EG :: Volume #14

#1314: This matter you leave alone

Sandys said many words, Feng Yu has not heard clearly, but seems like the Sandys very specialized appearance. Feng Yu only remembered Sandys say that some China consumables, were popular in the world. 桑迪斯说了很多话,冯宇没太听清,不过貌似桑迪斯很专业的样子。冯宇只记住了桑迪斯说的,华夏有些消耗品,在世界上非常受欢迎。 „The meaning that Mr. Sandys, you said I understood, but I am very curious, since this profit such high, why I must let my motherland, works with you?” “桑迪斯先生,你说的意思我明白了,但是我很好奇,既然这里面利润如此之高,我为什么要让我的祖国,跟你合作?” Normal merchant, if not lack the fund, the secret that not making money told the bystander, even if must look for the partner, will not say was so thorough. 正常的商人,如果不缺资金的话,都不会将赚钱的秘密告诉外人,哪怕是要寻找合作伙伴,也不会说的这么透彻。 Mr. Feng, I thinks that you have possibly misunderstood anything. I understand that your meaning, you want to say that you can cast off me greatly, oneself sell, thus earn some profits. However I must remind your am, marketing channel.” “冯先生,我想你可能误会了什么。我明白你的意思,你是想说,你们大可以甩开我,自己销售,从而自己赚取这部分利润。但是我要提醒你的是,销售渠道。” You is a successful businessman, or can be said as the world most successful businessman, then you are certainly clear, a good marketing channel has importantly how. My partner, their Corporation is very famous, I think that you have certainly listened, is called Colt!” “你是一位成功的生意人,或者可以说是全世界最成功的生意人,那么你一定明白,一个好的销售渠道有多么的重要。我的一个合作伙伴,他们公司很有名,我想你一定听过,叫做柯尔特!” Colt! 柯尔特! Feng Yu has certainly listened. Although he is not military fan, but likes thunder reverberating in one's ears to Colt this name similarly. Even many people said that Colt is the synonym of revolver, is the world best light machine gun synonym. 冯宇当然听过。虽然他不是什么军事发烧友,但同样对柯尔特这个名字如雷贯耳。甚至很多人都说,柯尔特就是转轮手枪的代名词,也是世界最好的轻机枪代名词。 Perhaps this view some exaggeration, but has indicated similarly, Colt in field status. 或许这个说法有些夸张,但同样表明了,柯尔特在业界的地位。 Moreover this is one surpasses hundred years of arms manufacturers, in the entire world, has the illustrious reputation. Feng Yu has heard probably, this Corporation, is the weapon supplier of US Army. 而且这是一家超过百年的武器制造商,在整个世界,都享有赫赫声誉。冯宇好像听说过,这家公司,还是米国部队的武器供应商。 Naturally, makes in Company in European and American these personal weapons, their weapons only did not sell to the country. For example clear water security Corporation that Feng Yu invited, purchased many weapons, the Africa and other country of warlords, will purchase these weapons. 当然,在欧美这些私人的武器制造企业中,他们的武器可不是只卖给国家。比如冯宇请的白水保安公司,就采购了不少武器,还有非洲等国家的军阀,也都会采购这些武器。 But the weapon is the same with the ordinary machinery, after the mass production, the cost will drop much, is representing also the promotion of profit. Feng Yu once had listened to a view, this US Government, is the arrange ten families, they are these arms manufacturers support, therefore the war most serves their benefits. 而武器跟普通的机械一样,量产之后,成本会下降不少,同时也就代表着利润的提升。冯宇曾听过一个说法,这届米国政斧,也就是布十家族,他们就是那些武器制造商支持的,所以战争最为符合他们的利益。 If this Sandys has the good relations with Colt Family, then sales is very strong, has indicated, Sandys perhaps with the arrange ten is a camp. Naturally, this merely is the guess of Feng Yu. 