Chapter 1341assassinattacks
The Dongxiangwellsaidindifferently:
东乡井漠然道:„Did Ihave the place that calledyouto sigh with emotionhimto live in?”
“我有叫你去感慨一下他住的地方了吗?”NineghostYuanclearfeelings the shadow of deathhad startedto cover itself, kneels downsuddenly, cried:
九鬼元清晰的感觉到了死亡的阴影已经开始覆盖住了自己,猛然跪倒在地,哇的一声就哭了出来:„Onlord! On the lords, is mainly under of feudal officialyounger brother who brings the Chinesebloodlinescompelsme, makingmenot have the favorable impressiontoallChinese, thistimewasImade a mistake, the official under the emperoris willingto spend400,000, no, 500,000( Japanese Yen) obtained the forgiveness on lord!”
After hearing„500,000”thiskeyword, greedy in Dongxiangbore holeflashes past, was convenienttakes up a nearbywhiteHeavenly Eyebowlto poundruthlesslyonnineghostYuanfaces, clenching jawsgave scolding:
听到了“五十万”这个关键词以后,东乡井眼中的贪婪一闪而过,然后顺手就抄起了旁边的一盏白天目茶碗狠狠砸在了九鬼元的脸上,咬牙切齿的痛骂了起来:„Idiot! The courage that your idiot, whereyoucome, dares, whenunexpectedlyhandles mattersformetakesownmood!!”
“蠢货!你这个蠢货,你是哪里来的勇气,居然敢于在为我办事的时候带上自己的情绪!!”NineghostYuanwere spentby the bowl, immediatelysent out a pitiful yell, the fragment of bowldelimited the wounditswhole faceimmediately, immediatelywas the dripping with blood, lookedverypitiful, butinnineghostcenters of circle was actually rejoicesincomparably, knowsoneselfrespondedverypromptly, thispoor lifewaspreservestemporarily.
Because the Dongxiangwellmassacred itselfimmediately, cannot attain500,000Japanese Yensuchgreat sum of moneyabsolutely! The cashat mostalso200,000Japanese Yen of becauseoneselfpresenthaving, cannot takein a short timeas for the surplusgaps, mustfind the personto raise.
因为就算是东乡井立即杀掉了自己,也绝对拿不到五十万日元这样的巨款!因为自己现在拥有的现金顶多也就二十万日元,至于剩余的缺口短时间内也拿不出来,要去找人筹措一番。Without a doubt, innineghostYuanheartsalsohas an intensecomplaint:
毫无疑问,九鬼元的心中也是产生出了一番强烈的怨念:„Iforrushing about after yoursaddlelead horse, meanwhiletake the risk that the smugglingdecapitates, you are so unexpectedly unkindtome”
But in the heartthinkslike this,nineghostYuanmouthsare actually enduring sufferingto complain tearfully:
但虽然心中这样想,九鬼元嘴里却是在忍痛哭诉道:„The nextfeudal officialknewmistakenly, moststartedtrulywantedto shamehis, butthoughtat that timethatrecklessZhiyunhad not the groundlessplaceabout the words of property, thereforewantedto act bashful, thenfacilitatedto press for an answer the truth.”
“下臣知道错了,最开始的时候确实想要羞辱他一番,只是当时觉得那个胡芝云关于财产的话里面有很多不尽不实的地方,所以想要拿捏一下,然后才方便逼问真相。”Really, afterhearing„property”twokeywords, the attention of Dongxiangwellwas attracted the pastimmediately, thensaid:
果然,在听到了“财产”两个关键词之后,东乡井的注意力立即就被吸引了过去,然后道:„? Thismatter, yousaid that looks?”
九鬼元立即道:„recklessZhiyunsaid the wealth that hebringsisaltogether675,200money, butlistens tohistoneproperty is divided intotwoparts, part of propertiesshouldbe the paper money, thisisthat side the clearcountrycurrency, part ofestimate valuesshouldis right.”
