FE :: Volume #13

#1355: On plans

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In Chapter 1353 plans 第1353章上洛计划 At this point, coughed to to congratulate true intensely, he also coughs is rending, the whole body shivers, some little time subsides, is panting for breath the say/way: 说到这里,向贺真又激烈的咳嗽了起来,他咳得也是撕心裂肺,浑身颤抖,好一会儿才平息下来,然后喘息着道: This news is actually hiding the truth from me, existence that because this dark child will keep secret to us, he is quite existence of lifeline, but they do not know that my time five feelings are especially keen, therefore disclosed a wind sound/rumor to come out, I investigated slightly knew the truth.” “这条消息其实是瞒着我的,因为这一枚暗子的存在会对我们都保密,他相当是保险索的存在,只是他们不知道我此时的五感格外灵敏,因此走漏了一点风声出来,我略加调查就知道了真相。” Fang Linyan surprised say/way: 方林岩吃惊的道: This matter? Right, why can destroy the ship?” “还有这种事情?对了,为什么要毁船呢?” To to congratulate true the light say/way: 向贺真淡淡的道: Because of me.” “因为我。” Ha?” Fang Linyan these really shocked time. Because of you?” “哈?”方林岩这一次是真的震惊了。“因为你?” Said to to congratulate true: 向贺真道: „The my confidential file is very important, if not for first I complete the task to perform twice very well, otherwise is not one's turn me.” “我这一次身上的秘密文件十分重要,若不是前两次我完成任务表现得非常不错,否则的话也轮不到我。” Before embarking I obtained the instruction, if this information cannot deliver to goal directly, rather ruins unable to leak out.” “在出发之前我就获得了指示,这情报如果不能直接送到目标手里面,就宁可毁掉也不能泄露出去。” Heard his such saying, Fang Linyan was curious to say immediately: 听到了他这么一说,方林岩顿时好奇了起来道: What confidential file?” “什么秘密文件?” Touched a bamboo tube of finger size to to congratulate true from the side, then cautious soaked into the bamboo tube nearby water, put on the candle flame to roast a while again, when the bamboo tube surface obviously turned yellow, will then take, scraped off the ink pad of seal slowly. 向贺真从身边摸出来了一个指头大小的竹筒,然后小心翼翼的将竹筒浸泡入旁边的水里面,紧接着再放到蜡烛火焰上烤了一会儿,等到竹筒表面明显发黄,然后才将之取了出来,徐徐刮掉封口的印泥。 Took out a wrapping up paper to to congratulate true, does not open, gave Fang Linyan directly. 紧接着,向贺真从中取出了一卷裹纸,也不打开,直接交给了方林岩 Fang Linyan launched that to bind the paper, one line of handwriting mapped his view immediately: 方林岩展开了那张裹纸,一行字迹顿时映入了他的眼帘: On plans perfectly, cabinet that crowd of maggot shock are unusual, was the time execution next step master walks the plan! If temporarily changes, then obeys the river child's instruction.” “上洛计划完美,内阁那群蛆虫震惊非常,是时候执行下一步的师走计划了!若临时有变,那么听从河童的吩咐。” Attaches: The bearer is the destabilizing factor, therefore after reading, then makes it commit hara-kiri.” “附:送信人乃是不安定因素,因此阅后便让其切腹吧。” Looks that this binds the paper, in the Fang Linyan heart is also very shocking, is good before he arrives at this world conducted the thorough understanding of the Japanese culture, otherwise could not really have understood this meaning that binds on the paper to write. 看着这一张裹纸,方林岩心中也是十分震惊,好在他来到本世界之前对日本文化进行了深入的了解,否则的话还真看不懂这张裹纸上所书写的意思。 First must say on these two characters. 首先就要说“上洛”这两个字。 Japanese's admiration to Chinese culture was plunges in the bone, its capital Heian-kyo was divided into two parts, left Jing was called Luoyang, right Capital became Chang'an. 日本人对中国文化的仰慕是浸入到了骨子里面的,其首都平安京被分成两个部分,左京就被称为洛阳,右京就被成为长安。 