FE :: Volume #13

#1350: The Chinese room spreads

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Chapter 1348 Chinese room spreads 第1348章唐人屋敷 The character of village and ghost hut looked very somewhat is overcautious, beckons with the hand to say again and again: 村和鬼庵的性格一看就很是有些谨小慎微,连连摆手道: Small old does not dare definitely to be, but thought that between the two has some similarities.” “小老儿也不敢肯定就是,只是觉得二者之间有着一些类似之处。” The Fang Linyan beforehand condition but is actually not the fear, but thought suddenly some nausea to terrify people, calm down the later smile to say in addition: 方林岩之前的状态倒也不是害怕,只是一时间觉得有些恶心外加瘆人,定了定神之后微笑道: Understood, do you have a look also to recognize more questionable points? Doesn't matter, said boldly!” “了解了,您看看还能认出更多的疑点吗?没关系,大胆说!” In order to let the village and ghost hut speaks out frankly to express oneself fully, Fang Linyan even also pulled out 100 Japanese Yen to place side. 为了让村和鬼庵知无不言言无不尽,方林岩甚至还掏出了一百日元放在旁边。 Really can make the ghost turn a millstone richly, the village and ghost hut looked at that big bill, immediately said: 果然有钱能使鬼推磨,村和鬼庵看了那张大钞,立即就道: I( hot spring hotel) in stayed overnight in somebody's home in a hot spring Tangwu at that time, here that unusual person skin lantern, ran into the big monk decent person in Jinge Temple to come to investigate this matter finally that night, therefore saves a life.” “我当时是在一处温泉汤屋(温泉旅馆)里面借宿,遇到的那奇特的人皮灯笼,结果当天晚上就遇到了金阁寺的大僧正派人来这边调查此事,因此算是捡回一条命吧。” At that time came the fire that investigates this different to hear to ascend the monk saying that sets up the bosses in this hot spring Tangwu different to be confused evilly, to let inherit several hundred years of Tangwu is not given way, manufactured this being puzzled soul lantern, will make the person who late at night hurried along be able not help came to be a guest.” “当时前来调查这件异闻的火登僧说,开办这温泉汤屋的老板被异邪所迷惑,为了让传承了数百年的汤屋不被垮掉,就制作了这惑魂灯笼,会让深夜赶路的人情不自禁的就进来做客。” „The original intention of boss only wants to make money, but that different evil actually only wants to eat the person, this type the person skin has characteristics by the monster has refined, that is evening's midnight time the immersion will shine in the water, if your excellency must confirm is whether related with the monster technique, complied on the line.” “老板的本意只想赚钱,可是那异邪却只想吃人,这种被妖怪炼制过的人皮有一种特性,那就是晚上午夜的时候将之浸泡在水里面会发光,阁下若是要验证是否与妖术有关,照做就行了。” Heard here, Fang Linyan understood immediately, decides to try in the evening. 听到了这里,方林岩顿时明白了过来,决定晚上就去试试。 Then he strolls in navel Mao Village, detected thing that here sells also really good. 接下来他又在脐毛村里面逛了逛,发觉这里卖的东西还真的不错。 For example the hidden weapon that the Ninja uses, does not have with the Ninja dart painstakingly, although cannot carry over this world, cuts in half to the lethality of space soldier, but has the extra lethality to the local indigenous people. 比如忍者使用的暗器,苦无和忍者镖,虽然不能带出本世界,对空间战士的杀伤力减半,但是对当地的原住民还是有额外杀伤力。 Also for example the exploding thick liquid inspection lamp of limit sell, after eating, unexpectedly can obtain one to restore the effect continually, the key is the flowered Japanese Yen can buy, therefore purchased one wave to return to food of blood, 又比如限量出售的爆浆提灯,吃了以后居然可以获得一个持续恢复效果,关键是花日元就能买,于是就采购了一波可以回血的食物, Moreover, before a Abe profit took that specially-made Ninja smoke shell that apologized also to sell unexpectedly, Fang Linyan suspected very much this fellow purchased here, because the flavor of that smoke shell surface was exactly the same, big foot taste that bubbles crossed. 