EG :: Volume #14

#1309: Liquor water empire

Feng Yu must buy stock Budweiser, is not a brain hot decision. Budweiser is North American biggest beer brewer, even is the world ranks first at this time, but the beer price has not risen now, before the profit does not have the previous generation Feng Yu rebirth, is so high. 冯宇要入股百威,也不是脑子一热决定的。百威是北美最大的啤酒酿造商,甚至是世界此时排名第一,但是现在啤酒的价格还没有涨起来,利润也没有前世冯宇重生前那么高。 Before previous generation Feng Yu rebirth, Budweiser Ying Bo, the oligarch of this world beer industry, grabbed the world 20% market shares, the profit reaches as high as 40%! 前世冯宇重生前,百威英博,这个世界啤酒业的寡头,占据了世界20的市场份额,利润高达40! Also they, enhanced the profit of entire beer industry, this is the superiority of oligarch, other Company have no alternative but to comply with, nobody will unable to pass with money. 也正是他们,将整个啤酒行业的利润提高了,这就是寡头的优势,其他企业还不能不遵从,没人会跟钱过不去。 A most important point, is Budweiser has good marketing channel in Europe and America. Do not look that they seemingly only sell the beer now, but they are world top consumable Corporation. 最重要的一点,就是百威在欧美都有很不错的销售渠道。别看他们现在貌似只卖啤酒,但是他们是世界顶尖的消费品公司 The key point of their Corporation management, is consumer-oriented, takes selling as the propelling force, thus gets the profit. It can be said that in drink class Company, Budweiser is also one of the giants. Although cannot compare deliciously with Pepsi, but also cannot be underestimated. 他们公司经营的重点,就是以消费者为中心,以销售为推动力,从而获得利润。可以说在饮料类企业中,百威也是巨头之一。虽然比不上可口和佰事,但也不容小觑。 The development of Beverage Alliance entered the stationary phase now, this makes Feng Yu very unsatisfied. The market has not developed completely, should be in the rise to be right. 饮料大联盟的发展现在又进入了平稳期,这点让冯宇很不满意。市场还没有完全开拓呢,应该处于上升期才对。 Domestic market, not saturated, the city occupied, can't toward the rural development? The country dweller who who said does not drink the soft drink, who said that the rural area certainly was poor? 国内的市场,也还没有饱和,城市占据了,不能往农村发展吗?谁说的农村人就不喝汽水,谁说农村就一定穷了? But the foreign market, besides a supermarket such formidable marketing channel that Feng Yu develops first, does not have what good new marketing channel to develop successfully. 而国外市场,除了冯宇最先开拓出来的超市这么一个强大的销售渠道外,并没有什么好的新销售渠道开拓成功。 Budweiser in sales, liquor water sale, has the sufficient experience particularly, and has good marketing channel. Once Feng Yu buys stock Budweiser successfully, then quite in helping Beverage Alliance has developed a better marketing channel. 百威在销售方面,尤其是酒水销售方面,有着充足的经验,并且有着非常好的销售渠道。一旦冯宇成功入股百威,那么就相当于帮饮料大联盟开拓了一个更好的销售渠道。 Budweiser as this time world first beer brand, the influence to be without a doubt. Moreover Budweiser parent company Bush, this United States two amusement parks, the entire beautiful biggest chain-like ice beer room, is the North American second can producer. 百威作为此时世界第一的啤酒品牌,影响力毋庸置疑。而且百威母公司布希,还有这全美第二的游乐场,全美最大的连锁冰啤屋,还是北美第二的易拉罐生产商。 Amusement park inside soft drink definitely very sells, in the can also incessantly can install the beer, but can also install the soft drink and other drink. 游乐场里面汽水肯定很好卖,易拉罐里面也不止是能装啤酒,还可以装汽水等其他饮料。 Previous generation Budweiser parent company Bush, was merged by brave finally abundantly, but this, why this can't Corporation be purchased by Feng Yu? By the Budweiser technology and brand, in addition the good marketing channel and market, purchase Ying Bo to be also possible in turn. 前世百威母公司布希,最终被英博所并购,但是这一世,为什么这家公司不能被冯宇所收购呢?