FE :: Volume #13

#1360: Misjudging

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Chapter 1358 misjudges 第1358章失算 Rice leaf say/way: 稻叶道: In fourth.” “在第四个.” Then, he enhanced the volume suddenly, called out with the sound of sharp distortion: 然后,他陡然提高了音量,用尖锐扭曲的声音嘶喊了起来: Assassin invades!!!!!” “刺客侵入!!!!!” To be honest, this throat called, Fang Linyan quickly grasped the meaning of something immediately, then the tooth of hand inside plundering food has wiped his neck immediately ruthlessly. 说实话,这一嗓子叫出来,方林岩顿时就一激灵,然后手里面的掠食之牙立即就狠狠抹过了他的脖子。 This obese middle-aged man looks like one to be the same to the fish of boiling water immediately, jumped directly to stumble, both hands seized the neck stubbornly, the blood still spewed out from his finger seam, but he is still choking the blood in the terrifying that this suffocated, shouting oneself hoarse is shouting: 这个肥胖的中年男子立即就像是一尾离开水的鱼一样,直接就蹦跶了起来,双手死死的掐住了脖子,鲜血依然从他的手指缝里面喷涌而出,而他依然在这窒息的恐怖里面呛着血,声嘶力竭的喊着: Assassin!” “刺客!” Comes the person. Has.” “来人.有.” This fellow did such big sound, only if outside guard were a deceased person, otherwise definitely will be alarmed. 这家伙搞出来了这么大的动静,外面的守卫除非是死人,否则的话必然会被惊动。 Facing this bloody one, Fang Linyan sighing of slightly, knows at present own this time was the general idea/careless, became confused that came smoothly. 面对眼前这血腥的一幕,方林岩微微的叹了一口气,知道自己这一次是大意了,被一路而来的顺风顺水冲昏了头。 Now seems like, rice leaf boy definitely is in Kenyosha core member, was brainwashed very thoroughly, therefore seemingly has a high and respected position, pays great attention to enjoy, actually when needs to serve the country to lay down one's life without hesitation!! 现在看起来,稻叶这厮肯定是玄洋社里面的核心成员,被洗脑得非常彻底,因此看似养尊处优,注重享受,却在需要报国捐躯的时候毫不犹豫!! After short 56 seconds, three guards charged into this tent, meanwhile the standing guards sounded the wooden sentry post directly, that whistling sound can be said as extremely sharp, after listening, as if sharp needle dug in the eardrum, making one think that listened extremely uncomfortably. 短短的五六秒之后,就有三名守卫冲向了这一处帐篷,同时还有一个站在旁边的守卫直接吹响了木哨,那哨声可以说是极其尖锐,听了之后仿佛一根尖针似的扎入了耳膜里面,令人觉得听了极其难受。 However, when they break in the tent front, suddenly sees side the tent to be cut an opening, a shadow hit, immediately hears the sound of gunfire to ring out, originally besides on these four guards, four dark sentry posts has used the muzzle to aim here outwardly. 但是,就在他们冲入到了帐篷前方的时候,忽然见到了帐篷侧面被划开了一条口子,一条黑影直撞了出来,顿时就听到枪声大作,原来除了明面上的这四个守卫之外,还有四名暗哨已经用枪口瞄准了这里。 Pitifully only their attacks did not studiously, was pushed is not others, was sheared the rice leaf of throat. 只可惜他们的攻击都做了无用功,被推出来的不是别人,正是被割了喉的稻叶。 But this time firearms have evolved the breech loading rifle, but is still primarily the single-shot rifle, opens fire the later need moving bullet, at least takes three seconds words that aims in addition, this was five seconds passed, at this time or the darkness was a lord, therefore traded the speed of ball to fear that was slower. 而这时候的枪械虽然已经进化到了后膛枪,但依然是以单发步枪为主,开枪以后需要手动换子弹,至少需要三秒钟的时间,加上重新瞄准的话,这就是五秒钟过去了,此时还是黑暗为主,所以换弹的速度怕是更慢。 Obviously, detected opened fire to make a mistake the person in four dark sentry post hearts definitely was flusters compels, they also lost the ability of long-distance attack in 56 seconds. 