FE :: Volume #13

#1361: Violent anger

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Chapter 1359 violent anger 第1359章暴怒 Facing this, the muscle on Fang Linyan face twitched, he wants to make anything at this time, but anything did not do. 面对这一幕,方林岩脸上的肌肉抽搐了一下,他此时很想做些什么,可是什么都做不了。 The scheme that because Japanese side displays temporarily is very obviously successful, Huangchuan had escaped from the blade soaring firing distance! And will soon meet with the strong help! 因为日本人这一方临时施展的计谋显然很成功,荒川已经逃出了刃飞翔的射程之内!并且即将与强援碰头! After ten seconds, the convergence of both sides no suspense in one, Huangchuan seemed like the position here to be very high, gesticulates before Xie Peng, sputtering, even should shout abuse, *** the person actually also can only be timid, the lowering the head name is. 十秒钟之后,双方毫无悬念的汇合在了一起,荒川看起来在这里的地位很高,在谢鹏面前指手画脚,口沫横飞,甚至应该是在破口大骂,***的人却也只能唯唯诺诺,低头称是。 Huangchuan to here one finger/refers, in mouth eight scolding sound clear passed on, obviously wants them to hold Fang Linyan, then tearing to shreds. 紧接着,荒川对着了这边一指,口中“八嘎”的责骂声清晰的传了过来,显然是要他们抓住方林岩,然后将之碎尸万段了。 Fang Linyan deep attracted long air/Qi, obvious gave birth drew back intent. 方林岩深深的吸了一口长气,已经明显的生出了退意。 Now if want to cut to kill the deserted village whole-heartedly, cannot achieve, but Fang Linyan is not a person ready dead, he must consider after killing people, issue that moves out, that means consumption many cards in a hand 现在自己若是全力以赴想要斩杀荒村的话,也不是做不到,但方林岩并不是死士啊,他要考虑杀了人以后全身而退的问题,那就意味着得消耗太多的底牌 Obviously, from the sane perspective, this time aspect was not definitely suitable to continue to assassinate, giving way before difficulties was the optimization. 很显然,从理智的角度来说,这时候的局面肯定是不适合继续刺杀了,知难而退才是最佳选择。 But actually saw in this time Fang Linyan, in the slanting thorn actually heard the rapid hoofbeat, then suddenly ran out of a person who is riding the big tall horse! This person is not others, is Laming!! 但就在这时候方林岩却见到,斜刺里却传来了急促的马蹄声,然后突然冲出了一个骑着高头大马的人!这个人不是别人,正是拉明!! He runs quickly, wielded the axe in hand, on numerous chopping on nearby rope! 他一面奔驰而过,一面挥起了手中的斧头,紧接着就重重的剁在了旁边的绳索上! When rope Thorton stretches, then sees nearby stack, if the log pile of mountain collapsed loudly, immediately, more than ten thick, if the log of bucket starts rumble to roll chaotically, the momentum is astonishing! That crowd that the place of bearing the brunt, Xie Peng leads *** elite! 索顿时绷断,便见到旁边堆放若山的原木堆就轰然垮塌了下来,顿时,十几根粗若水桶的原木就开始轰隆隆的乱滚,声势惊人!其首当其冲之处,正是谢鹏带领来的那群***精锐! Obviously, this group of people startled, immediately runs away to dodge flurriedly. 很显然,这帮人大惊之下,立即慌乱逃窜闪避。 Fang Linyan is startled, how can Laming here? 方林岩大吃一惊,拉明怎么会在这里呢? According to the beforehand plan, Laming with should wait to aid itself to to congratulate true outside. 根据之前的计划,拉明与向贺真两人都应该在外面等候接应自己啊。 But he looks that front this group of fleeing like a scared rat motley crew realized immediately, this is actually a golden opportunity!! Moreover this opportunity or Laming spare nothing to create to oneself. 但他看着面前这群抱头鼠窜的乌合之众立即就意识到,这其实是个绝佳的机会啊!!而且这个机会还是拉明不惜一切代价给自己创造出来的。 Fang Linyan thought immediately hot blooded upwells, he quickly faced forward to run, then aimed at security guard one thirty meters away to start the blade soaring suddenly! 