FE :: Volume #13

#1357: That respects your one glass of liquor

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Chapter 1355 that respects your one glass of liquor 第1355章那就敬你一杯酒 Read and this, this/Ben deeply inspires, turned around to run directly, aims in the middle of the captains cabin to go. When he just went out of two, felt suddenly was not right, because then flew a stance strange butterfly from that thick fog, kicked the wing to aim at the front surface to fly!! 一念及此,南本深吸了一口气,直接转身就跑,对准了船长室当中而去。只是就在他刚刚走出两步的时候,猛然就感觉到了不对劲,因为接下来从那浓雾当中就飞出来了一只姿态奇异的蝴蝶,扑腾着翅膀对准自己迎面飞来!! Sees the flash of this butterfly, this/Ben felt suddenly enormous threat, fine body hair on back of the hand stood erect directly, he loudly calls out, the backhand was a stick aims at the butterfly to knock. 见到这只蝴蝶的一瞬间,南本陡然之间就感觉到了极大的威胁,手背上的寒毛都一根根的直接竖立了起来,他大叫一声,反手就是一棍子对准了蝴蝶敲了上去。 But this stick the overwhelming power is unusual, making a move is fast does not have, actually can only hit mosquito to describe with cannon. 但这一棍虽然威猛非常,出手也是迅捷无伦,却只能用“大炮打蚊子”来形容。 When the stick will soon approach the butterfly, the butterfly rose directly little, then avoided ingeniously, seemed like seems roamed by the air/Qi that the stick aroused expunged. 在棍子即将靠近蝴蝶的时候,蝴蝶就直接上扬了少许,然后巧妙的躲避了开去,看起来就仿佛是被棍子激起的气流荡了开去似的。 Then Ben's chest was pasted by this butterfly. 然后南本的胸口就被这只蝴蝶贴了上去。 Immediately, the blood light/only appears, in the air also came out an irritating the nose bloody flavor, the Ben's sad and shrill pain loudly calls out, his chest has come out impressively -and-a-half foot wounds, the body whirled around, in the middle of the bright red flesh also has the white skeleton, seems like makes one be afraid. 顿时,血光浮现,空气里面也是多出来了一股刺鼻的血腥味道,南本凄厉的痛苦大叫一声,他的胸口赫然已经多出来了一条半尺长的伤口,皮肉翻卷,鲜红的血肉当中还有白森森的骨骼,看起来就令人不寒而栗。 This flash this/Ben is clear, this is not the butterfly, but is one round sharp and evil and cruel incomparable hidden weapon! 这一瞬间南本才明白,这根本就不是什么蝴蝶,而是一发犀利至极并且歹毒无比的暗器! Before Fang Linyan, gets rid of that butterfly dart that the enemy obtained. 正是方林岩之前干掉了敌人获得的那一把蝴蝶镖。 This round of butterfly dart big of might, even exceeded the imagination of Fang Linyan completely, should be has the reason of addition to the local character. 这一发蝴蝶镖的威力之大,甚至都完全超出了方林岩的想象,应该是对本土人物有加成的缘故。 If this dart hit on this/Ben belly, then could not do well the entire belly to be cut open, such following fight was free from worry convenient. 若是这一镖打在了南本肚子上的话,那么搞不好整个肚皮都要被剖开,那样接下来的战斗就省心省事了。 Among great general through the ages, having fierce person who the eye that can pull arrow swallow own continues to fight, but was opened the belly , after by the notch drags the intestines also to fight, does not have- does not have at least in the cold weapons combat time. 古往今来的大将当中,有可以拔箭吞掉自己的眼睛继续战斗的猛人,但被豁开肚皮以后拖着肠子还能战斗的,一个都没有-至少在冷兵器作战时代是没有的。 Naturally, the character in punishment day such legend is not in this. 当然,刑天这样的神话传说中的人物不在此中。 Even if this, on dart also had a pitiful wound, at least 34 breastbones by cut-off forcefully, were revealed the white gloomy bone accident, pectoralis major muscle definitely the heavy losses, the instantaneous captain takes directly also incarnadine. 