EG :: Volume #14

#1308: Cooperation advantage are many

Budweiser Corporation Asian region president Schnepp, this time is responsible for with the negotiations of Bing City beer personally, they have inspected carefully, the Bing City beer is the Northeast king, and brand history is oldest in China, if the depth exploitation, best-selling China definitely does not have the issue. 百威公司亚洲区总裁施耐普,这次亲自负责跟冰城啤酒的谈判,他们仔细考察过,冰城啤酒是东北王,且品牌历史在华夏最老,如果深度开发,畅销华夏肯定没问题。 Grasps the China market, then also grasped the majority of Southeast Asia market, captures the Asian market share to have very big help to them. 掌握住华夏市场,那么也就掌握了大部分的东南亚市场,对他们占领亚洲市场有很大帮助。 Their goals hold share first, then nibbles the Bing City beer step by step, finally most little must control stock, even sole ownership! 他们的目标是先参股,然后一步步蚕食冰城啤酒,最终最少要控股,甚至独资! Fund, they are very abundant, purchase value 34 hundred million US dollars beer Company, does not have the issue. 资金方面,他们十分充裕,收购一家价值34个亿美元的啤酒企业,还是没问题的。 Sits in the reception room, Schnepp the coffee, the reception room gate is opening, walks several people. How also to have a such young person, is the translator? Why this translator takes the lead, probably Chairman of Bing City beer looked that expression of this translator somewhat is respectful? This isn't youngster a translator? 坐在会客室,施耐普品着咖啡,会客室门打开,走进来几个人。怎么还有这么年轻的一个人,是翻译吗?这个翻译为什么走在前面,好像冰城啤酒的董事长看这个翻译的眼神还有些恭敬呢?难道这个年轻人不是翻译? After Feng Yu sits down, is sizing up opposite Schnepp, one about 50 -year-old Caucasian old man, body some are fat, look like probably very genial appearances, but in expression was disclosing astutely. 冯宇坐下后,打量着对面的施耐普,一个50岁左右的白人老头,身体有些偏胖,看起来好像很和善的样子,但眼神中却透露着精明。 „Are you Schnepp? Head of Budweiser this negotiations?” “你是施耐普百威这次谈判的负责人?” Schnepp is somewhat disgruntled, this person was too arrogant, said my name not saying that the expression also very much flushed. 施耐普有些不悦,这人太傲慢了吧,直呼我名字不说,语气也很冲啊。 Zheng, who this is, is he does do?” Schnepp looks to Chairman Zheng Jiawei of Bing City beer. “郑,这位是谁,他是干什么的?”施耐普看向冰城啤酒的董事长郑家伟。 I give you to introduce, this is Feng Yu, he is also the investor who wants to buy stock our Bing City beer. Hears his name, I think that I didn't need to introduce again?” “我给你介绍一下,这位是冯宇,他也是想要入股我们冰城啤酒的投资人。听到他的名字,我想我不用再多介绍了吧?” Feng Yu? Who? Schnepp just wants to interrogate, on the face the expression fiercely changes. Feng Yu? Can it be that world's richest? 冯宇?谁啊?施耐普刚想质问的时候,脸上表情猛地一变。冯宇?莫不是那个世界首富? Hearsay that world's richest is about 30 years old, is the China Bing City person. Definitely is he, no wonder such arrogance. 传闻那个世界首富就30岁左右,是华夏冰城人。肯定是他,难怪那么的傲气。 As the world's richest, is so young becomes the world's richest, arrogance some are also normal. If also a modest appearance, that has strangely. 身为世界首富,还是如此年轻就成为世界首富,傲气一些也是正常的。要是还一副谦虚的样子,那才有古怪呢。 Schnepp hurrying stands, extends both hands to Feng Yu: Has not thought that is Mr. Feng, had not recognized a moment ago, but also looks to excuse me.” 施耐普赶紧站起来,冲着冯宇伸出双手:“没想到是冯先生,刚才没认出来,还望见谅。” Feng Yu built with Schnepp simply started: Exchanged greetings does not need, you think that Budweiser with the Bing City beer cooperation, I said first my condition, you had a look whether to comply. First, the cooperation of this Bing City beer with Budweiser beer, is a strategic alliance cooperation, both sides splitoff, exchange 10%, then carried out in -depth cooperation in the marketing channel and technique of production, the Company management, the brand message, the production plant variously, lets our common progress.” 