不仅如此,之前服部一益拿出来赔罪的那种特制忍者烟雾弹居然也有卖的,方林岩很怀疑这家伙就是在这里采购的,因为那烟雾弹表面的味道都是一模一样,一股沤过的大脚丫子味儿。 Fang Linyan considered that this thing is very easy-to-use, therefore entered several. 方林岩考虑到这东西还是很好用的,于是又入了几枚。 In addition the item also made the profound impression to Fang Linyan: That is chews the liquor, in front of the detail of this gadget has said that is not no need to say. 另外还有一件道具给方林岩也留下了深刻的印象:那就是口嚼酒,这玩意儿的详细资料前面已经介绍过了,就不必多说。 But navel Mao Village is secluded from the world, the mouth that here makes who chews the liquor is chews the meter/rice? 但脐毛村与世隔绝,这里做出来的口嚼酒是谁来嚼米的呢? Is side on that face is covered with the grandma of sarcoma, next door that aunt who has the body odor? So thinks, Fang Linyan feels absolutely terrified. 是旁边那个脸上长满肉瘤的阿婆,还是隔壁那个带着狐臭的大妈?如此一想,方林岩更是觉得毛骨悚然。 Space showing on this gadget is, one very special medicine, after taking , the indigenous people to this world has effect beyond description- after taking, possibly presents the vomit, the body long small lump, happy food smelly thing wait/etc some untoward effects. 偏偏这玩意儿上的空间说明是,一种十分特殊的药物,服用后对本世界的原住民有难以形容的奇效-不过服用以后也可能出现呕吐,身上长小疙瘩,喜食臭物等等一些不良反应。 Had the spare psychology, Fang Linyan to continue to purchase two bottle mouths to chew the liquor, the key was this gadget limits the quantity unexpectedly, rich not necessarily sold to obtain! 带着备用的心理,方林岩继续购买了两瓶口嚼酒,关键是这玩意儿居然还是限量的,有钱都未必卖得到! After navel Mao Village conducted a stay, is around 4 : 00 pm, Fang Linyan thinks suddenly a matter, that spreads in the Chinese room that in the background sees, he to was drawing bright way at this time: 在脐毛村进行了一番逗留之后,已经是下午 4 点多了,方林岩忽然想到了一件事,那就是在来路上看到的唐人屋敷,他这时候对着拉明道: Tonight has the ships to leave port?” “今天晚上有没有船只出港?” drawing bright way: 拉明道: Has, should be 9 : 00 pm time embarks, transports/fortunes a large stock of goods to go to the chicken coop.” “有的,应该是晚上 9 点的时候出发,运一批货前往鸡笼。” Fang Linyan nods: 方林岩点点头: That has the time, walks, we go to the Chinese room to spread that side to have a look.” “那还是有时间的,走,我们去唐人屋敷那边看看去。” Muench said: 拉明奇道: „Does Chinese room spread? In my mind, the Chinese room in Nagasaki spread is ruined, has needed 30 years later met on its ruins to rebuild New Territories Zhonghua Street, where did the master you see?” “唐人屋敷?在我的印象里面,长崎的唐人屋敷早就被毁掉了啊,要过三十年之后才会其废墟上重建新地中华街,主人你是在哪里看到的?” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: I saw that place on the summit of background time, walks, I lead you to pass.” “我在来路时候的山顶上看到了那个地方,走,我带你过去。” *** *** Because of some reasons of rushing to time, therefore two people start to run full power, then saw this very special place before the darkness. 因为有些赶时间的缘故,所以两人开始全力奔跑,然后在天黑之前就见到了这个很是特殊的地方。 After approaching, discovered, here all around builds the dirt wall, outside also has the drainage ditch and bamboo wall revolves, if the Japanese really wants to attack, now after all was the firearm time, these measures existed in name only. 靠近了以后才发现,这里的四周砌有土墙,外面还有沟渠和竹墙围绕,不过若是日本人真的想要进攻的话,现在毕竟是热兵器时代了,这些防范措施形同虚设。 