FE :: Volume #13

#1356: Kills this/Ben

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Chapter 1354 kills this/Ben 第1354章杀南本 At this time was needless saying that Fang Linyan more Jeff will have tied up neatly and quickly, this fellow is out-and-out aristocratic family, kept his poor life also to have the big use, cannot kill him. 这时候不用多说,方林岩已经将弥吉夫三下五除二的绑了起来,这家伙算是个不折不扣的世家子呢,留着他的小命还有大用处,可不能将他弄死了。 At this time, on the ship also discovered some were not right, started becomes noisy. 这时候,船上也发现了一些不对劲,开始变得闹哄哄起来。 Before Fang Linyan with celebrating really fought, although looked very intense, but also died several people, actually all these happened in 30 seconds, but also has not really alarmed others, making the crew detect that was not right, fought that round of smoke shell that before time Fang Linyan ejected. 之前方林岩与向贺真的战斗虽然看起来很激烈,还死了几个人,其实这一切都只是在30秒内发生的,还真没惊动旁人,让船员察觉到不对劲的,还是之前战斗的时候方林岩抛出的那一发烟雾弹。 The quality of this gadget is really good, in cabin channel relatively closed place use , to continue for a half hour is not a problem, therefore crew very easily discovered is not right, starts to inform the companion. 这玩意儿的质量还真不错,又是在船舱通道这种相对封闭的地方使用,持续半个小时不成问题,所以船员很轻易的就发现了不对劲,开始通知同伴。 But at this time, Fang Linyan is not worried to alert the enemy, the maximum military force value on ship only surplus a trivial captain, but oneself is three dozens one! Let alone to to congratulate true out-and-out strong help, this fights the without starting, in fact had known the result. 但这时候,方林岩已经不担心打草惊蛇了,船上的最高武力值只剩余下来了一个区区的船长,而自己这边则是三打一!更何况向贺真还是不折不扣的强援,这一战在没有开始的时候,实际上就已经知道了结果。 Then conducts according to the plan?” Fang Linyan inquired to two people. “那么就按计划进行吧?”方林岩对两人询问道。 Then he conveniently that box of blasting explosive receiving, nods to to congratulate true, then led more Jeff to walk toward nearby cabin with Laming. 然后他顺手将那一箱炸药给收了起来,向贺真点点头,便和拉明带着弥吉夫朝着旁边的舱室走了过去。 But Fang Linyan could think at this time with the toe, captain this/Ben after receiving information of change, will definitely first have an accident there examination, that represented another very important place to fall into directly void. 方林岩这时候用脚指头都想得出来,船长南本在接到异动的信息以后,肯定第一时间会前去出事那里查看,那就代表着另外一个很重要的地方就直接陷入了空虚。 Where is this place? Naturally was the captains cabin! Regardless of this/Ben detected what situation, will return to the middle of the captains cabin mostly immediately, then can the decision next step action. 这地方是哪里?当然就是船长室了!南本无论发觉了什么情况,多半会在第一时间回到船长室当中,然后才能决定下一步的行动。 What is more important, now on the entire ship can with the channel that the outside world contacts, in the middle of captains cabin. 更重要的是,现在整艘船上能与外界联系的渠道,也是在船长室当中。 The radio telegram must invent to 1895, therefore the captain indoor channel of should have two: 无线电报要到1895年才会发明,所以船长室内的渠道应该是有两个: First is the carrier pigeon, second is the type god, yes, is in the middle of the Japanese legend the Yin-Yang master by that most common monster that enslaves. 第一个就是信鸽,第二个就是式神,是的,就是日本神话传说当中被阴阳师奴役的那种最常见怪物。 Naturally, this gadget is not every captain can have. 当然,这玩意儿不是每个船长都能有的。 