FE :: Volume #13

#1351: Persisting errors

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Chapter 1349 persists errors 第1349章执迷 Fang Linyan gives Zheng Jia light/only to speak the Japanese current political situation, the relations of military and cabinet wait/etc, he is also hears to exclaim. 紧接着,方林岩就给郑家光讲了讲日本当今的政局,军方与内阁的关系等等,他也是听得惊叹不已。 When Fang Linyan told these things, side had gathered many young people, before drank to banquet in inside, actually heard two people dialogue, being able not help was attracted. 而在方林岩讲述这些东西的时候,旁边已经聚集了不少年轻人,正是之前在里面喝酒饮宴的,却听到了两人的对话,情不自禁的就被吸引了过来。 Actually a person takes the lead to say loudly: 其实一人率先大赞道: Good! Said well! Guoqiang people, Guorong people set up these words to say well.” “好!说得好!国强则民强,国荣则民立这句话说得再好不过了。” Another person is to also proceed from the say/way of bottom of one's heart: 另外一人也是发自肺腑的道: Yes, has deep feeling below, several years ago the iron armor ship of our country by came to Nagasaki the time, this group of Japanese were really startled dumbfoundedly! We do business, this group of Japanese merchants spoke softly, beam from ear to ear, that bowed the forehead can bump into the ground!” “是啊,在下对此也是深有感触,前几年咱们国家的铁甲船靠到长崎来的时候,这帮日本人真的是惊得目瞪口呆!咱们做生意的时候,这帮日本商人都是轻言细语,笑逐颜开,那鞠躬的时候额头能碰到地面去!” But the fleet of Japan completed in the two years ? The casual wild warriors dared to buy and sell by using compulsion! In the half year, the trading of Nagasaki allocated three specific taxes to us continuously! Really regarded the pig to butcher us!” “可是这两年日本的舰队建成了之后呢?随便一个野武士都敢于想要强买强卖了!这半年来,长崎的商事更是连续给我们摊派了三次特别税!真的将我们当成猪来宰了!” Fang Linyan looks the face that their hopes seek knowledge, thinks suddenly in the future the reign of terror of this place, will unable to bear be sad, these youth feared that is not also can only annihilate in the middle of the blood fire, therefore say/way slowly: 方林岩看着他们一张张渴望求知的脸,忽然又想到了日后此地的腥风血雨,忍不住心生感慨,这些青年怕不是也只能在血火当中湮灭,于是缓缓的道: Actually, if wants with the person equal dialog of Japanese nationality, only then a way, that is hits to take them!” “其实,要想和大和民族的人平等对话的话,只有一个途径,那就是打服他们!” This nationality, fears the prestige not to have high morals, resembles humbly actually arrogant, you treat with good manners, he instead can ride on your neck defecates.” “这个民族,畏威而不怀德,似谦逊其实傲慢,你以礼相待,他反而能骑在你脖子上拉屎。” But you, if the fist is big, a palm of the hand shouted on his face hits the nosebleed long class/flow, they were instead honest immediately, bowing time can bump into comes up.” “但是你若是拳头大,一巴掌呼在他脸上打得鼻血长流,他们反而就立即老实了,鞠躬的时候能碰到地上去。” After on the scene and the others listened, is deep is so, Zheng is only a racket thigh said: 在场等人听了之后都是深以为然,郑家光更是一拍大腿道: Brother reckless you are fierce, I had thought that Japanese strange being able saying that without thinking of the basic reason here, listens to your saying today, immediately thought is suddenly enlighted.” “还是胡兄弟您厉害,我早就觉得日本人怪怪的说不出来,没想到根本原因就在这里,今天听你一说,顿时就觉得恍然大悟。” Then Zheng light/only recruited to call a young male servant immediately, then made him switch off the shop, oneself are drawing the Fang Linyan sincere say/way: 接下来郑家光立即招收唤来了一个小厮,然后让他把铺子关掉,自己则是拉着方林岩诚恳的道: Brother reckless, my leads you to see my father, he Duke has admired very much to your uncle snow rock, troubles you to say before him the beforehand words! My this whole life your sentiment, you also felt relieved, could not delay on the time of heavy ship.” “胡兄弟,我这就带你去见见我父亲,他一直都对贵叔雪岩公佩服得很,麻烦你将自己之前的话在他面前讲一讲!