很显然,发觉开枪打错人了的四名暗哨心里面肯定是慌得一逼的,他们也在56秒内失去了远程攻击的能力。 Now absolutely does not have professional bodyguard view, the person of opening fire to see naked rice leaf Pudao at this time on the ground, a lot of blood flowed from its, actually does not know that the mortal wound is the shearing throat of Fang Linyan strikes, in the heart inevitably is very flurried, only feared that is the idea of committing hara-kiri has. 现在根本就没有职业保镖这一说法,开枪的人此时见到赤裸的稻叶扑倒在了地上,大量的鲜血从其身下流淌了出来,却不知道致命伤乃是方林岩的割喉一击,心中必然慌乱无比,只怕是切腹的想法都有。 The tent mouth staggered to kick out a person, at this time in the middle of the darkness what can see vaguely is throwing over was the bright-colored clothes of woman, the bawling voice of sent out woman, exactly with coming three guards hit. 紧接着,帐篷口又踉跄扑出了一个人,此时黑暗当中依稀能看到身上披着的是女人的花衣服,发出的还是女人的哭叫声音,恰好和前来的三名守卫撞了个正着。 Learning from another's mistakes that because these three guards the dark sentry post open fire, therefore does not dare to act suddenly, unexpectedly a person puts out a hand to hold directly, actually without expecting this woman is actually Fang Linyan changes costume, others put out a hand to hold on just right in the Fang Linyan sinister plot, one after punctured in its abdomen continually several! 这三个守卫因为暗哨开枪的前车之鉴,所以一时间也不敢出手,居然还有一个人直接伸手去扶,却没料到这女人却是方林岩改扮的,别人伸手一扶就正好中了方林岩的奸计,一靠近之后就在其腹部连刺了好几下! In the middle of this world enemy generally attacks tall low defense the brittle skin type, strength might as well Fang Linyan of these guards just entered the time that several thieves in this world. 本世界当中的敌人普遍都是攻高防低的脆皮类型,这几名守卫的实力还不如方林岩刚进本世界的时候遇到的那几名大盗。 Therefore after one by near body, the form as if ghosts and demons general alternation of Fang Linyan, cut the melon cuts vegetable/dish got rid of these three people directly, but this instead made his anxiety stronger, because deficiency on the enemy defensive line, represented striking power strange to be inevitably strong. 所以一被近身之后,方林岩的身影仿佛鬼魅一般穿插在了其中,砍瓜切菜似的直接干掉了这三人,但这反而让他的焦虑感更强了,因为敌人防御上的匮乏,就代表着必然攻击力奇强。 The poisonous bee that a people palm of the hand can crank up the meat sauce, actually can also make the great shape wail. 人们一巴掌就能拍成肉酱的毒蜂,却也能让巨象都为之哀嚎不已。 But Fang Linyan worried that quick became the reality, from a nearby tent, leapt a man suddenly, the movement of this man was very quick, lifted gun directly aims at Fang Linyan to touch off the trigger. 方林岩的担忧很快就变成了现实,从旁边的一顶帐篷当中,突然跃出了一个男子,这男子的动作十分敏捷,直接举枪就对准了方林岩扣动了扳机。 This time pistol relatively is primitive, in this time western US big development, the revolver had been widely utilized, this man uses is the cowboy commonly used Colt M1847 wheelgun. 此时的手枪还相对原始,不过在此时的美国西部大开发当中,左轮手枪已经被广泛运用了,这男子使用的就是牛仔常用的柯尔特M1847转轮枪。 Sees only he aimed at Fang Linyan „” conducted the ripple fire, the smog that ascends even covered a big region instantaneously, Fang Linyan simply did not have to dodge at this time, but was direct alignment this boy threw. 只见他对准了方林岩“啪啪啪”的进行了连射,升腾起的烟雾甚至瞬间就覆盖住了一大片区域,方林岩此时却根本没有进行闪避,而是直接对准了这厮扑了过去。 