EG :: Volume #14

#1312: This business does not do( sought subscription)

Li Na gives birth to the Longfeng embryo smoothly, Feng Yu also when home companions, Ralph make a phone call, said that important personages, must make an appointment with Feng Yu. 李娜顺利产下龙凤胎,冯宇还在家陪伴的时候,拉尔夫打过来一个电话,说有一位重要人物,要约见冯宇 This status is not actually high, but his back family, is powerful, in the US, is at least influential. Cannot compare the arrange ten families, but also continuously several state controls in the hand of their family. 这位的身份其实并不算高,但是他背后的家族,却实力强大,至少在米国,非常有影响力。比不上布十家族,但也一直有几个州掌控在他们家族的手里。 Do not think that US anything campaigns for the system to have publicly how advanced, has a look to understand carefully that these are nominated, has behind the family to support. Like the arrange ten families, this presented two President, moreover in the future also will possibly participate in the campaign. 不要以为米国什么公开竞选制度有多么的先进,仔细看看就明白,那些获得提名的,都是有家族背后支持的。就像布十家族,这都出现两任总统了,而且未来可能还有一位会参与竞选。 Many like is the arrange ten family families, they almost separate 12, will present a governor and congressman anything, the system of US, has represented the interests of rich person social stratum. 还有许许多多像是布十家族一样的家族,他们几乎隔12届,就会出现一位州长、议员什么的,米国的制度,才是代表了富人阶层的利益。 You said that American all the people elect, right, so long as these rich people yield profit the part to give the poor person, can win over the ballot. That huge campaign fund, with buying the difference of ballot is not quite actually big. 你说米国全民选举,没错,但只要这些富人让利部分给穷人,就能争取来选票。那庞大的竞选资金,跟买选票的区别其实并不太大。 What regardless of the poor person elects is, finally represents, is the benefits of rich person social stratum. The poor people seemingly can obtain the actual benefit, but is really limited. 无论穷人选出来的是谁,最终代表的,都是富人阶层的利益。穷人貌似能得到实惠,但实在是有限。 Is known as the people's health insurance like the US, but are the doctors in US so why expensive? Because the health insurance cannot contain all diseases, but the charge of private hospital, tall Taiduo compared with China. The US was known as that anybody can hire the attorney to help oneself rights protection, but the charge of attorney, high scary. Did you say free law help? Ok, the law helps can hit these goose bumps the small lawsuits, will lose slightly greatly. 就像米国号称全民医保,但为什么米国的医生那么贵?因为医保并不能包含所有的疾病,而私立医院的收费,比华夏这边高太多了。还有米国号称任何人都可以请律师帮助自己维权,但律师的收费,高的吓人。你说有免费的法援?算了吧,法援就能打那些鸡毛蒜皮的小官司,稍微大一点,都会输掉。 But you look at these rich people, even if crime, but please a huge attorney, can delay the time, letting the case is unable to judge, thus continues to get off scot-free, even momentarily can be released on bail for medical treatment. 而你看那些富人,就算犯罪了,但是请一个庞大的律师团,就能将时间拖下去,让案件无法宣判,从而继续逍遥法外,甚至随时都能保外就医。 This time wants to meet with Feng Yu, is such juniors of family, is family generation of representatives, the present is a congressman. 这次想跟冯宇见面的,就是这么一个家族的子弟,也是家族这一代的代表人物,现在是一位议员。 Feng Yu asked Ralph, this congressman must do, Ralph made excuses the half of the day, said that this matter did not suit in telephone discussed that asking Feng Yu to come one, after all that congressman was not suitable to appear in China. 冯宇拉尔夫,到底这位议员要干什么,拉尔夫支支吾吾半天,说这件事不适合在电话里谈,请冯宇来一趟吧,毕竟那位议员不适合出现在华夏 ...... …… Ralph, how do you know with Congressman Sandys?” 