FE :: Volume #13

#1347: Powerful Ninja

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Chapter 1345 powerful Ninja 第1345章强大忍者 Fang Linyan hesitated a while saying: 方林岩沉吟了一会儿道: Then in other words, I, if heard the samisen to play the sound that the corpse recited happily, needs to travel quickly?” “那么也就是说,我如果听到了三味线弹奏尸喜吟的声音,就需要赶快跑路了?” The blade defends traditional moral principles: 刃卫道: Almost is this.” “差不多是这样。” *** *** Ten after minutes, 十分钟之后, Outside heard a series of fierce explosive sounds suddenly! Several watching the fun people were wounded, sent out the sad and shrill pitiful yell, sphering the person attention of this villa to be attracted the past immediately. 外面忽然传来了一连串剧烈的爆炸声!好几个看热闹的人都被炸伤,发出了凄厉的惨叫,围住了这栋别墅的人注意力顿时被吸引了过去。 Has traded Fang Linyan of one clothes, then under another person's leadership, slipped away from the room directly. 早已换了一套衣服的方林岩,便直接在另外一个人的带领下,从屋子后面溜之大吉了。 This cannot blame the police being incompetent but actually, because in this time, the class of Japan is still dense, the police process the civilians, the merchant and so on also a little uses, but involves the Dongxiang well, Fukujima such powerful figure, what Police and so on was really insufficiently looks. 这也倒也不能怪警察无能,因为在这个时代,日本的阶层依然森然,警察处理平民,商人之类的也有点儿用,但牵扯到东乡井,福岛这样的实权人物,警察之类的真是不够看了。 Separating was so long, the reinforcement of police not only has not arrived, that 78 police who come at first ran three. 隔了这么久,警察的增援非但没到,就连最初来的那七八个警察都跑了三个。 With a frank talk, did police one month gains you 20 Japanese Yen wage, run about to hit to do odd jobs to you also good, really to run into this killing without batting an eye villain also to act boldly regardless of one's safety to proceed to clash? That feared that lost the wisdom! 拿一句大实话来说,人家警察一个月就赚你个二十日元的薪水,给你跑跑腿打打杂还行,真的遇到了这种杀人不眨眼的凶徒还能奋不顾身往前冲?那怕是失了智了! Really has this courage to work oneself to death, that will not be the police, wants the proper way will go to the army, wants to fish the words of side door, had gone to the middle of the criminal syndicate or the smuggling party. 真有这个勇气想要卖命的,那也不会来做警察,想要走正途的会去军队,想要捞偏门的话,早就去了黑帮或者走私党当中了。 Fang Linyan followed the person of blade health/guard slightly to run almost 34 kilometers, he also ran actually has the ample force, the person but who guided actually has breathed heavily very much, looked for a stone to take a seat at will, was almost tired hu-hu must put out the tongue. 方林岩跟随着刃卫的人小跑出了差不多三四公里,他倒是跑得还有余力,但带路的人却已经喘得很了,随意的找了一块石头就坐了下来,累得呼哧呼哧的几乎要吐出舌头。 He looks at calm Fang Linyan, smiling of apology, opens mouth if as to say anything, but has not actually made any sound. 他看着气定神闲的方林岩,歉意的笑了笑,张了张嘴似乎要想说些什么,可是却没有发出任何声音。 Then, Fang Linyan saw on his neck presented a red string impressively!! 然后,方林岩就见到了他脖子上赫然出现了一道红线!! This red string spreads instantaneously, then this guiding person head flew all of a sudden!!! 紧接着,这红线瞬间扩散,然后这个带路的人脑袋一下子就飞了起来!!! The blood spurts crazily, the headless corpse separated dropped down some little time slowly, Fang Linyan sighs slightly: 鲜血狂喷,无头尸体隔了好一会儿才徐徐倒下,方林岩微微叹了一口气道: I am not really clear, your enemies obviously are the Dongxiang wells, why always stares at me not to put?” “我真的不明白,你们的敌人明明就是东乡井,为什么老是盯着我不放?” In the middle of nearby thick patch of grass, the man who a Ninja dressed up appeared the figure, his body center of gravity bent down extremely lowly, looked like a secretive big spider to bend down, the body will also be fluctuating with fluctuating of thick patch of grass unexpectedly, it can be said that seemed somewhat forestalls opponent by a show of strength very much. 