FE :: Volume #13

#1362: To celebrating real pinnacle of poetic creation

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Chapter 1360 to celebrating real pinnacle of poetic creation 第1360章向贺真的绝唱 Fang Linyan killed the Huangchuan three realities, regarding this group of nuts, the intense incomparable sense of stigma and feeling of guilty covered in whole body, such suffering almost must make it crazy, even many people set firm resolve, after massacring the murderer committed hara-kiri immediately. 方林岩杀了荒川三实,对于这帮狂热份子来说,强烈无比的耻辱感和罪恶感笼罩在了全身上下,这样的煎熬几乎要令其为之疯狂,甚至有不少人下定了决心,在杀掉凶手以后就立即切腹。 In this case, in a short time Fang Linyan has not really cast off the rear pursuing troops suddenly. After he runs many two li (0.5 km), discovered a command head/number of people big matter: 在这种情况下,短时间内方林岩一时间还真的甩不开后方的追兵。等到他奔跑出两里多地之后,更是发现了一件令人头大的事情: The rear mist and dust is billowing, impressively yes *** set out large quantities of horse caravans to come to track down and suppress! 后方烟尘滚滚,赫然是***出动了大批马队前来进行搜剿! During the Huangchuan that Fang Linyan discovery suddenly, oneself get rid of now, cannot do well his status imagine is much more important, looks at the weaponry of this time, looked like pulled out hornet's nest impressively, swarmed, making one feel scalp tingles. 方林岩现在才骤的发现,自己干掉的这个荒川,搞不好其身份比自己想象当中的还要重要得多啊,看此时的这阵仗,赫然就像是掏了马蜂窝似的,蜂拥而出,令人觉得头皮发麻。 Is good can discover through the angle of view of unmanned aerial vehicle because of this time, oneself continues escapes from 34 kilometers after north, that side is a hill continuously. 好在此时通过无人机的视角可以发现,自己继续往北面逃出三四公里之后,那边就是一片连绵不断的丘陵。 Altitude estimation 100 meters of these hills, vegetation also sparse seems like the skin disease dysentery head, but without a doubt, oneself in a drill toward the vegetation of hill, in this place, the speed of horse caravan will be greatly affected casually. 这些丘陵的高度估计连一百米都不到,植被也是稀稀拉拉的看起来像是癞痢头,但毫无疑问,自己随便往丘陵的植被里面一钻,在这种地方,马队的速度会大受影响。 If oneself can support the hill, then defers to own two big passive: Breath optimization + foundation footsteps LV10 extra special effect passive( sprint), the opportunity of then successfully travelling was very high. 自己若是能撑到丘陵当中的话,那么依照自己的两大被动:呼吸优化+基础脚步LV10的额外特效被动(冲刺),那么成功跑路的机会就很高了。 But north this time, Fang Linyan saw the rise thick smoke, he carefully looked, detected under the thick smoke had a stand the straight person, was the ambush in the external connection on own to to congratulate true. 而就在这时候,方林岩又看到北面升起来了一道浓烟,他仔细一看,发觉浓烟下面有一个站得笔直的人,正是潜伏在外接应自己的向贺真。 Therefore Fang Linyan chose without hesitation believed him, then aimed at the direction that the thick smoke was at to run to go. 于是方林岩毫不犹豫的选择了相信他,然后对准了浓烟所在的方向奔跑而去。 Fang Linyan suddenly changes, and he has not taken the common road, shuttled back and forth from the field alley directly the past, immediately made a big trouble to the horse caravan that following pursued! Let them probably detour, this but actually was also a unexpected happiness. 方林岩陡然变向,并且他还不走寻常路,直接从田间小路穿梭了过去,顿时给后面追击的马队造成了不小的麻烦!让他们要重新绕路,这倒也是意外之喜了。 However actually relations that because also detours, the Japanese who therefore was chased by behind pulled out hails to fire two spears/guns, to Fang Linyan actually was also not what too big matter, although after all at this time Fang Linyan was the weary soldier of protracted battle, two spears/guns actually could not want his life. 