FE :: Volume #13

#1345: Kills to visit

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Chapter 1343 kills to visit 第1343章杀上门去 After hesitating for three minutes, Fang Linyan very simple waves saying: 沉吟了三分钟之后,方林岩很干脆的一挥手道: Walks! We go to Fukujima home!” “走!我们去福岛家!” Laming thinks, at present a bright say/way: 拉明想了想,眼前一亮道: Good chess, but that side the Tokugawa blade heard, cannot put out the real diagnosis.” “好棋,不过德川刃那边只是听说,拿不出实证的。” Fang Linyan laughs saying: 方林岩哈哈大笑道: We did not have the evidence in the past! After we arrived, said special investigator who the military headquarters send! Comes to investigate internal military officer( the Dongxiang well) to be punctured the event, the Fukujima original buttocks are unclean, is very definitely flurried.” “咱们过去不就有证据了吗!我们到了以后就说军部派来的特别调查员!前来调查内部军官(东乡井)被刺事件,福岛家本来屁股就不干净,肯定慌乱得很。” If at the appointed time Fukujima if coordinates, we make a evidence to be very relaxed, before do not forget, we in the rags that on the assassin makes, your there also has collar.” “届时倘若福岛家要是配合的话,我们弄点儿证据很轻松,别忘了之前我们在刺客身上弄来的破布,你那里还有衣领子。” They , if not coordinate, then has a guilty conscience! How in brief regardless of they elect, that greatly was troublesome.” “他们要是不配合,那么就是做贼心虚!总之无论他们怎么选,那都有大麻烦了。” *** *** Two people were the execution extremely strong person, Laming inquired after one next, immediately directly soared the hotel of Fukujima to go, 两人都是执行力极强的人,拉明打听了一下之后,立即就直奔着福岛家的宅邸去了, Japan's defense consciousness in native place was very weak, in addition the firm ship cannon of oneself family/home is stationed in the harbor. 日本在本土的防御意识本来就很薄弱,外加自己家的坚船大炮都驻扎在港口。 Therefore usually maintains the police of order also to bully the civilians, the delicious work forwards courageously, if ran into the unyielding person, then turned into the deaf person and mute! 所以平时维持秩序的警察也就欺负欺负平民而已,有油水的活儿一个个奋勇向前,若是遇到了硬骨头的话,那么一个个都变成了聋子和哑巴! At this time Fukujima are lived on western Nagasaki hillside one household constructs( villa) middle, the surrounding neighbor should also be Combined Fleet's inside person, seemed like has not guarded slightly. 此时福岛家乃是住在了长崎西面山坡上的“一户建”(别墅)当中,周围的邻居应该也是联合舰队里面的人,看起来丝毫都没有防备。 After two people got to the entrance, looked one, the corners of the mouth showed the understanding happy expression, then Fang Linyan lifted the foot to aim at the front door to trample, simultaneously the mouth anger exclaimed: 两人走到了门口之后,对望一眼,嘴角都露出了会心的笑意,然后方林岩抬脚就对准了大门踹了过去,同时嘴里怒吼道: Fukujima the division, why can you send out the assassin to commit murder forever?” “福岛永司,你为什么要派出刺客行凶?” Only listens to thump a dull thumping sound, the dust of entire doorframe rustle falls, what embarrassing Fang Linyan was very, this foot cannot trample unexpectedly the front door. 只听“咚”的一声闷响,整个门框的灰土都簌簌而落,令方林岩十分尴尬的是,这一脚居然没能将大门踹开。 MD, who was said that Japan constructed, for quakeproof can cheat on labor and materials? So to be how solid?” “MD,是谁说日本建筑为了防震要偷工减料的?怎么这么结实?” Fang Linyan criticizes to say in the heart. 方林岩在心中暗骂道。 However at once he recalls, oneself present only seven strengths, are not this are too be only firm, but is he now the too weak chicken. 不过旋即他就回忆了起来,自己现在只有区区七点力量,不是这门太坚固,而是他现在自身太弱鸡。 