FE :: Volume #13

#1363: Jinmen first

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

Chapter 1361 Jinmen first 第1361章津门第一 At this time to celebrating the dying in battle process was really witnessed through the unmanned aerial vehicle entire journey by Fang Linyan, he looks with total concentration, has not missed the least bit. 此时向贺真的战死过程被方林岩通过无人机全程目睹了,他聚精会神的看着,没有错过半点。 Although knows that is obtains a sought-after object to to congratulate true this, dies with no regrets, but why does not know, helplessly looks that in a short time two followed in oneself ally passed away one after another, in the Fang Linyan heart also felt heavy suffocated! Only thought that resentful air/Qi beyond description are battering, wants to bellow to yell that can divulge general it. 虽然知道向贺真这是求仁得仁,死而无憾,但不知道为什么,眼睁睁的看着短时间内两名跟随在自己身边的战友相继去世,方林岩心中也是觉得沉甸甸的堵得慌!只觉得心中有一股难以形容的愤懑之气在横冲直撞,令人直想大吼大叫才能将之宣泄出来一般。 The news that on the retina shoots is to make Fang Linyan one cold: 紧接着,视网膜上弹出来的消息更是让方林岩一凛: Breeds hunting for CD8492116, warning, in pursuit speedy approach.” “殖猎者CD8492116号,警告,追击者迅速接近中。” Repeats, the warning, in pursuit speedy approach!” “重复一遍,警告,追击者迅速接近中!” After witnessing all these, Fang Linyan is also somewhat surprised, because he saw oriental cherry use item crow sorrowful cry strikes to massacre to celebrating really one. 目睹了这一切之后,方林岩也是有几分吃惊,因为他看到了樱花使用道具“鸦恸哭”击杀掉向贺真的一幕。 This pursuit is unexpectedly the space soldier? The strength of this fellow. It is not general!” “这个追击者居然是空间战士?这家伙的实力.不是一般的强啊!” I now strongest attack card in a hand: The exclamation of Athena has used up, only depending on the surplus eight wine glasses, the present strength, the assurance that cannot defeat time, do not say that struck to kill!” “我现在最强的攻击底牌:雅典娜之惊叹已经用掉了,仅凭剩余一次的八酒杯,还有现在的实力,根本就没有能战胜的把握,更不要说击杀了!” „.” “.” At this time Fang Linyan is also quite helpless, the exclamation of Athena to his significance was really important, but under that aspect, using up will also be the matter that had no alternative, but must face very awkward matter now, that came facing pressing hard on enemy, first travelled importantly. 此时方林岩也是相当无奈,雅典娜之惊叹对他的意义实在是太重要了,但在那种局面下,将之用掉也是无可奈何的事情,只是现在就要面对很尴尬的事情,那就是面对敌人的紧逼而来,先跑路要紧了。 Moreover, Fang Linyan was also left over the thoughts of guerrilla warfare. Oneself depend upon the talent, had the distinct advantage in the middle of long-distance running, if the enemy does not pursue already, hot pursuit, then seizes the chance to pull out hails to attack is not. 不仅如此,方林岩也是存下了游击战的心思。自己依靠天赋,在长途奔跑当中占据了明显的优势,若敌人不追则已,穷追不舍的话,那么趁机抽冷子突袭一下也不是不可以的。 However Fang Linyan soon discovered, oriental cherry fellow seemed like with what item, his traveling speed obviously wanted the quick big truncation! Fang Linyan narrowed an eye, very simple started cheating: 但是方林岩很快就发现,樱花这家伙看起来是用了什么道具,他的移动速度明显要比自己快一大截!方林岩眯缝了一下眼睛,很干脆的就开始了作弊: Hey, I must be killed, now needs you to help.” “喂喂喂,我要被人弄死了,现在需要你帮忙。” Mobius mark gave the reply quickly: 莫比乌斯印记很快给出了回复: Please give the demand.” “请给出需求。” