FE :: Volume #13

#1349: Person skin

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Chapter 1347 person skin 第1347章人皮 Fukujima not only died, and died in his wife, mother, in front of child. 福岛不仅是死了,并且就死在了他的老婆,母亲,孩子面前。 This may really make Fang Linyan guess correctly the opening, cannot guess correctly the result. 这可真是让方林岩猜到了开头,没能猜到结局。 Yes, initial time is similar to Fang Linyan to sentence such in advance: The organization that Fukujima this fellow is under is not willing to lead by the nose, chose the storm. 是的,最初的时候就如同方林岩预判那样:福岛这家伙隶属的组织不肯被牵着鼻子走,选择了强攻。 And radical factions in these army, young guard representative, definitely has the strength to achieve this point. 并且这些军中的激进派,少壮派代表,也肯定有实力做到这一点。 However, has the strength to achieve this point, does not represent absolutely can complete the matter finally. 但是,有实力做到这一点,绝对不代表最后就能将事情做好。 Looked like Iraq to have the strength to hang dozen of Kuwait in the past, finally president Saddam of Iraq actually fell to be regarded the war criminal got rid of fate finally 就像是当年伊拉克有实力吊打科威特,最后伊拉克的总统萨达姆最后却落了个被当成战犯被干掉的下场 The young guard sends out the manpower to rescue Fukujima Entire family, the ideal condition was the success life-saving also caught the ironclad proof of Dongxiang well, but also killed one batch the lackey of this traitor ruthlessly, making Dongxiang well filthy traitor tremble in the bloodiness. 少壮派派出人手去解救福岛全家,理想的状态是成功救人并且抓到了东乡井的铁证,还将这个国贼的爪牙狠杀了一批,让东乡井这个污浊的国贼在血腥里面颤栗。 But, when rescues the hostage, the person who the young guard sends only completed the opening, successfully killed several Myoudou native places to send the past subordinate, when rescued the hostage actually to have the big basket. 可是,在解救人质的时候,少壮派派遣出去的人只做好了开头,成功杀了几名东乡井派过去的手下,但是在解救人质的时候却出了大篓子。 Holds Fukujima daughter's that warrior to smell there is something wrong, keeps off the blade with the child directly. 抓住福岛女儿的那名武士见势不妙,直接用孩子去挡刀。 If surprise attack his young guard warrior receives the hand, will then be instead killed, he can only catch up to divide cold! The intention is very simple, that is this blade first hacks to death the hostage, odd/surplus potential does not fade hacks to death kidnapper again! 突袭他的少壮派武士若是收手的话,那么就会被反杀,他只能冷然发力劈下!其意图很简单,那就是这一刀先砍死人质,余势不衰再砍死挟持者! Stands the angle of this person, this act is indisputable, but is actually not able to withstand the pain to Fukujima, therefore he threw to keep off this blade at this time, but oneself were hit directly the strategic point, but kidnapper is to make use the counter-attack, massacres warrior who that surprise attack rescued, took advantage of opportunity to travel. 站在这个人的角度来说,此举无可厚非,但对于福岛来说却是无法承受之痛,所以这时候他扑了上去挡下了这一刀,但是自己直接被命中了要害,而挟持者则是趁势反击,杀掉了那名突袭救援的武士,顺势跑路了。 When Laming leaves, Fukujima has not died, the injury of but on the present medical standard, he receiving was almost equal to dying ahead of time. 在拉明离开的时候,福岛还没有死,但是就现在的医疗水平来说,他受到的这种伤势几乎就等于提前宣告了死亡。 Without a doubt, this result makes the Dongxiang well very happy, Fukujima died, and also died under own friend saber. 毫无疑问,这个结局让东乡井非常开心,福岛死了,并且还死在了自己的友军刀下。 What is more wonderful was according to his information, young guard that group of people after hearing this result, the interior also presented the obvious fissure, erupted the intense quarrel. 