如果说这个桑迪斯是跟柯尔特家族有着良好的关系,那么销售方面还真的很强,同时也表明了,桑迪斯或许跟布十是一个阵营的。当然,这仅仅是冯宇的猜测。 Sandys, even if you are Colt Corporation Executive, how? You told me a moment ago, many equipment of our China, are the world sell well, I want me to provide, doesn't worry to sell? Without your help, but will have more people willing with me to work.” “桑迪斯,就算你是柯尔特公司老总,那又如何?你刚才告诉我的,我们华夏的很多装备,是世界畅销的,我想只要我能提供,就不愁销售吧?没有你的帮助,但是会有更多的人愿意跟我合作。” Mr. Feng, it seems like you really has not done this kind of business. Must think that these products can curry favor with, that needs in the area of war, the qualified agents, to be each war high-incidence area. But this also means that this person must withstand the enormous danger, the danger.” “冯先生,看来你果然没做过这类生意。要想这些产品卖得好,那就需要在战争地区,有一位合格的代理人,是每一个战争高发区。而这也意味着,这个人要承受极大的危险,生命危险。” Can quickest delivers to weapon the hand of customer, is a qualified businessman. Since you invited the person of clear water security, then also definitely knows that the clear water once had many people, is the international soldier of fortune. We can the equipment, sell to these people, but this point, was no one can achieve.” “能最快的将武器送到客户的手里,才是一位合格的生意人。你既然请了白水保安的人,那么也一定知道,白水曾经有很多人,是国际雇佣兵。我们可以将装备,卖给这些人,而这一点,就不是谁都能做得到了。” Moreover you had not discovered that your China product, in the world and was inferior I said like that best-selling, because you are very difficult to sell, or this with the pacifism that your country declared incompatible......” “而且你没发现,你们华夏的产品,在世界上并不如我所说的那般畅销,因为你们很难卖出去,或者说,这与你们国家宣称的和平主义不符……” Sandys continues confident persuasion Feng Yu, whether actually this has not related with the national pacifism, is mainly the blockades of European and American these countries, they make China not have the customer. 桑迪斯继续信心满满的劝说冯宇,其实这跟国家是否和平主义没关系,主要就是欧美这些国家的封锁,他们让华夏没有客户。 Otherwise single bullet, China can become the world first supplier. Some other inexpensive and easy-to-use products, will affect seriously these Corporation interests. 否则单只子弹这一项,华夏就能成为世界第一供应商。还有一些其他廉价而又好用的产品,也会严重影响那些公司的利益。 China has not thought selling at first, afterward wants to sell, actually the discovery could not sell. 华夏最初是没想过卖,后来是想卖的时候,却发现卖不出去了。 Feng Yu puts out a hand to stop the Sandys incessant words: Mr. Sandys, I understands that your meaning, you believe that left you, do we want to sell unable to sell? Therefore we want to make money, the most appropriate and simple means that work with you.” 冯宇伸手止住桑迪斯滔滔不绝的话:“桑迪斯先生,我明白你的意思了,你是认为,离开了你,我们想卖也卖不出去是吗?所以我们想赚钱,最合适而简单的办法,就是跟你合作。” Almost is this meaning, we are win-win.” Sandys is somewhat favorite. “差不多是这个意思,我们是双赢。”桑迪斯有些得意。 Feng Yu depends backward on the sofa: Ralph, sees a visitor out!” Knows that Sandys anything meaning, Feng Yu did not have the interest to talk to him. 冯宇向后靠在沙发上:“拉尔夫,送客!”知道桑迪斯什么意思,冯宇就没兴趣跟他谈了。 Sandys complexion changes, what's the matter, is not well, how did the Feng Yu manner of discussing change suddenly? 桑迪斯脸色一变,怎么回事,不是谈的好好的吗,怎么冯宇态度忽然大变? The Ralph very faithful execution the opinion of Feng Yu, has sent out the gate Sandys. 拉尔夫很忠实的执行了冯宇的意见,将桑迪斯送出门。 Mr. Ralph, Mr. Feng what is this? Haven't I said the specific cooperation price?” 