Yes, was China in second Tang Dynasty time liveliest metropolis, Luoyang and Chang'an, they have an unusual glorious feeling, named own capital this, this was conquered the mark from the bone. 是的,就是中国在唐朝时候最繁华的大都市之二,洛阳和长安,他们带着一种奇特的荣耀感,将自己的首都这样进行命名,这是从骨子里面都被征服的标记。 Therefore, to Japanese, on wording meaning goes to the capital, goes to the meaning of capital city. 所以,对日本人来说,上洛的字面意思就是上京,前往都城之意。 Afterward was used to make a general reference before Japanese Meiji Restoration, the Warring States given name led troops to capture the action of Capital to be called on, successfully accomplished the given name of this matter to be equivalent to then overlord. 后来就用来泛指在日本明治维新之前,战国大名带兵攻入京都的行动被称为“上洛”,成功办到了这件事儿的大名就相当于当时的霸主。 However, considering this time environment, Fang Linyan smelled the stink of plot from this first few words immediately. 不过,考虑到此时的大环境,方林岩立即就从这第一句话当中嗅到了阴谋的臭味。 He awakened immediately, on plans, aims at the plan of current clear Capital City? 他立即就醒悟了过来,上洛计划,难道是针对当下的清国京城的计划? Military force that at this time China can hit at least over 70-80% in man (Han) feudal official hand, therefore the imperial family usually guards against thoughts of Han people minister is levers, therefore national capital defense that can be said as 此时全中国能打的武力至少超过七八成都在汉臣手里面,所以皇室平时防范汉人大臣的心思那是杠杠的,所以京畿防务那可以说是 In this case, if breaks up the whole into parts, mixes in the national capital at several hundred people of business gangs, then forms thousand people of armies in inside, is not impossible. 在这种情况下,若是化整为零,以数百人的商帮混入京师,然后在里面组建起一支千人军队,并不是不可能的。 Then the deep in the night attacks the imperial palace! The manufacture confusion, kills and torches. 接下来夤夜突袭皇宫!制造混乱,杀人放火。 Meanwhile, the flood and field armed forces of Japanese are also seize the chance to advance, once obtains the big victory again, then according to Qing government: Rather with the urogenous that the ally does not give the house slave, definitely was the scared shitless what ignominious treaty can sign to say again! 同时,日本人的海陆两军也是趁机突进,一旦再次取得较大的战果,那么依照清朝政府:宁与友邦不予家奴的尿性,肯定是屁滚尿流什么可耻条约都能签下来再说! Hence, Jiawu fought can be said as is doomed without the suspense. 至此,甲午一战就可以说是就注定毫无悬念了。 Fang Linyan then gave secret letter/believes to to congratulate true looked, naturally, mainly looked at the final those words to him, the latter expressed very calm, because the Japanese here custom was this urogenous, he became accustomed. 方林岩接下来又将秘信交给向贺真看了,当然,主要是给他看最后那句话,后者却表示很淡定,因为日本人这边的习俗就是这个尿性,他都是习以为常了。 At this time, Fang Linyan then closely examined to to congratulate true said: 这时候,方林岩便追问向贺真道: What meaning does this letter/believes above mentioned master walk the plan is? I do not need you to explain that the meaning of its deep level, says the wording meaning on the line.” “这封信上面提到的师走计划是什么意思?我不用你解释其深层次的含义,说一说字面意思就行。” Said to to congratulate true: 向贺真道: Master walked is a solar terms day of Japan, was similar to the big chill of China, on that day, the emperor will hold the ceremony that pursued the ghost king in the palace.” “师走乃是日本的一个节气日,类似于中国的大寒,在那一天,天皇会在宫中举办驱逐鬼王的仪式。” Pursues the ghost king?” Fang Linyan held breath cold air: “驱逐鬼王?”