FE :: Volume #13

#1352: Drastic change

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Chapter 1350 drastic change 第1350章剧变 Because Zheng light/only helped Fang Linyan be many much, therefore Fang Linyan before leaving hesitant, then gave own insect to swing a Abe profit to him, told him critically, can sound this insect to swing to ask a strong person to help. 正因为郑家光很是帮了方林岩不少忙,所以方林岩在临行前犹豫了一下,便将服部一益交给自己的虫摇给了他,告诉他在危急的时候,可以吹响这只虫摇找来一个强人帮忙。 It looks like in Fang Linyan, this is actually has the matter of advantage to both sides, a Abe profit seemingly collapses at the first blow, is completely because his major abilities were restrained by oneself thoroughly, does not represent him to be weak. 方林岩看来,这其实乃是对双方都有好处的事情,服部一益之所以看起来不堪一击,完全是因为他的各大能力都被自己彻底克制,并不代表他弱。 Later in the middle of conducting duplicate/restores plate of fight, Laming and Fang Linyan think that the strength of this fellow is not absolutely weak, actually relies on with the Dongxiang well to help blade health/guard in same level. 之后在进行战斗的复盘当中,拉明和方林岩都认为这家伙的实力绝对不弱,其实和东乡井倚为臂助的刃卫在同一个水准上。 Abe benefits able, is actually short of money, Zheng light/only here has money to be short of manpower, and both sides have the deep complaint to the present Japanese government, therefore should be able to fit in easily. 服部一益有能力,却缺钱,郑家光这边是有钱缺人,并且双方都对如今的日本政府有着深厚的怨念,所以应该能一拍即合。 After on heavy ship, Fang Linyan misses the information that in navel Mao Village is obtaining, confessed Laming, when evening's midnight the bookmark immersion of that doubtful person skin in water. Fell on the bed directly heavy went off. 上了重船以后,方林岩挂念着脐毛村里面获得的情报,交代拉明在晚上午夜的时候将那张疑似人皮的书签浸泡在水里面。就直接倒在了床上沉沉睡去了。 Grasping all time rests is he penetrates the custom of marrow, security has Laming to stand sentry, therefore does not need to be worried. 抓紧一切时间休息是已经是他深入骨髓的习惯,安全方面有拉明放哨,所以并不用担心。 This thinks that Fang Linyan slept soundly, because he was very clear, in the sea, once had/left the matter, oneself hid does not evade, therefore let loose the thoughts simply, directly entered the deep sleep, had what situation Laming to stare in any case. 这一觉方林岩就睡得很沉了,因为他很清楚,在海上一旦出了事情,自己躲也躲不过,所以干脆放开心思,直接进入了深度睡眠,反正有什么情况拉明盯着呢。 Suddenly does not know how long rested, Fang Linyan starts to think that in blurry on the retina as if there is thing, but he is stranded intent is still very full, then continues to go off, shone on own face after the sunlight, awakened from the sleep, then saw the prompt on retina to brush the screen directly: 一时间也不知道睡了多久,方林岩在迷迷糊糊当中开始觉得视网膜上似乎有东西,不过他困意依然很足,便继续睡去,直到阳光照射到了自己的脸上以后,才从睡梦中惊醒了过来,然后就见到了视网膜上的提示直接刷了屏: Breeds hunting for cd8492116, the war progress bar China winning percentage presented the sharp drop, please examine promptly.” “殖猎者cd8492116号,战争进度条中国一方胜率出现了大幅度下降,请及时查看.” Breeds hunting for cd8492116, the war progress bar China winning percentage presented the sharp drop, please examine promptly.” “殖猎者cd8492116号,战争进度条中国一方胜率出现了大幅度下降,请及时查看.” „.” “.” This startled made the person no small matter immediately, Fang Linyan held breath immediately cold air, roll something along crawled all of a sudden, then assigned out the war progress bar, 这一惊顿时令人非同小可,方林岩立即倒吸了一口凉气,“毂辘”一下子就爬了起来,然后调出了战争进度条, This flash, Fang Linyan thought that the head was similar one bucket of cold water to sprinkle from above directly, made his heart as if drop the valley instantaneously! 