Therefore, the Fang Linyan this time vanguard goal, was the captains cabin entrance, he even can imagine the Ben's next action: 所以,方林岩这时候的前行目标,就是船长室门口,他甚至都可以想象得到南本的下一步行动: In detecting to celebrating the real cabin were many three deceased people, but after he is also missing mystically, this/Ben is the startled anger happened simultaneously inevitably, without a doubt, he definitely meets relates to the betrayal and so on matter. 在发觉向贺真的舱室里面多了三个死人,而他本人也是神秘失踪之后,南本必然是惊怒交加的,毋庸置疑,他必然会联想到背叛之类的事情。 Then will definitely return to the captains cabin to give the information to above, because this time condition has exceeded his jurisdiction very much obviously. 然后肯定会回船长室向上面传递信息,因为此时的状况很显然已经超过了他的权限。 When opens the door that flash, is the best time that start! 当南本开门那一瞬间,就是自己下手的最佳时机! Naturally, the premise cannot appear again to to congratulate true such five feelings arrives at nearly abnormal monster keenly. Naturally, to celebrating really this situation, was overdraws to burn the surplus all lives to bring, was not a conventional phenomenon. 当然,前提是不能再出现向贺真这样五感灵敏到近乎变态的怪物。当然,向贺真的这种情况,乃是透支燃烧了自己剩余的所有生命带来的,并不是常规现象。 But the matter that then has, proved sufficiently Chino's package kerchief + „the abstention of masonry fraternity the combination is still quite powerful, before Fang Linyan, was seen through that is completely the small probability event. 而接下来发生的事情,足以证明“奇诺的包头巾”+“石工兄弟会之戒”的组合依然相当给力,方林岩之前被识破那完全是小概率事件。 Quick, Fang Linyan arrived at the established objectives, roughly in the middle of the darkness ambushed for ten minutes, Fang Linyan saw vigorous and healthy, the tall and strong man aims at himself to walk fast. 很快的,方林岩就到达了既定的目标,约莫在黑暗当中潜伏了十分钟以后,方林岩看到了一个健壮,魁梧的男子对准自己快速走来。 His height leg is long, walks imposing, it can be said that the constriction is full! But that gloomy complexion displays its mood unusual difference, the negative energy almost must overflow. 他身高腿长,走起路来虎虎生风,可以说是压迫感十足!而那阴沉的脸色则是表现出其心情非常的差,负面能量几乎要溢了出来。 Obviously, this was captain this/Ben, can see, his waist also wears a sword, the scabbard should be the shark dried shark skin, dark looked very common. 很显然,这就是船长南本了,可以见到,他腰间也是同样佩着一把剑,剑鞘应该是鲨鱼皮的,黑沉沉的看起来很不起眼。 But he looked all around around one in opening the door, Fang Linyan can feel that the vision of this fellow stayed in the shadow place that oneself hid, but looked has not detected what questionable point, at once has turned around to open the door. 而他在开门的时候环顾了一下四周,方林岩可以感觉到这家伙的目光在自己藏匿的阴影处停留了一下,但看起来也并没有发觉什么疑点,旋即就转过了身去开门。 At this time Fang Linyan noticed, this/Ben when opened the captains cabin front door, movement some in hand were not right. 这时候方林岩就留意到,南本在开启船长室大门的时候,手中的动作就有些不对劲。 The normal people nothing but unlock, push the gate movement to form a coherent whole, but this/Ben was first tried to find out in the gate, as if in key hole, after separating almost for enough 56 seconds, in his hand has a movement of pressing, then conducted the unlocking, pushed the door. 正常人无非就是开锁,推门的动作一气呵成,而南本则是先在门上摸索了一下,仿佛是在钥匙孔似的,隔了差不多足足五六秒之后,他手里面有一个按的动作,然后才进行开锁,推门。 Obviously, the front door of captains cabin has the mechanism/organization, if before Fang Linyan, enters rashly, had been plotted mostly. 很显然,船长室的大门是有机关的,方林岩若之前贸然进入的话,多半就已经被暗算了。 