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: „Before I need you to use Biska data stream an equipment to return to original state, suppressed relations because of this world, therefore only needed to return to original state a attribute to be OK.” “我需要你用比斯卡数据流将之前的一件装备还原出来,不过因为本世界的压制关系,所以只需要还原其中的一条属性就可以了。” After Mobius mark listened, gave the prompt very much simply: 莫比乌斯印记听了以后很干脆的给出了提示: „Do you want with shaming this equipment?” “你是要和羞走这件装备吧?” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: Yes, and only needed its acceleration attribute to be good, were other attribute marks???, In the future slowly unlocking.” “是的,并且只需要它的那一条加速属性就行了,其余的属性标记为???,日后慢慢解锁都可以。” Mobius mark continued to give the prompt: 莫比乌斯印记继续给出了提示: This world is the special world, if must meet your need, although can achieve, but you must receive a corresponding branch duty to be good, and must complete it in seven days.” “本世界乃是特殊世界,如果要满足你的需求的话,虽然是可以做到的,但是你必须要接收一个相应的支线任务才行,并且还必须在七天内完成它。” Otherwise, I am unable to go round the floor K-281 order, this will make the opportunity that I expose increase.” “否则的话,我无法绕开底层K-281号命令,这样的话会令我暴露的机会大增。” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: How is the difficulty of that branch duty?” “那个支线任务的难度是怎么样的?” Mobius mark said: 莫比乌斯印记道: Difficulty coefficient stochastic interval is A- to B-.” “难度系数随机区间是A-到B-。” Fang Linyan very simple say/way: 方林岩很干脆的道: I.e., the luck is most hapless I also to pull out A- at most, met.” “这就是说,运气最倒霉我也顶多抽个A-而已嘛,接了接了。” Therefore quick, he felt that in the private were many a thing, looks at the modeling with shaming exactly the same, but its name is: Pingyao cloth shoes. 于是很快的,他就感觉到了私人空间里面多了一件东西,看造型是与和羞走一模一样,但其名字叫做:平遥布鞋。 Pingyao cloth shoes 平遥布鞋 Quality: Duty item( after duty ended will then be taken back) 品质:任务道具(当任务结束之后便会被收回) Passive special effect( harnesses fog): Makes your traveling speed promote 35, after once were injured by the enemy, the traveling speed addition reduces to 8, will harness the fog special effect after being separated to fight for 5 minutes to restore. 被动特效(驾雾):使你的移动速度提升35,只是一旦遭受到敌人的伤害之后,移动速度加成降低至八,驾雾特效将会在脱离战斗五分钟以后重新恢复。 The wanted thing succeeds in obtaining, Fang Linyan quickly putting on. 想要的东西到手,方林岩急忙将之穿上。 But when this cloth shoes put on, Fang Linyan at present also presents a series of prompts: 而就在这双布鞋被穿上的时候,方林岩的眼前也是出现了一系列的提示: Breeds hunting for CD8492116, you had obtained the branch duty successfully: Jinmen first.” “殖猎者CD8492116,你已经成功获得了支线任务:津门第一。” Task definition: Tianjin shoe industry competes at present very intensely, various aspects while are propagandizing the marketing shop strongly, the evil intention slandered others' shop while convenient.” “任务内容:天津目前鞋业方面竞争十分激烈,各方面都在竭力宣传营销自家店的同时,顺带恶意诋毁别人的店铺。” Therefore after finally contradictory intensification, after a shoe industry trade union discussion, managed by rushing to the competition simply, making one rush to the tail from Dagu Road from the beginning, simultaneously wore the shoes that the major shops built, took the lead to run the end point, can obtain this year shoe industry Jinmen's first title.” “因此最后矛盾激化之后,鞋业工会一番商议之后索性办了个逐奔大赛,让人从大沽路从头奔到尾,同时穿上各大店铺打造的鞋子,率先奔跑到终点的,就能获得本年的鞋业津门第一称号。” You happened to present to be involved in this vortex, and accepted the shop Pingyao invitation, participated in this by rushing to