FE :: Volume #13

#1342: Butterfly effect that the legendary luminous pearl sparks

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Butterfly effect that Chapter 1340 legendary luminous pearl sparks 第1340章夜明珠引发的蝴蝶效应 Then Yamamoto Gonnohyoe continues to suggest, do not think these things that you handle we do not know, before had a solution is: Must preserve Togo Heihachiro's words, then makes him punish guilty family members, pushes to be the scapegoat you. 然后山本权兵卫继续暗示,别以为你做的那些事情我们就不知道,之前有一个解决方案就是:要保全东乡平八郎的话,那么就让他大义灭亲,将你推出来做替罪羊。 Like this people also satisfied, the officers of navy also satisfied, your elder brother's position also preserved, the words that it can be said that good in all three ways, does certainly, do not feel „beautiful” only, definitely was the Dongxiang well. 这样的话民众也满意了,海军的将士也满意了,你兄长的职位也保全了,可以说是三全其美,当然这么干的话,唯一不觉得“美”的,肯定就是东乡井了。 Heard Yamamoto Gonnohyoe these words, the Dongxiang well could be said as the fear to the bone in! 听到了山本权兵卫这番话,东乡井可以说是恐惧到了骨子里面! He is not certainly willing by sacrifice, even if not good for elder brother's future prospect. 他当然不愿意被“牺牲”,哪怕是为了兄长的未来前途也不行啊. Was good also inquired that at this time because of him a news minister of the navy, Tsugumichi Saigou was seemingly pure, actually and not so, similarly will also accept political donation, the only reason that did not receive was money Taishao. 好在他这时候又打听到一个消息海军大臣,西乡从道貌似清白,其实并不然,同样也会接受政治献金,不收的唯一原因就是钱太少了。 Therefore, Dongxiang well then intense plundering, the smuggling, then lost everything to plan enough the gift with great difficulty, minister of the navy Tsugumichi Saigou force-feeding, turned into own backer this biggest stumbling obstacle finally. 于是,东乡井便变本加厉的进行搜刮,走私,然后好不容易倾家荡产筹够了礼物,将海军大臣西乡从道给喂饱了,终于将这块最大的绊脚石变成了自己的靠山。 But how the final matter is solved? 而最后的事情是怎么解决的呢? Minister of the navy Tsugumichi Saigou still promoted a scapegoat to come out, but this scapegoat Fang Linyan also knew, was the island in his hit list is heavy!! 海军大臣西乡从道依然是推出了一名替罪羊出来,而这个替罪羊方林岩也认识,正是在他暗杀名单上的小岛重!! Although this fellow is also the background is also very hard, but gentle he is also the dashing spirit of fearless young people, in addition oneself supercilious, the sword technique is excellent, therefore the personal connection in the entire navy is bad. 虽然这家伙同样也是背景很硬,但是出身名门的他也是初生牛犊不怕虎,外加自身心高气傲,剑术高超,所以在整个海军里面人缘非常差。 Moreover, the island relies on the sword technique to be excellent seriously, once some person and he had the conflict, will raise the blade to come out directly, requests the opposite party to conduct the duel outrageously. 不仅如此,小岛重自恃剑术高超,所以一旦有人和他产生了冲突,就会直接提刀出来,悍然要求对方进行决斗。 Here is the East rather than the West, if in other departments, does not accept the duel is also indifferent, however in the middle of the army of esteeming martial arts, the duel loses is a matter, the courage of continually accepting a challenge does not have, after that really very difficult director to result in the subordinate. 这里乃是东方而不是西方,若是在其余的部门里面,不接受决斗也无所谓,但是在尚武的军队当中,决斗输掉是一回事,连应战的勇气都没有,那以后就真的很难指挥得动下属了。 Therefore, until now the navy was killed / hits remnantly the officers under island heavy sword, had 56 people. The island is heavy, although somewhat skill, and does not embezzle, but its personal connection can be imagined, definitely is in a complete mess, no one can tidy up him. 