Chapter 1365nighttime market
第1365章鬼市At this time, walkedseveralpeopleto comefromoutside, haltedinout of the door of SirLiu, shouldsupplementnewlyprotected.
这时候,从外面则是走了几个人过来,在刘大人的门外站住,应该是新补充过来的护卫了。Howeveralthoughthesepeoplelookquiteterse, ages are actually large, gray-haireddid not say,evenalso a hand, replacedwith the iron hook.
不过这几个人虽然看起来颇为精悍,一个个的年龄却都是颇大,头发花白不说,有一个甚至还断了一只手,用铁钩代替。Looks attheseobviouslyon some guards of lacking the ability to do what one would like, thenheard the words of SirLiu, Fang Linyansighedslightly, nodsto walk.
看着这些明显就有些力不从心的护卫,然后听到了刘大人的话,方林岩微微叹了一口气,点点头就走了出去。Goes backSirLiusent a carriagetothemespecially, thereforeonlyusedalmost less than onehourto return toaidPeopleDrugstore.
回去的时候刘大人特地给他们派了一辆马车,因此只用了差不多不到一个小时就回到了济民药栈。Determined the family memberis well, but after losingmanymedicinal herbs, MasterHuo is also heartinsidestonefalls to the ground, startsto take care ofdrinking.
After the liquoroverthreepatrol, both sidesthenstartto chatto separate the latermatter, because the presentcommunicationwas inferioreventually the later generationis developed.
酒过三巡之后,双方便开始聊起分开之后的事情,因为现在的通讯终究不如后世发达。ThereforeFang Linyanknowsat this time,oneselfno doubttakes the enormousriskthat sideNagasaki, butSongcultivating talentsimilarly was also not relaxed, the activitythat sideShanghaialsosuffered the enormousresistance, evenalsosuffered the assassination.
所以方林岩这时候才知道,自己在长崎那边固然冒着极大的风险,但是宋育人这边同样也是一点儿也不轻松,在上海那边的活动也遭受到了极大的阻力,甚至还遭受到了刺杀。Was goodbecause ofSongcultivating talentis not an average person, hehadcompared withotherofficialconvictions, evenmight be called the stubbornfocus! Thereforestillandis trying hardin the unremittingactivity, andafterconsuminga lot ofsilver money, made the majorbreakthrough.
好在宋育人并不是普通人,他拥有比其余的官员更坚定的信念,甚至堪称顽固的执着!所以依然在不懈的活动和努力着,并且在耗费了大量的银钱之后,有了重大的突破。Heardthisnews, Fang Linyan is also quiteinspired, after drinkingthreecups, continuallythenstandsto say goodbye:
听到了这个消息,方林岩也是颇为振奋的,连喝了三杯之后便站起来告辞:„Everyone, shouldconspirewitheveryonetodayis drunk, butSirLiu that sideIreallycould not feel relieved,now can also havegood official that thisdaresto fighttooto be really few, thathelp/gangJapanlunaticswill definitely not let offhim, Imust the place that goes tothat side the military compoundto have a look atto haveanything to help.”
After hearing the Fang Linyanwords, MasterHuohehesmiled saying:
听到了方林岩的话之后,霍师傅呵呵的笑了起来道:„Sixyoung masters can actually feel relievedgreatly, the social dealings that SirLiu and youngdevilhavemaybe many, moreoverourTianjinonlyhashimto be willingto expelthisgroup of youngdevilsto opendoesalsohas the reason.”
After Fang Linyanlistened, at present a brightsay/way:方林岩听了以后,眼前一亮道:„HopehearsQixiang.”
“愿闻其详。”MasterHuosaid with a smile:
霍师傅笑道:„SirLiu the given name is Liu Jialiang, hehitsJapaneseyoungdevilthisissolid educational foundation received from family elders, his fatherisonegeneration of starLiu Mingchuan, was the entire11years of governorsthat sideTaiwan.”