在旁边的草丛当中,一个忍者打扮的男子现出了身形,他的身体重心伏得极低,就像是一只诡秘的大蜘蛛伏着似的,身体居然还会随着草丛的起伏而起伏着,可以说是看起来就很是有些先声夺人。 Suddenly, this Ninja aimed at a Fang Linyan blade to cut directly, after he acted, Fang Linyan detected immediately this fellow was not noon today assassination, but had someone else. 忽然,这个忍者直接就对准了方林岩一刀斩了过来,他一出手之后,方林岩立即就发觉这家伙不是今天中午的刺杀者,而是另有其人。 At noon what that assassination excels is the personal assassination, attack of direct one set of as if violent storm cuts you to be completely muddled, then a blade shears the throat to carry off, but this assassination hand opens together greatly gathers greatly, the blade wind heads on, boundless atmosphere! 中午那名刺杀者擅长的是贴身暗杀,直接一套仿佛暴风骤雨的攻击砍得你晕头转向,然后一刀割喉带走,但是这名刺杀者一起手就是大开大合,刀风扑面而来,苍茫大气! With words that the ancient poetry described, noon assassination was „a little building night listened to spring rain composed, but at this time this assassination was bright moonlight has Tianshan, among boundless seas of clouds heroics. 拿古诗来形容的话,中午的刺杀者就是“小楼一夜听春雨”的婉约,而此时这名刺杀者就是“明月出天山,苍茫云海间”的豪迈。 This blade cuts, Fang Linyan detected immediately oneself cannot defend by the present strength, actually cannot avoid! 这一刀斩来,方林岩立即就发觉自己以现在的实力根本就防不住,却更是躲不开! Instantaneously, his whole person blurred, the long blade dividing into two, but in cutting is also only the empty shadow, 瞬间,他整个人模糊了一下,长刀紧接着就将之一分为二,但斩中的也只是虚影, Edge soaring! 刃飞翔! This time Fang Linyan has appeared in him behind, a dagger aimed in the middle of his vest to puncture ruthlessly. 此时的方林岩却已经出现在了他的身后,狠狠一匕首就对准了他的背心当中刺了进去。 But in this flash, Fang Linyan felt unexpectedly on the dagger transmitted the enormous resistance, and this resistance is very unusual, looking like a dagger punctures , was slanting on hard smooth ice surface, the strength that oneself exert was opened by the domineering leaning taper slide. 但在这一瞬间,方林岩居然感觉到了匕首上传来了极大的阻力,并且这阻力很奇特,就像是一匕首刺在了斜着的坚硬光滑冰面上,自己施加上去的力量被强势偏斜滑开。 Then Fang Linyan obtained the prompt: 然后方林岩就获得了提示: You were endured the technique: The garment of ice affects, your attack is invalid.” “你被忍术:冰之衫所影响,你的本次攻击无效。” Fang Linyan saw a brow wrinkle: 方林岩见到了眉头一皱: „The garment of ice? Was that conducts the strengthening to the clothes?” “冰之衫?那是对衣服进行强化了?” Therefore Fang Linyan without hesitation, a palm of the hand on the racket in the vest place of enemy, an hour glass illusion of rapid rotation appeared, behind the enemy the time speed of flow of this clothing rapidly becomes quick, then stayed after one hour. 因此方林岩毫不犹豫,一巴掌就拍在了敌人的背心处,一个快速旋转的沙漏幻象出现,敌人背后这一块衣衫的时间流速迅速变快,然后停留在了一个小时之后。 Under the enemy be at dizzy condition does not have the means to do anything, the Fang Linyan vision one cold, punctures suddenly again! 处于晕眩状态下的敌人也没有办法做任何事,方林岩目光一凛,猛然再刺! These also does not have any time again can hinder to plunder the tooth of food, its cutting edge drilled into the vest center of enemy instantaneously, the greedy start sucks in the pleasant and tasty flesh! 