EG :: Volume #14

#1315: You are not me to do

Feng Yu does not know that what that side the country is, he does not want to know. This business, he does not have the interest. 冯宇不知道国家那边到底是什么样,他也不想知道。这个生意,他真的没兴趣。 However Feng Yu does not have the interest, does not represent others not to have the interest. 但是冯宇没兴趣,不代表别人没有兴趣。 Feng, I heard that had the congressmen in US to look for you, but also by your person, searched for one carefully all over the body?” Kirilenko excited asking. “冯,我听说有个米国的议员来找你了,还被你的人,给仔仔细细搜了一遍身?”基里连科一脸兴奋的问道。 Right, gives him a small lesson.” Feng Yu has selected the eyebrow. “没错,给他一个小教训而已。”冯宇挑了一下眉毛。 Kirilenko laughs: Right, such person, should give him the lesson! Thinks that a young congressman was very fierce? Perhaps we cannot make his family decline all of a sudden, but makes his family change a spokesman, is very relaxed, a family does not have a successor.” 基里连科哈哈大笑:“没错,这样的人,就该给他一些教训!以为一个小小的议员就很厉害了?或许我们不能让他的家族一下子没落,但是让他的家族换一个代言人,还是很轻松的,一个家族可不是只有一个继承人。” Was good, did not say him, a clumsy mischief-doer, did not have any meaning. Amazon Corporation must go on the market, did the matter of directional financing, talk to you?” Feng Yu changes the topic. “好了,不说他了,一个跳梁小丑,没什么意思。亚马孙公司要上市了,定向融资的事儿,跟你谈了吧?”冯宇岔开话题。 Has discussed that regardless of any price, I buys. This chapter did not need you saying that I also know the Amazon stock price definitely will rise.” “谈过了,无论什么价,我都买。这回不用你说,我也知道亚马孙的股价肯定会上涨。” Feng Yu was somewhat curious, Kirilenko seemingly does not understand the finance, this such affirmation? 冯宇有些好奇了,基里连科貌似不太懂金融啊,这次怎么如此的肯定? How you such affirmed that does not think, if has not risen sharply, might as well you invest the gold to earn many, didn't you owe in a big way?” Feng Yu asked intentionally. “你怎么这么肯定,就不想想,万一没怎么大涨,还不如你投资黄金赚得多,你不是亏大了?”冯宇故意问道。 Ha, Feng, you also underestimated me. Other I do not understand, however my team told me, the Amazon user were most, moreover early two years started to gain, at that time Ebay was still losing money. Also, this Corporation are you major stockholder, the stock price will fall? Can't we pull-up stock price? What is most important, I believe you, you recommend to my, definitely will not owe I.” “哈哈哈,冯,你也太小看我了。别的我不懂,但是我的团队告诉我,亚马孙的用户最多,而且早两年就开始盈利了,那时候易贝还在赔钱呢。再说了,这公司你是大股东,股价会下跌吗?难道咱们就不能拉升股价了吗?最重要的是,我相信你,你推荐给我的,肯定不会亏了我。” Feng Yu laughs: Right, Amazon is to need the fund now continues to expand, moreover needs listing Corporation this given name to expand the influence. Perhaps value several One billion US dollar Corporation, were not too paid attention, but if the Amazon market value exceeds 100 billion US dollars, then the turnover definitely will rise a big truncation.” 冯宇哈哈一笑:“没错,亚马孙现在是需要资金继续扩张,而且需要上市公司这个名号来扩大影响力。价值几十亿美元的公司,或许不太受人关注,但如果亚马孙的市值超过100000000000美元,那么营业额肯定会上涨一大截。” Is big Corporation, can attract the user on exceed, because of believing of people instinct, big Corporation is safer. Like two houses, household, section and price is the same, but one is the big Corporation development, one is the small Corporation development, although declared that the quality is the same, but most people, will choose the big Corporation development the estate. 越是大公司,就越能吸引用户,因为人们本能的认为,大公司更加稳妥。就像有两套房子,户型、地段、价格一样,但一个是大公司开发,一个是小公司开发的,虽然宣称质量都一样,但大部分人,还是会选择大公司开发的楼盘。 But the given name is bigger, is more appealing, the customer are more, the given name is bigger, this is complements one another. 而名号越大,越吸引人,客户越多,名号就越大,这是相辅相成的。 