拉尔夫先生,冯先生这是什么意思?我还没说具体合作的价格呢?” Ralph shakes the head to Sandys: Mr. Sandys, our Boss will never compromise to the bystander. A moment ago you displayed was too strong, therefore I believe that he will not cooperate with you. Do you know Bill? Gates, once world's richest. After our Boss relations breakage, the net worth started to shrink seriously.” 拉尔夫冲着桑迪斯摇摇头:“桑迪斯先生,我们老板从来不会对外人妥协。你刚才表现的太强势了,所以我认为,他不会跟你合作了。你知道比尔?盖茨吧,曾经的世界首富。跟我们老板关系破裂后,身家就开始严重缩水了。” Moreover you is a congressman, this I know, but when George Bush President announced participates in the campaign, my Boss said that the arrange ten will win. You think really that my Boss doesn't have the friend the US?” “而且你是一位议员,这个我知道,但在小布十总统宣布参加竞选的时候,我老板就说了,布十会获胜。你真的以为,我老板在米国这边没有朋友吗?” Sandys comes time high-spirited, walks, is actually absentminded. 桑迪斯来的时候意气风发,走的时候,却失魂落魄。 Yes, the world's richest, how will not have some political friends. Didn't this business, really have the means to cooperate? And Ralph these words, faint some meanings of threat, makes Sandys somewhat fearful and apprehensive. 是啊,世界首富,怎么会没有一些政治上的朋友。这个生意,难道就真的没办法合作了吗?并且拉尔夫那些话,隐隐有些威胁的意思,也让桑迪斯有些心惊胆颤。 But at this time, Feng Yu is taking his satellite phone, hits to Hou Haitao: Old Hou, my Feng Yu.” 而此时,冯宇正拿着他的卫星电话,打给侯海涛:“老侯,我冯宇。” Yo, how Chief Feng is thinking can telephone to the old man who my this just retired?” “哟,冯总怎么想着要给我这个刚退休的老头子打电话?” Ha, I do not ask you to chat, has such a matter......” “哈哈哈,我可不是找你闲聊的,是有这么个事儿……” After Feng Yu said that saying of Hou Haitao indistinct(ly): Chief Feng, your is never this line of people able to know these, you believe that above leadership won't be able to think?” 冯宇说完之后,侯海涛幽幽的说道:“冯总,你一个从来不做这一行的人都能知道这些,难道你认为,上面的领导会想不到吗?” Feng Yu is somewhat stunned, right, he can think, then the above person definitely can also think. Perhaps this matter, some people have been doing, but Feng Yu does not know that but that Sandys does not know. 冯宇有些愕然,没错,他能想到,那么上面的人肯定也能想到。或许这件事,已经有人在做了,只是冯宇不知道,而那个桑迪斯也不知道而已。 Smiling of Feng Yu self-ridicules: It seems like I worried blindly.” 冯宇自嘲的笑了笑:“看来我是瞎操心了啊。” No, your this news, to above is very useful. This indicated that our products, truly posed a threat to their interests, but this point, was very important.” “不,你这个消息,对上面还是很有用的。这说明我们的产品,确实威胁到了他们的利益,而这一点,很重要。” Although Hou Haitao has retired, but also just retired. Before he retires, although is not the high level, but these not too secret news, he also knows. 侯海涛虽然退休了,但也才刚刚退休而已。他退休前虽然也不是什么高层,但这些不太秘密的消息,他也是知道的。 Although China product of military name exit / to speak are not many, product that but exits in the name of by the police, are many. 华夏虽然军用名义出口的产品不多,但是以警用名义出口的产品,却不少。 Moreover China positive relation these marketing channels, China has not gone to war was very long, the new product that produces can equip its forces, the product that eliminates, can sell. 而且华夏也正积极的联系这些销售渠道,华夏已经不打仗很久了,生产出来的新产品会装备部队,那淘汰下来的产品,可以卖出去嘛。 Chief Feng, this matter, you did not need to manage.” 冯总,这件事,你就不用管了。” ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。)
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