这一次再也没有什么能阻碍掠食之牙的了,其锋刃瞬间就钻入到了敌人的背心中央,贪婪的开始吮吸起甘美的血肉来! Airborne also resounded Jie Jie one after another crying out strangely sound, then that soul black Zhu's illusion appears again, post stubbornly on the vest of this assassin, the position of its mouth apparatus was plundered the place that the tooth of food stabs. 空中也是响起了一连串“桀桀”的怪叫声,然后那头器魂黑朱的幻象就再次出现,死死的贴在了这名刺客的背心上,其口器的位置就是被掠食之牙刺中的地方。 The malicious ghost interest ability starts! 恶鬼趣能力发动! At this time, Fang Linyan also saw the black Zhu's life value, the difference more than 100 points to 2000 points, but the threshold of spider of triggering hysterical/frenzy, is to absorb to 1000 life values, Fang Linyan actually suspected very much the maximum life value upper limit of opposite party Ninja can have 1000 points. 这时候,方林岩也看到了黑朱的生命值,差一百多点才到2000点,而触发狂乱之蛛的门槛,是要吸收到1000点生命值,方林岩其实很怀疑对方这个忍者的最大生命值上限能有1000点。 Therefore, effect that he in fact wants, in fact is the 40 points of malicious ghost interest ability / the powerful special effect of second of absorption life value, in the middle of the foundation attribute phenomenally weakened world, this Ninja assassin definitely also anti- caO not. 所以,他实际上要的效果,实际上是恶鬼趣能力的40点/秒的吸收生命值的强力特效,在基础属性被空前削弱的本世界当中,这名忍者刺客肯定也耐caO不到哪里去。 Otherwise, enters to the space soldier in this world is also typical anemia man, the life value can hundred be very rare, under this condition must meet against tall blood thick BOSS, that makes one feel sad. 否则的话,进入到本世界内的空间战士也一个个都是典型的“贫血”男子,生命值能过百已经是十分罕见,这种状态下还要遇到防高血厚的BOSS,那让人情何以堪。 But started the next second of malicious ghost interest ability in Fang Linyan, immediately felt the opposite party shot, even an opposite party was a rubber ball the feeling that made an effort to trample. 而就在方林岩发动了恶鬼趣能力的下一秒,立即就感觉到对方弹了出去,甚至有一种对方是个皮球被用力踹出去的感觉。 This fellow was also in the blade to soar at this time this move of causing dizziness! 要知道,这个家伙这时候还处于刃飞翔这一招导致的晕眩之中啊! However the assassins in Japan were usually famous on by surreptitiously, what substitute person technique, the shadow clone, endures the law shadow dance, the experience that flashes dimly and so on Fang Linyan of similar skill is not strange. 不过日本的刺客素来就以诡秘著称,什么替身术,影分身,忍法影舞,胧地闪之类的经历过一次类似技能的方林岩已经并不奇怪了。 Is good because of time these does not have smoke shell type of strange thing to fall. 好在这一次并没有烟雾弹这种奇怪的东西掉下来。 Therefore, Fang Linyan emitted the unmanned aerial vehicle at this time immediately, the surveillance battlefield of occupying a commanding position, immediately detected this fellow does not know unexpectedly when rushed to the left more than ten meters places, but also stealthy conceals in shrubbery, but also raised a rib difference to want counter- thorn back black vermilion. 因此,方林岩这时候立即放出了无人机,居高临下的监视战场,立即就发觉这家伙居然已经不知道什么时候跑到了自己左边十几米的地方,还鬼鬼祟祟的藏在灌木丛里面,还提了一把肋差想要反刺背后的黑朱了。 Does Fang Linyan possibly make him work? Although black Zhu's life value = 800 + present maximum life value, but cannot withstand several to hold. 方林岩怎么可能让他得逞?虽然黑朱的生命值点+自己现在的最大生命值,但是也经不起几下捅啊。 Therefore Fang Linyan without delay, direct round interception rushed to his front, the front surface stretched out the finger to aim at his eye to insert fiercely, simultaneously four energetic tentacles found out together, tied down his four limbs respectively. 