更妙的是根据他的情报,少壮派那帮人在听到了这个结局以后,内部也是出现了明显的裂痕,爆发了激烈的争吵。 After having first line information, Fang Linyan looked at the war progress bar, detected that the winning percentage of China increased 0.081 unexpectedly, he comprehended a matter immediately, that was chain-reaction who the death of Fukujima initiated imagines was fierce. 在掌握到了第一线的信息之后,方林岩看了看战争进度条,发觉中方的胜率居然又增加了0.081,他立即就领悟到了一件事,那就是福岛之死引发的连锁反应比自己想象中的还要剧烈。 After determining the daughter is all right, Fukujima supported was conducting committing hara-kiri, completed in the middle of his life finally the last wish: 在确定女儿没事以后,福岛强撑着进行了切腹,总算是完成了他人生当中最后一个心愿: Probably the oriental cherry such withers and falls, finally also invited to hear the news to catch up, having tears streaming down the face friend island again for a oneself mistake. 像是樱花那样凋落,最后还请了闻讯赶来,泪流满面的朋友小岛重为自己介错。 The wrong meaning, is the assistant who is to commit hara-kiri, the warrior's committing hara-kiri feeling pain in the words that must unable to bear, often wants this assistant to reduce the head, ended his pain. 介错的意思,就是担任切腹的助手,武士在切腹的时候感觉痛得受不了的话,往往就要这个助手砍掉脑袋,结束他的痛苦。 This position is very special in the Japanese culture, because regarding was entrusted an execution wrong person is a quite honorable matter. 这个职位在日本文化当中很特殊,因为对于被托付执行介错的人来说是一件相当光荣的事情。 Generally speaking, needs committing hara-kiri to look for closest good friends, family members, brothers or the swordsmanship excellent people carries out. 一般而言,需要切腹者会找一位自己最亲密的好友、家人、兄弟或是剑道高超的人来执行。 However said one while convenient, beheading is also the technology lives, particularly in most wrong people have not done under the premise of this matter. Do not say beheaded, gets down the friend in kitchen to know, wants itself to chop the spareribs at home difficult. 但是顺带说一句,砍头也是技术活,尤其是在大部分介错人都没干过这事的前提下.不要说砍头了,下过厨的朋友应该知道,在家里想要自己剁排骨的艰难把。 When Japanese writer Yukio Mishima commits hara-kiri, after his wrong person cuts three blades, continually has not completed the task, does Yukio Mishima to be in deep sorrow, wants to nip the tongue to commit suicide, this is very real portrayal. 日本作家三岛由纪夫切腹时,他的介错人就是连砍三刀之后都没完成任务,搞得三岛由纪夫痛不欲生,想要咬舌自尽,这就是很真实的写照。 Finally can only helpless changes a wrong person to go forward, a round into soul, 最后只能无奈的换一个介错人上前,才一发入魂, It is not right, a blade beheads. 哦不对,一刀断头。 Obviously, this young guard group of people screwed up the matter, the interior also presented the obvious fissure, and was also held the painful foot by the Dongxiang well, accused them to kidnap the family member in Fukujima directly. 很显然,这一次少壮派这帮人将事情搞砸了,内部也出现了明显的裂痕,并且还被东乡井抓住了痛脚,直接指责他们劫持了福岛的家人。 Yes, the Dongxiang well is not concerned about face such shameless, he will send the past person saying that for is rescuing, a big hat of hijacker gave the young guard to buckle, the reason of being punished was simpler: 是的,东乡井就是这么不要脸这么无耻,他将自己派遣过去的人称为是解救者,一顶劫持者的大帽子就给少壮派扣了过去,入罪的理由更简单: The young guard sent the past person to hack to death Fukujima, but also cut off a Fukujima daughter's arm. 少壮派派遣过去的人砍死了福岛,还砍断了福岛女儿的一只手臂。 Conclusive evidence! What words your TM you also had to say!? 铁证如山!