FE :: Volume #13

#1365: Assassins

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Chapter 1363 assassin 第1363章刺客 Around this military compound is very lively, has the dining hall, the restaurant, even brothel. Inside spends was needless saying that was the green-standard troops who inside had. 这一处军营周围十分繁华,有饭堂,酒楼,甚至还有妓院.里面消费的不用说,都是里面驻扎的绿营兵了。 Can see the soldiers who here guard are languid, seems like has not awaked the listlessness, Fang Linyan and flatter 72 individuals walk directly and that's the end, the sentry of guarding the door does not lift the eyelid, its lax degree can be imagined. 可以见到这里看守的兵丁都是懒洋洋的,看起来就像是没睡醒似的无精打采,方林岩和阿七两个人直接走进去就是了,看门的哨兵连眼皮都不抬一下,其松懈程度可想而知。 After seeing this, flatter seven actually indifferent, Fang Linyan actually sighed with emotion here soldiers really to rot from the plant root in the heart, such conduct was really makes one grasp the wrists, depends upon so the soldier to defend Jinmen such strategy critical place, no wonder the Japanese must produce evil intent! 见到了这一幕之后,阿七倒是无所谓,方林岩却是在心中感慨这里的兵卒真的是从根子上烂掉了,这样的做派真的是令人扼腕,依靠如此士兵来防御津门这样的战略要害地,难怪日本人要产生歹意! After walking into inside, detected that the occupying land area of military compound was also very broad, the barracks had 30-40, was only inside population few, even also , is still lying down either the picking the teeth cotton or flower seed, either caught the louse in the sai Sun, seemingly did not have the fighting spirit. 走入到了里面之后,发觉军营的占地也是很广,营房都有30-40座,只是里面人数寥寥,就算是还在的,也是要么躺着剔着牙花子,要么就在嗮太阳逮虱子,看起来全无战志。 Fang Linyan thought that this population were also too few, then asks flatter seven, this knows original today is to pay day, that was doomed to wrangle, therefore most people rushed to that side the managing office to wait early, if the above person did too excessively, must make on one noisy. 方林岩觉得这人数也太少了吧,便问了问阿七,这才知道原来今天是发饷的日子,那是注定要扯皮的,所以大部分人都早早的跑到营务处那边候着了,若是上面的人做得太过分的话,就要闹上一闹。 After two people walked almost more than hundred meters away, entered barracks directly, smelled a very big traditional Chinese medicine flavor to the entrance. flatter seven were called one, then saw that Master Huo walked from inside, after seeing Fang Linyan, immediately the frown raises, brings several points of joyful say/way: 两人走了差不多百余米远之后,径直进入到了一处营房当中,到了门口就闻到了一股很大的中药味道。阿七叫了一声,便见到霍师傅从里面走了出来,见到了方林岩以后顿时双眉一扬,带着几分欣喜的道: Six young masters! When!” “六公子!什么时候到的!” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: Heard here a matter, immediately the round trip caught up, now shortly after just arrives.” “听说了这边出事儿了,就立即往回赶,现在刚到不久。” Master Huo said: 霍师傅道: I first give Liu big rule by people wound, then we talked on endlessly again well.” “我先给刘大人治伤,回头咱们再好好叨叨。” Fang Linyan looked to inside, detected that on the bed is lying down a man of small fellow, is only 30-40 years old evidently, the upper part is naked is seeming like quite capable, the eyes shut tightly, but the muscle on face slightly is twitching, obviously is bearing the pain. 方林岩向里面看了过去,发觉床上躺着一个小个子的男子,看样子只有30-40岁,上半身赤裸着看起来还是相当精壮的,双眼紧闭,但是脸上的筋肉微微的抽搐着,显然在忍受痛苦。 