所以方林岩二话不说,直接一发“拦截”就冲到了他的面前,迎面就伸出手指对准了他的眼睛猛插了过去,同时四条精神触手一起探出,分别缠住了其四肢。 This time Fang Linyan psychic force tentacle winding also skillful, not with it doom resistance, but conducted the limited resistance, at crucial moment drew one to entrain. 这时候的方林岩精神力触手缠绕也是有技巧的,并不会与之死命对抗到底,而是进行有限对抗,在关键的时候才拉一下拽一下。 Immediately, this assassin felt oneself fell into mire, the four limbs activity is serious, the clear to see eyes will soon be stabbed, can only not go excessively, finally immediately fell leeward. 顿时,这名刺客就感觉自己陷入了泥潭似的,四肢活动严重受限,眼见得双眼都即将被刺中,只能别过头去,结果顿时就落入了下风。 At this time, Fang Linyan the spirit inspired immediately greatly, so near body fight, the foundation attribute advantage of opposite party could not display, that was his world, LV16 foundation close combat that did not make is playing. 在这个时候,方林岩顿时精神大振,如此近身战斗,对方的基础属性优势发挥不出来,那就是他的天下了啊,LV16的基础近战那可不是闹着玩儿的。 This assassin clear to see own life is dropping every seconds rapidly, oneself are also rapid weak, immediately is also scared, immediately displays to press the bottom the escape move: Is the above mentioned shadow clone. 这名刺客眼见得自己的生命每一秒都在飞速下降,自身也是迅速虚弱,顿时也是慌了神,立即就施展出来压箱底的逃命招数:就是上面提到的影分身。 This assassin changes into four in the flash, ran away in the east, south, west, and north four different directions, even behind lies is bending down black vermilion to be no exception! 这刺客在一瞬间一化为四,朝着东南西北四个不同的方向逃窜了出去,甚至连背后趴伏着的黑朱也不例外! Saw this move, Fang Linyan basically determined the status of this assassin! Clone to endure the technique everyone metropolis/can, but can in a big way branch out four clone one time, only had to the Iga class/flow that this field of endeavor was skilled. 见到了这一招,方林岩就基本确定了这刺客的身份!分身忍术人人都会,但是能一次性分出四大分身的,唯有对此道最为精通的伊贺流了。 If others, will then also really be confused by of opposite party, but Fang Linyan is between black vermilion has the relation in mind, slightly one is moved, then induced, only then of north was only huanying black vermilion to make the response to oneself. 若是旁人,那么还真的会被对方的这一手迷惑,但方林岩却是与黑朱之间有着心灵上的联系,微一动念,便感应到了只有北方的那只黑朱幻影对自己发出了回应。 Therefore, Fang Linyan on at a moderate pace with, to him, this world is really crisis-ridden. 所以,方林岩就不紧不慢的跟了上去,对于他来说,这个世界实在是危机四伏。 At this time uses the pack of wolves tactic is most cost-effective, makes the opposite party exhaust the last drop of blood in the pursuit warfare, and enemy did not have the means to hit back, does thing that anything overturns certainly and so on, that was the optimization. 此时施展狼群战术是最划算的,在追击战里面让对方耗尽最后一滴血,并且敌人还没办法还手,搞出什么绝地翻盘之类的东西,那就是最佳选择了。 After this assassin proceeded to run out of almost dozens meters away, then looked to detect that cannot throw off Fang Linyan, therefore stopped suddenly, weapon threw completely, then aimed at Fang Linyan this direction to kneel down, both hands according to closed proximity to the ground in the ground head, seeming like unexpectedly was underearth place that” used posture! 这名刺客往前冲出了差不多几十米远之后,回头看了看发觉没能甩掉方林岩,于是忽然停了下来,将身上的武器一件一件的都全部抛了出来,然后对准了方林岩这个方向跪下,双手按在地上脑袋紧贴地面,看起来居然是用的“土下座”的姿势! Japanese underearth place is similar to China full of admiration that worships on bended knees, but also expressed a meaning additionally: I acknowledged that the punishment is deserved, the unconditional surrender, please consider my following words seriously! 