Chapter 1356provincial commanderlookswildly
第1356章提督之野望Facing this timepresenttwochoices, Fang Linyanmeasuredin the heartrapidly, ifveryobviouslydo not permit, according topromptingwill unable to do wellwill offer sacrificesto give the monster the souland so on, will then be a war, naturally, after suchadvantagewill beto get rid ofhim, the say/way of fallingwill have the probabilityqualityto be higher.
面对此时眼前的两个选择,方林岩在心中迅速权衡了一下,很显然若是自己不允许的话,根据提示南本搞不好就会将灵魂献祭给妖怪之类的,然后又是一场大战,当然,这样的好处就是干掉他以后,掉落的道具有概率品质更高。However, is the goal that Fang Linyanplots againstthis/Benwhat? It is not kills peopleto seize the treasure! Hisgoal is to kidnap the heavyship, disembarksat a earliertime!!
但是,方林岩来暗算南本的目的是什么?并不是来杀人夺宝的啊!他的目的,是要劫持重船,以更早的时间登岸!!Undersuchmajor premise, canend the fightto be good one second ahead of schedule!
在这样的大前提下,能提前一秒结束战斗都是好的!Therefore, Fang Linyannod of slightly, thenarrived atBen'sside, took upconvenientlynearby„worldwordsfemaleroom”, preparesforhismistake.
所以,方林岩微微的点了点头,然后来到了南本的身边,顺手拿起了旁边的“世话女房”,准备为他介错。Drew out a ribto be bad, thenpondered for severalseconds, recitedin a low voice:
南本拔出了一把肋差,然后沉思了几秒钟,低声吟道:„Xia Mengvariablefirstname, the cuckoocalled the cloudschillily.”
Before thiswas the Japanesewarriorscommitted hara-kiri , the uniquedyingpoemculture, thendipped the bloodwith the finger, inwriting down of frontplankgeneral.
The Fang Linyanheartsay/wayacts in a playto make the complete set, thereforethentakes down the written recordsfrom the bosom, will record, sidealsowrote the prefatory remarks:方林岩心道做戏做全套,于是便从怀中取下纸笔,将之记录了下来,旁边还写了题记:this/Benfirstplots, fights a bloody battleto the strengthuses up, commits hara-kiriby the heart of having no qualms, bookdyingpoem, whenspreads the later generation.
南本君先中暗算,又浴血奋战至力竭,以无愧之心切腹,书此绝命诗,当流传后世。ThenFang Linyanwithwill also look, inthis/Beneyesrevealed the gratifiedcolor, deeplyis lowering the head a ritualtoFang Linyan, thendipped the bloodto giveFang Linyanto write an address:
然后方林岩还将之拿给南本看了,南本眼中露出了欣慰之色,对着方林岩深深低头一礼,然后蘸着鲜血又给方林岩书写了一个地址:UnderOdawaraTenshucamphor wood.
Then committed hara-kiridirectly.
接着便直接切腹了。Fang Linyanwieldednearbylong bladeat this time: The worldwordsfemaleroom, the bloodlightsplash, this/Bendiedunderoneselfweapontogetherfinally, regardingfighting vigorouslyto perish, wantsto obtainhim of dignifiedcause of death, mustrecompenseto hope.方林岩这时候挥起了旁边的长刀:世话女房,一道血光飞溅而出,南本最终死在了自己的武器之下,对于力战而亡,希望得到一个体面死法的他来说,也是得偿所愿了。
After dies, thisofficiallybecomes the equipment of Fang Linyan the shaving cutter, Fang Linyanraisedto wieldwielding, detected that was inconvenient, andonitshandle had obviousbreaktrace, thisshouldbe the reason that itsstrengthdropped.
南本死后,这把薙刀就正式成为了方林岩的装备,方林岩提起来挥了挥,发觉并不顺手,并且其握柄上有很明显的断裂痕迹,这应该就是它力量下降的原因。ThenFang Linyanlooked atitsattributespecifically.
接着方林岩则是具体看了看其属性。Name: Worldwordsfemaleroom
名称:世话女房Condition: Halfdamage
状态:半损毁Quality: Valuable.