“胡芝云说他携来的财富是一共六十七万五千两银子,但是听他的口气这一笔财产是分成两个部分的,一部分财产应该是银票,这个是清国那边的货币,这一部分的估值应该是对的。”„But, another partis the treasure, in the middle ofthisgadgetmoisture content was very big, particularlydoes not know that undertwo'sproportion, for examplerecklessZhiyunonlybrought102,000paper moneyto come, the values of other572,000money, completelyestablished to the estimate value of treasure.”
“但是,另外一部分则是宝物,这玩意儿当中的水分就很大了,尤其是不知道二者的比例下,比如胡芝云只带了十万两银票过来,剩余的五十七万两银子的价值,完全就是建立在对宝物的估值上。”„Thistreasurealtogetherseveral, treasurevalueso much money iswhoappraises, evenhas the professional institutionto appraise, thesethinginternally( Japan )valuehow muchmoney, this series ofall sorts ofissues, it can be said thatquitefuzzy.”
“这宝物一共有几件,宝物值这么多钱到底是谁评估的,就算是有专业机构评估,这些东西在国内(日本)又值多少钱,这一系列的种种问题,都可以说是相当的模糊。”HeardnineghostYuanwords, the Dongxiangwellalsofelt is not groundless, thenlookedto the bladehealth/guard:
听到了九鬼元的话,东乡井也觉得不无道理,然后就看向了刃卫:„How do yousee? Is occupied byJi?”
Obviously, the bladehealth/guardis only the alias of thisold person, but the Dongxiangwellmustcallhimfor„to be occupied byJi”, obviouslyitsstatusis uncommon, after heheard the words of Dongxiangwell, thinks saying:
很显然,刃卫只是这名老人的化名而已,而东乡井都要称呼他为“住吉公”,可见其身份不凡,他听到了东乡井的话以后想了想才道:„Ionly havethreeissues.”
The Dongxiangwellsaid:
东乡井道:„Lived inluckto make a joint invitation.”
刃卫淡淡的道:„How muchmoney on reckless does Zhiyungivelordgift on first meetingvalue?”
The Dongxiangwellhesitated, in the eyerevealed the godcolor of immersing:
东乡井沉吟了一下,眼中露出了沉醉的神色道:„Thatis the fullinchbead of being worthy of the reputation! Onlyitsvolume, alreadyvaluesilver10,000 tael, let alonein the middle oflegendlegendary luminous pearl!”
“那可是名副其实的盈寸之珠啊!单是其体积,就已经价值白银万两,更何况还是传说当中的夜明珠!”„57years ago, Iheard that on the three friendscelebratedto see a legendary luminous pearl, was unable to put down, evenis willingto receive in exchangewith the entireCastle town of Odawara Castle, then the partalsoat leastvaluesilver of itslegendary luminous pearl50,000 taels.”
“在五十七年前,我听说三友上贺见到了一颗夜明珠,爱不释手,甚至愿意用小田原城的整个城下町来换取,那么其夜明珠的部分也至少价值白银五万两。”„Let alonethesetwobigmeritsandcombining, collectionasone? Thatvalueisto turntwotimesinevitably, threetimes, it is estimated thatat leasthundreds of thousandstwosilver.”
The bladesatellite pointnodsaid:
刃卫点点头道:„Here the secondissue, recklessZhiyuncomesto purchase the matter of munitions, on the lordthought that isreallyorfalse?”
The Dongxiangwelllosessays with a smile:
东乡井失笑道:„Naturallyreal, will hecome and personwithlegendary luminous pearlsuchtreasurecracks a joke?”
The bladehealth/guardthensaid:
刃卫接着道:„recklessZhiyun, ifsuccessfullytradeswithus, the thingquantity that hewantsmaybe not infrequent, howto ship backShanghai?”
