EG :: Volume #14

#1313: Big business( sought subscription)

Ralph just hung up the telephone, awkward looks to Feng Yu: Boss, Congressman Sandys said that he in New York, wants to speak face-to-face with you, moreover on road that he is marching on, immediately.” 拉尔夫刚刚挂断电话,就一脸尴尬的看向冯宇:“老板,桑迪斯议员说他就在纽约,想要跟您面谈,而且他正在赶来的路上,马上就到。” Feng Yu was not very happy that Sandys can, that explain immediately his private plane landing airport time, Sandys received the news. 冯宇很不高兴,桑迪斯能够马上就到,那就说明他的私人飞机降落机场的时候,桑迪斯就接到了消息。 They dare to monitor unexpectedly! 他们居然敢监控! Feng Yu decided that must give this Sandys lesson! 冯宇决定,要给这个桑迪斯一个教训! Good, I here he, I thought how he convinced me.” “好啊,我就在这儿等他,我看他怎么说服我。” Is less than ten minutes, downstairs security reports, said the husband who is called Sandys came, said that made an appointment with Boss. 不到十分钟,楼下保安就汇报,说有一位叫做桑迪斯的先生来了,说是跟老板预约好了。 Ralph sees Feng Yu to nod, therefore makes the security allow to pass. 拉尔夫看到冯宇点头,于是让保安放行。 Sandys is very excited, if can make contact with the line with the world's richest, makes contact with China this line while convenient, then for him, absolutely is a huge political capital. 桑迪斯很兴奋,要是能跟世界首富搭上线,顺便搭上华夏这根线,那么对他来说,绝对是一笔巨大的政治资本。 It looks like the family, because relates well with Russia, has had big right to speak on the parliament. 就像是家族,就因为跟俄罗斯关系不错,在议会上一直有着很大的话语权。 Even he thought that if Feng Yu is willing to provide political donation to him, perhaps next, he can also campaign for President! 甚至他觉得,如果冯宇肯给他提供政治献金的话,或许下一届,他还可以竞选总统呢! His continuously close attention airport, when the Feng Yu airplane requested New York descended, he has ridden in a carriage to rush to the Wind & Rain Empire State Building. 他一直让人密切关注机场,当冯宇的飞机在纽约这边请求降落的时候,他就已经乘车赶往风雨帝国大厦了。 If were not on the road has met the small issue, he should be able to come here with the Feng Yu similar time. 如果不是路上遇上了一点小问题,他应该能跟冯宇差不多时间到这里。 However now is not late, he thinks that he has displayed the sincerity. China also needs to be on good terms with the US now, but Feng Yu in US so many investments, they cooperates, can help both sides get the enormous interests. 不过现在也不算晚,他认为自己已经展现出了诚意。华夏现在也需要跟米国交好,而冯宇在米国有这么多的投资,他们合作,能让双方都获得极大的利益。 Sir, please stand should not be moving, we need to search, to guarantee our Boss security.” “先生,请站着别动,我们需要搜身,以保证我们老板的安全。” Sandys is angry: „Do you know that who I am? You must search for my body unexpectedly!” 桑迪斯大怒:“你们知不知道我是谁?你们竟然要搜我的身!” He is a congressman! How this group of people dare! 他可是议员!这帮人怎么敢! „Sorry, but all our must take the benefit of employer as first, please do not feel embarrassed our clear water Corporation!” “很抱歉,但我们一切要以雇主的利益为先,请不要为难我们白水公司!” Clear water Corporation, was known as that world first security Corporation, was known as the Corporation service spreads world each corner. Although said some exaggeration, but thinks their Corporation including airplane tank anything has, knows that the strength is truly formidable. 白水公司,号称世界第一的安保公司,号称公司的业务遍及世界每一个角落。虽然这么说有些夸张,但想想他们公司连飞机坦克什么的都有,就知道实力确实非常强大。 Sandys Family is truly formidable, but clear water Corporation background, makes them not fear the trivial congressman! 桑迪斯家族确实很强大,但白水公司的背景,也让他们根本不惧区区一位议员! I must talk over the telephone with your Boss.” Sandys has drawn back one step, he like does not resist with clear water Corporation these lunatics, is the person knows that these people only recognize the employer, only recognizes money! “我要跟你们老板通话。”