FE :: Volume #13

#1392: In the world

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In Chapter 1390 world 第1390章里世界 What is stranger, after these hundred mourning corpse small creature corpses explode, it can be said that everywhere one piece bloody in confusion, the black blood flies horizontally, how long however this has not maintained to see the ceiling, the floor, these blood stains on wall surface, the corpse block, is vanishing gradually. 更诡异的是,这百余头丧尸小动物尸爆之后,可以说是到处都一片血腥狼藉,黑血横飞,然而这一幕并没有保持多久可以见到天花板,地板,墙面上的这些血污,尸块,都在渐渐消失。 This seems like applies glass, the wet towel has wiped, the dust densely covered glass has a region rapidly cleanly. 这一幕看起来就像是搽玻璃似的,湿毛巾抹过,尘埃密布的玻璃迅速就有一块区域被清洁。 The only difference is, in this room wet towel is invisible transparent. 唯一的区别就是,这房间里面的“湿毛巾”是无形透明的。 What is most astonishing, that thin and small person's shadow explodes in the corpse unexpectedly is safe and sound, but the orangutan breeds in the ear of hunting for actually heard one after another hehe the laughter, in this laughter the air/Qi is full! From that in thin and small person's shadow mouth that turns away from the entrance sends. 最令人吃惊的是,那瘦小人影在尸爆下竟是安然无恙,而猩猩殖猎者的耳中却传来了一连串“呵呵呵”的笑声,这笑声中气十足!正是从那名背对门口的瘦小人影口中发出来的。 He said three characters briefly and to the point: 他言简意赅的说出了三个字: Also good “还不错” This thin and small person's shadow turns head, aims at the orangutan to breed hunting to smile surreptitiously: 紧接着,这瘦小人影回过头来,对准了猩猩殖猎者诡秘一笑: Your heart somewhat jumps probably quickly.” “你的心好像跳得有些快呢。” At this time if Fang Linyan here, then inevitable can discover immediately, this thin and small person's shadow seems like some probably big lawsuit, under the unmanned aerial vehicle angle of view has very big distinction with that seen big lawsuit. 此时若方林岩在这里的话,那么必然能在第一时间发现,这个瘦小人影看起来有些像是大官司,又与那名在无人机视角下被看到的大官司有着很大的分别。 But after these three characters said that the orangutan bred hunting to cover the chest with own right hand immediately, because of it unexpectedly discovery with amazement, own heartbeat truly was somewhat quick, and looked like the automobile to step on accelerator such, but also is continue continue accelerated. 而这三个字一说出来之后,猩猩殖猎者立即用自己的右手捂住了胸口,因为它竟骇然的发现,自己的心跳确实是有些快了,并且就像是汽车踩下油门那样,还在继续持续的进行加速。 Even if the space soldier powerful digitization body , the heart such endless continued acceleration beats, finally will also definitely burst to cause the death!! 哪怕是空间战士强大的数据化身体,心脏这样无休止的持续加速跳动的话,最后也必然会破裂掉导致死亡!! Jie Jie Jie Jie “桀桀桀桀” The thin and small withered man of doubtful big lawsuit exuded a series of strange laughter, he extended the index finger, immediately can see, on the fingertip of his index finger, unexpectedly the illusory red silk thread and orangutan breed the chest of hunting to be connected!! 疑似大官司的瘦小干枯男子发出了一连串的怪笑声,他伸出了食指,顿时就能见到,其食指的指尖上,居然有一条虚幻的红色丝线与猩猩殖猎者的胸口相连!! Regardless how the orangutan breeds hunting to wave, uses the medicine, even the comprehensive reply medicament used, does not help matters! That illusory red silk thread remains. 无论猩猩殖猎者怎么挥手,使用药物,甚至连全面回复药剂都使用了,都无济于事!那条虚幻的红色丝线都依然存在。 