Now Amazon to rapid expansion time, truly needs the fund to expand. The listing is simplest and best choice, the voting rights still in Feng Yu, Corporation are still he decide in any case, after the listing some time, Feng Yu can also leverage part of non- voting stocks to make money. 现在亚马孙到了快速扩张期,也确实需要资金来扩张。上市是最简单而又最好的选择,反正投票权还在冯宇手里,公司依然是他说了算,上市后一段时间,冯宇还能套现一部分非投票股票赚钱。 Like initially was soft the line to invest Yahoo, hundred million investments, have traded one-third stocks, has leveraged 2%, four hundred million US dollars, the surplus parts, completely were the profits. 就像当初软行投资亚虎,一个亿投资,换了1的股份,套现了2,就四个亿美元,剩余的部分,就全部都是利润了。 But Feng Yu is also same, when the time comes leverages part of non- voting stocks, can receive completely the initial investment. 冯宇也一样,到时候套现一部分非投票股,就能将当初的投资全部收回来。 What is most important, Feng Yu saw that the U.S. Stockmarket low time almost arrived, some big investment Corporation, start to carry on to bargain-hunt stockmarket, at this time Amazon went on the market, the stock price definitely taking advantage of this east wind, unceasingly will rise. 最重要的是,冯宇看到米国股市的低迷期已经差不多到了,一些大的投资公司,都开始进行抄底股市,这时候亚马孙上市,股价肯定会借着这股东风,不断上扬的。 When the time comes Feng Yu the leverage makes a profit, or is continues to have, will not owe. 到时候冯宇无论是套现获利,或者是继续持有,都不会亏了。 But after Amazon listing, can guarantee, even if the Microsoft stock price rises again, the Feng Yu net worth can also press Bill stubbornly? Gates, perhaps later Bill? Gates must work as the millennium second child! 亚马孙上市之后,也能保证即使微软股价回升,冯宇的身家也能死死的压着比尔?盖茨,或许以后比尔?盖茨要当千年老二了! Moreover the advantage, after that is Amazon goes on the market, the stock price rises dramatically, at the beginning of next year China several internet/network Corporation will go on the market in Hong Kong, can collect to many funds. 而且还有一个好处,那就是亚马孙上市后,股价飙升,明年初华夏的几家网络公司香江上市,就能募集到更多的资金。 Drew back the city the words that listing Corporation, went on the market once more, investor not necessarily hotly held, but if investor thinks that internet/network hi-tech stock once more Daxing, that was different. 曾经退市过的上市公司,再次上市的话,股民可不一定热捧,但是如果股民认为网络科技股再次大兴的话,那就不同了。 Moreover chooses Hong Kong, insurance, appointed who has the plan to manipulate these Corporation stock prices, Feng Yu can make quickly deals, making the opposite party unable to eat to capture walking. 而且选择香江,也更加的保险,任谁有打算操纵这几家公司股价,冯宇都能做出最快的应对来,让对方吃不了兜着走。 Good, Brother Ki, I have to acknowledge, you analyze is very reasonable. I think next year time, your rank must promote several.” “好吧,基兄,我不得不承认,你分析的很有道理。我想明年的时候,你的排名又要提升几名了。” By the Ebay stock, can make the Kirilenko property rise sharply once more, do not say that along with the rise of gold price, the Polar Bear Mining Conglomerate market value unceasingly is also rising, the golden stock of Kirilenko investment, definitely ranks these in his front person property grows must be quicker. 凭借易贝的股票,就能让基里连科的资产再次大涨,更不要说随着金价的上涨,北极熊矿业集团的市值也在不断上涨,还有基里连科投资的黄金期货,肯定比那些排名在他前面的人资产增长的要更快。 Feng, you said that my property, in the future will surpass Bill hopefully? Gates?” “冯,你说我的资产,将来有希望超过比尔?盖茨吗?” Brother Ki, believes me, your property, can definitely surpass him!” 基兄,相信我,你的资产,肯定能超过他!” Depending on the Ebay stock, can make the Kirilenko property rise many, let alone to 08 years of time, can in US money market agitation maliciously, when the time comes the Kirilenko property, be able to surpass Bill? Gates, became the world second. 就凭易贝的股票,就能让基里连科资产上涨不少呢,更何况到了08年的时候,可以在米国金融市场狠狠的搅动一下,到时候基里连科的资产,就能超过比尔?