哪怕是这样,中镖的南本身上也是出现了一条凄惨的伤口,至少三四根胸骨被硬生生的切断,露出了白惨惨的骨头岔子,胸大肌这块肯定是惨遭重创,瞬间身上的船长服也是被直接染红。 Meanwhile, according to the explanation of butterfly dart bringing, the person of dart will have the severe pain and continues the bleeding effect, before matching on Fang Linyan, bloodthirsty spider soul that again hangs, this/Ben these really does not die time must peel a skin!! 同时,根据蝴蝶镖自带的说明,中镖的人还会产生剧痛和持续流血效果,再搭配上方林岩之前挂上去的嗜血蛛魂,南本这一次真的是不死也要脱一层皮!! General situation has decided “大局已定” Saw this, Fang Linyan revealed in the corners of the mouth wiped the happy expression. 见到了这一幕,方林岩在嘴角露出了一抹笑意。 Because the fight has been conducted for three minutes, the outbreak frequency of bloodthirsty spider soul takes two minutes to manifest suddenly at first time, then cuts in half in turn, till 10. seconds a time. 因为战斗已经进行了三分钟了,嗜血蛛魂的发作频率是最初需要两分钟发作一次,然后依次减半,直到十秒一次为止。 Specifically speaking, now the outbreak frequency of bloodthirsty spider soul has been reduced for 30 seconds! 具体来说,现在嗜血蛛魂的发作频率已经被削减到了三十秒! Present Fang Linyan sharply was not pursuing, the time stands oneself, therefore after broke in the captains cabin, he has not been expelling anxiously, but waited to go in again. 现在的方林岩也并不急着追击了,时间是站在自己这边的,所以南本冲入到了船长室当中之后,他也并没有急着撵进去,而是等了等再进去。 To him, pursues the anxious words, if eats a back thrust is not worthwhile! 对他来说,追得太急的话,万一吃个回马枪不值当呢! However, when Fang Linyan ran into the middle of the captains cabin the time, saw this/Ben is standing beyond several meters, his side is putting a box, the contour of this box looks somewhat unique, unexpectedly is similar to the box of violin. 不过,等到方林岩冲进了船长室当中的时候,就见到了南本正站在了几米之外,他的旁边放着一口箱子,这箱子的外形看起来有些独特,居然类似于小提琴的琴盒。 this/Ben is handling anything at this time earnestly, seemingly concentrates on, taking undivided attention, Fang Linyan is also in doubt this fellow to tempt the flaw that the enemy shows intentionally suddenly, he in order to steady is a lord, therefore directly used endured the technique scroll. 南本此时正在埋头做着什么事情,看起来全神贯注,心无旁骛,方林岩一时间也是拿不准这家伙是在诱敌还是故意露出的破绽,他以求稳为主,所以直接就使用了忍术卷轴。 This gadget took in hand inside feeling is very good, looks like the feeling of lamb lambskin feels to grease, exquisite smooth, but after a use, immediately saw four caltrops whiz whiz whiz flew toward front. 这玩意儿被拿在手里面的感觉还是很好的,就像是摸着上了油的小羊羔皮的感觉,细腻光滑,而一使用之后,立即就见到四枚铁蒺藜嗖嗖嗖的朝着前面飞了出去。 Then finally is also makes Fang Linyan have a scare! Four caltrops, many, hit completely in Ben's back. 然后结果也是让方林岩吓了一跳!四枚铁蒺藜,一颗不少,全部打在了南本的背部。 The key is to hit that also is really shocking, four caltrops hit directly after Ben's back, unexpectedly submerged directly, appeared four deep blood holes. 关键是打上去的那一幕还真的是令人震惊,四枚铁蒺藜直接打在了南本的背部以后,居然直接没入了进去,现出了四个深深的血洞。 this/Ben fierce twitching, Fang Linyan also saw clearly in his hand takes the thing from top to bottom at this time, the left hand impressively is a blade strange Chang weapon, but in the right hand is raising actually before is, pulls out that iron rod that from the scabbard. 南本浑身上下剧烈的一抽搐,这时候方林岩也看清楚了他手中拿着的东西,左手赫然是一把刀刃奇长的兵器,但右手里面提着的却是之前从刀鞘里面拔出来的那根铁棒。 Seemed like this/Ben to do to twist the movement of pipe, Fang Linyan awakened immediately, this fellow is combining, twisted the above blade and following knife handle in the same place! 