Because in his heart is very clear, when this is at a crucial moment, once avoided lost offensive, the enemy obtained the opportunity of respite, the follow-up attack followed on somebody's heels inevitably, the probability that the Huangchuan three realities ran away increased inevitably. 因为他的心里面很清楚,在这千钧一发之际,一旦躲避的话失去了先手,敌人获得了喘息之机,后续攻击必然就接踵而至,荒川三实逃走的几率必然大增。 Before Fang Linyan has made a huge mistake on the rice leaf blade, space that now has not made mistakes! 之前方林岩已经在稻叶身上犯下了一个大错,现在已经没有犯错的空间了! The olive tree sacred leaf blade appears on Fang Linyan, but also only made him avoid an attack, surplus four rounds of revolver spear/gun lead balls, hit completely on the body of Fang Linyan! Although Athena Yukita absorbed some injuries, but being hit later Fang Linyan still does not feel better. 橄榄树神圣的叶片在方林岩身上浮现,但也只让他躲避掉了一次攻击而已,剩余下来的四发左轮枪铅弹,全部打在了方林岩的身上!虽然雅典娜之佑吸收了部分伤害,但中枪以后的方林岩依然不好受。 Besides losing almost 300 life values, but also was hung up shake bleeding ache these three negative conditions. 除了损失差不多三百点生命值之外,还被挂上了“震荡”“流血”“疼痛”这三个负面状态。 The negative condition effect of bleeding did not say that the shake makes the Fang Linyan traveling speed reduce 20, the ache was the leading role in spiritually. 流血的负面状态效果就不说了,震荡让方林岩的移动速度降低了20,疼痛则是主要作用于精神上。 Has been familiar with the resistance painful person the effect almost without regarding Fang Linyan this type, the person who regarding to ache sensitive has a great influence. 对于方林岩这种已经习惯抵抗痛苦的人来说效果几近于无,对于一些对疼痛敏感的人来说则是影响巨大。 At this time, the non- specialization of this group of security guards helped Fang Linyan be busy, here altogether six tents, Fang Linyan, even if removed, still surplus five that rice leaf fellow lived. 这时候,这群警卫的不专业性帮了方林岩大忙,在这里一共有六顶帐篷,方林岩就算是排除掉了稻叶这家伙所居住的,也还剩余下来了五顶。 In this time in this case, he wants 11 to search for these five tents is not possible, only if the enemy is a deceased person, will otherwise not give him so many time. 在此时的这种情况下,他要一一将这五顶帐篷搜遍是不可能的,除非敌人是死人,否则的话不会给他那么多时间的。 But at this time, among this camp sentry, security guard as if by prior agreement welled up toward a left tent, their goals and ideas are good, the rice leaf had died, surplus the distinguished guest must spare nothing to protect! 但就在这时候,这个营地当中的哨兵,警卫不约而同的朝着左边的一顶帐篷涌了过去,他们的目的和想法是好的,稻叶已经死掉了,剩余下来的贵宾要不惜一切代价保护! But their behaviors actually completely exposed the position of Huangchuan without doubt. 可是他们的行为却无疑将荒川的位置彻底暴露了。 This also is actually very normal, bodyguard as an occupation that becomes the systematization appears, after must wait till the First World War ended, before then tried to find out the thing that completely, a qualified professional bodyguard must learn/study in fact are many, regardless the curriculum in wrestle, the public relations science, the criminal psychology wait/etc must be skilled. 这其实也很正常,保镖作为一个成体系化的职业出现,足足要等到第一次世界大战结束之后了,在这之前完全是自行摸索的,事实上一个合格的职业保镖要学习的东西很多,抛开格斗方面的课程,公共关系学,犯罪心理学等等都是要必须精通的。 As for the security guard strength of Japan, that is backward world many years. Was known as that the Japanese modern times' first person, laid the Japanese modern times foundation, even after dying, obtained Hirobumi Itou of Japanese state funeral treatment, was during the visit to Harbin, was assassinated by a North Korean An Jung-geun. 至于日本方面的警卫力量,那更是落后世界许多年。