EG :: Volume #14

#1311: Flash news in closing ceremony

The two-week Bing City beer festival must end, today is the closing ceremony. The closing ceremony ended, these locations anything must open. 为期两周的冰城啤酒节要结束了,今天是闭幕式。闭幕式结束,那些展位啊什么的就都要拆了。 Naturally, money of this demolition, even the money of these materials also early gained. 当然,这拆除的钱,甚至这些材料的钱也早都赚回来了。 Zhang Ruiqiang stands on the stage makes closing remarks, thanked this, thanked that almost every made the unit and Company of contribution to thank. 张瑞强站在台上做闭幕词,感谢这个,感谢那个的,几乎每一个做过贡献的单位、企业都感谢到了。 In everybody thinks just before the end of the closing remarks, a Zhang Ruiqiang thread of conversation revolution: Today also the good news to announce that the Bing City beer reached the agreement with Taihua Holding Group and Budweiser beer, will exchange some stockholder's rights, both sides in the production, technology, sale, management and other aspects, start in -depth cooperation......” 就在大家以为闭幕词要结束的时候,张瑞强话锋一转:“今天还有一个好消息要宣布,冰城啤酒已经与泰华控股集团百威啤酒达成协议,会交换部分股权,双方在生产、技术、销售、管理等多个方面,展开深度合作……” After this news explodes, these beer Company under stage completely in an uproar. 这个新闻爆出来后,台下的那些啤酒企业全部哗然。 The Bing City beer and can the Budweiser beer cooperate? Cooperates specifically? Matter that in this also has Taihua Holding Group? 冰城啤酒与百威啤酒要合作了?具体怎么合作?这里面怎么还有泰华控股集团的事儿? This flash, under the stage many people lowered the head, pull out the take action machine, starts with relate with the headquarters, this important news, wants first to report to give the headquarters. 这一瞬间,台下很多人都低下头,掏出手机,开始跟跟总部联系,这个重要的消息,要第一时间汇报给总部。 One is the China earliest beer, Boss of three northeastern provinces markets, another is better, is beer Company that the world is listed first. 一个是华夏最早的啤酒,东北三省市场的老大,另外一个更牛,是世界排名第一的啤酒企业 This both sides cooperate, then the pattern of China beer market, definitely will have the great change. 这双方合作,那么华夏啤酒市场的格局,必然会发生重大变化。 The Hua Run representative reports with Corporation rapidly, the Hua Run expansion speed, must speed up. The Budweiser beer they have not feared, but this inside had joining of Taihua Holding Group, that was not quite easy to do. 华闰的代表迅速跟公司汇报,华闰的扩张速度,必须加快了。百威啤酒他们还不惧怕,但是这里面有了泰华控股集团的加入,那就不太好办了。 This is Feng Yu Corporation, property very sufficient, if also plans to expand crazily, then both sides on inevitable must carry on the frontage competition. 这可是冯宇公司啊,资产十分的充足,要是也打算疯狂扩张,那么双方就不可避免的要进行正面竞争。 The Feng Yu illustrious prestige, making them have to fear, has probably not heard, which Corporation Failed Feng Yu has to purchase. Moreover Feng Yu invests anything, anything makes money, this Bing City beer, must soar! 冯宇的赫赫威名,让他们不得不惧怕,好像还从来没听说过,冯宇有收购哪家公司失败的呢。而且冯宇投资什么,什么赚钱,这个冰城啤酒,要腾飞了啊! The representatives of clear island beer group also pass on the news, they intended to enter the northeast market on a large scale, after all here the traditional big province that but the beer spends, from here brewery intensity, can look that almost every city has a brewery. 清岛啤酒集团的代表也将消息传回去,本来他们有意大举进军东北市场呢,毕竟这边可是啤酒消费的传统大省,从这边的啤酒厂密集程度,就能看出来,几乎每个城市都有一个啤酒厂。 If the Bing City beer cooperates with Budweiser, then their strength will obtain the enormous promotion. Mounts a large-scale attack again the northeast market, not so was easy, it seems like that the strategic planning of Corporation, must do to adjust slightly. 如果冰城啤酒跟百威合作,那么他们实力将得到极大的提升。再大举进攻东北市场,就不那么容易了,看来公司的战略计划,要稍作调整了。 