In that flash of opening the door, Fang Linyan determines this directly attacks the most good opportunity of enemy: 就在南本开门的那一瞬间,方林岩直接判定这是突袭敌人的最好机会: The opening the door sound will cover the action sound that oneself possibly make, not only that after opening the door, the attention of normal person in instantaneous centralized in gate, that this time will neglect behind situation naturally. 开门声会掩盖住自己可能发出的行动声音,不仅如此,开门之后,正常人的注意力都会在瞬间集中在门内,那这时候理所当然就会忽略身后的情况。 As if the ghosts and demons are ordinary, Fang Linyan appeared in this/Ben behind, to avoid the opposite party put on what personal soft armor and so on thing, the position of Fang Linyan this attack judgment was also cunning, he came in the way of crawling, plundering the tooth of food to insert ruthlessly, gripped on Ben's right foot instep. 仿佛鬼魅一般,方林岩出现在了南本的身后,为了避免对方穿有什么贴身软甲之类的东西,方林岩这一次选择攻击的位置也是刁钻,他是以匍匐的方式现身的,掠食之牙狠狠的插了下去,扎在了南本的右脚脚背上。 This punctures is not the ordinary attack, but was Fang Linyan started another skill that plundered the tooth of food: Bloodthirsty spider soul! 这一刺并非是普通攻击,而是方林岩发动了掠食之牙的另外一个技能:嗜血蛛魂! The soul of black Ji's greedy wild spider illusion appears, it will stay in the wound locates for three seconds, the flesh of greedy plundering food enemy, creates to amount to 200 points to the enemy in three seconds +( equipment strength value + agile value) the injury of x2. 贪婪猖狂的蜘蛛之魂黑籍的幻象出现,它将会停留在伤口处三秒,贪婪的掠食敌人的血肉,在三秒钟内对敌人造成总计200点+(装备者力量值+敏捷值)x2的伤害。 Moreover, this effect will cause the double damage to the indigenous people, and meets the recurrent attack after three minutes. 不仅如此,此效果会对原住民造成双倍伤害,并且在三分钟后会再次发作。 This means that this/Ben will suffer to be close to 430 theories injuring in three seconds! 这就意味着南本将会在三秒钟内遭受接近430点理论伤害! Meanwhile, Fang Linyan is acts in the stealth condition at this time, but the passive skill of abstention of masonry fraternity: The back weakness also becomes effective. 同时,方林岩此时乃是在隐身状态下出手,而石工兄弟会之戒的被动技能:背后弱点也是随之生效。 You in all attacks that behind the enemy launches, its injury will turn time directly, once after this passive special effect were triggered, will enter during three seconds of cooling time. 你在敌人背后发起的所有攻击,其伤害将会直接翻倍,此被动特效一旦被触发之后,将会进入三秒钟的冷却时间当中。 Therefore, theory that this/Ben will in fact be hurt by the following three seconds is 860 points! Even if removes the defense to reduce beyond the wound, this/Ben must suffer over 600 injuries mostly! 所以,南本实际上在接下来的三秒钟当中受到的理论伤害是860点!就算是除掉防御减伤之外,南本多半也要遭受到超过六百点伤害! After striking goes well, Fang Linyan not only has not flinched, is a right leg and foot condyle that held this/Ben, makes an effort to entrain toward the rear area. 一击得手之后,方林岩非但没有退缩,更是一把抓住了南本的右腿脚髁,朝着后方用力一拽。 In the heart of Fang Linyan, this draws the best result to knock it off the enemy, even if draws not but actually, must make it lose the balance, then loses the opportunity of immediately counter-attacking. 方林岩的心中,这一拉最好的结果就是将敌人拉倒,哪怕是拉不倒,也要使其失去平衡,进而失去在第一时间内反击的机会。 This punctures entrains it can be said that forms a coherent whole, but Fang Linyan that punctures, although went well, has not actually expected this to entrain seems draws on an iron pole unexpectedly, unexpectedly entrains motionless, angrily roars, has drawn a sword from the waist chops under. 这一刺一拽可以说是一气呵成,但方林岩的那一刺虽然得手了,却没料到这一拽居然仿佛是拉到了一根铁柱上,居然拽之不动,紧接着南本怒吼一声,已经从腰间拔刀直劈而下。 