日本人的“土下座”类似于中国五体投地的那种跪拜,还额外表达一个意思:我认栽了,无条件投降,请郑重考虑我接下来的话! Then, this assassin big hoarseness shouts: 接着,这刺客大声嘶喊道: Your excellency strength is astonishing, candidly admits defeat in a below Abe profit!” “阁下的实力惊人,在下服部一益甘拜下风!” He aimed at Fang Linyan to throw a thing gently: 紧接着,他对准了方林岩这边轻轻抛过来了一件东西: This is in the middle of my clan the scroll of secret, is below apologizing gift, only hopes that this gift can have the opportunity that makes me speak!” “这一件是我族当中秘传的卷轴,算是在下的赔罪礼物,只希望这件礼物能够获得一个让我说话的机会!” Fang Linyan did not fear that at this time he makes what trick, because delays the time to him is the best choice, therefore then walks up, first after examining this scroll detected no issue, will then ascend, then on the retina presented the clear prompt: 方林岩这时候也不怕他闹什么幺蛾子,因为对他而言拖延时间乃是最好的选择,所以便走上前去,先查看了一下这张卷轴发觉没什么问题之后,便将之拾了起来,然后视网膜上就出现了清晰的提示: Breeds hunting for CD8492116, you obtained endured the technique scroll( good).” “殖猎者CD8492116号,你获得了忍术卷轴(良好)。” Endures the technique scroll( good)” “忍术卷轴(良好)” Quality: Silver plot.” “品质:银色剧情。” This goods are unable to carry over this world, when sells to the space will obtain 300 extra purchase prices.” “此物品无法带出本世界,但是在出售给空间的时候会获得300的额外的收购价格。” Explained: This is the scroll item that in the middle of a Iga class/flow secret makes, was used the pulling machine in legend poisonous and three paper manufactures, and injected the scorpion female fine mortal form, it can be said that was hard-won.” “说明:这是一件伊贺流当中秘制出来的卷轴道具,乃是使用了传说中的牵机毒和三垭纸制造的,并且注入了蝎女的精魄,可以说是来之不易。” „After the use, will release to have the hidden weapon of powerful toxin effect on the assigned direction, the hidden weapon type will appear randomly, the random range is in the hand sword / caltrop / water spider / endures the blade, the concrete number is 3-5.” “使用之后,会对指定方向释放出带有强力毒素效果的暗器,暗器类型将会随机出现,随机范围为手里剑/铁蒺藜/水蜘蛛/忍刀,具体枚数为3-5枚。” Enemy, if the animal of this world( including human), will then suffer 100 + 5 current life value injuries, paralyzes because of the severe pain, but this effect is unable to become effective to the space soldier.” “敌人若是本世界的动物(包括人类),那么将会遭受到100+5的当前生命值伤害,并且因为剧痛而瘫痪,但是此效果无法对空间战士生效。” At present surplus use are: 4 / 5 times.” “目前剩余使用次数为:4/5次。” Working as use is 0, can look for related enduring technique master Jinhang to supplement, the premise for its endures the technique to cultivate/repair for in LV3 above.” “当使用次数为0的时候,可以寻找相关的忍术师进行补充,前提为其忍术修为在LV3以上。” *** *** Looks the scroll that the opposite party brings, made up for itself exactly immediately the insufficiency of long-distance striking power, therefore Fang Linyan accepted very much simply, then contacted with black vermilion to make it suspend hemophagiaing, this stood a front of Abe profit, then say/way slowly: 看着对方拿过来的这张卷轴,恰好弥补了自己当下远程攻击力的不足,所以方林岩很干脆的收下了,然后联系了黑朱让它暂停吸血,这才站到了服部一益的面前,然后缓缓的道: Your gift I accepted, I am a keeping one's word person, therefore gives you an opportunity of speech.” “你的礼物我收下了,我是一个言而有信的人,所以给你一个说话的机会。” A Abe profit deeply inspires saying: 服部一益深吸了一口气道: Does not covet life and fear death below, but at present the few lords of Tanba family/home