The Capital City beer most was worried that the Bing City beer itself became northeast Boss , the Hua Run snowflake also starts to expand toward north from Shen City, the tentacle of clear island beer also extended Capital City, they were most passive. 京城啤酒则最为担心,冰城啤酒本身就已经成为东北老大了,华闰雪花也开始从沈城往北扩张,清岛啤酒的触手也伸到了京城,他们最为被动。 Once the Bing City beer also starts to expand to south, then the national capital is their lands that must fight. As the matter stands, the Capital City beer may trouble. 一旦冰城啤酒也开始向南扩张,那么京城是他们的必争之地。这样一来,京城啤酒可就麻烦了。 They only then domains in province two cities, this, if under encircling of several giants, can continue maintains the market share, will decide their Company life and death. 他们本身就只有一省两市的地盘,这要是在几家巨头的围剿之下,能否继续保持市场占有率,将会决定他们企业的生死。 But represented as the foreign capital beer Company Carlsberg, Heineken International and gold/metal Shi and other Corporation also feels somewhat thornily. Original Budweiser in the China market, was suppressed stubbornly by them, this unites with the Bing City beer, then wants to suppress again with ease, was not too possible. 而作为外资啤酒企业的嘉士伯、喜力、金狮等公司代表也都感觉有些棘手。本来百威华夏市场,被他们死死的压制住,这回跟冰城啤酒联合,那么再想轻松压制,就不太可能了。 However they do not have care, the localization of Bing City beer, is different from them, particularly Carlsberg and Heineken International, the main localization is the high-end beer market. 不过他们也没太在乎,冰城啤酒的定位,跟他们不同,尤其是嘉士伯和喜力,主要定位是高端啤酒市场。 But these plans in foreign beer Company that China puts up a factory, simultaneously thought troublesome. The original China market had many foreign beer Company, but also was the world is top. This chapter of Budweiser also looked for the local beer Company cooperation, is China earliest beer Company, then Carlsberg, Heineken International and other Corporation definitely must catch up. 而那些打算在华夏建厂的外国啤酒企业,同时觉得麻烦了。本来华夏市场就有不少外国啤酒企业了,还都是世界顶尖的。这回百威也找了当地啤酒企业合作,还是华夏最早的啤酒企业,那么嘉士伯、喜力等公司必然也要发力。 The big god fights, their these small Company must meet with a disaster. 大神打架,他们这些小企业必然要遭殃。 The brand, is capital strength, they are inferior to these world top beer Company. If joins the war rashly, the biggest possibility, is they first suffers a loss. 无论是品牌知名度,还是资金实力,他们都远不如这些世界顶尖的啤酒企业。如果贸然加入战局,最大的可能,就是他们最先吃亏。 However this also gives beer Company of these foreign countries to remind, they can also look for the beer Company cooperation of China. So long as looks for a main item of province, then can develop the expansion slowly. By their skills, defends a province not to have the issue. 不过这也给这些外国的啤酒企业提了醒,他们也可以找华夏的啤酒企业合作啊。只要找一个省的龙头,那么就可以慢慢发展扩张。以他们的本事,守住一个省还是没问题的。 The same day that this news erupts, the stock price of Bing City beer rose 7%. But to evening, is US daytime time, the stock price of Budweiser beer also rose suddenly 5%. 这个消息爆发出来的当天,冰城啤酒的股价就上涨了7。而到了晚上,也就是米国白天的时候,百威啤酒的股价也猛涨了5。 As can be seen, all investors believe that these two beer Company cooperation, are win-win. 可以看出,所有投资者都认为,这两家啤酒企业合作,将是双赢。 Everybody is more curious, the specific condition that both sides cooperate is anything. 只是大家更好奇,双方合作的具体条件是什么。 Next day, two stocks both temporarily stopped the sign, the matter of cooperation, formally started to enter the flow. 第二天,两支股票都暂时停牌了,合作的事情,正式开始进入流程。 When other foreign beer Company start some beer Company contacts with China, when the discovery does not know, Taihua Holding Group, has held share and controlled stock many beer Company, the speed is fast, making many Company not respond. 