the competition, what must be careful, your opponent may not only be these ricksha husbands, there are various people of all sorts of people.” “你适逢其会卷入了这个旋涡当中,并且接受到了店铺平遥号的邀请,参加了这个逐奔大赛,但要小心的是,你的对手可不仅仅是那些黄包车夫,也有三教九流的各类人士。” Is good because of Pingyao is not harsh to your request, only asked you at least to make Jinmen's seventh progress to be enough.” “好在平遥号对你的要求也并不苛刻,只求你至少能取得津门第七的成绩就足够了。” By rushing to competition starting from the day after tomorrow noon, please on time arrive.” “逐奔大赛将会在后日晌午开始,请准时到达。” These prompt Fang Linyan in a hurry one, then started to continue to travel. 这些提示方林岩匆匆一眼,便开始继续跑路了。 But the oriental cherry obviously reduced one with the Fang Linyan distance, but also at least also 40-50 meters, deal with a running enemy in this distance, that is not an easy matter. 而樱花虽然明显缩短了一段与方林岩的距离,但是还至少也有40-50米,在这个距离上对付一名正在奔跑的敌人,那可不是一件容易的事儿。 But after Fang Linyan obtained this 35 speed increases, immediately looked like steps on the accelerator race car to be the same, pit-a-pat increased speed suddenly! After the oriental cherry pursued 100-200 meters, sighs, then helpless stopped the footsteps. 方林岩获得了这35的速度提升以后,顿时就像是踩了油门儿的跑车一样,突突突的陡然提速了!樱花追出了100-200米之后,也是叹了一口气,然后无奈的停下了脚步。 The acceleration item that at this time he uses only has remained for ten seconds to be the time, with opposite party among distance not only cannot pull closer, instead was farther. 此时他使用的加速道具已经只剩十秒钟就到时间了,与对方之间的距离不但没能拉近,反而更远了。 Witnessed such situation, the oriental cherry is one knows the person who onset and retreat, narrowed the eye to look at Fang Linyan back a while, then very simple turned around to leave. 目睹了这样的情况,樱花是一个非常知道进退的人,眯缝着眼睛看了方林岩的背影一会儿,然后很干脆的就转身走人。 After detecting the opposite party left, Fang Linyan does not have the general idea/careless, but after then ran almost several li (0.5 km), looked for a high place to stop. 在发觉对方离开了之后,方林岩并没有大意,而是接着奔跑了差不多几里之后才找了个高处停了下来。 Here Fang Linyan can take in everything at a glance the rear situation, at this time Sun had risen, therefore Fang Linyan found a secluded place to eat a thing to drink some water, at this time started to pull and read the beforehand battlefield information: 在这里方林岩能将后方的情况一览无遗,此时太阳已经升了起来,所以方林岩找了个僻静地方吃了点东西喝了些水,这时候才开始调阅之前的战场信息: „.” “.” Breeds hunting for CD8492116, the bloodthirsty spider soul that you display caused 12 damage to plot character Huangchuan.” “殖猎者CD8492116号,你施展的嗜血蛛魂对剧情人物荒川造成了12点伤害。” Plot character Huangchuan three solid life values enull, announced the death.” “剧情人物荒川三实生命值归零,宣布死亡。” Because the plot character Huangchuan three realities are the secondary time node of this world, originally should die in 1964, therefore your behavior to the originally time of this world will tape the influence of certain extent.” “因为剧情人物荒川三实乃是本世界的次要时间节点,本来应该是在1964年死亡,所以你的行为将会对本世界的原本时间线带来一定程度的影响。” Sees here, Fang Linyan put out long air/Qi finally, no wonder oneself really get rid of Huangchuan three is so difficult, originally this fellow historically also played very important role unexpectedly, is the secondary time node! 