品质:贵重物。Has the valuableattribute, has bigfameantiquesin the entireEast Asia. Even if abandonsitas the status of weapon, inOsaka, Capital, Tianjin, Shanghai, Tianjin, the BJand otherplace in antiquemarkets, somepeople can buy at a high price, orbythingchanged/easything, ifyoudo not like the weapontothis, thenit can also tradeyoursatisfiedthingwith ease.
带有贵重物属性的,都是在整个东亚都拥有很大名气的古物。哪怕是抛弃其作为武器的身份,在大阪,京都,天津,上海,天津,BJ等地的古玩市场上,也会有人会以高价收购,或是以物易物,若是你对这把武器不喜欢,那么它也能轻松换到你满意的东西。Explained: The holdersobtained the approval of originalmaster, successfullyobtained the whereabouts of the world wordsfemaleroomfragmentwreckage.( UnderOdawaraTenshucamphor wood)
说明:持有者获得了原主人的认可,成功获得了世话女房碎片残骸的下落。(小田原天守阁樟木下)ThenFang Linyancalledto come toOkida/toto congratulatetrueas the coordination, thereforewithout the consumptiontoobigstrengthpositive governingthisship, thenorderedto hitto represent the dragon flag of China, aimed atTianjinto go the past.
接下来方林岩就叫来冲田/向贺真作为配合,于是没有耗费太大力气就直接控制了这艘船,然后下令打起代表中国的龙旗,对准了天津这边行驶了过去。Before the heavyshipneeded the secretnavigation, wasoncebecausegone on patrolBeiyang Fleetintercepted, the cargo on shipswill be seizedbyBeiyang Fleet, butFang Linyandid not care aboutthis point, thereforeno restriction of any kind.
之前重船需要隐秘航行,是因为一旦被巡逻的北洋水师拦截下来,船只上的货物都会被北洋水师缴获,但方林岩并不在乎这一点,所以就百无禁忌。Finallythesenavigatedtheynot to meet the patrol boat of Beiyang Fleettime, Fang LinyanandLamingdiscussed, arrived at the heavyshipoutside15li (0.5 km) the belowsteamed breadprivateportfromTianjin Portanchored.
结果这一次航行他们并没有遇到北洋水师的巡逻船,方林岩和拉明商量了一番之后,将重船开到了距离天津港外十五里的下窝头私港停靠。Tianjinheresea levelanti-smugglingdepended uponBeiyang Fleet. Howevernowis faced with an archenemy, Beiyang Fleetis critical situation, the defensefocuswascentralizedon the Combined Fleet of Japan, therefore the business of hereprivateportwasquiteprosperous.
After the heavyshipapproaches shore, inportnaturallyisverysurprised, buthas the merchant the courageto encircleat oncegreatly, butFang Linyaninquired,knowsinthisprivateport has the majorbusinessto be based, thereforehefoundQiaodirectly here semicolon.
重船靠岸以后,港内当然是十分惊奇,不过旋即就有商人大着胆子围了上来,而方林岩一打听,才知道这私港中乃是有各大商家常驻的,于是他直接就去找到了乔家在这边的分号。Althoughherebigstorekeeperdoes not knowFang Linyan, butcurrentlyhastelegramtype of thing, related the Qiaothreemastersdirectly, the person of Qiaotook over control the heavyship, it can be said thatwas free from worryconvenienttoFang Linyan.
这里的大掌柜虽然不认识方林岩,但现在是有电报这种东西的,直接一联系乔家三爷,乔家的人就将重船接管了下来,对方林岩而言可以说是省心省事。Herehandles the matterat the same time, Fang Linyanalsoinquired a currentsituationimmediately, finallydetectednear perfect that reallyoneselfguessed!
在这里处理事情的同时,方林岩也是立即打探了一下当前的形势,结果发觉自己猜测的果然八九不离十!AfterdetectingChinese the warprogress barstartsto reboundstrongly, Japanesespacesoldiersalsostartedoneselfplan and counter-attack.
