FE :: Volume #13

#1353: Powerful swordsman

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Chapter 1351 powerful swordsman 第1351章强大的剑士 The pungent liquor fluid enters the throat, what produced is the hot stabbing pain, but Okidera actually laughed to stand, shoved open Geisha to arrive at the room center, stroked the long hair before volume conveniently, is working as the middle course to the present darkness: 辛辣的酒液入喉,产生的是热辣辣的刺痛,但冲田却大笑着站了起来,推开了身边的艺伎走到了房间中央,随手一拂额前的长发,然后对着眼前的黑暗当中道: Comes out, what come after is the son-of-a-bitch, is the bastard in Shinano?” “出来吧,来的是越后的狗崽子,还是信浓的王八蛋?” Fang Linyan has not expected, oneself one has the murderous intention, unexpectedly by front Okidera inducing! Although this was compressed with oneself foundation attribute has very big relations, but the was the sensation of opposite party too also keen? 方林岩万万没有料到,自己这边一动杀机,竟然就被面前这个冲田给感应到了!这尽管是与自己基础属性被压缩有很大的关系,但对方的这感知也太灵敏了吧? However, listens to his tone, as if will recognize the Ninja? 不过,听他的口气,似乎将自己认成了忍者? After more, with Shinano is the geographic names of Japan, because these two places also produced the different Ninja schools afterward, therefore came the synonym in the tone of rivers and lakes person on by these two geographic names afterward, is similar to The Smiling, Proud Wanderer inside dialogue is the same: Bastard in Songshan, you in this type with one of the Omei. 越后和信浓都是日本的地名,不过因为后来这两地也出产了不同的忍者流派,所以后来在江湖人士的口吻当中就以这两个地名来代称了,就类似于笑傲江湖里面的对话一样:嵩山的龟孙,你们和峨眉的一起上这种。 Suddenly, before Okidera suddenly, cuts, the thin sword of his waist flashes suddenly, then pricked in the shadow of nearby lights directly, then received slowly. 忽然之间,冲田就突前斩出,他腰间的一把细剑遽然一闪,便直接刺入到了旁边灯火的阴影里,然后慢慢的收了回来。 On thin sword bright and clean, does not have any bloodstain appears, Okidera's attractive brow closely wrinkled, he to oneself sensation can say that has self-confidently, is very clear own condition because of him. 细剑上光洁非常,没有任何的血迹出现,冲田好看的眉头紧紧皱了起来,他对自己的感知可以说是非常有自信的,因为他现在很清楚自己的状态. The side strong condition that is took secret medicine, after combustion life, obtains! 那是服用了秘药,燃烧生命之后获得的极强状态! Since being determined as the pulmonary tuberculosis, Okidera knew oneself result, even if the treatment of doing utmost, collapses 56 years later on the bed is coughing rotting. 自从被判定为肺痨以后,冲田就知道了自己的结局,哪怕是竭尽全力的治疗,也是在五六年之后瘫倒在床上咳嗽着烂掉。 He does not want is so dead, therefore ate up secret medicine in legend directly, lit own life, then enters violent that in that secret volume said to walk condition, the life span reduces significantly, naturally, what trades is the quality large scale enhancement of body. 他不想这么死,所以直接吃下了传说中的秘药,点燃了自己的生命,然后进入到了那个秘卷上所说的“暴走”状态,寿命大幅度缩短,当然,换来的是身体的素质大幅度提高。 Naturally, this condition said that is very mysterious, is actually direct a point, the so-called violent walks the condition, is actually strengthens the edition the returning to consciousness just before dying condition. 当然,这个状态说起来很是玄妙,其实直接一点来说,所谓的暴走状态,其实就是加强版本的回光返照状态。 After secret medicine eats, in environment in within the body was changed fiercely, the adrenalin, the mineralocorticoid, the dopamine, the hypothalamic hormone wait/etc started to accelerate to secrete, therefore the ache was suppressed by the powerful, the quality of life large scale enhancement of person, even various physical ability aspects have domineering increase. 