所以,迄今为止海军内部被打死/打残在小岛重剑下的将士,都有五六个人了。小岛重虽然有几分本事并且也不贪污,但其人缘可想而知,肯定是一塌糊涂,偏偏还没人能收拾他。 Therefore, the island heavy this unlucky children played the role in Dongxiang well history unfortunately, by being derelict the charge ordered to commit hara-kiri, this divulged navy part of resentment. 于是,小岛重这个倒霉孩子就不幸的扮演了东乡井历史上的角色,以“玩忽职守”的罪名勒令切腹,这样的话宣泄掉了海军内部的一部分怨气。 Then announces to the public suspends Togo Heihachiro, naturally said that why actually should, this matter deceived immediately. 然后又对外宣布将东乡平八郎停职,当然只是说说而已,其实该干嘛干嘛,此事便就这么糊弄过去了。 Naturally, the above these things are actually something to be talked about later, since talked about here, then gave to write while convenient, making everyone Fang Linyan the legendary luminous pearl to the butterfly effect that sparked have the most direct-viewing understanding. 当然,上面的这些事情其实是后话,只是既然讲到这里了,那么就顺便给写了出来,让各位对方林岩的这颗夜明珠引发的蝴蝶效应有最直观的了解。 *** *** Next morning, Fang Linyan by Laming awakening, the dawn revealed in the horizon beginning at this time, on the outside street has the platoon neatly the Japanese who goes to begin work, they for that meager reward, will then soon start a day of difficult profession. 第二天一大早,方林岩就被拉明给叫醒了,此时晨光才在天边初露,外面街上已经有排得整整齐齐前去上工的日本人,他们即将为了那微薄的报酬,进而开始一天艰苦的生涯。 However even if such( worker) treatment, is many people longs for even in dreams, even wishes for earnestly. 然而哪怕就是这样的(工人)待遇,也是很多人梦寐以求,甚至求之不得的。 Laming is to Fang Linyan say/way in a low voice: 拉明则是对着方林岩低声的道: „The entrance of our hotel stopped a carriage, what driving is Dongxiang well that old man sword of side is bold, however goes by car is actually other person, nine ghost Yuan.” “我们旅馆的门口停了一辆马车,驾车的是东乡井的身边的那名老头子剑豪,但是坐车的却是另外的一个人,九鬼元。” In the Fang Linyan heart moves said: 方林岩心中一动道: Is he? Was, nine ghost Yuan said strictly, was the winding of Dongxiang well, needs to attach in the Dongxiang well exists, on the market, had the common interests is only the most reliable ally, therefore some lot Dongxiang wells did not facilitate acted, this fellow raises one's head is actually just right, he was conveys a message?” “是他?是了,九鬼元严格的说起来,乃是东乡井的下线,需要依附于东乡井存在的,在商场上,唯独拥有共同利益才是最可靠的盟友,所以有很多事情东乡井不方便出面的时候,这家伙出头却是恰到好处,那他是来传话的了?” Two people are exchanging time, then outside heard broadcast the sound of knocking on a door, then broadcast night/lodge Room partner that timid voice: 两人正在交流的时候,便听到外面传来了敲门的声音,然后就传来了所住的宿屋伙计那怯生生的声音: Mr. Masuda, nine ghost gentlemen come visiting, whether you have the interest reception?” “增田先生,有一位九鬼先生来访,您这边是否有兴趣接待?” drawing bright way: 拉明道: Invited.” “有请。” Quick, nine ghost Yuan walked fearlessly, but the trusted aide old man of that Myoudou native place follows in behind, seeming like seems it hand/subordinate is ordinary. But Fang Linyan and Laming had seen this old person's skill yesterday, naturally really will not regard the servant to regard it. 很快的,九鬼元就昂然走了进来,而那名东乡井的心腹老头则是跟随在后面,看起来就仿佛是其手下一般。但方林岩和拉明昨天见过这老人的身手,当然就不会将之真的当成仆人看待。 