The war of this timedayclear, reallycanpeckto describe that with the vegetable/dishchickenmutually, both sidesareonehitrandomly, think of beginning but not think things through to the end!
The army that for fear thatinForbidden Cityemperorqueen motherby„removing evil ministers from beside the throne”, anyman (Han)feudal officialwas suspectedtightly, expellingis distantfrom the national capital, the managementnational capitaldefense, has lived a life of dissipationpulls out the opiumpassedrottenlypro-green campin addition.
紫禁城里面的皇帝太后唯恐被“清君侧”,凡是汉臣的军队都被猜忌得紧,撵得距离京师远远的,主持京畿防务的,就是已经吃喝嫖赌外加抽大烟烂透了的绿营。As for the eight banners, hehe, thisgadgethas startedto deteriorateinKangxirottenly, Qianlongtimedegenerated into the ornamentsthoroughly, tenmartial arts of Qianlong, at leasthad the larger partispro-green campcompletes.
至于八旗,呵呵,这玩意儿在康熙的时候就已经开始腐烂变质,乾隆的时候就彻底沦为摆设,乾隆的十大武功,至少有一大半都是绿营完成的。Nowpro-green campalso can only do the work of management, and royal government is also veryclearthis point, otherwise, at that timefacingEight-Nation Alliancetimewill not turn to any doctor one can find when critically ill, with the folkis shouting„support the Qing dynasty and exterminate the foreigners”sectcooperation.
现在绿营也就只能干点儿城管的活儿,并且朝廷这边也是很清楚这一点的,否则的话,当时面对八国联军的时候也不会病急乱投医,与民间喊着“扶清灭洋”的教派合作。Therefore, Japanese the plan of spacesoldier, destroysYellow Dragon, thenheldCixiandGuangxu, letunderthemdirectly the aimsurrender, thenended the war.
所以,日本这边的空间战士的计划,就是直捣黄龙,然后抓住慈禧和光绪,直接让他们下旨投降,进而结束战争。Even ifcannot holdthem, mustdisplay the tremendous pressure on them, butthisroyal governmentit can be said thatkneelsextremelyquicklyin the face of the pressure, special detailscanreferdozensyears ago Xianfeng.
哪怕是抓不住他们,也要给他们施展巨大的压力,而这个朝廷在压力面前可以说是跪得极快的,具体情况的则是可以参考几十年之前的咸丰.Words that howeverspokeoften, isplans unable to keep up with the change, similar of theirinitialideaandFang Linyanguess, breaks up the whole into partsto mix in the BJcity, thendestroysYellow Dragonat one fell swoop.
但是有一句常常说的话,就是计划赶不上变化,他们最初的想法和方林岩猜测的类似,化整为零混入BJ城,然后一举直捣黄龙。Thiswas a goodplan, the issueis the manpower who thisplanused were too actually many, did not reply on the strength of military unable to accomplish.
这其实是个挺不错的计划,问题是这计划动用的人手太多了,不借助军方的力量根本办不到。But after waiting fortheirstartsin high spiritsto conduct a series ofarrangements, actuallymet the parallelpotential surfaceSongcultivating talentsamebitter experience, was given the interceptionbystupidhigh-rank- The Cabinet of Japancalledstoppingdirectly.
而等他们兴冲冲的开始进行了一系列的筹备之后,却遇到了平行位面宋育人同等的遭遇,被愚蠢的上位者给拦截了--日本内阁这边直接叫了停。Thereasonis very simple, at that timein the middle ofBJorTianjin, the number of foreignerare many, oncerashlyaction, allyamazedwhat to do?
其理由很简单,当时无论是BJ还是天津当中,洋人的数量是很多的,一旦贸然行动,友邦惊诧了怎么办?Moreover, but alsosomepeoplesee: Thisplanis seemingly excellent, andserves the interest of thisgroup of spacesoldiers, but, actuallydoes not serve the interests of entireJapan!
The Cabinet of Japanfollows the leadbyHirobumi Itou, thisoutstandingstatesmanjudgedimmediately, if the clearCountryRoyal governmentsuffered the destructiveattack, thenin the national capitalstartshugeriotinevitably.
