FE :: Volume #13

#1344: Samisen

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Chapter 1342 samisen 第1342章三味线 drawing bright way: 拉明道: That, I inquired that does have to go to the ship of Nahakou, here the influence of Dongxiang well was too big, we make anything is not convenient.” “那也可以,我去打听一下有没有去那霸港的船吧,在这里东乡井的势力太大了,我们做什么都不方便。” Moreover Nahakou arrives in Shanghai, arrives in Hong Kong is quite convenient, Nagasaki after all is a naval port, many ships do not come.” “而且那霸港无论是到上海,还是到香港都相当方便,长崎毕竟是军港,有很多船只都不来的。” Fang Linyan nods: 方林岩点点头: Ok, but remembers that do not only investigate the ship of Nahakou, goes to the ships of other Japanese places also to ask.” “可以,但是记得别只调查那霸港的船,去日本其余地方的船只也要问一问。” Laming hesitant, at present suddenly a bright say/way: 拉明犹豫了一下,眼前忽然一亮道: High!” “高!” The confession of Fang Linyan to Laming is actually to the Dongxiang well, on the present situation, Dongxiang well fellow may send people to stare own, once his intelligence system attained Fang Linyan this Young Master Hu to inquire the passage ticket that everywhere left port, how the Dongxiang well does think? 方林岩对拉明的交代其实乃是冲着东乡井去的,就现在的情况而言,东乡井这家伙是有可能派人盯着自己的,他的情报系统一旦拿到了方林岩这位胡家少爷在到处询问离港的船票,东乡井会怎么想? First, the Fang Linyan clear feeling nine ghost Yuan hostilities, thought that has his misdemeanor, the munitions cannot discuss, went low-spirited. 第一,方林岩清楚的感觉到了九鬼元的敌意,觉得有他从中坏事,军火谈不下来了,黯然而去。 Second, after Fang Linyan encounters the assassination, instigated very much simply, then thought that here water is too deep, travelled directly. 第二,方林岩遭遇刺杀以后很干脆的怂了,然后觉得这里的水太深,就直接跑路了。 Regardless how the Dongxiang well thinks, must certainly have the big probability to comfort oneself, how to comfort? 无论东乡井怎么想,都肯定要有大概率要安抚自己一下,怎么安抚? Money, the Dongxiang well does not have, will have him not to give, 钱,东乡井没有,有他也不会给, The munitions, the Dongxiang well has, but he must hang Fang Linyan with this gadget, he will still not give. 军火,东乡井有,但是他要拿这玩意儿吊着方林岩呢,那他依然不会给。 Therefore, the Dongxiang well can only comfort with the head/number of people, either is nine ghost Yuan, either is that group of assassins!!! 所以,东乡井只能拿人头来安抚,要么就是九鬼元的,要么就是那帮刺客的!!! Assassinates the group of people in Dongxiang well, regarding the Japanese nationality, is the hero, is the hoe deceitful group, but regarding Fang Linyan, is actually the out-and-out stumbling obstacle, bastard who hinders the war progress bar, dying one is one. 刺杀东乡井的这帮人,对于大和民族来说,是英雄,是锄奸团,但是对于方林岩来说,却是不折不扣的绊脚石,阻碍战争进度条的王八蛋,死一个算一个。 Naturally, this group of assassins are not perhaps good to grasp, but the Dongxiang well is not a judge, does not need any evidence to the person who doubtful is instigating the assassin to start! 当然,这帮刺客或许不好抓,但东乡井又不是法官,无需任何证据就可以对着“疑似”主使刺客的人下手啊! For example by the Dongxiang well in Kuroda hero who under big crowd of people slaps, 比如被东乡井在大庭广众下掌掴的黑田雄也, For example could not have gotten used to seeing the Dongxiang well, when drinks in private gave scolding his innumerable happy multi- victory 比如早就看不惯东乡井,在私下喝酒的时候痛骂了他无数次的喜多胜 Also for example these revile the just military officer in Dongxiang well in the hinderland. 又比如那些在背地里面唾骂东乡井的正义军官。 If the Dongxiang well really did, that Fang Linyan is really tonight has a dream must smile to awake, the method that this murders with a borrowed knife utilizes, unexpectedly is so pleased. 