Your life. Started the countdown.” “你的生命.开始倒计时了哦。” A strange sound sends from the withered male spigot. 一个诡异的声音从干枯男子口中发出来。 The orangutan breeds hunting to see suddenly, in the position of own chest heart, starts the red digits of 60 seconds of countdowns to start to beat unexpectedly, its fierce bared the fang, then aimed at front enemy to throw ruthlessly. 猩猩殖猎者猛然见到,在自己的胸口心脏的位置,居然也开始有60秒倒计时的红色数字开始跳动,它猛的龇出了獠牙,然后对准了面前的敌人就狠狠的扑了上去. What is strangest, Jie Jie the strange laughter reverberated again: 最诡异的是,“桀桀”的怪笑声再次回荡了起来: Right, was this, took your skill, in 60 seconds you, if could not kill me, after 60 seconds ended, died were you!!” “对了,就是这样,将你本事都拿出来吧,六十秒内你若是杀不了我,六十秒结束之后那么死的就是你!!” *** *** Fang Linyan that feigns death in side did not understand the bitter experience of inside person. 在旁边装死的方林岩对于里面人的遭遇并不了解。 He has looked that the third person flushed, but this people and former two killers were the same, on silent into thin air was one of them directly. 他已经看着第三个人冲进去了,但这个人与之前的两名杀手一样,直接就无声无息的人间蒸发在其中。 This even more makes Fang Linyan feel not right. Because he before thought that Japanese side conduct is surreptitious, the unreasonable place are many, but at this time his ominous premonition in heart was also even more intense. 这一幕越发让方林岩感觉到了不对劲起来。因为他在来之前就觉得日本人这一方行事诡秘令人费解,不合情理的地方很多,而这时候他心中的不祥预感也是越发强烈. But at this time, the fight of distant place as if branched out high, oriental cherry that short and stout person was stranded in eye of wind of tornado all of a sudden could not move, then the back of whole person presented the unusual labyrinth illusion unexpectedly, vanishes instantaneously does not see. 但这时候,远处的战斗似乎分出了高下,樱花那个矮胖子一下子被困在了一处龙卷风的风眼里面动弹不得,然后整个人的背后居然出现了奇特的迷宫幻象,瞬间消失不见。 This was actually Art displays a high-quality item: More Taulos's anger, entrained into the different dimension labyrinth the oriental cherry directly, even it returned from the labyrinth, will still be transmitted to 500 meters randomly arrives at 5000 meters away. 这却是阿尔特巴施展出来了一件高级道具:弥诺陶洛斯的愤怒,直接将樱花拽入到了异次元迷宫当中,即便其从迷宫里面归来,也会被随机传送到500米到5000米之外。 But at this time senior steward Art left the nightmare beast directly, the figure started the strange sparkle to flicker to move in the middle of the midair: 而这时候老管家阿尔特巴直接离开了梦魇兽,身形在半空当中开始诡异的闪耀瞬移: Previous second of 20 meters away, next second on the emergence of no indication in vicinity, after then another second, flashed before the back of another building. 前一秒在20米之外,下一秒就毫无征兆的出现在了近处,然后又一秒后闪现了另外一座建筑物的背后。 During the process of twinkle, Art also suffered in the hands of two Japanese powerhouses the sword attack, but in these hands the sword penetrated Art body very much simply, flew to the distant place, obviously, this time Art had the illusion general strange special characteristics very much unexpectedly! 在闪烁的过程当中,阿尔特巴也是遭受到了两名日本强者的手里剑袭击,但这几枚手里剑都很干脆的穿透了阿尔特巴的身体,飞向了远方,很显然,此时的阿尔特巴居然具有了幻象一般的诡异特质! , Appeared in people front Art from a different angle at this time- Radically is the illusion? 