EG :: Volume #14

#1306: The beer festival opens

In two days, the Bing City beer festival opened. 过了两天,冰城啤酒节开幕了。 Feng Yu sits with Li Na in protocol car(riage), goes slowly forward. 冯宇李娜坐在礼宾车里,缓缓向前行驶。 Look, I said that was all right in the car(riage), is blowing the air conditioning, but can also watch the opening ceremony. In the evening also has the fireworks performance, or looked that went back again?” “看,我说了吧,在车里没事儿,吹着空调,还能看开幕式。晚上还有烟花表演,要不看完了再回去?” In Li Na expression somewhat anticipated: Ok?” 李娜眼神中有些期待:“可以吗?” All right, Dr. Li, all right?” “没事儿,李医生,没事儿吧?” All right, I look. Your lover was also very healthy, in the afternoon made her rest on the line.” “没事儿,我看着呢。再说您爱人的身体很好,下午让她在休息一下就行。” Comes out, Feng Yu father and mother did not feel relieved, therefore Feng Yu has taken moon/month of sister-in-law. But father and mother did not feel relieved that made elder sister Feng Danying send an obstetrician from the hospital obstinately. 出来的时候,冯宇爸妈都不放心,于是冯宇就带上了月嫂。可是爸妈还是不放心,愣是让姐姐冯丹英从医院派来了一位产科医生。 They attaching great importance to Li Na, compared with Feng Yu. 他们对李娜的重视,比冯宇更甚。 The Bing City persimmon long stands on the stage delivers the opening address, since is the Bing City beer festival, names by the city, naturally is Bing City leadership makes the opening address to be better, the closing remarks have given Zhang Ruiqiang, after all in the province also left one vigorously, must divide achievements. 冰城柿长站在台上发表开幕词,既然是冰城啤酒节,以城市来命名的,当然是冰城领导做开幕词更好,闭幕词则是交给了张瑞强,毕竟省里也出了一份大力,也要分一笔政绩的。 The opening ceremony is splendid, the decorated vehicle goes on patrol, carriage going on patrol did not say that a gigantic beer fountain! 开幕式就非常精彩,花车巡游,马车巡游等都不说了,还有一个硕大的啤酒喷泉! Naturally, this beer fountain uses is not the fresh beer, but is some beer of abandonment deterioration, after technical personnel's debugging, in the outward appearance and fragrance, is similar to the genuine beer, but has drunk affirmation having diarrhea. 当然,这个啤酒喷泉采用的并不是新鲜的啤酒,而是一些报废变质的啤酒,经过技术人员的调试,在外观和香味儿上,跟真正的啤酒差不多,但喝了肯定拉肚子。 Originally city plan with genuine beer, but was warned by Feng Yu, they gave up. 原本市里打算用真正的啤酒呢,但被冯宇警告了一番,他们放弃了。 Feng Yu told them, if used the genuine beer, that was the obvious waste. Now internet/network is getting more and more developed, this will be attacked by the Internet users, even by the person with high aspirations use, what to do was resisted the Bing City beer? 冯宇告诉他们,如果用真正的啤酒,那就是明显的浪费。现在网络越来越发达,这会被网民所攻击,甚至被有心人利用,抵制冰城啤酒怎么办? The previous generation had one year, the Bing City beer festival has used the real beer, thus on internet/network condemned that a sound piece, held a beer festival, truly enhanced the reputation of Bing City beer much, but enhanced actually all was the negative reputation! 前世就有一年,冰城啤酒节就用了真的啤酒,从而在网络上谴责声一片,举办一个啤酒节,确实将冰城啤酒的名声提高了不少,但提高的却全是负面的名声! What this beer festival is not simple is beer selling, but also has included the theatrical performance, ********, gourmet festival, tourist product selling, car selling and Great Northern Granary ecology green agriculture selling, clothing selling and real estate selling, liquor culture forum, liquor culture display and other activities. 这个啤酒节可不简单的是啤酒展销,还包括了文艺演出、********、美食节、旅游产品展销、汽车展销、北大仓生态绿色农业展销、服装展销、房地产展销,酒文化论坛,酒文化展览等活动。 This was Feng Yu once with Zhang Ruiqiang has raised the carnival, this activity, should not only limit to selling of beer, should taking this good opportunity, turn into a revelry of many program, but can also enrich the cultural recreations of Bing City people. 