utensil, how not make the curio antique market of entire Tianjin Port boil? 如此器物,怎能不让整个天津港的文玩古董市场都为之沸腾了起来? Facing so heavy treasure, even some people had the crooked thoughts of unlawful means that was good recognized Fang Linyan nearby Li because of some quick people three, detected this top cat burglar after its side kept company worked as, cancelled this thought. 面对如此重宝,甚至都有人动了非法手段的歪心思,好在很快就有人认出了方林岩旁边的李三,发觉这名顶级飞贼都在其身边做伴当以后,才打消了这个念头。 Fang Linyan neatly and will quickly finish eating earlier, detected that under had come many honored and popular people, and is whispering chats mutually. 方林岩三下五除二的将早点吃完,发觉下方已经来了不少有头有脸的人,并且都在交头接耳互相聊天。 Was good because of slow record Inn here is also 50 years of old-established shop, the place was spacious, the partner was numerous. 好在徐记客栈这里也是五十年的老店了,地方宽敞,伙计众多。 The inn boss saw so many wealthy gentry celebrities gathered, does not need Fang Linyan to tell, that with a smile goes forward to receive, this is develops the shop reputation the golden opportunity. 客栈老板见到了如此多的富绅名流都聚集了过来,根本不用方林岩吩咐,那就笑吟吟的上前去接待,这可是打响自家店铺招牌的大好时机啊。 Fang Linyan therefore stood, first made to bow with hands clasped the later access road/simply said all round roundly: 方林岩于是站了出来,先团团的做了个罗圈揖之后便道: Fellow gentlemen who today arrive at are too really many, below cannot 11 receptions, very sorry, in the future will come to carry a rod and ask for punishment inevitably, two things I have placed in the room in building.” “今天到场的各位先生实在太多,在下不能一一接待,很是抱歉,日后必然上门负荆请罪,两件东西我已经放在了楼上的房间里面了。” Each mister after arriving at shop inside, I made three masters send on one to have the bamboo sign of serial number, was higher to an earlier serial number, for example Liu storekeeper of considering making amends for faults room was supports for the brothers first to the shop , the bamboo sign that therefore took was No. 1.” “每一位先生按照来到店里面以后,我都让三爷发了一张上面标有号数的竹牌,到得越早的号数就越高,比如退思斋的刘掌柜就是第一位到店里面为兄弟捧场的,所以拿的竹牌就是第一号。” Mentioned by name Liu storekeeper feels and has the glory immediately, quickly to peer nod smile. 被点名的刘掌柜立即觉得与有荣焉,急忙对着诸位同行点头微笑。 This time Liu storekeeper, very one type a miss, chose the chief among flowers superiority feeling under the people competition finally. 此时的刘掌柜,很有一种去点姑娘,结果在众人竞争下选到了花魁的优越感。 Fang Linyan then added: 方林岩接着补充道: Then everyone goes to the room to look according to own number plate order the mister, is willing to wait for drinks tea to wait here, so as to avoid our also the noisy crowd wells up chaotically, wants to discuss the discussion with the person on one's own side, can say in the room casually chats casually.” “接下来各位就按照自己的号牌顺序去房间里面看吧,愿意等候的先生就在这里喝茶等候,咱们这样子也免得一窝蜂涌上去乱纷纷的,想要和自己人商量探讨的,也可以在房间里面随便讲随便聊。” Then I said two customs again, a bamboo sign can only lead three people to go, this is because the place too small reason, the person many words are actually not convenient, the second custom, each mister goes, I 0.1 burn a joss stick, this burnt a joss stick to outburn, must come out.” “接着我再说两条规矩,一个竹牌只能带三个人进去,这是因为地方太小的缘故,人多的话其实也不方便,第二条规矩,每位先生进去的时候,我就点一炷香,这一炷香烧完了,就得出来。” Finally, I said how these two things finalized, after fellow gentlemen look, is willing to take the thing of transaction to write on the paper, gave me to be good in private, I will select from inside most want, the thing that was selected