方林岩顿时觉得心中一阵热血上涌,他急忙朝前奔跑了过去,然后猛然之间就对准了一名三十几米外的警卫发动了刃飞翔! His form stayed in same place, after several seconds by a round of bullet penetration then slowly became pale, vanished. At this time, Fang Linyan has appeared in that security guard behind, this fellow the eyes has actually straightened, entered the dizzy condition. 他的身影呆在了原地,直到几秒钟之后被一发子弹穿透以后这才慢慢变淡,消失。这时候,方林岩却已经早就出现在了那名警卫的身后,这家伙却已经双眼发直,进入了晕眩状态。 The goal that Fang Linyan starts this blade soaring is to actually have ulterior motives, wants to take this security guard to make a springboard merely. 方林岩发动这一次刃飞翔的目的却是醉翁之意不在酒,仅仅想要拿这名警卫做个跳板而已。 At this time, Fang Linyan actually heard sad and shrill neighing!! He looks up, immediately thought in the head buzz makes noise, as if on the forehead suffered a numerous fist, still cannot bear yell: 这时候,方林岩却听到了一声凄厉的嘶鸣!!他抬头一看,顿时觉得脑袋里面嗡的一声作响,仿佛脑门子上挨了重重的一拳,依然忍不住大叫道: Be careful!” “小心!” Originally, bald Xie Peng has not received to tumble the disturbance of log, his one group, a thick incomparable log was patted conveniently, looks at his appearance, simply with patting the fly has no difference. 原来,只有光头谢鹏根本就没有受到滚落原木的干扰,他随手一拨,一根粗大无比的原木就被拍了开去,看他的样子,简直就和拍苍蝇没什么区别。 Before Xie Peng one step steps, as if spanned 56 meters distance to arrive at Laming's side directly, then aspirated a sound elbow to pound loudly on the neck of that horse. 紧接着,那谢鹏一步迈前,仿佛直接跨越了五六米的距离来到了拉明的身边,然后吐气开声轰然一肘砸在了那匹马的脖子上。 Only listens to „” a resounding, this fine horse exuded sad and shrill one to neigh, his neck strange crooked, unexpectedly was broken by smashing with stone!! 只听“咔嚓”一声脆响,这头良马发出了凄厉的一声嘶鸣,其脖子诡异的歪斜了开去,居然被生生砸断!! Not only so, the horse and it conducted the back Laming who rode to depart about three zhang (3.33 m), pounded to fall on the ground layer on layer/heavily, Laming is pressed by the horse body below, struggled strongly, suddenly still cannot move. 非但如此,马儿和其背上乘骑的拉明都一齐飞出了三丈开外,重重砸落在地上,拉明被马身压在了下面,竭力挣扎,一时间依然不能动弹。 Xie Peng one grasped, then unexpectedly carried with the hand height almost one meter 75 Laming only, looked that appearance seems the Sir catches the child to be the same unexpectedly. 谢鹏一把就抓了过去,然后竟是将身高差不多一米七五的拉明单手提了起来,看那模样竟仿佛是大人抓小孩一样。 Laming is just about to revolt, Xie Peng has narrowed the eye, probably pats fly such to start ruthlessly 0.1 palms of the hand, two palms of the hand, three palms of the hand, 拉明正要反抗,谢鹏已经眯缝起了眼睛,像是拍苍蝇那样狠狠下手.一巴掌,两巴掌,三巴掌, Then throwing on the ground, will hold up own right foot conveniently, then stepped on ruthlessly!!! 接着顺手将之抛在了地上,举起了自己的右脚,然后狠狠的踩了下去!!! This under foot, the entire land as if shook, Laming's fate can be imagined. 这一脚下去,整个大地仿佛都震荡了一下,拉明的下场可想而知。 The instance that is stopping over, Xie Peng this bald guy also turned the head to look to Fang Linyan, aimed at him to reveal fearful grinning fiendishly, simultaneously compared a movement that sheared the throat. 在落脚下去的瞬间,谢鹏这个光头大汉还转头过来看向了方林岩,对准了他露出了一个可怕的狞笑,同时比出了一个割喉的动作。 This flash, Fang Linyan only thought that the blood is upwelling toward the forehead, his tooth bites creak, eyes suddenly became must vacant, after separating for several seconds, the figure suddenly again became pale, vanished. 这一瞬间,方林岩只觉得鲜血都在朝着脑门上涌,他的牙齿咬得咯吱咯吱的,双眼忽的变得茫然了起来,隔了数秒以后,身形骤然再次变淡,消失。 He started the blade soaring again!! 