FE :: Volume #13

#1366: Convincing

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Chapter 1364 convinced 第1364章说服 The Li three weakness, are the reputations. 李三的弱点,就是名声。 Li three actually does not like the iron butterfly very much, because this is a person who works does not have any bottom line, 李三其实很不喜欢铁蝴蝶,因为这是一个做事没有什么底线的人, What is more important, this fellow is very weak, the qing gong swallow that master gate teaches three copies the water not to learn, the special hidden weapon technique was also practiced in a complete mess by him, and also likes playing the Li three advertisements to mix on the rivers and lakes. 更重要的是,这家伙还很弱,师门传授的轻功燕子三抄水始终没有学会,独门的暗器手法也被他练得一塌糊涂,并且还喜欢打着李三的招牌在江湖上混。 Therefore, when Li three hears the death news of iron butterfly, actually in the heart is very happy, it is estimated that heard mother -in-law killed mood on peace one finger/refers is similar. 所以,当李三听到铁蝴蝶的死讯的时候,其实心里面是很开心的,估计就和平一指听到了岳母被杀的心情类似。 But he must look for Fang Linyan to do accounts, the reason is this boy feared that others said oneself are not loyal, the instinct is cool, the Junior Brother died was concerned with. 但他还是要来找方林岩算账,原因就是这厮怕别人说自己不讲义气,天性凉薄,师弟死了不闻不问。 Regarding as important of Li three pairs of oneself reputation can be inferred. 李三对自己的名声之看重可见一斑。 But now, shouting abuse of Fang Linyan compelled near him the cliff directly, Li three thinks that the consequence feels becomes dark at present, the day must collapse!! 而现在,方林岩的破口大骂直接将他逼到了悬崖边上,李三想一想后果都觉得眼前发黑,天都要塌下来了!! This matter the personal reputation is not damaged, the old men who died continually must be scolded to be equivalent to his ancestral tablet to be sprinkled pile of excrement, the key did not have the means to wash, how this asked Li three to bear. 这事情已经不是个人声誉受损了啊,连死去的老头子都要被人骂就相当于他老人家的灵牌上被人泼上了一堆屎,关键还没办法洗,这叫李三怎么受得了。 He has been able to hold to hit at this time obviously on the body of Master Huo, actually received the hand promptly, is cursing angrily to a nearby person: 他此时明明已经可以一掌打在霍师傅的身上,却及时收了手,然后对着旁边的一个人怒骂道: Wong Tai Sin, you did not say that this is on the say/way some people disburses money to buy the head/number of people? How to pull to the Japanese young devils on.” “黄大仙,你不是说这是道上有人出钱买人头吗?怎么扯到东洋小鬼子身上了。” Wong Tai Sin is not others, acts outward in a big way accumulates the chicken of bureau to call the post, after he listened to the Li three words, immediately curses back saying: 那黄大仙不是别人,正是对外出面攒局的鸡鸣岗的大当家,他听了李三的话以后立即回骂道: My his mother how to know these, nothing but draws cash the management, is that ten white and shiny money false? Are we dog officer of the greedy for bribes kills, your being a thief so many broken customs where comes, so long as some people disburse money, who you do manage the person who disburses money are?” “我他娘的怎么知道这些,无非就是拿钱办事,那十封白花花的银子是假的?咱们是不是来杀的这贪赃的狗官,你他妈的一个做贼的哪来的这么多破规矩,只要有人出钱,你管出钱的人是谁?” After Li three listened , a climate must seethe with rage: 李三听了以后顿时气得七窍生烟: You are willing to work as the dog to the Japanese, the father are not glad!!” “你他妈的愿意给东洋人当狗,老子可不乐意!!” Then he jumps out of the regiment decisively, is cuping one hand in the other across the chest to Master Huo: 然后他果断跳出战团,对着霍师傅拱拱手: Resulted, today my Li three handled the salt za matter, acknowledges that the punishment is deserved, Master Huo you must hit to in the future kill me