FE :: Volume #13

#1364: Disaster

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Chapter 1362 disaster 第1362章灾难 Has the help of shoes this pair paid in advance ahead of time, the Fang Linyan traveling speed on foot was more rapid, had been close to the speed of the world use god good symbol very much, therefore after one hour, then arrived around that village in aid People Drugstore rapidly. 有了这双提前预支的鞋子的帮忙,方林岩的徒步移动速度更迅速了,已经很是接近上个世界使用神行符的速度了,于是在一个小时之后,便迅速来到了济民药栈的那个村子附近。 , Fang Linyan saw from afar that direction has several a black smoke to ascend, in the heart had an intense ominous premonition immediately! 只是远远的,方林岩就见到了那个方向有数道黑烟升腾了起来,心里面立即出现了一股强烈的不祥预感! When he after discovered, the scene of this place can only describe with the plunging the people into disaster! Everywhere is the pitiful yell sound and crying bugle call, on the street lying this way and that is the corpses, has the woman, even the child, the lively shop gateway started either greatly is ransacked, either was lit directly. 紧接着当他靠近以后就发现,此地的景象只能用生灵涂炭来形容!到处都是惨叫声和哭号声,街道上横七竖八的都是尸体,有女人的,甚至还有小孩的,本来繁华的店铺要么门户大开被洗劫一空,要么就被直接点燃。 In the heart of Fang Linyan, here is a liveliness, noisy mixed, full of vitality neighbor port small town, because of water transportation, but the prosperous development, brought in massive strength labor to seek a livelihood here, then had the vitality and vigor that other places did not have. 方林岩的心中,这里本是一处繁华,喧杂,生机勃勃的邻港小镇,因为水运而兴旺发达,引来了大量的力工在这里讨生活,进而拥有了其余地方不具备的生机和活力。 Because of this, the contrast at present having is so huge! 正因为如此,眼前出现的这一幕反差才如此巨大! At this time a clear to see woman was chased the robbers and bandits who come to cut to turn, then this fellow grins fiendishly is pursuing to a nearby little girl, the steel knife in hand brings the blood especially! 此时眼见得一名妇女惨遭追赶而来的盗匪砍翻,然后这家伙又狞笑着追向旁边的一个小女孩,手中的钢刀尤自带血! Fang Linyan was really cannot bear, directly used the blade soaring, the hand tooth of plundering food aimed at this fellow to throw directly, simultaneously own afterimage after was staying same place for several seconds, this dissipated gradually. 方林岩实在是忍不住下去了,直接就使用了刃飞翔,直接将手中的掠食之牙对准了这家伙抛掷了过去,同时自己的残像则是在原地停留了数秒后,这才渐渐消散。 This took one robbers and bandits who catch to the little girl make any response without enough time, the chest are plundered in tooth of to bind food, immediately was stiff same place. 这个本来要一把抓向小女孩的盗匪来不及做出任何反应,胸口就被掠食之牙扎中,顿时僵硬在了原地。 Then Fang Linyan quietly appeared in him behind, put out a hand to touch to plunder the tooth of food to pull out, taking advantage of opportunity was a blade wipes the throat, then an elbow struck the back of the head, finally trampled ruthlessly in conducted the back after that. 然后方林岩就悄然出现在了他的身后,伸手摸到了掠食之牙将之拔了出来,顺势就是一刀抹喉,接着一肘击后脑,最后狠狠一脚踹在了其后背上。 Time that waits for this robbers and bandits to sober, detected one distressed incomparable tumbling have fallen to the ground, whole body severe pain, but at this time Fang Linyan being relentless aimed at him to step on finally, happen to trod on his throat, this foot killed his all vitalities directly. 等这盗匪清醒过来的时候,发觉自己已经狼狈无比的翻滚倒地,浑身剧痛,而此时方林岩最后则是毫不留情的对准了他一脚踩了下来,正好踏在了他的喉咙上,这一脚直接就断送了他所有生机。 This time little girl was also scared, cannot attend to Fang Linyan this savior, but rushed to mother's side directly, kept swaying her, the loud sorrow cried. 