FE :: Volume #13

#1359: Assassins

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Chapter 1357 assassin 第1357章刺客 Tianjin is rich and populous , because 1858 Tianjin treaty supposed the trading port here, built many foreign settlements, and just like becomes the northern marine transportation material collection and distribution center, relied on this to benefit the advantage to be able is not rich? 天津之所以非常富庶,是因为1858年的天津条约就将这里设成了通商口岸,建立了诸多租界,并且俨然成为了北方的海运物质集散地,就凭借这地利优势能不富吗? What is more important, Tianjin defense strength is also weaker than the national capital, most strengths come the enemy in view of the sea let alone- Dozens years ago First Opium War time, the British and French army bomb Tianjin repeatedly. 更重要的是,天津这边的防御力量也比京师要弱,更何况大部分力量都是针对海上来敌的--几十年前第一次鸦片战争的时候,英法联军就多次炮击天津。 Once Tianjin were attacked or controls, in can attack the national capital at that time in two days, is equivalent withstand/top the dagger that cold light sparkled to come up on the throat of dynasty directly! 所以一旦天津被攻击或者说是控制,在当时就能在两天内直攻京师,相当于直接在王朝的咽喉上顶了一把寒光闪闪的匕首上去! Obviously, Japan also had the brain trust had analyzed, once Tianjin fell to the enemy, likely crashes the last straw of clear country's, the clear country likely summed directly!! 很显然,日本这边也有智囊团进行了分析过,一旦天津沦陷,很可能就是压垮清国的最后一根稻草,清国很可能直接求和!! Moreover, Fang Linyan and obtained many inside stories from more Jeff from to congratulate true there, therefore some solid evidence affirmed, the goal of the expeditionary force Japan dispatches is Tianjin. 不仅如此,方林岩更是从弥吉夫和向贺真那里获得了不少内幕,因此有确凿的证据肯定,日本派遣的这支远征军的目的就是天津。 Because to to congratulate true this shouldering secret delivering a letter duty, before is outside direct, bygone days Jincheng in the middle of a dwelling, gives named Huangchuan three solid fellows the letter/believes. 因为向贺真这一次肩负的秘密送信任务,就是直接前往天津城外一处宅院当中,将信交给一名叫做荒川三实的家伙。 But this person is the core member in Kenyosha! 而这个人就是玄洋社的核心成员! In the confidential letter writes very clearly, once the matter changes, requests the Huangchuan three realities to obey that code-named river child fellow's order, without a doubt, this river child is not others, should be that mapping out strategic plans in an army tent space soldier! 密信上写得很清楚,一旦事情有变,就要求荒川三实听从那个代号为“河童”的家伙的命令,毫无疑问,这个河童不是别人,应该就是那名运筹帷幄的空间战士! I chose the tribulation ship fortunately “还好我选择了劫船啊” After ravelling causal relation, Fang Linyan long spitting exhales. 在弄明白了其中的因果关系之后,方林岩长长的吐出了一口气。 He very simple looked for three horses in private port, then rushed to that attachment point directly: Tianjin. Hujiayuan! There also only has 27 li (0.5 km) from this private port. 他很干脆的在私港里面找了三匹马,然后直接赶往了那个接头点:天津.胡家园!那里距离这个私港也只有二十七里地。 *** *** The dim light of night is just strong, 夜色正浓, Fang Linyan they travel at double speed to hurry along, finally before dawn half double-hour went to the place. 方林岩他们兼程赶路,终于在天亮之前的半个时辰来到了地方。 Hujiayuan is only a geographic name, in fact here even/including surnamed Hu does not have, looking like Lanzhou does not produce the orchid to be the same. Do not say that perhaps any huge garden, had had several hundred years ago, but all these are the history. 胡家园只是个地名,实际上这里连一个姓胡的都没有,就像是兰州不产兰花一样.就更不要说什么庞大的庭园了,或许在数百年之前曾经有过,但这一切都已经是历史。 