are only seven years old, and surroundings are the person of harboring evil intentions, once I died, Tanba family/home unravelled inevitably.” “并非是在下贪生畏死,而是目前丹羽家的少主才七岁,并且周围都是居心叵测的人,我一旦死去,丹羽家就必然灰飞烟灭了。” But, my family has protected Tanba family/home four generations , below , for does not lose the name of ancestor, if wants completely all means to go on living!” “可是,我的家族已经守护了丹羽家四代人,在下为了不负祖先之名,怎么也要想尽一切办法活下去!” Heard a Abe profit saying that Fang Linyan understood immediately. Japan happened a very big matter in recently dozens years, is the black ship invasion, can understand it Opium War that China encounters. 听到了服部一益这么说,方林岩顿时就明白了过来。日本在最近几十年发生了一件非常大的事情,就是黑船入侵,可以将之理解成中国遭遇的鸦片战争。 In the face of the powerful western culture, the Qing dynasty at least also resisted at that time, Japan the interior was very at that time decayed, therefore boom knelt at directly. 在当时强大的西方文明面前,清朝至少还抵抗了一下,日本当时内部十分腐朽,所以就在炮声隆隆中直接跪了。 Therefore in this case, Japan also starts to change, the reform faction advocated that eliminates the general's office system, takes back the center the right financial resource, quite therefore turns into the capitalist society from the feudal society directly, this is famous Meiji Restoration. 因此在这种情况下,日本内部也开始求变,维新派主张废除幕府制度,将权利财力收归中央,相当于是直接从封建社会变成资本主义社会,这就是著名的明治维新。 However, the reform faction wants, will be the cake of decayed old influence, the opposite party will definitely not admit defeat directly, therefore the reform faction fought with then general's office army, gained the victory, Meiji Restoration won henceforth. Naturally, the loser is definitely hapless, an old influence general's office side was also killed the head people billowing. 不过,维新派想要动的,就是腐朽的旧势力的蛋糕,对方肯定不会直接认输,于是维新派就与当时的幕府军一战,取得了胜利,明治维新从此胜利。当然,失败者肯定是要倒霉的,旧势力幕府一方也被杀得人头滚滚。 Regarding this, will beautify in later generation many cartoonists, described „the romantic of curtain end this bloody incomparable slaughter. In Japanese's mind, the powerhouse bled the death in the fight, looked like the oriental cherry, when brightest died of old age such makes one immerse. 对此,在后世很多漫画家就将之美化了一下,将这场血腥无比的屠杀形容成“幕末之浪漫”.在日本人的心中,强者在战斗当中流血死亡,就像是樱花在最灿烂的时候凋谢那样令人沉醉。 Tanba family/home is the Japanese out-and-out old aristocrat, once past ruler, is very obvious, a Abe profit as the loyal dog, where his buttocks sat can be imagined. 丹羽家乃是日本不折不扣的旧贵族,曾经昔日的统治者,那么很明显,服部一益作为忠犬,其屁股坐在什么地方可想而知了。 After Fang Linyan thought of this point, after the heart moves, then hesitated evil ways: 方林岩想到了这一点之后,心中一动之后,便沉吟了一下道: I have no interest in the murder, if today put you to walk, others know that I assassinating my assassin can let off, then only feared that others will not have scruples, I henceforth was also the constant disorder and unrest.” “我对杀人并没有兴趣,但是若今天放你走了,别人知道我连刺杀自己的刺客都能放过,那么只怕别人就会毫无顾忌,我从此也是永无宁日。” You want me not to kill your words, you must manifest your value. The words of trivial, I would have no means to leave a loophole to you.” “你要我不杀你的话,那你就要体现出自己的价值来。没有价值的话,那我就没有办法对你网开一面了。” A Abe profit hesitant, then pulled out thing completely came out to be placed in the ground, continued to lie to bend down in the place. 服部一益犹豫了一下,便将身上的东西全部掏了出来摆在了地上,继续趴伏在地。
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