After the Dongxiangwellheardthisissue, immediatelysaid:
东乡井听到了这个问题之后,立即道:„Naturallygoes backwith the ship transport.”
Here, hislookconcentratessuddenly, thenwickedsay/way:
说到了这里,他的眼神忽然一凝,然后恶狠狠的道:„Naturallycannotmakehimtransport/fortune! After tradingis successful, cargostillmy, buthispayment for goods, Isamemustbring! Possiblyhowignoresbatch of munitionsflow out! AlthoughIlikemoney, is actually not the traitor of serving the interest of outsiders!”
The bladesatellite pointnods, gratifiedsighs:
刃卫点点头,欣慰的叹了一口气道:„In this case, under the servantfelt relieved, looksinrecklessSangfor the family, butinrecklessdetermination, on the lordmustcomply withmymatter.”
The Dongxiangwellsaid:
东乡井道:„Lives inluckto make a joint invitationto say.”
The bladedefends traditional moral principles:
刃卫道:„recklessSangbehavior, makingmethink ofpast years'ssomepast events, thereforeheshouldhas the glory of committing hara-kiri, when the finaltimeapproached, whetheron the lordto give the opportunity that he a choicecommitted hara-kiri?”
东乡井淡淡的道:„Originally the clearpeopledo not have the glory that the qualificationsobtainto commit hara-kiri, theirhomes to return to be drown to deathlike a wild doglivinglyin the middle of the sewage, sinceis occupied byJito open the mouth, thenleaves a loopholetohim an opportunity.”
The Dongxiangwell, whensecret discussed that Fang Linyanis also conducting the plan that nextstepis actingwithLaming, Lamingtook the lead saying:
就在东乡井这边在秘议的时候,方林岩也是在和拉明在进行着下一步行动的计划,拉明率先道:„Master, Ithinks that nowstartedto kill peopledirectlyis not the great idea, particularlyat the presentyoualready the situation in with the Dongxiangwellassociationgetting online.”
“主人,我现在觉得直接下手杀人并不是什么好主意了,尤其是在现在你已经和东乡井联上线的情况下。”Fang Linyannods saying:方林岩点点头道:„Ialsothink.”
“我也是这么想的。”He said that could also not bear the pointchoose a warprogress bar, immediatelystaredin a big way the eye
他这么说的时候,又忍不住点选了一下战争进度条,顿时瞪大了眼睛„How can this?!!!”
“这怎么会?!!!”Originally, onthis timewarprogress bar, the winning percentage of Chinahas risen dramaticallyunexpectedly30.441!! Moreover, Fang Linyanstillsawinsideoneline of small charactersprompt:
原来,此时的战争进度条上,中国一方的胜率居然已经飙升到了30.441!!不仅如此,方林岩还在旁边看到了一行小字提示:„Breedshunting forCD8492116, congratulated you contributiononwarprogress barto disperse into the middle ofweallspacesoldiersfirstfive, youat present the contributiontowarprogress barare6.261, wassecond!”
“殖猎者CD8492116,恭喜你在战争进度条上的贡献排入了本方所有空间战士的前五行列当中,你目前对战争进度条的贡献为6.261,位列第二!”Was goodalsorespondedbecause ofhimimmediately:
好在他马上也反应了过来:„Did the Dongxiangwelloffer the legendary luminous pearl? Thereforesuccessfullysaved the poor life! Sincethismalignant tumorhad not been removed, thenwantedto dohispersonto troublein a big way!”
“东乡井将夜明珠献出去了?所以成功保住了小命!这颗毒瘤既然没有被除掉,那么想要干他的人麻烦就大了啊!”„No, is not right, thisdefinitelysolelywas notthat side the Dongxiangwellinfluence. Iknew, shouldbeSirSongThat sidemattermade the major breakthrough! ReallyIhave not misread the person, this timeSirSongcompared withhistoricallystartedahead of time, in the handgrabs a great sum of money, definitelyhistoricallydidto be much simpler than!”