Hujiayuan here most famous, is actually the related transaction in lumber, the logs of massive shipping in pile up on the freight yard here, builds the coffin of coffin, balking that is used to put up the main beam, or is used for the dragon bone|keel of shipbuilding, builds the ebonylike wood of furniture wait/etc, has everything expected to find. 胡家园这里最有名的,却是木材方面的相关交易,大量运来的原木都堆放在这里的货场上面,无论是打造棺材的寿木,还是用来上梁的梁木,或者是用来造船的龙骨,打造家具的酸枝木等等,都是应有尽有。 Acquisition that even in the national capital comes when has this aspect demand, will first think of Hujiayuan. 甚至京师里面来的采办在有这方面需求的时候,也会首先想到胡家园这个地方。 Regarding large amount of lumber transactions, definitely also derived massive attached industries, looked like the Republic of China period, the nearby association/will of gold ore presented massive small taverns, the casino, sold the labor insurance thing the small shop, astringent realm of love wait/etc. 围绕着大宗木材交易,肯定也衍生出了大量的附属产业,就像是民国时期,金矿的附近总会出现大量的小酒馆,赌场,售卖劳保用品的小店铺,涩情场所等等。 Even when western US develops greatly, some people will regard the typical business case to analyze: Why after discovering the gold ore, money-making is not the panning for gold worker, but sells the jeans? 甚至在美国西部大开发的时候,有人将之当成典型的商业案例来分析:为什么发现金矿以后,赚到钱的不是淘金工人,而是卖牛仔裤的? At this time although is dim light of night thick time, the surroundings of Hujiayuan are still brilliantly illuminated, sells the steamed stuffed bun steamed bun fried cake at least have several, the horse drags is entraining the heavy lumber car(riage) difficult toward the collection beyond to walk. 此时尽管是夜色正浓的时候,胡家园的周围依然灯火通明,卖包子馒头煎饼的至少都有好几家,还有马儿拖拽着沉重的木材车艰难的朝着集外走去。 The Fang Linyan three people are riding a horse at this time, what the body puts on is the used Chinese-style jacket cotton fabric gown, the back conducts the arm a grinding to send the pouch worn at the girdle of bare skin, the under foot is turning wool leather boots of pair of tread but actually donkey, the waist actually seems bulging. 方林岩三人此时骑着马,身上穿着的是半新旧的对襟棉布褂子,背后挎着一个磨得发光秃皮的褡裢,脚下是一双蹬倒驴的翻毛皮靴,腰间却是显得鼓鼓囊囊的。 Such appearance could not look that has anything to be unusual, on road the peddler of travelling around peddling, ten have eight is such attire. 这样的打扮可是一点儿也看不出来有什么异常的,路上走的跑单帮的贩子,十个有八个都是这样的装束。 Was here.” Has the sound said to to congratulate true suddenly. “是这里了。”向贺真忽然出声道。 Two people front are responsible for piling up the lumber the location, distant can see to select three white lanterns, on each lantern has a crack of fist size unexpectedly, this is the agreement secret marks. 两人的前方就是负责堆放木材的场地,远远的就可以见到挑着三盏白灯笼,每一盏灯笼上居然都有一个拳头大小的破洞,这就是约定的暗记。 At this time the lumber is very important building material, and most times, the lumber needs to use after processing. 此时木材还是非常重要的建筑材料,并且在很多时候,木材是需要经过处理才能使用的。 For example is used to make the dragon bone|keel the lumber, must be thoroughly soaked seasoning after the water, then soaks exposes to the sun again, 比如用来做龙骨的木材,就要在水中泡透之后再将之晒干,然后再泡再晒, Also for example is used to make the summer beam the lumber, besides seasoning, but also needs it rubbing tung oil, after when then the tung oil did thoroughly, is continue rub. 又比如用来做大梁的木材,除了将之晒干之外,还需要将之刷上桐油,然后等到桐油干透了之后在继续刷上。 Therefore, this time lumber field occupying land area quite spacious, occupying a land area of 2-3 soccer fields is really not the unusual matter. 