他再次发动了刃飞翔!! Waits for Fang Linyan to present the time again, in the back of Huangchuan, Huangchuan is to fall into the dizzy condition at this time, but Fang Linyan also obtained the prompt: 方林岩再出现的时候,已经是在荒川的背后,荒川此时则是陷入到了晕眩状态当中,但是方林岩也是随之获得了提示: You are attacking the important plot character: Huangchuan three realities, because it is the civilians does not have the combat capability, its defensive power, dodging is 0, therefore received the day according to care of Spiritual God, survival capability obtained the strengthening.” “你正在攻击重要剧情人物:荒川三实,因为其乃是平民并不具备战斗能力,其防御力,闪避都为0,所以受到了天照神灵的眷顾,生存能力方面获得了强化。” Any negative effect reduces 66 to the duration that it creates, namely dies kind of magic arts / curse to its invalid, the Huangchuan three solid life values are 500 of average person.” “任何负面效果对其造成的持续时间降低66,即死类法术/诅咒对其无效,荒川三实的生命值为普通人的500。” Facing the sudden prompt, Fang Linyan least bit is not strange, because this world is very special, if no least bit protection to this important personage, that was really strange. 面对突如其来的提示,方林岩却半点儿也不奇怪,因为本世界十分特殊,若是对这种重要人物没有半点儿保护,那才真是怪了。 But Fang Linyan has thought that the subsequent hand, the direct dagger pricked the Huangchuan three solid vests, summoned the black Zhu's bloodthirsty spider soul!! 方林岩早就想好了后手,直接一匕首就刺入到了荒川三实的背心当中,召唤出了黑朱的嗜血蛛魂!! In a series of Jie Jie's pleasant surprise crying out strangely sound, black vermilion Xianshen, to decode the bloodthirsty spider soul to continue to buckle the negative condition of blood, that must massacre black vermilion, but Huangchuan three solid are does not have the civilians of combat capability, is only he is not possible to achieve this point. 在一连串桀桀的惊喜怪叫声当中,黑朱现身了,要想破解嗜血蛛魂持续扣血的负面状态,那就得杀掉黑朱,可是荒川三实却是个不具备战斗能力的平民,单凭他是不可能做到这一点的。 Then, the Fang Linyan double fist is uneven, numerous hitting on the Huangchuan three solid temples, not only that his four invisible psychic force tentacles also launched the attack!! 接下来,方林岩双拳齐出,重重的打在了荒川三实的太阳穴上,不仅如此,他的四条无形的精神力触手也是一齐发起了攻击!! Because the defensive power of Huangchuan is 0, therefore this second, Fang Linyan on direct output explosive table! Emitted six injury numbers directly, in addition the long-enduring injury of bloodthirsty spider soul, that was one second made seven injuries directly!! 因为荒川的防御力为0,所以这一秒钟,方林岩就直接输出爆表!直接就冒出了六个伤害数字,加上嗜血蛛魂的持续性伤害,那就是一秒直接打出了七次伤害!! The injury that in just three seconds, Fang Linyan makes can only describe with the explosion completely, after three seconds, Huangchuan three solid have been separated from the Fang Linyan attack range, aimed at Xie Peng's dashing about wildly lamely to go. 在短短的三秒钟之内,方林岩打出的伤害完全只能用爆炸来形容,三秒钟过后,荒川三实已经脱离了方林岩的攻击范围,对准了谢鹏一瘸一拐的狂奔而去。 He had been punched the nosebleed long class/flow, the inadequate human appearance, the student makings of body that scholarly are nothing left, in the look also filled was terrified and pain. 他已经被揍得鼻血长流,不成人样,身上那股儒雅的学生气质荡然无存,眼神里面也是充满了惶恐和痛苦。 Looks at both hands to hug before the body, if surface cold frost Fang Linyan, Xie Peng at this time steep has one to tread on spatially, drops the feeling of cliff. 看着双手抱在身前,面若寒霜的方林岩,谢鹏这时候陡的有一股一脚踏空,落下悬崖的感觉。 He angrily roars, rushes to aid the Huangchuan three realities, but when Xie Peng that rush-leaf fan common big hand held the Huangchuan three solid shoulders, the Huangchuan whole person twitched fiercely. 