桑迪斯退了一步,他可不像跟白水公司这些疯子对抗,是人就知道,这些人只认雇主,只认钱! Sir, I duplicate, either accepts the body search, then we allow to pass, either your present old route returns, we deliver you to go downstairs. Here is the personal place, we have the right to pursue you to leave, even if you are US President!” Bodyguard team leader strong saying. “先生,我重复一遍,要么接受搜身检查,然后我们放行,要么你现在原路返回,我们送你下楼。这里是私人的地方,我们有权驱逐你离开,哪怕你是米国总统!”保镖队长强硬的说道。 On Sandys face in vain, becomes flushed now. He knows, even if he makes behind two bodyguards begin, will not have the good result. 桑迪斯本来白白的脸上,现在涨红了。他知道,就算他让身后的两名保镖动手,也不会有好结果。 Sandys spreads out the both arms, grief and indignation accepted searching of this humiliation. The Feng Yu bodyguard searches for is very careful, even careful was somewhat excessive. 桑迪斯将双臂伸展开,悲愤的接受了这个屈辱的搜身。冯宇的保镖搜的很仔细,甚至仔细的有些过分了。 Sandys wants to roar very much, you think that I will also hide a spear|gun to be inadequate in behind! Moreover I have no reason to start to Feng Yu, even if the cooperation is inadequate, maintains good relations, has very big advantage to me, do you need like this? 桑迪斯很想怒吼,难道你们认为我还会在后面藏着一把枪不成!而且我没有理由对冯宇下手,就算合作不成,保持一个良好的关系,对我也有很大的好处,你们需要这样吗? Sandys's bodyguard, was blocked directly outside, Feng Yu sees only him. In Feng Yu office/bureau, can only have the Feng Yu bodyguard to appear. 桑迪斯的保镖,则直接被拦在了外面,冯宇只见他。在冯宇办公室,只能有冯宇的保镖出现。 Enters Feng Yu office/bureau, only then Feng Yu with Ralph, Feng Yu is listening to the music at this time, front tea into the sea|nautical mile, just flushed the good tea. 进入冯宇办公室,只有冯宇拉尔夫在,此时冯宇正在听着音乐,面前的茶海里,是刚刚冲好的茶。 Mr. Feng......” “冯先生……” ~ Ralph hints Sandys to ban the sound. “嘘~”拉尔夫示意桑迪斯禁声。 Sandys was shocked, what is this, wants me and other Feng Yu hears the song? Moreover these two, when has not seen him to be the same, nobody asked him to take a seat. 桑迪斯愣住了,这是什么意思,难道还要我等冯宇听完歌?而且这两人,都当没看见他一样,没人请他入座。 Sandys thinks that becomes the advantage after friend with Feng Yu, has chosen bearing patiently. 桑迪斯想想跟冯宇成为朋友后的好处,选择了隐忍。 Feng Yu listens to music, is observing Sandys. When he discovered that Sandys meets such treatment, actually has not gotten angry, does not have the choice sits down directly, he is also very accidental. 冯宇听歌的时候,也在观察桑迪斯。当他发现桑迪斯遇上这样的待遇,竟然没发火,也没有选择直接坐下的时候,他也很意外。 Is the person of being adaptable to the situation, is more troublesome. 越是能屈能伸的人,越麻烦。 A song finished, Feng Yu remote control suspension: „Are you Mr. Sandys?” 一首歌结束,冯宇遥控暂停:“你是桑迪斯先生?” Hello, did Mr. Feng, I call the thunder? Sandys, the present is a member of national assembly in US, simultaneously I am also a businessman.” “你好,冯先生,我叫雷?桑迪斯,现在是米国的一名国会议员,同时我也是一名生意人。” You said that some big business ask me to discuss, is the munitions?” “你说有大生意找我谈,是军火?” Sees the Feng Yu expression, Sandys felt that Feng Yu as if too does not want to do this business, this point, was confirmed from the Ralph telephone. 看到冯宇的表情,桑迪斯感觉冯宇似乎不太想做这个生意,这一点,已经从拉尔夫的电话里得到了确认。 