“刘大人本名叫做刘家亮,他打东洋小鬼子这可是家学渊源,他的父亲乃一代名将刘铭传,在台湾那边做了整整十一年的总督呢。”„Japanese , since invadingRyukyu Islands, has drooled with envyaboutTaiwan, never forgets. Alsocombined threats with inducementstoGeneralLiuthroughout, stops at nothing.”
“日本人自从侵占了琉球之后,对台湾就一直都是垂涎三尺,念念不忘。对刘老将军也是始终威逼利诱,无所不用其极。”„Therefore, the Japaneseghostlegendary creaturetrick, SirLiu was also sees! Hewas attackedbefore is also the general idea/careless, sincenowattached great importance, thatdefinitelydoes not needto be worried.”
“所以,日本人这边的鬼蜮伎俩,刘大人也是见多了!他之前遇袭也是大意了而已,如今既然重视了起来,那肯定就不用担心的。”Fang Linyanshocksimmediately, hehas not thoughtabsolutely,thisSirLiuunexpectedlyisLiu Mingchuan'sson! But the latteris the latecleartimehistoricallyleft behind the great person of dark inkserious wound.方林岩顿时震惊,他万万都没想到,这位刘大人竟然是刘铭传的儿子!而后者则是晚晴的时候在历史上留下了浓墨重彩的一笔的大人物啊。Heis one of the Great generalHuai army, established the illustrious military exploitsin the fightwithTaiping Rebellion, this , the keywasheclings to tenaciouslyTaiwanKeelungin the Sino-French War, killed the French armed forcesseveral thousandpeople, oneselfset an exampleverytenaciously, meritorious military serviceillustrious.
他乃是淮军大将之一,在与太平天国的战斗当中立下赫赫战功,这倒也罢了,关键是他在中法战争当中死守台湾基隆,累计击毙法军数千人,自身以身作则十分顽强,战功赫赫。It can be said that the Qing government at the end of Qinginternational standing, at least1/3wasLiu Mingchuanhits, buthelaterhas beenTaiwangovernor, the strength resistsFrenchandJapanese'sambitiontoTaiwan, the meritwere it can be said that prominent.
可以这么说,清政府在清末的国际地位,至少有三分之一都是刘铭传打出来的,而他之后则是一直担任台湾巡抚,力抗法国人和日本人对台湾的野心,可以说是功劳显赫。HeardMasterHuo saying that flattersevencould not bearsay:
听到了霍师傅这么说,阿七也是忍不住道:„Heard that in the past the Japaneseboughtinadequately, intoxicatestoSirLiu MingchuanLiuusing the spy, becausewhentreats and curesdoes not have the danger, makeshisold personfamily membersspit the blood, left behindold ailment, the reason that the year before lastSirLiudied of illness is also the old woundoutbreak.”
“听说当年日本人收买不成,就利用奸细对刘铭传刘大人下毒,虽然因为救治得时没有生命危险,却也让他老人家口吐鲜血,留下了病根儿,前年刘大人病逝的原因也是旧伤发作。”„Because ofthisall sorts ofreasons, SirLiu JialiangLiuto the Japanesehate deeply, thisisenemy of the nation of being worthy of the reputationhates.”
“正是因为这种种缘由,刘家亮刘大人对日本人深恨不已,这可是名副其实的国仇家恨啊。”„Therefore, afterthisgroup of Japaneseyoungdevilsfled in all directionsourTianjinhere, wasSirLiupursuestheirbuttocksto expelverycarefully, was unable to co-existwithitabsolutely irreconcilable. Conversionisothers'words, thatdefinitelyturned a blind eye, muddles along.”
“所以,当这帮东洋小鬼子流窜到了咱们天津这边以后,也就是刘大人十分上心追着他们屁股撵,与之不共戴天势不两立。换成是别人的话,那肯定就是睁一只眼闭一只眼,得过且过了。”Afterknowing this series ofsituations, Fang Linyan is also feels relieved.
在了解到了这一系列的情况之后,方林岩也是放下了心来。Saidwords that behindwas supplementedvery muchobviouslythatseveralguards who are seemingly old, and disabled person, actuallyshouldbeinLiubigmanpower the truetrusted aide, withstrength that acts.
