FE :: Volume #13

#1346: Castrates the star singer

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Chapter 1344 castrates the star singer 第1344章阉伶歌手 Is good seems like because of the speed of Fukujima is not abnormal, he to/clashes the pursuit time, Fang Linyan had obtained enough cushion time, after a tumbling, stood, in the hand has grasped a stone to aim at the face of Fukujima to sprinkle. 好在福岛的速度看起来并不怎么变态,他冲上来追击的时候,方林岩已经获得了足够的缓冲时间,一个翻滚之后重新站了起来,手里面已经是抓了一把石头对准福岛的脸洒了过去。 Fukujima immediately first, but the potential of first flushing still does not reduce, in the coordination his stout and strong build, looks like a fierce violent anger wild boar simply, aimed at the Fang Linyan direct impact, but. 福岛立即将头一偏,但是前冲之势依然不减,配合上他肥壮的体型,简直就像是一头凶猛的暴怒野猪,对准了方林岩直冲而至。 Fang Linyan had detected at this time the weakness of opposite party, that is the transverse shift speed is slow, therefore fights very much obviously disadvantageously with it in this open area, therefore dodges to go toward the side. 方林岩这时候已经察觉到了对方的弱点,那就是横移速度较慢,所以很显然在这空地当中与之打斗不利,于是朝着侧面闪躲而去。 After two people fight continuously several rounds, Fang Linyan retreats fighting, suddenly meets a fist after hardly, took the opportunity to flash into nearby the family/home of Fukujima. 两人连续交手几个回合之后,方林岩且战且退,突然硬接一拳之后,借机闪入了旁边福岛的家中。 Under the narrow and small environment, a strange strength of Fukujima received the enormous limit like this at home immediately, when he shakes the fist the foot, in the heart the distracting thoughts rather will change: 在家里这样的狭小环境下,福岛的一身怪力立即就受到了极大的限制,当他挥拳出脚的时候,心中杂念未免就会变多了起来: „! The bastard hid by the tea set rack unexpectedly, that was I consumes the entire three years bought to the pearly luster small eggplant( tea to sign)!” “啊!那混蛋居然躲在了茶具架子旁,那可是我耗费了整整三年才求购到到的珠光小茄子(茶具名)啊!” That bowl is from the famous work of weaving kiln.” “那个茶碗可是产自织布窑的名品。” Bastard! He escaped unexpectedly that the chair behind, that was the relic that the father of death most liked.” “混蛋!他竟然逃到了那把椅子后面,那可是去世的父亲最喜欢的遗物。” „.” “.” In this case, Fukujima fell very much obviously gradually leeward, but both sides agree do not use the weapon, this fellow strength in addition skin coarse meat is astonishingly thick, although Fang Linyan gave him several, was actually withstood by this boy calmly. 在这种情况下,福岛很显然就渐渐落入了下风,只是双方约定不用兵器,这家伙力量惊人外加皮糙肉厚,方林岩虽然给了他几下,却被这厮若无其事的承受了下来。 Suddenly, Fang Linyan empty shakes one, caused Fukujima to knock out the fist to assault, seized this opportunity he „” a palm of the hand hits on the eye of Fukujima. 忽然之间,方林岩虚晃一记,引得福岛出拳抢攻,抓住了这个机会他“啪”的一巴掌打在了福岛的眼睛上。 Fukujima covered the eye pain to roar immediately, then started instead to trample, if Fang Linyan wanted to make use to assault, then this foot can trample the severe wound to spit blood him certainly. 福岛顿时捂住了眼睛痛吼了一声,然后起脚反踹,若是方林岩想要趁势抢攻的话,那么这一脚铁定就能将他踹得重伤吐血。 However this time Fang Linyan turned out one of the own cards in a hand finally, when Fukujima has the foot, he is at the condition that the single leg stands. Two psychic force tentacles had extended directly, caught the support leg and foot condyle of Fukujima, then entrains ruthlessly. 然而此时的方林岩终于翻出了自己的底牌之一,在福岛出脚的时候,他就处于单腿站立的状态。两条精神力触手已经直接伸了出去,拽住了福岛的支撑腿脚髁,然后狠狠一拽。 