不过却也因为绕路的关系,所以被后面追赶的日本人抽冷子打了两枪,对方林岩来说却也并不算什么太大的事情,毕竟此时虽然方林岩乃是久战的疲兵,两枪却也要不了他的命。 Quick, Fang Linyan saw the thick smoke surrounding situation, originally here is a length approximately more than ten meters stone bridge, at this time in bridgehead two horse-drawn vehicles, have been stopping up horizontally stubbornly the crossroad, but hugs to to congratulate true both hands in the chest front, stands in the crown of carriage, on the face also has the light smile. 很快的,方林岩就看到了浓烟周围的情形,原来这里乃是一座长约十几米的石桥,此时桥头上已经横着两辆马车,将路口堵得死死的,而向贺真双手抱在胸前,就站在马车的顶部,脸上还带着淡淡的微笑。 After Fang Linyan arrived at beyond more than ten meters, to to congratulate true the access road/simply said: 等到方林岩到达了十几米外之后,向贺真便道: I bring up the rear, you first walk.” “我断后,你先走。” Fang Linyan stagnated stagnation, immediately knits the brows: 方林岩滞了滞,立即皱眉道: „It is not good, walks together, behind that group of Japanese are the people ready dead, is very hard to deal with! Once you were stuck to by them, that could not leave.” “不行,一起走,后面那帮日本人都是死士,难缠得很!你一旦被他们粘住,那就走不掉了。” Smiles to say to to congratulate true: 向贺真微笑道: Therefore I must bring up the rear, if walks together, that could not do well is both people cannot get away.” “所以我要断后啊,若是一起走的话,那搞不好就是两个人都走不了了。” At this time, in the field of vision of unmanned aerial vehicle, saw a person distant at an exceptional pace caught up, should be *** middle expert heard the news to catch up. 这时候,在无人机的视野里面,又见到了一个人远远的以惊人的速度赶来,想必应该是***当中的高手闻讯赶来了。 Saw the speed of this person, to to congratulate true not startled counter- happy, showed the elated smile of the heart: 见到了这个人的速度,向贺真不惊反喜,露出了发自内心的欢畅笑容: Finally came a nice expert.” “终于来了个像样的高手了。” Fang Linyan also frowns at this time: 方林岩此时也是皱起了眉头: We killed him jointly, then walks together.” “我们联手杀了他,然后再一起走。” Shakes the head to to congratulate true, caresses the sword smile saying: 向贺真摇摇头,抚剑微笑道: I am the swordsman, the murder was innumerable, how long originally could not live, but I as swordsman life worst ownership was the paralysis on the bed, little rotting! The slayer most suitable cause of death, dies under the sword!” “我本是剑客,杀人无数,本来就活不了多久了,而我身为剑客这一生最糟糕的归属就是瘫在床上,一点点的烂掉!杀人者最适合的死法,就是死于刀剑之下!” If can cut to kill a expert before dying, then dies above the battlefield, this is I the glory that longs for obtaining.” “若是能在死前斩杀一名高手,然后死在战阵之上,这才是我最渴望获得的荣耀。” At this point, deeply is bowing to Fang Linyan to to congratulate true: 说到这里,向贺真对着方林岩深深鞠躬: Please must help my wish, your excellency, anticipates the reunion in the middle of the god country at that moment!” “请务必成全我这个心愿,阁下,期待在神国当中重逢那一刻!” Heard after celebrating the real words, Fang Linyan cannot say anything, in his heart spilled over intense sad Chang again, before Laming died , the off and on words appeared near the ear again, 听到了向贺真的话之后,方林岩也不能多说什么了,他心中再次泛出了强烈的悲怅,拉明死前断断续续的话再次出现在了耳边, Therefore Fang Linyan can only aim to to congratulate true the deep ritual, then turns around to go! 于是方林岩只能对准了向贺真深深一礼,然后转身而去! Quick, the pursuing troops pursue tightly, but, but had arrived to to congratulate true at this time behind carriage that stops up the bridge, the bullet radical penetration does not pass, cannot project on the goal. 很快的,追兵就紧追而至,可是这时候向贺真已经来到了堵桥的马车后方,子弹根本穿透不过去,也根本打不到目标。 