或者换一个角度来说,这时候出现在人们面前的阿尔特巴--根本就是幻象? Art stops the footsteps finally the place, in little building entrance, he also stopped here unexpectedly, consumed for several seconds to reorganize an own bow tie calmly, stroked a smooth long hair combed straight back while convenient, this took a step to walk toward inside slowly. 阿尔特巴最后停住脚步的地方,就在小楼的门口,他在这里居然还停了下来,非常从容的耗费了几秒钟整理了一下自己的领结,顺带抚弄了一下自己光滑的背头,这才徐徐举步朝里面走了过去。 After Art steps into little building, immediately entire little building became illusory, and is still sparkling along the dashed line, was similar this building to stay in other potential surface. 阿尔特巴踏入小楼之后,顿时整个小楼都变得虚幻了起来,并且还在沿着虚线不停的闪耀着,就仿佛这个建筑停留在了另外的一个位面上似的。 Saw this Fang Linyan understood, originally the Japanese arranged two battle formations in this inside unexpectedly! 见到了这一幕方林岩才明白了过来,原来日本人居然在这里面布置了两个阵势! The superficial battle formation is the complicated puppet strategy, inside also has one core imaginary. 表面的阵势乃是千丝万缕的傀儡阵法,里面却还有一个核心幻阵。 Obviously, on this old thing brings any mysterious item, can form the disturbance to this imaginary, therefore makes him reveal one's true colors. 很显然,这老东西身上带着什么神奇的道具,可以对这幻阵形成干扰,因此使其原形毕露。 Art light say/way: 阿尔特巴淡淡的道: Really is in the world.” “果然是里世界。” At this time Fang Linyan has taken advantage of the person to be unprepared, hid a shadow, then opened the eye to watch changes quietly, heard in the back of the body of Art these words immediately the shock. 此时方林岩早就趁人不备,又重新藏匿到了一片阴影当中,然后睁大眼睛静观其变,听到了阿尔特巴这句话之后心中顿时剧震。 What he has not actually expected, at this time Art unexpectedly did not return puts out a hand to press toward oneself! 他却没料到的是,这时候阿尔特巴居然头也不回的朝着自己这边伸手一按! The Fang Linyan instantaneous pupil contraction, he is felt unexpectedly oneself as if fell into an invisible big net, this gadget was strong and dense! Art long smiles, oneself involuntary entrained! Fell to throw toward the front ruthlessly. 方林岩瞬间瞳孔收缩,他竟是感觉到自己仿佛落入到了一个无形的大网当中,这玩意儿又韧又密!紧接着阿尔特巴一声长笑,自己被身不由己的拽了起来!紧接着就朝着前方狠狠摔投了过去。 Experienced such matter, Fang Linyan could not bear lying trough in the heart, secretly thought underestimated Art! Although this is the world that an attribute compresses, since can find the way to find the loophole to strengthen itself, then others on energy. 遇到了这样的事,方林岩忍不住在心中“卧槽”了一声,暗道自己低估了阿尔特巴!虽然这是个属性压缩的世界,但是既然自己都能想办法找到漏洞来强化自己,那么别人就能啊。 Obviously, oneself came here several times, how to make the camouflage to do to conceal again, will actually definitely fall into the eyes of person with high aspirations, then Chino's the function of package kerchief must shrink the larger part, at this time Art intention was very obvious, is to send out a scout to see if anybody is about with oneself. 很显然,自己在这里数度现身,再怎么做伪装做掩饰,却必然会落入有心人的眼里面,那么奇诺的包头巾的作用就要缩水一大半,此时阿尔特巴的意图很明显,就是要拿自己来投石问路了。 Just wants to understand this point, Fang Linyan felt head severe pain, was actually the head bumped into the front pillar, then the whole person tumbled several to stop on the ground. 刚刚想明白了这一点,方林岩就觉得头上剧痛,却是脑袋碰到了前方的柱子,然后整个人在地上翻滚了几圈停了下来。 Meanwhile, his whole person presented the tinnitus, the slight feeling of having a dizzy spell, looking like just took plane to be the same, in the Fang Linyan heart had a clear(ly) to become aware, this was enters in the world. 