此时的小女孩也是被吓呆了,顾不上方林岩这个救命恩人,而是直接奔到了母亲的身边,不停摇晃着她,大声哀哭。 The Fang Linyan leisurely steps walk up, detected that this woman the blade although is not a strategic point, but the wound is deep and long, but also in braves the blood. Therefore although she also has the consciousness, was very difficult to live on the current condition. 方林岩徐步走上前去,发觉这名妇女所中的这一刀尽管不是要害,可是伤口又深又长,还在汩汩冒血。因此她虽然还有意识,就目前的条件来说却很难活了。 His slightly one hesitant, then put out a hand according to the wound of woman, then deeply inspires. 他微一犹豫,便伸手按在了妇女的伤口上,然后深深吸了一口气。 Immediately when sees a point the sand to be stave, then has was revolving the hour glass shape, integrated to her body in rapidly, time when Fang Linyan transferred the hand, immediately detected this original half foot wound turned, be only more than one inch were long. 立即就见到一点时之沙破碎,然后出现了一个旋转着的沙漏形状,迅速融入到了到了她的身体里面,等到方林岩将手挪移开去的时候,立即就发觉这条本来半尺长的伤口变成了只有一寸多长。 Her injury turned into the moderate injury from the severe wound immediately, this all of a sudden the treatment stopped bleeding is much more convenient. 她的伤势立即就从重伤变成了中度伤势,这一下子无论是治疗还是止血都方便得多了。 With the aid of the prestige energy of leaf of chaotic foreword, Fang Linyan successful the half wound of this woman transfers three days later directly, words as the matter stands, being equivalent this are the severely wounded injury analyzed two moderate injuries. 借助乱序之叶的威能,方林岩成功将这妇女的半条伤口直接挪移到了三天之后,这样一来的话,相当于就将这本来是重伤的伤势拆分成了两个中度伤势。 Then Fang Linyan wraps up after her stops bleeding one, the life of this woman also picked. 然后方林岩为她包扎止血一番之后,这妇女的一条命也是捡了回来。 When Fang Linyan to its treatment, her brother's wives the courage was also seeking greatly, saw that Fang Linyan is treating the wound, really thanked profusely. 方林岩对其救治的时候,她的妯娌也大着胆子寻了过来,见到方林岩正在治伤,真的是千恩万谢。 Fang Linyan then confessed the injury of this female to her, and said oneself to rescue her life, used the medicine of oppressor unavoidablily. 方林岩便对她交代了这女子的伤势,并且说自己为了救她一命,不得已使用了虎狼之药。 When three days later this medicine crossed the effect, then the injury will also recur, therefore later this time point three days, must its belt/bring to fine red wound doctor there, be perhaps in danger otherwise. 等到三天之后这药物过了效果,那么伤势还会复发,所以在三天之后的这个时间点,一定要将其带到精通红伤的医生那里去,否则的话恐怕会有生命危险。 At this time this countrywoman also wakes, two people to the Fang Linyan words are also doubtful, Fang Linyan are not many speaks, after throwing down hung money, then rapid toward aid People Drugstore overtakes. 此时这村妇也醒了过来,两人对方林岩的话也是半信半疑,方林岩也不多说话,丢下了一吊钱之后,便迅速朝着济民药栈赶了过去。 At this time he in the northeast corner of entire town, but aid People Drugstore southwest town, exactly situated in diagonally opposite corner/horn online, therefore needs to pass through the entire small town. Fang Linyan blocked two doing evil gangsters all the way, these kept a living witness to inquire about the issue time. 此时他在整个镇子的东北角,而济民药栈则是在镇子西南角,恰好处于斜对角线上,所以需要穿过整个小镇。一路上方林岩又拦下了两名作恶的匪徒,这一次则是留了个活口询问问题了。 After one pressed for an answer, discovered, these two people were inside and outside 50 the robbers and bandits of Ma Village, followed the big leader to descend the mountain to get rich, they do not know that the specific situation, only knew the big leader said one group of real men are willing to lead them to get rich, that group of real men ate the meat, they followed to eat the soup behind the buttocks. 