方林岩倒吸了一口凉气: I understood, I need you to tell some secret things to be natural, if you before carrying out the task had to take an oath or violate the principle and so on, you can disregard my request.” “我明白了,我需要你告诉一些秘密的东西当然,如果你在执行任务之前有起誓或者违背了原则之类的,你可以无视我的这个要求。” To to congratulate true the light say/way: 向贺真淡淡的道: No, I had not pledged, told you these secrets not to violate my principle, only if were the goddess does not allow me saying that you waited, I used the pen to write down to you.” “没有,我没有发誓,告诉你这些机密也并不违背我的原则,除非是女神不允许我这么说,你等一等吧,我用笔给你写下来。” Fang Linyan nods saying: 方林岩点点头道: Good.” “好。” After to congratulate true finished in a hurry, the paper gave Fang Linyan, then said: 向贺真匆匆写完了之后,将纸条交给了方林岩,然后道: Walks, we first killed more Jeff.” “走吧,我们先去杀了弥吉夫。” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: More is Jeff that dark child?” “弥吉夫就是那一个暗子吗?” Said to to congratulate true: 向贺真道: Yes.” “是的。” *** *** A moment later, 片刻之后, To celebrating really opened more Jeff's cabin door, his a few words made more/complete Jifu flurried: 向贺真叫开了弥吉夫的舱门,他一句话就让弥吉夫慌乱了起来: What did you say? Does have the change?” “你说什么?南本有异动?” But more Jeff opens the door, saw that the sword light aimed at itself to cut together, immediately frightened him to be frightened out of one's wits, quickly drew back toward the rear area anxiously, actually still cut off a hand, the blood scattered, the pain was incomparable. 而弥吉夫一开门,就见到一道剑光对准自己斩了下来,顿时吓得他魂飞魄散,急忙向着后方急退,却依然被砍断了一只手,鲜血四溅,痛楚无比。 The one who made more Jeff desperate was, making a move unexpectedly to to congratulate true! Strength obviously are much stronger to to congratulate true! 更令弥吉夫绝望的是,出手的竟然是向贺真!实力明显比自己强得多的向贺真! Then uses the sword to to congratulate true repeatedly, is extremely swift and fierce, more Jeff will nearly cut under the sword several times, Jeff is more painful at present one becomes dark intermittently, is unable to make ends meet with great difficulty is reluctantly Gou dwell, but the thigh was punctured a sword at this time. 接下来向贺真频频出剑,极其凌厉,有好几次都差点儿将弥吉夫斩于剑下,弥吉夫痛得眼前一阵阵发黑,好不容易左支右绌才算是勉强苟住,但这时候大腿又被刺了一剑。 At this time, suddenly some side people broke shout: 这时候,忽然旁边有人断喝道: You are making anything!” “你在做什么!” To to congratulate true without delay, the backhand was a sword punctured, finally only listened to ding was put up! Was a round of smoke shell pounded. 向贺真二话不说,反手就是一剑刺了过去,结果只听“叮”的一声被人架开!紧接着又是一发烟雾弹砸了过来。 The smog disseminated rapidly, suddenly, to celebrating the human hair had/left one stuffily, should be suffers a loss then to leap toward the rear area. 烟雾迅速弥散了开来,忽然,向贺真发出了一声闷哼,应该是吃了个亏然后朝着后方跃开。 At this time, a man is bending the waist to run toward here, his left arm dangles softly, that nearby clothes had been moistened thoroughly by the blood, should with fight evidently that person to to congratulate true. 就在这时候,一个男子朝着这边弯着腰奔跑了过来,他的左臂软软垂下,那附近的衣服已经被鲜血打湿透了,看样子应该就是与向贺真交手那人。 Clear to see man disregarded himself directly , to run away, more Jeff makes noise immediately, painful say/way: 眼见得这男子直接无视了自己要想逃走,弥吉夫立即出声,痛苦的道: Wait! Saves me! Saves me!” “等等!救我!救我!” After this man stops, turned the head to look at one, turning around that was still relentless walked. 