Is good is good at comforting itself because of Fang Linyan very much: Doesn't matter, really not good many trample two feet and that's the end, has the quantitative change results in the qualitative change the time sooner or later, Fang Linyan is one tramples gate at the same time righteous angry roaring. 好在方林岩很善于安慰自己:没关系,实在不行多踹两脚就是了,迟早有量变引发质变的时候,方林岩更是一面踹门一面理直气壮的怒吼。 Some side people notice certainly this matter, but hears to involve to commit murder unexpectedly the murder, immediately turns around to walk, for fear that hit the blood to splash later. 旁边当然有人注意到这种事情,可是一听到居然牵扯到行凶杀人,立即转身就走,唯恐待会儿打起来了血溅到身上。 Consecutively after 56 feet, that leaf of pitiful wooden door, Fang Linyan led Laming to clash finally without delay, detected that inside does not have the man, only then a young woman leads an old lady to tremble. 连续五六脚之后,那一扇可怜的木门终于吱嘎吱嘎的倒了下来,方林岩二话不说就带着拉明冲了进去,发觉里面没有男人,只有一个年轻女人带着一个老太婆在瑟瑟发抖。 After the woman saw the person, immediately in a big way exuded one to the scary scream, both hands was lifting a rib difference short sword, then trembling sound said: 那女人见到了人以后,立即发出了一声大到吓人的尖叫,双手举着一把肋差短刀,然后颤声道: Do not come! The police came immediately, I am also swordsmanship three!” “你不要过来!警察马上就来了,我也是剑道三段的!” Heard the cry of woman probably, from her drilled a small head behind unexpectedly, unexpectedly was a very lovable girl, ray that naturally, eye inside braved the hatred. 大概是听到了女人的叫声,从她的身后居然钻出来了一个小脑袋,居然是个很可爱的女孩儿,当然,眼里面冒着仇恨的光芒。 Fang Linyan light say/way: 方林岩淡淡的道: How the police came! Is here Fukujima forever Si the family/home?! Are you his wife?” “警察来了又怎么样!这里是福岛永司的家吧?!你是他的妻子?” Right!” The women are clenching teeth to say. “没错!”女人咬着牙道。 Say/Way that Fang Linyan coldly: 方林岩冷冷的道: He on suspicion to a case of murder, wants to plot to assassinate the military officer of empire military headquarters unexpectedly, why can't I on his family/home find the person?” “他涉嫌到一桩谋杀案当中,居然想要谋刺帝国军部的军官,那我为什么不能上他家里来找人?” Fang Linyan pays great attention to the language art in the speech very much, said ambiguous, this woman is at a loss for words immediately. 方林岩在说话的时候很注重语言艺术,说得模棱两可的,这女人顿时为之语塞。 Fang Linyan looked at her one eyes saying: 方林岩看了她一眼道: Fukujima won't the division be at home forever? Doesn't matter! I wait for him here, the wife and kid, this should be his mother, the madame you invited should not be afraid, we not to you how.” “福岛永司不在家吗?没关系!我就在这里等他,老婆孩子都在,这位应该是他的母亲吧,夫人您请不要害怕,我们不会对你怎么样的。” But, oneself wife mother children turned into our hostages, then Fukujima, so long as is a man should not take to one's heels to travel.” “但是,自己老婆母亲孩子都变成了咱们的人质,那么福岛只要是个男人应该都不会撒腿跑路的。” *** *** Within a half hour, 半个小时以后, Originally lay down on the soft cot listens to the Dongxiang well that the person reported to sit suddenly, bumped including nearby opium pipe directly falls on the ground, the smoke lamp that even the value three hundred days vitality heart built was bumped but actually, „, when lang pounded the tiny bits! 本来躺在软榻上听人汇报的东乡井猛然坐了起来,连旁边的鸦片烟枪都直接碰得落在了地上,甚至连价值三百日元精心打造的烟灯都被碰倒,“当啷”一声砸得稀碎! You said anything!!” “你说什么!!” Say/Way of Dongxiang well startled anger. 东乡井惊怒的道。 