以百威的技术和品牌,加上良好的销售渠道和市场,反过来收购英博也未尝不可能。 If one day this world first beer brand income subordinates, Feng Yu unusual hi skin. By small great, this does not have anything not to be impossible. 如果有一天将这个世界第一的啤酒品牌收入麾下,冯宇会非常的嗨皮。以小博大,这没什么不可能。 ...... …… Chief Feng, can Budweiser agree with your buying stock really?” Zong Qingxian is somewhat excited. 冯总,百威真的能同意你的入股吗?”宗庆先有些激动。 If after Budweiser were bought stock by Feng Yu, then, establishes the promotion of treasure to Wahaha is biggest. If can obtain the Budweiser marketing channel and advanced sales management experience, then Wahaha becomes the Asian first drink business, did not have any issue. 百威要是被冯宇入股之后,那么对乐哈哈、建立宝的促进是最大的。如果能得到百威的销售渠道和先进的销售管理经验,那么乐哈哈成为亚洲第一的饮料商,就没什么问题了。 Budweiser shareholder, so long as suffices reason, will agree. Let me buy stock, for them the advantage outweighs the shortcoming. Moreover I give their price, will not owe they. They should also understand, once we with Carlsberg, Heineken International and other Corporation cooperation, Budweiser will lose the China market thoroughly, even loses the Asian market thoroughly, this loss, is they are unable to withstand.” 百威的股东只要够理智,就会同意的。让我入股,对他们来说利大于弊。而且我给予他们的价格,也不会亏了他们。他们应该也明白,一旦我们跟嘉士伯、喜力等公司合作,百威将彻底失去华夏市场,甚至彻底失去亚洲市场,这个损失,是他们无法承受的。” More importantly, the stock that Feng Yu wants are not many, 10%, cannot form any decision-making strength, but must certainly occupy a seat in Board of Directors. 重要的是,冯宇要的股份并不多,10,形不成什么决策力,但肯定要在董事会占据一个席位。 Chief Feng, I remember that you had opposed very much the foreign enterprises enter the China market, how this time actually to cooperate with Budweiser on own initiative, and establishes the treasure for our Wahaha?” Zong Qingxian expression is somewhat affected. 冯总,我记得你一直很反对外企进入华夏市场,怎么这次竟然想要主动跟百威合作,是为了我们乐哈哈和建立宝吧?”宗庆先眼神有些感动。 Temporary cooperation, the advantage outweighs the shortcoming. Moreover has the technical support of Budweiser, has very big advantage to the upgrading of Bing City beer. However if Budweiser wants to do in a big way in China, is actually not easy. Do not forget, in each countries, the taste is different. In North America, is very good, however in Europe that Budweiser sells, isn't Carlsberg and Heineken International sells? Even if China, the beer of foreign brand, is Carlsberg and Heineken International sells is better.” “暂时的合作,利大于弊。而且得到百威的技术支持,对冰城啤酒的品质提升也有很大好处。不过百威要想在华夏做大,其实也不容易。不要忘了,每个国家之间,口感都是不同的。在北美,百威卖的很好,但是在欧洲,不就是嘉士伯和喜力更好卖吗?就算是华夏,外国品牌的啤酒,也是嘉士伯和喜力卖的更好。” Budweiser biggest competitor, is Carlsberg and Heineken International, to the Bing City beer and other traditional beer Company, makes the inadequate big impact. What they walk is the high-end route, but what ordinary beer Company walks is the common people route. The Bing City beer can join to the competition of high-end beer, but Budweiser actually could not produce the ordinary beer.” 百威最大的竞争对手,是是嘉士伯和喜力,对冰城啤酒等传统啤酒企业,造不成多大的冲击。他们走的是高端路线,而普通的啤酒企业走的是平民路线。冰城啤酒可以加入到高端啤酒的竞争中,但是百威却生产不了普通的啤酒。” Zong Qingxian eye one bright, right, Budweiser after the Bing City beer cooperates, although said that the Budweiser volume of production and marketing will grow, but everybody competitor is different. Moreover the Bing City beer can further nibble Budweiser, Budweiser is actually not able to nibble the Bing City beer. 宗庆先眼睛一亮,对啊,百威冰城啤酒合作后,虽然说百威的产销量会增长,但大家竞争对手不同。而且冰城啤酒可以进一步蚕食百威,百威却无法蚕食冰城啤酒。 