所以,此时的木材场占地相当的宽大,占地2-3个足球场真不是什么稀奇的事情。 Fang Linyan nods, three people of calm progressing, after then arrived around retreat, Fang Linyan emitted the unmanned aerial vehicle, then flexible has leapt nearby stockade, submerged the darkness. 方林岩点点头,三人不动声色的策马走了过去,然后来到了旁边的僻静处之后,方林岩放出了无人机,然后灵活的跃过了旁边的栅栏,没入到了黑暗当中。 Quick, the front welcomed a wicked dog, the Fang Linyan this time stealth effect in addition Csillo's package kerchief, in view of the screening that the vision produces, actually impediment smell, therefore is the use is not big regarding the wicked dog. 很快的,前方就迎来了一头恶犬,方林岩此时的隐身效果外加奇洛的包头巾,都是针对视觉产生的遮护,却并没有阻隔气味,因此对于恶犬来说则是用处不大。 However before sneaking, Fang Linyan already and conducted the careful research to to congratulate true and the others, has completed the related plan, discovered after the unmanned aerial vehicle the front has the dog appears and disappears, Fang Linyan sprang a sphere. 不过在潜入之前,方林岩就已经和向贺真等人进行了仔细的研究,早就做好了相关的预案,通过无人机发现了前方有狗出没之后,方林岩就弹出了一个圆球。 This sphere actually bound the small stone to make with the rags, but on the rags had been soaked the urine of oestrus bitch, then seasoned, after this gadget lost, the caninity keen sense of smell will discover it immediately, then immediately overtook. 这个圆球却是用破布裹住了小石块弄出来的,只是破布上被浸泡过发情母狗的尿液,然后再晒干,这玩意儿丢出去之后,狗类灵敏的嗅觉会在第一时间发现它,然后在第一时间赶过去。 Naturally, the male dog overtakes, that definitely is two eyes presents the peach heart shape, that tail even swings and electric motor, near the mouth also has the exciting saliva to gush out. 当然,公狗赶过去的时候,那肯定是两只眼睛呈现出桃心状,那尾巴甚至摇得和电动马达似的,嘴巴边上还有兴奋的唾沫涌出。 The bitch overtakes, that definitely is in the throat sends out the threat the low roar, eye of reveal only need give two appearances ominously momentarily. 母狗赶过去的时候,那肯定是喉咙里面发出威胁的低吼声,目露凶光一副随时就要给两口的模样。 These small methods are actually the cat burglar most like using, but private port there that the heavy ship anchors, is the place of all sorts of people good and bad people mixed up, must look for these things is really simple. 这些小手段却是飞贼最喜欢用的,而重船停泊的私港那里,乃是三教九流鱼龙混杂的地方,要找这些东西实在是太简单了。 Depends upon this is seeming like that not popular method, Fang Linyan touched the deep place of lumber field quickly, here has started to present the guard of hovering. 依靠着这个看似不入流的手段,方林岩很快就摸到了木材场的深处,这里已经开始出现了游动的守卫。 Regarding this Fang Linyan, detected nothing more to be said after is the ordinary guard, touches directly wipes the neck, or pricks the heart from the back blade, it can be said that with raw hate. 对此方林岩没什么好说的,发觉乃是普通守卫之后,直接摸上去就是抹脖子,或者说是从背后一刀刺入心脏,可以说是凶狠至极。 Although this time Fang Linyan was compressed by the attribute, but the striking power is not weak, legend quality the passive skill of abstention of weapon + masonry fraternity: The back weakness = the extremely high injury, is really a blade little friend. 此时的方林岩虽然被属性压缩了,但攻击力却一点儿也不弱,传说品质的武器+石工兄弟会之戒的被动技能:背后弱点=极高的伤害,真的是一刀一个小朋友。 After killed several people continuously, Fang Linyan ran into a group leader finally, the strength of this fellow obviously is higher than a big truncation compared with others, Fang Linyan sneak attacks from the back cannot a blade assassinate him unexpectedly, but was tumbled to escape by him directly. 