看起来南本正在做拧管子的动作,方林岩立即就醒悟了过去,这家伙在组合呢,将上面的刀刃和下面的刀把拧在一起! Matter that very obviously, the enemy wants to handle, oneself should prevent full power, words that but Fang Linyan rushes now already some late. The next second, this/Ben has completed the combination of weapon, a blade aimed here to divide suddenly. 很显然,敌人想要做的事情,自己就应该全力阻止,但方林岩现在冲上去的话已经有些晚了。下一秒,南本已经完成了武器的组合,就猛然一刀对准了这边劈了过来。 But he now hand-held weapon, is one is similar to the broadsword such double has a heavy touch the weapon, naturally, this gadget has other name on the weapon spectrum of Japan: 而他现在手持的武器,则已经是一把类似于青龙偃月刀这样的双手重兵器,当然,这玩意儿在日本的兵器谱上面有一个另外的称呼: Shaving cutter! 薙刀! This type of weapon commonly is the great general rides a horse uses, a blade chops with the strength of horses running quickly, it can be said that really has the prestige of quarrying a mountain crack stone. 这种武器通常都是大将骑马的时候使用的,一刀借着马匹奔驰之力劈下去,可以说是真的是有开山裂石之威。 This weapon in the alternate name of China, is called the eyebrow dagger, sounds very delicate, actually refers to this standing erect the blade, the blade and eyebrow are orthogonal. 这武器在中国的别称,就叫做眉尖刀,听起来很秀气,其实指的是这把刀竖立起来,刀刃与眉尖平齐。 A shortcoming of such weapon, is very high besides the strength request to user, being hard to carry is also a major problem. Therefore this/Ben usually should lay aside the blade upper extreme, oneself carry the hilt along, regarding is the close-in weapon. 这样的一把武器的缺点,除了对使用者的力量要求很高之外,难以携带也是个大问题。所以南本平时应该才会将刀刃的上端放置起来,自己将刀柄随身携带,当成是近战兵器。 Time that this/Ben this blade chops, is not that strength chops Mount Hua from top to bottom, but used very special catching up way, is similar to inch fist of China, suddenly has the blade then to stop suddenly. 南本这一刀劈出的时候,并非是从上到下那种力劈华山,而是使用了非常特殊的发力方式,类似于中国的寸拳那样,突然出刀然后突然停止。 From the sky this type the way of blade, looks like the dragonfly that dances in the air, from the flight to the static from the static to the flight, has no indication again completely, therefore was named as the dragonfly to cut by this/Ben. 这种出刀的方式,就像是在空中飞舞的蜻蜓,从飞行到静止再从静止到飞行,完全都没有任何征兆,因此就被南本命名为蜻蜓切。 At this time this/Ben also has an enough 56 meters distance from Fang Linyan, looked divided a loneliness completely, only then faced directly Fang Linyan of this blade to be able the personal feeling the intense threat, this blade cut, on the blade that cold light sparkled as if gushed out the endless suction, must entrain his whole person. 此时南本距离方林岩还有足足五六米的距离,看起来完全是劈了个寂寞,可是只有直面这一刀的方林岩才能切身的感觉到强烈的威胁,这一刀斩下,那寒光闪闪的刀刃上仿佛涌出了无尽的吸力,要将他整个人都拽过去。 In the front of this blade, the hair of Fang Linyan was swayed, the whole person is resisting with that suction strongly, but the use sincerity is not big. 在这一刀的面前,方林岩的头发都被吹拂而起,整个人都在竭力与那吸力对抗着,但用处真心不大。 This crazy shaving cutter, is away from own head to be getting more and more near impressively, not only that even on the hilt carves four large characters that casts to look very clearly: 这把疯狂的薙刀,赫然距离自己的头部越来越近,不仅如此,连刀柄上镌铸出来的四个大字都看得十分清晰: World. Words female room? 世.话女房? This is really strange the name of blade!” Fang Linyan cannot bear in the heart spits the mortise. “这把刀的名字真怪!”方林岩忍不住在心中吐槽道。 But he is away from this to be nearer the blade of blade, more can feel swift and fierce blade intent that must kill! 