你TM的你还有什么话说!? This really makes young guard group of people almost depressed spits blood, because witnesses this kidnapping after all is a few, therefore many people looked that the conclusion thought very much obviously the Dongxiang well said right. 这真的让少壮派这帮人差点郁闷得吐血,因为目击这场绑架的毕竟是少数,所以很多人看结论很显然就觉得东乡井说得没错啊。 After knowing young guard's current awkward situation, Fang Linyan could not bear smile, but at this time, his front presented a big piece of swamp, but in the middle of this swamp, was covered with the big piece reed, looked very magnificent. 在知道了少壮派目前的尴尬情况之后,方林岩也忍不住微笑了起来,而这时候,他的前方出现了一大片水沼,而在这水沼当中,则是长满了大片的芦苇,看起来十分壮观。 This is also in the middle of hearsay Ashida, yes, by reed Ashida of manual planter. 这也是传闻当中的苇田,是的,由人工种植的芦苇田。 Because to this time Japan, tatami thing is every household the essential thing, because the resistance to wear is not good, but also is similar to the bamboo brooms of 60-70 ages, mop such, is the thing that 34 months must trade. 因为对于此时日本来说,榻榻米这东西是每家每户都必不可少的东西,并且因为耐磨性并不大好,还类似于60-70年代的竹扫帚,拖布那样,是三四个月就要一换的东西。 Therefore, manufactures the primary materials reed of tatami, in fact also has the market very much. 所以,制作榻榻米的主要材料芦苇,实际上也是很有市场的。 According to a view of Abe profit, opens and handles these reed Ashida, is in the navel Mao Village villagers. 根据服部一益的说法,开辟并且打理这些芦苇田的,就是脐毛村里面的村民。 They will use the reed receiving in exchange daily necessity through some channels, as a result of native already reason of demonization, therefore some people will usually not rush to here, therefore belongs unvisited. 他们会通过一些渠道来用芦苇换取生活必需品,由于当地人已经将之妖魔化的原因,所以平时也不会有人跑到这里来,因此属于人迹罕至。 Why benefits as for Abe knows, is because their these general's office evils also are the authority hunt down the object of chasing down, their situations compared with the pitiful person in navel Mao Village it can be said that equally matched, Abe benefits himself to arrive in navel Mao Village to treat the wound. 至于服部一益为什么知道,则是因为他们这些幕府余孽同样也是当局搜捕追杀的对象,他们的处境比起脐毛村的可怜人来说可以说是不相上下,服部一益自己都到脐毛村治过伤。 Fang Linyan identified, found a path among that boundless reed Ashida, then walked. 方林岩辨认了一下,就在那茫茫的芦苇田当中找到了一条道路,然后走了进去。 The result has not walked far, heard in nearby reed crash-bang crash-bang to walk a person, this person took the black cloth to cover the face, looked on his foot is the mud, in the hand is also raising a big group water plant, seem to should pull out the weed in Ashida. 结果没走多远,就听到了旁边芦苇里面哗啦哗啦走出来了一个人,这个人拿黑布遮住了脸,看他的脚上都是烂泥,手里面还提着一大团水草,看起来应该是在苇田里面拔杂草的。 He looked at Fang Linyan one, then said with the hoarse sound: 他看了方林岩一眼,然后用沙哑的声音道: Do not walk toward in again, the outsider, here is not the place that the living person should come.” “不要再往里走了,外乡人,这里不是活人应该来的地方。” Fang Linyan very simple say/way: 方林岩很干脆的道: I am come to navel Mao Village to find the person.” “我是来脐毛村里面找人的。” This person coldly said: 这个人冷冷道: In navel Mao Village does not have the living person.” “脐毛村里面没有活人。” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: „Aren't you a living person?” “你难道不是活人吗?” This person took down the black cloth slowly, then hoarse the sound was saying: 这个人慢慢的取下了黑布,然后嘶哑着声音道: I just crawled from the hell.” “我才刚刚从地狱里面爬出来。” After seeing only takes down the black cloth, on the face of this person unexpectedly covered entirely the every large or small purple black sarcoma, big looks like the egg, small also has the soybean to be big, seems like extremely terrifying frightened! 