FE :: Volume #13

#1348: Navel Mao Village

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Chapter 1346 navel Mao Village 第1346章脐毛村 Sees this, in the Fang Linyan heart the secretly thought Japanese is really a complex nationality, will only submit to the might, so long as you show the strength, he displays and pug dog immediately equally is obedient. 见到这一幕,方林岩心中暗道日本人果然是一个复杂的民族,只会屈从于强权,只要你展示出实力,他就立即表现得和哈巴狗一样听话。 However, Fang Linyan looks at these things that a Abe profit took, besides a rope check, beside two smoke shell, had nothing to have a liking for the eye. 但是,方林岩看了看服部一益拿出来的这些东西,除了一条绳勾,还有两枚烟雾弹之外,就没什么看得上眼得了。 The rope check is the pure auxiliary item, can use 10 times, the use later can assign the position, then ejects the rope check, will then draw, is used to fly up to the eaves and walls truly well. 绳勾是纯辅助道具,可以使用十次,使用以后可以指定位置,然后抛出绳勾,然后就会将人拉过去,用来飞檐走壁确实不错。 The smoke shell did not say that also has the extra special effect( confused): Ordinary soldier, people, once places oneself in the smog will smell the special smell, then has the intense dizziness, is completely muddled runs around. 烟雾弹就不说了,却还拥有额外的特效(迷乱):普通的士兵,民众一旦置身于烟雾里面会嗅到特殊的气味,然后产生强烈的眩晕,晕头转向到处乱跑。 How many wrinkled Japanese currency the Fang Linyan vision stayed, his taking the trouble counted the number, almost without smiling to make noise, such a Ninja, the strength was really is not honest bad, unexpectedly did the body add to only have three dollars of many Japanese currency? 紧接着,方林岩的目光停留在了几张皱巴巴的日币上,他费心数了数,差点没笑出声来,这么一个忍者,说实话实力也真不差,居然身上加起来就只有三块多的日币? Originally is an out-and-out poverty compels!! 原来是个不折不扣的穷逼啊!! But looks this boy also very has the principle, do not look that a Abe profit neatly and quickly hitting to fall face down by Fang Linyan. 但看起来这厮还挺有原则的呢,你别看服部一益三下五除二被方林岩给打趴下了。 However , but Fang Linyan to plot against him, use can the prestige energy of legend weapon + divine tool, have how many people able to resist so luxurious cocktail of moves? 但是,方林岩为了暗算到他,动用的可是传说武器+神器的威能,能有几个人能抗住如此豪华的组合拳? Fang Linyan was saying to a Abe profit: 方林岩对着服部一益道: I self-examine with you am nothing enmity, therefore you should be only one by the blade of use, is who makes you kill my?” “我自问和你们是没有任何仇怨的,所以你应该只是一把被利用的刀而已,那么是谁让你来杀我的?” A Abe profit sighs: 服部一益叹了一口气道: This I really do not know, I was yesterday arrive at Nagasaki to be responsible for purchasing some goods, then liked gathering in dark night/lodge Room that to drink one cup in usually the Ninja, the wineshop attendant told my duty.” “这个我真不知道,我是昨天来到了长崎这边负责采买一些物品,然后在平时忍者喜欢聚集的暗宿屋里面喝上一杯,酒保就告诉了我这个任务。” Because this duty looks quite simple, but needs to assassinate a person, and is a foreigner, the reward also achieved 100 Japanese Yen good digit, therefore I ordered.” “因为这个任务看起来比较简单,只是需要刺杀一个人而已,并且还是一个外国人,报酬也达到了100日元的不错数字,所以我就接单了。” Fang Linyan heard 100 Japanese Yen „after astonishing digit, immediately welled up a complex mood beyond description at heart: 方林岩听到了100日元的“惊人”数字以后,顿时心里涌出来了一股难以形容的复杂情绪: Damn, father on only value 100 Japanese Yen?” “他妈的,老子难道就只值100日元?” Naturally, these words he