Front that man in a terrified way bows to say immediately: 面前的那名男子顿时惶恐鞠躬道: Sir, the news that I inquire truly is this, that damn clear people had crashed in Fukujima directly forever in Si the family/home, will control Fukujima forever Si mother and wife, claimed that Fukujima attempted to send the person to come to conduct the assassination to oneself, wanted Fukujima like the man stood to face up to itself to do the matter!” “大人,我打探到的消息确实是这样,那名该死的清国人已经直接冲进了福岛永司的家里,控制住了福岛永司的母亲和妻子,声称福岛尝试派遣人来对自己进行了刺杀,要福岛像个男人一样站出来正视自己做过的事!” Dongxiang well depth deep inspiration, then angry say/way: 东乡井深深的吸了一口气,然后愤怒的道: How reckless does Zhiyun know this matter? His foreigner, is unfamiliar with the people and place radically, how can get so far as such news!!” “胡芝云是怎么知道这件事的?他一个外国人,根本就是人生地不熟的,怎么就能弄到这样的消息!!” That man cannot say. 那名男子喏喏不能言。 The Dongxiang well waves, making him draw back directly, separated for more than ten seconds saying: 东乡井挥手,让他直接退下,隔了十几秒钟才道: Is occupied by Ji, how you see.” “住吉公,你怎么看。” That old man very simple say/way named blade health/guard: 那名叫做刃卫的老者很干脆的道: I remember a matter now, Fujii told me, reckless Zhiyun before departure, examined a body of assassin with his subordinate Masuda yesterday, because this corpse had been examined one time by our people in advance, therefore I neglected this matter.” “我现在想起了一件事,藤井告诉我,胡芝云昨天在离开之前,和他的手下增田去查看了一番刺客的尸体,因为这尸体已经被我们的人预先查看过一次,所以我就忽略了这件事。” Now seems like, they likely discovered anything, but kept secret at that time, I guess, perhaps this is they are lived the reason that that group of people of group stare by the ninth stem, therefore drew on the second assassination.” “现在看起来,他们两人很可能发现了什么东西,只是当时秘而不宣罢了,我猜,这说不定是他们被壬生组的那群人盯上的原因,因此才招来了第二次刺杀。” Not only that I attained the related information before, said that was assassinated the time in them, hears the sound that the corpse recited happily, explained that the ghost lives that old dog also in the , in this case, after reckless Zhiyun and Masuda return alive unexpectedly, immediately looks for the trouble of Fukujima, explained that among them the strengths of some people are absolutely are not weak!” “不仅如此,之前我拿到了相关的情报,说是在他们被刺杀时候,也听到了尸喜吟的声音,说明鬼生那头老狗也在附近,在这种情况下,胡芝云和增田居然生还以后立即就去找福岛的麻烦,说明他们当中有人的实力也是绝对不弱!” The Dongxiang well feels own chin agitated, suddenly raised the head to clench teeth saying: 东乡井烦躁的摸着自己的下巴,忽然抬起头咬着牙道: „It is not good, reckless Zhiyun cannot die! At least he before I trades cannot die, not only this, Fukujima this fellow also blustered repeatedly, but also made me unable to get out face to face, in list that you listed, the possibility that he participated in this assassination was very big.” “不行,胡芝云不能死!至少他在我交易之前不能死,不仅这样,福岛这家伙也多次口出狂言,还当面让我下不来台,在你列出的名单上,他参与本次刺杀的可能性很大。” The blade health/guard dangling eyelid said: 刃卫垂下眼皮道: Then the Lord on meaning is?” “那么主上的意思是?” The Dongxiang well said: 东乡井道: You have a look at what situation, persuades somebody to leave reckless Zhiyun, you told him, in return, I can yield profit 20 to him!” “你去看看什么情况,将胡芝云劝走吧,你告诉他,作为回报,我可以让利20给他!” The blade defends traditional moral principles: 刃卫道: On lord, the reckless Zhiyun coup and we have not related, but matter, since happened once passes on, that affirmation outside world will think that we do.” “主上,胡芝云的突然行动和我们并没有关系,但是事情既然发生了一旦传出去,那肯定外界会觉得我们做的.” Dongxiang well agitated say/way: 东乡井烦躁的道: Right! Before reckless Zhiyun, has appeared at the assassination banquet, at that time got my label on this bastard, this matter is really does abominable, therefore you must pass to take over quickly the matter, so as to avoid makes to the situation that is unable to tidy up.” “没错!