号称日本近代第一人,奠定了日本近代基础,甚至死后获得了日本国葬待遇的伊藤博文,就是在访问哈尔滨的时候,被一名朝鲜人安重根刺杀的。 An Jung-geun at that time only then a person, a spear/gun, and only then the pistols of six rounds of bullets, 安重根当时只有一个人,一把枪,并且还是只有六发子弹的手枪, But the assassination place under platform such big crowd of people of train station, before Hirobumi Itou assassination , is still reviewing troops! 而刺杀地点还是在火车站的站台这样的大庭广众之下,伊藤博文遇刺前还在阅兵! So the situation, so in the situation of assassin, a An Jung-geun person not only assassinated Hirobumi Itou, but also severe wound in Japanese Consul-General in Harbin Sichuan, state minister Taijiro and congressman in the fields Kiyojiro. 如此场合,如此刺客的情况下,安重根一个人不仅刺杀了伊藤博文,还重伤了日本驻哈尔滨总领事川上,国务大臣森泰二郎和议员田中清次郎。 This is in 1909! Thus it can be seen at that time Japanese security ability is completely a joke, was almost depends upon individual quality and response 这还是在1909年的时候!由此可见当时日本这边的安保能力完全就是个笑话,几乎完全是依靠个人的素质和反应 Witnessed that this Fang Linyan could not bear want a good laugh immediately, misfortune may is a blessing in disguise, oneself, although alarmed the enemy, but enemy actually voluntarily show operation of goal exposition, was equivalent to the Fang Linyan error to make up. 目睹这一幕的方林岩顿时忍不住想要仰天大笑了,祸兮福所倚,自己虽然惊动了敌人,但敌人却自行将目标暴露的骚操作,又相当于方林岩的过失弥补了回来。 Therefore the famous saying said well, a victory of fight did not lie in you do right many matters, but lay in you little violates many more wrong than the opposite party. 所以说有一句名言说得好,一场战斗的胜利不在于你做对了多少件事,而在于你比对方少犯了多少错。 Only many wants to prevent Fang Linyan in this case, that was really naive, Fang Linyan tumbled, evades shot at own a series of bullet, then ejected the smoke shell that two rounds of Ninja used continuously. 仅凭人多就想在这种情况下阻止方林岩,那真是太天真了,方林岩一个就地翻滚,躲过了射向自己的一连串子弹,然后就连续抛出了两发忍者使用的烟雾弹。 A round of smoke shell can affect 30-40 square meters place, these two rounds of smoke shell, the smog nearby that tent that was at Huangchuan gives to cover directly, inside broadcast a series of ghost crying god howling voice of immediately: 一发烟雾弹就能影响30-40平方米的地方,这两发烟雾弹一出,烟雾直接就将荒川所在的那一顶帐篷附近给笼罩住了,里面立即传来了一连串鬼哭神嚎的声音: qi is heavy, nose thorn.” “気重、鼻刺。” Smoke is poisonous!!” “烟毒!!” Ninja sneaks!!” “忍者潜入!!” Enemy is sinister.” “敌阴险。” „.” “.” Listened to these flurried yawps, Fang Linyan to sneak into nearby dark shadow place quietly, then directly entered in the smog, at this time to him, inside is completely an enemy, so long as met living thing, a dagger punctures always right. 听着这些慌乱的叫喊声,方林岩已经悄然窜入到了旁边的黑暗阴影处,然后直接就进入到了烟雾里面,此时对他来说,里面全部都是敌人,只要遇到活着的东西,一匕首刺过去总是没错的。 Meanwhile, the unmanned aerial vehicle falls the distance tent, only then about five meters midair, closely is monitoring the change of enemy, once some people attempted to escape, then Fang Linyan immediately on blade soaring pursuit in the past. 同时,无人机更是降到了距离帐篷只有五米开外的半空当中,严密监视着敌人的异动,一旦有人尝试逃出去的话,那么方林岩立即就刃飞翔追击过去。 Quick, Fang Linyan discovered in the smog the first enemy, he is turning away from Fang Linyan to yell, Fang Linyan comes up is a back thorn, simultaneously oneself sent out a pitiful yell, but also yelled: 很快的,方林岩在烟雾里面就发现了第一个敌人,他正背对着方林岩在大叫着,方林岩上去就是一记背刺,同时自己发出了一声惨叫,还大叫道: Damn, I was sneak attacked, among us has the spy!” “该死的,我被偷袭了,我们当中有奸细!” Then he noticed that the front smog surges, can see that indistinctly several people are gathering together, nothing more to be said that endures the technique scroll to walk one round! Brushing was in five rounds of hands the sword flies to shoot. 