Can see through the crevice of dirt wall, here can see to occupy several hundred mu huge dwelling everywhere, inside is the typical Chinese style. 通过土墙的空隙可以见到,这里随处都可以见到占据数百亩的庞大宅院,里面是典型的中国风格。 Laming points is surrounding the dirt wall that the Chinese room is spreading, the drainage ditch, the bamboo wall was saying to Fang Linyan in a low voice: 拉明指着环绕着唐人屋敷的土墙,沟渠,竹墙对着方林岩低声道: These things seem like the defensive facility that the local people build, actually and not so, originally is the government of Japan builds, the goal should be to prevent inside person to come out to wander about aimlessly, internally not foreign, because then no one manages, therefore was in disrepair after many years.” “这些东西看起来是本地的国人修筑出来的防守设施,其实并不然,本来乃是日本的政府修筑的,目的应该是防止里面的人出来乱走的,对内不对外,然后因为没人管理,所以年久失修了。” Was the clear day related to deteriorate recently, the local person felt the threat, will therefore restore.” “想必是最近清日关系恶化,本地的人感觉到了威胁,于是将之修缮了起来。” Then two people also saw two patrol leaders, looks at the appearance of these people are not a Japanese, but, the discipline of these two teams obviously are also very lax, some time people of walking are also smoking, unscrupulous chat, sometimes the laughter can hear far away. 然后两人还看到了两支巡逻队,看这些人的打扮也并非是日本人,不过,这两支队伍的纪律也明显十分松懈,走路的时候还有人在吸烟,肆无忌惮的聊天,有时候哄笑声老远都能听到。 Between these two patrol leaders, after saw Fang Linyan two people, unexpectedly went far away directly, it is estimated that thought that only two people cannot constitute anything to threaten. 这两支巡逻队当中,有一支看到了方林岩两人之后,居然直接远去了,估计觉得区区两个人并不能构成什么威胁。 Another patrol leader was interrogated several, detected that after two people words saying the thief slid, immediately them regarded the person on one's own side, became very warm, led them to enter the interior that the Chinese room spread on own initiative. 另外一支巡逻队则是过来盘问了几句,发觉两人的汉话说得贼溜之后,立即就将他们当成了自己人,变得十分热情,主动带他们进入到了唐人屋敷的内部。 After arriving at this inside, the weather had passed black, Fang Linyan detected that here lively degree can be said as far exceeds Nagasaki, on street that the entire Chinese room spreads, looked like the lantern festival such to hang all over several thousand lanterns, as if the star fell such as the rain to be common, everywhere was the brilliantly illuminated shop, street vendors'cries that made noise. 来到了这里面以后,天色已经黑透了,方林岩发觉这里的繁华程度可以说是远超长崎,整个唐人屋敷的街道上,就像是上元节那样挂满了几千个灯笼,仿佛星落如雨一般,到处都是灯火通明的店铺,喧闹的叫卖声。 But this inside Japanese roaming female it is said is thousands, will show the sweet smile facing the man momentarily, looks comes out to money, they can be a night of bride momentarily willingly. 而这里面的日本游女据说更是数以千计,面对男人随时都会露出甜甜的笑容,看得出来只要给钱,她们随时可以心甘情愿的做一夜新娘. Moreover, in this also has the blond foreigner to mix wanders, here has formed half independent free port general existence completely. 不仅如此,这里面还有金发碧眼的外国人混在其中游荡,这里完全就已经形成了半个独立的自由港一般的存在。 So prosperous international trade market, is a paper confuses gold/metal drunk the money dissolver, even if Nagasakikou also seems seems like slum here, but, is actually full of vitality, fighting spirit abundant slum. 如此繁盛的国际贸易市场,更是个纸迷金醉的销金窟,哪怕是长崎港在这里也显得像是个贫民窟似的,不过,却是个生机勃勃,斗志盎然的贫民窟。 