FE :: Volume #13

#1354: Disciples

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Chapter 1352 disciple 第1352章圣徒 But Okidera carefully looks at two, discovered that this at all is not the square, but is one pair has 56 mu area palm!! 但冲田仔细多看两眼,就发现这根本不是什么广场,而是一双足足有五六亩面积的手掌!! „Were oneself actually held by a pair of giant stone system palm in the palm?” “自己竟然被一双巨大的石制手掌捧在了手心中?” This thought production, Okidera whole person creakies, only thought that own three views blasted open directly! How to have the so great place? 这个念头一产生,冲田整个人都摇摇欲坠,只觉得自己的三观都直接炸裂了!怎么会有如此伟岸的地方? He cannot bear and thinks, since there is a huge palm, who then the master of palm is? 紧接着他忍不住又想到,既然有如此庞大的手掌,那么手掌的主人是谁? After this read gave birth, Okidera cannot bear look up, then turned very quiet directly, because he saw the face of above goddess statue directly, was so tranquil generously looked, touched in that string to Tin Sam instantaneously. 此念生出了之后,冲田忍不住抬头看去,便直接屏住了呼吸,因为他直接见到了上方女神雕像的脸庞,就这么宁静宽厚的看了过来,瞬间就触动了冲田心中的那根弦。 Why does not know, he thought that own body with it resonance, his breath starts rapidly, his heartbeat starts to accelerate. 不知道为什么,他觉得自己的身体都在与之共鸣,他的呼吸开始急促,他的心跳开始加速。 That as if many years of traveller far from home found the hometown that had usually not met, the complex feeling of mother made Okidera's psychological defense line in be routed instantaneously, at this time front all these of were his general knowledge are unable to understand that therefore very simple knelt down, then had tears streaming down the face: 那种仿佛多年游子找到了素未谋面的家乡,母亲的复杂感觉令冲田的心理防线在瞬间被击溃,此时面前发生的这一切本来就是他的常识无法理解的,因此很干脆的跪倒在地,然后泪流满面: Miracle. This certainly is the miracle, the god, please pity me!!” “神迹.这一定是神迹,神啊,请怜悯我吧!!” However, at this time in the eye of Fang Linyan, seen is actually another scene, he displayed the exclamation of Athena without delay directly, but after displaying to half, within the body felt that fearful explosive strength of vanished unexpectedly directly. 不过,此时在方林岩的眼中,看到的却是另外一种景象,他二话不说直接施展出来了雅典娜之惊叹,但施展到一半之后,体内感觉到的那可怕的爆发性力量居然直接消失了。 However, front enemy actually as if had the hysteria to be the same, immediately knelt down in the Fang Linyan front, had tears streaming down the face, wailed. 但是,面前的敌人却仿佛得了癔症一样,顿时就跪倒在了方林岩的面前,泪流满面,嚎啕大哭了起来。 What's all this about?” “这是怎么回事?” Fang Linyan somewhat shocking say/way. 方林岩有些震惊的道。 At this time, originally Laming who waited for in the distant place walked slowly, his body is lending the strong sacred aura, even such as the smoke in the eye of Fang Linyan like the fog, curled to scatter, sees this, Fang Linyan awakened immediately: 这时候,本来在远处等候的拉明徐徐的走了过来,他的身上散发着浓烈的神圣气息,在方林岩的眼中甚至如烟如雾,袅袅飘散,见到了这一幕,方林岩立即就醒悟了过来: „Did goddess arrive a moment ago?” “女神刚才降临了?” drawing bright way: 拉明道: Regimental commander Sir, yes.” “团长大人,是的。” Fang Linyan said to front Okidera: 方林岩对则面前的冲田奇道: For him?” “为了他吗?” drawing bright way: 拉明道: Right, the physique of this person is very rare, just matter should you also witness?” “对,这个人的体质很罕见,刚刚的事情您应该也亲眼目睹了吗?” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: You referred to him breaking through the camouflage of space, saw my Saint light directly?” “你指的是他突破了空间的伪装,直接看到了我身上的圣光吗?” drawing bright way: 拉明道: Yes, such physique is rare, in ten million people will emerge one to come out, we manage it to be called the physique of inborn disciple.” “是的,这样的体质非常罕见,千万人里面才会涌现一个出来,我们管其叫做天生圣徒的体质。” Fang Linyan curious say/way: 方林岩好奇的道: What situation is this?” “这是什么情况?” Laming hesitated evil ways: 拉明沉吟了一下道: Sir should know a view, world that we see, is only part of real world, do you understand these words the physics significance?” “大人应该知道一个说法,我们所见的世界,只是真实世界的一部分,您理解这句话的物理学意义吗?” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: This knows but actually, because of human under normal conditions, through ear, eye, nose, tongue, the contact of skin sensation world.” “这个倒还是知道一点的,因为人类通常情况下,是通过耳朵,眼睛,鼻子,舌头,皮肤的接触来感知这个世界的。” But the sensation of human is in fact limited, for example surpassed the ear to accept the wave band the sound, we could not hear.” “但实际上人类的感知是有限的,比如说超过了耳朵接受波段的声音,我们就根本听不到。” We the world of cognition, is actually the world that the sense touches, but the world not just is so big!” “我们所认知的世界,其实就是感官所触及的世界,但世界却并非只有这么大!” Surpassed the visual discrimination color, we cannot see, in fact, in visual, human in fact compares certain shrimp type to cast off a street to go out!” “超过了视觉分辨的色彩,我们就根本看不到,事实上,在视觉方面,人类实际上比某些虾类都要甩开一条街出去!” Normal person has three types to regard the vertebra cell, is tricolor vision( red greenish blue), altogether can see about 1 million colors. But the mantis shrimp has enough 13 types to regard the vertebra cell, the color that can distinguish is seven times of human!” “正常人有三种视椎细胞,是三色视觉者(红绿蓝),总共能看到大约100万种颜色。可是螳螂虾有足足十三种视椎细胞,能分辨的颜色是人类的七倍!” As for the sense of smell, the sense of taste is not no need saying that the shark that human was stronger , the dog, the pig wait/etc, ended to explode human.” “至于嗅觉,味觉比人类强的就不必多说了,鲨鱼,狗,猪等等,都完爆人类。” drawing bright way: 拉明道: Yes! We can the bathing god graciousness, induce to the god graciousness, actually is also a truth, normally, human cannot induce, after is the goddess blessings give us privilege.” “是了!我们能够沐浴神恩,感应到神恩,其实也是一个道理,正常情况下,人类是感应不到的,是女神赐福给我们后的特权。” But, this Okidera can induce to the god graciousness directly, this is his physique is very special, the reason that the talent different reported that in the words of Buddhism, this person looked was predestined friends with me is a truth.” “可是,这个冲田直接就能感应到神恩,这就是他体质十分特殊,天赋异禀的缘故了,用佛门的话说,此人一看就与我有缘是一个道理。” The Fang Linyan heart said: 方林岩心道: Goddess this is saw follower who the little brother( Yassin Tos) starts the info clerk high-end strength, therefore also started to provide for a rainy day?” “女神这是见到小弟(雅辛托斯)都开始收纳高端战力的信徒,所以也开始未雨绸缪了?” This is also the good deed, the regimental commander who my solemn sacred knight rolls, under the hand only has a person! This too does not make sense, but the disposition of this person is not good.” “不过这也是好事,我堂堂的神圣骑士团的团长,手底下就只有一个人!