盖茨,成为世界第二了。 Un , can only be the world second, he cannot surpass Feng Yu absolutely. 嗯,也只能是世界第二了,他是绝对超不过冯宇的。 Kirilenko grinned to laugh: Ha, when the time comes the richest family in US, by a China person, a Russia person was stepped on below, thinks that is really happy! Right, Feng, I knows that you have to invest bank in China, what voice of the people called, can I buy stock?” 基里连科咧开嘴大笑:“哈哈哈,到时候米国的首富,被一个华夏人,一个俄罗斯人踩在下面,想想真是痛快啊!对了,冯,我知道你在华夏有投资一家银行,叫什么民声是吧,我可以入股吗?” Feng Yu somewhat awkward shaking the head: „Sorry, Brother Ki, this bank is really not perhaps good, that is our some Chinese businessman joins up the establishment, I am also only one of the initiators, but we can cooperate.” 冯宇有些为难的摇摇头:“很抱歉,基兄,这家银行恐怕真不行,那是我们一些华商联合起来成立的,我也只是发起人之一,不过我们可以进行合作。” Has not related, I invested other bank to be good, I thought that invests bank that you invested, will be safer.” Kirilenko shrugs, he also investigated in any case, that voice of the people bank, does not make money at this time, cannot compare China these state-owned bank completely, in big bank with world has no way to compare. “没关系,那我就投资其他银行好了,我只是觉得投资你投资的银行,会更加保险。”基里连科耸耸肩,反正他也调查了,那个民声银行,此时也不怎么赚钱,完全比不上华夏那些国有银行,跟世界上的大银行更是没法比。 Evening's time, they eat meal together, the result does not know that any topic begins, chatted on Sandys. 晚上的时候,两人一起吃饭,结果不知道什么话题起头,又聊到了桑迪斯身上。 Sandys wants to do the munitions business with me unexpectedly, but I do not have the interest to this completely, you said how he thinks, will ask me to do this business unexpectedly. The business that makes money with ease can't I complete, do that dangerous the business?” Feng Yu scoffs to say with a smile. “桑迪斯居然想跟我做军火生意,可我完全对这个没兴趣,你说他怎么想的,竟然会找我做这个生意。轻松又赚钱的生意我都做不完呢,去做那危险的生意?”冯宇嗤笑道。 Kirilenko was shocked: Feng, you said that Sandys is asks you to do business? Munitions?!” 基里连科愣住了:“冯,你说桑迪斯是找你做什么生意?军火?!” Right, he said that he is good with Colt family relationship, wants to buy some bullets and other consumables, I am also disinclined to try to prove whether.” “对啊,他说他跟柯尔特家族关系非常好,想买一些子弹等消耗品,我也懒得去求证是否真实。” This business don't you do? Is this profit very definitely high?” “这生意你不做?这个利润肯定很高啊?” How many are high energy high? After Amazon listing, you know that the financial profit will be higher.” “高能高多少?亚马孙上市之后,你就知道,金融的利润会更高。” Feng, don't you absolutely have the interest to this business really?” Kirilenko asked again. “冯,你真的对这个生意完全没有兴趣?”基里连科再次问道。 No, how?” “没有啊,怎么了?” Feng, this business you do not do, but I want to do!” Kirilenko earnest saying. “冯,这个生意你不做,但我想做!”基里连科认真的说道。 Feng Yu had not seen that for a long time Kirilenko was so earnest, is the profit of this business, looks like in Feng Yu really general, but must take that big risk, is unworthy. 冯宇很长时间都没看到基里连科如此的认真了,可是这个生意的利润,在冯宇看来真的一般嘛,还要冒那么大的风险,不值得啊。 Brother Ki, you thought that this profit seemed like very high, but you think that compared with the financial investment, difference are many.” 基兄,你想好了,这个利润看似很高,但你想想,跟金融投资比起来,差多了。” Reason that Feng, my some must make, I think to contact with Sandys tomorrow.” “冯,我有一些必须做的理由,我想明天就联系桑迪斯。” Because of their family|home? Feng Yu does not know the specific reason, but had not asked. 难道是因为他们家?冯宇不知道具体的原因,但也没有多问。 You do, but I suggested that you should better look for an agent, do not fall into by oneself is too deep.” “那你去做吧,但我建议,你最好找个代理人,不要让自己陷入太深。” ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。)
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