Master Huo walks up saying: 霍师傅走上前去道: Sir Liu, I wanted the bonesetting to apply medicinal ointment, it is estimated that somewhat will be sore, you first drank a liquor, or attracts two smoke foam the words to feel better.” “刘大人,我要正骨抹药了,估计会有些疼,您先喝点儿酒,或者吸两个烟泡子的话会好受一些。” At this time flatter seven said to Fang Linyan in a low voice: 这时候阿七低声对方林岩道: Sir Liu is good official, the wound of he expels that group of young devils are hitting receives, the injury was not less serious, was cut off two ribs.” “刘大人是个好官儿,他就是撵着那群小鬼子打的时候受的伤,伤势不算轻,断掉了两根肋骨。” But facing Master suddenly inquiry, this Sir Liu beckoned with the hand directly, closes the eye seemed like does not want to speak. 而面对霍师傅的询问,这位刘大人直接摆摆手,闭上了眼睛看起来并不想多说话。 Master Huo then starts to apply medicinal ointment in his rib region, this movement also brought the fierce pain very much obviously, can see that this Sir Liu the double fist grips tightly, the tooth is also bites creak, on the forehead the cold sweat braves 霍师傅便开始在他的肋部抹药,很显然这个动作也是带来了剧烈的痛苦,可以见到这位刘大人双拳紧握,牙齿也是咬得咯吱咯吱的,额头上冷汗直冒 Originally the military officer of Fang Linyan to this time extremely does not have the favorable impression, particularly entrance that sentry aggravated this malice, but the flatter seven words made in the Fang Linyan heart move before: 本来方林岩对这个时代的军官殊无好感,尤其是门口那个哨兵更是加重了这种恶感,但之前阿七的话还是让方林岩心中一动: Regardless of strength and ability how, when this nobody expressing an opinion, but can also stand to face directly the person at least courage of Japanese that task force praise worthy. 无论战力和能力如何,在这万马齐喑的时候,还能站出来直面日本人那支特遣队的人至少勇气可嘉吧。 Therefore Fang Linyan then coughed a sound said: 于是方林岩便咳嗽了一声道: Master Huo, Sir Liu, just came back from Shanghai below, the body also brought some Western medicines exactly, is not necessarily able to effect a permanent cure, can actually alleviate the pain of Sir Liu.” “霍师傅,刘大人,在下刚刚从上海回来,身上也恰好带了一些西洋药物,未必能够治本,却能缓解刘大人的痛苦。” After listening to the Fang Linyan words, Master Huo somewhat is vacant, Sir Liu said suddenly: 听了方林岩的话以后,霍师傅还有些茫然,刘大人却忽然道: „Is the medicine that you bring what?” “你带的药物是什么?” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: Is the anaesthetic that Buddha Marcia Pharmaceuticals in English country's produces, quite therefore numb Fei of westerner disperses.” “是英吉利国的佛马西亚药厂生产的麻醉药,相当于是西人的麻沸散。” Sir Liu relaxes to say immediately: 刘大人立即松了一口气道: Can, the thing of this pharmaceutical factory be good, I in Taiwan saw that the Dutch is using, uses quickly to me.” “可以可以,这个药厂的东西还是不错的,我在台湾的时候就见到荷兰人在用,快给我用上。” Fang Linyan therefore gave him to come one, because this gadget was he in the medicine that in this world purchased, therefore was equally effective to the character of standard surface. 方林岩于是就给他来了一针,因为这玩意儿是他在本世界内购买的药物嘛,所以对本位面的人物一样有效。 The west in 1846, has developed the anesthetic, now has mature being similar to exist in chloroform such anesthetic, therefore this hits, Sir Liu obvious loose long air/Qi, felt the obvious loosen quick many. 西方在1846年的时候,就已经开发麻醉剂,现在已经拥有很成熟的类似于氯仿这样的麻醉剂存在,所以这一针打下去,刘大人明显的松了一口长气,感觉明显的松快了不少。 