But the river surface of this river be only 78 meters width, is the water depth is rapid, wants to swim across is not, but really takes time, 而这条河的河面虽然只有七八米宽,却是水深而湍急,想要泅渡不是不可以,而是实在过于费事, Therefore this group of Japanese security guard's current optimizations, surmount these two traverse horse-drawn vehicles, then can continue to pursue it. 所以这帮日本警卫目前的最佳选择,就是翻越这两辆横放的马车,然后才能继续对其进行追击。 When the first Japanese security guards crossed the carriage compartment, saw below unfolds the face to smile to him to to congratulate true, in the middle of this smile has three points to look down on the world, actually three distribution from the joy of bottom of one's heart. 当第一名日本警卫翻过马车车厢的时候,就看到下方的向贺真对他展颜一笑,这笑容当中带着三分玩世不恭,却又有三分发自肺腑的欣喜. Then, to famous blade in to congratulate true hand. forest Su is the sheath, carried over a magnificent incomparable blade light! 然后,向贺真手中的名刀.林苏已是出鞘,带出了一道华丽无比的刀光! After short three minutes, behind this carriage is the field littered with corpses, attack the core members in 13 Kenyosha, was killed to to congratulate Zhenzhan completely at the scene!! 短短的三分钟之后,这马车后方已经是尸横遍野,来袭的十三名玄洋社的核心份子,全部被向贺真斩杀当场!! Serious illness dying to to congratulate true in this moment, has smiled to burn own all lives all, looks like fireworks such, bloomed directly the most radiant magnificent ray, even if were in the sky the hot sun, was hard to cover that to glisten colorfully!! 重病垂死的向贺真在这一刻,已经微笑着将自己的所有生命都尽数燃烧了开来,就像是烟花那样,直接绽放出了最为璀璨华丽的光芒,哪怕是当空烈日,也难以掩盖那辉耀华彩!! Kills the enemy 1000, damages 800, in the fight of former that intense bad risk, was experiences personally three to create to to congratulate true: 杀敌一千,自损八百,在之前那激烈凶险的战斗当中,向贺真也是身受三创: And a wound on the cheeks, the body whirls around, even can see inside white tooth by the wound gap. 其中一道伤口在脸颊上,皮肉翻卷,甚至能透过伤口的间隙看到里面的白色牙齿。 Another two wounds respectively in neck, right chest, obviously the bad risk of its tactical situation. 另外两道伤口分别是在脖子,右胸,可见其战况之凶险。 But at this time the bloodshed on wound, actually pulled out white silk to to congratulate true although, carefully and is cleaning on the long blade forest Su bloodstain and dirt patiently, until will handle bright, actually does not spare a glance to oneself wound. 但这时候尽管伤口上的血流如注,向贺真却掏出了一张白绢,仔细而耐心的擦拭着长刀林苏上面的血迹和污垢,直到将之重新打理得光可鉴人,却对自己身上的伤口不屑一顾. Then catches the eye to look that to to congratulate Zhencai smiled to say to carriage that person: 然后向贺真才抬眼看向了马车顶部的那个人微笑道: Many thanks.” “多谢。” That person that racing Hangqi fast expert, Fang Linyan thinks he is *** member, but the person will make a mistake! 那个人正是那名奔行奇速的高手,方林岩本来以为他是***的成员,但是人就会犯错误! This person is not others, now also carries the pursuit duty: Hunts and kills the Fang Linyan oriental cherry. 这个人不是别人,正是现在还背着追击者任务:猎杀方林岩的樱花。 That short and stout person oriental cherry of undistinguished appearance, 那个其貌不扬的矮胖子樱花, A that blade cuts to need to consume the entire twenty hours of oriental cherries! 那个一刀斩出需要耗费整整二十几个小时的樱花! The oriental cherry comes time, saw that is scratching the blade to to congratulate Zhenzheng, he has not begun unexpectedly, but sank the air/Qi to wait for his a half minute patiently, therefore said these two characters to to congratulate Zhencai. 樱花来的时候,见到向贺真正在擦刀,他居然并没有动手,而是沉住了气足足耐心等待了他半分钟,因此向贺真才说出了这两个字。 