这男子停了停之后,转头过来看了一眼,依然毫不留情的转身就走。 more/complete Jifu is angry, his status was not simple, but is actually the person has to lower the head under the eaves at present, can only continue to sell to call out pitifully: 弥吉夫心里大怒,他的身份本来就不简单,但眼下却是人在屋檐下不得不低头,只能继续卖惨叫道: Saves me!! I am the person of military headquarters, I have a lot of money!” “救我!!我是军部的人,我有很多钱!” That person hesitant, by shortcut: 那人犹豫了一下,靠近道: Many.” “多少。” more/complete Jifu is clenching teeth to put out the wallet, difficult pulls out several to him, without expecting that person snatched to snatch the wallet unexpectedly, after counting, satisfied to nod, holds his left hand to lead him to be about to walk toward the rear area, explained while convenient: 弥吉夫咬着牙拿出了钱包,正要艰难的抽几张给他,没料到那人居然劈手就将钱包抢了过来,数了数以后满意点点头,抓住了他的左手就带着他朝着后方快走了过去,顺带解释道: That killer is very powerful, but was used not to injure by me painstakingly, after he draws out pus, will swiftly catch up again, when you count money to come out slowly, it is estimated that we must die under his sword.” “那个杀手十分强大,只是被我用苦无伤到了,等到他拔毒之后就会迅速再次赶来,等你慢慢数钱出来,估计我们都要死在他的剑下。” Said again, your here altogether also several thousand Japanese Yen, how several thousand buy one to assign/life you also to, is content!” “再说了,你这里一共也就几千日元,几千块买一条命你还要怎么样,知足吧!” This person words saying Jeff to be dumbfounded more, finally he led more Jeff to go out of twenty meters, as if heard rear area transmitted what sound, immediately probably pulled out X brutal dregs male, more Jeff one will push toward side directly travels directly. 这个人一番话说得弥吉夫哑口无言,结果他带着弥吉夫走出了二十几米,似乎听到了后方传来了什么动静,立即像是个拔X无情的渣男似的,直接将弥吉夫朝着旁边一推就直接跑路了。 More Jeff simply has not recovered fell ruthlessly, when responded very much that bastard has not been loyal after abandoning itself, had shouted abuse 100 in the belly. 弥吉夫根本没有回过神来就摔了个狠的,等到反应那王八蛋已经很不讲义气的抛弃自己之后,已经在肚皮里面破口大骂了一百遍。 Was good identified a place because of him, detected that is not far from the third-class cabin, in the eye revealed to wipe the ruthless color, aimed at the third-class cabin to overtake directly lamely. 好在他辨认了一下地方,发觉距离底舱已经不远,眼中流露出了一抹狠色,直接就一瘸一拐的对准了底舱赶了过去。 After this fellow arrived at the third-class cabin, looks like the mouse to dig is going all out to seek for anything generally, finally finally found that hidden compartment, then proposed from inside a rattan suitcase, in his eye revealed wolf general crazy to renounce the ray, raised the rattan suitcase directly, the above lock twisting. 等到这家伙来到了底舱以后,就像是老鼠打洞一般在拼命寻找着什么,最后终于找到了那个暗格,然后从里面提出了一个藤箱,他的眼中露出了狼一般的疯狂决绝光芒,直接就提起了藤箱,将上面的锁头给拧了开来。 Then, more in Jeff opens the rattan suitcase is full box of blasting explosive! 然后,弥吉夫将藤箱打开里面便是满满一箱的炸药! Nobel invented the editnitroglycerin blasting explosive in 1863, in 1878 invented the plastic exlosive, but now is in 1894, therefore the might of this box blasting explosive is considerable, at least the bang explodes this ship not to have the issue. 诺贝尔在1863年就发明了硝化甘油炸药,1878年发明了可塑炸药,而现在已经是1894年,所以这一箱子炸药的威力已经非常可观,至少轰爆这艘船是没问题的。 Muscle on more/complete Jifu the face is twitching, pair of eyes hyperemia, very obviously at this time when facing the life and death, he is also making own psychological construction. 