Without a doubt, does not need the space to prompt, Fang Linyan has been able to imagine on the head of this Sir Liu to emit the sensitivity + 10 inscriptions, he wants to inquire the situation of Japanese that Tiejun, then looks for the topic in side: 毫无疑问,根本不用空间提示,方林岩已经可以想象得到这位刘大人的脑袋上冒出好感度的字样,他有心要打探日本人那支“铁军”的情况,便在旁边找话题道: I just arrive in the town today time, sees one piece in confusion, heard that is one group of damn Japanese young devils does, probably is Sir Liu capturing them?” “我今天刚到镇子上的时候,就见到一片狼藉,听说是一群该死的东洋小鬼子干的,好像刘大人正在追捕他们?” Fang Linyan these words saying, Master suddenly response was actually enormous, immediately shocked incomparably, quickly pursued asks: 方林岩这句话一说出来,霍师傅的反应却是极大,立即震惊无比,急忙追问道: What! Our town unexpectedly by that crowd of day killing staring?” “什么!咱们镇子居然被那群天杀的盯上了?” flatter seven sigh: 阿七叹了一口气道: Yes, Master, you walked did not have a double-hour, that help/gang Japan young devils attacked, saw the person to kill, burnt in the wharf almost dozens ships, at least more than ten shops were snatched the courage, the day was rich their several to be killed by the chaotic spear/gun.” “是啊,师傅,你走了还没有一个时辰,那帮东洋小鬼子就来袭了,见人就杀,烧了码头上差不多好几十艘船,至少有十几个铺子被抢了大勇,天富他们几个都被乱枪打死。” The complexion of clear to see Master Huo somewhat turns white, but the flatter seven this ignorant honest and good-natured people were still saying verbosely some died several people, some chicken was also robbed five, does not raise the most important matter Fang Linyan heart saying that Master Huo looks does not like this apprentice, him, when the draft animal directs has the reason. 眼见得霍师傅的脸色都有些发了白,而阿七这个懵懂的老实人还在絮絮叨叨的说着某家又死了几个人,某家的鸡还被抢走了五只,偏偏就是不提最重要的事方林岩心道霍师傅看起来不怎么喜欢这个徒弟,将他当牲口使唤是有原因的。 Therefore, can be alined for the bone of Sir Liu fast, is insufficient to be damaged for one generation of medical of Master Huo, Fang Linyan gives the answer that Master Huo most wants to hear at this time immediately: 所以,为了刘大人的骨头能被快速对齐,也为了霍师傅的一代医名不至于受损,方林岩立即给出了霍师傅此时最想听到的答案: You could rest assured that the family member is all right, that help/gang Japan young devils come from the wharf, therefore our medicine shop waiters have enough time to travel.” “您放心,家里人没事儿,那帮东洋小鬼子是从码头那边过来的,所以咱们的药铺伙计有足够的时间跑路。” They said before you, has the confession, the things secondary, the key is the person must preserve, only then a partner is injured, that is too falls on the road flustered.” “他们说您之前有交代,身外之物是次要的,关键是人要保住,所以只有一个伙计受伤,那还是在路上太忙乱摔的。” Heard the Fang Linyan words, Master Huo finally was loose long air/Qi, stared flatter 71 ruthlessly, then to Liu big humanity: 听到了方林岩的话,霍师傅终于松了一口长气,狠狠的瞪了阿七一眼,然后对刘大人道: Sir was sorry, somewhat diverted attention a moment ago.” “大人抱歉了,刚才有些分心。” Sir Liu beckons with the hand, will speak, Master Huo loudly shouts suddenly, a foot trampled on nearby table! 刘大人摆摆手,正要说话,霍师傅猛然之间大喝一声,一脚就踹在了旁边的桌子上! He is finishes in family/home expert who Wudang fishes the toad vigor, after this tramples, that at least also has 50-60 jin (0.5 kg) table for eight from the sky to tumble, toward nearby window clash in the past. 他乃是精修武当钓蟾劲的内家高手,这一脚踹上去后,那张至少也是有50-60斤的八仙桌在空中翻滚,朝着旁边的窗户猛撞了过去。 But when the table departs, the window is also crash-bang a breakage, leaps forward the man who a black clothes wore a mask from outside. 而就在桌子飞出的时候,窗户也是哗啦一声破裂,从外面跃入了一个黑衣蒙面的男子。 This fellow seems like in the palm to grip a hidden weapon to be just about to act, who knows that unexpectedly was hit by the table on the front surface, immediately distressed incomparable turned rolled the bottle gourd. 这家伙看起来手心里面攥着一把暗器正要出手,谁知道居然就迎面被桌子撞中,顿时狼狈无比的变成了滚地葫芦。 