This blade cut to fail, cuts on nearby bulkhead, immediately a loud sound of Kerala, that bulkhead direct concave disrupted unexpectedly. 这一刀斩下落了个空,砍在了旁边的舱壁上,顿时“喀拉拉”的一声巨响,那舱壁居然直接内凹碎裂了开来。 This is not Japan constructs internal with the jerry-built project that belittling the strip seat builds, but is sea boat the bulkhead on separation water chamber, the thickness achieved enough one fist! 这可不是日本建筑内部的拿蔑条席搭建出来的豆腐渣工程,而是海船上的隔水舱的舱壁,厚度达到了足足一拳! Carefully looks at the situation of this bulkhead, like not divided by the blade, but by Stone Pillar and so on full power pounds. 仔细看这舱壁的情况,根本就不像被刀劈中,而是被石柱子之类的全力砸上去似的。 Was good has also prepared travelling because of Fang Linyan, under a drawing detected has not gone well, has twined in nearby two psychic force tentacles catches up suddenly, whole person as if loach slid from Ben's hip. 好在方林岩也早就做好了跑路的准备,一拉之下发觉没有得手,早就缠绕在旁边的两条精神力触手陡然发力,整个人仿佛泥鳅似的从南本的胯下滑了过去。 At this time Fang Linyan looked that again pulled out blade, was suddenly enlighted immediately, originally in this sheath was not the warrior commonly used blade of too, but was a dark iron rod! 这时候方林岩再看南本拔出来的那把“刀”,顿时就恍然大悟,原来这鞘里面根本就不是武士常用的太刀,而是一根乌漆麻黑的铁棒! This gadget has the egg to be thick or thin, superficial also unusual corrugated steel layer upon layer, grasp imposing dignified feelings in the hand! Even if no wonder strikes to wield spatially is the might is also huge. 这玩意儿有鸡蛋粗细,表面还有一层层的奇特钢纹,握在手中就有一种凛然威严的感觉!难怪哪怕是一击挥空也是威力巨大。 Then Fang Linyan does not resist with it directly, but is silent and dogfight. 接下来方林岩也不与之正面对抗,而是默不作声的与南本进行缠斗。 this/Ben dances although imposing the stick in hand, is the category of ordinary attack, Fang Linyan has the foundation close combat LV16 fearful strength, therefore is also appears under this/Ben with raw hate attack accomplishes a task with ease, actually Ben's surrounding bulkhead and so on having bad luck, was pounded the pulp. 南本尽管将手中的棍子舞得虎虎生风,却都是属于普通攻击的范畴,方林岩有着基础近战LV16的可怕实力,因此在南本凶狠的攻击下也是显得游刃有余,倒是南本周围的舱壁之类的倒了大霉,被砸得稀巴烂。 However this is also this/Ben intentionally for it, the goal is to make the giant sound, making other crew catch up to rescue. 不过这也是南本故意为之的,目的就是想要制造出巨大动静,让其余的船员赶来相救。 But this/Ben actually does not know, before Fang Linyan begins, had waited with Laming in the surrounding channel to to congratulate true, its intention is to persuade to quit these crew that gives support, if cannot persuade somebody to leave in a few words, begins to do directly. 可是南本却不知道,在方林岩动手之前,向贺真和拉明两人就已经在周围的通道里面等候了,其用意就是劝退那些前来支援的船员,若是三言两句劝不走的,就直接动手开干。 If intercepts the reinforcements only has Laming, that this duty is a little difficult, if adds on to to congratulate true this strong person, setting up this matter comes really should not be too simple. 若拦截援军的只有拉明的话,那这个任务还有点儿艰难,可是若是加上向贺真这个强人,办起这件事来就真的是不要太简单。 But to to congratulate true because of the relations of life experience, handling affairs the extreme character is ruthless, its killing is very heavy, if not for must consider to stay behind harnesses the manpower of ship, that then dares to come did not live. 而向贺真因为身世的关系,行事偏激性格狠辣,其杀性很重,若不是要考虑到留下驾船的人手,那么敢于前来的一个都活不了。 