我这辈子都记你的这个情,你也放心,耽搁不了上重船的时间。” Can the people the words speaking of this share, Fang Linyan also not go to? But to him, a Zheng such side Dahao of can live in the following blood-color war, is a good news, therefore the nod consented generously. 人都将话说到这个份儿上了,方林岩还能不去吗?而对他来说,郑家这样的一方大豪能在接下来的血色战争当中活下来,也是一个利好消息,所以慨然点头答允。 In a while, Fang Linyan was directed to arrive in the middle of a study room, here is the typical Chinese type style, little said that also hundred squares, inside decorative carving is fine, the thing is also very luxurious, the key is this type does not need to inlay the gold/metal to inlay silver this way luxuriously to build, but is the light riches and honor aura that several hundred years of aristocratic family can accumulate. 没过多久,方林岩就被引着来到了一处书房当中,这里乃是典型的中式风格,少说也有百来个平方,里面的雕饰精美,用品也是十分奢华,关键是这种奢华并不是用镶金嵌银这种方式堆砌出来的,而是那种几百年世家才能积淀出来的淡淡富贵气息。 1 st looks to feel simple, must know the family/home experts to know, such decoration needs the gold mountain film world to build, 初一看觉得朴素,要识家行家才知道,这样的装饰需要金山银海才能堆砌出来, Did not say other, said by only Fang Linyan that incense burner, has been able to describe with wonderful workmanship! 不说别的,单说方林岩旁边的那只香炉,就已经可以用巧夺天工来形容! The modeling of this incense burner is the lion rolls the embroidered ball the shape, first saw that thought is also the same, the gold and silver decoration does not have, is wooden swayed. 这只香炉的造型是狮子滚绣球的形状,第一眼看起来觉得也就一般般,一点儿金银装饰都没有,就是个木制的摆件罢了。 However is careful looks detected, the engraver of this lion even precise to hair, as if from the sky is fluttering, the key is that embroidered ball of lion under foot. 但是仔细一看就发觉,这狮子的雕工甚至都精确到了毛发,仿佛都在空中飘扬着,关键是狮子脚下的那一只绣球。 Carefully looks, unexpectedly is the modeling of hollowing out, with holds appreciatively in the hand can see, in the middle of the embroidered ball is also wrapping two embroidered balls unexpectedly, moves gently, three different hollows out the embroidered ball to roll in inside. 仔细看去,居然是镂空的造型,拿在手里面把玩就能见到,绣球当中居然还套着两个绣球,轻轻一动,三个不同的镂空绣球在里面滚动。 This has the minute/share to teach in the expert, is called Santan to reflect moon/month, called three points of the world. 这一手在行家里面有分教,便被称为三潭映月,又叫三分天下。 This engraver, has excelled by far the world. 只是这一手雕工,就已经冠绝天下了。 Moreover, light burning incense flavor that in this air flutters , is to make one feel completely relaxed, the layman only knows that this flavor is hearing comfortably, actually does not know that this fragrance is called the breath to be fragrant. 不仅如此,这空气里面飘荡的淡淡焚香味道,也是令人觉得心旷神怡,外行人只知道这味道闻着舒服,却不知道这香叫做息香。 One of the essential component, is from the middle of Indian wheat Suer remote mountain inside. 其主要成分的一种,乃是产自印度麦速尔的深山里面当中。 In this mountain has named elder brother in parasite, this tree must be able to survive on other big trees own root system parasitic, the surroundings will have the poisonous snake to occupy, to cut this tree to gain its sap, the risk can say enormously. 这山里面有一种叫做“哥托”的寄生树中,这种树必须要将自己的根系寄生在其余的大树上才能生存,周围都会有毒蛇盘踞,要想切割此树获取其树汁,风险可以说极大。 But the elder brother volatile oil also manufactures one of the breath fragrant five primary materials, thus it can be seen this fragrant precious! 