而在其他外国啤酒企业开始跟华夏的一些啤酒企业接触的时候,才发现不知道什么时候,泰华控股集团,已经参股和控股了多家啤酒企业,速度快的,让很多企业都没反应过来。 Although has not carried on stockholder's rights connection officially, but the agreement has been signed to be completed, but Taihua Holding Group early has also prepared the fund. 虽然还没正式进行股权交接,但是协议已经签署完成了,而泰华控股集团也早已经将资金准备好了。 Everybody then discovered that probably is unable to prevent the Bing City beer and Budweiser beer in the expansion of China, particularly had the involvement of Taihua Holding Group. 大家这才发现,好像无法阻止冰城啤酒和百威啤酒在华夏的扩张了,尤其是有了泰华控股集团的介入。 ...... …… Feng Yu, your this movement suffices quickly.” Zhang Ruiqiang said with a smile. 冯宇,你这动作够快的啊。”张瑞强笑着说道。 Movement was slow, must spend many funds. By other Company is known we must expand wantonly, did not say that they will seize the chance to raise prices, the China Nat'l Resource snowflake will also join the competition, the fund when the time comes we must spend will be more.” Feng Yu explained one. “动作慢了,就要花更多的资金。被其他企业知道我们要大肆扩张,不说他们会趁机抬价,华润雪花等也会加入竞争,到时候我们要花费的资金会更多。”冯宇解释了一句。 Was good, I can understand you. Initially your direction, the Bing City beer did not have the present scale. At that time the annual output many, now has exceeded 1 million tons.” “行了,我能理解你。当初要不是你的指点,冰城啤酒还没有现在的规模呢。那时候年产量才多少啊,现在已经超过了1000000吨。” Reminded your, world top beer Company, the year volume of production and marketing is thousands of tons start.” “提醒你一下,世界顶尖的啤酒企业,年产销量都是千万吨起步的。” A Zhang Ruiqiang face is not feeling well is staring Feng Yu: You cannot let my self-satisfied a while!” 张瑞强一脸不爽的瞪着冯宇:“你就不能让我多得意一会儿!” Good, you, when I had not said.” “好吧,那你当我没说。” Zhang Ruiqiang „......” you said especially! 张瑞强“……”你特么已经说了! Was right, does the Bing City beer issue additionally the stock the matter, Great Northern Granary and city does not have the opinion?” Feng Yu asked. “对了,冰城啤酒增发股票的事情,北大仓和市里都没意见吧?”冯宇问道。 No, this is the good opportunity of expansion, everybody will certainly not give up. Complies with your direction detection to issue additionally does not have the issue, whom this stock sold to is not sells.” “没有,这是扩大的好机会,大家当然不会放弃。答应你的定向增发也没问题,这股票卖给谁不是卖啊。” That is good. After obtaining these beer Company stockholder's rights, the capacity of Bing City beer will turn time. Moreover can sell in distant markets Europe and America and other countries and regions, the Bing City beer will praise quickly domestic and foreign. Right, has raised with you, the Bing City beer becomes the matters of 08 Olympic partners, this can have not the small advantage regarding the sale and propaganda of beer.” “那就好。得到这几家啤酒企业的股权后,冰城啤酒的产能将翻倍。而且还能远销欧美等多个国家和地区,冰城啤酒会很快扬名国内外了。对了,跟你提过的,冰城啤酒成为08奥运合作伙伴的事儿,这个对于啤酒的销售、宣传会有不小的好处。” Has confessed that but you raise the gate column of this support was too high, we must spend a lot of money.” Zhang Ruiqiang complained. “已经交代下去了,不过你把这赞助的门栏提的太高了,我们要多花不少钱呢。”张瑞强埋怨道。 Money has not fallen in the hand of country, but these foreign merchants must pay more money, the one who obtains the actual benefit is the country. Did not chat with you, I must quickly go home, wife's expected date of childbirth approached.” “钱还不是落在了国家的手里,而那些外商则要出更多的钱,得到实惠的还是国家嘛。不跟你多聊了,我得赶快回家,老婆的预产期临近了。” ...... …… The book friend group, 520, 98, 468, welcome into the group( to be continued.) 书友群,520,98,468,欢迎入群(未完待续。)
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