The oriental cherry shakes the head saying: 樱花摇摇头道: I also with the person of blade, therefore understands that you treasure the thoughts of blade, therefore gives you time of this net blade.” “我也是用刀的人,所以明白你爱惜刀的心思,所以给你这个净刀的时间。” Naturally, a more important point is, you three wounds are also bleeding now, many one second, you will be weak a point, is also favorable for me in the tactic.” “当然,更重要的一点是,你现在身上还有三处伤口在流血,多过一秒钟,你就会多虚弱一分,在战术上对我也有利。” Sheathes to to congratulate Zhenshou the blade, said with a smile calmly: 向贺真收刀入鞘,从容一笑道: My this decayed body, could not have felt completely painful and weak, you I were weak in the protracted time, do I make the person who must shield escape in the protracted time?” “我这具已经腐朽的身躯,已经完全感觉不到痛苦和虚弱了,你在拖延时间等我虚弱,我又何尝不是在拖延时间让要掩护的人逃得更远?” The oriental cherry shows a faint smile, were not many spoke, gripped the hilt of waist. 樱花微微一笑,却不多说话了,也是握住了腰间的刀柄。 The atmosphere between both sides, suddenly became dignified. 双方之间的气氛,陡然变得凝重了起来。 The hilt of oriental cherry is very simple, was two wood chips gripped the end of blade, was tight with jute yarn entangling bit by bit, the scabbard was also very simple wooden sheath. 樱花的刀柄很是朴素,就是两块木片夹住了刀的尾部,然后用麻线一点一点的缠紧,刀鞘也是很简单的木鞘。 At this time two people adopted the stance of cuhap, hidden point in blade, explodes to cut to kill instantaneously is the charm of cuhap sabreplay is, therefore is also called draws a sword to cut, 此时两人都摆出了居合的姿态,藏锋于刃,瞬间爆起斩杀就是居合刀术的魅力所在,因此也被称为拔刀斩, When the blade leaves, then divides the life and death. 刀出之时,便分生死。 In the middle of many schools of Japan, even some secret sword the gesture must draw out the hand by the cuhap. 在日本的很多流派当中,甚至有很多秘剑的起手式都必须是要以居合起手。 Suddenly, *** here pursuing troops also caught up, was they climbs up the sound of carriage to disturb the oriental cherry probably, his look presented a movement of deviation. 骤的,***这边的追兵也是随之赶来了,大概是他们攀爬马车的声音干扰到了樱花,他的眼神就出现一个偏离的动作。 This petty action, initiated is actually the comprehensive flames of war, looked like gets down the Chinese chess time direct arch dead, perhaps opposite party's response was to move the graceful! 这一个小动作,引发的却是全面战火,就像是下象棋时候直接一个拱卒,对方的反应说不定就是要动帅了! Concentrating on caught this point to to congratulate true, therefore the under foot moved suddenly! 全神贯注的向贺真捕捉到了这一点,于是脚下忽然一动! But to to congratulate true when this time moves, is actually not the advance, but is the retreat! 但向贺真在这时候一动之时,却不是前进,而是后退! both sides this time attention of completely centralized on the body of opposite party, sentences the behavior of opposite party in advance is also the inevitable matter. 双方此时的注意力全部都集中在了对方的身上,预判对方的行为也是必然的事情。 Under normal circumstances, the oriental cherry saw lashes out at to congratulate true, sentences him to toward oneself begin inevitably in advance, its choice nothing but is two: 在正常情况下,樱花见到了向贺真发难,必然预判他要朝着自己动手,其选择无非就是两个: First, to attack to attack, looked that whose blade quickly or is whose blood is thick 第一,以攻对攻,看谁刀快或者说是谁血厚 Second, the retreat defense, to defend to treat attacks. 第二,后退防御,以守待攻。 But if to attack to attack, the oriental cherry sentences the blade in advance, actually retrocedes to to congratulate true ahead of time, the possibility that this blade flies back without any results is very big, because others are first draw back, occupied safe offensive! 但若是以攻对攻的话,樱花预判出刀,向贺真却是提前后退,这一刀无功而返的可能性很大,因为别人是先退,占据了稳稳当当的先手! But after making a move, one cannot hit, in fact had fallen into absolute leeward, the opponent, if makes use the counter-attack, that did not die must peel a skin. 