而哥托精油也只是制作息香的五种主要材料之一,由此可见这香的名贵! Fang Linyan looks fixedly, detected that in the room besides Zheng who leading oneself comes in light/only, two people. 方林岩定眼看去,发觉房里面除了带自己进来的郑家光之外,还有两个人。 An old general idea 60 years old high and low, wears the kimono, this old person's appearance somewhat is dignified, looked that the time eyes of person like narrowing, therefore gives the unkind feeling. 一个年长的大概六十岁上下,身穿和服,这个老人的长相就有些威严,看人的时候眼睛喜欢眯缝起来,因此给人以刻薄的感觉。 Another obviously young wears the suit, appearing the spirit are many, 另外一个明显年轻一些的则是身穿西装,显得精神很多, Fang Linyan under Zheng introduction light/only knows, originally wears the suit is Zheng father of light/only, Zheng Xianli, but wears the kimono is immediately a words matter person of Zheng clan, Zheng Xianren. 在郑家光的介绍之下方林岩才知道,原来身穿西装的就是郑家光的父亲,郑先礼,而身穿和服的则是当下郑家一族的话事人,郑先仁。 Then Fang Linyan then said own analysis, particularly told the independence of this time Japan Military headquarters, pointed out that even if Japanese prime minister, is actually very also difficult to control this fearful monster, it appears walks alone, arrogating all power to oneself that is not strange. 接下来方林岩便将自己的分析说了,尤其是讲述了此时日本军部的独立性,指出了哪怕是日本首相,其实也很难控制住这个可怕的怪物,其出现独走,擅权那也并不奇怪。 In fact the history is so, Hirobumi Itou's later prime minister, if attempts to impede the military headquarters expansion, either leaves office, either was assassinated, the prime minister who finally changes is supports the military headquarters war and expansion inevitably, this is typical **** characteristics. 事实上历史本来就是如此,伊藤博文之后的首相,若是尝试掣肘军部扩张的,要么下台,要么被刺杀,最后换上来的首相必然是支持军部战争和扩张,这就是典型的****的特征。 However, Fang Linyan can look at thinking otherwise of front these two old people, but they maintained the basic self-control to be said the words by themselves, he sighed in the heart slightly, then saluted to say goodbye. 但是,方林岩看得出来面前这两个老人的不以为然,只是他们还是保持着基本的涵养让自己将话说完,他在心中微微一叹,然后就施礼告辞了。 When Fang Linyan walks, Zheng Xianren on cold snort/hum a sound said: 等到方林岩一走,郑先仁就冷哼了一声道: „The present young people, will only sell the glib lips!” “现在的年轻人,就只会卖嘴皮子!” Then he looked to nearby Zheng light/only, severe say/way: 然后他看向了旁边的郑家光,严厉的道: „Is this Hu Laoliu, is that discredited Hu black sheep of the family? Makes of deceitful shame biological sister-in-law such treason and heresy behavior?” “这个胡家老六,是不是就是那个声名狼藉的胡家败家子?做下奸辱亲嫂这样大逆不道行为的那个?” Zheng light/only also wanted to say two, but the old man spoke, immediately dumbfounded. This is the Zheng Xianren vicious place, first denied a person from the morals, then on denied all of this person logically. 郑家光本来还想要说两句的,但老头子一发话,立即就哑口无言。这就是郑先仁的老辣之处,先从道德上否定一个人,然后就顺理成章否定这个人的一切。 To be honest, Zheng Xianren this set of cocktail of moves in the value system of China, is very popular. 说实话,郑先仁这一套组合拳在中国的价值体系里面,是非常吃得开的。 So long as slightly some people of story know, the morals and ability really relate not in a big way, as long as the greatly wicked person, actually also has the big talent greatly deceitfully. 可是只要稍有阅历的人都知道,道德和能力真的关系不大,但凡大奸大恶的人,其实也都是有大才华的。 Lifts several renowned disloyal subjects casually: 随便举几个著名的奸臣吧: For example Qin Kuai, achieved in the censor in Emperor Qinzong of Song's hands the assist, is equivalent to the position of national chief prosecutor probably! Then after being captured, is sticking rarely, Jin Wushu received making good use, finally in Emperor Gaozong of Song's hands is an extremely official. 