只见取下黑布以后,这个人的脸上竟是布满了大大小小的紫黑色肉瘤,大的就像是鸡蛋,小的也有黄豆大,看起来极其恐怖惊悚! This is the typical leprosy late stage patient, this sickness meets the short distance dissemination, and patient is very painful, living to might as well die. 这就是典型的麻风晚期患者,这个病会近距离传播,并且患者十分痛苦,生不如死。 But this leprosy pathogenesis virus or variation, when the acute stage is fatal, the mortality rate is high, must support one month of initial infection later will transfer chronic, lives on dishonorably for more than ten 20 years, even if the daytime seems like if the malicious ghost is common. 而这种麻风病的致病病毒还是变异过的,在急性期的时候就非常致命,死亡率高,要撑过最初感染的一个月之后才会转为慢性,苟活十几二十年,哪怕是白天都看起来若恶鬼一般。 However, Fang Linyan is also may be called experienced, is much more terrorist than him real ghost has experienced, laughs saying: 不过,方林岩也是堪称见多识广,比他恐怖得多的真鬼都见识过,哈哈一笑道: Do not frighten the person, you are a patient, but is very ill quite.” “不要吓唬人了,你就是个病人而已,只是病得比较厉害罢了。” After saying, Fang Linyan hinted Laming to hand over pot rice wine in the past, then said: 说完了之后,方林岩示意拉明递了一壶米酒过去,然后道: I am merchant reckless Zhiyun from China, hasn't this mister, consulted the name?” “我是来自中国的商人胡芝云,这位先生,还没有请教名字?” This person stares slightly, then saw after that pot liquor, then immediately two shone, after receiving, turned on the plug directly, gurgle gurgle filled one fiercely, after had/left liquor air/Qi, then satisfied say/way: 这个人微微一愣,然后见到了那一壶酒之后顿时两眼放光,接过来以后便直接打开了塞子,咕嘟咕嘟猛灌了一口,哈出了一口酒气之后这才惬意的道: „Don't you fear me unexpectedly?” “你居然不怕我?” Fang Linyan smiled saying with a smile: 方林岩笑了笑道: „The ghost I have really seen, let alone you are only a patient, is a laborious practical training, is the independent patient, what having good to fear?” “真的鬼我都见过,何况你只是个病人而已,还是一位辛苦劳作,自食其力的病人,有什么好怕的?” Heard Fang Linyan saying that on this person ugly face of showed a feeling relaxed look, he discriminated against the variation the vision to live in others was too long, therefore the disposition speech definitely also became very extreme, Fang Linyan with treating the way of average person to him, instead made him feel the unprecedented respect. 听到了方林岩这么说,这个人丑陋的脸上露出了一丝释然的神色,他在别人歧视变异的目光当中活了太久,所以心性说话肯定也就变得十分偏激,方林岩拿对待普通人的方式对他,反而让他感觉到了前所未有的尊重。 Therefore he whipped dust on several lower part of the body, aimed at Fang Linyan to bow to say slightly: 所以他拍打了几下身上的灰尘,对准了方林岩微微鞠躬道: Has forgotten below old name, at this time takes Ashida as to live, please call me the reed famous string.” “在下的原名已经忘记了,此时以苇田为生,请叫我苇名弦吧。” Fang Linyan well-mannered say/way: 方林岩彬彬有礼的道: Is this, has the unusual bookmark that a Zhang Zuchuan gets down below, I also once peddler ten thousand li (0.5 km), looks for the person of high skill to distinguish the whereabouts of this bookmark everywhere , there is nothing obtained.” “是这样的,在下有一张祖传下来的奇特书签,我也曾行商万里,到处寻访高人来辨别这张书签的下落,却都没有任何所得。” Until the past heard that has a mister is this expert in aspect, therefore runs up to here especially finds the person.” “直到前一段时间听说有一位先生是这方面的专家,所以特地跑到这边来找人。” The reed famous string said: 苇名弦道: Whom do you want to look for?” “你要找谁?” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: Village and ghost hut mister, your excellency, if can help, when delivers pot good wine again.” “村和鬼庵先生,阁下若能帮忙,当再送上一壶美酒。” Now various Japanese types are necessity-deficient, particularly the grain, but the wine-making must consume a lot of grain, the wines are the out-and-out manages product, if not for Nagasaki here must depend upon the wines to make the sudden and huge profits of foreigner, that could not buy the liquor water. 现在日本各种物资短缺,尤其是粮食,而酿酒要消耗大量粮食,酒类乃是不折不扣的管制品,若不是长崎这里要依靠酒类来赚取外国人的暴利,那也根本买不了酒水。 Heard the promise of Fang Linyan, the reed famous string said: 听到了方林岩的许诺,苇名弦道: Good, you come with me.” “好吧,你跟我来。” After saying, brought Fang Linyan two people to walk toward Ashida deep place, quick discovered that the front presented a big bamboo grove. 说完了以后,就带着方林岩两人朝着苇田深处走了过去,很快就发现前方出现了一大片竹林。 After passing through the bamboo grove, the front big stones, above engraved navel Mao Village impressively three characters, and above also smudged the bright red dye, therefore seemed like on as if the blood wrote was the same. 走过了竹林之后,前面就有一块大石头,上面赫然镌刻出了“脐毛村”三个字,并且上面还涂抹了鲜红色的染料,因此看起来就仿佛鲜血写成的一样。 Is also guarding in some village two people, but looked that Fang Linyan they are the reed famous string take to bring, then has not interrogated, but after entering village inside, Fang Linyan detected, in this has formed unexpectedly had the business street shapes of ten coming home shops. 在村口也有两人守卫着,不过看方林岩他们两人乃是苇名弦带进来的,便没有盘问,而进入到了村子里面之后方林岩才发觉,这里面居然已经形成了足足有十来家店铺的商业街形态. Obviously, navel Mao Village here has just like depended upon the beforehand ominous named shield, formed an underground black market, the bandits and thieves can come to here to dispose stolen goods, instead very can come to here to spend, even the official people can come to here to hire the person to do must not exposed to the light the matter. 很显然,脐毛村这里俨然已经依靠之前的凶名为掩护,形成了一处地下黑市,盗贼可以来这里销赃,反贼可以来这里消费,甚至官方的人都可以来这里雇佣人做一些见不得光的事情。 Finally, the reed famous string had the Fang Linyan three people to arrive at outside a tattered thatched shed, then said: 最后,苇名弦带着方林岩三人来到了一处破破烂烂的草棚外面,然后道: „The person who you must find should in inside, but can he help you distinguish the thing now is very difficult to say.” “你们要找的人应该就在里面,不过他现在能不能帮你鉴别东西就很难说了。” Fang Linyan: 方林岩: „???” “???” Then he arrived at the thatched shed entrance, detected that here absolutely does not have the gate, but broken and dirty Debra with one gets down. 然后他就来到了草棚门口,发觉这里根本就没有门,而是用一块又破又脏的布拉下来而已。 Fang Linyan heard in heard as if the cow roar common astonishing snoring sound, obviously, in this case, do not say knocked on a door, it is estimated that tore down does not have any response the house. 方林岩紧接着就听到了里面传来仿佛牛吼一般的惊人鼾声,很显然,在这种情况下,不要说敲门了,估计将房子拆掉都没有什么回应的。 Helpless sighing, Fang Linyan made a disrespectful behavior, he tucked up the curtain to walk, the grease stains that will stain conveniently scratched in side, then saw an old man is lying down in the straw spread out, the snoring hit heavenshaking makes a sound. 无奈的叹了一口气之后,方林岩做出了一件失礼的行为,他撩开了门帘走了进去,顺手将沾上的油渍在旁边擦了一下,便见到了一个老头儿正躺在了稻草铺上,呼噜打得震天响。 This old man is sloppy, has a big acne rosacea, is short, is good seems like because of clothes is unexpectedly neat, tattered actually washes turns white, this should be the goal of their trip: Village and ghost hut. 