to be speechless, say goodbye!” “得了,今天我李三办了腌臜事儿,认栽,霍师傅日后你要打要杀我都无话可说,告辞!” After Fang Linyan listened, immediately in the eye the bright flashes, then to this tense situation pouring in one scoop of hot oil: 方林岩听了以后立即眼中亮光一闪,然后给这紧张的局势浇上了一瓢热油: 12,000.” “一万两。” Li three, I hire you to cope with here young devil now, kills a person 12,000!! Even if you have not gone well, today's matter that still writes off, those present approve your one is a starting a new life real man!” “李三,我现在雇你对付这里的小鬼子,杀一个人一万两!!就算是你没得手,今天的事情那也就一笔勾销,在场的人都赞你一声是个迷途知返的好汉子!” Li three hesitated immediately. 李三顿时犹豫了一下。 Fang Linyan increases price immediately: 方林岩立即加码: 22,000! My reckless Zhiyun recently in Capital circle was a little thin name/reputation, will not depend on your account absolutely!” “两万两!我胡芝云最近在京圈儿里面还是有点儿薄名的,绝对不会赖你的账!” Heard this price, the Li three eyeballs were red, immediately aimed around Japanese without delay is a dart hit, the Japanese of dart miserable howling, immediately shouted abuse: 听到了这个价格,李三眼珠子都红了,立即二话不说就对准了旁边的日本人就是一镖打了过去,中镖的日本人惨嚎了一声,立即破口大骂: „The damn Chinese pig, you are really untrustworthy!” “该死的支那猪,你们果然信不过!” A Fang Linyan heart this idiot does really attractively, on the mouth yelled: 方林岩心道这蠢货干得真漂亮,嘴上却大叫了起来: Fellow rivers and lakes real men, I know that you were hoodwinked for a while, working as that on young devil!” “各位江湖好汉,我知道你们只是被一时蒙蔽,上了小鬼子的当!” 22,000 money, I buy the life of young devil on the scene, a life 20,000, first cash to pay! Casual you achieve.” “两万两银子,我买在场小鬼子的命,一条命两万,先兑现付!随便你们做到的。” Before Fang Linyan, handled a lot, consumed many strengths, but so does utmost , the severe wound among this group of assassin people, disintegrated the Li three fight powers. 方林岩之前做了很多事情,耗费了许多力气,但如此竭尽全力,也才重伤了这群刺客当中的一个人,瓦解了李三的战斗动力而已。 These words that he was called before, actually had the destructive attack to the battle efficiency of this group of assassins!!! 只是,他之前叫出来的这句话,对这群刺客的战斗力却产生了毁灭性的打击!!! Because these words shouted, although did not have the portrait is Li three such defected at the scene, actually also in all Japanese vest center that participated in the assassination were as good as a knife ruthlessly. 因为这句话一喊出来,虽然没有人像是李三那样当场反水了,却也在所有参加刺杀的日本人背心中央狠狠的抵上了一把刀子。 In fact, in these Japanese hearts is also very clear, the group of natives of China who they hire are unreliable, cooperation of both sides is dependence money is maintaining completely. 事实上,这些日本人自己心里面也很清楚,他们雇佣的这帮支那人靠不住,双方的合作完全是依靠金钱在维系。 However at this time, when some people to a great quantitier money pound violent directly, can this relations also maintain? Can both sides also continue to cooperate? 然而这时候,当有人以更暴力更直接更巨量的金钱砸过来的时候,这关系还能维持吗?双方还能继续合作吗? This obviously is the issue that does not need to answer. 这显然是一个无需回答的问题。 Master Huo, is flatter seven, after the obvious feeling Fang Linyan called those words, the pressure that oneself bore all of a sudden changed small, because the assassin all Japanese started to guard against the back. 无论是霍师傅,还是阿七,都明显的感觉到方林岩叫出了那句话之后,自己承受的压力一下子就变小了,因为刺客当中所有的日本人都开始提防着背后。 The Japanese assassins of attack are an elite, after Fang Linyan offers, they converted rapidly the value of coming out oneself this life. Even in a flash, some people had the heart of suicide! Naturally, the premise is this monetary reward must be able to guarantee that hands over in family member's hand. 