Nine ghost Yuan looked all around around one, then looks at Fang Linyan some say/way of despising: 九鬼元环顾了一下四周,然后看着方林岩有些鄙夷的道: Really cannot think, the famous Hu later generation lives in such poor place unexpectedly, is really unexpected.” “真想不到,大名鼎鼎的胡家后人居然住在这样寒酸的地方,真是令人意想不到。” In the middle of the spoken language derode, there is the meaning of contempt! 其言语当中既有讥刺,也有轻视之意! Fang Linyan actually light say/way: 方林岩却淡淡的道: I travel to the east to come, actually to not enjoy.” “我东渡而来,却也不是为了享受的。” Then Fang Linyan fell the vision on the rear that old man face: 然后方林岩将目光落在了后方的那名老者脸上: If you are only some idle talk, I must ask two to go out.” “若您们只是来说一些废话的,那我就要请两位出去了。” Nine ghost Yuan complexions change, as to rebut with sarcasm, but suppressed, then said: 九鬼元脸色一变,似乎想要反唇相讥,但又强忍了回去,然后道: I am asked to ask, you do not hesitate ten thousand li (0.5 km) to come here, is actually to make what?” “我受人之托来问问,你不惜万里来到这边,究竟是想要做什么?” Fang Linyan deep looked at a that old man, then said: 方林岩深深的看了一眼那名老者,然后道: I am buy some munitions.” “我是来买些军火的。” Nine ghost Yuan say/way: 九鬼元道: Munitions, what do you want?” “军火啊,你要什么?” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: I take 50 torpedoes, four Krupp 155 millimeters heavy artilleries, 300 high explosive shells!” “我要五十枚鱼雷,四门克虏伯155毫米重炮,三百枚开花弹!” Nine ghost Yuan say/way: 九鬼元道: Shanghai there has many western businessmens, why don't you purchase there?” “中国上海那里有不少的西方商人,你为什么不在那里购买呢?” Fang Linyan very simple say/way: 方林岩很干脆的道: Their things were too expensive, now our family also in difficult position in the middle, even if is ready for any sacrifice to lose everything, cannot buy so many munitions!” “他们的东西太贵了,现在我们的家族也是处于困境当中,哪怕是豁出去倾家荡产,也买不到这么多军火的!” Nine ghost Yuan sneer saying: 九鬼元冷笑道: Why you thought that can buy in Nagasaki?” “那你为什么觉得在长崎就能买到?” Fang Linyan shakes the head saying: 方林岩摇摇头道: I had not thought that can buy in Nagasaki.” “我没有觉得在长崎就能买到。” Nine ghost Yuan knit the brows: 九鬼元皱了皱眉道: Your this saying what meaning?” “你这话什么意思?” Fang Linyan light say/way: 方林岩淡淡的道: In fact, my plan all runs the harbor of entire Japan, bumps completely tries one's luck, Masuda quite knew about Japan, therefore suggested that my first stand comes to Nagasaki.” “事实上,我的计划是将整个日本的港口全部都跑一遍,全部都去碰一碰运气,增田桑对日本比较了解,所以建议我第一站就来长崎。” Nine ghost Yuan having a relish say/way: 九鬼元饶有兴致的道: If you do go all over Japanese luck is not good?” “那要是你走遍日本都运气不好呢?” Fang Linyan shrugs: 方林岩耸耸肩: That is the life, is in the Japanese culture brave grinding, and I also lose am sincerely convinced, because I have at least tried hard, at the worst is buried in the foreign land and that's the end.” “那就是命,也是日本文化里面的偈磨,并且我也输得心服口服,因为至少我努力过了,大不了就是葬身异乡就是了。” If I stay in Shanghai, then 100% will miss this opportunity, but I come Japanese and his party, hopes, although uncertain, but the probability completes this mammoth task.” “若是我呆在上海的话,那么百分之百会错过这个机会,而我来日本一行的话,希望虽然渺茫,但还有几率完成这个艰巨的任务。” Nine ghost Yuan face upwarded to hit, in the eye all was the meaning of despising: 九鬼元仰天打了个哈哈,眼里全是轻蔑之意: Hehe.” “呵呵.” Behind him the unkind words have not exported, suddenly contacted rear area the look of that old man, immediately startled spirit one to tremble, can only strong from the restraining mind, then sincere say/way: 他后面的刻薄话还没出口,忽然就接触到了后方那位老者的眼神,顿时激灵灵一个寒颤,只能强自收敛心神,然后正色道: Cheap goods, here has, how much money but do you plan?” “便宜的货,我们这里还是有的,但你打算出多少钱?” Fang