The both sides dogfight some little time, wearing this/Ben also started to think that was not right, this enemy was really may be called slides does not keep the hand, and movement entered swiftly draws back suddenly, looked like the ghosts and demons to be the same simply, several south buddha-natures won struck to be hidden by him. 双方缠斗了好一会儿,着南本自己也开始觉得不对劲起来,这个敌人真的是堪称滑不留手,并且身法倏进忽退,简直就像是鬼魅一般,有好几次南本觉得自己志在必得的一击都被他躲了过去。 To be honest, south buddha-nature must avoid own attack is not unusual, but, has hundred people of who cut the record, how cannot understand the opposite party to dodge unexpectedly, this really made the blood boil! 说实话,南本觉得躲开自己的攻击不稀奇,但是,拥有百人斩记录的自己,居然看不懂对方是怎么闪避过去的,这就真的是令人发指了! It looks like , the opposite party the both legs were at the condition that is unable to catch up at that time! The bowing movement does not even have, whole person on as if the loach such swiftly passive flight. 在南本看来,对方当时双腿都处于无法发力的状态啊!却连屈膝动作都没有,整个人就仿佛泥鳅那样倏然滑飞了开去。 this/Ben does not certainly know that this is the merit of Fang Linyan psychic force tentacle, but feels extremely surreptitiously, he because of the reason of movement, has even regarded powerful incomparable on to endure Fang Linyan. 南本当然不知道这是方林岩精神力触手的功劳,只是觉得极其诡秘,他甚至已经因为身法的原因,将方林岩当成了一名强悍无比的上忍。 This time he looks like a hunger and thirst virgin to go to KTV, then ran into an experienced evening performance aunt, 此时的他就像是一个饥渴的处男前往KTV,然后遇到了一个久经沙场的夜场阿姨, Latter is teasing his desire that uses the rich experience to accomplish a task with ease, making the virgin be tired out from the press actually not to fish any advantage in the hope 后者用丰富的经验游刃有余的挑逗着他的欲望,让处男在渴望当中疲于奔命却又没捞到任何好处 Suddenly, caught a rare flaw, therefore the heart has to refuse to accept to rush the pursuit, finally the front surface ate a round of smoke shell. 忽然之间,南本抓到了一个难得的破绽,于是心有不服紧接着冲上去追击,结果迎面就吃了一发烟雾弹。 After this/Ben since was sneak attacked, in front of Fang Linyan has felt suppressed continually, whole person unusual is uncomfortable, looks like hits the mosquito with the fist, cannot put forth powerfully. 南本自从被偷袭之后,就在方林岩面前一直都感觉被持续压制,整个人都非常的不舒服,就像是拿拳头打蚊子,始终有力使不出。 He is also the actual combat experience extremely rich person, knows that this was suppressed in the skill and movement, when he detected smoke shell that the opposite party threw time, in the mind braved N possibilities instantaneously. 他也是实战经验极其丰富的人,知道这是自己在技巧和身法方面被压制了,等到他发觉了对方丢出来的烟雾弹的时候,脑海里面瞬间就冒出来了N种可能。 For example in the smog has the nasty, once goes to stain, two eyes estimated that discarded temporarily. 比如烟雾里面有酸毒的,一旦进去沾上一下,两只眼睛估计就暂时废掉了。 Also in the smog has the burning for example, after inspiring, that cough do not want to stop. 又比如说烟雾里面有火毒的,吸一口气之后,那咳嗽就别想停下来。 Most fearful, in the smog has the hallucination poison! 最可怕的,还是烟雾里面有迷幻之毒的! Such toxin makes Ben's impression most profound, 20 years ago, his Senior Brother advances rashly, in the result the hallucination poison, heard after dozens seconds, unexpectedly the eyes are red, the throat inside illustrious made noise, backhands a blade to cut on the neck of bright child sauce!!! 这样的毒素让南本的印象最为深刻,在二十年前,他的师兄就是贸然突进,结果中了迷幻之毒,闻了数十秒钟之后,居然双眼赤红,喉咙里面赫赫作响,反手一刀就砍在了明子酱的脖子上!!! But, the bright child sauce is not an enemy! 可是,明子酱不是敌人啊! She helped the Senior Brother block before five minutes the pain of flying to the strategic point did not have. 