Malaysia, South Korea and Japan have good beer Company, we can also taking advantage of Budweiser brand, go to pool capital with the opposite party. After these beer Company also total revenue subordinates, our markets huge. Moreover in these joint capital, we might as well be able to phrase the Budweiser stock in turn, if in the future Budweiser turns into our Taihua Holding Group, when the time comes was we make the money of foreigner.” “大马、南韩、岛国也有不错的啤酒企业,我们还可以借着百威牌子,去跟对方合资。当这些啤酒企业也全部收入麾下后,我们的市场会更加的庞大。而且在这几次合资中,我们未尝不能反过来收购百威的股份,将来如果百威变成咱们泰华控股集团旗下的,到时候就是我们去赚老外的钱了。” Zong Qingxian has not thought that Feng Yu wants to annex Budweiser unexpectedly, that is world first beer Company. However the Budweiser property is not high, Feng Yu wants to purchase, cannot afford. 宗庆先没想到,冯宇竟然想吞并百威,那可是世界第一的啤酒企业啊。不过百威的资产并不高,冯宇想要收购,也不是买不起。 But Zong Qingxian always thought that all these are not that easy. 可是宗庆先总觉得,这一切不是那么容易的。 Chief Feng, can this realize?” 冯总,这能实现吗?” If your Lenovo cannot think that definitely is unable to realize. I will increase step by step hold the Budweiser stock, when I become the major stockholder, even if not sole ownership Budweiser, Budweiser will also be during our controls!” “如果你连想都不敢想,那肯定无法实现。我会一步步增持百威的股票,当我成为大股东的时候,哪怕不是独资百威,百威也将处于我们的掌控之中!” Even if unable to purchase Budweiser all of a sudden, but purchases the Budweiser stock from these shareholder hands, is not quite difficult. Budweiser the stock price is not high at this time, the Feng Yu premium, should let some shareholder approvals slightly. 就算一下子无法收购百威,但从那些股东手中收购百威的股票,却并不太难。百威此时股价不高,冯宇稍微溢价,应该会让一些股东同意的。 A most difficult point, is Bush this holding parent company. 最难的一点,就是布希这个控股的母公司 However if the difficulty does not have, is very senseless? Also, wanting two years of these internet/network Corporation to have one to go on the market, the Feng Yu property can rise much, if goes on the market such 2-3, the Feng Yu leverage part non- voting stock, the capitalization purchases Bush is not the difficult matter! 不过要是一点难度没有,岂不是很无趣?再说了,只要过两年这些网络公司有一家上市,冯宇的资产都能涨不少,要是上市那么两三家,冯宇套现部分非投票股,全资收购布希也不是难事! Bush's this time property, including Budweiser, is about 20 billion US dollars. 布希此时的资产,包括百威在内,也不过20000000000美元。 Chief Feng, is as the matter stands, the Bing City beer has taken very big advantage probably.” Zong Qingxian frowns to say. 冯总,可是这样一来,冰城啤酒好像占了很大便宜啊。”宗庆先皱着眉头说道。 Therefore I make you purchase other beer Company, so long as purchases, can make him merge with the Bing City beer, received exchange for some stockholder's rights.” “所以我让你收购其他啤酒企业,只要收购下来,就可以让其与冰城啤酒合并,换取部分股权。” Feng Yu is not the Bing City beer will make the free bridal clothes, the words that the Bing City beer must expand, must step onto the annexation the path, when the time comes with stock transaction and other method/trick annexations, can make owning stocks of Taihua Holding Group to Bing City beer increase much. 冯宇也不会为冰城啤酒做免费的嫁衣,冰城啤酒要扩张的话,就必然要走上兼并的道路,到时候用股票交易等手段兼并,也能让泰华控股集团冰城啤酒的持股增加不少。 In addition Taihua Holding Group also has the Great Northern Granary stock, the influence to the Bing City beer was bigger. 加上泰华控股集团还有北大仓的股份,对冰城啤酒的影响力就更大了。 In the Feng Yu mind the dream of that liquor water empire, will not be far. 冯宇心目中那个酒水帝国的梦想,不会太远了。 ...... …… The book friend group, 520, 98, 468, welcome into the group( to be continued.) 书友群,520,98,468,欢迎入群(未完待续。)
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