一番逼问之后才发现,这两个人乃是五十里外的“马家寨”的盗匪,跟随着大头领下山发财来了的,他们也不知道具体的情况,只晓得大头领说有一帮好汉肯带他们发财,那帮好汉吃肉,他们跟在屁股后面喝汤。 In this town/subdues had the people of platoon help/gang to keep the order, guards, but this group of rivers and lakes men very obviously are not the opponents of task force Japanese this forms temporarily! After conducting short resistance, suffers to rout. 这镇上本来是有排帮的人在维持秩序,进行镇守,但这帮江湖汉子很显然并不是日本这一支临时组建的特遣队的对手!在进行了短暂的反抗之后,就惨遭击溃。 Then the people of invincible army went to the wharf to start to destroy the ship directly, facilitated scuttled the ship's bottom directly, not convenient burnt down on the ignition, during this process, does not know the boatman who many wanted to protect the ship encountered the misfortune, was buried in the middle of the raging fire. 然后铁军的人直接就去了码头开始毁船,方便的就直接凿破船底,不方便的就点火烧掉,在这个过程当中,也不知道多少想要护船的船老大遭遇不幸,葬身烈火当中。 What is more important, the Japanese has not stayed for a long time here, still strikes then walks, in burning down the ships, grabbed a number of provisions after while convenient, then directly evacuates, only kept these robbers and bandits to continue to devastate the common people. 更重要的是,日本人并没有在这里久留,依然是一击便走,在烧掉了船只,顺带劫掠了一批给养之后,便直接撤离,只留下来了这些盗匪继续蹂躏百姓。 Fang Linyan one listened to know intention of Japanese Tiejun, front has mentioned, here seemed like that was only a town, actually was actually the hub point of Tianjin river transportation. 方林岩一听就知道了日本人这支“铁军”的用意,前面就提到过,这里看似只是个镇子,其实却是天津河运的一处枢纽点。 Once here is attacked, the sad news by the gunwale proliferation of being widely traveled, will be intensified the national capital panic rapidly. 一旦这里遇袭的话,噩耗会迅速被走南闯北的船帮扩散,加剧京师这边的恐慌。 Meanwhile, the ships and water transportation are still this time large-scale reassignment army, the military baggage most rapid method, does not have one. 同时,船只和水运依然是这个时代大规模调动军队,辎重最迅速的手段,没有之一。 Regarding the people of invincible army, they are battle in the enemy, burn a ship, is equivalent to reduce / to delay an enemy to send the manpower to besiege own possibility fast. 对于铁军的人来说,他们乃是在敌国境内作战,烧一艘船,就相当于降低/延迟一丝敌人快速派遣人手过来围攻自己的可能。 Looks at the robbers and bandits in front this Ma Village, Fang Linyan sighed slightly, a fist pounded suddenly on his throat, this robbers and bandits eyes steep staring were big, whole person pain tumbled several in the place, died eventually. 看着面前这名马家寨的盗匪,方林岩微微叹息了一声,猛然一拳砸在了他的咽喉上,这盗匪双眼陡的瞪大,整个人痛苦的在地方上翻滚了几圈,终究死去。 Fang Linyan actually because of not killing this robbers and bandits sighed, but thought of that as if shadow general everywhere Kenyosha! 方林岩却并非是因为杀了这名盗匪而叹息,而是想到了那个仿佛阴影一般无处不在的玄洋社! This fearful spy ring, on the one hand can organize the Tiejun such fearful advance party unexpectedly. 这个可怕的间谍组织,一方面居然能组织起“铁军”这样可怕的先遣队。 When this, can dispatch unexpectedly some, if the Huangchuan three solid such expert on China, went down to China, buy, assassination, even the tactical seduction, trapped, if ***, Ma Village such organization used for one's own side. 在此之余,居然还能派遣出一些若荒川三实这样的中国通,深入到了中国当中,收买,暗杀,甚至战术性诱惑,诱骗到若***,马家寨这样的组织为己方所用。 In this case, invincible army such an function that is similar to the special combat squad displayed the pinnacle! 