这么说起来的话,很显然后面被补充进来的那几名护卫看似年纪大,并且还有残废,却应该才是刘大人手里面真正的心腹,拿得出手的战力了。Butthis timeFang Linyanalsofelt relievedfinally, the JapaneseinvadesthisTiejunisbattlesin the Chinesecenterafter all.
而这时候的方林岩也是终于放下心来,日本人入侵这一支“铁军”毕竟乃是在中国腹地作战。Butoneselfhave organizedin private, ifbroadswordkingfive, MasterHuo, the Lithreesuchexpertsare the boosts, onofficersurfacealsohas the military commander who SirLiudedicateslike thisto retrieve, did not sayanythingitsdestruction, butformed the hugesuppression to be a cinch.
Some peoplehappydrinkthat night, untilnightdiverges, Fang LinyanalsolivedinaidPeopleDrugstore, naturally, Lithreetook the Fang Linyanmoney, andnaturallyalsowantsto makemoremoney, thereforealsoonyielding with a show of reluctancewas accepted the employment of Fang Linyanto handle mattersbyhim.
一干人当夜欢饮,直至夜深才散去,方林岩也就住在了济民药栈,当然,李三拿了方林岩的钱,并且当然还想赚更多的钱,于是也就半推半就的接受了方林岩的雇佣为他办事了。As forfacetype of thing, does not certainly exist, peer who wordsLi of attaching great importance to face-savingthreewill not beChu Liuxiang
至于面子这种东西,当然是不存在的,要面子的话李三也不会去做楚留香的同行了Whenwill soon go to sleep, Fang Linyanremembered a matter, thatisontwowere also markedis„valuable” the thingis waiting for the realization.
等到即将睡下的时候,方林岩就想起了一件事,那就是自己身上还有两件被标为“贵重物”的东西等着变现呢。Thesetwothingsrespectivelyarethat the shaving cutterworldwordsfemaleroom, a tea setbosomsnowholdFang.
这两件东西分别是那把薙刀世话女房,还有一个茶具怀雪盛芳。Theintroductionalsosaidveryclearly, so long as has „valuable”thislabel, canattainEast Asia the antiquemarket of bigcityto come up the sell, orbythingchanged/easything.
其介绍也说得很清楚,只要是带有“贵重物”这条标签的,都可以拿到东亚的大城市的古玩市场上去出售,或者以物易物。Tianjinat this timenaturallywas the bigcity of entireEast Asia, andcandisperse intofirstfivesafely, therefore
天津这时候当然算是整个东亚地区的大城市了,并且稳稳妥妥能排入前五,所以At this timeFang Linyanactuallyin the Tianjinsuburb, buthissidealsohas the Lithreethisdisposing stolen goodsbigexperts, thereforeheverysimplethreecalledto sayLi:
此时方林岩其实就在天津郊外,而他身边还有李三这个销赃的大行家,所以他很干脆的就将李三叫了过来道:„Threemasters, herehastwothings, needsto go tothat sideTianjinin the competentshopto makethemtake a look, do youknow the path?”
After Lithreelistened, immediatelysaid:
“东西是干的还是湿的?”Fang Linyansomewhatis immediately stunned, Lithreecouldn't help laughingat this time, knows that thiseldest sonshouldnot understandtheirshoptalks, the access road/simply said:方林岩顿时有些愕然,李三这时候才哑然失笑,知道这位大少爷应该是不明白他们的行话,便道:„Doesrefers to the inferior goods, wetrefers to the backgroundpossiblyhaving the issue, must not exposed toup.”
“干的就是指行货,湿的就是指来路可能有问题的,见不得光的。”Fang Linyancalculated, thistwo kindsthingsnatchesfrom the Japanesehand, thatbackgroundaffirmssomeissues.方林岩盘算了一下,这两样东西都是从日本人手里面抢来的,那来路肯定有些问题。HoweveroneselfattainChinesemarketto sell, andoneselfalsocarried the rich and powerful family( pantingly) young master’sstatus, in additionimmediatelyalsoinnational capitalcommercial circleknown, thataffirmationissueis not big, thereforeaccess road/simply said:
但是自己拿到中国这边的市场上来卖,并且自己还背了豪门(过气)公子的身份,外加当下自己还在京师商圈儿里面小有名气,那肯定问题不大了,于是便道:„Does not have the issue.”