若东乡井真的这么干了,那方林岩真的是今夜做梦也要笑醒啊,这借刀杀人的法子运用起来的话,竟是如此快意。 Laming management Fang Linyan felt relieved, the specialized spy, at least is credible. 拉明去办事方林岩还是放心的,专业的间谍啊,至少是比自己靠谱。 His time train of thought released for flight on the assassin of fight, oneself that dagger stabbed his thigh, this group of people determined oneself were not a fruit cake, then was short-term should not look own troubled, after all the Dongxiang well was their most important goals. 他这时候思绪又放飞到了交手的刺客身上,自己那一匕首刺伤了其大腿,这帮人确定了自己并不是软柿子,那么短期内应该是不会来找自己的麻烦了,毕竟东乡井才是他们首要的目标。 At this time one fights in mind inside duplicate/restores plate, Fang Linyan judged quickly, at that time after that assassin by own blade soaring hit, certainly is at the dizzy condition, therefore on him has a quite powerful guard equipment mostly. 此时在脑海里面复盘一下战斗,方林岩很快就判断了出来,当时那名刺客被自己的刃飞翔命中之后,一定还是处于晕眩状态,所以他身上多半是配有一件比较强大的护身装备。 This equipment should has one: Receives some degree of injury on triggering flickers to move by the dynamic energy, was right, will also fall while convenient a smoke shell of sluggish enemy, therefore disrupted own overall scheme. 这装备应该是拥有一条:“受到某种程度的伤害就触发瞬移”的被动能力,哦对了,顺带还会掉落一枚迟滞敌人的烟雾弹,所以就打乱了自己的全盘计划。 Is good to experience teach, next time will run into this bastard again, the Fang Linyan beneficial occupancy psychic force tentacle tying down. Ahem, after you flicker moves, detected that father also with, is pleasantly surprised is accidental? 好在吃一堑长一智,下次再遇到这王八蛋,方林岩就提前使用精神力触手将之缠住.哼哼哼,你瞬移完以后发觉老子也跟了过来,惊不惊喜意不意外? Stood had/left a while god in the street, near the ear of Fang Linyan as if resounded that unusual musical instrument sound, sad and shrill, strange, one type entered the will of the people the monster different. 站在了街头出了一会儿神,方林岩的耳边仿佛又响起了那奇特的乐器声,凄厉,诡异,还有一种直入人心的妖异。 He detected suddenly side is a musical instrument store, Nagasaki here is the harbor, therefore the business of boss should be very good, can see that inside thing is dazzling, even can see that transports/fortunes the guitar that from the abroad. 他忽然发觉旁边就是一家乐器店,长崎这里乃是港口,所以老板的生意应该还是很好的,可以见到里面的东西琳琅满目,甚至能看到有从外洋运回来的吉他。 Naturally, this gadget is called the guitar in China at this time, the person of westernization movement is manages it to call the buddhist flatter spirit. 当然,这玩意儿此时在中国又被称为六弦琴,洋务运动的人士则是管它叫梵阿灵。 In the Fang Linyan heart moves, then unexpected happening walked, inside boss walks up to greet with a smile immediately, this is a boss of wear kimono, the facial cast is round, looks is of friendly disposition leads to wealth. 方林岩心中一动,便鬼使神差的走了进去,里面的老板顿时就走上前来笑脸相迎,这是一个穿着和服的老板,脸盘子圆嘟嘟的,一看就是和气生财的那种。 Boss hello, I am inquire a musical instrument.” “老板您好,我是来打听一种乐器的。” Fang Linyan rubbish, comes straight to the point: This musical instrument is somewhat similar to the pipa and urheen of China, the sound is sharper, should be the unique musical instrument of Japan, I had not seen in other place roots.” 