Mr. Feng, I knows that many people do not want to moisten this business, but I only need you to help me recommend your China that side representative, moreover I do not need to purchase the advanced weapon equipment of your China, I only needed to buy some inexpensive knowledgeable people good, or was the consumables of large amount.” “冯先生,我知道,很多人不想沾这种生意,但我只需要你帮我引荐一下你们华夏那边的代表,而且我不需要购买你们华夏的尖端武器装备,我只需要买一些廉价的普通品就好了,或者说是大宗的消耗品。” Sees Feng Yu to knit the brows the puzzled appearance, Sandys continues saying: Now our US is going to war, naturally, we will not purchase your China weaponry, our business, does not do with US Government. However in the world goes to war may more than one place, for example Africa, there go to war. But in the world most best-selling war consumables, are the spear|gun, bullet and armored clothing.” 看到冯宇皱眉不解的样子,桑迪斯继续说道:“现在我们米国正在打仗,当然,我们是不会采购你们华夏的武器装备的,我们的生意,也不是跟米国政斧做。但是世界上打仗的可不止一个地方,比如非洲,那里一直都在打仗。而世界上最畅销的战争消耗品,就是枪、子弹和防弹衣。” „The spear|gun also has Europe most best-selling of several national production by our US and Russia, although I am not willing to acknowledge very much, but ak is in the world the sales volume best spear|gun, but circulates now, before majority is not Russia or, Soviet Union production, but is from Arab and other countries and regions. However bullet, China most best-selling. Is low by the price, the stability is quite famous, but your China as if no what munitions merchant, grasps in Government or is in the hand of military.” “其中枪以我们米国、俄罗斯还有欧洲的几个国家生产的最为畅销,虽然我很不愿意承认,但是ak就是世界上销量最好的枪,不过现在流通中,大部分并不是俄罗斯或者前苏联生产的,而是产自阿拉伯等国家和地区。但是子弹方面,华夏的最为畅销。以价格低,稳定性好著名,只是你们华夏似乎没有什么军火商人,都是掌握在政斧或者说是军方的手里。” However in the armored clothing, the most best-selling light armored clothing, similarly is your China production. You sold to some normal trades countries, but were majority to circulate Africa and other chaos caused by war areas finally, but the price, turned three times!” “而防弹衣中,最为畅销的轻型防弹衣,同样是你们华夏生产的。你们卖给一些正常贸易的国家,但是最终大部分都流通到了非洲等战乱地区,而价格嘛,翻了三倍!” Feng, you thinks that this inside has the how big profit. Even if we transports, sale to have very high cost, but our profits at least have 100%! Moreover in this can also achieve some political appeals, for example lets Government that these obtain us to aid, protects us the businessmen in these areas.” “冯,你想想,这里面有多么大的利润啊。哪怕是我们自己运输、销售会有很高的成本,但我们的利润至少也有100!而且这里面还能达成一些政治诉求,比如让那些得到我们援助的政斧,保护我们在那些地区的生意人。” Naturally, some of some of your China also anti-tank grenades and other equipment, very popular, is the quantity are too what a pity few. Mr. Feng, you do not do this business, but you determined that the person in your country, doesn't want to do this business?” “当然,你们华夏还有一些手雷等其他装备,也是非常的受欢迎,可惜就是数量太少。冯先生,你不做这个生意,但是你确定,你们国家的人,就不想做这个生意吗?” Feng Yu has not thought that China military power is not strong at this time, the scientific research level has also been denounced the backwardness, but relies on the good quality, so was esteemed in the world unexpectedly. 冯宇没想到,华夏军事实力此时并不强,科研水平也一直被诟病落后,但凭借良好的质量,在世界上居然如此受到推崇。 Moreover Sandys has is very correct, that words said is Feng Yu is indefinite, whether above will move. After all Feng Yu once listened to Bingfei Factory Old Hou saying that China also wants through trading the equipment makes money, is used to invest into the weaponry R &\; D, was only some business, the majority is monopolized by Europe and America. 而且桑迪斯有句话说的很正确,那就是冯宇不确定,上头是否会对此动心。毕竟冯宇曾听冰飞厂的老侯说过,华夏也想通过贩卖装备赚钱,用来投入到装备研发中去,只是这部分生意,大部分被欧美所垄断了。 This does, need to say one to above? 这个,要不要跟上头说一声? ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。)
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