看到这里,方林岩总算是吐出了一口长气,难怪自己干掉荒川三实这么艰难,原来这家伙在历史上居然还扮演了很重要的角色,是个次要的时间节点! The future alliance association big shot, had been Republic of China Marshal Huang Xing, its importance estimated at this time is also only the secondary time node, therefore struck to kill the difficulty is so high can understand actually. 要知道,日后的同盟会大佬,曾经做过民国大元帅的黄兴,其重要性此时估计也只是个次要时间节点而已,因此击杀难度这么高倒是可以理解了。 Fang Linyan then assigns out the war progress bar that oneself most paid attention , under looks, finally loose long air/Qi. 紧接着,方林岩便调出了自己最为关注的战争进度条,一看之下,终于松了一口长气。 This stock market of gadget probably big crashing arrived at the bottom finally finally, started slightly to rebound, the winning percentage of China returned over 14. 这玩意儿终于像是大崩盘的股市终于到了底,开始略有反弹了,中国一方的胜率重新回到了14以上。 However, now in the Fang Linyan heart is also very clear, Tianjin is the time that the Japanese space soldier forms on the victory of plan crosses the hands behind the back! 不过,现在方林岩心里面也很清楚,天津就是日本空间战士组建的这一次“上洛”计划的胜负手! Once Tianjin falls to the enemy, even is the war not wonderful news transmits, was equivalent on the throat of national capital the gesture knife 一旦天津沦陷,甚至是战局不妙的消息传来,就相当于在京师的咽喉上比划刀子了 What then of national capital makes to mother and child retarded deals is not unusual, having no more to do with flee to Chengde is not strange, this Beiyang morale falls the valley inevitably. 那么京师的那对母子做出什么样的弱智应对都不稀奇的,拔腿就逃往承德也不奇怪,这样的话北洋这边的士气必然落到谷底。 Naturally, what is most fearful is direct peaceful and ally, with house slave, did not feel that the pressure too comes a peace negotiation greatly, that is really the total destruction. 当然,最可怕的是直接“宁与友邦,不与家奴”,感觉到压力太大来个议和,那就真的是灭顶之灾。 Considered a while, then before Fang Linyan then took out directly, two keys that gain- These two gadget are Huangchuan and Xie Peng fall respectively. 考虑了一会儿,然后方林岩便直接取出了之前获取的两把钥匙--这两件玩意儿分别是荒川和谢鹏掉落的。 First what opens is the Huangchuan three solid keys, before Fang Linyan, had to experience, probably this battle efficiency dregs status very important person, will not however fall very much massive universe points, rare equipment and so on reward. 首先开启的是荒川三实的钥匙,方林岩之前也是有经验了,像是这种战斗力很渣但是身份很重要的人,并不会掉落大量的通用点,稀有装备之类的奖励。 However, his body will also possibly present very important item, but, only limited to this world! 不过,其身上也可能会出现很重要的道具,但是,仅限于本世界! Really, Fang Linyan the first item that attains from the Huangchuan three realities is a deposit receipt of bank, and deposit receipt of HSBC, in this deposit receipt also surplus 330,000 pounds. 果然,方林岩从荒川三实身上拿到的第一件道具就是一张银行的存单,并且还是汇丰银行的存单,这张存单上还剩余下来了三十三万英镑。 Showing of deposit receipt is, the Huangchuan three realities take the promising youth who in the middle of Kenyosha receives to regard as important very much, in the hand are actually also having the large amounts of resources, this sum of money is he for bribing the official of Qing government, the operation international affairs, control the international opinion to use. 存单的说明是,荒川三实作为玄洋社当中很受到看重的后起之秀,手中其实也是掌握着大量的资源,这笔钱就是他用于贿赂清廷的官员,还有运作国际事务,支配国际舆论所用的。 Because this sum of money cannot be exposed to light, the drawing out way that therefore this deposit receipt selects will be at sight cashing, the holder can withdrawing cash in the middle of any HSBC. 因为这笔钱并不能见光,所以这张存单选用的支取方式乃是见票兑付,持有者可以在任何一处汇丰银行当中将之提现。 