方林岩也不废话,开门见山:“这乐器有些类似于中国的琵琶和二胡,声音更加尖利,应该是日本的独特乐器,我在其他的地方根本就没见过。” He in the speech, has put a Japanese currency of five Yuan currency value, then is also in Rome do as the Romans do bows slightly: 他在说话的时候,已经放了一张五元面额的日币,然后也是入境随俗的微微鞠躬: Thank.” “感谢了。” The boss accepted the Japanese currency of that five Yuan currency value happily, then said: 老板开开心心的收下了那张五元面额的日币,然后道: Guest said that should be a samisen, this is the unique musical instrument of our country.” “客人说的,应该是三味线,这是我国的独特乐器。” He was saying then turned around the counter, quick held a musical instrument to walk, Fang Linyan looked, with that mostly the same except for minor differences that saw, some contour differences were not even big. 他说着便转身进了柜台,很快的就捧着一把乐器走了出来,方林岩一看,和自己见到的那一把大同小异,外形就算是有些区别也并不大。 However, the samisen that the boss takes looked is in that type gentle and mild and musical instrument, that old man has not shouldered that the feeling that the evil aura soared to the heavens. 不过,老板拿出来的这一把三味线一看就是那种中正平和的乐器,并没有那老头子背负那把邪气冲天的感觉。 Because gave information fee, therefore Fang Linyan continues to inquire: 因为是给了“信息费”的,所以方林岩就继续询问道: „Some details that I see are not same, then seems like the bone the bow arm of musical instrument, processing does not have you is so exquisite, the work does is coarser than much you.” “我见到的有一些细节不大一样,那把乐器的弓臂似乎是骨头,加工得也没有您这么精巧,活儿比你做得糙得多。” Right, on the outer covering of that musical instrument, there is together a blood red pattern, seemed like the picture to come up.” “对了,那一把乐器的蒙皮上面,有一道血红色的花纹,看起来就像是画上去似的。” Heard the description of Fang Linyan, the boss held breath immediately a cool gas channel/angrily said: 听到了方林岩的描述,老板顿时倒吸了一口凉气道: Blood red pattern, how long?” “血红色的花纹,有多长?” Fang Linyan gesticulated conveniently, the boss was shocked immediately: 方林岩顺手比划了一下,老板顿时惊呆了: Three chi (0.33 m) blood soul!!” “三尺长的血魂!!” After he shocked a while, should look was explaining to Fang Linyan in that five Japanese Yen face: 他震惊了一会儿之后,应该是看在了那五日元的面子上对着方林岩解释道: Guest you mainly did not understand that the producuction process of samisen, it altogether is divided into two parts, tall and slender zither | Jean arm, below Le Xiang.” “客人您主要是不了解三味线的制作过程,它一共分成两个部分,细长的琴臂,还有下方的乐箱。” However when manufactures the samisen, most important has three things to be most important, manufactures zither | Jean Bi the lumber, wraps in the outer covering on musical instrument, the string that uses to play.” “而在制作三味线的时候,最重要的有三件东西最重要,制作琴臂的木材,包在乐器上的蒙皮,还有用来弹奏的弦。” Fang Linyan nods saying: 方林岩点点头道: I can understand, the choices of three types of things you said that basically decided the quality of this gadget end product.” “我能理解,你说的三样东西的选择,基本就决定了这玩意儿成品的好坏了。” Old plank road: 老板道: Yes, under normal conditions, what we manufacture zither | Jean Bi the lumber to select is the water pine, precious point will use that side Indonesian sandalwood, but, that outer covering was very tasteful, the first choice is the cat skin, is the dog skin, most second-rate uses the deerskin pigskin.” “是的,通常情况下,我们制作琴臂的木材选用的是水杉木,珍贵一点的会用印尼那边的紫檀木,不过,那一层蒙皮就很讲究了,首选是猫皮,然后是狗皮,最次等的才用鹿皮猪皮等。” But in the eyes of older generation, with cat skin is the authentic samisen, with dog skin can only be presses the time( the local dialect: The meaning for defective product), with other skins is completely the heresy, cannot turn over to the category of samisen.” “但是在老一辈的眼里面,用猫皮的才是正宗的三味线,用狗皮的只能是压次(本地方言:意思为残次品),用其余的皮就完全是异端,根本就不能归到三味线的范畴里面了。” At this point, the boss sighs: 说到这里,老板叹了一口气道: As for that samisen that the guest you sees, manufactures in curtain end that chaotic period, the technique of manufacture I have also heard, it can be said that very cruel, the normal people will not choose, in the market will not present this type of thing.” “至于客人您看到的那一把三味线,是在幕末那种混乱的时期制作出来的,制作的手法我也只是听说过,可以说是非常的残忍,正常人都不会选择,市面上是不会出现这种东西的。” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: Knew, many thanks.” “知道了,多谢。” He then looked all around around one, then detected what the musical instrument in shop with leather package is many, in the heart moves, took out that unusual leather bookmark, then aimed at this old plank road: 他接下来环顾了一下四周,然后发觉店内的乐器用皮革包裹的还是蛮多的,心中一动,就取出了那张奇特的皮制书签,然后对准了这个老板道: Boss, a matter must disturb, can help me appraise the concrete material quality of this bookmark? If there is a result, then must have thanks again.” “老板,还有一件事要打扰一下,能帮我鉴定一下这张书签的具体材质吗?若有结果,那么必有重谢。” Even if you can provide certain clue, I will have the related thank-you gift.” “哪怕是您能提供一定的线索,我也会有相关的谢礼。” The boss meets this bookmark, careful was looking to the ray, then some say/way of doubts: 老板将这书签接过去,仔细的对着光线看了看,然后有些疑惑的道: What common leather does not seem like, but somewhat looks familiar?” “好像不是什么常见的皮革呢,但是有些眼熟呢?” The Fang Linyan heart said what your said is the idle talk, if common, then the people in Shanghai will have done to understand. 方林岩心道你这说的是废话,若是常见的话,那么上海的人早就将之搞明白了。 After separating a while, the boss turned around the back room, then took out a woodcarving of palm of the hand size. 隔了一会儿之后,老板转身进到了后堂当中,然后取出了一个巴掌大小的木雕。 I could not determine its material quality, but has actually seen similar thing in uncle there, you took this woodcarving to look for my uncle, he should be able to explain your doubts.” “我自己确定不了它的材质,不过却在叔叔那里见到过类似的东西,你拿着这块木雕去找我的叔叔,他应该能解答你的疑惑。” Fang Linyan has not expected joy after sorrow Yau Yat Tsuen, oneself in the thing that in the cheap father's anthology discovers, actually could not find the answer in China, instead found the clue in Japan ten thousand li (0.5 km) away! This may really be a unexpected happiness. 方林岩没料到柳暗花明又一村,自己在便宜老爹的文集里面发现的这东西,却在中国找不到答案,反而在万里之外的日本找到了线索!这可真是意外之喜。 Then the boss told the address that Fang Linyan his uncle occupied, there name was also very strange, unexpectedly is called navel Mao Village, was good because of is not far from Nagasaki. 接着老板告诉了方林岩他叔叔居住的地址,那里名字也是十分古怪的,居然叫做“脐毛村”,好在距离长崎并不算远。 Regarding can help own person, Fang Linyan be generous usually, pulled out one repeat Japanese Yen to come out directly, the number did not have the number to give the boss on stops up. 对于能帮助自己的人,方林岩出手素来大方,直接掏了一迭日元出来,数都没有数就塞给了老板。 The boss beams with joy immediately, then added: 老板顿时眉开眼笑,然后补充道: My uncle is called the village and ghost hut, his temperament is very strange, you take my faith token to be not necessarily able to touch him, but he likes drinking, therefore you had some liquor past words, then can make him help mostly.” “我的叔叔叫做村和鬼庵,他脾气十分古怪,你拿着我的信物未必就能打动他,不过他喜欢喝酒,所以你带一些酒过去的话,那么多半就能让他帮忙了。” The Fang Linyan nod takes down, the heart said that boss your fellow seems like the heavy features, actually has the plans very much, if my repeat bill does not pull out to you, the following these words won't say? 