来袭的日本刺客都是精英,在方林岩报价以后,他们就迅速换算了出来自己这条命的价值.一瞬间,甚至有人连自杀的心都有了!当然,前提是这笔赏金要能确保交到家属的手里。 Moved the suicide thoughts head/number of people to post a reward including oneself, didn't others possibly move? 一笔连自己都动了自杀心思的人头悬赏,别人怎么可能不动心? Therefore, some people said that the language is the world's sharpest weapon has the reason, Fang Linyan a few words, wiped out this crowd of assassin at least 50% strengths directly!! 所以,有人说语言是世界上最锋利的武器不是没有原因的,方林岩一句话,就直接打掉了这群刺客至少50%的战力!! But at this time, some people stuck out suddenly suddenly launches an attack! The mist that at this time the smoke shell constitutes has started to downturn, but in the middle of the room flashes a fearful blade light. 而就在这时候,陡然有人暴起发难!此时烟雾弹构成的雾气已经开始转淡,而房间当中则是闪起了一道可怕的刀光。 This blade is savage, brings bone-chilling cold killing intent, does not allow any leeway, 这一刀凶残至极,带着凛冽的杀意,也不留任何余地, Cuts the person of this blade, when the blade in the heart poured into such a intention: It is not you dies, is I perishes!! 斩出这一刀的人在出刀的时候心中就灌注了这么一个心念:不是你死,就是我亡!! This blade is also in the typical army the knife skill, simple, transparent, slaughters, because in ten thousand people of slaughtering battlefields, the life and death often is the flash, what trick anything tempts the enemy is the nonsense! 这一刀也是典型的军中刀法,简单,明了,杀戮,因为在万人厮杀的战场上,生死往往就是一瞬间,什么花招什么诱敌就是狗屁! Therefore, was cut that Japanese assassin to be cut two by this blade directly, the disgusting aura of blood and internal organs sent out in the middle of the room immediately. 所以,被这一刀斩中的那名日本刺客直接就被斩成了两段,鲜血和内脏的恶心气息立即在房间当中散发了出来。 Acts this person of status, stems from unexpected of this group of assassins completely, therefore, this person after going well, made up the second blade immediately, this blade falls, cuts an assassin again, beheads its blade. 出手这人的身份,完全出乎这群刺客的意料之外,因此,这个人在得手之后,立即又补了第二刀,这一刀落下,再斩一名刺客,将其一刀枭首。 This person is not others, is that Sir Liu! 这个人不是别人,正是那位刘大人! He at this time is still stark naked the upper body, but the whole person has become dragon Jinghu to be fierce, in the hand is raising is also usually that swallows a broadsword in the battlefield the tiger claw. 他此时依然是精赤着上身,但整个人已经变得龙精虎猛,手中提着的也是自己平时在战场上那把虎爪吞口大刀。 What is fatal, in the hearts of all assassins, he shouldn't be rushed to the next room by that reckless Zhi cloud band? And is lies down the wounded person on bed. 更致命的是,在所有刺客的心里面,他不是应该被那个胡芝云带着冲到了隔壁房间里面去吗?并且还是个躺在床上的伤员啊。 The so strange matter, made these fight the intent not high assassins to produce the intense setback immediately, 如此诡异的事情,顿时就让这些本来就战意不高的刺客产生了强烈的挫折, Seized this opportunity, Master Huo also melted suddenly defends to attack, trod suddenly the previous step, the sinking shoulder hits on the chest of opposite party, 抓住了这个机会,霍师傅也是骤然化守为攻,猛然踏前一步,沉肩撞在了对方的胸口上, The enemies only felt at this time irresistibly raids vigorously, can only stagger to back up, Master Huo the following foot swept. 敌人这时候只觉得一股无法抵抗的大力袭来,只能踉跄倒退,霍师傅接下来一脚就扫了出去。 His foot is similar the side in the middle of safe fist kicks, the way of but catching up is entirely different, is sweep and check, falls to the belt/bring the opposite party to the ground all of a sudden, 他这一脚类似于泰拳当中的侧踢,但发力的方式却迥然不同,是连扫带勾,一下子就将对方给带倒在地, Then Master Huo made up a foot superficially, a foot that but this makes up actually aimed at the temples of enemy, is so critical, the standard will execute directly at the scene. 