这一瞬间,方林岩觉得头上仿佛有一桶凉水从上面直接泼了下来,瞬间让他的心都仿佛跌落到了谷底! The final memory of Fang Linyan to war progress bar, was Chinese winning percentage has promoted over 30, but now has actually dropped 13.117! Deeply after attracting two tones, Fang Linyan inquired Laming immediately: 方林岩对战争进度条的最后记忆,是中国这边的胜率已经提升到了30以上,而现在却已经狂泻到了13.117!深吸了两口气之后,方林岩立即询问拉明: How long did I rest?” “我睡了多久?” drawing bright way: 拉明道: 11 hours 15 minutes.” “11个小时15分钟。” Fang Linyan assigned out the prompt 11 examinations on retina immediately, detected after oneself fall asleep for 40 minutes, Chinese winning percentage fluctuated to rise unexpectedly, promoted 33.278, but this was also until now peak. 方林岩立即调出了视网膜上的提示一一查看,发觉在自己睡着以后的四十分钟,中国这边的胜率居然又波动上扬了一下,提升到了33.278,但是这也是迄今为止的最高点了。 Then three hours 41 minutes after falling asleep, as if seems like the financial storm to sweep across, stock market big crashing is the same, on the war progress bar the winning percentage of China drops 4 points suddenly! 接下来在睡着后的三小时41分钟,就仿佛像是金融风暴席卷,股市大崩盘一样,战争进度条上中国的胜率陡然狂泻四个点! Also in just five minutes , to continue to drop three points! 在短短的五分钟之内,又继续狂泻三个点! The following winning percentage reduces the scope to start to slide with steady steps, at least slides 0.5, because this is the early warning prompt of Fang Linyan establishment, so long as the winning percentage drop exceeded this scope to report to the police, almost did not have over 1. 接下来的胜率降低幅度则是开始稳步下滑,至少是下滑0.5,因为这是方林岩设置的预警提示,只要胜率下滑幅度超过了这个幅度就报警,也几乎没有超过一的。 However, China the potential of winning percentage slowdown is to actually appear slow and firm, every several other 20 minutes come, the rule to make people think especially anxious! 但是,中国的胜率下滑之势却是显得缓慢而坚决的,每隔十几二十分钟就来一下,规律得让人觉得格外揪心! Had the important matter to happen.” “有大事发生了.” Fang Linyan is narrowing the eye, heavyhearted say/way. 方林岩眯缝着眼睛,忧心忡忡的道。 He fondly remembers the circuit breaker system of stock market at this time suddenly intensely, if this war progress bar can also the circuit breaker that this/should good! 他此时忽然强烈怀念起股市的跌停板制度来,要是这战争进度条也能跌停板那该多好! What a pity this is the country war!! This is entire Chinese nation the war of destiny, either perishes for several hundred years, sacrificed 11 million heroes and heroines to return to the peak, either the blood sacrifice Xuanyuan, hoodwinks the public in the meantime, saves the aspect in this China's territory overrun and occupied by the enemy. 可惜这是国战!!这是整个中华民族的气运之战,要么就此沉沦数百年,牺牲百万千万英雄儿女才能重归巅峰,要么就在此时血祭轩辕,只手遮天,挽回这神州陆沉的局面。 This time Fang Linyan, looked like the trapped/sleepy beast to be the same simply, walked back and forth in this corner/horn small room back and forth. He now urgent wants to know that what happened, why the war develops rapidly after a sudden turn suddenly, the key was this time communication is really backward, everyone on this ship estimated that hoodwinked in the drum. 这时候的方林岩,简直就像是困兽一样,在这一角斗室里面来回走来走去。他现在迫切的想要知道发生了什么事情,为什么突然之间战局就此急转直下,关键是此时通讯实在是太落后了,这艘船上的所有人估计都蒙在了鼓里面。 