finally I will announce, other gentlemen's offers I will keep secret.” “最后,我说一下这两件东西怎么成交,各位先生看完之后,将愿意拿出来交易的东西写在纸上,私下给我就行了,我会从里面选中最想要的,只有最后中标的东西我会公布,其余先生的报价我都会保密。” After this group of bosses and rich men listened to the request of Fang Linyan, does not have any words saying, instead felt the method that this young fellow management very one set, does is also reasonable, astute capable , and way one treats people takes the person to be neither arrogant nor servile, graceful, some people even had the thoughts of gathering. 这帮老板和朝奉听了方林岩的要求以后,都没有什么话说,反而觉得这小伙子办事很有一套,搞出来的法子也合理,精明干练并且待物接人不卑不亢,落落大方,有人甚至起了招揽的心思。 But the Fang Linyan status is not the secret, after all he in Boss what there from exposing, but at this time fellow antique bosses sat one are to also be all right to do, then chatted. 方林岩的身份也不是什么秘密,毕竟他在何老板那里已经自曝过了,而此时各位古玩老板坐到了一起也是没事干,便聊了起来。 Quick knows that front is six young masters of Hu, immediately sighs with emotion camel of skinny to be really big in the heart, Hu this discredited small six, unexpectedly sets up the proper business to come decent. 很快就知道面前的这位就是胡家的六公子,顿时在心中感慨果然瘦死的骆驼比马大,胡家这个声名狼藉的小六,居然办起正事来有模有样的。 Quick, 45 groups of people looked, what was accidental/surprised, after these 45 groups of people looked, and Fang Linyan chats, unexpectedly walked three groups directly! 很快的,就有四五批人看完了,令人意外的是,这四五批人看完了之后都和方林岩聊了聊,居然就直接走了三拨! Sees this, Li three were also somewhat impatient, could not bear said to Fang Linyan in a low voice: 见到这一幕,李三也是有些心急了,忍不住对方林岩低声道: Master, you looked that falls the request? The thanking rich man who just walked but the Tianjin famous god eyes, he walked words, the reputation effects on our goods was big.” “爷,您看是不是降一降要求啊?刚刚走的谢朝奉可是天津卫有名的神眼,他都走了的话,对咱们的货的名声影响不小。” Fang Linyan smiled saying with a smile: 方林岩笑了笑道: The people nothing but two types that now walk, first in line with the thoughts of taking advantage of a mistake, detected not leaks may pick. Second, after heard my request, hurried to raise the thing of transaction.” “现在走的人无非两种,第一是本着捡漏的心思,发觉无漏可捡。第二嘛,就是听到了我的要求以后,赶紧去筹措交易的东西去了。” Really, with the lapse of time, the looked person also had ten wave, the person who although walked were many, come back person actually also many. 果然,随着时间的推移,看的人也是有十来波了,虽然走的人不少,回来的人却也很多。 What is more important, this temporary auction also has the new person to come to join unexpectedly one after another, the lining up bamboo sign of Fang Linyan preparation was insufficient, can only do on the spot temporarily. 更重要的是,这一场临时拍卖会居然还陆续有新的人前来加入,以至于方林岩准备的排队竹牌都不够了,只能临时现做。 Therefore time unceasing extension of waiting, regarding this Fang Linyan is also seems somewhat helpless, after all some people join, represented the potential possible buyer changes was right. 于是等待的时间不断的延长,对此方林岩也是显得有些无奈,毕竟有人加入,就代表潜在可能的买家变多了对不对。 Moreover, Fang Linyan still saw in the middle of the waiting area the form that Japanese who wears the kimono, he has no feeling of difference. 不仅如此,方林岩还在等候区当中看到了穿着和服的日本人的身影,对此他并没有什么异样的感觉。 In the Fang Linyan sense, the Japanese army / politician and Japanese people can the clearly separated two things. 方林岩的感官里面,日本军队/政客和日本人民是可以截然分开的两种东西。 