比如秦侩,在宋钦宗手里面就做到了御史中丞,大概相当于国家检察长的位置!然后被俘以后在粘罕,金兀术手下都受到了重用,最后在宋高宗的手里面更是位极人臣。 You said that such a person can not have a talent? Gives loyalty to four monarchies to mix enjoys the sight and sound of the wind whipping up the water, is discussing a request, the intelligence quotient, the talent, execution these aspects, inevitably are the supernormal people. 你说这么一个人能没点才华?效忠四个君主都能混得风生水起,无论是在情商,智商,才华,执行力这些方面,必然是远超常人的。 And Qin was Kuai a disloyal subject? Naturally yes! However, the infamy that he historically keeps mainly kills Yue Fei, however at this matter, was really the larger part helps Zhao Goubei the pot, if Zhao Gou does not want to kill Yue Fei, ten Qin Kuai lobbied uselessly. 并且秦侩是不是奸臣?当然是!但是,他在历史上留下来的骂名主要就是杀岳飞,然而就在这件事上,真的是一大半都帮赵构背了锅,若是赵构不想杀岳飞,十个秦侩游说都没用。 Yue Fei also violated the king taboo, the killing heart that he annoys Zhao Gou truly has two matters. 岳飞自身也是犯了君王大忌,他真正惹出赵构的杀心有两件事。 First was to shout to go out to welcome two Saints you to display own loyalty actually, has not actually thought gold/metal Guozhen released people by some chance, Zhao Gou this current emperor what to do? 第一就是喊出迎回二圣你倒是表现了自己的忠诚,却没想过万一金国真的放人了,赵构这个现任皇帝怎么办? Han Shizhong is much more intelligent, on frequently the memorial to the emperor, said that hears two Saints to be seriously ill. The emperor noticed that in this memorial to the emperor surface looks distressed, in the heart is actually the very happy instantaneous decompression, this is the emperor the words that wants to see. 韩世忠就聪明得多,经常上奏折,说听闻二圣病重。皇帝看到这奏折表面上愁眉苦脸,心里面却是美滋滋瞬间解压,这才是皇帝想要看到的话啊。 Second, was Yue Fei mixes in event that set up storage, most critically, he voluntarily requested Crown Prince Zhao Gouli unexpectedly, the key was Zhao Gou at that time is only 31 years old, and has lost the fertility. 第二,就是岳飞掺和进了立储的事件里面,更关键的是,他居然主动要求赵构立太子,关键是赵构当时才三十一岁,并且已经失去生育能力。 A general of manually controlled 100,000 army mixed in the middle of such event, how the emperor thinks: 一名手控十万大军的将军掺和进了这样的事件当中,皇帝怎么想: The father has not gotten sick, had my idea? 老子还没病呢,就打我主意了? If I do not defer to your intention to come, you can dispatch troops into battle? 我要是不按照你的心意来,你是不是就要起兵? Therefore, Qin Kuai was a disloyal subject, but he was also the great ability! And really carried was unjustly discredited much. 所以,秦侩是奸臣,但他也是大才!并且真的是背了不少黑锅。 *** *** Returns to the proper topic, Zheng Xianren saw after oneself a few words light/only stop up Zheng could not speak, in the heart sneers young people you to be tender, wanted to vacillate me taking this opportunity the authority in clan? Really naive! 言归正传,郑先仁见到了自己一句话将郑家光堵得说不出话来之后,在心中冷笑道年轻人您还嫩呢,想要借着这个机会动摇我在族内的权威?真是天真! But his mouth is continues saying: 而他嘴里则是继续道: Listens to what words that Hu this sixth child spoke! Mr. Hirobumi Itou is the first prime minister in Japan, although the middle has occasionally carelessly, can actually stage a comeback in a flash, turns round, this young people said that I do not understand the national condition in Japan, I thought that he does not understand.” “听听胡家这个老六说的什么话!