EG :: Volume #14

#1310: Bush comes the person

Matter of Feng Yu arrangement, naturally some people do, but Schnepp must buy stock the matter report of Budweiser beer to return to the headquarters Feng Yu, really gained extremely high attaching great importance. 冯宇安排的事情,自然有人去做,而施耐普冯宇要入股百威啤酒的事情汇报回总部,果然得到了极高的重视。 Truly is similar to the Feng Yu expectation like that the Feng Yu name, is a gold-lettered signboard. 确实如同冯宇预料的那般,冯宇的名字,就是一个金字招牌。 If the Budweiser beer has the Feng Yu stock, then the stock price rise is inevitable. And there is a help of Feng Yu, Budweiser has the confidence rapidly to increase in the China market share, thus becomes the first foreign beer brand, even is the China first beer brand. 百威啤酒如果有冯宇的股份,那么股价上涨是必然的。并且有了冯宇的帮助,百威有信心在华夏市场份额快速增加,从而成为第一外商啤酒品牌,甚至是华夏第一啤酒品牌。 Naturally, this time China first beer brand, is the Hua Run snowflake, is the Hua Run property is tenable with South African wine-making Corporation joint capital. Both sides these years invest exceed 100 two One billion Hong Kong dollars, South African wine-making owns stocks 49%. 当然,此时的华夏第一啤酒品牌,属于华闰雪花,是华闰置业与南非酿酒公司合资成立的。双方这些年累计投入超过100二十亿港币,其中南非酿酒持股49。 However undeniably, the Hua Run close half profit, must apportion South African wine-making, this Corporation just merged into sabm Corporation with Mill Corporation of US, becomes world second beer Company. 但是不可否认,华闰的接近一半利润,要分给南非酿酒,这家公司刚刚跟米国的米勒公司合并成为sabm公司,也一跃成为世界第二的啤酒企业 In the future China beer Company, except settling island beer and Yanjing beer, other are the Chinese-foreign joint ventures or the foreign exclusive. Heineken International, Carlsberg have also bought stock many beer Company in China, then through continually increases holds, finally becomes the holding side. 未来华夏的啤酒企业,除了清岛啤酒和燕京啤酒,其他都是中外合资或者外商独资。喜力、嘉士伯等也都在华夏入股了多家啤酒企业,然后通过不断增持,最终成为控股方。 But clear island beer and some Yanjing beer many national capital support, although afterward also had the foreign capital share-holding, but has not voted the stock, the major stockholder is also the China national capital, this never has changed. 而清岛啤酒和燕京啤酒则有很多国资支持,虽然后来也有外资参股,但没有投票股,大股东也一直是华夏国资,这点从未变过。 Now Budweiser in North America by the sabm Corporation threat status, this Corporation had been promoted in the market share of North America over 20%, naturally, Boss of Budweiser or North America, grabs the close 50% market shares. 现在百威在北美被sabm公司威胁地位,这家公司在北美的市场份额已经提升到了20以上,当然,百威还是北美的老大,占据接近50的市场份额。 However in China, is entirely opposite. The Hua Run snowflake is expanding crazily, if Budweiser does not make to deal, then China this huge market will lose thoroughly. Let alone Carlsberg and Heineken International have carried on the layout in China, these may be the Budweiser competitors. 不过在华夏,则完全相反。华闰雪花正在疯狂扩张,如果百威不作出应对,那么华夏这个庞大的市场将会彻底失去。更何况嘉士伯和喜力已经在华夏进行布局了,这些可都是百威的竞争对手啊。 World first this brand, has brought very big addition to the sale of Budweiser. Once lost this corona, the effect on Budweiser is significant. 世界第一这个牌子,给百威的销售带来了很大的加成。一旦失去了这个光环,对百威的影响是重大的。 The Feng Yu condition is not specially harsh, so long as 10% stocks, take a Board of Directors seat, these are not the important matters. 况且冯宇的条件也不是特别苛刻,只要10的股份,要一个董事会的席位,这些都不是大事。 Is less than three days, Schnepp is leading two foreigners, appears in front of Feng Yu. 不到三天,施耐普带着两个老外,出现在冯宇面前。 