方林岩点头记下,心道老板你这家伙看起来浓眉大眼的,其实却很有心机啊,若是我的这一迭钞票不掏给你,后面的这些话就不会说了吧? Then after Fang Linyan went out of the shop, found a place to eat one bowl of ramen, saw Laming hurrying back in a hurry, very simple say/way: 接下来方林岩走出了店铺之后,找了个地方吃了一碗拉面,就见到拉明匆匆的赶了回来,很干脆的道: I inquired, ship altogether four that within three days embarked, Hong Kong, Shanghai, that tyrant, even went directly to London.” “我打听好了,三天以内出发的船一共有四艘,香港,上海,那霸,甚至还有直达伦敦的。” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: Should better not on the ship of Japanese.” “最好还是不上日本人的船。” drawing bright way: 拉明道: Japanese is in the majority with the fishing boat in this harbor, their merchants also mainly aim at the Asian region trade, in these four ships does not have the Japanese merchant ship.” “日本人在这个港口里面还是以渔船居多的,他们的商船也是主要针对亚洲区域进行贸易,这四艘船里面没有日本商船。” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: Good.” “好。” Then his words intent road for grain shipment: 然后他话意一转道: I had to inquire some things of that assassin before.” “我之前有打听到那名刺客的一些东西.” Then Fang Linyan the thing about samisen will then say to Laming, Laming is very profound to the impression of that old man, after hearing Fang Linyan said that wants to go to the shop on the spot to look at one. 接着方林岩便对拉明将关于三味线的东西说了说,拉明对那名老者的印象十分深刻,听到了方林岩这么说了之后,就想要去店里面现场看一眼。 Fang Linyan knows that Laming also duty, collects these potential surfaces materials for the goddess. 方林岩知道拉明还有一个任务,就是为了女神搜集这些位面的资料。 The Spiritual God is not low regarding earnestly seeking of this unknown territory knowledge, particularly under Athena's premise of godhood or Minerva, therefore nodded assent. 神灵对于这种未知领域知识的渴求并不低,尤其是在雅典娜的神职还是智慧女神的前提下,所以就点头应允了。 Searched the process of shop to be needless saying that exploited one's connections to try to get close that with the boss is Laming's forte, Fang Linyan consumes the information that five Japanese Yen did laboriously, Laming was very relaxed chats at least 100 Japanese Yen thing to come out with this boss. 探店的过程就不用多说了,和老板拉关系套近乎那是拉明的长项,方林岩耗费了五日元才辛苦搞来的情报,拉明很轻松就和这老板聊了至少一百日元的东西出来。 After opening a shop inside, Fang Linyan detected that Laming is somewhat sad, access road/simply said: 等到离开了店里面以后,方林岩就发觉拉明的情绪有些低落,便道: What's wrong? Did the news that inquired a moment ago make you very uncomfortable?” “怎么?刚才打探到的消息让你很不舒服吗?” Laming sighs: 拉明叹了一口气道: „The samisen that yes, that old man carries is very special, utilized very cruel way to manufacture, is called the evil horse stage samisen, must manufacture this gadget, needs to raise a female cat, since childhood will raise, raised by special food.” “是的,那个老头子背的三味线很是特殊,是运用了非常残忍的方式来制作的,叫做邪马台三味线,要制作这玩意儿,需要养一只母猫,将之从小养起,饲以特殊的食物。” „After waiting till the female cat is grown, every year must make it be pregnant one time, then plunges to death the kitten that its lives directly in its front, the kitten that will then plunge to death minces to mix in food to eat to it, so repeats for ten years “等到母猫成年以后,每年都要让它怀孕一次,然后将其生下来的小猫直接摔死在它的面前,然后将摔死的小猫剁碎混入食物里面给它吃下去,如此重复十年” Massacres this female cat, its skin and bone immersion in 100 jin (0.5 kg) person blood, with special method refinement, if refined successfully, on that skin will present a blood-color pattern, named the blood soul, the blood soul the longer the better.” “杀掉这只母猫,将其皮和骨浸泡在一百斤人血里面,用特殊的方法炼制,若是炼制成功了,那张皮上面就会出现一条血色花纹,又名血魂,血魂越长越好。” Then, the bone after refinement will make the main body of samisen, the cat skin hoodwinks above, finally / cat muscle rubs the final string with the hair and