而出手之后一击不中,实际上就已经是落入了绝对的下风,对手若是趁势反击,那就不死都要脱一层皮了。 If chooses the retreat defense, is seemingly safe, actually has pulled away among two people the distance. 若是选择后退防御的话,看似稳妥,其实已经拉开了两人之间的距离。 But to celebrating real secret sword: swallow Fan, then needed among two people to be separated by a distance to be able exactly to display! 而向贺真的秘剑:燕返,则是恰好需要两人之间相隔了一段距离才能施展的! Oriental cherry choice is actually second: Retreat. 樱花选择的却是第二项:后退。 He draws back, draws back to to congratulate true, among two people spread out about four meters immediately, rises with a spring to to congratulate true suddenly forward, flies high to draw a sword, the blade light spread instantaneously, resembled the tide to rush to front oriental cherry unexpectedly generally!! 他退,向贺真也退,两人之间顿时就拉开了四米左右的距离,向贺真猛然向前一跃而起,凌空拔刀,刀光瞬间蔓延了开去,竟似潮水一般直涌向了面前的樱花!! This secret sword acquiring fame swallow Fan, is because it fast does not have, even can grazing, but the swallow cuts to fall. 这秘剑之所以得名燕返,便是因为其迅捷无伦,甚至能将飞掠而过的燕子斩落。 But this is also only indicated that learned this secret sword. 但这也只是表明学会了这秘剑而已。 Is skilled in this secret sword symbol, is when the swallow passed over gently and swiftly, cuts the backwardness swallow it, although died, corpse still complete complete, does not see the blood. 精通这秘剑的标志,则是在燕子掠过的时候,将其斩落后燕子虽然死掉,尸体依然完整无缺,并不见血。 The symbol of this secret sword accomplishment, then after is the swallow that cut to fall passed over gently and swiftly, the swallow was actually the dusk does not die, separates a while also to be able full of energy flying away. This expressed that when sword, swordsman's strength and speed to the making a move had obtained extremely strong control!! 这秘剑大成的标志,则是斩落掠过的燕子以后,燕子却是昏而不死,隔一会儿还能精神抖擞的飞走.这表示在出剑的时候,剑士对出手的力量和速度已经获得了极强的掌控力!! To to congratulate true, even if the natural talent is remarkable, is only twenty years old after all , can only this secret Jianlian to being skilled, but this is the strongest move that his hand grasps! 向贺真纵然天资卓越,却毕竟只有二十几岁,也只能将这秘剑练到精通而已,但这已经是他手握的最强招数! The swallow returns to this sword strongest place, is seems like that only used a sword, actually used five swords. 燕返这一剑最强的地方,就是看似只出了一剑,其实足足出了五剑。 Even heard the initiator, when will cultivate reaching the pinnacle, before using the sword, will spurt liquor toward the sword blade on, then when cuts, because the speed is too fast, the liquor fog on sword blade will even burn, forms the magnificent flame profile of similar soaring swallow. 甚至听说创始者在将之修炼到登峰造极的时候,出剑之前会往剑刃上喷一口酒,然后在斩出的时候因为速度太快,剑刃上的酒雾甚至会燃烧起来,形成类似飞翔燕子的华丽的火焰形状。 At this time to the sword that to congratulate true uses, is belongs to burn oneself complete vitality to send, it can be said that a he most satisfied sword, even when the sword, can hear to be similar to the cry of swallow indistinctly. 此时向贺真出的这一剑,已经是属于燃烧了自己全部的生命力而发,可以说是他最满意的一剑,甚至在出剑的时候,都能隐隐约约听到类似于燕子的叫声。 But, the oriental cherry actually only made a movement at this time, his left hand suddenly!! 可是,这时候樱花却只做了一个动作,他的左手陡然一架!! Yes, exhibited a cuhap stance oriental cherry obviously, actually as if knows that has this one move to to congratulate true, does not pull out the sword directly, after wooden sheath sends first , to celebrating real sword blade. 是的,明明摆出了一个居合架势的樱花,却仿佛知道向贺真有此一招似的,直接连剑都不拔,用木鞘后发先至,点在了向贺真的剑刃上。 Moreover, to to congratulate Zhenlian five swords, the oriental cherry was also the flail five times, after every was one time, sent first, exact interception in same place! 