伊藤博文先生乃是日本的第一任首相,中间虽然偶有不慎,却转瞬之间又能卷土重来,复起为相,这年轻人说我不懂日本的国情,我看他才不懂。” „The current system of Japan, is the constitutional monarchy that the foreigner was called, the empty Monarch dharmadhatu that China called, under this system, Hirobumi Itou first poor hand inside right of even can in several power with Chinese history place on a par! Such a person is outstanding, unexpectedly won't be able to control the military headquarters? Really made one laugh aloud!” “日本的现行制度,乃是洋人所叫的君主立宪,中国所叫的虚君实相,在这种制度下,伊藤博文先生手里面的权利甚至能与中国历史上的几大权相相提并论!这样的一位人杰,居然会控制不了军部?真是令人笑掉大牙!” Zheng cannot only bear say: 郑家光忍不住道: Head of household, some few words saying well, my clan, his heart cannot different, in Japanese's mind, we are always the bystanders.” “家主,有一句话说得好哇,非我族类,其心必异,在日本人的心目当中,我们始终是外人啊。” , Zheng Xianren looked like by the knife is poked one suddenly, jumped suddenly, arrived at Zheng front of is only ruthlessly a palm of the hand, then angrily rebuked saying: 猛然之间,郑先仁就像是被刀子戳了一下似的,猛然跳了起来,走到了郑家光的面前就是狠狠一巴掌,然后怒斥道: What bystander! Yourself first regard yourself the bystander, my Empire of Japan can certainly not accommodate in you! Our lineage/vein are the inheritance from the Yanping county kings( Zheng Chenggong) lineage/vein, the Yanping county king birth mother, is closely related lineage/vein Tagawa Matsu of my Empire of Japan!” “什么外人!你自己先把自己当成外人,我大日本帝国当然会不容于你!我们这一脉乃是传承自延平郡王(郑成功)一脉,延平郡王的生母,乃是我大日本帝国的嫡脉田川松!” Therefore, you, I and other descendants, are in every sense of the term the nationals in Empire of Japan, did your unfilial descendants, even/including ancestor's bloodlines forget?!” “所以,你,我等子孙,都是不折不扣大日本帝国的国民,你个不肖子孙,连祖宗的血脉都忘了吗?!” Then Zheng Xianren looks that angrily nearby surface sinks such as water Zheng Xianli saying: 然后郑先仁又怒气冲冲看着旁边面沉如水的郑先礼道: Good son who Fourth Brother, you teaches! Later said the impudent remark who like this forgets own heritage, does not take it ill me to invite the family discipline, is not willing to be forgiving!” “四弟,你教的好儿子!以后再说这样数典忘宗的混账话,休怪我请出家法,不肯留情!” Also, was not I says you, daily mixed up with these foreigners, these Western men, were eat the person not to spit the bastard of bone, yourself put best into it!” “还有,不是我说你,天天和那些洋人混在一起,那些西洋佬,都是吃人不吐骨头的王八蛋,你自己好自为之!” After saying, Zheng Xianren departs on the joining hands behind the back stride, is obstinate to does not give any opportunity that Zheng Xianli spoke unexpectedly. 说完之后,郑先仁就背着手大步离去,竟是刚愎到不给郑先礼说话的任何机会。 Zheng light/only covered the left face, in the look had certainly the anger, as the saying goes the clay figurine also three points of natures of the soil, Zheng Xianren treated him like this, was the suppression adds the shame completely, in the heart naturally cannot endure, 郑家光捂住了左脸,眼神里面当然有怒意,俗话说泥人也有三分土性呢,郑先仁这样对待他,完全就是打压加羞辱,心里面当然忍不下来了, Father!!” “爹!!” Zheng light/only just an opens the mouth, Zheng Xianli lifted the hand saying: 郑家光刚一开口,郑先礼就抬起了手道: Words that you must speak, I knew, but clan inside what situation don't you know now? Your cousin( Zheng Xianren son) mixes that side Tokyo enjoys the sight and sound of the wind whipping up the water, in the clan 60% property rights, most likely (80%) manpower must listen his.” “你要说的话,我知道了,但是现在族里面什么情况你不知道吗?