而他距离这把刀的刀刃越近,就越能感觉到其中那必杀的凌厉刀意! It seems like this/Ben unexpectedly own anger, own pain, own bearing patiently integrated this blade together, cut a blade that was similar this brush!! 看起来南本竟是将自己的愤怒,自己的痛楚,自己的隐忍一起融入到了这一刀当中,才斩出了仿佛这神来之笔的一刀!! Facing this move, Fang Linyan knows that own conventional method definitely cannot deal with, must therefore make to choose, must turn out a card in a hand. 面对这一招,方林岩知道自己的常规手段肯定应付不过去,因此必须要做出选择了,必须得翻出一张底牌了。 The so-called card in a hand, did not use at this time? 所谓的底牌,不就是这个时候用的吗? Read and this, on the Fang Linyan face revealed wiped to sneer, catches the eye to look to this/Ben. 一念及此,方林岩脸上露出了一抹冷笑,抬眼看向了南本。 This time this/Ben eyes are red, the murderous intention in eye is imposing, the oath must cut front person under the blade. 此时的南本双眼通红,眼中的杀机凛然,誓要将面前的这个人斩于刀下。 Two people look at each other, Fang Linyan say/way in a soft voice: 两人对视,方林岩轻声的道: Since is this, that. Respects your one cup of bars!” “既然是这样的话,那就.敬你一杯酒吧!” His finishing speaking, on the neck appeared again the illusion of leaf of chaotic foreword, this fine necklace in this time brilliant illumination. 他的话音刚落,脖子上就再次浮现出来了乱序之叶的幻象,这条精美的项链在此时灼灼发光。 Then in the middle of the when right hand of Fang Linyan, a little point the sand gathered impressively, when this , the key was one sand burnt suddenly, bang produced a light purple sparks/Mars!! 然后方林岩的右手当中,赫然有点点时之沙聚集了起来,这也罢了,关键是其中的一枚时之沙骤的燃烧了起来,轰的一声就产生了一个淡紫色的火星!! That sparks/Mars as if prairie fire sets the prairie afire to be the same, lit when the sands of other rapidly directly, therefore in the Fang Linyan palm, presented one group of strange light purple flame. 那火星仿佛野火燎原一样,迅速将其余的时之沙都直接点燃了,因此方林岩的手心里面,就出现了一团奇怪的淡紫色火焰。 This flame seems like to the visual effect of person is quite strange, first saw that is the fire, looks at several, unexpectedly as if there is mobile special characteristics of water! Peaceful, silent, actually filled mystically, indescribable danger!!! 这火焰看起来给人的视觉效果相当奇怪,第一眼看起来是火,多看几眼,居然仿佛有水的流动特质!安静,无声,却又充满了神秘,还有无法形容的危险!!! When this group of flame appear, the whole world as if exclaimed in surprise, the time lost the fluidity in this moment, 在这一团火焰出现的时候,整个世界仿佛都为之惊叹了,时间在这一刻都失去了流动性, Until Fang Linyan lets go of this group of flame throws to front this/Ben, arrives in front of him the time, the time returns to normal in this moment. 直到方林岩脱手将这团火焰抛向前方的南本,到达他面前的时候,时间在这一刻才重新恢复正常。 This is the divine tool strongest skill that Fang Linyan masters at present: 这就是方林岩目前掌握的神器最强技能: Eight wine glasses!! 八酒杯!! When throws flame of one group of fearful instantaneously, solidifies the enemy in the strength of time, in this case, the enemy will be completely at the static condition, the duration 4-10 seconds! 瞬间抛掷出一团可怕的时之焰,将敌人凝固在时光之力当中,在这种情况下,敌人将会完全处于静止状态,持续时间4-10秒! Said regarding south, this matter is is very unfair, clear to see must cut front damn enemy under the blade, but in his hand suddenly presented one group of flame. 对于南本来说,这一幕发生的事情真的是很不公平的,眼见得自己就要将面前这个该死的敌人斩于刀下,可是他的手中却突然出现了一团火焰。 That group of flame appeared in oneself front one meter place directly, as if spanned the time and space boundary completely 紧接着,那团火焰就直接出现在了自己的面前一米处,仿佛完全跨越了时间和空间的界限似的 What damn monster technique is this???? 