拉尔夫,你怎么跟桑迪斯议员认识的?” Ralph hurries to explain: Boss, I had seen both sides with him before, he asks me to collect political donation, but I have not complied, you have not said that does not participate in the politics. This time, he said that some big business ask you to discuss, President Kanda acts not to be good, must ask you to discuss personally.” 拉尔夫赶紧解释道:“老板,我之前跟他只是见过两面,他找我募集过政治献金,但是我没有答应,您不是说过,不参与政治么。这一次,他说有大生意找您谈,龟田总裁出面也不行,一定要找您亲自谈。” Does Kameido Masao act not to be easy-to-use? 龟田正雄出面都不好使? Feng Yu deeps frown, this had issue. Feng Yu to the Kameido Masao authority is very big, basically Wind & Rain Holding Company that side all matters, Kameido Masao can decide, except for assembling of big fund. 冯宇眉头紧锁,这就有问题了。冯宇龟田正雄的权力还是非常大的,基本上风雨控股那边所有的事情,龟田正雄都可以决定,除了大笔资金的调集。 Discussed that the matter of business, Kameido Masao can the representative Wind & Rain Holding Company group, this congressman not understand the custom absolutely, CEO and president can also unable to handle what matter? This does want to buy stock the Wind & Rain Holding Company group? 谈生意的事儿,龟田正雄绝对可以代表风雨控股集团的,这个议员难道不懂规矩,eo兼总裁还能处理不了什么事儿?难道说,这位是想入股风雨控股集团? If so, then Kameido Masao could not have discussed, but they want to result in beautiful. What however this matter has unable to state clearly, actually added that doesn't suit in telephone discussed? 如果是这样的话,那么龟田正雄还真谈不了,不过他们想得美。但是这事儿有什么不能明说的,竟然还说不适合在电话里谈? What business is concrete? How haven't you reported with Kameido Masao?” Feng Yu some were not happy. “具体什么生意?你怎么没跟龟田正雄汇报?”冯宇有些不高兴。 Kameido Masao is he calls the roll of officers and assign them tasks personally, becomes president and CEO of Wind & Rain Holding Company group, although Ralph is not short with the Feng Yu time, but in the ability, has the disparity compared with Kameido Masao. 龟田正雄是他亲自点将,成为风雨控股集团的总裁兼eo,拉尔夫虽然也跟着冯宇时间不短了,但能力上,比龟田正雄还是有差距的。 Is Ralph this depends with the Feng Yu time is not short, wants to go ahead of one's turn seizes power? 拉尔夫这是仗着跟冯宇时间不短,想要抢班夺权? Boss, I have reported with President Kanda. This matter, he is also indeterminable. Moreover Amazon is arranging to go on the market, President Kanda is carrying on the inquiry.” Ralph does not want to lose the trust of Feng Yu. 老板,我跟龟田总裁汇报过的。只是这件事,他也无法决定。而且亚马孙正筹备上市,龟田总裁正在进行询价呢。”拉尔夫可不想失去冯宇的信任。 Has a look person who Feng Yu trusts, work how satisfied. Money are many, authority is big, moreover is not tired. If lost the trust, he was not necessarily dismissed, but he vainly hoped for that from the Kameido Masao position divides a scene, perhaps will not appear. 看看冯宇信任的人,工作多么的惬意吧。钱多、权力大,而且并不怎么累。要是失去了信任,他不一定被开除,但他梦想中从龟田正雄的职位上分一个的场景,恐怕就再也不会出现了。 „Isn't Kanda able to make the decision? Do some people want to buy stock our Wind & Rain Holding Company groups?” 龟田也无法做出决定?难道说,有人想要入股我们的风雨控股集团?” Boss, do you think? Is a businessman knows that our Corporation will not make them buy stock, because our Corporation potential is infinite. So long as this time the Amazon normal listing, the Corporation property will grow tens of billions US dollars few, even over a thousand hundred million US dollars, nobody can pay this price. Do not say that some Corporation also many potential stocks, can they be able to trade the Corporation stock with what?” Calling out of Ralph exaggeration. 老板,您怎么会这么想?是个生意人就知道,我们的公司是不会让他们入股的,因为我们公司潜力无限。这次只要亚马孙正常上市,公司的资产将最少增长几百亿美元,甚至上千亿美元,没人出得起这个价格。更不要说公司还有很多潜力股,他们得用什么才能换到公司的股份?”拉尔夫夸张的叫道。 