Here can see the affluent merchant, 在这里可以见到腰缠万贯的商人, Only strove for immediately, acted the straightforward sailor, 只求当下,出手豪爽的水手, Supports rich merchant that the Japanese roaming female is seeking pleasure, 拥着日本游女寻欢作乐的富商, Comes to seek novelty, tourist of looking around, 前来猎奇,东张西望的游客, The riches and honor magnificent scene, made one falling into, was hard to extricate oneself, really as if seemed like wasteful that such traditional ukiyoe of Japan described, but this was also really normal, because the Chinese room spread the goal of establishing, was arriving here everyone's wealth presses out completely. 如此富贵盛景,令人陷溺其中,难以自拔,真的就仿佛像是日本的传统浮世绘所描绘的那样奢靡,不过这也实属正常,因为唐人屋敷建立的目的,就是要将来到这里的所有人的钱财都全部榨出来。 Two people leisurely strolling vanguard, detected that here still has large number of manpower rickshas, but the cart driver was the short strong terse Japanese, the Chinese or the foreigner, will not make such humble work here. 两人信步前行,发觉在这里依然有着大量的人力黄包车,不过车夫则都是矮壮精悍的日本人了,无论是华人还是洋人,都不会在这里做这样低贱的活儿的。 But they without the work, gathered at one, is taking a look at the surrounding person with the vigilant vision, was saying in a low voice some intimate conversation, occasionally also moistened one's lips with the tongue, in the eye revealed the greedy light. 而他们在没有活儿的时候,就聚集在了一起,用警惕的目光打量着周围的人,低声说着一些悄悄话,偶尔还舔舔嘴唇,眼中露出贪婪的光。 At this time, Fang Linyan two people settled down in an entrance that is called the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, waiter greeting they came to have a look warmly, said that here cargo was complete, reasonable price. 这时候,方林岩两人则是驻足在了一家叫做中华会馆的门口,小二哥热情的招呼他们进来看看,说这里的货物齐全,价格公道。 Originally Fang Linyan has no interest, actually thinks suddenly a matter, that is the war same place, affects is in view of both sides. Oneself hoard that side BJ, then Nagasaki price how? 本来方林岩是无心进去的,却忽然想到了一件事,那就是战争一起,影响乃是针对双方的。自己在BJ那边囤积居奇,那么长崎这边的物价如何呢? Therefore Fang Linyan then walked, after the waiter chatted several, detected many issues that oneself inquired about he did not know at all, the waiter was also somewhat embarrassed, went to the hall to request personally the person on the revolutions. 所以方林岩便走了进去,和小二哥闲聊了几句之后,发觉自己询问的很多问题他都一问三不知,小二哥也是有些不好意思,就转去内堂里面请人了。 Result quick walked a plump and fair-complected middle-aged person, smiling looked very friendly, after chatting several, Fang Linyan thought that his style of speaking was good, from registration character: reckless Zhiyun. 结果很快的就走出来了一个白胖的中年人,笑眯眯的看起来十分和气,聊了几句之后方林岩觉得他谈吐不俗,就自报名字:胡芝云。 Really, person the shadow of famous tree, the shop owner sized up his several eyes after the unusual look, immediately laughs saying: 果然,正所谓人的名树的影,那店主用奇特的眼神打量了他几眼之后,立即就大笑道: „After originally you are the prestigious family, loses the respect to lose the respect.” “原来兄台乃是名门之后啊,失敬失敬。” Fang Linyan laughs saying: 方林岩哈哈一笑道: Real men did not raise were brave in the past, reputation that let alone the father ancestry hit, let alone at the next present is discredited, has come out to fight alone.” “好汉都不提当年勇,何况还是父祖辈打下来的名声,更何况在下现在已经是声名狼藉,都已经独自出来打拼了。” This shop owner face is round, looks is the businessman of friendly disposition leads to wealth, he has introduced oneself, said is surnamed Zheng, after hearing Fang Linyan saying that immediately smiled saying: 这位店主脸圆圆的,一看就是个和气生财的生意人,他已经自我介绍过,说是姓郑,听到了方林岩这么说以后,立即会心一笑道: Actually below is also the quite good female sexual attractiveness, has six dwarf female concubines to wait on here, being passed from generation