Linyan looked at a nearby Laming, is hinted negotiates by him, Laming very simple say/way: 方林岩看了一眼旁边的拉明,示意由他来交涉,拉明很干脆的道: This reckless Sang was time crosses the rubicon to come, to put out oneself all savings, the treasure that the cash carried again in addition, altogether value 675,200 money.” “这一次胡桑乃是破釜沉舟而来,拿出了自己所有的积蓄,现银再加上携带的宝物,一共价值六十七万五千两银子。” This number is Fang Linyan and rear area that old man has calculated carefully, this sum of money wants the munitions list that purchases Fang Linyan to enumerate, if buys newly can only buy about half. 这个数字是方林岩和后方那位老者精心计算过的,这笔钱想要购买方林岩列举出来的军火名单,若是买新的就只能买到一半左右。 After nine ghost Yuan listened, immediately sneers saying: 九鬼元听了以后顿时冷笑道: Such money do you want to take the goods? Also “这么点钱你就想要来拿货?也” Then he detected that old man sword stared boldly again, moreover his hand-held on the sword hilt, nine ghost Yuan the whole body trembled immediately, does not dare to say again. 然后他发觉那名老者剑豪再次盯了过来,而且这一次他的手扶在了剑柄上,九鬼元顿时浑身一颤,不敢再说下去。 Old man sword stood at this time suddenly, is bowing to say to Fang Linyan slightly: 老者剑豪这时候突然站起来,对着方林岩微微鞠躬道: Obsolete blade health/guard, has seen reckless Sang.” “老朽刃卫,见过胡桑。” Edge health/guard? This name is very rare among the Japanese, should be the alias!” “刃卫?这个名字在日本人当中很少见呢,应该是化名!” In the Fang Linyan heart passed over gently and swiftly such a thought. But he is a deep one at this time, has not displayed this thought on the face, is only very earnest nod, then held the fist in the other hand a ritual. 方林岩心中掠过了这么一个念头。但他此时城府很深,并没有将这个念头表现在脸上,只是很认真的点点头,然后抱拳回了一礼。 The blade defends traditional moral principles: 紧接着刃卫道: reckless Sang does not hesitate to drift about destitute for the revival of family, long way ten thousand li (0.5 km). Deeply feels admiring below, will have the condition of reckless mulberry.” “胡桑为了家族的复兴不惜颠沛流离,远道万里而来。在下深感钦佩,会将胡桑的条件带回去的。” Then the blade health/guard bows slightly, leaves, nine ghost Yuan also followed are leaving. 然后刃卫微微躬身,随之离开,九鬼元也是跟随着走掉了。 However, when two people in tandem under staircase, the blade health/guard turns around suddenly, both eyes deep looked around nine ghost Yuan one eyes. 不过,就在两人一前一后下楼梯的时候,刃卫忽然转身,双目深深的看了旁边的九鬼元一眼。 Nine ghost Yuan looked in the heart one cold, will speak to explain, thought suddenly the throat becomes dry to feel uncomfortable, then unexpectedly could not attract air/Qi! Felt that on the neck really has an invisible big hand to seize probably stubbornly. 九鬼元被看得心中一寒,正要说话解释一番,猛然觉得嗓子眼发干发紧,然后居然吸不上气了!感觉脖子上竟然像是有一只无形的大手死死掐住。 He puts out a hand to caress suddenly to the neck, but still does not help matters, after separating for several seconds, painful kneeling down on the ground, in the middle of the throat sound of sword makes noise, sounding this sound is extremely terrifying! 他猛然伸手抚向脖子,但依然无济于事,隔了几秒之后痛苦的跪倒在地上,喉咙当中“霍霍”作响,听起来这声音就极其恐怖! Starts consciousness fuzzily in nine ghost Yuan, twitches rolls the eyes, the blade health/guard walks up, makes an effort to strike in his chests and bellies, nine ghost Yuan felt immediately the shackles on neck vanished, as if extricated all of a sudden, collapsed in gulps on the ground is panting for breath. 就在九鬼元开始意识模糊,抽搐翻白眼的时候,刃卫才走上前去,在他的胸腹之间用力一击,九鬼元顿时就感觉脖子上的桎梏消失了,一下子就仿佛解脱了似的,瘫倒在了地上大口大口的喘息着。 