在连续弄死了好几个人之后,方林岩终于遇到了一个小头目,这家伙的实力明显比别人高出一大截,方林岩从背后偷袭居然没能一刀刺死他,而是被他直接翻滚逃了出去。 But this fellow also stopped on the technique in this, after severely wounded he ran several, again layer on layer/heavily falls down, this fellow definitely could not escape voluntarily, unexpectedly handled the matter that Fang Linyan had not even expected: 但这家伙也就技止于此了,被重伤的他跑了几步之后,再次重重摔倒在地,这家伙自觉肯定逃不掉,居然做了一件连方林岩都没料到的事情: This group leader covered own mouth suddenly! 这个小头目忽然捂住了自己的嘴巴! „Isn't this I the matter that wants to handle?” “这不是我想要做的事情吗?” At this time Fang Linyan most worries, strikes has not killed, then the enemy yells to alarm the large unit, has not expected this person to do unexpectedly. 此时方林岩最顾虑的,就是一击未杀,然后敌人喊叫出来惊动大部队,没料到这个人居然会这么干。 After witnessing all these, Fang Linyan gawked for three seconds to respond. 目睹这一切之后,方林岩足足愣了三秒钟才反应了过来。 Obviously, this slippery customer analyzed very much clearly in the flash, oneself then shouted makes noise, was favorable for the entire organization, but oneself must die! 很显然,这个老油条在一瞬间就分析得很清楚了,自己接下来喊出声,对整个组织有利,但自己肯定必死! But if oneself make the movement that shuts up, definitely the serious dereliction infringed the interest of organization in addition, but oneself have a slim chance of survival. 而自己若是做出闭嘴的动作,肯定严重渎职外加损害了组织的利益,可是自己却有一线生机。 Such a smart person, made Fang Linyan not have to kill the heart all of a sudden, immediately couldn't help laughing say: 这样的一个聪明人,一下子就让方林岩没有了杀心,顿时哑然失笑道: You may really be a young clever and resourceful person “你可真是个小机灵鬼” Then Fang Linyan walked up, threw to his one package of medicine: 然后方林岩走上前去,抛给了他一包伤药: I know that your meaning, without the issue, I did not kill you, you can therapy answered me several issues, then I knocked down you, how you looked.” “我知道你的意思了,没问题,我不杀你,你可以一面疗伤一面回答我几个问题,然后我就打晕你,你看怎么样。” This group leader loose long air/Qi, quickly starts to process own injury, with stylish: 这个小头目松了一口长气,急忙开始处理自己的伤势,同时道: Good, you asked.” “好,你问吧。” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: Whose this place is?” “这地方是谁的?” The group leaders said: 小头目道: ***.” “***的。” Fang Linyan gawked staring, this is the out-and-out cults, by the total altar/jar, divides the altar/jar wait/etc situation dissemination, its say/way was called Lu Zhongyi, said that was the Maitreya religion Bodhisattva is reincarnated, actually believed in not fresh old mother, was the hybrid interpattern association. 方林岩愣了愣,这可是不折不扣的邪教啊,是以总坛,分坛等等形势传播,其道首叫路中一,自称是弥勒菩萨转世,却又信奉无生老母,属于混合类的。 However, such cults milk makes a mother, so long as the Japanese is willing to disburse money, then like force-feeding no matter what the dog it directs. 不过,这样的邪教有奶便是娘,只要日本人舍得出钱,那么就会像喂饱的狗一样任其使唤。 The time press, Fang Linyan then closely examined some important information, this group leader replied honestly, then Fang Linyan gave his way out. 时间紧迫,方林岩接下来便追问了一些重要信息,这小头目都老老实实的回答完毕,然后方林岩就放了他一条生路。 Naturally, Fang Linyan easily does not believe the person, he listens the group leader replied, the information that also using the unmanned aerial vehicle obtains conducted the confirmation, after determining the truth, released people, after all the core member in this cults was brainwashed mostly. 当然,方林岩也不是轻易就相信人的,他听小头目回答的时候,也利用无人机获得的信息进行了验证,确定了真伪以后才放人,毕竟这种邪教内的核心份子多半是被洗脑了的。 