她在五分钟之前才帮师兄挡住了飞向要害的一支苦无。 Moreover, this 15-year-old little miss or Ben's friends from childhood, he recognized from ten years old marital object. 不仅如此,这个15岁的小姑娘还是南本的青梅竹马,他从十岁就认定了的婚姻对象。 That is south in the conscience the eternal pain 那一幕是南本心中永恒的痛 Because this/Ben experiences richly, and painful lesson, therefore dreads very much to that smoke shell, drew back toward the rear area anxiously. 正因为南本见识丰富,并且还有惨痛的教训,所以就对那烟雾弹忌惮得很,朝着后方急退了开去。 Center this fell back Fang Linyan below cherished. 这一退就正中了方林岩的下怀。 The smog same place, the Fang Linyan very simple tumbling, then used the butterfly dart that snatches from iron butterfly there!! 烟雾一起,方林岩就很干脆的就地一个翻滚,然后使用了从铁蝴蝶那里抢来的蝴蝶镖!! According to the experience of Fang Linyan, lethality very of this dart, not only that also has the effect on the local enemy, the only drawback lies in that five-second gathers the strength time! 根据方林岩的经验,这一支镖的杀伤力非常之强,不仅如此,对本土敌人也有奇效,唯一的弊端就在于那长达五秒的蓄力时间! Therefore, silent number/count of Fang Linyan after the heart two seconds, sent out a very sad and shrill pitiful yell suddenly!! 所以,方林岩在心里面默数了两秒之后,突然发出了一声很是凄厉的惨叫!! He is also conducting the psychology to gamble at this time, if front this/Ben is the youth, will then definitely think that own reinforcements came, and also the success attacked the enemy, that affirmed then around wanted processed, will flush without delay. 他此时也是在进行心理博弈了,若是面前的南本乃是愣头青的话,那么肯定就会觉得自己的援兵来了,并且还成功突袭到了敌人,那肯定接下来就要前后加工,二话不说就会冲过来。 But very obviously this/Ben is not a youth, but is a slippery customer, he will definitely sentence in advance: This cannot do well is the plot of enemy. 但很显然南本并不是愣头青,而是老油条,他肯定就会预判:这搞不好是敌人的阴谋啊。 Therefore said to south, two choices: 于是对南本来说,就有两种选择: 1st, immediately clashes goes, has the big probability by the pit, has no own reinforcements, the worst result is actually therefore was plotted dead. 一,马上冲进去,有大概率被坑,根本没有什么自己的援兵,最坏的结果却是因此被暗算而死。 2nd, the slow cushion went, verifies really had own reinforcements to charge again, the worst result was the assassin escapes, but the assassin has also sent out the pitiful yell injured, on the ship was so big, sooner or later can clutch it. 二,缓一缓冲进去,核实了确实有自己的援兵再冲锋,最坏的结果是刺客逃掉,但刺客也已经发出惨叫受伤,船上就这么大,迟早都能将之揪出来。 Obviously, these two choices said regarding south, the second choice is the optimization. 很显然,这两种选择对于南本来说,第二个选择是最优化的。 Therefore, this/Ben has not broken in the thick fog immediately, but said loudly: 所以,南本并没有立即冲入浓雾,而是大声道: Who is intercepting this assassin?” “是谁在拦截这名刺客?” Heard Ben's words, the corners of the mouth of Fang Linyan revealed wiped the smile, oneself really bet right, succeeded sentenced this/Ben in advance sentenced in advance! He therefore keeps silent , to continue to gather the strength. 听到了南本的话,方林岩的嘴角露出了一抹微笑,自己果然赌对了,成功预判了南本的预判!他于是默不作声,继续蓄力。 After said those words, then static and other echoes, finally detected that in the middle of thick fog unexpectedly peaceful incomparable, the sound has not sent continually! In his heart obstructs immediately, felt oneself as if fell into the middle of what plot. 南本说出了那句话之后,便静等回音,结果发觉浓雾当中居然安静无比,连一点儿声音都没有发出来!他心中顿时又是一窒,感觉自己似乎落入了什么阴谋当中。
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