Some exaggeration that although Ralph said that but also majority is the facts. If buys with the cash, then Feng Yu will be will definitely not sell. Naturally, if some people are willing with the bank stock swap that Morgan passes, Feng Yu to consider. 虽然拉尔夫说的有些夸张,但也大部分都是事实。如果只是用现金来买的话,那么冯宇是肯定不会卖的。当然,要是有人愿意用摩根达通的银行股票交换,冯宇还是会考虑一下的。 Boss, the opposite party must purchase, is the equipment, the military equipment, is from the China military equipment!” 老板,对方要购买的,是装备,军事装备,产自华夏的军事装备!” What? 啥? Can some people ask me to buy munitions?! No wonder this did not suit in telephone said. 有人要找我买军火?!难怪这个不适合在电话里说。 Feng Yu was shocked, why this group of people believe that I can buy these things? Feng Yu self-examined that he has not done similar business probably. That Congressman Sandys believes that Feng Yu is the China richest family, certainly the military relations with China is good? 冯宇愣住了,这帮人凭什么认为,我就能买到这些东西?冯宇自问,他好像没做过类似的生意啊。难道那个桑迪斯议员认为,冯宇华夏首富,就一定跟华夏的军方关系不错? Good, Feng Yu knows some people, has that little relations, but seemingly can't suffice to buy and sell the rank of munitions? Moreover the American, must look for China to buy the munitions, is not Feng Yu extinguishes oneself power and prestige, but US this is to lead China. 好吧,冯宇是认识一些人,有那么一点点关系,但貌似够不上买卖军火的级别吧?而且米国人,要找华夏买军火,不是冯宇灭自家威风,但米国这方面是领先华夏的啊。 China truly also has been trading some munitions, may be the weapons of some small might, big might, because was limited, seemingly has not sold. 华夏确实也在一直贩卖一些军火,可都是一些小威力的武器,大威力的因为受到限制,貌似没怎么卖过啊。 Even if has sold, Feng Yu is not clear, what relations but does this have with him? He does not make this line! 就算卖过,冯宇不清楚,但这跟他有什么关系?他不做这一行啊! Right, the US, many rich and powerful people does this business, but Feng Yu does not have any interest. Did not say that this profit is low, even can say that this is one of the profit highest business. 没错,在米国这边,很多富豪都做这种生意,但冯宇却对此没什么兴趣。不是说这个利润低,甚至可以说,这是利润最高的生意之一。 Also did not say that this need fund are many, the Feng Yu money is at least enough. Even some small factories, the investment has more than enough hundred million. 也不是说这个需要的资金多,至少冯宇的钱是足够的。甚至一些小工厂,投资都用不了一个亿。 It is not Feng Yu bemoans the state of the universe, said peace-loving, does not bump the war. Good that Feng Yu individual viewpoint, some people must destroy completely, for example these terrorists! 更不是冯宇悲天悯人,说爱好和平,不碰战争。冯宇个人的观点,有些人还是要灭掉的好,比如那些恐怖分子! Feng Yu pure does not want to do this business, the risk is too high. 只是冯宇的单纯的不想做这个生意,危险性太高。 Moreover the ordinary business, can let money that Feng Yu has unable to make, why can touch these? 而且普通生意,都能让冯宇有赚不完的钱,干什么要去碰这些? Ralph, I have not possibly told you, but you remember, our Corporation, does not do the munitions business!” Feng Yu kept a serious look saying. 拉尔夫,可能我没跟你说过,但你记住,咱们公司,不做军火生意!”冯宇表情严肃的说道。 Boss, this is a good opportunity. Makes contact with the line with Congressman Sandys, has very big advantage to our business development. Their family, has not the small right to speak in the parliament.” Ralph emphasized. 老板,这可是一个好机会啊。跟桑迪斯议员搭上线,对我们的生意发展有很大的好处。他们家族,在议会有不小的话语权呢。”拉尔夫强调道。 Does not need, if we want to look for the partner, then we should look for President directly!” “不需要,如果我们想要找个合作伙伴的话,那么我们应该直接找总统!” Understood, Boss, my this replies with Congressman Sandys.” “明白了,老板,那我这就跟桑迪斯议员回复。” ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。)
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