To be honest, this gadget left the words of this world, that is a scrap paper, is not right, side has labelling, the space can purchase with 387 point universe points, this is a value money. 说实话,这玩意儿离开了本世界的话,那就是一张废纸,哦不对,旁边有标注,空间可以用387点通用点收购,这还是值点儿钱的。 However, in this world, how the value of this gadget looked to use, with the good words, can control a campaign is not exaggerating. 不过,在本世界里面,这玩意儿的价值就看怎么用了,用得好的话,可以左右一场战役都绝不夸张。 Then Fang Linyan attains, unexpectedly resembles the sign together, resembles the hierograph the thing, above also wrote two characters: nun tires. 接下来方林岩拿到的,居然是一块似牌子,又似神符的东西,上面还写了两个字:尼厌。 Moreover, this gadget unexpectedly is the item of dark gold/metal quality, its showing is as follows: 不仅如此,这玩意儿居然是暗金品质的道具,其说明如下: nun tires is a monster who becomes a ghost in the Taoshan time, likes the stay world, and plays hundred people of one with the child game, therefore died in view of this point capturing and killing by the Yin-Yang master. 尼厌乃是一头在桃山时代成精的妖怪,非常喜欢逗留人间,并且和小孩子玩“百人一首”的游戏,所以就被阴阳师针对这一点捕杀而死。 The Yin-Yang master refined this sign part of its corpse, although it was the disposable thing, had the huge might. 阴阳师将其尸体的一部分炼制成了这个牌子,虽然它是一次性用品,却也拥有巨大的威力。 Uses this sign, can use the powerful imaginary technique, lets appearance that around the nearby person and you camouflages to assign together, this camouflage has powerful confusing, but duration only then five minutes, once will launch the attack or is attacked is broken. 使用此牌子,可以施展出强大的幻术,让附近周围的人与你一起伪装成指定的模样,此伪装具备非常强大的迷惑性,但是持续时间只有五分钟,并且一旦发起攻击或者被人攻击都会被破掉。 This item is unable to be carried this world, if carries this item to return to the space, then it will be transformed 5000 universe points. 本道具无法被携带出本世界,如果携带此道具回归空间,那么其将会被自行转换成5000通用点。 Then Fang Linyan opens is the key that Xie Peng falls. 接下来方林岩开启的则是谢鹏掉落的钥匙。 What first falling is the item: The title deed, the specific detail is, the title deed of Dongping mansion Ze Township, has a here superior irrigable land 74 mu certificate. 第一件掉落的是道具:地契,具体介绍是,东平府泽沟乡的地契,是持有此处上等水浇地74亩的凭证。 What second falling is Fang Linyan cannot apply the equipment that increases 4 sensations, 100 life values, actually reduce 15 point defense strength, after the key is the equipment, this negative effect will continue for 48 hours, whether or not cancellation. 第二件掉落的是一件方林岩派不上用场的装备,增加四点感知,100点生命值,却降低15点防御力,关键是装备以后这负面效果就会持续48小时,无论是否将之取消。 This gadget loses to the goat finally mostly sells. 这玩意儿最后多半是丢给山羊去出售。 Third falls, is actually a side unusual ancient seal. 第三件掉落的,却是一方奇特古印。 This ancient seal probably only then the fist size, the above engraver appears quite rough primitive, on the seal actually writes one crooked ginger character, and seems like the seal characters. 这古印大概只有拳头大小,上面的雕工显得颇为粗糙原始,印章上却写着一个歪歪扭扭的“姜”字,并且看起来还是篆体的。 The back also has four fuzzy small characters: Hates ringless. 其背后还有四个模糊的小字:恨地无环。 To be honest, this gadget is not good to the first impression of person, rough, primitive, crude, even looks like the toy of child to be the same. 说实话,这玩意儿给人的第一印象并不好,粗糙,原始,简陋,甚至就像是孩童的玩具一般。 But the introduction of ancient seal is also very unusual: 而古印的介绍也很奇特: This seal, is the Xie Peng strength greatly infinite basic reason, at crucial moments perhaps can also rescue your life. 