这样的话,直将铁军这样一支类似于特种作战小分队的作用发挥到了极致! In addition, the tactic that the invincible army grasps strikes walks, such tactical drawback is to create the injury is limited. However, is similar to Ma Village such robbers and bandits, is actually equivalent can make the wound that the invincible army does tear fast , to continue to bleed, the created loss increases doubled and re-doubled. 不但如此,铁军这边秉持的战术是一击即走,这样的战术弊端就是造成的伤害有限。但是,类似于马家寨这样的盗匪,却相当于能让铁军搞出来的伤口快速撕裂,持续流血,造成的损失更是成倍增加。 Has a heavy and sad heart, the Fang Linyan under foot accelerates, arrived in front of aid People Drugstore, in the heart was immediately cool. 带着一种沉重而郁愤的心情,方林岩脚下加速,来到了济民药栈前面,心中顿时就凉了。 Because here gateway opens wide, everywhere is the medicinal herb that the disorderly footprint and scatters, naturally, these are also combining a lot of blood, must be is hard to escape by luck in inside person. 因为这里门户洞开,到处都是杂乱的脚印和散落的药材,当然,这其中也混杂着大量的鲜血,在里面的人必是难以幸免。 However this is also very normal, the military baggage that now the invincible army needs to supplement nothing but is two points, food, the medicinal herb! 不过这也很正常,现在铁军这边需要补充的辎重无非就是两点,食物,药材! The Japanese are not Eight-Nation Alliance, affects them before the Western civilization, accurate, 30 years ago, the man (Han) medicine and man (Han) side is the only method that the Japanese can treat an illness effectively, therefore in the aid People Drugstore traditional Chinese medicine is they wins. 日本人可不是八国联军,在西方文明影响他们之前,确切的来说,在三十年前,汉医和汉方都是日本人能有效治病的唯一手段,所以济民药栈里面的中药材是他们志在必得的。 He deeply inspires, directly to/clashes, in the heart actually also completed the preparation that sees Master Huo even is the broadsword king five bodies, actually detected that some front surface person of long body fists hit unexpectedly right in the face. 他深吸了一口气,还是直接冲进去,心中却也做好了看见霍师傅甚至是大刀王五尸体的心理准备,却发觉迎面居然有人长身一拳劈面打了过来。 After Fang Linyan lifts the hand to support, is just about to counter-attack, actually dumbfounded suddenly: 方林岩抬手架住以后正要反击,却陡然呆住了: flatter seven? Is you?” “阿七?是你?” Wields the man who fights with the fists also to stay, has gotten back one's composure all of a sudden, pleasantly surprised say/way: 挥拳打过来的这汉子也呆了呆,一下子就回过了神来,惊喜的道: Young Master reckless! You came back!” “胡少爷!你回来了!” Originally, this man is actually an acquaintance, its status is the apprentice of Master Huo, ranks seventh among the fellow apprentices, therefore was called freely spoken makes flatter seven. 原来,这汉子却是熟人,其身份乃是霍师傅的徒弟,在师兄弟当中排名第七,因此就被顺口唤作阿七了。 Before Fang Linyan dispelled rotten corpse poisonous time here, is flatter seven groups of his decocting medicinal herbs massages, two people chatted very congenially. 之前方林岩在这里祛除腐尸毒的时候,都是阿七帮他煎药推拿,两人还是聊得很投机的。 This man special places, that is the talent different reported that regardless of the winter summer winter and summer, or barefoot, either only wears a straw sandal, two trouser legs coverings will also pull high. 这汉子有一桩特异之处,那就是天赋异禀,无论冬夏寒暑,要么光脚,要么就只穿一双草鞋,两条裤腿也会高高挽起。 Ran into the acquaintance, in addition has not seen the corpse here, Fang Linyan is also relaxes saying: 遇到了熟人,外加在这里并没有看到尸体,方林岩也是松了一口气道: Yes, I heard that this matter, quickly hurried back, Master Huo and Fifth Brother they?” “是啊,我听说出这档子事儿,就急忙赶回来了,霍师傅和五哥他们呢?” flatter seven: 阿七道: Five masters returned to the national capital the day before yesterday, heard that is a little urgent matter must go back to process. My master eight was invited the past by several earthen mounds this morning, heard that must treat the wound to their troop commanders, the injury of result that army master is somewhat serious, the medicine of master has not brought then to send me to come back to take together, finally met this matter!” “五爷前天回了京师,听说是有点儿急事要回去处理。