你堂哥(郑先仁的儿子)在东京那边混得风生水起的,族里面的60%财权,八成人手都要听他的。” You said that in this case, what idea I have even, what can make?” “你说,在这种情况下,我就算是有什么想法,可是又能做什么呢?” Zheng luminous intensity sound said: 郑家光强声道: Regardless of reckless Zhiyun moral behavior how, but I thought that had a few words he to say many, a person cannot pin the destiny on others 's pitying absolutely! Everything pre- stands, not pre-, then the fee/spent, here situation I also think that now is the undercurrent surges.” “无论胡芝云的人品如何,但是我觉得有一句话他说得很多,一个人绝对不能将命运寄托在他人的怜悯上!凡事预则立,不预则费,现在这边的局势我也觉得是暗流涌动啊。” Zheng Xianli hesitated a while saying: 郑先礼沉吟了一会儿道: How do you want to do?” “那你想怎么做?” Zheng Jia light/only sighs: 郑家光叹了一口气道: At least needs to complete the worst plan! The father you usually often said that the things too do not attach great importance , must complete the plan that maintains life!” “至少要做好最坏的打算吧!爹你平时常说身外之物不要太重视,现在总得做好保命的打算吧!” Zheng Xianli is frowning saying: 郑先礼皱着眉头道: Maintaining life words. Crossed! Our Chinese rooms spread to Nagasaki, is under gold/metal egg the chicken, will this group of Japanese kill the chicken to get the eggs? We to their requests are to grant every request!” “保命的话.过了啊!咱们这唐人屋敷对于长崎来说,是个下金蛋的鸡,这帮日本人会杀鸡取卵?我们对他们的要求是有求必应啊!” Zheng light/only sorrowful say/way: 郑家光悲哀的道: I also think, but the father, you thinks not to have, the truth turns over to the truth, knows person who these truth, is keeps aloof, but handles the matter following person. But these Japanese in Nagasaki, had been jealous of our here dozens years!!” “我本来也是这么想的,但爹,你有想过没有,道理归道理,知道这些道理的人,都是高高在上的,可是办事儿的还是下面的人。而长崎的那些日本人,已经眼红了咱们这边几十年了啊!!” „It is not one year, two years, are dozens years! That is greedy that several generations of accumulate! When the time comes if there is matter, does not need to stir up, the people in less than half Nagasaki will well up!! The father, the family property did not have even, we gain again are, but life, if did not have, that must die without a heir.” “不是一年,两年,是几十年!那是几代人累计起来的贪婪!到时候万一有事,根本不用煽动,小半个长崎的人都会涌进来的!!爹,就算是家产没了,咱们再赚就是,可是命要是没了,那就要断子绝孙了啊。” Heard Zheng words of light/only, Zheng Xianli startled hits to tremble spirit, he deeply inspires the decisive say/way: 听到了郑家光的话,郑先礼激灵灵打了个寒颤,他深吸了一口气果断的道: You said are! Some things we truly must do.” “你说得是!有的事情我们确实要做起来了。” *** *** Three after hours, 三个小时以后, Fang Linyan and Laming have made contact with heavy ship that goes to the Tianjin direction, the ship's sail of this ship is the black, above also drew up with the white line came out an unusual texture, seem to should be some Warring States period great family/home emblem. 方林岩和拉明已经搭上了前往天津方向的重船,这艘船的船帆乃是黑色的,上面还用白色的线条绘制了出来一个奇特的纹理,看起来应该是战国时期某大名的家徽。 But the heavy ship met a battleship of Japan in leaving port autumn writing, unexpectedly also swaggering turns round in its front, but also makes the light signal to greet, then hoists the sails to depart, this fully explained the special position of heavy ship. 而重船在出港的时候遇到了一艘日本的战列舰“秋文”号,居然还大摇大摆的在其面前拐了个弯儿,还打出灯光信号打了个招呼,然后才扬帆离去,这就足以说明重船的特殊地位了。 Without a doubt, Zheng will only cultivate the behavior very much, even if in freighter that in the space was reduced by the pinnacle, unexpectedly gave the Fang Linyan master and servant to arrange a single room, and on ship one has paid on the expenses. 毫无疑问,郑家光是很会做人的,哪怕是在空间被极致压缩的货船里面,居然都给方林岩主仆安排了一个单间,并且船上的一应开销都已经早就付过了。
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