Mr. Feng, this is our Budweiser board member/director and CEO Marl? secure Daofu, this is our Budweiser parent company Bush's board member/director Johnson? Schmitz, they represent the Budweiser beer, comes to discuss the cooperation matters concerned with you.” “冯先生,这位是我们百威董事ceo马尔?安道夫,这位是我们百威母公司布希的董事强森?施密茨,他们代表百威啤酒,来跟你商谈合作事宜。” Schnepp expression is somewhat gloomy, Corporation sent two management, as the matter stands, did not have his anything matter. He thinks facilitates this matter, can make him go a step further again. 施耐普眼神有些暗淡,公司派来了两位高管,这样一来,就没他什么事儿了。本来他以为促成这件事,能让他再进一步呢。 Mr. Feng, hello, saw that you were very happy.” “冯先生,你好,见到你很高兴。” Saw that your I was also very happy, sits.” Feng Yu nods, was greeted, simply has not passed with the meaning that they shook hand. “见到你们我也很高兴,坐吧。”冯宇点点头,算是打招呼了,根本没有过去跟他们握手的意思。 These two on own initiative have not put out a hand to Feng Yu, can Feng Yu also from falling the status, goes to shake hand with them on own initiative? 这两位都没冲冯宇主动伸手,冯宇难道还要自降身份,主动去跟他们握手? These two names, the Feng Yu previous generation have not listened, that showing is not Ox Cha the man of the hour. Perhaps also slightly has the property, but compares with Feng Yu, anything not, even Feng Yu believes that these two cannot compare Kameido Masao to be rich. 这二位的名字,冯宇前世都没听过,那就说明不是什么牛叉的风云人物。或许也小有资产,但跟冯宇比起来,就什么都不是了,甚至冯宇认为,这二位都比不上龟田正雄富有。 secure Daofu and Schmitz look at each other one, this world's richest, is not really good to do. Met, unexpectedly stands not to have continually. 安道夫和施密茨对视一眼,这个世界首富,果然不好打交道。见了面,居然连站起来都没有。 Mr. Feng, we enter the subject. Our Bush Corporation, want to buy stock the Budweiser beer to Mr. Feng the matter, has the welcome. Can work with Mr. Feng, is being honored of our Bush Corporation.” “冯先生,我们直入主题吧。我们布希公司,对冯先生想要入股百威啤酒的事情,持欢迎态度。能跟冯先生合作,也是我们布希公司的荣幸。” Feng Yu has selected, in nose snort|hum. These pleasantries anything nutrition, the final condition, has not been Feng Yu cares. 冯宇点了下头,鼻子里哼出一个嗯。这些客套话没什么营养,最终的条件,才是冯宇所关心的。 Sees the Feng Yu manner, Schmitz complexion is invariable: Mr. Feng, the Budweiser Corporation market value at this time approximately 100 two One billion US dollars, you said the Bing City beer of splitoff, market value four less than hundred million US dollars, then the opposite party takes 10% equity transactions to us, we must leave 10% stockholder's rights, includes the voting rights, but you take a cash to compensate right?” 看到冯宇的态度,施密茨脸色不变:“冯先生,百威公司的市值此时约100二十亿美元,贵方说换股的冰城啤酒,市值四个亿美元不到,那么对方拿出来10的股权交易给我们,我们也要出10的股权,其中还包括投票权,而你个人则拿出来一笔现金进行补偿对吧?” Mr. Feng, purchases the Corporation stock generally, wants the premium, this believes that you can understand? Especially our Budweiser Corporation state of operation is good, therefore defers to the market value to trade, this we cannot agree.” secure Daofu adds. “冯先生,一般收购公司的股票,都要溢价的,这点相信你能理解吧?尤其是我们百威公司的经营状况良好,所以按照市值交易,这点我们不能同意。”安道夫补充道。 Therefore?” “所以呢?” Feng Yu early has thought that the opposite party will not agree with the fair price purchase. Others sold the year's end to obtain the stocks of many drawing bonus, naturally wants to make a profit now is good. 冯宇早已经想到,对方不会同意平价收购。别人卖了年终可以得到不少分红的股票,当然要现在就获利才行。 