Therefore Fukujima on the bewildered losing balance, direct both hands is dancing randomly the front surface upwards but actually, falls that to call miserable, Fang Linyan seizes the chance an arrow step to rush, aimed at his abdomen is a foot, was a palm blade cuts on the Adam's apple of Fukujima. 于是福岛就莫名其妙的失去平衡,直接双手乱舞着迎面朝天倒了下去,摔得那叫一个惨,方林岩趁机一个箭步冲了上去,对准了他的腹部就是一脚,然后又是一记掌刀砍在了福岛的喉结上。 These two hitting hard make the Fukujima pain incomparable, but he this time can also counter-attack certainly, a fist instead hits, but the psychic force tentacle of Fang Linyan had entangled at this time on his four limbs, this lets Fukujima catches up greatly be limited, having the fist speed obviously was very slow planned. 这两下重击让福岛痛苦无比,但他在这时候还能绝地反击,一拳反打,只是这时候方林岩的精神力触手已经缠在了他的四肢上,这让福岛发力的时候大受限制,出拳速度很明显慢了一筹。 Seized this opportunity, Fang Linyan grasps the arm that Fukujima hit, then came a cross to be solid directly! Under he catches up suddenly, right arm of Fukujima „” by disjunction forcefully. 抓住了这个机会,方林岩一把抱住了福岛打过来的这一根胳膊,然后就直接来了个十字固!在他猛然发力下,福岛的右臂“咔嚓”的一声就被硬生生的折断。 He immediately painful yelled, at this time Fang Linyan has been able to take his life, but is very obvious, now killed his words not to leave. 他顿时痛苦的大叫了起来,这时候方林岩已经可以取他性命了,不过很显然,现在杀了他的话自己也别想走掉了。 Therefore, Fang Linyan follows a set pattern, discarded the left arm of his Fukujima again, under severe pain, Fukujima immediately on stupor in the past. 所以,方林岩如法炮制,再次废掉了他福岛的左臂,在剧痛之下,福岛顿时就昏迷了过去。 But at this time, he gawked suddenly staring, originally at this time in Fukujima staircase, presented a form impressively. 而就在这时候,他忽然愣了愣,原来此时就在福岛背后的楼梯上,赫然出现了一个身影。 This form is not others, the Dongxiang well relies on for the blade health/guard of arm, he does not know when ambushes, as if has stayed there was very long, looks at the Fang Linyan light say/way: 这个身影不是别人,正是东乡井倚为臂膀的刃卫,他也不知道是什么时候潜伏进来的,仿佛早就在那里呆了很久,看着方林岩淡淡的道: Was similar.” “差不多了。” A Fang Linyan cold snort/hum sound said: 方林岩冷哼一声道: I do not want to kill him.” “我本来也就没想杀他。” The blade defends traditional moral principles: 刃卫道: Can look, otherwise, I have intended to prevent.” “看得出来,否则的话,我早就出手阻止了。” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: Edge Sir health/guard comes, then can teach me?” “刃卫大人前来,那么必有教我了?” The blade defends traditional moral principles: 刃卫道: Is this, waits for our some people to come, you coordinate on the line.” “是这样的,等一下我们有人过来,你配合一下就行.” *** *** After five minutes, Fang Linyan held to tow the entrance stupor Fukujima, then brings the cold water sprinkling to awake. 五分钟之后,方林岩将昏迷的福岛抓住拖到了门口,然后拿来冷水将之泼醒。 At this time the people in an uproar, the hostage in clear to see Fang Linyan hand were also many, surrounded here police and soldier does not dare to act rashly. 此时众人哗然,眼见得方林岩手中的人质又多了一个,包围这边的警察和士兵就更不敢妄动了。 At this time, a man arranged the numerous suddenly, was saying to Fang Linyan sternly: 这时候,一名男子突然排众而出,对着方林岩厉声道: Bold scoundrel! Do you know that what you are making?” “大胆歹徒!你知不知道自己在做什么?” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: Who are you?” “你是谁?” This man said: 这男子道: I am the police station deputy director Matsumoto even time! Gratitude and grudges between you and Fukujima, why must catch his family member, put them, I am willing to replace them to be your hostage!” “我是警察局副局长松本平次!