This time Fang Linyan, can only in the deduction that in the mind does utmost, forming in one's mind, to be thinking where has something go wrong, therefore has not noticed Laming to disappear quietly. 此时的方林岩,只能在脑海里面竭尽全力的推演,构思着,想着到底是什么地方出了岔子,因此都没有注意到拉明已经悄悄不见了。 Almost after crossing for 15 minutes, Laming hit the setting sail cabin door to walk, then said to Fang Linyan: 差不多过了十五分钟之后,拉明重新打开了船舱门走了进来,然后对方林岩道: Master, I have a suggestion.” “主人,我有一个建议。” Fang Linyan deeply inspires saying: 方林岩深吸了一口气道: You said.” “你说。” drawing bright way: 拉明道: When you rest, I on the person to this heavy ship investigated, detected that the contradiction on ship is very obvious.” “在您休息的时候,我对这艘重船上的人进行了调查,发觉船上的矛盾很明显。” Japanese Captain small bumpkin and side five Japanese sailors become the privileged stratum, is very bad to other Chinese Crew, beats and scolds frequently.” “日本船长小野和身边的五个日本水手成为了特权阶层,对其余的中国船员十分恶劣,打骂频繁。” Therefore, we, so long as gets rid of small bumpkin and five Japanese sailors fast, then on the cargo using ship tempts with the promise of gain, can very relaxed control this ship.” “所以,我们只要快速干掉小野和五个日本水手,然后利用船上的货物进行利诱,是可以很轻松的控制这艘船的。” Fang Linyan at present a bright say/way: 方林岩眼前一亮道: „Is your meaning?” “你的意思是?” drawing bright way: 拉明道: Did not go to the Huajia port to delay the time, after we controlled this ship, raised the dragon flag of Qing Dynasty's, went to Tianjin Port directly! This can save at least for four hours.” “不去华家港耽搁时间了,我们控制了这艘船以后,打起大清国的龙旗,直接去天津港!这起码能节省四个小时。” Moreover, captain this/Ben on this ship, is the absolute trusted subordinate of Japanese naval official, therefore definitely knows some secrets, this can also make us many some message sources.” “而且,这艘船上的船长南本,乃是日本海军高官的绝对亲信,所以肯定知道一些秘事,这也能让咱们多一些情报来源。” The Fang Linyan eye started to shine: 方林岩眼睛开始发亮了起来: Handled these Japanese, the ship also active?” “搞定了这些日本人,船还能动吗?” drawing bright way: 拉明道: The year before last this ship is the steam merchant ship that launched, the maximum speed can achieve over 20, theoretically, only needs eight sailors to be able it to start, but the sailor on ship has 22.” “这艘船是前年才下水的蒸汽商船,最高航速能达到二十节以上,从理论上来说,只需要八名水手就能将之开动,而船上的水手足足有二十二个。” „The only issue is, I on six Japanese to ship conducted the observation, discovered that a strength of person is it can be said that unfathomable, is that they are called the man to Tadono, but after this person embarks, stayed in nearby peaceful room, did not contact with others.” “唯一的问题就是,我对船上的六个日本人进行了观察,发现有一个人的实力可以说是莫测高深,就是那个他们称为冲田殿的男人,不过这个人上船以后就呆在了旁边的静室里面,不与其余的人接触。” Therefore, if we control appropriately, can first assassinate this fellow, then tidies up other Japanese, but the master you also truly have the strong assassination ability now, therefore the feasibility is very big.” “所以,如果我们把控得当的话,可以先将这个家伙暗杀掉,然后再来收拾其余的日本人,而主人你现在也确实具备强大的暗杀能力,所以可行性还是很大的。” The plan risk that but, I proposed was also very big, once made what careless mistake, absolutely did not have the means to hide in the sea.” “不过,我提出的这个方案风险也很大,一旦出了什么纰漏的话,那么在海上根本就没办法躲。” Originally somewhat anxious Fang Linyan heard Laming's words after very much, closed