李三道:„Ifsharplymaking a move, is going to the nighttime marketdirectly, weresttofour( about 2 : 00 am), after produces goods, but can also tastethat sideeareyefried cakedough makingtea, thatisonecertainly!”
“若是急着出手的话,就直接去鬼市了啊,我们歇到四更(凌晨2点左右)就出发,到了之后出了货,还能尝尝那边的耳朵眼儿炸糕和面茶,那可是一绝!”Fang Linyanstrangesay/way:方林岩奇道:„Ialsothink that the backgroundhas the issue to go to the nighttime marketdirectly, howto have the issuealsoto go?”
“我还以为来路有问题要直接去鬼市呢,怎么没问题也去啊?”Li31said with a smile:
李三一笑道:„Myyoung mastermaster, your unprofessionalis not, the presentnighttime marketopenedin the foreign settlement, mustmake a paymenttothat sideIndianpoliceman, every daywill conduct the shoulderto launch in salvos the magazine rifleto go on patrolonstreet in a business area, becauseonthisstreet the public securityhas the guarantee, thereforeisquiteirritable.”
“我的公子爷,您这外行了不是,现在的鬼市都是在租界里面开了,要给那边的印度巡捕交钱的,每天都会扛着连发快枪在街面儿上巡逻呢,因为这条街上治安有保证,所以是相当火爆。”„Therefore, there arebigmasters in manylineto settle oninsideprofit, gave the renton that street of nighttime market the shop front, the nighttime marketopensalsowithopening the door, then the entranceselected a lantern, regardless of the wintersummermustmakethickcotton threadto block from, thiswastogive the personsecurity of nighttime market.”
“于是,也有不少行内的大东家看中了里面的利润,在鬼市的那条街上给赁了门脸儿,鬼市一开也就跟着开门儿了,然后门口挑上一个灯笼,无论冬夏都得弄一条厚厚的布帘子遮住,这是为了给去鬼市的人保密。”„Thesesit in the shop, althoughgives the priceto be not necessarily ableto be high, butwinsis being free from worrynot to have the future trouble, ifthenhad/leftwhataccidentalso to find the place that the personreasoned things out. In the in additionforeign settlementforeigner can also stroll, therefore the businessis good.”
After Fang Linyanlistened to the Lithreewords, nods saying:方林岩听了李三的话以后点点头道:„Ok, wefirstrest, reststofourtimesget up, thengoes to the nighttime market of ourTianjinto take a look.”
***Four after hours,
四个小时以后,Fang LinyanandLithreehad arrived at the Tianjinnighttime market, two peoplealsocompared a strength of legson the road, Lithreethisfellownicknames„swallow”could be imagineditlight-body the timeto be inevitably first-class, it can be said thatwanted the enduranceto have the endurance, wanted the speedto have the speed.方林岩和李三已经到了天津鬼市当中了,两人在路上还比了一下脚力,李三这家伙外号“燕子”可想而知其轻身功夫必然是第一流的,可以说是要耐力有耐力,要速度有速度。In comparisongets up, Fang Linyanhas the obviousdisparity, butswallowLithreeexpressed admiration, thinks that Fang Linyan was really the talentdifferent reported that withoutstudying the qing gong of theirschoolhas hadsuchstrength of legsunexpectedly.
与之相比起来,方林岩还是有明显差距的,不过燕子李三却是啧啧称奇,认为方林岩真的是天赋异禀,没有学过他们门派的轻功居然就有这样的脚力了。If not forconsidering thatthisHusixyoung mastersdefinitelyaretobeing the cat burglarhave no interest, cannot do wellhas the thought of hisincomehanger-on.