这老头子邋里邋遢的,有着一个大大的酒糟鼻子,身材矮小,好在身上的衣服居然看起来还算整洁,破破烂烂的却洗得发白,这个应该就是他们此行的目标:村和鬼庵了。 Fang Linyan knitting the brows head, if evidently observes the politeness, when this old man sobers up not to know, at least passed most of the day, he cannot certainly consume at this time. 方林岩皱了皱眉头,看样子若是遵守礼貌的话,等这老头子醒酒不知道何年何月,至少大半天就这么过去了,他此时当然耗不起。 However called the words of person directly, conventional means- For example one scoop of cold water sprinkle definitely to rescue awakes, but how then asked others things to say? 但是直接就去叫人的话,常规办法--比如一瓢冷水泼上去肯定救得醒,但接下来拜托人家的事情怎么说得出口? Was good because of this time, Laming manifests his value, after this fellow arrived at old man's side, first pulled out citrus fruits from the bosom, after exhausted dermis, placed by his nose to smoke smoking, detected that did not have the after effect on trade a food. 好在这时候,拉明体现出了他的价值,这家伙来到了老头儿的身边之后,从怀里面先掏出了一个柑橘,剥下皮之后放在他的鼻子旁边熏了熏,发觉没效果以后就换一种食物. Finally, when Laming pot nice wine hands over, old man's wing of the nose suddenly greedily twitched two, then woke up slowly. 最后,当拉明将一壶好酒递过去的时候,老头儿的鼻翼忽然贪婪的抽动了两下,然后就徐徐醒来了。 Then village and ghost hut not with what rack, appears is very good to speak, after Fang Linyan explained the purpose in coming, very refreshed complying appraisal. 接下来村和鬼庵并没有拿什么架子,也显得很好说话,在方林岩说明了来意之后,就很爽快的答应鉴定了。 After he bookmark will attain looks at present, immediately the complexion changed, then access road/simply said: 当他将“书签”拿到了眼前看了看之后,顿时脸色变了变,然后便道: This thing I have almost seen 30 years ago, at that time I as a little Le artisan, to keep a family, being forced to be roaming about in each region because the time is too long, therefore does not have the means to be determined suddenly, but thought that it is a bit like.” “这东西我都差不多在三十年之前才见过了,那时候我身为一个小乐匠,为了养家糊口,被迫在各地流浪着不过因为时间太久,所以一时间也没办法确定,只是觉得它有点儿像。” Fang Linyan calculated next time, 30 years ago was in 1864, at that time was most chaotic the bloody curtain end period, turbulent, bleeding, was humiliated is then label. 方林岩推算了一下时间,三十年之前乃是1864年,那时候正是最混乱血腥的幕末时期,动荡,流血,受欺凌乃是当时的标签。 At that time, the village and ghost hut roam about to walk randomly in each region, by as numerous as the hairs of an ox mountain thieves, the robbers and bandits, the vagabond had not been massacred, was a life exists hardly. 在那个时候,村和鬼庵在各地流浪游走,没有被多如牛毛的山贼,盗匪,浪人杀掉,也算是个命硬的存在了。 But in such tumultuous times, saw any grotesque and gaudy thing is not unusual, but then the words of village and ghost hut, made Fang Linyan feel a chill in the air: 而在那样的乱世,见到了什么光怪陆离的东西都不稀奇,但接下来村和鬼庵的话,也让方林岩感觉到了一丝寒意: I at that time, have seen similar material quality, is two lanterns, two will only hang in the night, the dark and cheerless lantern, the outer covering material qualities of these two lanterns, are the person skin do, and is about 20 -year-old girl's skin, smooth, neat, above also does not have any scar and birthmark.” “我当时,见到过类似材质的,是两个灯笼,两个只会在夜里面挂起来,阴惨惨的灯笼,这两只灯笼的蒙皮材质,就是人皮做的,并且还是二十岁左右的女孩子的皮,光滑,整洁,上面还没有什么疤痕和胎记。” Fang Linyan listened also to hold breath cold air, had not nearly thrown in hand the bookmark: 方林岩听了也倒吸了一口凉气,差点儿没有将手里面的这书签扔了出去: Person skin!!?” “人皮!!?”
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