弥吉夫脸上的筋肉抽搐着,双眼充血,很显然此时在面对生死的时候,他也正在做自己的心理建设。 According to duty that before received, once the link of entire duty had what problem, then he was the final insurance, destroyed the heavy ship directly is its mission. 按照之前接到的任务,一旦整个任务的环节出现什么问题的话,那么他就是最后的保险,直接摧毁重船就是其使命。 However, more Jeff also( to to congratulate true) also has that this/Ben investigates to Okidera, thought that the loyalty of two people are high, quite reliable, oneself trip actually 99% are sits travels by boat then goes back to render meritorious service. 但是,弥吉夫也对冲田(向贺真)还有南本都进行的调查,觉得两个人的忠诚度都非常高,相当的可靠,自己此行其实有90%九就是坐坐船然后回去立功。 Therefore, more Jeff basic must detonate the preparation of ships on nothing. 所以,弥吉夫根本就没有任何要引爆船只的心理准备。 His present has mixed feelings, the reason told him, likely Okida and this/Ben betrayed jointly, he must detonate the blasting explosive immediately. But died, he really does not give up! 他现在的心情非常复杂,理智告诉他,很可能冲田和南本联手背叛了,他必须要马上引爆炸药。但就这么死掉,他是真的舍不得啊! When Jeff is more indecisive, in the middle of nearby darkness extended a hand suddenly, first stretched out the finger to insert to his eye fiercely, more when Givton was startled, instinct quickly put out a hand to keep off. 只是,就在弥吉夫犹豫不决的时候,旁边的黑暗当中忽然伸出了一只手,先伸出手指对着他的眼睛猛插了下去,弥吉夫顿时大吃一惊,本能的急忙伸手去挡。 Finally this stamp is only the empty move, its true goal is his front rattan suitcase! 结果这一戳只是虚招,其真正的目的还是他面前的藤箱! The person of sneak attack one grasped this box, then took advantage of opportunity a tumbling to dodge. 偷袭的这人一把就抱住了这口箱子,然后顺势一个翻滚就闪躲了开去。 Needless saying that does this matter was Fang Linyan, because the crypto of Japanese Military manufactured excellently, actually cannot determine on this ship to to congratulate true the dark children of several military, therefore, Fang Linyan was very natural thought of this tracing repertoire. 不消说,干出这件事的就是方林岩了,因为日本军方的保密机制做得极好,向贺真其实也不敢确定这船上到底有几名军方的暗子,所以,方林岩很自然就想到了这种溯源套路。 Regardless of the military sent many dark child to come, thing that oneself most dreaded, was actually not the dark child, but was the blasting explosive! Therefore, must solve the problem from the root, that must seek something big with foresight. 无论军方派遣了多少暗子过来,自己最忌惮的东西,其实不是暗子,而是炸药!所以,要从根源上解决问题,那就得放长线钓大鱼。 Therefore two people arrange/cloth such a bureau, before to celebrating the real meaning kept the hand to put more a Jeff horse directly, making him look for the explosive initiation under the despair directly, then the Fang Linyan start snuck with the past, Fang Linyan thought that such words too insulted the person intelligence quotient, were many an intermediate link that passed by the life-saving 于是两人就布了这么一个局,之前向贺真的意思是直接就留手放弥吉夫一马,让他在绝望之下直接去找炸药引爆,然后方林岩启动潜行跟过去,方林岩却觉得这样的话太侮辱人智商了,就多了一个路过救人的中间环节 Therefore when more Jeff discovered the blasting explosive was snatched, he has not recovered sincerely. 因此等到弥吉夫发现炸药被抢的时候,他真心还没回过神来。 However the Fang Linyan movement is actually deft, will think of the box of blasting explosive to throw toward the distant place directly, takes advantage of opportunity holds more Jeff's arm to turn. At this time more Jeff quickly revolted, but has no egg to use now, the strength of this fellow was not strong, took down by Fang Linyan neatly and quickly in the place. 