那秘药吃下去以后,体内的内环境被剧烈改变,肾上腺素,盐皮质激素,多巴胺,下丘脑激素等等都开始加速分泌,所以疼痛被强力压制,人的生活质量大幅度提高,甚至体能各方面都有强势增加。 Naturally, the price is the life span sharply falls to from several months to one year. 当然,代价就是寿命锐减到几个月至一年. After entering this condition, he first begins to the person of this gate, first killed the master, then Senior Brother Junior Brother and so on altogether got rid of 67! Then laughed wildly was selecting a fire in the Buddhist temple, face upwarded to go out. 一进入这种状态之后,他就先对本门的人动了手,先杀了师傅,然后师兄师弟之类的一共干掉了六七个吧!然后狂笑着在道场里面点了一把火,仰天出门去。 From now on, the name of Okidera devil then disappears without a trace, but he also only worrying in the world, was in the past outside the Buddhist temple 200 meters boss Suzuki who drew up the food shop. 自此,冲田恶魔之名便不胫而走,但他在世上还有一个唯一的牵挂,就是当年在道场外两百米开立食店的老板铃木。 In the past Okidera eight -year-old time, the high fever to the human affairs has not known that spoke the nonsense, was lost by the person of master gate directly, because died in the entrance shyly is inauspicious, was Suzuki boss has cleaned to him with the wet towel, the artificial temperature decrease saved him. 当年冲田八岁的时候,高烧到已经人事不知说胡话了,直接被师门的人丢了出去,因为怕人死在门口不吉利嘛,是铃木老板拿湿毛巾给他一直擦拭,人工降温救了他。 Then when Okidera ten years old of long bodies time, as the saying goes the teenager eats the poor father, but the daily quota food must be exploited half by the tyrannical Senior Brother, is Suzuki boss the stopper gives him frequently secretly several onigiri. 然后等到冲田十来岁长身体的时候,俗话说半大小子吃穷老子,可是每天的定量饭食还要被强横的师兄剥削一半,又是铃木老板经常偷偷塞给他几个饭团。 Although on the mouth said that under is the guest leftovers cheap your monkey bastard, but Okidera thought that is this whole life has eaten the most delicious thing. 虽然嘴上说是客人吃剩下的便宜了你这个猴崽子,但冲田却觉得那是自己这辈子吃过的最美味的东西。 Therefore, Okidera felt oneself also end the sentiment of Suzuki boss, two on the gratitude and grudges disappears in this world, the final time then returns to the hometown to go, that hometown after an absence of 20 years, does something with the remaining life for the hometown people, then there to become God. 所以,冲田觉得自己还完铃木老板的情,在这个世界上就恩怨两消,最后的时光便回到家乡去把,那个阔别了20年的家乡,用残余的生命为家乡人做些事情,然后就在那里成神。 The wish of Suzuki boss also is very simple, is hopes that own son can be safe. 铃木老板的心愿却也很简单,就是希望自己的儿子能平安。 His son, is actually the member of profound foreign meeting, it is said that has the military headquarters background, usually frequently was dispatched to transmit the information. 他的儿子,却是玄洋会的成员,据说有军部背景,平时经常被派遣去传递情报。 The profound ocean will work very extreme, the faction in army is young guard that department. 玄洋会做事十分极端,在军中的派系就属于少壮派那一系的。 As the saying goes, the places of some people have the rivers and lakes, moreover works the extreme person or the organization, is very easy to cause a matter, that is others uses very extreme way to cope with you! 俗话说得好,有人的地方就有江湖,而且做事极端的人或者组织,就很容易导致一件事,那就是别人用很极端的方式来对付你! Cannot do you directly, can't I play Yin? 正面搞不过你,我不能玩儿阴的? Certain great nations dare to behead with the missile, others dare to hit the building with the airplane! 某些大国敢用导弹斩首,别人就敢用飞机撞大楼! Therefore, the son of Suzuki boss therefore suffered several interceptions, might be considered as barely escapes for the last time. 