the eye to consider a while, then very simple say/way: 本来很是有些焦躁的方林岩听到了拉明的话以后,闭上眼睛斟酌了一会儿,然后很干脆的道: Ok, defers to your plan to come, now this situation really cannot drag, do not say that did to be able four hours ahead of schedule, was 40 minutes, was worth me using the card in a hand!” “行,就依照你的方案来,现在这情况实在是不能拖了,不要说这么干能提前四个小时了,就是四十分钟,也值得我用上底牌!” drawing bright way: 拉明道: „A matter, the knight growing up person, I suggested you to wear a mask, now the status should better not to expose, if after all Sir Song that side progress were smooth, there is to return to the possibility in Nagasaki.” “还有一件事,骑士长大人,我建议你蒙面,现在你的身份还是最好不要暴露,毕竟若是宋大人那边进展顺利的话,还是有重返长崎的可能的。” Fang Linyan nods, accepting good advice readily hoodwinked the face. 方林岩点点头,从善如流的将脸蒙了起来。 Laming then pulled out that unusual bookmark, then said: 拉明接着将那张奇特书签掏了出来,然后道: Has confirmed that will soak in the water truly to shine at the midnight, that should be the person skin.” “已经验证过了,在午夜的时候将之浸泡到水里面确实可以发光,那应该就是人皮了。” Fang Linyan nods, receiving again, then obtains the prompt at present immediately: 方林岩点点头,将之重新接过,然后眼前顿时就获得了提示: Breeds hunting for CD8492116, you confirmed the material quality of this bookmark is the person skin, satisfied the relevant condition.” “殖猎者CD8492116号,你确认了这张书签的材质乃是人皮,满足了相应条件。” Branch duty: The evildoer's disguise was triggered.” “支线任务:画皮被触发。” Please carry this bookmark to go to the spot, Shandong Chenzhou opens Wang village activation next briefing.” “请携带此书签前往事发地,山东郴州张王庄激活下一步任务提示。” Fang Linyan looked at the place, detected that Shandong Chenzhou opens Wang village from the Tianjin also more than 100 kilometers, if possible can have a look, if this duty does not take time, then makes conveniently might also as well. 方林岩看了看地点,发觉山东郴州张王庄距离天津也就一百多公里,有机会的话还是可以去看看的,若是这个任务不费事的话,那么顺手做一做也无妨。 After ten minutes, Fang Linyan has traced an entrance of cabin quietly, can see that in this had the light to shine faintly, even the teasing sound of woman, suddenly, the front light sparkle, the Japanese sailor has bent at the waist to draw back. 十分钟之后,方林岩已经悄然摸到了一处舱房的门口,可以见到这里面隐隐都有灯光照耀了出来,甚至还有女人的调笑声,忽然之间,前方的灯光闪耀,已经有一个日本水手弓着腰退了出来。 However, after this fellow turns around, the face that piled up with the base and low smile on the board, in the mouth also started is not very unhappy all of a sudden, was a scapegoat in inside that was foul-mouthed evidently a lot. 不过,这家伙转身之后,那张堆满了卑微笑容的脸一下子就板了起来,嘴巴里面也开始骂骂咧咧的很不开心,看样子没有少在里面受气。 In the Fang Linyan heart moves, what sweeping the floor monk should such a small mixed fish not be? If he really has the skill, why also to make this servant commission the matter to be a scapegoat? 方林岩心中一动,这么一个小杂鱼应该不会是什么扫地僧吧?倘若他真有本事,又何必来做这种仆佣的事情受气呢? Therefore Fang Linyan tagged along after quietly. 于是方林岩就悄悄的尾随了上去。 Then is a light sound, fellow on straight but actually, probably by a hungry night cat is holding in the mouth mouse, drew in the darkness directly. 然后就是一声轻响,紧接着那家伙就直挺挺的倒了下来,像是被一头饥饿的夜猫叼着的老鼠似的,直接拖入到了黑暗当中。 The following interrogation process is not naturally no need to say much, Fang Linyan in the heart was quite anxious at this time, starting to be very heavy, therefore this fellow in a while, on ghost crying god howling the thing that will know said. 