After associatingto this series ofthings, Fang Linyanstartedto hold a discussionwithLamingimmediately, Lamingalsothought that the matter of Fang Linyanspeculationmight happen very much.
联想到了这一系列的东西之后,方林岩立即就开始和拉明进行了一番探讨,拉明也觉得方林岩推测的事情很有可能发生。Howeveratthis time, in the ear of Fang Linyanbroadcast an unusualsoundsuddenly, before thissound, hehas listened, shouldbesometype of musical instrumentsends, is similarto the urheen of China, but the soundis sadder worse, but alsobrings an evilrecklessly!
不过就在这时候,方林岩的耳中忽然传来了一阵奇特的声音,这声音之前他就听过,应该是某种乐器发出来的,类似于中国的二胡,但声音更凄厉,还带着一股肆意的邪!Lastonetime the time of hearingthissound, was yesterday'sDongxiangwellassassinatedtime!
上一次听到这声音的时候,便是昨天东乡井被刺杀的时候!Fromout of the windowfierceleapt a form, thisformlookedverythin and small, butin the handis raisingKatana was actually the cold lightsparkles, makingonebe awed at the sight.
紧接着,从窗外猛的就跃进来了一条身影,这身影看起来很是瘦小,但是手中提着的日本刀却是寒光闪闪,令人望而生畏。Then this formbladeaimed atFang Linyanto divide, the accidentwas hasty, Fang Linyan can only fly a footto tramplefronttea tablesuddenlyflies, poundsto the assassin, but the assassinknockedwith the back of the blade, selectingwill flywith ease, thencontinuedto kill.
然后这身影一刀就对准了方林岩劈了过来,事发仓促,方林岩一时间只能飞起一脚将面前的茶几踹飞,砸向刺客,但刺客用刀背一磕,就轻松将之挑飞,然后继续杀了过来。Fang Linyandepends upon the ultra-highfoundationclose combatLV16addition, is clenching teethwithitdogfightinone, but the killinglaw of opposite partyis extremely surreptitiousfast, a bladebladeas ifreceived the foundationattributesuppression, was compelledto be unable to make ends meetunexpectedly, is surrounded by perils.方林岩依靠超高的基础近战LV16的加成,咬着牙与之缠斗在了一起,但对方的杀法极其诡秘迅捷,一刀一刀仿佛受到了基础属性的压制,竟是被逼得左支右绌,险象环生。Thatsuffocatingfeelinglooked likestandsin the middle of the breast-deepsea water, rapidtideone after anotherraidedturbulently, had the risk that has not gone againstanytime, becausedistancetoonearreason, thereforeeven/includingbladesoared the opportunity without displayed.
那种窒息的感觉就像是站在了齐胸深的海水当中,湍急的潮水一波一波的汹涌袭来,随时都有没顶的风险,因为距离太近的缘故,所以连刃飞翔都没有施展的机会。Suddenly, Fang Linyanseized the opportunityto start runningon, took the palace of opposite party, dividedto the enemyto the blade of ownshoulderignores.
骤然之间,方林岩看准了机会抢步而上,直取对方的中宫,对敌人劈向自己肩膀的一刀置之不理。With the terminology on Chinese chess, thisis called the abandonedchildto strive to be the first, with the terminology in fight, thisistradesby the injuryoffensive.
用象棋上的术语来说,这叫做弃子争先,用战斗方面的术语来说,这是以伤势换先手。Let aloneFang Linyanthinksveryclearly, thisbladecuts, must first determineto dodge, then must determineaegisAiKuisipassive, finallycancutownbody,
更何况方林岩想得很清楚,这一刀斩过来,先要判定闪避,然后还要判定神盾艾葵斯的被动,最后才能斩到自己的身上,But the this time more than 800points of lifevalues, have certainlyenoughqualificationto come and opposite partyconsume!