will definitely not say, but looks a Abe profit said: 当然,这句话他肯定不会说出口来,而是看着服部一益道: Therefore, the consignor of duty only then did the wineshop attendant know?” “所以,任务的委托者就只有酒保知道了?” A Abe profit nods saying: 服部一益点点头道: Yes!” “是的!” Fang Linyan hesitates said long time: 方林岩沉吟良久道: How about my assassination information is?” “关于我的刺杀信息是怎么样的?” A Abe profit said: 服部一益道: Rarely, what because provides the message to use is a god bamboo slip, what above writes is wants me to come here in 2 : 15 pm, then stays for a half hour, after massacring two men, can successfully receive the monetary reward.” “很少,因为提供消息用的是一支神签,上面写的是要我在下午 2 点15分到达这里,然后停留半个小时,杀掉两个男人以后就可以成功领取赏金。” Fang Linyan shocking say/way: 方林岩震惊的道: „Is this also good?” “这样也行?” A Abe profit said: 服部一益道: Yes, this is called the god bamboo slip to post a reward, most time above information are also credible, naturally, there is little partially a far-fetched time, because of this, this type of god bamboo slip is posting a reward to choose to pay in advance half of monetary rewards.” “是的,这叫做神签悬赏,大部分的时候上面的信息也都是靠谱的,当然,也有少部分不靠谱的时候,正因为这样,这种神签悬赏才会选择预支一半的赏金。” At this point, he said low-spirited: 说到这里,他才黯然道: Also because of this, I will choose this duty, because little Lord has had a fever for three days, has started the convulsion convulsion, if I cannot take the medicine to go back, must violate the last words of old master, does tarnishes a Tanba each family matter, robbed or the larceny directly.” “也正是因为这样,我才会选择了这个任务,因为少主已经发烧三天了,已经开始抽风惊厥,我要是再不能带上药物回去的话,就要违背老主人的遗命,做一些玷污丹羽家家名的事情,直接去抢劫或者偷窃了。” In Japan, several generations of retainers take care of the same family are actually very common things, this custom even continued afterward in the enterprise in Japan, the staff almost rarely changed job, once entered some enterprise, will work for life-long, even if was unsuccessful even by the marginalization, only if business failure. 在日本,几代家臣都服侍同一个家族其实是很常见的事情,这种习惯甚至延续到了后来日本的企业里面,员工几乎很少跳槽,一旦进入了某个企业,就会终生为之效力,哪怕是在其中不得志甚至被边缘化,除非企业倒闭。 Fang Linyan does not certainly readily believe that his words, said directly: 方林岩当然不会轻信他的话,直接道: Your money, since were only left over several Japanese Yen, then bought the medicine completely, with shows me the medicine?” “你身上的钱既然只剩下了几日元,那么想必全部都买了药,把药拿给我看看?” A Abe profit took a large package medicine to come out, is sending out the strong traditional Chinese medicine flavor, Fang Linyan a few years ago was a sickly person, ate the folk prescription a lot, the long illness became the excellent doctor, discovered that in the medicinal herb had the bupleurum chinensis, the silver curls upwards, the bezoar wait/etc, truly was brings down a fever to use, then nods saying: 服部一益就拿了一大包药出来,散发着浓烈的中药味道,方林岩前些年乃是个病秧子,也没少吃偏方,正所谓久病成良医,发现药材里面有柴胡,银翘,牛黄等等,确实是退烧用的,便点了点头道: You, since goes to that izakaya frequently, then can also issue the assassination information?” “你既然经常去那家居酒屋,那么想必也可以发布刺杀信息的了?” A Abe profit said: 服部一益道: That is natural.” “那是当然。” Fang Linyan nods saying: 方林岩点点头道: Very good, you help me do a matter, I let off you.” “很好,你帮我做一件事,我就放过你。” A Abe profit