然后他看到前方烟雾涌动,隐约能见到好几个人正聚在一起,那没什么好说的了,忍术卷轴走一发!刷刷刷就是五发手里剑飞射了出去。 The words saying that this group of Japanese really have not feared death, saw in Fang Linyan initiates attacked, immediately on oh welcomes begins the sword charge, then the falling to the ground pain to tumble, called out pitifully. 话说这帮日本人还真是不怕死,一见到方林岩发起攻击了之后,立即就哇啦哇啦的迎着手里剑冲锋,然后一个个都倒地痛苦翻滚,紧接着惨叫了起来。 Because endured the technique scroll to say very clearly, hidden weapon that summoned besides fragmentation effect, will also have the severe pain! 因为忍术卷轴说得很清楚,召唤出来的暗器除了杀伤效果之外,还会产生剧痛! In this case, Fang Linyan continues to calm down, then very simple entrained a corpse, dug up to pull down the above clothes hat to oneself exchanges. 在这种情况下,方林岩继续沉住气,然后很干脆的拽过来了一具尸体,将上面的衣服帽子扒拉下来给自己换上。 At this time in the darkness, the smoke shell disturbed the line of sight in addition, therefore the so haste has not really related, even dresses up on some flaws, when others discovered estimated already by Fang Linyan near body. 此时本来就在黑暗当中,外加还有烟雾弹干扰视线,所以如此仓促行事倒也真的没关系,就算是打扮上有些破绽,等到别人发现的时候估计都已经被方林岩近身了。 After replacement Fang Linyan even more seems like a fish in water in the confusion, then killed three people continuously, but he was also somewhat anxious, after all had not come to the present Huangchuan, but the time actually stood the enemy. 换装以后的方林岩越发在混乱中显得如鱼得水,接下来连续杀了三人,但他也是有些焦躁了起来,毕竟到了现在荒川都还没有现身,而时间却是站在敌人这边的。 Suddenly, two security guards support by the arm one person to break through the smog, dashed toward side, from Fang Linyan also on 56 meters distance. 忽然,有两名警卫搀扶着一人冲破烟雾,朝着旁边飞奔了过去,距离方林岩也就五六米的距离。 Witnesses this Fang Linyan great happiness, immediately used to endure the technique scroll one time, flew to shoot, but two people will not strike down painstakingly instantaneously, supported by the arm that person of vest place was one did not have painstakingly, immediately the pain resulted in the whole body to tremble. 目睹这一幕方林岩大喜,立即又使用了一次忍术卷轴,飞射而出的苦无瞬间就将其中的两人击倒,被搀扶的那人背心处也是中了一下苦无,顿时痛得浑身发抖。 Close, the Fang Linyan half step rushes, ignores the attack of another security guard, resisted his attack hardly, a dagger to was escorted that person of chest on the thorn, this person avoids strongly, can only avoid the heart strategic point reluctantly, actually extended both hands to hold the wrist/skill of Fang Linyan suddenly! 近在咫尺,方林岩快步冲了上去,不顾另外一名警卫的攻击,硬抗了他的攻击,一匕首就刺向被护送那人的胸口,这人竭力躲避,只能勉强避开了心脏要害,却猛然伸出双手抓住了方林岩的手腕! At this time, nearby that security guard also brandished a sword again ruthlessly to Fang Linyan one. 这时候,旁边的那名警卫也是再次挥刀给了方林岩一下狠的。 At this time Fang Linyan detected, originally escorted person whole face beard, seemed like at least has over 30 years old, and on both hands all was a callus, looked is the long-term grasping blade, practiced the spear/gun rubbing. 这时候方林岩才发觉,原来被护送的这个人满脸胡须,看起来至少都有三十多岁了,并且双手上全是老茧,一看就是长时间的握刀,练枪给磨出来的。 But according to the former that group leader's description, the Huangchuan main body that must assassinate looks very young, looks like a student. 