而自己此时八百多点生命值,当然有足够的本钱来和对方耗!Butthis was also Fang Linyansaw the katanaknife too long weakness, thereforebet, Fang Linyangraspedto plundertooth of suchshort weaponsfood, onceapproached, the opposite partywas passive.
而这也是方林岩看准了武士刀刀身过长的弱点,所以赌上了一把,方林岩手持掠食之牙这样的短兵,一旦靠近了的话,对方就被动了。But under Fang Linyanthismoves, the enemy is also feltunexpectedly the threatdrew backto goanxiously, feelslooks like a rubber ball that filled the air/Qi, Fang Linyanapproachescatches up, the enemyseparateddirectly, thisexplained that opposite partygood of sense of distancegrasping, is above the imaginationcompletely.
但方林岩这一动之下,敌人居然也是感觉到了威胁急退而去,给人的感觉就像是一个充满了气的皮球,方林岩一靠近发力,敌人就直接弹开了,这说明对方的距离感掌握之好,完全超乎想象。HoweverregardingFang Linyan, the enemythisdrew backalsogiveshimto release the skill the opportunity! Directlywas a round of bladesoaringresentmentin the past.
不过对于方林岩来说,敌人这一退也是给了他释放技能的机会!直接就是一发刃飞翔怼了过去。In a flash, the enemyappearswith the back of the head that the black clothwrappedinownfront, Fang Linyanheldon a daggerat this timewithout delay, and position was also very sinisterdirectly soaringnextthreegroups, poked the thigh!!
The intention of Fang Linyan is quite actually sinister, the powerful enemy of suchrank, definitelyis not the smallmixedfish, the prospectcan a daggerhold his possibilitysincerityto be very small.方林岩的用意其实相当阴险的,这样级别的强敌,肯定不是什么小杂鱼,指望能一匕首捅死他那可能性真心很小。Sinceisthis, firstaims atitsstrongestonepointto start, causes heavy losses toordiscards his leg, weakenshisspeedis the optimization.
既然是这样的话,就先针对其最强的一环下手,重创或者废掉他一条腿,削弱掉他的速度就是最佳选择。Plunderstooth of thisfoodto see the blood the legendlevelweaponfinally, sharpcutting edgerelaxedtearing the strongdensemuscle fiber, shut offseveraltrunkswhile convenient. Butpreparesto sway from side to side the daggerinFang Linyanruthlessly, plansto continueto cause a more seriousdamagetime, actuallydetected that suddenly front was spatial!
掠食之牙这把传说级武器终于见血,尖锐的锋刃轻松的撕扯开了韧密的肌肉纤维,顺带切断了好几条大血管。而就在方林岩准备狠狠扭动一下匕首柄,打算继续造成更严重伤害的时候,却忽然发觉面前空了!Yes, thisenemydisappearedin the field of visionunexpectedlyall of a sudden, and place that itsbeforestopped overfell an eggsizeduskymeatballunexpectedly! Then of bangexploded.
The Fang Linyaninstinctshrinksto hold the head, thenseeks for the bunker, physical strength = 5 he, reallydoes not have the capital of wave, but after thismeatballexplodes, butdisseminatedintermittentsmog, immediatelyperipherywill cover.方林岩本能缩身抱头,然后寻找掩体,体力的他,实在是没有浪的资本,不过这丸子爆炸以后,只是弥散出了一阵阵烟雾而已,顿时就将周围覆盖。WhenFang Linyanto/clashesfrom the room, detected that the opposite partyhas made a getaway.
等到方林岩从房间里面冲出去的时候,发觉对方已经逃之夭夭。Howeverat this timehehad emitted the unmanned aerial vehiclepromptly, detected that Laminghad pursuedpromptly, butwas actually blocked the wayby an old manat this time.