to generation that is our descendants' responsibility, what crime was considered as?” “其实在下也是颇好女色,在这边就已经有了六房倭女妾侍,传宗接代那是咱们子孙的责任,算得了什么罪过?” Said again, always compares these to smoke the opium lasciviously, plays of rabbit is right?” “再说了,好色总比那些抽大烟,玩兔子的强对吧?” The reason that ran into the person of same belief probably the person, this 30 -year-old Boss Zheng said a word are quite intimate to Fang Linyan, was to also speak out frankly to express oneself fully to the Fang Linyan issue, two people chatted very congenially. 大概是遇到了同道中人的缘故,这名三十来岁的郑老板言语之间对方林岩还是颇为亲近的,对方林岩的问题也是知无不言言无不尽,两人聊得很是投机。 Fang Linyan from his mouth also understood an essential information, although China , Japan have made war, unexpectedly the transportation contact has not cut off, still had the ships from Nagasaki to go directly to Jinmen! This type of smuggler is called the heavy ship in Japan at this time. 从他的口中方林岩也了解到了一个关键的信息,虽然中日已经开战,居然交通往来并没有断绝,依然有船只可以从长崎直达津门!这种走私船此时在日本又被称为是重船。 At this time cargos between both places soar, the profit of this heavy ship can be imagined richly, but, the most profits of this ship must fall into a hand named Xixiang standard person finally. 此时两地之间的货物都是飞涨,这一艘重船的获利之丰厚可想而知,不过,这艘船的大部分利润最后都要落入到一名叫做西乡格一的人的手里面。 This person is unknown, but today's Japanese minister of the navy, is called Tsugumichi Saigou! The profound meaning that this back contains must think well. 这个人名不见经传,但当今的日本海军大臣,则是叫做西乡从道!这背后蕴藏的深意就要好好想想了。 Fang Linyan planned to return to homeland at this time, hears the word great happiness, asked that this Zheng four bosses do have the method to arrange to take a passage, Boss Zheng complied, hehe said with a smile: 方林岩此时本来就打算回国,闻言大喜,就问这位郑四老板有没有门路安排搭船回去,郑老板一口就答应了下来,呵呵笑道: Heavy ship, although broke though Japanese link, but the clear country actually cannot make a connection completely, therefore its, although will embark from Nagasaki, the place that finally anchors is actually not Tianjin Port, but in Huajia port private port.” “重船这边虽然打通了日本这边的关节,但清国这边却还是没能完全打通的,所以其虽然会从长崎这边出发,最后停靠的地方却并非是天津港,而是在华家港这个私港。” Then unloads cargo then to load separately by the boat there, the Huajia port is far away from beyond the patrol route of Beiyang fleet, therefore the risk is very small. But Huajia port private port will be safe , because in nearby dozens li (0.5 km) the reef is densely covered, must have the familiar bombardier-navigator to show the way to be good, otherwise frequently has the ship to destroy the danger that the person perishes.” “接下来就在那里卸货然后由小船分装出去,华家港这边远离北洋舰队的巡逻航线之外,所以风险很小。但华家港这个私港之所以会安全,就是因为附近几十里之内礁石密布,必须要有熟悉的领航员指路才行,否则的话动辄就有船毁人亡的危险。” However the heavy ship above bombardier-navigator, before is our Zheng , the boatman who sends, must arrange the cargo is quite difficult, but arranges several guest that is the slight effort.” “而重船上面的领航员,就是我们郑家以前派出去的船老大,要安排货物比较难,但是安排几名客人那是举手之劳。” Then two people conducted a chitchat, then Fang Linyan knows, originally after this Boss Zheng is also the prestigious family, is called Zheng light/only, is Zheng Chenggong's seventh generation of descendants, now during this Chinese room spreads the house, most likely is Zheng. 接下来两人又进行了一番叙谈,然后方林岩才知道,原来这位郑老板也是名门之后,叫做郑家光,乃是郑成功的第七代后嗣,如今这一处唐人屋敷当中的房屋,十有八九都是郑家的。 