日本内阁以伊藤博文马首是瞻,这名杰出的政治家立即就判断了出来,如果清国朝廷遭受到了毁灭性的打击,那么京师内必然掀起巨大的暴乱活动。Moreover, even the entireChinawill analyzeto crackdirectly, falls intoregionalchaoticseparationconditions.
不仅如此,甚至整个中国都会直接分析崩裂,陷入各地混乱的割据状态。At the appointed timetoprotect the safety of immigrant, tomeetownbenefitneed, the producedresultis, the big powersdispatch troopsdecisively, props uphiswarlordspokesmaninChinadirectly, is split upinChina, was set aside the sphere of influenceby the big powersforcefully.
届时为了保护侨民的安全,也是为了满足自身的利益需求,产生的结果就是,列强果断出兵,直接在中国扶植其军阀代言人,然后在中国四分五裂,被列强强行划分出势力范围。Perhapsthisresultis the big powersloves, butis notJapanwantsto seeabsolutely!
The western big powerate to the full, Japandid not have the placeto start!
西方列强吃饱了,日本就没得地方入手了啊!Ifthismatterhappens, theyreorganize the armament, evenonprostituteandchild the behavior that finally the copper coinmustsqueezetogetherturned into a jokecompletely, doesto marry the clothesfor the big powersin vain.
倘若这件事发生,他们整顿军备,甚至连妓女和孩子身上的最后一块铜板都要压榨走的行为就完全变成了一个笑话,徒然为了列强做嫁衣裳而已。Facing the domineeringstop of cabinet, thisgroup of peoplesomewhatwere immediately scared, somepeopleevendraw a swordat the scene the resistance, butquickwas done the most wanted terrorist, was suppressedstrongly.
面对内阁的强势阻拦,这帮人顿时就有些傻眼了,有人甚至当场拔刀反抗,不过很快就被搞成了通缉犯,被强势镇压。Is goodbecause in the state of Japanesethisrare and beautiful flowers, place that the government order of cabinetandgovernmentinfluentialhas not really gone, thatisinmilitary headquartersthatsomeradicalmembers.
好在在日本这个奇葩的国度里面,内阁和政府的政令还真的有影响不到的地方,那就是军部里面的那部分激进成员。Afterwardthisgroup of peoplealsosuccessfullyserved the purpose, didthroughlyJapan****country.
后来这帮人也是成功达到了目的,将日本搞成了彻头彻尾的****国家。Depends upon the influence of thisgroup of people, yes, thisgroup of peopleareFang LinyaninNagasakiwiththatgroup of young guards that ithas had to do!
The spacesoldiers in Japansuccessfullyorganized a task force, gave a nameto be called the invincible army, andhas successfully avoided the blockade of Beiyangfleet, startedto do the matterinChinadirectly.
日本一方的空间战士成功组织起来了一支特遣队,起名叫做铁军,并且成功躲避过了北洋舰队的封锁,直接开始在中国本土上搞事了。Thenthistask force came from where? Isrecruits the manpowerto formfrom the foreign settlement in Shanghai.
The international concession in Shanghaiwas establishedin 1854, is the worthy of the reputationstate within a state, itsmanagement agencyis„Shanghaimunicipal council”, hasownpoliceto arm, Japan****organization: Kenyoshaalsoestablishedownbranchthreeyears ago here.
上海的公共租界在1854年的时候就被建立,乃是名副其实的国中之国,其管理机构乃是“上海工部局”,有着自身的警察武装,日本的****组织:玄洋社在三年前也是在这里建立了自己的分部。Thetask force that the spacesoldierestablishes, itscoreis the armysoldiers of 500retirementsKenyoshaBranchprovides, more than 600Japanesevagabonds, finally more than 400 the factionmembers and gangsters from the Shanghailocal areahire.
空间战士建立的这一支特遣队,其核心乃是玄洋社分部提供的五百名退役的陆军士兵,还有六百多名日本浪人,最后还有四百多名从上海本地雇佣的帮派成员和匪徒。Afterreceivingthisnews, Fang Linyanrealizedimmediately,among the spacesoldiers in Japan, the inevitablyexpertis fierceinmanagement, oruses the gamification the terminology, thatisthisperson„controlvalue”is high.