这也太不像话了,不过这个人的心性不大好啊。” Read and this, Fang Linyan then very simple say/way: 一念及此,方林岩便很干脆的道: „The meaning of goddess I understood, but his killing is very heavy, it is said the people of entire school by homicide 7788.” “女神的意思我明白了,但他的杀性很重,据说整个门派的人都被他杀得七七八八了。” Not only that before to discover me, killed woman and musician without hesitation, such disposition must pay attention.” “不仅如此,之前为了找出我,毫不犹豫的杀了身边的女人和乐师,这样的心性还是要注意的。” However at this time, the Fang Linyan back broadcast an indifferent sound: 不过就在这时候,方林岩的背后传来了一个淡然的声音: All Japanese are guilty, should die!” “所有的日本人都有罪,都应该死!” Fang Linyan turns head, saw Okidera hand according to the hilt, standing up slowly, hostility completely has however vanished. 方林岩一回头,就见到了冲田手按刀柄,徐徐的站起身来,但是身上的敌意已经完全消失了。 But heard his such saying, Fang Linyan is surprised the different way: 而听到他这么一说,方林岩就诧异道: „Aren't your you a Japanese?” “你你不是日本人?” Okidera nods, grief and indignation say/way: 冲田点点头,悲愤的道: Naturally! My grandfather, is Zhongshan king in Ryukyu Kingdom, he altogether has paid tribute 13 times to China, his golden king seal, is the emperors in China bestows.” “当然!我的祖父,就是琉球国的中山王,他一共对中国都朝贡过十三次,他的黄金王印,都是中国的皇帝赐给的。” After Fang Linyan listened, surprised say/way: 方林岩听了以后吃惊的道: „Are you unexpectedly the royal family in Ryukyu Kingdom?” “你居然是琉球国的王族?” Regarding this in small country situated in East Asian sea level, Fang Linyan has the impression, established during the Xuande years, the king monarch sovereign has been very respectful and submissive to Chinese emperor, has stayed the condition of paying tribute. 对于这个位于东亚海面上的小国家,方林岩还是有印象的,在明朝宣德年间就建立了,国主对中国皇帝一直十分恭顺,一直保持朝贡的状态。 Naturally, this also with Ryukyu Kingdom estimated that the small country is poor, the small country that because the emperors in China regarding are willing to pay tribute is quite generous, the small country delivers the local local product, rewarding of Chinese emperor can be ten times in this. 当然,这也与琉球国估计地小国穷有关,因为中国的皇帝对于肯来朝贡的小国都是相当慷慨的,小国送点当地土特产,中国皇帝的赏赐则会是十倍于此。 Moreover, the small country that comes to pay tribute can also while convenient the running business, Honglu Temple will provide the frontier guard for them, does not need to pay taxes along the way, this can gain a great sum of money. 不仅如此,前来朝贡的小国还能顺带跑商,鸿胪寺这边会为他们发放关防,沿途都不用交税的,这又能赚一笔巨款。 According to the history book record, comes the small country that pays tribute to be therefore continuous, very craves, one year must run several. Felt unable to bear to the household section afterward, NND extorts goods from profitable enterprises, invited the aim to the emperor, therefore only allowed small country one year to pay tribute one time. 根据史书记载,前来朝贡的小国因此络绎不绝,十分热衷,一年要跑好几趟。到了后来户部都觉得受不了了,NND都来吃大户啊,就对皇帝请旨,于是就只允许小国一年朝贡一次。 Naturally, said no matter how, the king monarch sovereign at least attitude of Ryukyu Kingdom is very good, does not seem like imperial embassy to China who Japan sends, unexpectedly boasted shamelessly saying that what Chinese emperor was the sunset place emperor, was the emperor the day source emperor, in the gunnysack heart has not selected to compel the number? 当然,不管怎么说,琉球国的国主至少态度是非常好的,不像是日本派来的遣唐使,居然大言不惭说什么中国皇帝乃是日落处天子,天皇是日出处天子,麻袋心里面没点逼数吗? Okidera's sad say/way: 冲田悲伤的道: My name, is master gate obtains, my life is called to to congratulate true.” “我的这个名字,乃是师门取得,我的本命叫做向贺真。” Reason that I must slaughter the natural principle heart class/flow person, is because they killed my wet nurse.” “之所以我要屠杀天然理心流的人,便是因为他们杀了我的奶娘。” 