冯宇简单跟施耐普搭了一下手:“寒暄就不必了,你想百威冰城啤酒合作是吧,我先说我的条件,你看看能否答应吧。首先,这一次冰城啤酒跟百威啤酒的合作,是一种战略联盟合作,双方换股,交换10,然后在销售渠道、生产工艺、企业管理、品牌宣传、生产工厂等多方面进行深度合作,让我们共同进步。” Schnepp is confused: Mr. Feng, I respects you, the exchange stock that but you said that is somewhat improper? Our Budweiser this time market value close 100 two One billion US dollars, but the market value of your Bing City beer, but also less than four hundred million US dollars. Even if you in stockmarket good behavior, I to you calculate in the two years four hundred million US dollars, our market values are your almost 30 times, how to exchange?” 施耐普一头雾水:“冯先生,我尊重你,但是你说的这个交换股份,是不是有些不妥?我们百威此时的市值接近100二十亿美元,而你们冰城啤酒的市值,还不到四个亿美元。就算你们这两年在股市表现良好,我给你们算四个亿美元,我们的市值是你们的差不多30倍,如何交换?” Is very simple, the cash made up price difference on the line. Taihua Holding Group, will make up some price differences, according to the market value, is not ten hundred million US dollars.” Feng Yu expression very relaxed, these more than ten hundred million US dollars in his mouth likely are more than ten money Si. “很简单,现金补差价就行了。泰华控股集团,会补足这部分差价,按照市值,不就是十来个亿美元嘛。”冯宇语气非常的轻松,这十多个亿美元在他口中像是十多块钱似的。 Schnepp was at a loss for words, regarding the world's richest, ten hundred million US dollars also is really not anything, it is said Feng Yu in Hong Kong that Wind & Rain Consulting Company, several hundred hundred million US dollars futures contracts and stocks, even has several One billion US dollar risk backlogs. 施耐普语塞了,对于世界首富来说,十来个亿美元还真不算什么,据说冯宇香江的那个风雨咨询公司,就有数百亿美元的期货合约和股票,甚至有着几十亿美元的风险储备金。 Mr. Feng, we are discussed that Budweiser buys stock the Bing City beer the matter, but had not planned that makes Budweiser be bought stock by others. Our Budweiser is the world biggest beer brewer, we have the world topest Budweiser brand, our profitabilities......” “冯先生,我们是来谈百威入股冰城啤酒的事情,但没打算让百威被别人入股。我们百威是世界最大的啤酒酿造商,我们有着世界最顶尖的百威品牌,我们的盈利能力……” Last year your stock fell 22%, the year before last your stock also fell 19%, last year the Bing City beer stock rose 31%, the year before last stock rose 17.6%. This indicated anything, explained investor regarding your Budweiser did not trust, presented the economic crisis the time, will choose to dump your Budweiser stock, but our Bing City beer was not painful, at that time everybody chose to increase holds.” Feng Yu has interrupted the boast of Schnepp. “去年你们股票跌了22,前年你们股票也跌了19,去年冰城啤酒股票上涨了31,前年股票上涨了17.6。这说明什么,说明投资者对于你们百威的不信任,出现经济危机的时候,会选择抛售你们百威的股票,而我们冰城啤酒则不痛,那时候大家都选择增持。”冯宇打断了施耐普的吹嘘。 Any profitability, Budweiser the sales volume growth serious drop in North America, this worries to open the Asian market in the two years, wants to give Corporation to seek for a new profit point of growth. 什么盈利能力,百威这两年在北美的销量增长严重下降,这才着急打开亚洲市场,想要给公司寻找一个新的利润增长点。 Schnepp is somewhat awkward, he has not thought that Feng Yu preparation full of such, investigated these data. However thinks that the opposite party is Feng Yu, did not feel strange that said again these are not the secret. 施耐普有些尴尬,他没想到冯宇准备的这么充分,将这些数据都调查出来了。不过想想对方是冯宇,也就不奇怪了,再说这些也不是什么秘密。 