In nine ghost Yuan this time eyes had been full of the fear, looks that the blade health/guard looks like the ghosts and gods to be the same, actually listens to the blade health/guard light say/way: 九鬼元此时的眼中已经是充满了恐惧,看着刃卫就像是鬼神一般,却听刃卫淡淡的道: You dislike anyone, likes anyone, speaking, working is your freedom, but! The premise cannot affect the important matter of master on.” “你讨厌谁,喜欢谁,说什么话,做什么事都是你的自由,但是!前提是不能影响到主人的大计上面。” If I let you a moment ago recklessly the unseemly behavior, reckless Zhiyun might explain the master to send you to shame him, then left Nagasaki directly, went to that side Yokosuka Port to look for the opportunity, although this possibility was not big, had absolutely!” “如果我让你刚才肆意妄为的话,胡芝云是有可能解读成主人派遣你来羞辱他,然后直接离开长崎,去横须贺港那边寻找机会,虽然这个可能不大,却绝对不是没有!” Looks in the Yoshitaka Kuki Duke face, I give you an opportunity, the next words, your oneself commit hara-kiri time.” “看在九鬼嘉隆公的面子上,我给你一次机会,下一次的话,你就自己切腹吧。” Nine ghost satisfactory full are the cold sweat, the big mouth is panting for breath, crawled to look like followed of stray cur silently in the blade health/guard behind, then left directly. 九鬼元满头都是冷汗,大口喘息着,默默爬了起来就像是一头丧家之犬似的跟随在了刃卫的身后,然后直接走掉了。 However, the beforehand all these also saw by Fang Linyan and Laming, after two people left, Fang Linyan curious say/way: 不过,之前的这一切也是被方林岩和拉明看到了,等到两人离开了之后,方林岩才好奇的道: We feared that underestimated the strength of this old man, he seems like besides being skilled in the sword technique, it is estimated that also meets the sorcery and so on, this method that stares to make others suffocate also is really virtually impossible to guard against.” “我们怕是低估了这老头子的实力啊,他看起来除了精通剑术之外,估计还会妖法之类的,这一瞪眼就让别人窒息的手段还真是让人防不胜防呢。” Laming said suddenly: 拉明忽然道: Of „a side hearts.” “心之一方。” Fang Linyan knits the brows: 方林岩皱眉道: What?” “什么?” drawing bright way: 拉明道: The move that he uses is not the monster technique, is the sword technique, is called of a side hearts. Spreads the swordsmanship secret technique in the middle of hearsay. The theory projects by the eye murderous aura to change to the invisible sword air/Qi intensely, making the enemy lose the ability to act also to suffocate.” “他用的这一招不是妖术,也是剑术,叫做心之一方。是流传于传闻当中的剑道秘术。理论是以眼睛投射强烈杀气化作无形剑气,使敌人失去行动能力并且窒息。” Say/Way that Fang Linyan exclaims in surprise: 方林岩惊叹的道: „Is this also the sword technique?” “这也是剑术啊?” drawing bright way: 拉明道: I hear this move of time at first, unbelievable this is real, but was truly approved by the Japanese domestic major sword technique Buddhist temples.” “我最初听说这一招的时候,也难以置信这是真的,但确实是被日本国内的各大剑术道场都认可。” Fang Linyan sighs: 方林岩叹了一口气道: We investigated in advance carefully, without acting rashly is right, otherwise acts rashly, must face is these hidden the expert intrepidly, that may really be very awkward.” “我们事前仔细调查,没有轻举妄动是对啊,否则的话贸然出手,要面对的就是这些强悍的隐藏高手,那可真的是十分尴尬了。” *** *** Quick, nine ghosts Yuan and blade protected two people to arrive at the dwelling in Dongxiang well, but this time Dongxiang well also knows oneself were irritant, his residence was also a number of days trades. 很快的,九鬼元和刃卫两人就来到了东乡井的住处,而此时的东乡井也知道自己招人恨了,他的住所也是一天数换。 Moreover, every day Dongxiang well do not know where in the evening will rest, because he will draw lots at the sunset, which residence selected went, then can overtake temporarily. 