所以,铃木老板的儿子因此遭受到了好几次的截杀,最后一次堪称是险死还生。 For repaying a debt of gratitude, Okidera bravely steps forward, the son who helps Suzuki boss carries out the following three tasks, but these three task executions, the son of Suzuki boss can retire with the money smoothly. 为了报恩,冲田就挺身而出,帮忙铃木老板的儿子执行接下来的三个任务,而这三个任务执行完,铃木老板的儿子就能拿一大笔钱顺利退休了。 During this period, Okidera has encountered several assassinations! Mainly killing from Ninja, but he in the strong condition of this time, very easily massacred all the assassins of coming. 在此期间,冲田已经遭遇到了好几次的暗杀!主要就是来自忍者的袭杀,而他在此时的这种超强状态下,很轻易的就杀掉了所有前来的刺客。 This time Okidera, is carrying out in the last task. 此时的冲田,就正在执行最后一个任务中。 Naturally, because just walks the condition be at this type of violent, Okidera felt own punctures is wins completely, but has not actually expected to fail! 当然,正因为处于这种暴走状态,冲田觉得自己的这一刺完全是志在必得的,可是却没料到落了个空! He closed the eye to stand erect same place at this time, cast down one's eyes, the appearance of nose view heart, in the hand grasped long blade that held forest Su to shiver slightly. 他在这时候闭上了眼睛矗立原地,一副眼观鼻,鼻观心的样子,手中握持的长刀“林苏”则是微微的颤动着。 At this time, side is playing that artist of Satsuma pipa to say startled: 就在这时候,旁边正在弹奏萨摩琵琶的那个艺人愕然道: What's wrong? Clash/To Takuwa?” “怎么了?冲田桑?” Okidera's ear moves slightly, arrived at his side on a slippery step directly, a sword wipes the throat! 冲田的耳朵微微一动,直接就一个滑步来到了他的身边,一剑抹喉! In the middle of the blood light, his form looks like the ghosts and demons to move fast generally, even from the sky left behind image persistences, when the afterimage vanishes, before two , the Geisha is also covered the throat by he is hugging, with astonishment poured in the middle of the pool of blood. 在血光当中,他的身影就像是鬼魅一般飘忽着,甚至在空中留下了一道道的残像,等到残像消失的时候,两名之前还被他搂着的艺伎也都捂住了喉咙,惊愕倒在了血泊当中。 How long Okidera could not have lived, has not regarded a matter others' life, naturally, has not regarded a matter own life, the murder, if kills the chicken! 已经活不了多久的冲田,已经没有把别人的命当成一回事,当然,更没有将自己的命当成一回事,杀人若杀鸡! Sound disturbance when after the breath of others and sent out, Okidera stood erect again in same place, closed the eye, at this time, the powerful five feelings that the combustion life traded starts to play the powerful role. 在没有了其余人的呼吸和发出的响动干扰之后,冲田再次矗立在了原地,闭上了眼睛,在这个时候,燃烧生命换来的强悍五感开始发挥强大的作用。 Suddenly, Okidera corners of the mouth revealed one to sneer, in the look also revealed the cruel color: 忽然之间,冲田嘴角露出了一丝冷笑,眼神里面也流露出了暴戾之色: Seized you, mousie!” “逮住你了,小老鼠!” Then his stride approached nearby corner, long blade forest Sumeng in hand cut arc light of half-moon-shaped, only listened to ding a light sound, then a form appeared. 然后他一个跨步就逼近了旁边的墙角,手中的长刀林苏猛的斩出了一道半月形的弧光,只听“叮”的一声轻响,然后一个身影就浮现了出来。 Fang Linyan promptly with plundering the tooth of food blocked this blade! 正是方林岩及时用掠食之牙挡住了这一刀! To be honest, at this time in the heart of Fang Linyan is also the startled anger happened simultaneously, but this cannot blame him, after all the attribute compresses to his influence is actually quite astonishing. 说实话,此时方林岩的心中也是惊怒交加的,不过这也不能怪他,毕竟属性压缩对他的影响其实是相当惊人的。 Has a few words to call the hammering also to need itself hardly, in overwhelming majority situations, the skill quality of space soldier is high, the equipment is strong, needs the foundation attribute support. 