在获得了这个消息之后,方林岩立即就意识到,日本的空间战士当中,必然有一个牛人在管理方面非常厉害,或者用游戏化的术语来说,那就是这个人的“统御值”非常高。Fang Linyandaresto draw upandcarry outattacks the Japaneseplan, thatisbecausehehas investigated, knows that SongYurenhas done, andnearlysucceeded.方林岩敢于制订并且执行直攻日本本土的计划,那是因为他调查过,知道宋育人这么干过,并且差点儿就成功了。WithoutSirSong, hewill not considerthismatter, becauseformsthousandpeople of armies, and must travel to distant landsto launch the attackabsolutelyis not the easymatter!
若是没有宋大人的话,他是不会考虑这件事的,因为组建一支千人军队并且还要远渡重洋发起攻击绝对不是什么容易的事情!Thisinvolvesmanyaspectvariousfactors, at leastFang Linyanself-examinescannot achieve.
这牵扯到多个方面多种因素,至少方林岩自问是做不到的。If nothing else, makingyouleadhundred -memeber touring partygoing abroadto play, in this periodhandledvariousbusiness, then the calm and steadybelt/bringwill come back, thatestimateis a verydifficultmatter, variousissuesguaranteemakeyoubadly batteredcertainly.
别的不说,让你率领一支百人旅行团出国游玩一圈,期间处理好各种事务,然后将之安安稳稳的带回来,那估计都是非常困难的一件事,各种问题保准让你焦头烂额。Let alonehasseveral thousandpeopleto carry out the mortality rateveryhightask?
The managementabsolutelyis a knowledge, andbroad and profoundknowledge! Otherwise, in the universitywill not have a curriculumfor this reasonespecially.
管理绝对是一门学问,并且还是博大精深的学问!否则的话,大学里面也不会为此特地开一门课程。Then, thisirregular troopsthenstarted the astonishingoperation, theyride by steamto go northdirectly, because the steamboatissubordinatesin the ships of France, thereforehere the Qing dynastydid not have the protection.
接下来,这一支杂牌军便开始了惊人操作,他们乘坐轮船直接北上,因为轮船乃是隶属于法国的船只,所以清朝这边毫无防备。Therefore, thisfellowswhileitsunprepareddirect hitwere known as„Asia'sfirstnaval port”Lushun, here is also the maintenance of Beiyang Fleet, cultivatesto anchor! Caused the enormousdestructiontohere, enters port the Beiyang Fleetthreenaval vessels of overhaulto be destroyed, more than tenwarehousesset on fireto burn down!
The ships of Beiyang Fleet, the weapon, the ammunitionand so on aggregate lossessurpassed3.002 millionsilver!
北洋水师的船只,军械,弹药等等累计损失超过了三百万两白银!Thisgroup of peoplestrikewalk, actuallyonlystayedinLushun for less than threehours, butaccording to a Lushuncorpulentsurvivorsends in the news that: Theirgoalsare nototherplace, will enter the national capitaldirectly!
这帮人一击即走,竟然只在旅顺呆了三个小时不到,而根据旅顺便便的一位幸存者发来的消息:他们的目标不是别的地方,将会直接进军京师!At this time, Fang LinyanunderstandsfinallyChina the truth of warprogress barsharp decline, the old nest of Beiyang Fleetpulled outsuddenly! Thisis the matter in China, therefore the national capitalknows the Japanesesuccessfullylandsunexpectedly, after doingthissad newssecond companystruck, at this timeinevitablyflurriedlybecameonegroup.
Obviously, ifhaswhatslightest sign of troubleagain, was very difficult saying that inForbidden Cityemperor and queen motherwill haveanythingto respond, thistomother and child„outsidefought the layman, civil warexpert” the convention, had very bigprobabilityto cede territory and pay indemnitiesto beg for mercy.