胡芝云之前在刺杀宴会上就出现过,那时候就这个混蛋就被打上了我的标签,这事儿真的是搞得让人心烦,所以你要赶快过去将事情接手下来,免得闹到无法收拾的地步。” The blade health/guard actually does not leave , to continue to pursue asks: 刃卫却并不离开,继续追问道: If after I went, reckless Zhiyun has killed Fukujima?” “如果我去了之后,胡芝云已经杀了福岛呢?” The complexion of Dongxiang well gloomy: 东乡井的脸色阴沉了下来: Fukujima this bastard, I have also wanted to kill him, you act according to circumstances, if possible can try to rescue them. Without opportunity, wants. Preserves a reckless Zhiyun life as far as possible!” “福岛这个混蛋,我也早就想杀了他了,你见机行事,如果有机会的话可以试着救一救他们。如果没机会的话,也要.尽量保住胡芝云的一条命!” Actually subtext of Dongxiang well is to preserve that 602,000 money can fall into own bag, naturally, he affirmed that embarrassed said directly, but the blade health/guard can definitely understand that therefore nod of slightly. 其实东乡井的潜台词是保住那六十万两银子能落入自己的袋里面,当然,他肯定不好意思直接说出来,但刃卫肯定是能理解的,于是微微的点了点头。 *** *** But when the Dongxiang well and blade health/guard discuss, Fukujima the division will have appeared in the Fang Linyan front forever, 而就在东乡井与刃卫探讨的时候,福岛永司已经出现在了方林岩的面前, This is one seems like very boorish, hot tempered man, 这是一个看起来很是粗野,暴躁的男人, He is sloven, ferocious-looking, dark chest wool from opening wide in the kimono revealed that probably was because the midway conducted fierce incomparable running, therefore the complexion was the moist red, the pea-sized beads of sweat infiltrated from his forehead, in gulps is panting for breath. 他不修边幅,满脸横肉,黑乎乎的胸毛从敞开的和服里面露了出来,大概是因为中途进行了剧烈无比的奔跑,所以脸色乃是潮红色,豆大的汗珠从他的额头上渗了出来,大口大口的喘息着。 Fang Linyan stood in his front at this time, both hands surrounded in visits him who the chest coldly: 方林岩此时就站在了他的面前,双手环抱在了胸口冷冷的看着他: „Are you willing to make an appearance finally?” “你终于肯露面了吗?” Fukujima opened mouth to roar directly: 福岛一张嘴就直接咆哮了起来: Your this bastard, I must drain your blood then to throw into the sea the corpse!” “你这个混蛋,我要放干你的血然后将尸体都扔进大海里面去!” At this time in Fukujima behind, 56 police also lifted gun, aimed, but Fang Linyan happy did not fear. 此时在福岛的身后,还有五六个警察同时举枪,瞄准了过来,可是方林岩怡然不惧。 Because the wife in Fukujima, the daughter, the old mother, tied up at this time in one, then from top to bottom dripping wet, the pouring filled the petroleum, cries rendingly, but Laming takes a flare to stand. 因为此时福岛的老婆,女儿,还有老母,都被捆绑在了一起,然后浑身上下湿淋淋的,浇满了煤油,哭得撕心裂肺的,而拉明则是拿着一支火把站在旁边。 Words that opposite person dares to open fire, the matter that then has will make Fukujima be in deep sorrow, life-long unforgettable! 对面的人敢开枪的话,那么接下来发生的事情就会让福岛痛不欲生,终生难忘! You want to do, is your freedom.” Fang Linyan light say/way: I want to do, is my freedom!!” “你想干什么,是你的自由。”方林岩淡淡的道:“不过我想干什么,也是我的自由!!” Fukujima muscle from top to bottom tightens, the tooth bites giggle makes noise, but has not used! The least bit use does not have, the most critical place is under the control of others, this time he strength cannot cause completely. 