Mr. Feng, our Corporation, although the stock price falls, but the profit and sales volume grow, therefore we have not sold the stock really the meaning.” “冯先生,我们公司虽然股价下跌,但是利润和销量还是增长的,所以我们真没有出售股份的意思。” Profit and sales volume are growing right, but the speed-up has slowed down . Moreover the profit margin is dropping, these are the facts. And after your Corporation has I buy stock, to your Corporation stock price has the big advantage, should you be able to look? Buffett buys any Corporation stock, any Corporation stock rises, this inside has him to manage the method/trick reason, but also has the investor the reason that he trusts. You thought that the investor believes Buffett, believes me? In the two years the rich and powerful people on «Forbes» list, the majority of net worth are shrinking, even is the serious shrinkage, but my net worth is growing.” “利润和销量在增长没错,但增速已经放缓,而且利润率在下降,这些都是不争的事实。并且你的公司有我入股之后,对你们公司的股价有多大好处,你应该能看出来吧?巴菲特买什么公司的股票,什么公司股票上涨,这里面有他经营手段的原因,但也有投资者对他信任的原因。你觉得投资者更相信巴菲特,还是更相信我?这两年《福布斯》榜上的富豪,大部分身家都在缩水,甚至是严重缩水,而我的身家则在增长。” Schnepp thinks carefully, if Feng Yu buys stock Budweiser, truly has very big advantage to Budweiser. This advantage, can benefit all shareholders and investors. 施耐普仔细想了想,冯宇如果入股百威,确实对百威有着很大的好处。这个好处,能够惠及所有的股东和投资者。 Also a little, I have the China best drink marketing channel, even can be said as Asia is best. Deliciously with Pepsi and other Corporation puts together in the magnificence sales volume, cannot compare Corporation of my. If my this time splitoffs successfully, then I can let Budweiser with the Bing City beer rapid shop goods China complete province, this point, you must achieve, most little needs three years, but must have many investments.” “还有一点,我有着华夏最好的饮料销售渠道,甚至可以说是亚洲最好的。可口跟佰事公司的在华销量加在一起,也比不上我旗下的一家公司。如果我这次换股成功,那么我可以让百威冰城啤酒都迅速铺货华夏全部省份,这一点,你们要做到,最少要三年,还要有不少的投入。” „Is Mr. Feng the shareholder of Bing City beer? How I heard that the shareholder of Bing City beer does have the Great Northern Granary group and Bing City city Government?” “冯先生是冰城啤酒的股东吗?我怎么听说,冰城啤酒的股东只有北大仓集团和冰城政斧呢?” I am the Great Northern Granary shareholder, said that you did understand? Moreover the Bing City beer prepares to issue additionally the stock, annexes China other beer Company, I am also the first choice that the direction detection issues additionally.” “我是北大仓的股东,这么说你明白了吗?而且冰城啤酒准备增发股票,兼并华夏的一些其他啤酒企业,我也是定向增发的第一选择。” Schnepp understood, said that Feng Yu also really has very big relations with the Bing City beer. However such big matter, he does not dare to decide that this matter must report to give Board of Directors, even is the shareholder meeting! 施耐普明白了,这么说冯宇冰城啤酒还真有很大的关系啊。不过这么大的事儿,他可不敢决定,这件事必须要汇报给董事会,甚至是股东会! Mr. Feng, do our today's negotiations, temporarily how stop? This news, I must report first to the Corporation headquarters, when they have reached an agreement, then makes the decision.” “冯先生,我们今天的谈判,暂时中止如何?这个消息,我要先汇报给公司总部,等他们商量好了,再做决定。” You may probably, want quickly with our Bing City beer cooperation foreign beer Company, not only your Budweiser, Heineken International also wants to work with us.” Feng Yu suggested. “那你可要快一点,想跟我们冰城啤酒合作的外国啤酒企业,不只是你们百威一家,喜力也想跟我们合作呢。”冯宇暗示道。 Certain, certain.” Schnepp understands, once Heineken International cooperated with the Bing City beer, there is Feng Yu to be so big a God of Wealth support, Budweiser in the China service, but thoroughly is unable to launch. “一定,一定。”施耐普明白,一旦喜力跟冰城啤酒合作了,又有冯宇这么大一尊财神支持,百威华夏的业务,可就彻底无法展开了。 ...... …… The book friend group, 520, 98, 468, welcome into the group( to be continued.) 书友群,520,98,468,欢迎入群(未完待续。)
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