1879 time, Japan completed the so-called Ryukyu Islands punishment, changes to suppose Ryukyu Islands annexation for the Okinawa prefecture, my father still Tai was caught Tokyo, quick is killed by poison.” “1879年的时候,日本完成了所谓的琉球处分,将琉球吞并改设为冲绳县,我的父亲尚泰被抓到东京,很快就被毒死。” Our royal family's people were also hunted down, slaughter, my mother, Grandfather, uncle and the others led me to hide XZ east the folk, to shield me also died in abundance.” “我们王族的人也被搜捕,屠杀,我的母亲,外公,舅舅等人带着我在民间东躲XZ,为了掩护我也都纷纷死去。” In this case, my wet nurse led me to settle finally with great difficulty, but, although we evaded Japanese official chasing down, actually ran into the natural principle heart class/flow person!” “在这种情况下,最后我的奶娘好不容易带着我安顿了下来,可是,虽然我们躲过了日本官方的追杀,却遇到了天然理心流的人!” They were passed by the begging for food water to drink originally, actually saw at that time is only three -year-old I, they thought that I practiced the aptitude of sword technique to be very good, told the wet nurse to me buy, the wet nurse is not willing, to be that person of head throws down money to me pick up forcefully.” “他们本来是路过讨口水喝,却看到了当时才三岁的我,他们觉得我练习剑术的资质很好,就告诉奶娘要将我买下来,奶娘不肯,为首的那人就丢下钱就强行要将我抱走。” Wet nurse quickly throws to fight, in the middle of the result confusion let slip to overthrow, the back of the head hit on nearby stair, died at the scene, did this matter, was my afterward master: The primary mouth flies in circles.” “奶娘急忙扑上来争抢,结果混乱当中被失手推倒,后脑勺撞在了旁边的台阶上,当场死亡,做这件事的,就是我后来的师傅:原口翔。” Fang Linyan peaceful is listening to Okidera , is not right, to celebrating real story, the destiny of heart inside feeling person is really unpredictable, but Okidera continues the sad say/way: 方林岩安静的听着冲田,哦,不对,向贺真的故事,心里面感慨人的命运真是变幻莫测,而冲田则是继续悲伤的道: They think that I was young at that time, what does not know, but I hit slightly am very intelligent, the wet nurse said I one -year-old time will speak, one -and-a-half-year-old time can be literate to sing, that I always inscribe in the heart, how can forget, how dares to forget?” “他们以为我当时还小,什么都不知道,但我打小就很聪明,奶娘说我一岁的时候就会说话,一岁半的时候就能识字唱歌,那一幕我始终铭刻在心里面,怎么能忘,怎么敢忘?” At this point, two lines of tears flowed from his wooden face. 说到这里,两行眼泪从他木然的脸上流淌了下来。 „After I cross the threshold, initial several years of very well-respected, but when my ten years old, my master source mouth flew in circles to join asked for among screen army, he detained the treasure, and successfully saved a senior official in an assassination.” “我入门之后,最初的几年还是很受重视的,但在我十岁的时候,我的师傅源口翔加入了讨幕军当中,他押中了宝,并且在一次刺杀当中成功救下了一名高官。” Henceforth, the natural principle heart class/flow position skyrockets under the official help, the important person has the person, asks for money richly, then I was marginalized, although I hide very well, but I could feel, they start deliberately to guard against me, suppresses me, makes me make very dangerous duty intentionally. Even when instruction sword technique, starts to hide contraband.” “从此,天然理心流的地位就在官方的帮忙下扶摇直上,要人有人,要钱有钱,然后我就被边缘化了,虽然我隐藏得很好,但是我感觉得到,他们开始刻意防范我,打压我,故意让我去做非常危险的任务。