Is good when this group leader mentioned the matter in meeting, hated to clench jaws, was because arrived on here minute/share of the world altar/jar Lord excuse his wife to have the monster qi, drove monster on by directly the name, will rest two to seem like also the sincerety, not camouflage. 好在这小头目说起会里的事情之时,恨得咬牙切齿的,就是因为来到这里的分坛坛主借口他老婆身上有妖气,直接就以“驱妖”之名,将之睡了两宿看起来也真情实意,不似伪装。 At this time after obtaining the corresponding clue, Fang Linyan also destroys Yellow Dragon, aimed at north the lumber field to touch, really detected that here presented a big stretch of open area. 此时获得了相应的线索以后,方林岩也是直捣黄龙,对准了木材场北面摸了过去,果然发觉这里出现了一大片空地。 The air-to-surface center sets up 56 military tents, the surroundings of tent has the flare to be responsible for shining, but some surroundings people are also guarding, these guards obvious compare *** person elite, if, although wears the casual attire, but the wainscot supports straightly, aura of share of soldier takes shape. 空地的中央扎着五六顶军用帐篷,帐篷的周围都有火把负责照耀,而周围也是有人守卫着,这些守卫明显的就要比***的人精锐得若,虽然穿着便装,但腰板挺得笔直,一股军人的气息呼之欲出。 Fang Linyan sees these people, knows that found was advocating, the young guard of the group of person and military of profound foreign meeting has the complicated relations, their core backbones, even the military force has the strong color of military. 方林岩一看到这些人,就知道找到正主了,玄洋会的这帮人与军方的少壮派有千丝万缕的关系,他们的核心骨干,甚至武力都有着军方的浓厚色彩。 Even the military can let a group of elite soldiers directly disbandment, then instigates the person to Kenyosha to be used to conduct the espionage. 甚至军方能直接让一批精锐士兵“退伍”,然后调拨给玄洋社的人用于进行间谍活动。 At this time the time press, is daybreak ago dark this period of time, and Fang Linyan touched, but also massacred several *** sentry, this possibly revealed the secret momentarily, therefore Fang Linyan clenched teeth, drew support from the shield of shadow to touch toward a tent in directly, if now does not take some risks, later should not be better to kill. 这时候时间紧迫,已经是属于黎明前的黑暗这段时间了,并且方林岩摸进来的时候,还杀掉了好几名***的哨兵,这随时都可能露馅儿,所以方林岩一咬牙,就借助暗影的掩护朝着一顶帐篷里面直接摸了过去,现在若是不冒些险的话,待会儿应该就更不好杀了。 Arrived at the first tent after before, Fang Linyan listens attentively carefully, detects no one's breathing, therefore traded one to touch. 来到了第一顶帐篷之前以后,方林岩仔细倾听,发觉没有人的呼吸声,于是就又换了一顶摸了过去。 In this tent, snoring sound like thunder, but breathing of careful one hear of actually also people, smells carefully, but can also detect that has sweet greasy powder aura. 这一顶帐篷里面,鼾声如雷,但仔细一听却还有一个人的呼吸声,仔细闻一闻,还能发觉有着一股甜腻的脂粉气息。 Before Fang Linyan in the mouth of group leader found, the group of people in Kenyosha were yesterday, inside core figure was one 40 years old, keeps Klewki Hu's fatty, it is said was the directors of such and such joint-stock company, named rice Mr. leaf. 之前在小头目的口中方林岩就了解到,玄洋社的这批人是昨天就到的,里面的核心人物是一名四十来岁,留着仁丹胡的胖子,据说是某某株式会社的社长,名叫稻叶先生。 This Japanese is very lascivious, oneself bring smoke to regard to flatter the group woman, and matter are many, even also shuts out the toilet is too dirty, the group leader also can only make a new toilet in the past. 这个日本人十分好色,自己带着一个烟视媚行的女人,并且事儿很多,甚至还嫌弃马桶太脏,那小头目还只能去弄了个新马桶过去。 But another core figure is the young student appearance, looks quite mild-mannered and cultivated, the group leader hears own eldest child to manage him to be called Young Master Li.” 