不过方林岩的动作却更是麻利,直接将装着炸药的箱子朝着远处一抛,顺势就抓住了弥吉夫的胳膊一扭。这时候弥吉夫急忙反抗,可是现在没有什么卵用了,这家伙的实力并不怎么强,三下五除二就被方林岩放倒在地。 Key at this time, more in Jeff's heart besides anger and humiliation, an indistinct feeling relaxed feeling. It is not I do not want to detonate the blasting explosive, I have made contribution! Is the enemy is too sly. 关键这时候,弥吉夫的心中除了愤怒和屈辱之外,还有一种隐约的释然感.不是我不想引爆炸药啊,我已经尽力了!是敌人太狡猾。 Then more Jeff heard a question: 然后弥吉夫就听到了一句问话: „Do you want dead must live?” “你要死还是要活?” more/complete Jifu feels the chest cavity an intense angry feeling to ascend immediately: 弥吉夫立即就感觉到胸腔当中一股强烈的愤怒感升腾起来: Amaterasu on, the enemy is really stupid, his is questioning me to the empire loyal? After my solemn prestigious family, since childhood is a top student, has been psychologically prepared giving life for one's country “天照大神在上,敌人真是愚蠢,他这是在质疑我对帝国的忠诚吗?我堂堂名门之后,从小就是优等生,早就做好了为国捐躯的心理准备” „Does he want to do? Does he grab my small finger to do?!! Good pain!!” “他想要干什么?他抓着我的小手指干什么?啊啊啊啊!!好痛!!” *** *** Five after minutes, 五分钟之后, Is sobbing Jeff more desperate all things that will know said altogether, he held to swell looks like a finger of small carrot, the pain results in the facial expression to twist, the eyes cried to swell seem like peach. 抽泣着的弥吉夫已经绝望的将自己知道的所有事情一股脑说了出来,他捧着自己肿得像一根小胡萝卜的手指,痛得脸容都扭曲了,双眼都哭肿得像是个桃子。 Young people always this, when hot blooded above always feels oneself are omnipotent, but often the final result is unsatisfactory, even three seconds are defeated, in a panic however go. 年轻人总是这样,在热血上头的时候总是觉得自己无所不能,但往往最后的结局都是不尽人意,甚至三秒钟就丢盔弃甲,仓皇而去。 In this world, where regardless has the dependence relations high-rank person, more Jeff is no exception, his uncle actually exhausted the thoughts, even permits the Kaiseki of three Nagoya, helped him seek this position. 在这个世界上,无论什么地方都有依靠关系上位的人,弥吉夫也不例外,他的叔叔其实耗尽了心思,甚至许了三次名古屋的怀石料理,才帮他谋取到了这个职位。 The present Japan is also in the typical rise, his uncle power and influence is even big, cannot hoodwink the public not to have the child nephew of merit to promote directly. 现在的日本还处于典型的上升期,他的叔叔就算是权势再大,也不能一手遮天到直接将毫无功劳的子侄提拔上来。 Therefore these action that is the dark child, is actually his uncle to take care of person on one's own side selects. 所以这一次做暗子的行动,其实就是他的叔叔为了照顾“自己人”而精选出来的。 After his uncle and brain trust conducted an appraisal, thinks that this action is that type to seem like the bad risk, actually the risk is extremely low, the performance-to-price ratio is very high that type, asks others to snatch on own initiative. 他的叔叔和智囊团进行了一番评估之后,一致认为本次的行动属于那种看起来十分凶险,其实风险极低,性价比很高那种,主动找别人抢来的。 Facts showed that is also so, if not for Fang Linyan this is not the fellows in the world to enter randomly, then also was really is well. 事实证明也是如此,若不是方林岩这样根本不属于本世界的家伙乱入的话,那么还真的就是平安无事了。 Naturally, this also expressed more Jeff's loyalty, faith very weakness, after Fang Linyan pinched his small finger as if spilled the beans, cried to speak the complete information, it can be said that spoke out frankly to express oneself fully. 当然,这也表示弥吉夫的忠诚,信念非常之弱,在方林岩捏断他一根小手指以后就仿佛竹筒倒豆子似的,大哭着将全部情报讲了出来,可以说是知无不言言无不尽。
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