福岛浑身上下的肌肉绷紧,牙齿咬得咯咯作响,但是没有用啊!半点儿用处都没有,自己最要害的地方受制于人,此时的他一身的力气完全都使不出来。 Fang Linyan then said: 方林岩接着道: I told you, the injustice had a debt to have Lord, entire Nagasakikou inside several hundred thousand people, why I must look for your family member's trouble, in your own heart didn't have the points?” “我告诉你,冤有头债有主,整个长崎港里面几十万人,我为什么要来找你家人的麻烦,你自己心里面没有点数吗?” At this point, Fang Linyan steep enhancement sound: 说到这里,方林岩陡的提高了声音: Your wife child innocently, but you called more than ten assassins wants to hack to death me and Sir the time, I am not innocent!!” “你老婆孩子无辜是吧,但你他妈的叫了十几个刺客想要砍死我和大人的时候,我难道就不无辜吗!!” Fukujima shouted abuse: 福岛破口大骂道: You talk nonsense!” “你放屁!” Fang Linyan lifts the chin, hinted Laming to approach the hostage the flare: 方林岩抬抬下巴,示意拉明将火把靠近了人质: You dare to say 4 : 00 pm times, crashes in occupies in happy room that group of assassins and you have not related?” “你敢说昨天下午四点的时候,冲进居乐屋里面的那群刺客和你没关系?” „Becoming your mother, your wife, your daughter's surface is saying loudly! If you dare to lie, they were killed by you!!” “当着你妈,你老婆,你女儿的面大声说出来!要是你敢说谎,她们就是被你害死的!!” The Fukujima complexion rises red, the muscle on face pit-a-pat beat, in this extreme situation, only if the psychological quality extremely powerful person, that surely does not have the means to talk irresponsibly. 福岛脸色涨得通红,脸上的筋肉突突的跳动,在这种极端的情况下除非是心理素质极其强大的人,那肯定是没办法信口雌黄的。 If by some chance talked nonsense to enrage front enemy, the direct firing your entire family, that this whole life does want to cross in the lamentation? 万一胡说八道激怒了面前的敌人,直接烧了你全家,那岂不是这辈子都要在悔恨当中渡过? Said! You said!” Fang Linyan yelled: I, since dares to ask you to trouble, that definitely had confidence that you do dare to reply me directly?” “说啊!你说啊!”方林岩大叫道:“我既然敢来找你麻烦,那肯定就是有把握的,你敢不敢正面回复我?” The Fukujima tooth bites creak the say/way: 福岛牙齿咬得咯吱咯吱的道: Good, that group of people are I have the relations, but the injustice has a debt to have Lord, you put my family member, you want to make anything to clash me to come!” “不错,那帮人是和我有关系,但是冤有头债有主,你放了我的家人,你想要做什么冲我来!” Fang Linyan grief and indignation say/way: 方林岩悲愤的道: You kill me time one, I said person outside area, settles a quarrel and make peace with the parties involved, finally in the morning, you actually also asked the assassin to assassinate me! Before I and you, has not seen, what bitter hatred among us has, can you put in the deathtrap to be willing to give up me?” “你杀我一次就罢了,我本来说人在外地,息事宁人,结果在上午的时候,你竟然又叫刺客来暗杀我!我和你之前从来都没有见过,咱们之间有什么深仇大恨,你一定要将我置于死地才肯罢休?” Good! You do not give me the means of livelihood, that do not blame me not to give your family member means of livelihood!” “好!你不给我活路,那就别怪我不给你家人活路!” The person who at this time surrounds were also many, after hearing Fang Linyan said that the neutral on the scene has started to think that Fukujima seemingly somewhat did do excessive? 此时围观的人也多了起来,听到了方林岩这么说以后,在场的中立人士已经开始觉得福岛貌似做得有些过分了呢? After Fukujima heard the question of Fang Linyan, said startled: 福岛听到了方林岩的质疑以后,也是愕然道: Is impossible, this morning I still work in the dock, you were assassinated and me relate a little do not have!” “不可能,今天上午我还在船坞里面做事,你被刺杀和我一点儿关系都没有!” Fang Linyan sneers saying: 方林岩冷笑道: Hasn't related with you? I live in Qingmu night/lodge Room, you asked the person to inquire immediately, this morning two assassins killed me, an old man drew the samisen to accompany in side, another cut my seven blades.” “和你没关系?