而另外一个核心人物则是个年轻学生模样,看起来颇为温文尔雅,小头目听到自己的老大管他叫做“李少爷。” Fang Linyan felt, Huangchuan that oneself must look for mostly is this Young Master Li. 方林岩觉得,自己要找的荒川多半就是这位李少爷。 However, at present the time press is incomparable, enough six tents, Fang Linyan also investigated without enough time carefully, can only the tent that from most approaches start directly. 不过,眼下时间紧迫无比,还有足足六顶帐篷,方林岩也来不及仔细探查了,只能直接从最靠近的帐篷入手。 Is good does not have the zipper because of the present tent entrance, belays with the knot directly, was similar to knot such department law, a Fang Linyan dagger wipes the rope buckle, then touched. 好在现在的帐篷入口也没有拉链,直接是用绳结套住,就类似于扣子那样的系法,方林岩一匕首抹断了绳扣,然后就摸了进去。 This type of tent is similar to of yurt, is quite relatively spacious, inside can put down a bed and cabinet. Naturally, the surplus spaces appeared quite narrow. 这种帐篷是类似于蒙古包的那种,相对比较宽敞,里面能放下一张床和柜子。当然,剩余的空间就显得相当的逼仄了。 Even if in such narrow and small environment, the action of Fang Linyan is still agile and discrete, after approaching, then can see on the bed is sprawled falls asleep a fatty. 哪怕是在这样狭小的环境下,方林岩的行动依然敏捷而谨慎,靠近了之后便能见到床上四仰八叉的睡着一个胖子。 Probably is a day of hot reason, therefore his upper part is bare, has Klewki reckless, the face greases saliva saliva, the snoring sound of this boy very loud, made very big convenience to the action of Fang Linyan without a doubt. 大概是天热的缘故,所以他的上半身都是裸着的,有着仁丹胡,脸上油津津的,这厮的呼噜声很响,毫无疑问给方林岩的行动制造了很大的便利。 After the bed, Fang Linyan discovered that was pushed that unlucky woman in corner place to be by the fatty a Chinese, seems somewhat the beauty, the miserable appearance, the body wears red color bellyband that the affectionate couple plays with water- Japanese should not put on. 靠近床榻之后,方林岩发现被胖子挤到了边角处的那个倒霉女人应该是中国人,看起来还是有几分姿色,楚楚可怜的样子,身上穿着鸳鸯戏水的大红色肚兜-日本人应该不会这么穿。 After Fang Linyan approaches, put out a hand according to directly in the neck side of this woman, she was in a while direct the stupor in the past. 方林岩靠近过去以后,直接伸手按在了这女人的颈侧,没过多久她就直接昏迷了过去。 He arrived at the side of this fatty rice Mr. leaf, first lost an detection in the past, after the determination is an average person, then after taking up nearby pillow, a fist hit in his stomach! 紧接着,他来到了这名胖子稻叶先生的身边,先丢了个侦查过去,确定是个普通人之后,然后拿起旁边的枕头之后,一拳就打在了他的胃部! Eyes of rice Mr. leaf all of a sudden on obvious raised, exuded one after another wū wū dark mute painful moan, after he recovered, Fang Linyan will have plundered the tooth of food to arrive on his neck, then said in a low voice: 稻叶先生的双眼一下子就明显的凸了出来,发出了一连串“呜呜呜”的暗哑痛苦呻吟声,等到他缓过劲儿来了之后,方林岩已经将掠食之牙抵在了他的脖子上,然后低声道: „To die you to make noise.” “想死你就出声。” The rice leaf the whole face fears immediately, shakes the head again and again. 稻叶顿时满脸恐惧,连连摇头。 The Fang Linyan corners of the mouth raise, then put aside a point the dagger blade, then said: 方林岩嘴角一扬,便将匕刃移开了一点,然后道: Huangchuan in which tent.” “荒川在哪个帐篷。” The rice leaf panted for breath was speaking a few words, but perhaps because of frightened reason, therefore these words saying very much fuzzily low voice, Fang Linyan knit the brows: 稻叶喘息着说了一句话,但是或许是因为恐惧的缘故,所以这句话说得很模糊小声,方林岩皱眉道: Said again, talks clearly.” “再说一遍,说清楚一点。”
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