你和福岛之间的恩怨,为什么要抓他的家人,放了他们,我愿意替代他们来做你的人质!” Fang Linyan sneers saying: 方林岩冷笑道: You want to result in beautiful.” “你想得美。” Matsumoto puts down time said: 松本平次道: You are impossible to detain the hostage to get down like this, even if Fukujima found the person to assassinate you, but you still live now well, does not need to kill people the air vent, what you had to request to say, finally this matter must solve was right?” “那你不可能一直这样扣押人质下去吧,福岛就算是找人刺杀了了你,但你现在也活得好好的,也没必要杀人出气,你有什么要求可以提出来,这件事最终还是要解决的对不对?” Fang Linyan sized up his one eyes up and down, then said: 方林岩上下打量了他一眼,然后道: Came to take responsibility finally.” “总算是来了个能做主的。” Then access road/simply said: 然后便道: You all weapons except, will then enter in the room to come with me to discuss.” “你将身上的所有武器都除下来,然后进屋子里面来和我谈。” Heard the request of Fang Linyan, others are tense incomparable impediment in abundance, has not actually expected is usually overcautious, Matsumoto of timid as a rabbit unexpectedly decisive waves: 听到了方林岩的要求,其余的人都紧张无比的纷纷阻止,却没料到平时谨小慎微,胆小如鼠的松本居然果断的一挥手: Good! I look at you to work am also conservative, is not that ferocious gangster, I come to discuss with you!” “好!我看你做事还算是留有余地,不是那种穷凶极恶的匪徒,我来和你谈!” After saying, then loosened the pistol and katana on own initiative, then followed Fang Linyan to enter the room. 说完了之后,便主动解下了手枪和武士刀,然后跟随方林岩走进了屋子。 After two people negotiated for several minutes, Fang Linyan walked came out saying: 两人谈判了几分钟之后,方林岩就重新走了出来道: Injustice has a debt has Lord bewilderedly, Fukujima sends people to kill me, and also kills me continuously twice, therefore I ask him to trouble today, before detained his family member to compel him to come out, since now he appeared gave back to my confession, I first put his mother and wife.” “冤有头债有主,福岛莫名其妙的派人来杀我,并且还连续杀我两次,所以我今天来找他麻烦,之前扣押他的家人只是要逼他出来而已,现在他既然出现了还给了我一个交代,那我就先放了他的母亲和妻子。” Heard Fang Linyan saying that Fukujima that the pain must look deathly pale could not bear look at Fang Linyan one. 听到方林岩这么说,就连痛得脸色惨白的福岛也忍不住看了方林岩一眼。 At this time, Fang Linyan then waved, making Laming release people directly, Matsumoto walked to support by the arm the mothers in Fukujima to walk out, however the wife in Fukujima actually cried to shout oneself hoarse, said that anything is not willing to leave own youngest daughter. 这时候,方林岩便挥手,让拉明直接放人,松本走上去就搀扶着福岛的母亲往外走,但是福岛的妻子却哭得声嘶力竭的,说什么都不肯离开自己的小女儿。 At this time Fang Linyan was actually shouting to the crowd loudly: 这时候方林岩却对着人群大声喊道: Fukujima, although had not said that but I have been able to confirm, this morning assassination and he relates not in a big way, I know that secret instigation has someone else, if in one hour some people stand to be responsible for this matter, then I put him.” “福岛虽然没有说,但是我已经能够确认,今天上午的刺杀和他关系不大,我知道幕后的主使者另有其人,所以如果一个小时内有人站出来对这件事负责,那么我就放了他。” But, if in one hour has not come, or some people do not blame me being cruel and merciless!” “不过,若是一个小时内没来,或者说有人就别怪我心狠手辣了!” Heard the Fang Linyan words, the muscle on Fukujima face for it chu! Under one group of people when drink together 22 liquor blew flamboyant, that sincerity is tremendous dangers and difficulties also dares. 听到了方林岩的话,福岛脸上的肌肉都是为之一搐!一群人在一起喝了二两酒吹牛逼的时候,那真心是刀山火海也敢下。 