他怒吼一声,冲上去接应荒川三实,但就在谢鹏那蒲扇一般的大手抓住了荒川三实肩膀的时候,荒川整个人都剧烈抽搐了一下。 Then from mouth spouted a big blood, the whole person looked like took away snake of bone, directly toward below weak. 然后从嘴里“噗”的一声喷出了一大口鲜血,整个人就像是被抽掉了骨头的蛇似的,直接朝着下面瘫软了下去。 Black Zhu's this pulls out for the last time *** accurate letting Huangchuan lost the final life. 黑朱的这最后一次抽***准的让荒川失去了最后的生命。 „!!!!” “啊!!!!” Xie Peng roared loudly, naturally, he is not sad, but is only the anger. 谢鹏大声的咆哮了起来,当然,他并不悲伤,而只是愤怒。 Because Huangchuan dies, means munitions that this fellow promises, money, the vigorous prop changed to the bubble completely. 因为荒川一死,就意味着这家伙许诺的军火,金钱,还有大力的扶植全部都化作了泡影。 Xie Peng this does all kinds of evil for a lifetime, therefore without enjoying the life of normal person, therefore his time dream washes white the countless case, then buys several hundred mu place in the countryside, has a Dazhaizi to be the supernumerary official to go. 谢鹏这一辈子作恶多端,因此没有享受过正常人的生活,所以他此时的梦想就是将身上的累累案子洗白,然后在乡下买个几百亩地,起个大寨子做员外去。 However, Xie Peng's charge were too many, and before was young, for oneself reputation was prominent, even the charges of other gang inside people also embraced in oneself head, now wants to wash white true is the countless sufferings and hardships. 但是,谢鹏身上的罪名实在太多了,并且之前年少无知,为了自己名声显赫,甚至连帮会里面其余人的罪名也是揽在了自己的头上,现在想要洗白真的是千难万难。 In the two years, Xie Peng even entrusted the person to look for several big corrupt officials, even permits the generous gifts of 50,000 taels money, no one dares to meet this work unexpectedly! 这两年,谢鹏甚至委托中人去找了好几个大贪官,甚至许了五万两银子的厚礼,居然都没人敢接这个活儿! Xie Peng has started to feel desperately, but actually promised him in this time Huangchuan, can help him complete own wish, this was also Xie Peng spares nothing, endured in the say/way the supercilious looks of others to be in a wild hurry, for the reason of foot soldier attendant. 谢鹏已经开始感觉到了绝望,但是就在这时候荒川却答应他,可以帮他完成自己的心愿,这也是谢鹏不惜代价,忍受着道内其余人的白眼忙前跑后,甘为马前卒的原因。 But all these, were disillusioned, living in Xie Peng at present is shattered!!! 可是这一切,就这么破灭了,活生生的在谢鹏的眼前破灭了!!! Before Xie Peng self-satisfied, was rampant, now depressed. 之前谢鹏有多得意,多嚣张,现在就有多沮丧。 He raised the head suddenly, both eyes filled the blood threads scarlet, looked like the injured wild animal such to look to opposite that person, in the middle of this time Xie Peng feelings was full of the anger, he must person who destroyed itself to vainly hope for tear to shreds front!!! 他猛然抬头,双目赤红充满了血丝,就像是受伤的野兽那样看向了对面的那个人,此时的谢鹏胸臆当中充满了怒火,他要将面前这个破坏了自己梦想的人碎尸万段!!! But, at this time, Fang Linyan was also looking to him indifferently, two people looks collided in this flash, how Xie Peng did not know, in the heart quickly grasped the meaning of something suddenly, because he detected that opposite party that look seemed to have met before unexpectedly. 可是,就在这时候,方林岩也是对着他冷漠的看了过来,两人的眼神在这一瞬间碰撞,谢鹏不知道怎的,心里面忽然一激灵,因为他发觉对方那种眼神居然似曾相识。 In childhood in the next door village roguest butcher looks to treat butchers the look of draft animal, is this ice-cold and indifferent look!! 小时候隔壁村里面的最凶恶的屠夫看着待宰牲口的眼神,就是这种冰冷而漠然的眼神!! Has fears horizontal, horizontal fearing that a few words are called to depend reckless, that reckless what fears? Does not fear you, when the person looks! 有一句话叫做赖的怕横的,横的怕不要命的,那不要命的怕什么呢?