然后霍师傅轻描淡写的补上了一脚,可是这补的一脚却对准了敌人的太阳穴去的,如此要害,直接就将之格毙当场。 Within several breath, on the buckle three experts, these assassins of attack did not have the fighting spirit immediately again, for fear that hits to wipe out again, therefore they sentry, ran away directly separately. 只是在几个呼吸之内,就折损了三名好手,来袭的这些刺客顿时就再无斗志,唯恐再打下去要被全歼,于是他们唿哨一声,直接分头逃走了。 *** *** Sir Liu comes suddenly, and kills two people by the potential of deity descending to earth continually- was actually the psychological tactic that Fang Linyan used, divulging was not unusual. 刘大人陡然现身,并且以天神下凡之势连杀两人-其实就是方林岩施展的心理战术了,说破了一点儿也不稀奇。 After he threw the smoke shell, feigned to make the life-saving to hug Sir Liu to tumble directly into the middle of the smog, 他丢出了烟雾弹之后,佯作救人直接抱着刘大人翻滚入了烟雾当中, At this time he is a palm of the hand pats when Sir Liu the intercostal wound place, a grain the sand burst, these two being cut off rib injuries were moved the future directly! 这时候他已经是一巴掌拍在了刘大人肋间伤口处,一粒时之沙破裂,这两根断掉的肋骨伤势被直接挪到了未来! Naturally, Fang Linyan told Sir Liu in a low voice fast, was to him the stimulant that used the Western world to come, can make the injury short time be suppressed, in this period of time, Sir Liu can make a move at will. 当然,方林岩低声快速告诉刘大人的,就是自己给他用了西洋来的兴奋剂,能让伤势短时间被压制,在这段时间内,刘大人可以随意出手。 Then Fang Linyan thrust under Sir Liu the bed, oneself trampled on the wall, made the big crack. 接着方林岩将刘大人推入到了床下,自己则是一脚踹在了墙壁上,弄出来好大一个破口。 Because has the isolation line of sight of smog, therefore everyone on the scene had a logical idea: Thinks that Fang Linyan led injury heavy Sir Liu to escape the next door. 因为有着烟雾的隔绝视线,所以在场的所有人都产生了一个顺理成章的想法:以为方林岩带着伤势不轻的刘大人逃到了隔壁。 How to think that Sir Liu stayed in this crisis-ridden room unexpectedly alone, is spying on the opportunity of surprise attack under the sweep of smog quietly? 怎么会想到刘大人居然被独自留在了这危机四伏的房间里面,在烟雾的笼罩下悄然窥探着突袭的机会? The assassins come quickly, went also quickly, to drop out several corpses to retreat instantaneously rapidly, and Fang Linyan obvious noticing, they were retreat in two groups. 刺客来得快,去得也快,瞬间就抛下了几具尸体迅速退去,并且方林岩明显的留意到,他们是分两拨退走的。 Obviously, one batch is a Japanese, another batch are the traitor to China who they hire, both sides have distinguished right from wrong. 很显然,一批是日本人,另外一批则是他们雇佣的汉奸,双方已经是泾渭分明。 After settling down, Fang Linyan when sand of the only sets ten minutes of effective time, Sir Liu can only immediately the full cold sweat lies down on the bed, the sorption cold air started to apply ointment. 尘埃落定之后,方林岩的时之沙只设定十分钟的生效时间,刘大人立即就只能满头冷汗的重新躺到床上,吸着凉气开始敷药了。 Fang Linyan went to examine around one, detected that under several military escorts of Sir Liu( pro- soldier) has died of the assassin attacks, and assassin who attacked is also divided into two batch, one batch came to behead directly, one batch walked randomly in the nearby hold off enemy reinforcements. 方林岩出去查看了一下四周,发觉刘大人的几名戈什哈(亲兵)已经都死于刺客突袭之下,并且来袭的刺客也是分成两批的,一批直接前来斩首,一批则是在附近游走阻援。 This is also Sir Liu the reason of here guard long in coming. 这也是刘大人这边的卫队姗姗来迟的原因。 Regarding this Fang Linyan is not accidental/surprised, because on the general situation of current Qing army, Sir Liu the guard is very good, other these rabble soldiers- including Li Hongzhang Huai army, once must send out, that wants the setting out fee/spent. 