同时,他整个人出现了耳鸣,头晕目眩的轻微感觉,就像是刚坐飞机一样,方林岩心中生出了一股明悟,这是自己进入到了里世界当中了。 Then Fang Linyan shook the head, wipes blood that on a forehead flowed, then saw oneself arrived in the middle of a bright room impressively, the back is not little building entrance that were thrown, senior steward Art also disappears, but is a profound channel. 接下来方林岩晃了晃脑袋,抹了一把额头上流淌下来的鲜血,便见到了自己赫然来到了一处明亮的房间当中,背后并非是自己被丢进来的小楼入口,老管家阿尔特巴也不见踪影,而是一条幽深的通道。 Enters to this in the world, will be transmitted randomly!” “进入到这个里世界当中,就会被随机传送走啊!” Fang Linyan awakened immediately a matter, then he turned the head to look to front. 方林岩立即就醒悟了一件事,然后他转头看向了前面。 Center the front bright room, the skinny form that sits cross-legged to sit turns away from itself to sit, as if induced Fang Linyan line of sight, he made the strange evil sound directly: 在前方的明亮房间正中,有一个盘膝而坐的枯瘦身影背对自己而坐,仿佛感应到了方林岩的视线似的,他直接发出了诡异邪恶的声音: „Does your heart, somewhat jump probably quickly?” “你的心,好像跳得有些快呢?” Then Fang Linyan then only breeds the hunting for orangutan to be the same with that detected that own chest had/left a red silk thread, naturally, countdown! 接着方林岩便和那只殖猎者猩猩一样,发觉自己的胸口多出了一条红色丝线,当然,还有倒计时! In brief all with former is the same, naturally, bred the hunting for orangutan to change into Fang Linyan. 总之一切就和之前发生的一样,当然,殖猎者猩猩换成了方林岩 The matter that however then has was actually entirely different Fang Linyan watched the countdown of chest place peacefully, then indifferent attempted to touch that a red string that with the hand is connecting the chest, light say/way: 不过接下来发生的事情却是迥然不同方林岩安静的看了看心口处的倒计时,然后又漠然的用手去尝试触碰了一下那根连接着自己胸口的红线,淡淡的道: From me, as soon as comes, you built the time to be very anxious, my life situated in the atmosphere of countdown, this, if psychological quality not good person once believes you said that that was very easy be at the flurried condition.” “从我一进来,你就营造出来了时间很紧张,我的生命处于倒计时的气氛,这样的话若是心理素质不好的人一旦相信了你所说的,那就很容易处于慌乱状态。” But, you are an enemy, how can the words of enemy all believe? Each character that the enemies said that definitely said based on own force field.” “但是,你是敌人啊,敌人的话怎么能够全信呢?敌人说的每一个字,肯定都是基于自身的力场才讲出来的。” Before Art flushed, has understood that made clear to here to be in world that was similar to the illusion, since were the illusion, but we were also in the attribute compressed situation, then very possible eye to deceive people!” “之前阿尔特巴冲进来的时候,已经明白昭示出来了这里应该是一个类似于幻境的里世界,既然是幻境,而我们还处于属性被压缩的情况下,那么很可能眼睛会骗人!” In other words, the present countdown, the red string on my heart does not exist, regardless of exhausts any method unable to untie! This takes much antidotes to have no effect with a healthy person is a truth.” “也就是说,眼前的倒计时,我心脏上的红线都并不存在,所以无论用尽任何手段都解不开!