But at this time, top the room was also crash-bang a loud sound, another black-clothed person dropped from the clouds, both hands grasped to hold the long blade, aimed at Sir Liu to cut. 但这时候,屋子顶部也是“哗啦”一声巨响,又一个黑衣人从天而降,双手握持长刀,对准了刘大人砍了过去。 Saw this, Fang Linyan has not understood that what happened? 见到了这一幕,方林岩如何还不明白发生了什么事? Fang Linyan can stir the wind to stir the rain that side Nagasaki, could achieve success one way or another to kill several Japanese core young and strong military officers, others can certainly come to your here to play to behead the tactic. 方林岩能在长崎那边搅风搅雨,左右逢源弄死了好几个日本核心少壮将领,别人当然就能来你这里玩斩首战术了。 Do not look here is the military compound, but at present this becoming lax condition of pro-green camp, is really makes one not dread. 别看这里是军营,但就目前绿营的这废弛状况,真的是让人毫无忌惮。 However does not need Fang Linyan to act, flatter seven have roared, welcomed this black-clothed person, do not visit him to be unarmed, actually usually to exercise the strength of both arms, wears four iron hoops momentarily, this was also the Hongmen Secret Society iron wire fist that Master Huo taught. 不过根本不用方林岩出手,阿七已经怒吼一声,迎上了这名黑衣人,别看他赤手空拳,其实平时为了锻炼双臂的力量,都随时戴着四个铁环,这也是霍师傅传授的洪门铁线拳。 That blade cut on his right arm, burst out the ignition star, but flatter seven stuffy snort/hum, in backing up was also an unexpected foot pedal on the lower abdomen of black-clothed person, two people backed up simultaneously several steps, the black-clothed person was distressed incomparable sat falls to the ground. 那一刀斩在了他的右臂上,迸发出了点点火星,而阿七闷哼一声,在倒退的同时也是出其不意的一脚蹬在了黑衣人的小腹上,两人同时倒退了好几步,黑衣人更是狼狈无比的一屁股坐倒在地。 The enemy of attack continues radically two people, from roof crack, one after another and leapt the black clothes masked man. 只是来袭的敌人根本就不止两人,从屋顶破洞当中,接二连三的又跃下了黑衣蒙面人来。 And a person no doubt a front surface palm was divided by Master Huo spits blood, but another person has aimed at Sir Liu to throw a dart, sharp, fast, is silent! 其中一个人固然被霍师傅迎面一掌劈得吐血,但是另外一个人已经对准了刘大人抛掷过来了一支飞镖,尖锐,迅捷,却无声无息! Master Huo has not made this dart fish slip through, put out a hand to search seizing in the middle of the palm. 霍师傅却并没有让这一支飞镖成为漏网之鱼,伸手一探就将之捉在了手掌当中。 But he looks like caught charcoal abandoning at once, then drew out a dagger to make an effort a stroke on the palm from the waist, immediately saw in the middle of his palm flowed the blood that presented is the black. 但他旋即就像是抓到了火炭似的将之抛开,然后从腰间拔出了一把匕首在掌心上用力一划,立即就见到了他手心当中流淌出现的血都是黑色的。 Projected the masked man of this dart to exude one to sneer immediately, after hearing this laughter, Fang Linyan suddenly turns the head, opens the eye to look to the opposite party, but that masked man was also not mincing matter looked to him, look inside was full of the meaning of deriding. 射出了这一镖的蒙面人立即发出了一声冷笑,听到了这笑声以后,方林岩陡然转头,睁开了眼睛看向了对方,而那个蒙面人也是毫不掩饰的对他看了过来,眼神里面充满讥刺之意。 