就怕不把你当人看的! Suddenly, Xie Peng thought that in the middle of the feelings anger disappeared immediately, what replaces it is terrified. 忽然之间,谢鹏就觉得胸臆当中的怒火顿时消失了,取而代之的是惶恐。 He was planning that asked the trusted aide to arrive at the side time, at present fierce one black, simultaneously felt the chest severe pain, then the panic-stricken discovery, the whole person arrived at the limitless space 他正打算叫上心腹来到自己身边时候,眼前猛的一黑,同时感觉到了心口剧痛,然后便惊恐的发现,整个人就来到了无边无际的宇宙空间当中 Yes, Xie Peng's premonition right, was also enraged a little thoroughly Fang Linyan started to him directly banned the technique: The exclamation of Athena!! 是的,谢鹏的预感一点儿也没错,被彻底激怒了的方林岩直接就对他发动了禁技:雅典娜之惊叹!! This strikes, carrying/sustaining Fang Linyan anger! 这一击,承载了方林岩的愤怒! In other eyewitness eyes, this intruding wearing a mask killer raised the left hand suddenly, distant aimed at Xie Peng to press, then at an exceptional pace aimed at this ability to execute the speeding horse the powerful altar/jar lord to rush over. 在其余的目击者眼里面,这名闯入的蒙面杀手忽然举起了左手,遥遥的对准了谢鹏一按,然后以惊人的速度就对准了这名能力毙奔马的强悍坛主冲了过去。 Xie Peng actually seemed insane insane as, such dull standing in same place, after Fang Linyan rushed, he lay on one's back directly but actually, in the middle of the eyes full was the panic-stricken vacant color, then the hands and feet started to twitch slightly, actually died evidently directly. 谢鹏却像是得了失心疯似的,就这么呆呆的站在了原地,等到方林岩一冲到之后,他就仰面朝天直接倒了下去,双眼当中满是惊恐茫然之色,然后手脚就开始微微抽搐,看样子竟然是直接死掉了。 At this time on the scene, is Xie Peng's trusted aide! Witnessed this secretly completely all in an uproar, only thought that three views completely destroy. 此时在场的,都是谢鹏的心腹!目睹了这一幕后尽皆哗然,只觉得三观尽毁。 Yes, Xie Peng is truly intrepid, its striking power five and the others is not inferior compared with the king, because of this world packed attribute particularity, therefore its life value is not high, is only the defensive power of this fellow is extremely strong, dodging that the movement brings is also very astonishing. 是的,谢鹏确实非常强悍,其攻击力比起王五等人也毫不逊色,但因为本世界压缩属性的特殊性,所以其生命值也并不高,只是这家伙的防御力极强,身法带来的闪避也十分惊人。 Only pitifully Xie Peng's a series of defensive measures by exclamation of perfect restraint Athena! Strikes to be killed violently directly! 只可惜谢鹏的这一系列防御手段都被雅典娜之惊叹完美克制!直接一击毙命! After staying for two seconds, immediately some people yelled one: 呆了两秒钟之后,立即就有人大叫了一声: This person meets the monster technique, killed by curse the altar/jar lord!!” “这人会妖术,咒死了坛主!!” In they simple and pure world outlook, only then monster technique these two characters can explain the previous all. 在他们朴素而单纯的世界观里面,只有妖术这两个字能解释先前的一切了。 Therefore, this group *** in the person heart had the enormous fear immediately, as shouted that person who makes noise first escapes, others are also turn around to escape, no one wants to make second by the unlucky egg that the monster technique kills by curse. 所以,这帮***的人心中立即生出了极大的恐惧,随着喊出声的那个人先逃,其余的人也是转身就逃,谁也不想做第二个被妖术咒死的倒霉蛋。 Saw this, Fang Linyan relaxed, actually heard also to have the gunshot sound to transmit behind, that group of Japanese in guard Huangchuan started to aim at itself to open fire repeatedly, 见到了这一幕,方林岩松了一口气,却听得身后又有枪响声传来,正是护卫荒川的那群日本人开始对准自己频频开火, He also looked massive prompts that on at this time without enough time the retina pops up, receive the key that Huangchuan and Xie Peng fell conveniently, rushed to Laming's side 他此时也来不及看视网膜上弹出的大量提示,顺手收起了荒川与谢鹏掉落的钥匙,赶到了拉明的身边 Laming's this time appearance was very pitiful, the chest stepped on directly deeply hollow, if the normal person, inside internal organs estimate were the mess. 