有一句话叫打铁还需自身硬,在绝大部分情况下,空间战士的技能品质再高,装备再强,也是需要基础属性的支撑的。 It looks like a child to wear soft hedgehog armor, the left hand slaughter dragon blade right hand Yitian sword, 99% cannot actually be victorious a robust man- Robust man anything does not need to do, only needs in same place stand one minute, the child grasps the sword is not steady. 就像是一个小孩子身穿软猬甲,左手屠龙刀右手倚天剑,却90%九打不过一个壮汉--壮汉什么都不用干,只需要在原地站一分钟,小孩子就连刀剑都握不稳了。 In a flash, Fang Linyan seemed bound by the sword light! 只是一瞬间,方林岩仿佛就被剑光所裹住! Okidera's sword technique, by complicated imaginary changes is famous, one second the sword cuts to puncture several blade that is the elementary operation eo. 冲田的剑术,就是以繁复幻变著称,一秒钟出剑斩刺好几刀那是基本操作。 The school natural principle heart class/flow middle adept secret sword. The thin snow, the request in the landing beforehand even/including has three blades Apple that throws, slivering four is initially becomes! But Okidera's present limit record is the even/including uses seven swords, cuts eight apple! 其门派“天然理心流”当中拿手的秘剑.细雪,要求是将一个抛起来的苹果在落地之前连出三刀,切成四块才算是初成!而冲田现在的极限记录是连出七剑,将苹果斩成八块! In time of blinking, two people crossed 78 moves, finally Fang Linyan really did not have the means that direct alignment Okidera ejected plundered the tooth of food, then prepared to shoulder a sword of Shimookita hardly! 只是在眨眼的时间当中,两人就过了七八招,最后方林岩都实在是没办法了,直接对准了冲田抛出了掠食之牙,然后准备硬扛下冲田的一剑! This fighting method seems like Fang Linyan hastily under to be thrown into confusion, but, if according to the normal condition, Okidera can a very relaxed sword stab the lower abdomen of Fang Linyan, then slightly the dagger that is sideways to avoid to throw. 这打法看起来像是方林岩仓促之下手忙脚乱而为之的,若是按照正常情况的话,冲田可以很轻松的一剑刺中方林岩的小腹,然后微微一侧身就避开投掷来的这把匕首。 Naturally, with Fang Linyan such plans prostitute to the line, definitely will not have normal condition in the true sense. 当然,和方林岩这样的心机婊对线,肯定就不会有真正意义上的正常情况。 If Okidera really does, he will detect that let go dagger accelerates in the middle of the midair suddenly, changes, then ruthlessly has wiped his neck! This is because the psychic force tentacle of Fang Linyan has twined on the dagger ! 若是冲田真的这么干的话,他就会发觉那一把已经脱手的匕首骤然在半空当中加速,变向,然后狠狠的抹过他的脖子!这是因为方林岩的精神力触手一直都缠绕在了匕首柄上面! You think that it had let go to shoot, actually all during control. 你以为它已经被脱手掷出,其实一切都在掌控之中。 But Okida original thorn to Fang Linyan that sword, even if finally can break through the asylum that dodges, finally its most might will still be absorbed by the magic shield. 而冲田本来刺向方林岩的那一剑,最后就算是能突破闪避的庇护,最后其大部分威力也会被魔法盾吸收掉。 However, facing the Fang Linyan fighting method trap, Okidera slightly not hesitant, the whole person suddenly was short almost a big truncation, then saw that the bright as snow sword light aimed at the Fang Linyan calf position to well up. 但是,面对方林岩的打法陷阱,冲田丝毫都没有犹豫,整个人陡然矮了差不多一大截,然后就见到雪亮的剑光对准了方林岩的小腿位置涌了过去。 His sword, is somewhat similar to China „a blade the repertoire, studies the both feet, and rapid incomparable, before having the move, does not have the indication, is especially towering. 他的这一剑,有些类似于中国“地趟刀”的套路,专攻双脚,并且迅疾无比,出招之前也是毫无征兆,格外突兀。 