said: 服部一益道: Your excellency please says.” “阁下请说。” Fang Linyan thinks, pulled out a thick repeat Japanese Yen bill from the bosom, the probably 5,000-6,000 dollars, then brushed to write one skewer of lists: 方林岩想了想,从怀中掏出了厚厚一迭的日元钞票,大概有5,000-6,000块钱吧,然后“刷刷刷”写下了一串名单: That izakaya, since can make you appear and disappear, is general's office one school, I wanted you to help me post a reward to kill these people on list, these were the running dogs of reform faction! If you can achieve this thing, in the list dies every time a person, I give you 10,000 Japanese Yen reward.” “那个居酒屋既然能让你出没,想必是幕府一派的了,我要你去帮我悬赏杀了名单上的这些人,这些都是维新派的走狗!你若能做到这件事的话,名单上每死一个人,我就给你一万日元的奖励。” In this chaotic time, reform faction, although is in power, but his official was assassinated is actually a very universal matter. 在这个混乱的时代,维新派虽然得势,但是其官员被刺杀其实是一件非常普遍的事情。 In 1878, the palm power, has almost Toshimichi Ookubo of prime minister right to be assassinated by five warriors headed by Shimada Ichirou at that time, this is the heads of government. 1878年,当时已经手掌大权,几乎拥有了首相权利的大久保利通被以岛田一郎为首的五名武士刺杀,这可是政府首脑啊。 In 1869 Shounan Yokoi, Masujirou Oomura encountered the general's office evil warriors to assassinate dead. 1869年横井小楠、大村益次郎遭到幕府余孽武士刺杀身亡。 In 1871 Saneomi Hirosawa was also killed because of version record/native place Feng, 1871年广泽真臣因“版籍奉还”遇刺身亡, Iwakura Tomomi also because of framing Saigou Takamori encountered to assassinate in 1873. 岩仓具视也在1873年因陷害西乡隆盛而遭遇刺杀。 Therefore, the request that Fang Linyan set, did not make a Abe profit feel not unacceptable. 所以,方林岩提出的要求,并不是让服部一益感觉到无法接受的。 Then social environment was so, drew an analogy with the national condition in China the words, looked like the Republic of China time, past princes of Puyi and several Qing dynasty asked the assassin to assassinate the Beiyang senior officials to be the same, from the logic or the motive, was natural. 当时的社会环境就是如此,拿中国的国情来打个比方的话,就像是民国时候,溥仪和几名满清的昔日王爷找刺客刺杀北洋高官一样,无论是从逻辑还是动机上来说,都是理所当然的。 A Abe profit looked that to list that Fang Linyan took, then very earnest say/way: 服部一益看向了方林岩拿出来的名单,然后很认真的道: You determined that they are the running dogs of reform faction?” “你确定他们都是维新派的走狗?” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: I give you opportunity investigation, if in the list who is not, you can not do, but if I said that is true, you must take an oath with family/home of Tanba family/home, you can definitely whole-heartedly!” “我给你机会调查,如果名单上谁不是,那你可以不做,但是如果我说的话属实,你要用丹羽家的家名起誓,你必然会全力以赴!” A Abe profit pondered some little time said: 服部一益思考了好一会儿道: Good!” “好!” When a Abe profit ponder, Fang Linyan has opened the war progress bar to pay close attention. 就在服部一益思考的时候,方林岩已经打开了战争进度条在密切关注着。 To him, Abe's appearance made him open new way of thinking, can use as an idle chess, most critically, used the cost of this fellow to be very small! Fang Linyan declares war after Jiawu fished one greatly, money to his fetter is very small. 对他来说,服部的出现让他打开了新思路,可以作为一步闲棋来使用,更关键的是,利用这家伙的成本很小!方林岩利用甲午宣战大捞了一笔之后,金钱对他的束缚已经很小了。 