这个是冯宇曾经跟张瑞强提过的嘉年华,这种活动,不应该只局限于啤酒的展销,应该借着这个好机会,变成一个多种节目的狂欢,还能丰富冰城群众的文化娱乐活动。 What the result makes Feng Yu not think, unexpectedly Bing City also really makes is so big, even also Bing City purely lives the beautiful woman beauty contest activity, person who selects, can become the advertising model of Bing City beer, thus appears on the television. 结果让冯宇没想到的是,冰城居然还真弄的这么大,甚至还有一个冰城纯生佳丽选美活动,选中的人,可以成为冰城啤酒的广告模特,从而出现在电视机上。 Finally not only the Bing City person participates, the models in many other provinces and cities also participated. Can appear on the television, this opportunity are not many, turned into the movie star the person who to be also short from the advertisement star? They perhaps, can all of a sudden become the big star! 结果不只是冰城的人来参赛,很多其他省市的模特也都来参赛了。能出现在电视上,这个机会可不多得,从广告明星变成电影明星的人还少了吗?她们说不定,就能一下子成为大明星了呢! Also, did not say that the Bing City beer also planned please several big stars advertize to represent, if can be led by the hand by the big star, then the future road will be good. 再说了,不是说冰城啤酒还打算请几个大明星做广告代言么,要是能被大明星提携一下,那么未来的路会好走多了。 Ten years ago, the Bing City here girl wears the skirt to want the knee, now, participates in the beauty contest, has saying that people the rapidness of idea change. 十年前,冰城这儿的女孩穿裙子都要过膝的,现在呢,都参加选美了,不得不说,人们的观念变化之快。 Performance in opening ceremony, invited the home well-known singer and dance theater, the program looks like very splendid, works as the concert atmosphere of red singer to be warmer than it. 开幕式上的表演,请了国内很多知名的歌手和舞蹈团,节目看起来很精彩,比之一些当红歌手的演唱会气氛更加热烈。 After all the concert population of singer 10,000-20,000, have no way to compare with the population of this opening ceremony completely. 毕竟歌手的演唱会人数也就一两万,跟这个开幕式的人数完全没法比。 Moreover does not know how they made, unexpectedly also some overseas dancers and singers. The song that sang probably was French and German, Feng Yu could not understand in any case. 而且不知道他们怎么弄得,居然还有一些国外的舞蹈演员和歌手。唱的歌曲好像是法语和德语,反正冯宇是听不懂。 However internally, currently has such a strange happening, more cannot understand, was hounded on exceed, the singing sounds of several foreigner singers, instead compared with home, when the red singer won many applause. 但是在国内,现在就有这么一个怪现象,越是听不懂的,就越受追捧,几个老外歌手的歌声,反而比国内当红歌手迎来了更多的掌声。 But these singers, Feng Yu absolutely does not have an impression, that explained that these people at all are are not the red singer, the Feng Yu previous generation and this, has not seen. 可这几个歌手,冯宇完全没有一点印象,那就说明,这几个人根本不是什么当红歌手,冯宇前世和这一世,都没见过。 However some people of getting old also like looking that to letting Feng Yu has not thought. Li Na is Feng Yu dispels doubt, perhaps these people watch the fun, look at to cherish, the performance of foreigner, is rarely seen. 不过一些上了年纪的人也喜欢看,到让冯宇没想到。还是李娜冯宇解惑,或许那些人就是看个热闹,看个稀罕,老外的表演,毕竟不多见。 Must say that really they like this anything song, that not necessarily, you make them press the song to sing but actually carelessly, these people cannot listen. Moreover a little, is these foreigners is the song hot dances, compared with suitable this open location. 真要说他们喜欢这什么歌曲,那倒未必,你让他们按着曲子胡乱唱,这些人也听不出来。而且还有一点,就是那些老外都是劲歌热舞,比较适合这种开阔的场地。 This beer festival, more than 70 brands, more than 200 varieties enter selling . Moreover the city this time has the idea very much, every day one beer brand activity day, during this activity day, will create the propaganda to these beer brands the opportunity. 