At this time Fang Linyan deep sighing, to the say/way that masked man coldly: 这时候方林岩深深的叹了一口气,对着那个蒙面人冷冷的道: Li three, although you are a thief, but the good and evil heard you usually the working style also to handle even thieves have principles these four characters, but I have not actually thought, you degenerated to lick the buttocks ditch of Japanese young devil unexpectedly, you handled this matter, after didn't fear the parents die, does not have the face to see the ancestor?” “李三,虽然你是个大盗,但好歹听人说你平时做事风格也当得起盗亦有道这四个字,可是我却万万没有想到,你居然堕落到去舔东洋小鬼子的屁股沟子,你办出来这事儿,就不怕爹妈死后都没脸去见祖宗?” Since this masked man were called the broken status, then does not conceal ripped the black turban on face directly, before ran to stop up Fang Linyan Li three, after he listened to the interrogation of Fang Linyan, disdained cold snort/hum a sound said: 这蒙面人既然被叫破身份,便毫不掩饰的将脸上的黑巾直接撕了下来,正是之前跑来堵过方林岩的李三,他听了方林岩的质问以后,不屑冷哼了一声道: Fart, what Japan young devil, the father is the following chicken calls the post manages a household to get rich greatly!” “放屁,什么东洋小鬼子,老子是跟着鸡鸣岗的大当家来发财的!” Then, he then charges into Master Huo directly! 然后,他接着就直接冲向霍师傅! Li three, since loses after previous time, then investigated a Fang Linyan status, calm one then cancelled coped with his plan. 李三自从上一次铩羽而归之后,便调查了一下方林岩的身份,冷静了一下便取消了对付他的计划。 To astute him, Fang Linyan such playboy, the family background once the fame was probably enormous, at this time mixes in Capital City commercial circle puts on despicable airs, looks this public celebrities' trouble to be not necessarily able many advantage, what actually carries is no end of trouble for the future. 对精明的他而言,像是方林岩这样的公子哥儿,本来家世就曾经名气极大,此时更是在京城里面的商圈儿里面混得人模狗样的,去找这种社会名流的麻烦未必会有多少好处,却端的是后患无穷。 What is more important, Li three does not want to be taught that group of lunatics fragrant, when the spear/gun causes, therefore he decided that no longer looks for this reckless six sons' troubles, has not expected runs into him today unexpectedly here. 更重要的是,李三不想被香教那群疯子当枪使,所以他决定不再去找这位胡六公子的麻烦,没料到今天居然在这里又遇到了他。 The black clothes masked man who the clear to see to/clashes are getting more and more, but the guard who originally should catch up with promptly actually, with the toe does not want to know that outside presented the big trouble, the key is hit Sir Liu of anesthetic the whole body worn out and aching is also hard to act suddenly. 眼见得冲进来的黑衣蒙面人越来越多,而本来应该及时赶来的卫兵却迟迟不至,用脚指头想都应该知道外面出现了大麻烦,关键是被打了麻药的刘大人一时间还浑身酸软难以行动。 From this can look, the opposite party seems like defense capacity to Sir Liu should be is clear very much. 由此看得出来,对方看起来对刘大人身边的防卫力量应该是清楚得很。 Read and this, in the Fang Linyan heart also had a clear(ly) to become aware, can accomplish this point obviously, was the person in Kenyosha. 一念及此,方林岩心中也是产生了一股明悟,很显然能办到这一点的,就是玄洋社的人了。 But they consumed such big resources on this Sir Liu, is very obvious, mostly Liu Sir of status imagines is much more important!! 而他们耗费了这么大的资源在这位刘大人身上,那么很显然,刘大人的身份多半比自己想象的要重要得多!! The enemies want the dry/does matter, then I naturally must destroy it. 敌人想要干的事情,那么我当然要将之破坏掉。 Fang Linyan is also the action Qi's strong person, lifted the hand to aim periphery to brush without delay immediately to eject four smoke shell, then aimed at Sir Liu on bed to throw, one will hug to tumble the ground. 方林岩也是个行动力奇强的人,二话不说立即就抬手对准了周围“刷刷刷”抛出了四枚烟雾弹,然后对准了床上的刘大人就扑了上去,一把就将之抱着翻滚到了地上。 Obviously, this flash Fang Linyan suffered the hidden weapon collection fire of assassins immediately, continuously several ruthless, but Fang Linyan depended upon own high to dodge with the thick volume of blood to shoulder. 很显然,这一瞬间方林岩立即就遭受到了刺客们的暗器集火,连续中了好几下狠的,不过方林岩依靠自己的高闪避和厚血量将之扛了下来。 