In Okidera's mind, oneself this strikes disappear and hits, the opposite party lets go the dagger that throws at least to be away from oneself over one meter, but oneself these counter-attack time can actually make the opposite party at least discard a leg, how to gain. 在冲田的心中,自己这一击连消带打,对方脱手抛掷出的匕首至少距离自己一米以上,而自己这一次反攻却能让对方至少废掉一条腿,怎么都是赚的。 But Okidera has not actually expected, dagger that then must depart toward the distant place, unexpectedly strange came 90 degrees right angle big tones directly, aimed at own throat straight thrust to get down at the double speeds instantaneously. 但冲田却没料到,那把本来要朝着远处飞出的匕首,居然诡异的直接来了个九十度的直角大调头,瞬间以双倍速度对准了自己的咽喉直刺下来。 Regarding this Okidera is not flurried, the left hand extends, unexpectedly instead moves forward to meet somebody with own scabbard directly! By the scabbard presented a big snake to open wide the illusion that the mouth swallowed unexpectedly! 对此冲田也并不慌乱,左手一伸,居然用自己的刀鞘直接反迎了上去!其刀鞘旁边居然出现了一头大蛇张大了嘴巴吞噬的幻象! Therefore then plunders in the scabbard that the tooth of food pricked instead to welcome unexpectedly directly! 于是接下来掠食之牙居然直接刺入到了反迎过来的刀鞘之中! The repertoire trap that Fang Linyan meticulously plans suffers to decode immediately, his foundation close combat skill is high, suppression the skill of opposite party! 方林岩精心谋划的这套路陷阱顿时惨遭破解,他的基础近战技能再高,也压制不了对方的技能啊! This is Okidera this secret sword: Depending on the snake of blade! 这就是冲田这一门的秘剑:凭刃之蛇! Once in enemy move, then not only the offensive reduces suddenly, is even the pointed weapons must be seized. 一旦敌人中招的话,那么不仅攻势陡然而减,更是连兵刃都要被夺下来。 Was good also made the circumvention movement because of Fang Linyan at this time promptly, facing Okidera pursued strongly cuts, the under foot kept the staggered retreat. 好在方林岩此时也是及时做出了规避动作,面对冲田的竭力追斩,脚下不停交错后退。 Okidera including has three blades, unexpectedly only then a blade has confidence the successful hit opponent! Originally during planned to discard the both legs of opposite party to turn into wound his leg all of a sudden. 冲田连出三刀,居然只有一刀有把握成功命中对手!本来计划当中废掉对方的双腿一下子就变成了伤其一腿而已。 Okidera actually saw a matter that made him unable to believe: 只是冲田却看到了一件令他无法相信的事情: Front enemy soon by the blade cuts the time, his body floated a illusion of heavy shield unexpectedly, lifting a heavy weight as if light this struck keeping off. 面前的这个敌人即将被刀刃斩中的时候,其身上居然漂浮出来了一面重型盾牌的幻象,举重若轻的将这一击给挡了下来。 This shield palatial like the mountain, the key is its center also one seems like the extremely fierce savage head unexpectedly, his hair comprised of the group snake, in the middle of the eyes ominous light/only flashed to look. 这盾牌巍峨如山,关键是其中央居然还有一颗看起来极其狰狞凶残的头颅,其头发都是由群蛇组成的,双眼当中凶光一闪就看了过来。 In a flash, Okidera feels oneself imposing manner the fear! Moreover, in that shield illusion, sent out a sacredness unexpectedly, lofty, great, the feeling of universal love, shocked Okidera's mind all of a sudden, instead shook a tremendous strength instantaneously, let Okidera's chest severe pain, could not bear vomit a big blood. 一瞬间,冲田就觉得自己的气势为之所慑!不仅如此,那盾牌幻象上,居然散发出来了一种神圣,崇高,伟大,博爱的感觉,一下子就震慑住了冲田的心灵,瞬间更是反震过来了一股巨大的力量,让冲田的胸口剧痛,忍不住呕出了一大口鲜血。 The strength of aegis Ai Kuisi was triggered! 神盾艾葵斯之力被触发! Enables the enemy to have 15 probabilities to any damage that you cause to be absorbed by aegis Ai Kuisi thoroughly, and rebounds to give some enemy randomly! When dodges the effect was triggered, there is a certain probability activation aegis Ai Kuisi rebound effect. ” 使敌人对你造成的任何伤害都有15的几率彻底被神盾艾葵斯吸收,并且随机反弹给某名敌人!