The former stops at no evil, violates the countless blood debt, should be sewn on the pillar of history whips forever, 前者无恶不作,犯下累累血债,应该被钉在历史的柱子上面鞭笞到永远, But the latter is entirely different, is representing Akira Toriyama, Fujiko Fujio, Takehiko Inoue, Eiichiro Oda, rapids Ze Roller, Momoe Yamaguchi, by the beautiful moon/month wait/etc, is the recollection of many childhood or youth. 而后者则截然不同,代表着鸟山明,藤子不二雄,井上雄彦,尾田荣一郎,泷泽萝拉,山口百惠,由美月等等,都是很多人童年或者青春的回忆。 Even the grandma who sells the steaming hot gefilte fish in the street, slightly is running the office worker who rushes to the office, raises mother who the basket is doing grocery shopping, was shouting the naughty child of elephant elephant, the skirt was drawn half of beautiful children by the bear child, even is the young hooligan who the street fools around together, is more tired much the porter. 甚至还是在街头叫卖热气腾腾鱼丸的老奶奶,小跑着赶往写字楼的上班族,提着篮子买菜的妈妈,大喊着大象大象的顽童,裙子被熊孩子拉掉一半的美伢,甚至是街头厮混的小流氓,累得汗流浃背的搬运工. These person and most Chinese, the American, the Indian, the Russian, the English is the same, can only in toward the fixed direction advance of life under the inertia of history drifts with the current, they have not wanted to cause the damage to anybody, they living hope or getting rich, or long life, marries a pretty wife, dazzled just below new in the friend circle well. 这些人和大多数的中国人,美国人,印度人,俄罗斯人,英国人一样,都只能在历史的惯性下随波逐流的朝着人生的固定方向前进,他们未曾想要对任何人造成伤害,他们活着的希望或是发财,或是长命百岁,或是娶个漂亮老婆,或是在朋友圈里面好好炫一炫刚下的新番。 They do not have the crime. 他们没有罪。 Therefore, Fang Linyan is treating with the moderation Japanese who comes to see these things, they devout and frantic expression also makes Fang Linyan very satisfied, nothing receives the seller to welcome compared with the frantic buyer. 所以,方林岩用平常心对待着来看这些东西的日本人,他们虔诚而狂热的表情也让方林岩很满足是的,没有什么比狂热的买家更受到卖家欢迎的了。 Therefore in 12 : 00 pm, Fang Linyan starts to gather various paper officially, accurate, writes the quotation on paper. 于是在中午12点的时候,方林岩开始正式收取各家的纸条,准确的来说,是写在纸条上的报价单。 Twenty paper were looked quickly, 二十几张纸条很快就被看完了, Then Fang Linyan chose five, but after he hesitant one next, chose one, was six paper. 然后方林岩从中挑选出了五张,不过他犹豫了一下之后,又从中挑选出来了一张,也就是六张纸条。 Then he gave Li these six paper three, making this thief welcome in the middle of the life the time of highest light, making him read out the first round of selected person, this feeling somewhat seemed like the manager court eunuch to read out the imperial concubine imperial concubine list of turned brand although. 接着他将这六张纸条递给了李三,让这名大盗迎来了人生当中最高光的时刻,让他去宣读第一轮中标的人,这种感觉尽管有些像是管事太监在宣读被翻牌子的嫔妃名单。 But regarding Li three, greets below so many great people the vision that anticipates to long, and then own words will decide their some time joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness, have made him excited somewhat have a parched mouth! 但对于李三来说,迎接下方那么多大人物期待渴望的眼光,并且接下来自己的话将会决定他们一段时间的喜怒哀乐,已经让他兴奋得有些口干舌燥了! This excitement even stimulated his exuberant secretion of androgen, Li three already Yang Guafu who started very earnest consideration to ask to get to know each other well later, quite young Li second sister released the fire. 这种兴奋甚至刺激到了他的雄性激素的旺盛分泌,以至于李三已经开始很认真的考虑待会儿去找相熟的杨寡妇,还是比较年轻的李二姐泄一泄火。 Naturally, finally some of he of inflation even had a bold idea: 当然,最后有些膨胀的他甚至产生了一个久违的大胆想法: Today the condition is so good, can perhaps I consider to make more than selected topics? 今天状态这么好,或许我可以考虑做一次多选题?
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