而根据之前那个小头目的描述,要刺杀的荒川本尊看起来很是年轻,就像是个学生。 He awakened at this time immediately, oneself unexpectedly by the repertoire, these three people were completely a security guard, they know that the goal of own this killer was to assassinate Huangchuan, therefore made the bureau to conduct tempting simply, these three people were the out-and-out baits. 他这时候顿时才醒悟了过来,自己竟然被套路了,这三个人全部都是警卫,他们知道自己这个杀手的目的是刺杀荒川,所以就干脆做局进行了引诱,这三个人乃是不折不扣的诱饵。 At this time the sound of gunfire rings out, Fang Linyan turned into the collection hot object immediately, but he speaks the truth also really can shoulder! Athena Yukita + own high dodges + the high life value truly to be much harder, Fang Linyan has shouldered the first round of collection fire of enemy, this directly used one bottle fully to restore the medicament. 此时枪声大作,方林岩立即就变成了集火的对象,但他说实话也真是能扛!雅典娜之佑+自身的高闪避+高生命值确实是硬得出奇,方林岩一直扛过了敌人的第一轮集火,这才直接使用了一瓶全面恢复药剂。 At this time, the distant place transmitted a chicken cry, the horizon started to reveal the sunset glow, obviously this was a bright weather. 就在这时候,远方传来了一声鸡鸣,天边开始露出了红霞,显然这是个大晴天。 In the Fang Linyan heart sinks immediately, oneself assassinate has not gone well, the sky has shone, at least four spears/guns aimed at themselves, the effect of smoke shell was also blown off by the wind, all as if are developing in the disadvantageous direction. 方林岩心中顿时一沉,自己刺杀还没有得手,天就已经亮了,还有至少四把枪对准了自己这边,烟雾弹的效果也是将被风吹散,一切仿佛都在往不利的方向发展。 But at this time, Fang Linyan actually adopted the unmanned aerial vehicle discovery, almost 60 meters away, seemed like very agile and fierce bald guy to lead one group of crass subordinates to catch up with great speed, looked is *** person. 但就在这时候,方林岩却通过了无人机发现,在差不多60米外,一个看起来就很剽悍的光头大汉带着一群骂骂咧咧的手下火速赶来了,一看就是***的人。 That greatly bald lends the intense unruly crazy aura, is *** the altar/jar lord Xie Peng, this fellow old name is thanks Peng, because this fellow was born in the horse stable of landlord family/home, in the future will be old thought that this name is ungraceful, therefore is called Xie Peng. 那个大光头身上散发出强烈的桀骜疯狂气息,乃是***的坛主谢鹏,这家伙原名叫做谢棚,因为这家伙是在地主家的马棚里面出生的,日后年龄大了觉得这个名字不雅,所以就叫做谢鹏。 Has this boy to supplement one in self introduction a long time: my name is Xie, Péng of having a bright future. 有很长一段时间这厮在自我介绍的时候都会补充一句:我姓谢,鹏程万里的鹏。 This person is the inborn supernatural power, when more than ten years old mixed with the local bandit, it can be said that stop at no evil. 此人本来就是天生神力,在十几岁的时候就跟着当地的土匪混了,可以说是无恶不作。 Afterward because actually the talent different reported, quilt *** say/way settled on, receives to get married to pass on the disciple, had any secret matter to make him handle single-handedly. 后来却因为天赋异禀,被***的道首看中,收成了亲传弟子,有什么机密事都让他一手操办。 *** Here strong help approaches to Fang Linyan is a bad news, what misfortune never singly comes is, has the form that bends the waist to run to aim at Xie Peng that group of people to rush over in another side, obviously, this is Lord Huangchuan that Fang Linyan must kill very much! ***这边的强援来临对方林岩本来就是个坏消息,但祸不单行的是,在另外一边已经有一个弯腰奔跑的身影对准了谢鹏那伙人冲了过去,很显然,这才是方林岩要杀的正主荒川!
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