当闪避效果被触发的时候,也有一定几率激活神盾艾葵斯的反弹效果。” This enables his following pursuit to be effective, backed up directly several steps, then shocking say/way: 这让他接下来的追击都没能奏效,直接倒退了好几步,然后震惊的道: You are not a Ninja! What that is!?” “你不是忍者!那是什么!?” „Is that shield illusion that on you presents what?” “你身上出现的那盾牌幻象到底是什么?” Okidera is shocked at this time without a doubt, similarly but where surprised in Fang Linyan heart is not short compared with him to goes! 冲田此时毫无疑问十分震惊,但方林岩心中的惊讶同样不比他少到哪里去! Regarding space soldier crowd of randomly entering, skill that they display, attack method, if designs this world not to have, essential factor that is unable to understand, then the space will camouflage automatically, will cut the way that the indigenous people can understand. 要知道,对于空间战士这群乱入者来说,他们施展的技能,攻击方式如果设计到本世界当中不具备,无法理解的要素,那么空间就会自动进行伪装,将之切换成原住民能理解的方式。 For example pulled out a very machine-gun burst in the ancient times, the indigenous people may see the opposite party to use the continuous arrow, or was inundates smallpox rain this hidden weapon technique. 比如在古代掏出一挺机枪扫射,原住民可能就会看到对方使用连珠箭,或者说是“漫天花雨”这种暗器手法。 Therefore, the real effect that before Fang Linyan unusual condition, after was triggered the strength of aegis Ai Kuisi, presented! Properly speaking will not make Okidera see absolutely? 所以,之前方林岩身上的异状,乃是触发了神盾艾葵斯之力后呈现出来的真实效果!按理说绝对不会让冲田看到的啊? However the shock turned over to the shock, Fang Linyan to seize this opportunity at this time, was without hesitation, inspires on the depth instantaneously, opened the big move directly. 不过震惊归震惊,方林岩这时候抓住了这个机会,也是毫不犹豫,瞬间就深吸了一口气,直接开大招了。 He is not that person who suppresses the big move to suppress dead does not put! 他可不是那种憋大招憋到死都不放的人! And Fang Linyan drew a red string before battle to oneself: 并且方林岩在开战之前就给自己划出了一条红线: The time on Okida wasting, cannot absolutely over two minutes! 在冲田身上浪费的时间,绝对不能超过两分钟! Once overtime have not handled, that cannot do well must face this/Ben and Okidera's converging attack, what is more exaggerating, this place is on a ship, escapes continually does not have the means to escape, oneself must face the duty failure, army completely no fate. 一旦超时自己还没搞定的话,那搞不好就要面对南本与冲田的夹击,更夸张的是,这地方乃是船上,连逃都没办法逃的,那自己就要面对任务失败,全军尽没的下场。 After Fang Linyan deeply inspires, Okidera a flower, detects at present immediately oneself place oneself in the middle of an indescribable vast space unexpectedly, around here is the endless vast black starry sky, boundless vast, is mystical and formidable. 方林岩深吸了一口气之后,冲田眼前顿时一花,发觉自己竟然置身于一处无法形容的浩瀚空间当中,这里周围都是无尽浩瀚的黑色星空,苍茫浩瀚,神秘而令人敬畏。 In this environment, the person is involved, really felt oneself are insignificant, insignificant. 在这种环境下,人置身其中,真的就是觉得自己乃是沧海一粟,微不足道。 Even if how this time Okidera were mental again firm and resolute, could not bear be moved. 这时候的冲田哪怕是心智再怎么坚毅,也是忍不住为之动容。 Suddenly, he thinks an issue, that is everywhere is vast boundless void, how oneself stand? Cannot bear lower the head looked, detected oneself stood in a huge square. 忽然之间,他想到了一个问题,那就是到处都是浩瀚无际的虚空,自己怎么站立的呢?忍不住低头一看,就发觉自己站在了一个庞大的广场上。
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