He trampled ruthlessly on nearby wall, in the middle of the army barracks were quite crude, and became of platoon directly continually, this saved the material, convenience management. 紧接着,他狠狠一脚踹在了旁边的墙壁上,军队当中的营房本来就是比较简陋的,并且还是直接连成排的那种,这样的话既节省材料,也方便管理。 Immediately heard on nearby lumber wooden partition „” a loud sound, on the lumber wooden partition broke a large cave/hole, at this time the Ninja smoke shell of Fang Linyan purchase has produced the results, the visibility in room reduced nearby one meter position instantaneously. 顿时就听到了旁边木材板壁上“咔嚓”一声巨响,木材板壁上破了一个大洞,此时方林岩采购的忍者烟雾弹已经产生了效果,房间内的能见度瞬间就降低到了附近一米的位置。 This group of killers only hear nearby room heard crash-bang crash-bang the sound, should be Fang Linyan leads Sir Liu already the facing set from the crack on wall in the past, they were shouting on the anger immediately rushes toward that side. 这帮杀手只听到旁边房间传来了“哗啦哗啦”的响声,应该是方林岩带着刘大人已经从墙上的破洞里面钻了过去,他们顿时就怒喊着朝着那边冲上。 That fellow but who first overruns sent out a pitiful yell immediately, because Fang Linyan is stopping up in that opening waits for gains without pains! And launching an attack of Fang Linyan, silent shameless pulls up the Yin leg!! 但最先冲过去的那家伙立即就发出了一声惨叫,因为方林岩正堵在那个口子上守株待兔呢!并且方林岩的发难,还是一记无声无息更是无耻的撩阴腿!! At this time a life and death round, Fang Linyan is relentless, this tramples, the crotch of opposite party can only describe in a complete mess. 此时生死一发,方林岩毫不留情,这一脚踹下去,对方的胯下只能用一塌糊涂来形容。 „!!!” “啊!!!” This masked man exuded a sad and shrill pitiful yell sound immediately, the egg broken severe pain made him fall down immediately, both hands closely covered oneself crotch, twitched to tumble fiercely. 这个蒙面人立即就发出了一声凄厉的惨叫声,蛋碎的剧痛立即令他瘫倒在地,双手紧紧捂住了自己的胯下,剧烈抽搐翻滚着。 At this time the second assassin also rushed comes, but his these also had time the protection, therefore avoided the sneak attack of Fang Linyan reluctantly, preserved own pants crotch, but the whole person was also trampled backs up several steps, but also was gripped by Fang Linyan the tooth of plundering food. 这时候第二名刺客也冲上前来,但他这一次也算是有了防备,所以勉强避开了方林岩的偷袭,保住了自己的裤裆,但整个人也是被踹得倒退几步,还被方林岩的掠食之牙扎了一下。 Desperate, this assassin immediately subconscious angrily roared with the language that oneself are familiar with: 情急之下,这名刺客立即下意识的用自己熟悉的语言怒吼了出来: Xiaolin, entrance circuitous converging attack!” “小林君,入口迂回夹击!” Under his roar, person complexion on the scene immediately changed, is Li three! 他这一吼之下,在场的一个人脸色顿时就变了,正是李三! Who is Fang Linyan? He seems like in the fierce struggle, is actually crystal clear to the surrounding all, immediately sneered a sound said: 方林岩是什么人?他看似正在激斗,其实对周围的一切都洞若观火,立即冷笑了一声道: Li three, your mixed the ball to add that they were not the Japanese! You lick the buttocks of Japanese young devil here, helping this group of Japanese pirate hybrids kill our people on one's own side, you do right by your parents, does right by master who teaches you this time?” “李三,你个混球还说他们不是日本人!你在这里舔东洋小鬼子的屁股,帮着这帮倭寇杂种来杀我们自己人,你对得起你爹妈,对得起教你这一身功夫的师父?” Was given scolding by Fang Linyan finger/refers of bright way surname such a right in the face in addition, the Li three complexions are pale, the chest is high and low is also fluctuating, everyone has the weakness, he is certainly no exception. 方林岩指明道姓外加劈头盖脸的这么一阵痛骂,李三脸色铁青,胸膛也是上下起伏着,每个人都有弱点,他当然也不例外。
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