不仅如此,向贺真连出五剑,樱花也是连架了五次,每一次都是后发先至,毫厘不差的拦截在了同一个地方! This point can be said as very exquisite! Is equivalent to celebrating really the swallow returns the move only had/left half of times, by the oriental cherry is intercepted, and his blade did not have a sheath unexpectedly. 这一点可以说是十分精妙!相当于向贺真的燕返出招只出到了一半的时候,就被樱花拦截了下来,并且他的刀居然还没有出鞘。 The oriental cherry this strikes skillful of effort, accurate of eyesight, the end can with reaching the pinnacle to describe! 樱花这一击用力之巧,眼力之精准,端的可以用登峰造极来形容了! But thinks how he usually practices the blade, can dividing a process of blade lengthens to twenty hours of man, has achieved each muscle fiber to have one's wish the situation of revolution to the handling estimate of body. 但想一想他平时怎么练刀的吧,一个能将劈一刀的过程延长到二十几个小时的男人,对身体的掌控能力估计已经达到了每一丝肌肉纤维都能随心所欲运转的地步。 This is a long story, actually both sides this interlocks also the blinking time, then the oriental cherry direct cross previous step, an unadorned elbow hit to celebrating the real chest! 这说来话长,其实双方这一交错也就只是眨眼功夫,然后樱花直接跨前一步,朴实无华的一肘就撞在了向贺真的胸口! Meanwhile, the midair resounded sad and shrill warbling baseless, non-stop flew a crow shape black ray from the body of oriental cherry, numerous jumping into to celebrating, obviously used what item. 同时,半空当中更是凭空响起了一声凄厉的鸟鸣声,从樱花的身上直飞出了一道乌鸦形状的黑色光芒,重重的扑入到了向贺真的身上,显然使用了什么道具。 Then the oriental cherry retrocedes two steps, aimed bowed to to congratulate Zhenwei, then departed on the turning around stride directly, was goes to pursue Fang Linyan evidently directly. 然后樱花后退两步,对准了向贺真微一鞠躬,然后直接就转身大步离去,看样子乃是径直前往追击方林岩去了。 Smiles bitterly to shake the head to to congratulate true, sits cross-legged slowly in the place, then dipped the blood to write two dying poems with the finger in the ground: 向贺真苦笑摇头,徐徐盘坐在地,然后用手指蘸上了鲜血在地面上书写了两句绝命诗: Wind cuts the falling place world to be static, gratitude and grudges completely disappearing matter Spiritual God.” “风切落处天地静,恩怨尽消事神灵。” Took out a sweat towel from the bosom, reorganized an own correct manners discipline, then sits slowly falls to the ground, the love blade along will insert in nearby ground, then closed the eye calmly, the air/Qi perished certainly. 紧接着又从怀中取出了一张汗巾,整理了一下自己的仪容,便徐徐坐倒在地,将随身的爱刀插在了旁边的地上,然后从容闭上了眼睛,气绝而亡。 Said strictly to to congratulate true, should also be existence of BOSS rank, the life manages affairs should very high. 向贺真严格的说起来,应该也是个BOSS级别的存在,生命值理应非常之高的。 But after he takes the banned drugs, is actually equivalent to crazy soldier such, the life value are less, the lethality that erupts is stronger, let alone brings up the rear at this time, but also first fights with 13 Japanese frantic security guards. 但他服用禁药之后,其实就相当于狂战士那样,生命值越少,爆发出来的杀伤力就越强,何况此时断后的时候,还先与十三名日本狂热警卫大战一场。 Therefore, after strongest strikes the oriental cherry that celebrating the human hair leaves blocks, the counter-attack of oriental cherry directly wanted his life!! 所以,在向贺真发出的最强一击被樱花挡住以后,樱花的反击直接就要了他的命!! The key is, the oriental cherry has not drawn a sword unexpectedly! 关键是,樱花居然还没有拔刀! However, after to congratulate true dies, from his corpse then floats a table tennis ball size light/only to roll, then flutters to go toward the sky, vanishes instantaneously does not see. 不过,当向贺真死后,从他的尸体上便漂浮出来了一个乒乓球大小的光团,然后朝着上空飘飞而去,瞬间就消失不见。
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