Even if were on the battlefield, braved the hail of bullets time, did not dread the death, because the energetic high degree of concentration, the adrenalin secreted at that time fast, basic thought the significance between life and death on does not have any time. 哪怕是上了战场,冒着枪林弹雨的时候,也不怎么畏惧死亡,因为那时候精神高度集中,肾上腺素快速分泌,根本就没有什么时间去想生死之间的意义。 Now but Fukujima is seriously injured, both hands transmitted an intermittent pain, at present what looks is the silver-haired old mother, the whole face tear stains wife, the child of crying aloud, the threat to Fang Linyan feels uneasy, clear realizing big terrifying between life and death!! 可是现在福岛身受重伤,双手传来了一阵阵的痛苦,眼前看的是白发苍苍的老母,满脸泪痕的妻子,哇哇大哭的孩子,才对方林岩的威胁芒刺在背,真切的认识到生死之间的大恐怖!! At this time, Laming actually is conducting the communication in mind with Fang Linyan: 这时候,拉明却是在与方林岩进行着心灵上的沟通: Dongxiang well move is very sinister, the assassin who if connives with Fukujima came, ironclad proof that then solid Fukujima colluded with it! Togo Heihachiro knows that in the middle of after the army has the undercurrent to cope with own younger brother, will definitely meddle.” “东乡井这招很毒辣啊,若是与福岛同谋的刺客来了,那么就坐实了福岛与之勾结的铁证!东乡平八郎知道军队当中有暗流想要对付自己的弟弟以后,肯定就会插手。” „The assassin who if connives with Fukujima does not come, then Fukujima inevitably with it disunity, not only that conspires to deal with among the group of people in Dongxiang well definitely is also the will of the people separation, because when facing danger since you can abandon Fukujima, then can abandon me!” “若是与福岛同谋的刺客不来,那么福岛必然与之离心离德,不仅如此,密谋对付东乡井的这群人当中肯定也是人心离散,因为在面对危险的时候你既然可以抛弃福岛,那么就能抛弃我!” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: That is natural, the Dongxiang well is only corrupt, absolutely is not stupid, and a superior quality that most people cannot achieve, that is decisive!” “那是当然,东乡井只是贪,却绝对不蠢,并且还有大部分人都做不到的一项优秀品质,那就是果断!” Aids me this trusted aide blade Wei-school from him unexpectedly, fully explained that I the position in his heart imagine me also is more important.” “从他居然将这个心腹刃卫派来接应我,足以说明我在他心中的地位比我自己想象的还要重要一些呢。” Laming said with a smile: 拉明笑道: „, The knight growing up person your here did not present a mistake, is not your position in his mind is high, but is your money position in his mind is high, if you did not have money, he affirmed that a minute/share of minute sold you.” “不不不,骑士长大人你这里出现了一个错误,并不是你在他心目中的地位高,而是你的钱在他心目中的地位高,你若是没了钱的话,他肯定分分钟就卖了你。” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: Now the Dongxiang well has acted, looked how the opposite party responded, the key is only then one hour, therefore I speculate the opposite party likely to be able the storm.” “现在东乡井已经出手了,就看对方怎么回应了,关键是只有一个小时的时间,所以我推测对方很可能会强攻。” drawing bright way: 拉明道: Storm?” “强攻?” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: Right, the storm comes , the murder saves others while convenient, this matter if successful, can show their tough stance, will not have according to our repertoires comes.” “对,强攻进来,杀人顺带救人,这件事若是成功的话,既能表现出他们的强硬态度,也不会有按照我们的套路来。” At this point, in the eye of Fang Linyan the cold light flashes: 说到这里,方林岩的眼中寒光一闪: But, does not walk the income of common road, although is big, the risk is bigger!” “不过,不走寻常路的收益虽然大,风险却更大啊!” Chatted here, Fang Linyan made Laming come to see