这是什么该死的妖术???? this/Ben the intention flashes, the body is wearing governing defended hits immediately to this group of monster different flame, but its next second of directly-burning was reduced to ashes, this was Sensou-ji host personally the plan! 南本心念闪动之间,身上佩戴着的御守立即就撞向了这团妖异的火焰,可是它下一秒就直接燃烧了起来化为了灰烬,这可是浅草寺主持亲手绘制的啊! The this/Ben wrist/skill above hand skewer exuded the explosive sound, 南本手腕上面的手串噼里啪啦的发出了爆炸声, Moreover, this/Ben waist an accessory that is similar to Torii also disrupts quietly! 不仅如此,南本腰间的一件类似于鸟居的饰品也是悄然碎裂! These things, is a guard most precious object that spends the high price to buy, is in front of this group of flame, appears so frail no use!! 这些东西,都是南本花大价钱买来的护身至宝,可是在这团火焰面前,都显得如此的脆弱无助!! South was hit by this group of flame, immediately felt an indescribable ice raids coldly, the whole person lost the consciousness immediately. 紧接着,南本就被这团火焰命中,顿时就感觉到一股无法形容的冰寒袭来,整个人立即就失去了意识。 In the eye of Fang Linyan, this/Ben was wrapped by the fearful flame in the flash, then this flame seems like the ice piece such to solidify unexpectedly instantaneously, 方林岩的眼中,南本在一瞬间就被可怕的火焰包裹住,然后这火焰居然像是冰块那样在瞬间凝固, Naturally, frozen also has this/Ben, still maintains the posture that is brandishing a sword to cut, but by the blade of time stagnation, had been completely lost any might forcefully. Because the knife skill of this blade is ominous, the blade potential is fierce, cannot break through the time the shackles!! 当然,随之被冻结的还有南本,依然保持着挥刀斩出的姿势,但是被时间强行停滞的这一刀,已经完全失去了任何威力。因为这一刀的刀法再凶,刀势再猛,也冲不破时间的桎梏!! Only if that type can exceed the attack of time, can under the attacks of eight wine glasses constant! 除非是那种可以超越时间的攻击,才能在八酒杯的攻击下始终如一! Looks is coagulated in the middle of eight wine glass this/Ben, Fang Linyan rushed without delay, in the eye sparkles the ray of danger, the hand tooth of plundering food has been pinching tightly! 看着被凝固在了八酒杯当中的南本,方林岩二话不说就冲了上去,眼中闪耀着危险的光芒,手中的掠食之牙已经捏紧! One blade, two blades, three blades, four blades 一刀,两刀,三刀,四刀 After suffers Fang Linyan to hold randomly 56 blades, his purple flame starts to lose the ray, then extinguished, Fang Linyan has actually circled this/Ben behind, trampled ruthlessly on his vest. 在南本惨遭方林岩乱捅了五六刀之后,他身上的紫色火焰开始失去了光芒,然后熄灭了,方林岩却已经绕到了南本的身后,狠狠一脚踹在了他的背心上。 this/Ben was just separated from the time shackles, fell to fall toward the front, in his time head is one group of messes, because south origin is unable to understand, the previous second cut during this life to be most hot tempered, craziest, naturally was also the most satisfied blade. 南本刚刚从时光桎梏当中脱离,就朝着前方摔跌了出去,他此时的脑袋里面已经是一团乱麻了,因为南本根本就无法理解,自己前一秒才斩出了这一生当中最暴躁,最疯狂,当然也是最满意的一刀。 But the next second, is only absent-minded, front enemy disappeared the trace, not only that own love blade world words female room unexpectedly is also lets go to fall, the body were many in the middle of several fearful wound lives the most precious time as if in the instantaneous vacancy a big truncation! 