At this time in behind of shop, indistinct can also see the good spacious backyard, the conversation laughing sound transmits, should be this Boss Zheng is banqueting to make music with one group of friends. 此时在店铺的后面,隐约还能见到有好宽敞的后院,还有言谈欢笑声传来,应该是这位郑老板正在和一帮朋友饮宴作乐。 Saw that this Boss Zheng the conduct is straightforward, Fang Linyan is also has the favorable impression to him, after he hesitated, to this Zheng plank road: 见到这位郑老板行事豪爽大方,方林岩也是对他颇有好感,他沉吟了一番之后,对着这位郑老板道: Actually had several heart-to-heart talk to want with Zheng brother to say below.” “其实在下有几句肺腑之言想要和郑兄说一说。” Boss Zheng listened to Fang Linyan to say earnestly, then the sincere say/way: 郑老板听方林岩说得认真,便正色道: Has the words to say.” “有话请讲。” Fang Linyan turns around, looks at outside brilliantly illuminated place, say/way slowly: 方林岩转身过去,看着外面的灯火辉煌处,徐徐的道: This Chinese room spreads seems like as if the fresh flower magnificent scene at this time, the raging fire boils the oil but in fact is actually crisis-ridden, will soon degenerate into the world ghost legendary creature.” “这唐人屋敷此时看起来仿佛鲜花盛景,烈火烹油但实际上却已经是危机四伏,即将沦为人间鬼蜮啊。” Boss Zheng the complexion changes said: 郑老板脸色一变道: Young Master reckless what this word?” “胡公子何出此言?” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: Day clear has made war ten days, but this Chinese room spreads inside liveliness, inside wealth, had drooled with envy by nearby Japanese.” “日清已经开战十来天的时间了,而这唐人屋敷里面的繁华,里面的财富,想必早就被附近的日本人垂涎三尺了。” This time Japanese, poor, tenacious, greedy, they should be covet are jealous of here is too long, I suspected very much in recently, them must begin to here! When the time comes is really under a compound nest, how can there be to end the egg!” “此时的日本人,贫穷,坚韧,贪婪,他们应该是觊觎眼红这里太久了,我很怀疑就在最近,他们就要对这里动手!到时候就真的是覆巢之下,岂有完卵!” After Boss Zheng listened to the Fang Linyan words, sighed a sound said: 郑老板听了方林岩的话以后,叹息了一声道: Actually I am also have the concealed worry to this matter early, but in the family most opinions are at odds with me, they thought that during all are controlling, I am saying things just to frighten people.” “其实我也是对这件事早有隐忧,但是家族里面大部分的意见都与我相左,他们觉得一切都在把控当中,我是在危言耸听。” But, my uncle actually is also the hand eye direct access to the highest authorities, he is even good with today's prime minister Hirobumi Itou's personal friendship, two people also advanced together Kaiseki last month together, the in addition Chinese room spread here each month to Nagasaki pay quantity not poor making cash contributions, therefore in the clan overwhelming majority people also think that the Japanese people do not dare to act rashly.” “不过,我那位大伯其实也是手眼通天的,他甚至与当今的首相伊藤博文的私交非常好,两人在上个月还一起共进怀石料理,外加唐人屋敷这边每个月都要给长崎这边缴纳数量不菲的献金,所以族里面绝大部分的人也都认为日人不敢妄动。” „The matter that I can handle, contacted in clan several father's cousin's sons, disbursed money please some people to come in the nearby to go on patrol, hopes that can make the opposite party a little dread.” “我能做的事情,就是联络了族里面的几个堂兄弟,出钱请了一些人来在附近巡逻,希望能让对方有一点忌惮。” Fang Linyan listened to sigh a sound said: 方林岩听了叹息一声道: Zheng brother, my clan, his heart cannot different. Also the entire clan high and low safety, pinned on a conscience and conscience of Japanese, this is a very inappropriate matter.” “郑兄啊,非我族类,其心必异。再说了将自身全族上下的安危,寄托在了一名日本人的良知和良心身上,这本来就是一种非常不妥当的事情。”
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