Fukujima very much simply, then entered to the room in comes and blade health/guard meets, naturally, although was the face time, Fang Linyan bowed slightly, serious expression of gratitude: 聊到了这里,方林岩很干脆的让拉明来看着福岛,然后进入到屋子里面来和刃卫见了面,当然,虽然是面子功夫,方林岩还是微微鞠躬,郑重道谢: For my matter, making the Dongxiang well Sir take the trouble.” “为了我的事儿,让东乡井大人费心了。” The blade health/guard shakes the head to say slightly: 刃卫微微摇头道: Stands your angle, you have not made the any mistake, therefore you do not need to apologize.” “站在你的角度而言,你并没有做错什么,所以你无需道歉。” Fang Linyan has not expected him to say suddenly unexpectedly, hesitant one said: 方林岩一时间也没料到他居然会这么说,犹豫了一下才道: If I am the same party members in Fukujima, two roads that then I give he will be will not walk absolutely, led by the nose by the enemy is a very passive matter.” “如果我是福岛的同党,那么我给的两条路他是绝对不会走的,被敌人牵着鼻子走本来就是一件非常被动的事情。” The blade defends traditional moral principles: 刃卫道: Your meaning I understood.” “你的意思我懂了。” Then this old man dangled the eyelid, on the left eyebrow long long eyebrow-hairs are shivering slightly, as if all are confident. 然后这老头子就垂下了眼皮,左边眉毛上一条长长的寿眉微微颤抖着,仿佛一切都胸有成竹。 Saw this, Fang Linyan narrowed an eye, in the heart had given birth for several points to dread: 见到了这一幕,方林岩眯缝了一下眼睛,心中已经生出了几分忌惮: Although the blade health/guard did not have clear(ly) saying that but he has known how this old man will do. 虽然刃卫没有明讲,但是他已经知道这老头子会怎么做了。 Accurate, most serves the Dongxiang well interests the result is, Fukujima lives, his entire family dies!! 或者准确的来说,最符合东乡井利益的结局是,福岛活,他全家死!! If the same party members in Fukujima really clash, pretends that with it dogfight, then seizes the time to take the daughter and wife in Fukujima suddenly makes shield, what time? For example the opposite party throws in the pitcher the sword, time that or a blade cuts full power. 若福岛的同党真的冲进来,假装与之缠斗,然后看准时机突然拿福岛的女儿和老婆做挡箭牌,什么时机呢?比如对方投掷手里剑,或者一刀全力砍过来的时候。 Moreover, side must have the eyewitness. 不仅如此,旁边一定要有目击者。 Finally in Fukujima affirmation surface is unable to co-exist with the Dongxiang well, but how in fact does he think? 最后福岛肯定表面上与东乡井势不两立,但实际上他会怎么想? The so-called reinforcements do not come fortunately, oneself family are well, and Fang Linyan has not killed intent to his family member very much obviously, because others first put mother. 所谓的援军不来还好,自己全家老小都是好好的,并且很显然方林岩是对他的家人没有杀意的,因为人家都先将母亲放出来了。 However the reinforcements one, the wife and kid death ray, this helps your mother, is urgently presses variable! 但是援军一来,老婆孩子死光,这援你妈呢,是催命的无常吧! When Fang Linyan hesitates, blade health/guard already on nearby wall duo duo knocked two, then said: 就在方林岩沉吟的时候,刃卫已经在旁边的墙上“咄咄”的敲了两下,然后道: Later some people lead you to walk, after this matter, you need to go out to evade lay low until something blows over, otherwise that side the master was very difficult to confess the past.” “待会儿就有人来带你走,这件事之后,你需要出去避一避风头了,否则的话主人那边都很难交代过去。” Fang Linyan nods saying: 方林岩点点头道: I have a matter to consult the venerable.” “我有一件事想要请教一下老先生。” The blade defends traditional moral principles: 刃卫道: You said.” “你说。” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: Who that does like playing the assassin who the corpse recited happily with the samisen is? He has this odd definitely to have the reason.” “那个喜欢用三味线弹奏尸喜吟的刺客是谁?