甚至在传授剑术的时候,也开始藏私。” At this point, Okidera looked at Fang Linyan one: 说到这里,冲田看了方林岩一眼: They destroyed my life obviously, is they have the mistake obviously in first, not only does not have the least bit to be guilty, instead must deliberately want to ruin me!” “他们明明毁了我的生活,明明是他们有错在先,非但没有半点愧疚,反而要刻意的想要毁掉我!” Fang Linyan smiles to say with a smile: 方林岩笑笑道: This is not strange, although they think that you did not remember the childhood time the matter, but these people, whenever saw your time, will think of the past matter! The person of doing evil was not necessarily able for the past evil confession, will fear definitely for the possible retribution. Only then you die, their heart inside lump will vanish!” “这不奇怪,虽然他们以为你不记得幼年时候的事了,但是这些人每当看到你的时候,就会想到当年的事情啊!作恶的人未必会为了当年的罪恶忏悔,却肯定会为了可能的报应而恐惧。所以只有你死,他们心里面的疙瘩才会消失!” Okidera nods saying: 冲田点点头道: Should be such truth. They let the duty that I have for the last time, is goes to Kurashiki to meet a person, said that is this person is very important, must kill by poison along the way carefully, therefore food and potable water of my person must first taste.” “应该就是这么个道理了.他们最后一次让我出的任务,就是去仓敷接一个人,说是这个人很重要,沿途要小心毒杀,所以我连这个人的食物和饮水都要先尝过。” Finally, this person was successfully escorted, but I had the phthisis quickly! At this time I know, the escorted person is outcastes, he suffered from the pulmonary tuberculosis already two years, they sent the goal that I went, was to make me have the phthisis to remove me!!” “最后,这个人成功被护送了回来,可是我很快就染上了痨病!这时候我才知道,护送的这个人就是个贱民而已,他患上肺痨已经两年了,他们派我去的目的,就是要让我染上痨病除掉我!!” Phthisis?” In the Fang Linyan brain transformed rapidly, immediately awakened came that is the pulmonary tuberculosis. “痨病?”方林岩脑子里面迅速转换了一下,立即就醒悟了过来那是肺结核啊。 Do not visit it in the front of modern medicine, is instigates the goods completely, but before penicillin invents, this gadget is the incurable illness, lots of celebrities die of this. 别看它在现代医学的面前,完全就是个怂货,可是在青霉素发明之前,这玩意儿就是绝症,大量的名人死于此。 Except that beside the virtual character Daiyu younger sister, Harvard( Harvard University founder), Lu Xun, Zhou Yu, Chopin, Austrian Emperor Jooss wait/etc is a victim. 除开虚拟人物黛玉妹子之外,哈弗(哈弗大学创始人),鲁迅,周瑜,肖邦,奥地利皇帝约斯夫等等都是受害者。 Falls into say/way that Okidera of recollection muttered: 陷入了回忆的冲田喃喃的道: I under the despair, inquired continuously several doctors, know how regardless of finally to treat uselessly, the great person did everything possible also only to live for five years, then on rotten on bed.” “我在绝望之下,连续询问了好几个医生,知道最后无论怎么治疗都没什么用,有一位大人物想尽办法也只多活了五年,然后就烂在了床上。” Therefore, I took the royal family secret medicine who is used to train the person ready dead, can burn completely my vitality, within one year has the astonishing energy and physical strength, however one year will die a violent death from now on.” “所以,我就服用了王室用来培养死士的秘药,可以将我的生命力全部燃烧起来,一年以内拥有惊人的精力和体力,但是一年过后就是暴毙。” In this case, I fly in circles while the primary mouth gets drunk, assassinated him, meanwhile took away natural principle heart class/flow secret scroll: Sees the snow. Because my foundation is very sturdy, therefore quick grasped the thing on secret volume. Then, I killed that several to conspire to assassinate my fellow apprentices.” “在这种情况下,我趁着原口翔喝醉的时候,刺杀了他,同时还拿走了天然理心流的秘卷:一见雪。因为我自身的基础很牢靠,所以很快就掌握了秘卷上的东西。