对此方林岩并不意外,因为就目前的清朝军队的总体情况来说,刘大人卫队已经很不错的,其余的这些丘八大爷-包括李鸿章手下的淮军,一旦要出动,那是要开拔费的。 Without money? Hehe, goes to your Sir, these senior worthless soldiers can give you to come the students'strike big powder face to face, letting the person wants to ask a scapegoat unable to find, if really has that type governing under severe, was killed by stealth from the back is not strange. 没有钱?呵呵呵,去你大爷的吧,这些老兵油子能当面给你来个卷堂大散,让人想找个替罪羊都找不到,若是真的有那种御下严苛的,被人从背后打黑枪也一点儿也不奇怪。 After one is flustered, Fang Linyan detected that Li three are in the face somewhat cannot hang probably, turning around to walk, then walks up to pull taut. 一番忙乱之后,方林岩发觉李三大概是脸面上有些挂不住,转身要走,便走上前去一把扯住。 Cracks a joke, now side Fang Linyan lacks the manpower to , the Li three such people did not say other, said only that feeling relieved merit and hidden weapon are the best quality goods scout + best quality goods assassin, how to make him leave in vain? 开玩笑,现在方林岩身边可是缺少人手得很,李三这样的人不说别的,单说那一身轻功和暗器就是极品斥候+极品刺客,怎么会白白的让他离开? Therefore Fang Linyan conveniently first stopper two 12,000 paper money in the past, naturally, definitely the mouth also first compensated two crimes sincerely, then thought highly of Li three several, gave him under a stair. 于是方林岩顺手先塞了两张一万两银票过去,当然,肯定嘴里也是先诚挚的赔了两句罪,然后再恭维了李三几句,给了他个台阶下。 The Li three this people are certainly avaricious, what cat burglar otherwise is? 李三此人当然爱财,不然做什么飞贼? Receiving money of therefore then yields with a show of reluctance, then in each and every aspect had, therefore then push the boat along remained. 于是便半推半就的收了钱,然后面子里子都有了,于是便顺水推舟的留了下来。 Before a tangled warfare, Master Huo or flatter seven were also injured. 之前一番混战,无论是霍师傅还是阿七也都有受伤。 Especially Master Huo, because seized the Li three swallow darts to be poisoned with the hand, although delimited blade blood expulsion of toxin on the palm at the scene, but then battled continually is also causes the remaining poison to enter the body. 尤其是霍师傅,因为用手去捉了李三的燕子镖中了毒,虽然当场在手掌上划了一刀用血排毒,但接下来连番激战也是导致余毒入体。 Was good three will definitely come out with the antidote because of this time Li, but weak and pain of short time definitely had. 好在这时候李三肯定会拿解药出来,但短时间的虚弱和痛楚肯定是有的。 Therefore at this time Fang Linyan started again the work of doctor, the words that some people asked said that is Western medical skill fur/superficial knowledge that studied, his time status could also tally in any case studying abroad student type, the rich and powerful family son of upper-class family of down and out, naturally had right that had the higher education. 所以此时方林岩又再次做起了医生的工作,有人问的话就说是自己学的西洋医术皮毛,反正他此时身份也吻合得上留洋学生这种,落拓的豪门贵公子,当然有接受高等教育的权利。 Those who made some Fang Linyan exclamation was, Master Huo regarding the repel of Western medical skill not common Chinese medicine, but appeared exceptionally is interested, was also very easy to adapt regarding some new knowledge theories. 方林岩有些惊叹的是,霍师傅对于西洋医术并没有寻常中医的排斥,而是显得异常的有兴趣,对于一些新的知识理论也很容易就适应了。 When Fang Linyan said that the Western medicine did not advocate dietary restriction, Master Huo is also a racket thigh said: 方林岩说西方医学并不主张“忌口”的时候,霍师傅也是一拍大腿道: Was, I have also thought so! Except that getting angry, stomach ache and so on disease needs to envy pungently, beside the wines, my opinion is so long as the patient can eat, wants to eat, although that ate!” “是了,我也早就这么觉得呢!