不过这时候他已经及时放出了无人机,发觉拉明已经及时追了出去,不过这时候却被一名老者拦住了去路。Thisold manseeminglyis on the declineobsolete, standscanblow downin the theretremblingwindas if, Laming but who grasps a sharp bladedoes not dareto go forwardunexpectedly, after both sidesconfronted for tenseconds, the old manturns aroundto depart, seems likeveryslowly, actuallyseveralvanishedin the corner.
这老者看起来衰微老朽,站在那里颤颤巍巍的仿佛风都能吹倒,但手持一把利刃的拉明竟是不敢上前,双方对峙了十来秒以后,老者转身离去,看起来走得很慢,其实几下就消失在了街角。Fang Linyanactuallynotices, the back of thisold manhas a veryunusualmusical instrument.方林岩却注意到,这老者的背后有一把很奇特的乐器。
The musical instrumentis not big, it is estimated thatis similar to Ukraine , CrimeaLili, but the zither | Jeanarmis longer.
The contoursomewhatseems like the pipa, somewhatseems like the urheen, but a texturepoint of itssurfaceis wrappingonepoint, is passingstrongevilintent, on the outer covering of itssurfacealsohastogether the brightincomparableblood-colortextureunexpectedly, enoughtwofingers of widths!
The old mencome, distant placethatstrangemusicvanishesdoes not see, quick, Lamingwalked, complexionsomewhatheavysay/way:
老者现身的时候,远处那诡异的乐声则是消失不见,很快的,拉明就走了回来,脸色有些沉重的道:„Master. I.”
“主人.我.”Fang Linyanbeckons with the hand, verysimplesay/way:方林岩摆摆手,很干脆的道:„Does not closeyourmatter, Icalledyouto comealsonot to stressonfight, right, what did youarefeelfacinghim?”
“不关你的事情,我叫你过来又不是侧重于战斗方面,对了,你面对他是什么感觉?”Lamingdeeplyinspires saying:
拉明深吸了一口气道:„Thatfeelingis very difficultto describe,looked likestaresby a giantsnake, itsice-coldeyehad no mood, thinks so that as ifmade all your strengthspull out , the courage of simplynot having begun.”
After Fang Linyanlistened, said:方林岩听了以后道:„The Japaneseswordsmanshiphasmanystrangeplaces, before looking like, weexperience of arriving at a sideheartsto be the same, youbynot fightingto grow perceptibly, the fearwas been very normalby the imposing manner of enemy, do not think.”
“日本剑道有很多诡异的地方,就像是之前我们见识到的心之一方一样,你本来就不是以战斗见长,被敌人的气势所慑很正常,别多想。”At this pointFang Linyanhesitant, at presentpresentsthatunusualmusical instrumentunrestrainedly, music that resoundsstrangely, thereforeaccess road/simply said:
说到这里方林岩犹豫了一下,眼前情不自禁的出现了那一柄奇特的乐器,还有那诡异响起的音乐,于是便道:„Thisgroup of peopleattackus, definitelyisbecausewent bad the important matter of Dongxiangwelltheyassassinatedat that time, thereforewalks to send a punitive expedition, butthismattertastefulelement of surprise . Moreover the Dongxiangwelldefinitelyhas tracedhisthemtherefore should not to havein a short timetroublesome.”
“这帮人袭击我们,肯定是因为当时坏了他们刺杀的东乡井的大计,所以找上门来兴师问罪,不过这种事情讲究突然性,而且东乡井必然会一直追查他他们所以短时间内应该没有麻烦了。”Lamingnods saying:
“应该是这样。”Fang Linyannarrowed the eyeto look at the sky:方林岩眯缝着眼睛看了看天空:„Nowcontinuedto treatdoes not have the toobigmeaninghere, since the destiny of Dongxiangwellmalignant tumorhas changed, hehas satisfiedmeveryto the destruction that JapaneseNavywill soon cause, experiencingassassinmatterwas an excellentturning point, That sideSirSong the progresswas quick, wewent backto convergeto consider as finishedwithhimsimply.”
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