可是下一秒,只是一个失神,面前的敌人就消失了踪影,不仅如此,自己的爱刀“世话女房”居然也是脱手掉落,身上还多了好几道可怕的伤口自己生命当中最宝贵的时光仿佛在瞬间空缺了一大截! Looks that wearing a mask form that not far away walks, this/Ben rave, engaged in self-examination to aim at him to throw again, simultaneously gets angry exclaims: 看着不远处走来的那个蒙面身影,南本狂吼了一声,反身就再次对准了他扑上去,同时怒吼道: Traitor, I, even if dies, must go to Sandunokawa with you!” “国贼,我就算是死,也要和你一起前往三途川!” Fang Linyan shrugs, was making a movement that to him shears the throat 方林岩耸耸肩,然后对着他做出了一个割喉的动作 *** *** Three after minutes, 三分钟之后, Weak falling in the place, the wound of his chest front is flowing a lot of blood, not only that the body can describe with the cut and bruised, 南本无力的跌坐在地,他胸前的伤口正在流淌着大量的鲜血,不仅如此,身上更是可以用遍体鳞伤来形容, The most important thing is, the fighting spirit in this/Ben eyes extinguished thoroughly, his chest is fluctuating fiercely, breathes as if seems like a tattered bellower. 最重要的是,南本眼中的斗志彻底熄灭了,他的胸口剧烈起伏着,喘得仿佛像是个破烂的风箱。 Fang Linyan also wiped perspiration at this time, but lifts the hand to look in the middle of the palm is the blood, the slang divulged the ship also three points of nails, this/Ben this series of crazy attacks were also make Fang Linyan be unable to make ends meet finally, distressed, even also received the heavy injury. 方林岩此时也抹了一把汗,不过抬手一看掌心当中全是鲜血,俗话说破船也有三分钉,南本最后这一连串疯狂的进攻也是令方林岩左支右绌,狼狈不已,甚至也受到了不轻的伤势。 If not for that round of eight wine glasses made Fang Linyan accumulate the capital of enough many making a mistake, perhaps really will also be overturned by this/Ben certainly does not say certainly. 若不是那一发八酒杯让方林岩累计了足够多犯错误的资本,说不定还会真的被南本绝地翻盘都说不准。 Suddenly, falls this/Ben on deck hoarse the sound, is bowing to say to Fang Linyan: 忽然之间,跌坐在舱板上的南本嘶哑着声音,对着方林岩躬身道: Your excellency is powerful, is various unusual enduring techniques emerges one after another incessantly, must be sincerely convinced below defeat, therefore, please bestow my one honorable and opportunity of death, if possible, can your excellency for my mistake?” “阁下实力强大,更是各种奇特的忍术层出不穷,在下败得心服口服,所以,请赐给我一个光荣而死的机会,如果可以的话,阁下可以为我介错吗?” Fang Linyan stayed, then at present presents the prompt: 方林岩呆了呆,然后眼前就出现了提示: Breeds hunting for CD8492116, your enemy had lost the will of fight, and approved your strength, hopes that you can assist him to complete to commit hara-kiri the ceremony.” “殖猎者CD8492116号,你的敌人已经失去了战斗的意志,并且对你的实力表示认可,希望你能协助他完成切腹仪式。” Whether you do permit?” “请问你是否允许?” Facing this prompt, Fang Linyan is also very surprised, immediately supplements the issue: 面对这提示,方林岩也是很吃惊的,立即追加问题: „The words that I permit, what happened?” “我允许的话,会发生什么事情?” If you permit, and successfully assists, you will obtain Ben's approval, obtains his famous blade directly: World words female room.” “如果你允许并且成功协助的话,你将会获得南本的认可,直接获得他的名刀:世话女房。” This was one inherited very long Japanese famous weapon, because damaged in a fierce fight, therefore the strength dropped, but it can still promote as the golden plot quality, but, you wrong( beheaded) after this/Ben, is unable to obtain its key of falling.” “这是一件传承了很久的日本著名兵器,不过因为在一次激烈的战斗当中损毁了,所以力量下降,但它依然可以升级为金色剧情品质,但是,你对南本介错(斩首)以后,就无法获得其掉落的钥匙了。” If you do not permit this matter, then this/Ben will fight with you in the anger again, his body has a item that is lending the evil aura, has to make the strength that one degenerates.” “如果你不允许此事,那么南本将在愤怒当中重新和你进行战斗,他身上有一件散发着邪恶气息的道具,有着令人堕落的力量。”
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