Finally when Abe benefits this fellow nods, Fang Linyan detected that the war progress bar promoted 0.03 unexpectedly! This fully explained in space sentences inside in advance, a Abe profit this time standpoint, the idea will cause the national strength drop of Japanese this entire country! 结果当服部一益这家伙点头的时候,方林岩发觉战争进度条居然又提升了0.03!这足以说明在空间的预判里面,服部一益此时的立场,想法是会导致日本这整个国家的国力下降的! This explained that a Abe profit has not planned water Fang Linyan, but seriously is considering this matter. 这就说明服部一益并没有打算水一下方林岩,而是在认真考虑这件事。 The request that after all Fang Linyan puts forward is not odd, person who to a certain extent, he also hates these reform factions, let alone was everyone killed also had 10,000? 毕竟方林岩提的要求并不离谱,从某种程度上来说,他也痛恨这些维新派的人,何况每个人被杀了还有一万块呢? Since a Abe profit proved own sincerity, Fang Linyan walks up, will plunder the tooth of food to extract downward from his vest, then remembered a matter saying: 既然服部一益证明了自己的诚意,方林岩就走上前去,将掠食之牙从他的背心上拔了下来,然后想起了一件事道: Where do you know navel Mao Village?” “你知道脐毛村在什么地方吗?” A Abe profit surprised say/way: 服部一益吃惊的道: „Do you want to go to navel Mao Village?” “你要去脐毛村?” Fang Linyan nods: 方林岩点点头: Un, looks a person.” “嗯,去找一个人。” A Abe profit said: 服部一益道: If unnecessary words, good that do not go, because there is very dangerous, is almost makes one be awed at the sight.” “如果没有必要的话,还是不要去的好,因为那里十分危险,几乎是令人望而生畏。” Fang Linyan knits the brows: 方林岩皱眉道: What dangerous spot is there? Is the guard strength strong?” “那里是什么龙潭虎穴吗?守卫力量非常强?” A Abe profit said: 服部一益道: That actually not, you misunderstood, is only people living there, suffered from the foul disease patient, initial navel Mao Village establishes more than 70 years ago, that time was the Portuguese brought a fearful disease, is called the leprosy.” “那倒不是,你误会了,只是居住在那里的人,都是罹患了恶疾的病人,最初的脐毛村建立于七十多年前,那时候是葡萄牙人带来了一种可怕的疾病,叫做麻风。” They infected this disease to the prostitute, then started to proliferate rapidly, finally turned into a fearful disaster, at that time ruled the given name of Nagasaki even the person who ordered to cut to kill to be sick, and burnt all corpses, this was contained.” “他们将这疾病传染给了妓女,然后就开始迅速扩散,最后变成了一场可怕的灾难,当时统治长崎的大名甚至下令斩杀患病的人,并且将所有的尸体都焚烧掉,这才算是将之遏制了下来。” But, during this given name most beloved son is actually also slaughtering had the leprosy, the given name does not hate to start to him, therefore then established navel Mao Village in the middle of the remote mountain, then makes him go to run its own course, accompanies him to enter together, eight loyal and devoted retainers.” “不过,这位大名最心爱的儿子却也在杀戮当中染上了麻风病,大名舍不得对他下手,于是便在深山当中建立了脐毛村,然后让他进去自生自灭,随同他一起进入的,还有八名忠心耿耿的家臣。” Given name once in a while, will make one send to the grain and medicinal herb, the person in navel Mao Village lived unexpectedly six, but the condition has not been cured, but has not deteriorated, finally separated for two years, had the plague, therefore the given name was beyond cure these, seems like the patient who can also live to deliver toward navel Mao Village.” “大名每隔一段时间,就会让人送去粮食和药材,在脐毛村里面的人居然活下来了六个,但是病情并没有痊愈,不过也没有恶化,结果隔了两年,又发生了瘟疫,于是大名就将那些无药可治,看起来还能活下来的病人往脐毛村里面送.” With increase of navel Mao Village inside patient, died, side