接下来的审问过程自然不必多说,方林岩这时候心里面比较焦躁,下手挺重的,因此这家伙没过多久,就鬼哭神嚎的将自己知道的东西说了出来。 Then Fang Linyan was depressed, the room leaked meets the continuous rain, the ship broken encounters the head wind, the strong person who on this ship can hit unexpectedly was not one, but was two!! 然后方林岩就更是郁闷了,正所谓屋漏偏逢连阴雨,船破又遇顶头风,这船上能打的强人竟然不是一个,而是两个!! At this time in this cabin Okidera shoulders the secret mission to come, to carry the unknown faith token probably to go to China, is the out-and-out sword technique expert, even if in its school natural principle heart class/flow middle, is great existence! 此时这位舱房里面的冲田好像是肩负着秘密使命而来,携带着未知的信物前往中国,乃是个不折不扣的剑术高手,哪怕是在其流派“天然理心流”当中,也是一等一的存在! Moreover, the captain of heavy ship was one fought for over 20 years of strong person in the military, is called Motoichiro, was the Karate master, was skilled in various murder techniques. 不仅如此,重船的船长乃是一位在军方打拼了超过二十年的强人,叫做南本一郎,乃是空手道高手,同时也精通各种杀人术。 Before the Chinese sailors had also produced the riot under his coercive policy, but only used for several minutes, south tidied up enough 11 people indifferently. 之前中国水手也曾经在他的高压政策下产生过暴乱,但只用了几分钟,南本就冷漠的收拾了足足十一个人。 But he has not killed these 11 people, because the captain said that promises own daughter not to kill people personally, but his approach, is actually carrying the neck of this group of people, threw in them the sea, like this cruel behavior was full of the deterrent effect without a doubt. 而他并没有杀这十一个人,因为船长说答应自己的女儿再也不亲手杀人,但他的做法,却是拎着这帮人的脖子,将他们抛进了大海里面,这样的残暴行为毫无疑问充满了震慑力。 Naturally, toward words that the advantage thinks, that is Fang Linyan, once successfully blew away this fellow, the Chinese sailors will definitely cheer, being duty-bound not to turn back helps own. 当然,往好处想的话,那就是方林岩一旦成功干掉了这家伙,中国水手肯定会欢呼雀跃,义无反顾的帮忙自己的。 Did not have the means. Only can use a card in a hand.” “没办法了.只能用一张底牌了。” Fang Linyan long shouting exhales, then moved toward still in the middle of transmitting and cabin of singing sound, since the first enemy needs to fight a battle to force a quick decision, that must certainly choose the life value lowly. 方林岩长长的呼出了一口气,然后走向了还在传来了和歌声的舱室当中,既然第一名敌人需要速战速决,那肯定要选生命值低的了。 Although the vulture in side, Fang Linyan cannot attain Okida and Ben's concrete information 虽然秃鹫不在旁边,方林岩没能拿到冲田和南本的具体情报 However, according to collecting information, this/Ben this fellow every must eat the almost two jin (0.5 kg) meat, after eating, likes hitting 300 jin (0.5 kg) sandbag in the deck, can say strongly its like the cow. 但是,根据搜集到的信息,南本这家伙每一顿都要吃差不多两斤肉,吃了以后就喜欢在甲板上打三百斤的沙袋,可以说其壮如牛。 Okidera is skinny, coughs frequently, every day must take twice medicines- probably beforehand that to him is delivered the medicine by the sailor who Fang Linyan holds. 冲田则是身材瘦削,经常咳嗽,每天都要服两次药-像是之前那名被方林岩抓住的水手就是给他送药去的。 Moreover this fellow look is beautiful, is out-and-out that pattern beautiful male, embarks to accompany his two Geishas is not he gives money Gulai, but follows automatically, even gives instead of taking free serves. 而且这家伙相貌姣好,乃是不折不扣的那种花样美男,上船陪伴他的两名艺伎也根本就不是他给钱雇来,而是自动跟随,免费甚至倒贴为之服务。 The young people, are innocent, you think that is a fairy cave, actually is actually the coffin seam? 