然后,我就杀了那几名密谋暗杀我的师兄弟。” Killed these three people as for me a moment ago, is because before them, has betrayed my whereabouts, but I want to keep their life to fish the secret big fish.” “至于我刚才杀死身边的这三个人,则是因为他们之前就出卖过我的行踪,只是我想留着他们的命钓一钓幕后的大鱼而已。” After speaking of here, Okidera , is not right, should aim at Fang Linyan pays respects crouches/submits to to congratulate true in the place, revealed own nape of the neck sincere say/way: 说到了这里之后,冲田,哦,不对,应该是向贺真对准了方林岩拜伏在地,露出了自己的脖颈诚挚的道: Now, invites the glory that the knight growing up person bestowed me dead! Asked, please do not have any pressure. I do not have the graciousness to be not resentful in this world, wish already.” “现在,请骑士长大人赐给我死亡的荣耀吧!拜托了,请您不要有任何的心理压力。我在这世界上已经无恩无怨,心愿已了。” My life will also end in this month, now lives not to have backlash that may the love receive the secret medicine, must receive very big pain every day, can only to drink wine to lull itself, such being the case, I might as well am earlier enter the goddess the god country.” “我的生命也就会在这个月内结束,现在生无可恋受到秘药的反噬,每天都要受到很大的痛苦,只能以饮酒来麻痹自身,既然如此,我还不如早一些进入女神的神国。” Fang Linyan has not expected, this matter winding peaks and paths, he will heave a deep sigh unexpectedly, looks at front person, in the heart is the sigh with emotion human affairs is also variable. 方林岩也没料到,此事竟会如此峰回路转,他长叹一声,看着面前的这个人,心中也是感慨世事无常。 Front such should be the sumptuous lifestyle, the person who the hand grasps the power, at this time actually ends up is so out. 面前这么一个本来应该是锦衣玉食,手握大权的人,此时却落得如此下场。 But really do not despise the power and influence of Ryukyu Islands king, the national territory 3600 square kilometers of its rule, manage three mansion five state 35 counties, what concept is this area? 可真不要小看了琉球国王的权势,其统治的国土足足有3600平方公里,下辖三府五州三十五郡,这个面积是什么概念? Area of Hong Kong 1028 square kilometers! The area of New York is 1214 square kilometers! The area of Singapore is 641 square kilometers, the population of Ryukyu Kingdom was also over 500,000 people! 香港的面积才1028平方公里!纽约市的面积是1214平方公里!新加坡的面积是641平方公里,琉球国的人口也是超过了五十万人! He recalled before , coughs the rending appearance to to congratulate true, unexpectedly must relieve a cough with the strong liquor, truly may be called lives to might as well die, will therefore complete to celebrating the real wish, for him being killed by weapons, remembers a matter to say suddenly: 他回想了之前向贺真咳得撕心裂肺的样子,居然还要拿烈酒止咳,确实堪称生不如死,于是正要完成向贺真的心愿,为他“兵解”,忽然想起一件事道: Since is this, my goal is to control this ship time, gets rid of this/Ben while convenient, if you are convenient, then help?” “既然是这样的话,我这一次的目的是掌控这艘船,顺带干掉南本,你要是方便的话,那么帮我个忙?” Heard the Fang Linyan words after to congratulate true, one said slightly: 向贺真听到了方林岩的话之后,微微一愣道: Must control the words of this ship, only gets rid of this/Ben, but is insufficient, the cargo that because this heavy ship delivers is very expensive, each profit is very astonishing, only then a this/Ben person brings up the rear did not feel relieved, the people of military headquarters even still placed a dark child among the sailor!” “要掌控这艘船的话,只干掉南本可是不够的,因为这艘重船运载的货物很贵,每一趟的利润都十分惊人,所以只有南本一个人压阵是不放心的,军部的人甚至还在水手当中安插了一枚暗子!” Once has the disloyalty or is I have problems, this person will act to take over control of the ships . Destroyed this ship.” “一旦南本有异心或者是我出了什么问题,这个人就会出面接管船只,或者.毁了这艘船。”
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