拉明这时候的样子十分凄惨,胸口直接都被踩踏得深深的凹陷了进去,若是正常人的话,里面的脏器估计都是一团糟了。 Is good because of his essence is the energy lifeform, therefore in the eye of Fang Linyan, his body appeared the translucent shape, must return to the god country momentarily. 好在他的本质乃是能量生物,因此在方林岩的眼中,其身体都显出了半透明状,已经随时都要回归神国了。 Looks at Laming's appearance, Fang Linyan put out a strongly fragrant gas channel/angrily said: 看着拉明的样子,方林岩吐出了一口郁气道: I killed that bastard, revenged to you.” “我杀了那王八蛋,给你报仇了。” Laming showed a smile, strenuous say/way: 拉明露出了一丝微笑,吃力的道: Knight is long current your excellency, you now is not the ordinary fight is the country war, is nationality the war of destiny!” “骑士长阁下,你现在正在进行的不是普通的战斗是国战,是民族的气运之战!” Such fight, once starts, before without achieving goal that cannot draw back, once makes war, wants went fearlessly ahead, the least to struggle.” “这样的战斗一旦开始,在没有达成目标之前那就是不能退的啊,一旦开战,就要勇猛精进,毫厘必争。” In this world, all powerful nationalities and countries, is bathing the blood the rise!” “在这世界上,所有的强大民族和国家,都是沐浴着鲜血而崛起的啊!” Supported to say reluctantly after these words, Laming changed to a ray, returned to the god country. 勉强支撑着说完了这些话以后,拉明化作了点点光芒,重新回归了神国。 Fang Linyan by a Laming such saying, was startled immediately in same place, Laming's words, look like a severe warning, makes him be suddenly enlighted directly!! 方林岩被拉明这么一说,顿时怔在了原地,拉明的话,就像是一记当头棒喝,直接让他恍然大悟!! One inch mountains and rivers one inch blood! At this time Chinese nation be continuous 5000 destiny, has been on the decline the pinnacle, must by that island wicked neighbor reckless throws greedy plundering- That is also one stakes everything on a single throw of the dice, is hungry wild dog that the eye blushes!! 一寸山河一寸血!此时中华民族绵延五千年的气运,已经衰微到了极致,偏偏还要被那岛国恶邻不顾一切的扑上来贪婪掠夺--那也是一头孤注一掷,饿得眼睛都发红的野狗!! In so hopeless situation, in so the moment of crisis, but how can also? Only has the war, only has the unprecedentedness, is only clenching teeth, swallows the blood, the advance is going forward again! 在如此绝境当中,在如此危机的关头,还能怎样呢?唯有死战,唯有一往无前,唯有咬着牙,咽着血,前进前进再前进! After ravelling these matters, Fang Linyan also no longer delays, turns around to walk directly. The strategic target of trip has been achieved, but also stays here and the others to kill? 在弄明白了这些事之后,方林岩也不再耽搁,直接转身就走。此行的战略目标已经达到,还留在这里等人来杀吗? After Fang Linyan rushed to more than hundred meters, listening to the rear sound of gunfire to be intermittent, in the heart could not bear also somewhat beats a drum: 方林岩奔出去了百余米之后,听着后方的枪声阵阵,心中忍不住也有些打鼓: If the evening, he must cast off these people able be said as a minute/share of minute's of matter, but now the in the air sunset glow all over the sky, obviously is a fine weather, is the good time of pursuit. 倘若是晚上的话,他要甩开这些人可以说是分分钟的事情,但现在空中红霞满天,显然是个好天气,也是追击的好时光。 Not only so, pursues Fang Linyan what people are? To the forefront, is completely the Japanese, or the accurate point, is these is brainwashed very thoroughly **** member. 非但如此,追击方林岩的都是些什么人?冲在最前面的,全部都是日本人,或者准确一点来说,都是那些被洗脑得十分彻底的****份子。
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