这就和一个健康的人服用再多的解毒药都没什么效果是一个道理。” Fang Linyan spreads out the hand, say/way that derode: 方林岩摊开手,讥刺的道: Therefore, since I enter to this inside, all your goals, actually wish makes me make a move to you, the front that two unlucky egg was in this move.” “所以,从我进到这里面之后,你的一切目的,其实都想要让我对你出手,想必前面那两个倒霉蛋就是这样中了招。” That you guess now, I can begin to you?” “那现在你猜,我会不会对你动手呢?” After hearing the Fang Linyan words, that emaciated form sent out Jie Jie again strange laughter: 听到了方林岩的话以后,那个瘦弱的身影再次发出了“桀桀”的怪笑声: „It is not easy, is not easy, is really rare, came a smart person with great difficulty, but do you know? Often dies the quickest person, is the most intelligent person, instead knows not many people able to live for a long time!” “不容易啊,不容易啊,真是难得,好不容易来了个聪明人,但是你知道吗?往往死得最快的人,就是最聪明的人,知道得不多的人反而能活得长久一些!” It said that stood to set out, aimed at Fang Linyan to walk lamely. 它一面说,一面就站了起身来,一瘸一拐的对准了方林岩走了过来。 Can see, under that magnificent god official's robe, impressively is the skinny and terrifying body, at this time appears in front of Fang Linyan, impressively is a as if dry corpse same monster. 可以见到,那一袭华丽的神官袍下面,赫然是枯瘦而恐怖的躯体,此时出现在方林岩面前的,赫然是一具仿佛干尸一样的怪物。 Fang Linyan did not determine whether this is the main body of big lawsuit, but recognizes several points of familiar look from its facial features facial features vaguely, since senior steward Art feels here explicitly is in the world, then has anything is not unusual, because said strictly that little building can only be in the entrance of the world. 方林岩不确定这是否是大官司的本尊,只是从其五官眉眼当中依稀辨识出几分熟悉的相貌,只是既然老管家阿尔特巴都明确觉得这里乃是里世界,那么发生任何事情都不稀奇,因为严格的说起来,那栋小楼只能算是里世界的入口而已。 Now doubts in Fang Linyan heart also obtain the explanation, why that is the big lawsuit needs in place stay very long time, in its reason is to attempt to make the world. 现在方林岩心中的一个疑惑也是获得了解答,那就是为什么大官司需要在一个地方逗留很长的时间,其原因就是想要尝试制造里世界。 But wants to do this matter to be not so easy, related to a series of abstruse secrets in spatial cutting. 而想要做这件事并不是那么容易的,涉及到了空间切割方面的一系列深奥秘密。 In the principle of the world said that is very simple, this potential surface quite big air bubble, in the world is therefore equivalent to do bubble by this big air bubble, and use material of standard scope. 里世界的原理说起来很简单,本位面相当于是一个大的气泡,里世界相当于就在这个大的气泡旁边搞出来一个小气泡,并且还是利用的本位面的材料。 The big lawsuit stays in a place requires the fixed time unable to leave, in analysis collection related data, and middle cannot interrupt, to make in this world prepares. 大官司停留在一个地方需要固定的时间不能离开,就是在分析搜集相关的数据,并且中间不能中断,为制造这个里世界做准备。 In front of the Fang Linyan big lawsuit action seemingly limps slowly, actually is actually resembles the slow reality fast, but before blinking then arrived at his body, then a palm of the hand aimed at him to pull out ruthlessly. 方林岩面前的大官司行动看起来蹒跚迟缓,其实却是似缓实速,只是在眨眼之间便来到了他的身前,然后一巴掌就对准了他狠狠的抽了过来。 Nail strange Chang of this fellow, the sharp sharp as dagger, the key is to pull out time gives very strange feeling, cannot ascertain its concrete existence position. 这家伙的指甲奇长,尖锐锋利似匕首,关键是抽来的时候给人以很诡异的感觉,令人根本捉摸不到其具体的存在位置。 It looks like Fang Linyan to detect at this time obviously that palm of the hand pulled out front, therefore drew back toward behind anxiously, after Fang Linyan drew back 2-3 continuously detected, the big lawsuit unexpectedly is maintaining the movement that raised the palm of the hand has not moved, the withered facial expression also revealed wiped the strange smile. 就像是此时方林岩明明发觉那一巴掌都抽到了面前,所以朝着后面急退,可是当方林岩连续退开了2-3步之后才发觉,大官司居然保持着扬起巴掌的动作还没有动,干枯的脸容也是露出了一抹诡异的微笑。 