我师傅今天上午就被几个丘八请了过去,听说是要给他们的总兵治伤,结果那位军爷的伤势有些沉重,师父的药没带齐便派我回来拿,结果就遇上了这档子事儿!” At this time, outside welled up several robbers and bandits, is brandishing a sword must come to seize property, finally Fang Linyan has not begun, this flatter seven rush directly. 这时候,外面又涌进来了几名盗匪,挥着刀就要过来劫财,结果方林岩还没动手,这位阿七就直接冲了上去。 Once battle later Fang Linyan detected, this fellow strength is very unexpectedly strong! The leg merit can be said as exceptionally sharp, several trampled upside-down two robbers and bandits. 一旦开战之后方林岩就发觉,这家伙居然实力很强!其腿功可以说是异常犀利,几下就踹倒了两个盗匪。 Last is unlucky, seven attacks after flatter that smells there is something wrong to run away the files mouth of companion ran thirty meters, the flatter seven left leg on the ground rubs a check, making the skillful strength give to cancel the single tool of ground. 最后一名见势不妙逃走的更是倒霉,趁着阿七攻击同伴的档口跑出了三十几米之后,阿七的左脚在地上一搓一勾,使了巧力就将地上的一把单刀给勾了起来。 Then he turns round a spin to kick, the right foot tread exactly in this on! 然后他回身一记旋踢,右脚就恰好蹬在了这把单刀的柄上! Immediately saw this departs high-speed, pierced the chest of this robbers and bandits from the rear area, even this also made this robbers and bandits stagger to flee forcefully 56 meters on strength, this knocked down, the air/Qi died certainly. 顿时就见到这把单刀高速飞出,从后方洞穿了这名盗匪的胸口,甚至这把单刀上的力量还让这名盗匪强行踉跄奔逃出了五六米,这才扑倒在地,气绝而死。 So leg law, so neat strikes, is really makes one praise to the heavens. 如此腿法,如此干净利落的一击,真的是让人叹为观止。 Most people cannot even achieve this point with both hands, do not say with the foot! 绝大部分人甚至用双手都做不到这一点,更不要说用脚了! Good leg law!” Fang Linyan sees that unable to bear loudly praised. “好腿法!”方林岩见状忍不住大赞道。 flatter seven laugh saying: 阿七哈哈大笑道: Carves the insect small technique, carves the insect small technique.” “雕虫小技,雕虫小技。” Fang Linyan sincere say/way: 方林岩正色道: This is called to carve the insect small technique, on that day the servants were the three-legged cat time.” “这都叫做雕虫小技,那天下人都是三脚猫功夫了。” At this time in the village was also starts some people to come out to revolt, the villagers in security homeland obviously can erupt stronger battle efficiency, flatter seven and Fang Linyan two people were also the past help, quick expelled this group of domestic animals. 这时候村子里面也是开始有人出来反抗,保卫家园的村民很明显能爆发出更强大的战斗力,阿七和方林岩两人也是过去帮忙,很快的就将这帮畜生赶走了。 But after detecting safely, in the medicine shop person also returned one after another. 而发觉安全了以后,药铺里面的人也陆续返了回来。 Originally aid People Drugstore is quite far from the wharf, the invincible army of Japanese comes, in the middle of after medicine shop several waiters heard the sound of gunfire , the feeling is not right, before in addition Master Huo, heard some rumors, had confessed to them, therefore then took the lead to lead the family member of Master Huo to run away together. 原来济民药栈这边距离码头比较远,日本人的铁军前来的时候,药铺当中的几名伙计听到了枪声之后就感觉不对劲,外加霍师傅之前也听到了一些风声,对他们有所交代,于是便率先带着霍师傅的家人一起逃走了。 