We do not request high, 1.2 billion US dollars add on the Bing City beer 10% stockholder's rights, contains the voting rights and a Board of Directors seat, but we pay 10% Budweiser beer stockholder's rights, contains the voting rights and a Board of Directors seat.” “我们要求不高,1200000000美元加上冰城啤酒10的股权,包含投票权和一个董事会席位,而我们付出10的百威啤酒股权,包含投票权和一个董事会的席位。” This price, is actually very reasonable, the premium is less than 4%, but Feng Yu is unsatisfied. Because also has other conditions, Feng Yu has not raised, for example the marketing channel and technique of production, these are Feng Yu regard as important. 这个价格,其实很合理,溢价不到4,不过冯宇却并不满意。因为还有其他条件,冯宇没提呢,比如销售渠道、生产工艺等,这些才是冯宇更为看重的。 „After the transaction, how do our sales coordinate? Other in-depth cooperation, how did these say?” Feng Yu asked. “交易后,我们的销售如何配合?还有其他深度合作方面,这些怎么说?”冯宇反问道。 Schmitz understands that Feng Yu to this price, can accept. 施密茨明白,冯宇对这个价格,能够接受。 This price, is they thinks, for this reason Board of Directors discussed two days of time. 这个价格,也是他们深思熟虑的,为此董事会商量了两天时间。 Once this news lets out, then the Budweiser stock price rises inevitably. They have also considered, now spreads the news, then the Budweiser stock price can rise now, when the time comes Feng Yu must obtain the Budweiser 10% stockholder's rights, the fund that is going to pay will be higher. 一旦这个消息放出去,那么百威的股价必然上涨。他们也考虑过,现在就放出消息,那么百威的股价现在就能上涨,到时候冯宇要得到百威10的股权,将要付出的资金会更高。 Perhaps however as the matter stands, the cooperation with Feng Yu, may be solved. Once Feng Yu announced that breakdown of negotiation, then to the Budweiser stock price can also be an attack. What they are worried, the Bing City beer turned the head with Carlsberg or Heineken International cooperated, or cooperated with the Hua Run snowflake, which type regardless, will have the irreversible resistance to the China market development of Budweiser. 但是这样一来,恐怕跟冯宇的合作,就有可能告破。一旦冯宇宣布,谈判破裂,那对百威的股价也会是一种打击。他们更担心的是,冰城啤酒转头跟嘉士伯或者喜力合作了,又或者跟华闰雪花合作,无论哪一种,对百威华夏市场开发都将产生不可扭转的阻力。 Our Budweiser is most formidable in North American marketing channel, has many channels in Europe, can share with the Bing City beer. But the Bing City beer is common in the China marketing channel, but Mr. Feng Beverage Alliance of Corporation, has the China best drink marketing channel, this must share with our Budweiser.” “我们百威在北美销售渠道最为强大,在欧洲也有不少的渠道,可以跟冰城啤酒共享。而冰城啤酒在华夏的销售渠道则一般,但冯先生公司旗下的饮料大联盟,有着华夏最好的饮料销售渠道,这个要跟我们百威共享。” We must sign a subcontract(or)/OEM supplier agreement, for the opposite party subcontract(or)/OEM supplier certain amount beer, to reduce the production and transportation cost of opposite party mutually.” secure Daofu said. “我们双方还要签订一份代工协议,互相为对方代工一定量的啤酒,以降低对方的生产、运输成本。”安道夫说道。 Since you want our Beverage Alliance marketing channel, then Budweiser marketing channel, must share with Beverage Alliance. Also, we want the new formula, hopes Budweiser and Bing City beer in-depth cooperation, not only produces and sales, the aspect of research.” Feng Yu put forward own condition. “既然你们要我们饮料大联盟的销售渠道,那么百威的销售渠道,也要跟饮料大联盟共享。还有,我们要新的配方,希望百威冰城啤酒深度合作的不只是生产和销售方面,还有研发方面。”冯宇提出了自己的条件。 Schmitz has not thought that Feng Yu actually also wants the formula. But the Budweiser formula the secret, cannot share with others absolutely. The Feng Yu appetite, was too rather big! 施密茨没想到,冯宇竟然还想要配方。百威的配方可是秘密,是绝对不能跟别人共享的。冯宇的胃口,未免太大了! ...... …… The book friend group, 520, 98, 468, welcome into the group( to be continued.) 书友群,520,98,468,欢迎入群(未完待续。)
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