also presented a cemetery, the poor person also burying dead here gradually, navel Mao Village here became a fearful place.” “随着脐毛村里面病人的增多,死去,旁边也是出现了一座坟场,穷人也渐渐的在这里埋葬死者,脐毛村这里就成了一个可怕的地方。” After Fang Linyan listened, said: 方林岩听了以后道: Originally is this, so long as this place completes the protection is not dangerous, you show the way to me, I go to find a person to come out.” “原来是这样,这种地方只要做好防护的话并不危险,你给我指一下路吧,我进去找个人就出来。” A Abe profit said: 服部一益道: Good.” “好。” Under guiding of Abe profit, Fang Linyan rapid hurried along toward side, crossed a 200-300 meters high hill in the middle of the journey, but can overlook the entire Nagasaki hill here. 在服部一益的带路之下,方林岩就迅速朝着旁边赶路了起来,在路途当中翻过了一座200-300米高的小山,而在小山这里可以俯瞰整个长崎。 At this time can see, originally in Nagasaki little Gulf of Northwest 45 kilometers, an agglomeration of as if small town, Fang Linyan, although stopped over so many days in Nagasaki, has not actually gone to there, its basic reason was this place and Nagasaki naval port is the reversed direction. 这时候就能见到,原来在长崎的西北方四五公里处的小海湾里面,还有一处仿佛小镇的聚集地,方林岩虽然在长崎逗留这么多天,却都还没有去过那里,其根本原因就是这地方和长崎军港是反方向了。 At this time looked that from the hill summit can detect, in this small town crowded, seems like also quite lively, even felt much richer more and populous than several business streets of Nagasaki. Fang Linyan then said to a Abe profit: 此时从小山山顶看过去就能发觉,这个小镇上人来人往的,看起来也是相当的繁华,甚至感觉比长崎的几条商业街更富庶得多。方林岩便对服部一益道: Where is there?” “那里是什么地方?” A Abe profit surprise say/way: 服部一益诧异的道: „Is there the Chinese room spreads? Don't you know?” “那里是唐人屋敷啊?你不知道吗?” Fang Linyan gawked staring, at once understands, originally Japanese the 17 th century Tokugawa implemented the policy of isolation( therefore the Asian country does is basic synchronization), Nagasaki becomes only with the window that the outside world exchanges. 方林岩愣了愣,旋即就明白了过来,原来日本17世纪江户幕府实行了锁国政策(所以亚洲国家作死都是基本同步的),长崎就成为了唯一与外界交流的窗口。 At that time although Chinese Ming and Qing were request sheet cannot go to sea, but this policy everyone was knows that no matter under the manages on, the sea trade of Ming Dynasty also were very actually developed, several big pirate Zheng Zhilong wait/etc even can contend with Portuguese such naval powers. 当时虽然中国明清时期也是要求“片板不能下海”,但这种政策大家都是知道的,管下不管上,明代的海贸其实也很发达的,几个大海盗郑芝龙等等甚至都能与葡萄牙这样的海上强国抗衡。 Therefore, Japanese General's office also knows at that time these bright people cannot stir up, assigned place in Nagasaki to them in private, the Chinese who lets the trade comes to here to live, the name of this place was called the Chinese the room to spread. 所以,日本幕府当时也知道这些明国人惹不起,就私下在长崎给他们划了一块地,让通商的中国人来这里居住,这块地的名字就叫唐人屋敷。 