The so strange experience, was really makes Fang Linyan have the quite irritable experience!! He deeply inspires, will find the way to adapt to the attack of opposite party, has not actually expected the chest severe pain, the whole person is patted to fly! 如此诡异的经历,真的是令方林岩产生了相当别扭的体验!!他深吸了一口气,正要想办法适应一下对方的这种攻击,却没料到胸口剧痛,整个人都被拍飞了出去! At this time the split vision of Fang Linyan corner of the eye saw the big lawsuit palm took back slowly, when unexpectedly including lashed out unable to notice. 这时候方林岩眼角的余光才见到了大官司手掌徐徐收回,居然连什么时候出手攻击的都没能注意到。 At this time Fang Linyan looks at own chest again, detected that here had had five fearful wounds impressively, two shallow three depth, even can see the dense white bones, blood directing current, body even rapid becomes must pitch-black. 此时方林岩再看自己的胸口,发觉这里赫然已经出现了五条可怕的伤口,两浅三深,甚至可以见到森森白骨,鲜血直流,皮肉甚至迅速的变得乌黑。 The wound that most critically, the ordinary sharp weapon creates draws an opening to the human body directly, the conditional words suture directly in the line. Wound that the big lawsuit creates, is directly from the chest of Fang Linyan bloody tears five bodies, suturing exceptionally to be difficult. 更关键的是,普通利器造成的伤口就是直接给人体拉出来一条口子,有条件的话直接缝合上就行。大官司造成的伤口,乃是直接从方林岩的胸口上血淋淋的撕扯下来五条皮肉,缝合起来都异常困难。 If not for Fang Linyan, when enters this world to have the help of Mobius mark, attempts to pervert, obtained the strengthening in life value, this palm of the hand can make him enter being on the verge of death condition! 若不是方林岩在进入本世界的时候有着莫比乌斯印记的帮忙,有做了手脚,获得了生命值上的强化,这一巴掌就能让他进濒死状态! The clear to see big lawsuit will soon put out a hand to attack again, at this time has turned into Fang Linyan of frightened person immediately the pupil contraction, drew out the monster blade village to cut without delay. 眼见得大官司即将再次伸手攻击,此时已经变成惊弓之鸟的方林岩顿时瞳孔收缩,二话不说就是拔出了妖刀村正斩了过来。 This blade is the deceptive attack, is the empty move, Fang Linyan takes the LV7 foundation sword technique owner, reaches as high as the LV16 foundation close combat support, its subsequent change even can have more than ten types, covered the attack, defends, runs away wait/etc various aspects. 这一刀本来是佯攻,是虚招,方林岩作为LV7的基础剑术拥有者,还有高达LV16的基础近战支撑,其后续变化甚至能有十几种,涵盖了攻击,防御,逃走等等各方面。 But what Fang Linyan actually without expecting, this blade cut unexpectedly, the opposite party absolutely would have no meaning of dodging! Instead the corners of the mouth also revealed wiped smile evilly. 方林岩却没料到的是,这一刀居然砍了个正着,对方根本就没有闪避的意思!反而嘴角还露出了一抹邪笑。 But that flash of blade in the big lawsuit, the village is getting up the real injury of supplementing to start, in the heart of Fang Linyan had a being faced with imminent disaster feeling unexpectedly. Naturally, this feeling is indistinct, if he does not have to add on that ten sensations additionally, is not possible to obtain. 而在大官司中刀的那一瞬间,村正上所附带的真实伤害发动,方林岩的心中居然产生了一种大难临头的感觉。当然,这感觉还是隐隐约约的,若是他没有额外加上那十点感知的话,是根本不可能获得的。 Damn, I should not hit back, the goal of this bastard is me to attack him!” “见鬼,我就不应该还手的,这个王八蛋的目的就是要我攻击他!”
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