他有这种怪癖肯定是有原因的吧。” The blade health/guard heard the inquiry of Fang Linyan, the look became somewhat illusory: 刃卫听到了方林岩的询问,眼神都变得有些虚无缥缈了起来: He was my old opponent, we have fought the present from the curtain end blood-color “他是我的老对手了,我们从幕末的血色一直斗到了现在” We in the past were the female clothes numerous of past general( guard), once fought side-by-side for ten years, but he since childhood actually lived by the adopted orphan in a family/home of Geisha, but this Geisha was not due to what good intention, but wanted to train him( to understand to be able the play the Peking opera of Japan was OK) singer.” “我们当年都是当年将军的母衣众(近卫),曾经一度并肩作战十年,而他从小却是以被收养的孤儿生活在一个艺伎的家里面,但这个艺伎并非出于什么好心,而是想要培养他为能剧(理解成日本的京剧就可以了)的歌者。” This Geisha knows a secret technique, from the childhood, made an effort to rub Gao pill a while of young boy every day, insisted for 2-3 years, its high bank pill will wither automatically, can achieve the goal in disguised form castrating, will become by such processed small boy voice very high-pitched and fine, can easily achieve even many female singers the range that was hard to attain.” “这个艺伎知道一种秘术,从小时候起,每天用力揉搓小男孩的皋丸一会儿,坚持2-3年,其皋丸就会自动萎缩,就能达成变相阉割的目的,被这样处理过的小男孩声音会变得十分尖细,能轻易达到甚至很多女歌手都难以企及的音域。” After Fang Linyan listened, immediately thinks a matter, isn't this matter that many palace singer in West experiences? Therefore such person is called castrates the star singer. 方林岩听了以后顿时想起来了一件事,这不是西方的很多宫廷歌手经历的事儿吗?因此这样的人又被称为阉伶歌手。 Has an expert in Russia to be called Rapps in his world, has the outstanding overwhelming advantage among the tenor, was called to castrate the star singer in secret, naturally, this is mostly black for the black person. 在他的世界里面有一个俄罗斯的牛人叫做拉普斯,在男高音当中拥有出类拔萃的压倒性优势,就被人暗中称为阉伶歌手,当然,这多半是为了黑人而黑。 Japan had the missionary to come in the 15 th century, disseminates the Lord honor, that Geisha should the secret that knew from these missionary mouths. 日本在十五世纪的时候就有传教士前来,传播主的荣光,那个艺伎应该就是从这些传教士口中知道的秘闻。 The blade health/guard sighed slightly, then said: 刃卫微微的叹息了一声,然后道: My this friend is called the adding lustre to show, because he presented this since childhood. Disability, therefore the character or the body, had some subtle changes.” “我这个朋友叫做增光秀,他因为自幼就出现了这样的.残疾,所以无论是性格还是身体,都出现了一些微妙的变化。” After therefore his sword technique accomplishment, to make a move to kill people, must first play a corpse to recite with monster happily, sends out the vicious tendencies in heart. Otherwise, once during the fight presented what accident, the whole body blood such as will burn, the body temperature rises rapidly, will immolate oneself dead.” “因此当他的剑术大成以后,要想出手杀人,就必须先用妖器来弹奏一曲尸喜吟,将心中的戾气散发出来。否则的话,一旦战斗当中出现了什么变故,就会浑身血液如焚,体温急速升高,甚至会自焚而死。” Fang Linyan listened to later strange say/way: 方林岩听了之后奇道: Unexpectedly this matter?” “居然还有这种事情?” The blade defends traditional moral principles: 刃卫道: This mainly due to its sword technique very special reason, this flame spirit sword technique heard that passes from the school of shadow killer, actually no one can practice the meeting, finally unexpectedly was the adding lustre to show realizes.” “这主要还是由于其剑术十分特殊的原因,这种炎灵剑术听说是从影子杀手的流派当中传出来的,却根本没有人能练会,最后居然是增光秀练成了。”
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