They are the natives, words that wants to hide, but also really cannot easily find, and what the people of invincible army want is the medicinal herb, the words that therefore the careful raid, has not inventoried, the aid people medicine shop also lost a large quantities of cargo, breaks besides a partner, the person actually nothing, most others must be luckier compared with the town. 他们乃是本地人,想要躲起来的话,还真不是能轻易找到的,并且铁军的人要的是药材,所以并没有仔细搜捕,盘点起来的话,济民药铺这边也只是损失了一大批货物而已,除了一名伙计摔伤之外,人却没有什么事,比起镇子里面大多数的人家都要幸运多了。 Then flatter seven also found the medicine that Master Huo wanted, then asked that Fang Linyan must follow. 接下来阿七也找到了霍师傅要的药,便问方林岩要不要跟着过去。 Fang Linyan stays here is also little significance, and he also cares that now very much the king five and the others the concrete whereabouts, then nods assent. 方林岩留在这里也没有太大的意义,并且他现在也很关心王五等人的具体下落,便点头应允。 Two people chat while walking all the way, how Fang Linyan is also the curious flatter seven this superb leg laws practices, then could not bear inquire. 两人一路上边走边聊,方林岩也是好奇阿七这出神入化的腿法是怎么练的,便忍不住询问了起来。 flatter seven is a frank person, haha said with a smile: 阿七是个直爽的人,哈哈笑道: Actually and has no talent different to report, does not have any secret practices the law, this is compels!” “其实并没有什么天赋异禀,也没有什么秘传练法,这都是逼出来的啊!” Fang Linyan said curiously: 方林岩好奇道: Hope hears Qixiang.” “愿闻其详。” flatter seven shrug saying: 阿七耸耸肩道: Said that is actually very simple, I have the elder to teach the leg law in the youngster time, but practices such. When cannot raise me after the family/home, at age 15 mixed in the wharf, finally at that time young ignorant, had no intention to mix in the rivers and lakes gratitude and grudges, finally was broken two hands, at that time also only then my younger sister person took care of me.” “说起来其实很简单,我在少年时候就有长辈传授过腿法,不过练得也就那样。等到家里养不起我之后,15岁的时候就在码头上混了,结果当时年少无知,无意掺和进了江湖恩怨里面,结果被人打断两只手,当时也只有我妹妹一个人照顾我。” She for my food, must wash dishes to do odd jobs every day to make enough 78 double-hour in the shop, the rest of the time sleep continually insufficiently, deliver the time of food to me every day are slightly run to push.” “她为了供我一口饭,每天足足要在店里面洗碗打杂做够七八个时辰,剩下的时间连睡觉都不够,就连每天给我送饭的时间都是小跑着挤出来的。” In this case, I , to go on living can only depend upon the both feet to handle the life, otherwise must starve to death livingly! The people are compels, therefore I used half a month, can in only eat meal with the situation of both feet, sweeps the floor.” “在这种情况下,我要想活下去就只能依靠双脚来打理生活,否则的话就得活生生饿死!人都是逼出来的啊,于是我用了半个月,就能在只用双脚的情况下吃饭,扫地。” Then used the difference year matter, the matter that the hand can handle, the foot unable to do mostly mostly, originally the stagnant leg merit progressed by leaps and bounds unexpectedly!” “然后用了差不多半年的事情,手能做的事情,脚也多半能做了,本来早就停滞的腿功居然突飞猛进!” However at this time I also ran into the master exactly, he looks at me pitifully to me free medical treatment both hands, finally is my luck is also good, both hands were also cured, the skills of but practicing has not left uncultivated.” “而这时候我恰好也遇到了师父,他看我可怜就给我免费治疗双手,结果也算是我运气不错,双手也被治好了,但是练出来的脚下功夫也没荒废掉。” Heard the flatter seven experiences, Fang Linyan very somewhat is also speechless, really the person are compel. 听到了阿七的经历,方林岩也很是有些无语,果然人都是逼出来的啊。 Two people chat while walking, crossed probably for one hour, went to outside outside a Tianjin city military compound. 两人边走边聊,大概过了一个多小时,就来到了天津城外面的一处军营外面。
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