除了上火,胃痛之类的疾病需要忌辛辣,酒类之外,我的意见一直都是只要病人能吃,想吃的话,那就尽管吃好了!” Some doctors really did in this aspect are too overdone, for example the small cold cold, must envy the oil unexpectedly, envied the scallion, envied the fish fishy smell wait/etc. The person being sick appetite of must be affected, but also envies/avoid this death anniversary that even more eats little, the words this way, the slight illness also towed the big sickness.” “有的大夫啊在这方面做得真的是太过火了,比如小小的风寒感冒,居然要忌油,忌葱,忌鱼腥等等。人患了病胃口本来就要受影响,还忌这忌那的,就越发吃得少,这样下去的话,小病也拖成大病了。” At this point, Master Huo sighs, sigh with emotion say/way: 说到这里,霍师傅叹了一口气,感慨的道: Actually, some specially harsh dietary restriction, or specially rare medicine introduction, make intentionally, some people medical skill are not good unable to cure the sickness, looks for some reasons from the patient and family, so as to avoid oneself ruined the signboard.” “其实啊,有的特别苛刻的忌口,或是特别稀罕的药引子,就是故意闹出来的,有的人自己医术不好治不好病,就得从病家身上找些缘由来,免得自己砸了招牌。” Has this thoughts words, that are not why many reads, goes out to ask for advice the medical skill and knowledge?” “有这心思的话,那为什么不多看看书,多出门去讨教一下医术和学问呢?” After some people process the injury, the atmosphere was also better, particularly before quite arrogant Sir Liu the attitude change is also very big, after all just in together and shoulder, has killed the enemy, held the back junction for each other. 等到一干人将伤势处理完毕之后,彼此之间的气氛也好了很多,尤其是之前颇为傲慢的刘大人态度改变也是很大的,毕竟刚刚才在一起并过肩,杀过敌,将后背交托给了彼此。 This trust very easily can be changed to the friendship, attracts each other, impulsion of drinking. 这种信任很轻易的就能被转化为友情,惺惺相惜,还有喝酒的冲动。 However Sir Liu here has the liquor, but his present like this is obviously undrinkable. 不过刘大人这里有酒,但他现在的这样子显然不能喝。 In in addition Huo master Fu has an accident, the verbal message that brings along although is the family member is well, but he as the household head, must certainly go back to have a look, therefore the choice of Sir Liu makes two trusted subordinates take three altar/jar liquor to deliver them directly to go back. 外加霍师傅家里面出了事,尽管捎来的口信是家人无恙,但他作为一家之主,肯定是要回去看看的,所以刘大人的选择是直接让两名亲信带上三坛酒送他们回去。 In departure, Fang Linyan then looked at one, cannot bear say: 在离开的时候,方林岩回头看了一眼,忍不住道: Sir Liu, I suggested that you go to the foreign settlement to heal from a wound now, the enemy who these attacks time is not the Japanese pirate, is not the robbers and bandits, they are one group of reckless lunatics!” “刘大人,我建议您现在还是去租界养伤吧,这一次来袭的敌人不是什么倭寇,也不是什么盗匪,他们乃是一群不要命的疯子!” Your side these although hand/subordinate is a top real man, and does not fear death, in these do not press in front of the fellow who the common sense plays a card completely, can look somewhat to lack the ability to do what one would like.” “你身边的这些手下虽然都是个顶个的好汉子,并且也都不怕死,但是在这些完全不按常理出牌的家伙面前,看得出来还是有些力不从心的。” Heard the Fang Linyan words, Sir Liu instead smiled, then sincere say/way: 听到了方林岩的话,刘大人反而笑了起来,然后诚恳的道: Many thanks, but their sneak attacks are completely the accident/surprise, will not have the next time again, the trick of Japanese, I am very actually clear.” “多谢了,不过他们这一次的偷袭完全属于意外,不会再有下一次了,日本人的伎俩,我其实很清楚。” Our barracks actually not here, but heard that here injures the doctor to come to raise red wisely, we had the protection, young devil that had no weakness to exploit.” “咱的兵营其实不在这里,只是听说这边红伤大夫高明才来这边将养,咱有了防备,小鬼子那就无机可乘了。”
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