若不是考虑到这位胡家六少爷肯定是对做飞贼没什么兴趣,搞不好都有将其收入门下的念头的呢。Why did thisearly morningantiquemarketalsocall the nighttime market?
这凌晨的古玩市场为什么又叫鬼市呢?Thissourcelay inbeginning the latter Qing dynastypeoplethatlittle while, the societywas unstable, the social classchangewas fierce, in an instantwhatprince the multimillionairelost everythingwhat many were.
这源头就在于晚清民初那会儿,社会动荡不安,社会阶层变化剧烈,什么王爷啊巨富啊转眼之间倾家荡产的多的是。Withoutmoneydid not have the power and influence, family'slife must maintain, the goingpawnshopin broad daylight, feared that the acquaintancesawnot to have the face, put on a hatin the early morningthispersonfewtime or the scarf, tookto sellfamily'sfamily belongings.
没有钱没有权势了,家里的生活还要维持,大白天的去当铺呢,怕熟人看到没有面子,就在凌晨这个人少的时间里面戴上帽子或者围巾,将家里的家当拿出来卖。Behaviorgraduallymakes a name, becausethispointisghostactivitypoint, therefore the nighttime marketthereforeacquires fame.
渐渐的这种行为就成了气候,因为这个点儿都是鬼活动的点儿嘛,所以鬼市就因此得名。Naturally, somepeoplesaidin the middle ofthisnighttime market the good and bad people mixed up, the rayis extremely badcompared with the daytime, wantsbuysoldthingto testowneyesight and experience, canmixininsideis the out-and-outoldghostworldly-wise people who enjoys the sight and sound of the wind whipping up the water, thereforenamednighttime market.
当然,又有人说这鬼市当中鱼龙混杂,比起白天来光线极差,想要来买老物件儿的就非常考验自身的眼力和经验,能在里面混得风生水起的都是不折不扣的老鬼老江湖,所以将之叫做鬼市。Two peoplearrive in the nighttime markettime, detected that herehad lived it up, most conspicuousismore than tenpinchesblackis setting up a stall, onlymakesat night the dietoutdoor shop of business, do not look at the placeto be small, cookedsteamingfrying of roastinghas everything expected to find, cangive the guestto arrangeappropriately.
两人抵达鬼市的时候,发觉这里已经十分热闹了,最显眼的就是十几个掐着黑才出摊,只做夜间生意的饮食摊子,别看地方小,炖的蒸的烤的炒的应有尽有,都能给客人安排得妥妥当当的。Suspendsalongstreet in a business area, wasrow of stall, the thing on outdoor shopwas actual and fictitious, depends entirely on the eyesight, did not open the mouthto the pricecounter-offergenerally, both sideswere the numberfingerin the sleeve, was a mute can also do the businessevidentlyhereenjoys the sight and sound of the wind whipping up the water.
沿着街面儿摆过去的,就是一排地摊儿了,摊子上的东西有真有假,全靠眼力,给价还价一般都不开口,双方是在袖子里面数手指,看样子就是一个哑巴也能在这里将生意做得风生水起的。Naturally, thesestalldefinitelyare not the Fang Linyangoals, the thoughts that hehas not taken advantage of a mistake, followedLithreeto arriveonehometo show the light, has the shopentrance of thickcotton fabricshop front, on the inscribed horizontal tablet of shopwrites„is reflecting the ancientroom”threelarge characters, thentwo peoplesat downonnearbystool.
The Fang Linyanthoughts are also very definitely nimble and resourceful, immediatelysaid:方林岩心思肯定也十分灵动,立即道:„Does insidehave the person?”
李三道:„Yes, the nighttime marketcustomisto avoid the guestputs in an appearancemutually, in the shophas the guesttimedoes not receive others.”
然后李三对着旁边的架子歪歪头:„Ifinsidedoes not have the guest, sidewill hang up a red lantern.”
“若是里面没有客人的话,旁边就会挂上一盏红灯笼的。”As ifheard the Fang Linyanwords, cotton threadmoved, insidewalkedcame out a guest, the headwears the northcommondog skinfelt hat, on the neck and mouth and noseplacealsowears the thickscarf, onlysurplusredeyereveal outside, justwound through the tearsappearanceevidently.