cat wool of deceased person, but, this is only the embryonic form, finally must kill people.” “接着,将炼制后的骨做成三味线的主体,猫皮则是蒙在上面,最后用死人的头发和猫毛/猫筋搓出来最后的弦,不过,这只是雏形而已,最后还要杀人。” Every time kills a person, wants, when its corpse is hot is dipping his blood, ancient Pu who plays a samisen, that music score is called the corpse to recite happily, when finally the string becomes colorless transparent, this was refines successfully.” “每杀一个人,都要在其尸体还热的时候蘸着他的血,弹奏一曲三味线的古谱,那个谱子叫做尸喜吟,当最后琴弦变得无色透明,这才算是炼制成功了。” Fang Linyan hears somewhat dumbfoundedly, then to pursue asks: 方林岩听得有些目瞪口呆,然后追问道: This gadget makes so to take time, then its use?” “这玩意儿制造起来如此费事,那么其用处呢?” Laming shakes the head saying: 拉明摇摇头道: Boss said these things, after elder there liquor in chat hear, other should not know.” “老板说得这些东西,都是从长辈那里的酒后闲谈里面听来的,其余的应该都不知道了。” Two people leisurely strolling street, Fang Linyan bought many liquor water spare, then drew bright way: 两人信步街头,方林岩就去买了不少的酒水备用,然后拉明道: Right, a matter.” “对了,还有一件事。” „The Tokugawa blade reported a news to come to us, said that was the assassination to Dongxiang well had the possibility to be related with a merchant yesterday very much, but before this merchant and us , one of the goals drawing up walked very nearly, even might be called the good friend.” “德川刃给我们发了一条消息过来,说是昨天对东乡井的刺杀很有可能与一个商人有关,而这个商人和我们之前拟定的目标之一走得很近,甚至堪称挚友。” Hears a Laming such saying, Fang Linyan immediately at present a bright say/way: 听到拉明这么一说,方林岩顿时眼前一亮道: Who is?” “是谁?” drawing bright way: 拉明道: Fukujima forever division.” “福岛永司。” Is he!” Fang Linyan said suddenly. “是他啊!”方林岩恍然道。 This person also takes the technical class/flow path, is fierce in steam engine that the service ship uses, even Britain makes Wilson Corporation of ships to want the high price to dig him to pass. 这个人也是走得技术流的路子,在维修舰用的蒸汽机方面非常厉害,甚至英国制造船舶的威尔森公司都要高价挖他过去。 But Fukujima complied certainly without hesitation! 而福岛当然毫不犹豫的答应了! However, after Fukujima left, the entire Combined Fleet immediately discovered came under the enormous impact, the maintenance cycle of ships lengthened instantaneously over 50, and before maintenance quality might as well . 不过,当福岛离开了以后,整个联合舰队这边顿时就发现受到了极大的影响,舰船的维修周期瞬间变长了超过50,并且维修质量还不如以前。 This but actually , the key is over six months later, the frequency that the invitation foreign country technicians come turns time. Moreover, the military expenses are more than 60 last year in this overhead, the key is then over six months the time. 这倒也罢了,关键是半年多下来,聘请外国技师过来的频率翻倍。不仅如此,军费在这一块的额外开销比去年已经多了60,关键是这才半年多时间啊。 Finally did not have idea, the military headquarters can only please come back Fukujima by paying high salaries, and takes the family member partly to threaten this type, although Japanese Military draws the lesson now, since then starts to attach great importance to the personnel training in this aspect, but four years later, the importance of Fukujima can also be inferred after all. 最后没辙了,军部又只能高薪将福岛请回来,并且还是拿家人半威胁这种,虽然现在日本军方这边吸取了教训,从此开始重视对这方面的人才培养,但是毕竟才事隔四年,福岛的重要性也可见一斑。 However, this fellow usually does not board the ship, will therefore only have the indirect effect on Sino-Japanese naval battle, therefore Fang Linyan platoon in lowliest place. 不过,这家伙平时并不上舰,所以对甲午海战只会存在间接性的影响,所以方林岩将之排在了末位。
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