这枚印章,就是谢鹏力大无穷的根本原因,在关键时刻或许也能救你一命。 Remaining did not have. 剩下的就没有了。 Fourth falls, is a cup, this cup Fang Linyan thought that looks very ugly, but perhaps is the person not facial expression, perhaps is also the Fang Linyan appreciation level has not been this level. 第四件掉落的,则是一个杯子,这个杯子方林岩觉得看起来很丑,但或许是人不可貌相,也或许是方林岩的欣赏水平根本就没有达到这个层次。 The name of this cup is called: Cherishes snow hold Fang, the introduction is, the precious incomparable teacup, was hounded by many people, the price is very expensive. 这个杯子的名字叫做:怀雪盛芳,介绍是,名贵无比的茶杯,被多人追捧,价格十分昂贵。 The above introduction , the key was the attribute that it then demonstrated sparked the Fang Linyan interest, because also had these three character labels of valuable impressively! 上面的介绍倒也罢了,关键是它接下来显示的属性还是引发了方林岩的兴趣,因为赫然也有贵重物的这三字标签! In other words, before this gadget unexpectedly is , world words female room this that attains strange blade is the same rank, this can make Fang Linyan regard with a special fondness. 换而言之,这玩意儿居然是和之前拿到的世话女房这把奇刀是同一个级别的,这就能让方林岩另眼相看了啊。 After handling these things, Fang Linyan is holding appreciatively that ancient seal again carefully. 在处理完了这些事情之后,方林岩再次仔细把玩着那一方古印。 Hates ringless these four characters actually to have the origin, its entire sentence named: Hates the day not to have, hates ringless, the legend was a feeling of ancient star, felt own inborn supernatural power, if the day had the hand, had the snap ring, oneself can draw to entrain it. “恨地无环”这四个字其实是有来历的,其全句叫做:恨天无把,恨地无环,传说乃是一名古代名将的感慨,觉得自己天生神力,若是天有把手,地有扣环,自己都能将之拉着拽起来。 However, Fang Linyan always thought that these are also hiding what profound meaning, but does not have the means to understand now. 不过,方林岩总觉得这其中还隐藏着什么深意,只是现在还没办法参透而已。 At this time the time press, Fang Linyan has also thought that next step action, that was first five and the others converged to say with the king again. 这时候时间紧迫,方林岩也就早就想好了下一步的行动,那便是先与王五等人汇合再说。 Time both sides of distinction on having agreement, how regardless of the situation fluctuates, king five they will certainly leave behind the related news in aid People Drugstore there of Master Huo. 分别的时候双方就有约定,无论局势怎么变幻,王五他们都一定会在霍师傅的济民药栈那里留下相关消息的。 Fang Linyan returns from the overseas in a hurry, actually during the plan first stand comes to here: 方林岩匆匆自海外而返,其实规划当中的第一站就是来这里: At that time national affairs, if the mountains and rivers hang upside down such, it can be said that is in imminent danger, he overtook to kill the Huangchuan three realities with no other choice. 只是当时国事若山河倒悬那样,可以说是岌岌可危,他在不得已的情况下才赶过去杀了荒川三实。 Is good the effect that strikes to kill this fellow is also being very obvious, can look from the war progress bar, it can be said that gets quick results simply, obviously made the entire war progress bar stop the momentum of dropping. 好在击杀这家伙的效果也是很明显的,从战争进度条上就能看出来,简直可以说是立竿见影似的,明显让整个战争进度条这边停止了狂泻的势头。 And space soldiers in Japan rapid breathless catches up to meddle, explained in disguised form Fang Linyan behavior actually center strategic point, might be called hits the snake to project on seven cuns (2.5 cm). 并且日本一方的空间战士迅速气急败坏的赶来插手,也变相的说明了方林岩的行为其实正中要害,堪称打蛇打到了七寸上。
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