After thisguestdepartsin a hurry, insidewalked a youngpartner who wears the watermelon rind hat, totwohumanity:
这名客人匆匆离去之后,紧接着里面就走出来了一名戴着瓜皮小帽的小伙计,对着两人道:„Twomasters, inrequest personally.”
After waitinginside, detected that during isquitespacious, besidesnearbycounterinsideexhibit article, on the wallseveralhouseholds of calligraphies and paintings, a middle-aged personis also looking at carefully a small jarto the candle, shouldjustreceiveevidently.
After hearing the footstepsmade a sound, the middle-aged personlooks upimmediatelysmiles:
听到了脚步响之后,中年人抬头一看顿时笑了:„Yo, threemasters! Iswhichgustblew your honored guest.”
“哟呵,三爷!是哪阵风把你这贵客吹来了。”Lithreecup one hand in the other across the chest saying:
李三拱拱手道:„Beforeyou, I may be unable to handlethismastercharacter, thesecomesactuallyto accompanythisrecklesssixyoung mastersto cometime.”
After the middle-aged peoplelistened, immediatelyin the thing the handputs down, thencups one hand in the other across the chest:
中年人听了以后,立即就将手里面东西放下,然后拱拱手:„Below whatJinyong, has seen the recklesssixyoung masters, do sixyoung mastersthistimecomearewantto choose something? Can the thingrealization?”
“在下何进勇,见过胡六少爷,请问六少爷这次过来是想要选些东西?还是要将东西变现呢?”Fang Linyansmilesto say with a smile:方林岩笑笑道:„Ishandinsidethingrealization.”
“是把手里面的东西变现。”Thenhethenfirstthatteacup: CherishedsnowholdFangto take, was placedonnearbytable.
然后他便先将那个茶杯:怀雪盛芳拿了出来,摆在了旁边的桌子上。This is also the custom in line, as long asis the brittlething, cannothand over the handdirectly, but side mustfirstputputs away, thenotherstakeagain.
这也是行内的规矩,但凡是易碎的东西,都不能直接手递手,而是要先放到旁边放好,然后别人再去取。Hasperson who does not know the businessbecause ofthis point, the sellerintentionallywhen the handhas attempted to pervert, lets the chinawareand so onfallingcrash-bangonesound changedbecomes the fragmenton the ground.
有很多不懂行的人就是因为这一点,卖家故意在过手的时候做手脚,让瓷器之类的摔在地上哗啦一声化成碎片。Then the buyer'sinbigmatteronbooth, the opposite partywill assert that was you have not metwas injured by falling downsteadilyhisfamily heirloom, attaining the yamenbrought a lawsuit is also a muddledcase, finally the sellerwill perhaps sayreasonablytakes as bad luck, responsibilityhalf. The buyersalso can only , helplesstakes out money.
After the buyerleavestomoney, the sellerlaughsis turning onnearbybox, inside is with„family heirloom”dozens
等到买家给钱走人以后,卖家就哈哈大笑着打开旁边的箱子,里面便是同款“传家宝”几十个whatentercanthreedo businesswithLibravely, that is definitely eagle-eyed, powerful, after alldisposed stolen goodsthismatteraverage person unable to do, onofficersurfacedid not have the backgroundwords, had an accidentloses everything.
何进勇能和李三做生意,那肯定是既有眼力,也有势力的,毕竟销赃这种事情普通人是干不了的,官面儿上没有背景的话,一出事就是倾家荡产。whatJinyonglooks atthecup in hand, the complexionis startingfrominitiallight, graduallytofinalsurprised, thenslowlytransferslightly, thenheis just aboutto speak, Fang Linyantakes the lead saying:
何进勇看着手中的这个杯子,脸色开始从最初的平淡,渐渐到最后的惊讶,然后又慢慢的转为平淡,接着他正要说话,方林岩就率先道:„Bosswhat, Ihadseveralwords to sayinfront.”
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