年轻人啊,还是不懂事,你以为那是仙人洞,其实却是棺材缝啊? Then was very obvious, significance that Okidera who Fang Linyan designation the object of assassination is drinking to heart's content finally joyfully, this high-end fight, Laming has not participated, he is not the role of fight department. 那么很显然了,方林岩最后选定的暗杀的对象就是正在快乐畅饮的冲田了,这种高端战斗,拉明是没有参加的意义的,他本来就不是战斗系的角色。 Fang Linyan deeply inspires, then the line start the abstention of masonry fraternity, entered nearby darkness quietly. 方林岩深吸了一口气,便直接启动了石工兄弟会之戒,悄然进入到了旁边的黑暗当中。 Without the consumption too big time, Fang Linyan entered in Okidera's cabin, can see here obviously by three small cabin merges as one, but also underwent the simple arrangement and repair, obviously, Okidera was travels through this heavy ship in China , Japan very much frequently. 没有耗费太大的功夫,方林岩就进入到了冲田的舱房里面,可以见到这里明显是由三个较小的舱房合并为一体的,还经过了简单的布置和装修,很显然,冲田是经常通过这艘重船往返于中日之间的了。 Okidera probably seems like, only then 20 years old, is delicate-looking, the eye is bright, by the corners of the mouth often has some smile of looking down on the world, in as if this world can let him the thing that on nothing is worth caring about. 冲田大概看起来只有二十来岁,面容清秀,眼睛明亮,嘴角旁边经常带着一丝有些玩世不恭的笑容,仿佛这世上就没有什么能让他值得在乎的东西。 At this time Okidera left hand hugs a Geisha, the right hand is pinching a fan slightly, the eye is narrowing, point gently is patting the desktop, the side artist is also using Satsuma pipa accompaniment, another Geisha is singing Leaves of Grass and song. 此时冲田左手搂着一名艺伎,右手则是捏着一把扇子,眼睛微微的眯缝着,正在轻轻的点拍着桌面,旁边还有一名艺人正在用萨摩琵琶伴奏,另外一名艺伎正在唱着“草叶集”里面的和歌。 In Okidera's rear area, but also is pasting a calligraphy, what above writes is a few words: 在冲田的后方,还贴着一张书法,上面写的是一句话: My intent, if the sword, will spend and both sides of water division and river of the netherworld.” “我意若剑,将花和水分割与冥河的两端。” However suddenly, Okidera coughed fiercely, he coughs the whole person rolled up, seems like a shrimp that leaves the boiling water is the same, seems very painful. 不过忽然之间,冲田剧烈的咳嗽了起来,他咳嗽的时候整个人都蜷缩了起来,看起来就像是一只离开水的虾一样,显得十分痛苦。 Moreover, in the cough, the corners of the mouth also has the blood froth to seep. 不仅如此,在咳嗽的时候,嘴角还有血沫沁出来。 At this time, Fang Linyan even had a making a move impulsion, but his murderous intention raised, suddenly saw that Okidera's hand put on the sword hilt, in his heart immediately one cold, immediately restrained killed the heart. 这时候,方林岩甚至都有了一丝出手的冲动,但他的杀机升起的时候,忽然就见到冲田的手放到了剑柄上,他的心中顿时一凛,立即收敛了杀心。 Regarding the Okidera sudden fierce cough, the surroundings people became accustomed , the Geisha is fondling his back gently, crossed for 2-3 minutes, Okidera seems panting for breath probably wild animal such restored. 对于冲田突如其来的剧烈咳嗽,周围人都习以为常了,艺伎轻轻的抚拍着他的背,足足过了2-3分钟,冲田才仿佛像是喘息着的野兽那样重新恢复了过来。 Near his lip is the dark red blood, but Okidera's eyes were brighter, he seems burning oneself life, can therefore have the so radiant ray, then Okidera laughed was carrying nearby clear wine, was a drinking companion by own blood, then tossed down! 他的唇边全都是殷红的鲜血,但冲田的眼睛更亮了,他仿佛是在燃烧着自己的生命,因此才能产生如此璀璨的光芒,接着冲田大笑着端起了旁边的清酒,以自己的鲜血佐酒,然后一饮而尽!
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