不仅如此,每天东乡井自己都不知道晚上会睡在什么地方,因为他都会在日落的时候抽签,抽中了前往哪一处住所,那么才会临时赶过去。 Even next day met with anyone, must handle anything , is comes to make a decision through a drawing, although like this affirmed that the efficiency is very low, actually also assured the security of Dongxiang well very much effectively. 甚至第二天会见什么人,要做什么事情,也都是用抽签的方式来进行决断,这样虽然肯定效率很低,却也很是有效的保证了东乡井的安全。 This time Dongxiang well does not have the beforehand that calm, but as if like ants on a heated pan is the same, is joining hands behind the back is roving same place, all these due to a reason: 此时的东乡井已经没有了之前的那种从容,而是仿佛热锅上的蚂蚁一样,背着手在原地转来转去,这一切只是由于一个原因: That is the Dongxiang well to maintain life, for many years wealth will deliver, net worth clean, in his treasure house is also completely empty. 那就是东乡井为了保命,将多年来累计的财富都送了出去,身家已经清洁溜溜,他的宝库里面也是空空如也。 Although the Dongxiang well told itself repeatedly, kept the mountain without fearing not to have the firewood fever, the life was forever more important than money, when he saw himself air-to-air such as the wild safe cabinet and secret storehouse, the Dongxiang well felt a rending pain!! 虽然东乡井反复告诉自己,留得青山在不怕没柴烧,命永远都比钱重要,但是当他看到了自己空空如野的保险柜和秘库的时候,东乡井就感觉到了一种撕心裂肺的痛楚!! Moreover, looks at one every time, the pain in Dongxiang well must aggravate a point. 不仅如此,更是每看一眼,东乡井的痛楚就要加重一分。 That feeling makes him stay up all night, an intense incomparable annoying feeling and agony have been puzzling him, this time Dongxiang well incomparable hunger and thirst, his unprecedented hope can fill up own treasure house again, otherwise, the life will be a gloominess, will might be considered as eats does not know the taste, the bedroom not fear will be peaceful. 那种感觉让他彻夜未眠,一种强烈无比的懊恼感和痛苦感一直在困扰着他,此时的东乡井无比的饥渴,他前所未有的希望能重新将自己的宝库填满,否则的话,人生将是一片灰暗,堪称是食不知味,寝不惶安。 What kind of!” The anxious Dongxiang well eyeful is the red string, took the lead not to ask patiently. “怎么样!”焦躁的东乡井满眼都是红丝,率先不耐烦的问了出来。 Edge health/guard dangling eye, 1510 before , their dialogue said that naturally, included him to tidy up nine ghost Yuan a series of processes. 刃卫垂下眼睛,一五一十的将之前他们的对话说了出来,当然,也包括了他收拾九鬼元的一系列过程。 Finally the blade health/guard has not said that Dongxiang well unemotional looked to nine ghost Yuan: 结果刃卫还没有说完,东乡井就已经面无表情的看向了九鬼元: Nine ghost Monarch, before you embarking, I told your words to repeat.” “九鬼君,你把出发之前,我告诉你的话重复一遍。” Detected that the tone unexpected tranquility of Dongxiang well, nine ghost Yuan trembled certainly unexpectedly from top to bottom. 发觉东乡井的语气居然出乎意料的平静,九鬼元当然浑身上下都哆嗦了起来。 Because the temperament of his very clear Dongxiang well, if shouted loudly to a person, cursed angrily crazily, that represented Dongxiang Itsui also to think that had the use value. 因为他很清楚东乡井的脾气,若是对一个人大喊大叫,疯狂怒骂,那就代表着东乡井对这个人还觉得有利用价值。 However, if polite, that means that he in the heart had thought this is a deceased person, but regarding deceased person, must maintain the basic respect. 但是,若客客气气的话,那就意味着他已经在心中觉得这是个死人,而对于死人,还是要保持基本的尊重。 Nine ghost Yuan trembling said: 九鬼元颤声道: Urges to go faster asks the demand of opposite party, his base price.” “去去问问对方的需求,还有他的底价。”
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