Fang Linyan looks that the distant place lively lively Chinese room spreads, the eye narrowed, this time present scene made him think of words on Buddhist literature suddenly: 方林岩看着远处热闹繁华的唐人屋敷,眼睛眯缝了起来,此时的眼前景象忽然让他想到了一句佛经上的话: All promising laws, if dream bubble, such as reveal also like electricity “一切有为法,若梦幻泡影,如露亦如电” This time he is also the temporary feeling, feels or manages the proper business be important, after looking at two, then continues to go to navel Mao Village, probably after two hours, Fang Linyan then arrived here, a Abe profit at this time is also impatient to get back, is bowing to say to Fang Linyan slightly: 此时的他也是临时感慨,觉得还是办正事要紧,多看了两眼之后,便继续前往脐毛村,大概两个小时以后,方林岩便到达了这里,服部一益此时也是归心似箭,对着方林岩微微鞠躬道: Your excellency, my wife and children master is also in the serious illness now, must say goodbye below.” “阁下,我家小主人现在还处于重病中,在下必须要告辞了。” Fang Linyan nods saying: 方林岩点点头道: Ok, you give me a faith token, will facilitate me to contact with you in the future.” “可以,你给我一件信物,方便我日后联系你。” A Abe profit nods, gave a Fang Linyan as if piccolo thing, then said: 服部一益点点头,交给了方林岩一支仿佛短笛似的东西,然后道: So long as sounds this insect to swing leaves the island wharf here of Nagasaki, some quick people look your.” “只要在长崎的出岛码头这里吹响这支虫摇,很快就有人来找你的。” Fang Linyan nods, when a Abe profit turns around to leave suddenly said: 方林岩点点头,在服部一益转身离开的时候忽然道: „A matter, I am a keeping one's word person, what art is the personnel does not doubt, doubts the person not to use.” “还有一件事,我是一个讲信用的人,讲究的是用人不疑,疑人不用。” Mr. Abe, you are killed my, and among us does not have the enmity without the injustice, even if I killed you in turn, is still fair, you said is right?” “服部先生,你本来是来杀我的,并且我们之间无冤无仇,我就算是反过来杀了你,也是合情合理,你说对不对?” A Abe profit nods saying: 服部一益点点头道: Yes.” “是的。” Fang Linyan spreads out the hand saying: 方林岩摊开手道: But, after listening you told my matter, I thought that your loyalty is great, I not only have not killed you, gave back to your money, was I also enough trust you?” “可是,听了你告诉我的事情之后,我觉得你的忠诚非常伟大,我不但没有杀你,还给了你一大笔钱,我也是足够对你信任了吧?” A Abe profit said: 服部一益道: Right.” “对。” Fang Linyan then dense say/way: 方林岩接着便森然道: Therefore, if you disappointed my trust, even copes with me after this in turn, then Mr. Abe, is very regrettable, you gave your Lord Monarch to provoke a very powerful enemy! Hopes you good.” “因此,如果你辜负了我的信任,甚至在这之后反过来对付我,那么服部先生,很遗憾,你就给你的主君招惹了一个非常强大的敌人!希望你好之为之。” Abe profit complexion again changes, deeply is bowing to Fang Linyan, then departs directly. 服部一益脸色再变,对着方林岩深深鞠躬,然后便直接离去。 After Abe benefits, Fang Linyan then summoned Laming. 等到服部一益走后,方林岩便将拉明召唤了出来。 Before he in departure, told Laming directly after that side stay a while, looked for the opportunity auto-regression god country, because the Fang Linyan goal had been achieved at that time , a Fukujima goal characters has formed to the aspect in Dongxiang well. 之前他在离开的时候,就直接告诉拉明在那边逗留一会儿之后,找机会自动回归神国去,因为当时方林岩的目的已经达到了,目标人物之一的福岛已经形成了对上了东乡井的局面. That means the most ideal situation- Murders with a borrowed knife the layout to complete, Dongxiang well this sharp knife the sheath, had taken over that side Fukujima, even if finally both sides the dog brain hit is very happy, most critically Fang Linyan can also pretend non-involvement all these to sit pretty. 那就意味着最理想的局势--借刀杀人已经布局完成,东乡井这把快刀已经出鞘,接手了那边的福岛,最后双方哪怕狗脑子打出来也很爽啊,更关键的是方林岩还能撇清这一切稳坐钓鱼台。 But Laming is to make one be shocked to the latest news that Fang Linyan brings, Fukujima died unexpectedly!! 而拉明给方林岩带来的最新消息则是令人大跌眼镜,福岛居然死了!!
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