很显然,若是再有什么风吹草动,很难说紫禁城里面的皇上和太后会有什么反应,就这对母子“外战外行,内战内行”的惯例来说,是有很大概率割地赔款求饶的。Regardingthistomother and child, so long as can also have great powerbyoneself, whatTaiwan, North Korea, ripsdirectly are not related, the placebird of thatoverseasdoes not defecatein any case, takesalsonoeggto use.
对于这对母子来说,只要还能让自己大权在握,什么台湾啊,朝鲜啊,直接割掉也没关系的,反正那海外的地方鸟不拉屎的,拿着也没什么卵用。As for the indemnitydid not say that howcompensates much money? AlsocanlittlegetLaofoyewritingmoney! So long ashas great power, officerboth hands that the casualcrookedmouth awry, belowtheseare not concerned about facewill present, evencourt eunuch can also eat to the full.
至于赔款就更不说了,赔再多的钱又怎么样?还能少得了老佛爷一文钱!只要大权在握,随便歪歪嘴,下面那些不要脸的官儿就会双手奉上来,连身边的太监也能吃得饱饱的。Readandthis, Fang Linyanfrowns:
一念及此,方林岩皱起了眉头:„Japanalsohas the person of high skill, the situationtoChinaunderstands, ifon the palm the viewmark, seems to have hit the snaketo hitsevencuns (2.5 cm)now, hit the Beiyangfleet, evenstrategic point in entireChina!”
“日本这边也是有高人啊,对中国这边的情况了解得若掌上观纹,现在已经仿佛打蛇打七寸似的,命中了北洋舰队,甚至整个中国的要害!”„No matter whatiftheycontinueto display, onlyfeared that will be the Chinese-JapaneseSino-Japanese naval battlewill be ahead of time! The Combined Fleet of Japanwill definitely seek battleahead of time, at that time was really game is as good as lost.”
Obviously, canmixthisirregular troopsin the same place, andalsodid the fellow of sostartledPopular Frontweaponry, the ability in itscontrolinevitablywas the unusualpowerful.
很显然,能将这一支杂牌军糅合在一起,并且还搞出了如此惊人阵仗的家伙,其统御方面的才能必然是非常强力的。Fang Linyanfeltamongperson who oneselfrun into, the arctic circlecouldachieve the samerank, butis only the samerank, did not representitsabilityto place on a parwithit.方林岩觉得自己遇到的人当中,北极圈或许能达到同等级别,但只是同等级别而已,并不代表其能力就与之相提并论了。Deepinspiration, Fang Linyancatches the eyeto lookto the darkness of distant place, as ifcancompletely understand that in the future, inhisheartwill have a clear(ly)to become awaresuddenly:
深深的吸了一口气之后,方林岩抬眼望向远处的黑暗,仿佛能看透未来似的,他的心中陡然生出了一股明悟:„No! It is not right, the goal of thisfellowsis not a national capital, thatis only the smoke curtain shell that theyput!”
“不!不对,这帮家伙的目的根本就不是京师,那只是他们放出来的烟幕弹而已!”ThenFang Linyanmorewantsmoreto think that ownjudgmentis right, the national capitaltrulyisChinesethis timeweakness, is actually notat presentJapaneserighteststrike target! A China of sudden death, maymakecertainbig powersbeam from ear to ear, actuallyabsolutelyis notJapanesethisemergingsmall countrydesired.
接着方林岩越想越觉得自己的判断是对的,京师确实是中国此时的弱点,却并不是目前日本最合适的打击对象!一个猝死的中国,或许会让某些列强笑逐颜开,却绝对不是日本这个新兴的小国希望看到的。To Japan, the bestscript, isQing governmentcontinuesto barely manage to maintain a feeble existence, Japanliesinitsgreedyblood sucking, powerful!
对日本来说,最好的剧本,是清廷继续苟延残喘,日本趴在其身上贪婪吸血,强大自身!Therefore, spacesoldiers in Japan , to earn the Japanesedomesticsupport, thenitsrealgoalshouldbeTianjin.
所以,日本方面的空间战士要想获得日本国内的支持,那么其真正的目标应该是天津。Tianjinat this time is also veryrich and populous, evenis not worse than the national capital,
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