我住在青木宿屋里面,你马上叫人去打听打听,今天上午两名刺客过来杀我,其中一个老头子拉着三味线在旁边伴奏,另外一个砍了我七刀。” I rubbish with you, Fukujima, I give you an opportunity, we fight to the death here one-on-one, if you won, I put your wife child, my assigned/life you also to take away, if you lost, I also put your wife child, however your poor life turned over to me to handle!” “我也不和你废话,福岛,我给你个机会,咱们就在这里单对单决一死战,你要是赢了的话,我就放了你老婆孩子,我这条命你也拿去,你要是输了,我也放了你老婆孩子,但是你的小命就归我处置!” Facing the provocation of Fang Linyan, Fukujima actually and has no choice, his deep inspiration, then closes the eye to calm down: 面对方林岩的挑衅,福岛其实并没有什么选择的,他深深的吸了一口气,然后闭上眼睛定了定神: Good, you with weapon or fists and feet?” “好,你是用武器还是拳脚?” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: As you like.” “随你。” In the heart of Fukujima truly wants to use the weapon, but he has certainly the worry: Own family member was also being held under duress by the partner of front this boy, if a blade hacking to death, directly what to do that will work in partnership excitedly under sets on fire? 福岛的心中确实是想用武器的,但他当然有着顾虑:自己的家人还被面前这厮的同伙挟持着,万一一刀将之砍死,那名同伙激动之下直接放火怎么办? Therefore very simple say/way: 所以很干脆的道: Empty-handed!” “空手吧!” He arrived at the Fang Linyan front, bows to say slightly: 紧接着,他就走到了方林岩的面前,微微鞠躬道: I can.” “我可以了。” Saw the posture that Fukujima stands, in the Fang Linyan heart moves, immediately knows front fellow is not the fruit cake, looks gesture that he suspends, unexpectedly is the basic move of extremely real Karate. 见到了福岛站立的姿势,方林岩心中一动,立即就知道面前的这家伙也不是什么软柿子,看他摆出来的起手式,居然是极真空手道的入门招数。 After then at this time Fang Linyan does not want rubbish, aims at the Fukujima direct impact in the past, detected the opposite party unexpectedly, sent first , a leg swept directly. 这时候方林岩也不想废话,对准了福岛直冲了过去,然后就发觉对方竟然后发先至,一腿就直接扫了过来。 Fang Linyan wants to try the strength of opposite party, direct met this hardly, immediately complexion one white, was kicked unexpectedly staggers to back up several steps. 方林岩有心要试试对方的实力,直接硬接了这一记,顿时脸色一白,竟是被踢得踉跄倒退了好几步。 The key was he under foot in backing up is also stumbled by a stone, immediately lost the center of gravity nearly to fall down! 关键是他在倒退的时候脚下还被一块石头绊了一下,顿时失去重心险些摔倒在地! This Fang Linyan judged immediately, own strength is seven points, is the strength of front bastard at least at over 15 : 00! Formed the absolute suppression to oneself completely. 这一下方林岩立即就判断了出来,自己的力量是七点,可是面前这王八蛋的力量至少在十五点以上!对自己完全形成了绝对压制。 If not for oneself become the time of breeding hunting for the special skill that chooses can obtain the corresponding weighting, this foot can make the steamroll to injure, circling is so, a foot that this was resisted also made the Fang Linyan life value reduce more than ten points, but the magic value sharply fell almost 100 points. 若不是自己成为了殖猎者的时候选择的特长能获得相应加权,这一脚就能打出碾压伤害来,绕是如此,这被招架住的一脚也让方林岩的生命值降低了十几点,而魔法值锐减了差不多一百点。 This damn variation world!!” “这狗日的变异世界!!” Fang Linyan scolded in the heart crazily. 方林岩在心中狂骂道。
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