这一届啤酒节,有70多个品牌,200多个品种进驻展销,而且市里这次很有想法,每天一个啤酒品牌活动日,这活动日期间,将会给这些啤酒品牌做宣传的机会。 Naturally, this is not free, needs to spend. Some domestic big beer brands participated in bidding, beer Company of overseas, has joined. Only is this income, has solved beer festival a large part of funds. 当然,这不是免费的,需要花钱。国内的一些大的啤酒品牌都参与了竞拍,还有国外的啤酒企业,也加入了进来。光是这一块的收入,就解决了啤酒节很大一部分资金。 This beer festival carnival, does not have that many other displays, the location must collect fees. Moreover the expense is not low, this is Zhang Ruiqiang with the Feng Yu study. Initially made that China consumer electronics exhibition, Feng Yu made Zhang Ruiqiang see, the activity conducted was bigger, exceed can make money. 这一次啤酒节嘉年华,不是有那么多其他展览么,展位也是要收费的。而且费用不低,这都是张瑞强冯宇学的。当初弄得那个华夏电子消费品展销会,冯宇可是让张瑞强看到了,活动举办的越大,越能赚钱。 Why many cities are willing to conduct these exhibition anything, not incessantly to propagandize, because also this truly can bring the solid income to the place. 很多城市为什么愿意举办这些展销会什么的,不不止为了宣传,还因为这确实能给地方带来实实在在的收入。 Removes these exhibitors, the tourist quantity of participates this beer festival, broke through the history. 刨除这些参展商,来参加这个啤酒节的游客数量,就突破了历史。 These tourists only will not spend at the beer festival, Bing City also has famous northeast Hulinyuan and so on scenic site, after the tourist came, certainly must play, this enormously stimulated the Bing City tourism. 这些游客可不会只在啤酒节消费吧,冰城还有很著名的东北虎林园之类的旅游景点,游客来了之后,肯定也都要去玩一圈,这就极大的刺激了冰城的旅游业。 These people must stay, can eat meal? Then the dining stays this, can bring a good income to Bing City, even has also included transportation, location arrangement wait / etc., these may to the actual benefit that Bing City brings. 还有这些人总要住宿吧,要吃饭吧?那么餐饮住宿这一块,又能给冰城带来一笔不错的收入,甚至还包括了交通运输方面,场地布置方面等等,这些可都是给冰城带来的实惠。 The beforehand beer festival, the scale is not very big, the influence is not very big, but Feng Yu looked at this year, it is estimated that from the economic efficiency of this bring, will surpass last year, will increase along with the influence in the future, will be getting bigger and bigger. 之前的啤酒节,规模都不够大,影响也不够大,但冯宇看了今年的,估计从这次带来的经济效益,将远超去年,甚至未来随着影响力增大,会越来越大。 Feng Yu somewhat acclaimed, Old Zhang brains were more and more open, the Bing City beer festival, rose the beer festival of state-level, this was hard achievements. 冯宇对此有些赞叹,老张的头脑是越来越开阔了,将冰城啤酒节,上升成了国家级的啤酒节,这可是一笔硬邦邦的政绩啊。 But after this beer festival, believes winter to ice festival time, definitely also will keep improving, had the successful experience. 而这次啤酒节过后,相信冬天到了冰雪节的时候,肯定也会越办越好,有了成功的经验嘛。 Has not thought of Old Zhang except for the industry, agriculture and trade, but also has developed the tourism, currently speaking, Old Zhang is one qualified and even is outstanding leadership, has no qualms this position, truly achieved him to pledge that was the Longjiang people seeks the welfare, making the life of Longjiang people better and better! 没想到老张除了工业、农业和商业,还开发了旅游业,从这一点来看,老张就是一个合格、甚至是优秀的领导,无愧他这个位置,确实做到了他承诺的,为龙江人民谋福利,让龙江人民的生活越来越好! When Feng Yu brings in the evening Li Na is looking at the fireworks, Chairman of Bing City beer group, then received an important guest. 在晚上冯宇带着李娜看烟花的时候,冰城啤酒集团的董事长,则接待了一位重要客人。 ...... …… The book friend group, 520, 98, 468, welcome into the group( to be continued.) 书友群,520,98,468,欢迎入群(未完待续。)
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