EG :: Volume #14

#1303: Each Corporation has

Feng Yu said is very straightforward, has not mouthed high-sounding words, said anything for the country, for national anything. The goal of doing business is actually very pure, pure wants to make money! 冯宇说的很直白,没有唱高调,说什么为了国家,为了民族什么的。做生意的目标其实很纯粹,就是纯粹的想要赚钱! The person who does not want to make money, will not choose to do business absolutely. The top talented person, researches and develops some achievements, but will not be used to invest to do business, but is used to give above, thus received exchange for the promotion the qualifications, or received exchange for a specific name sound. Naturally, there is a that research madman, to receive in exchange to be able the opportunity of better doing research. 不想赚钱的人,绝对不会选择做生意。很多顶尖的人才,研发出来一些成果,但并不会用来投资做生意,而是用来交给上面,从而换取晋升的资格,或者是换取一种名声。当然,也有那种那种研究狂人,是为了换取能够更好的做研究的机会。 These people, perhaps not for money, therefore they cannot become the businessmen. You said that Li Yanhong wants to make the world-class search engine, if he does not want to make money, is the researchers not to be good? The signature power of technology, is his. 这些人,或许不是为了钱,所以他们没能成为生意人。你说李严宏是想做出世界级的搜索引擎,如果他不想赚钱,那么做个研究人员不行吗?技术的署名权,还是他的啊。 Naturally, after making money, wants to make anything again, may have the different ideas. Many people will choose to help other people , helping national formidable anything. 当然,赚了钱后,再想做点什么,可能就会有不同的想法了。很多人会选择帮助其他人,帮助国家强大什么的。 However is most basic, must be able to make money first, and gains are more than colleague! 但是最基本的,就是要先能赚到钱,并且赚的比同行更多! Chief Feng, therefore we can have our strategic product?” Aihua Appliances Executive asked. 冯总,所以我们都要有自己的战略产品?”爱华电器老总问道。 Right, but you are slightly different, you with a Aihua brand that Aihua Electronics shares, moreover with Wind & Rain Electronics, Wind & Rain Appliances and other technical sharing, therefore you can unveil the strategic product together. Such, the Aihua dedicated domestic market, the Wind & Rain Brand dedicated foreign market, actually everybody's benefit is consistent.” “没错,不过你们略有不同,你们跟爱华电子共用的一个爱华品牌,而且又跟风雨电子风雨电器等技术共享,所以你们可以共同推出战略产品。还是那样,爱华专注国内市场,风雨牌专注国外市场,其实大家的利益是一致的。” Everybody is lowering the head the ponder, oneself Corporation strategic product is anything. 大家都在低头沉思,自己公司的战略产品是什么。 The Quanjude ginger has always thought understood, the Quanjude strategic product, naturally is the Quanjude roast duck, regardless of which shop, regardless of before , is to sell any cuisine, has the Quanjude roast duck, but this dish sells is also most, is the core product of Quanjude brand. 全聚德的姜总想了一下就明白了,全聚德的战略产品,自然就是全聚德的烤鸭,无论哪个店,无论之前是卖什么菜系的,都有全聚德的烤鸭,而这道菜卖的也是最多的,也是全聚德品牌的核心产品。 Li Mingde thinks that no wonder Chief Feng said that the car(riage) of same vehicle type, concentrates on developing one, do not make too many patterns is any meaning. Studies country mysterious like the ordinary passenger vehicle, SUV makes Eastern Divine Deer, these two vehicle types, is the Corporation Lord pushes, other vehicle types for auxiliary, these two were the strategic vehicle type? 李明德想了想,难怪冯总说,同一车型的车,专注于开发一款,不要做太多款是什么意思了。就像普通轿车就是专攻国奥,suv就是做东方神鹿,这两款车型,也是公司主推的,其他车型为辅,这两款就是战略车型了吧? motorcycle is hottest Song River 100, that truly is the list sales volume compares favorably with the sales volumes of other Company all vehicle types, the cost can also control lowly. 摩托车就是最火的松江100,那确实是单品销量就比得上其他企业所有车型的销量,成本还能控制到最低。 This electric car, must make the strategic product, must achieve unfailingly is good. Chief Feng takes their Corporation example, cannot when the time comes lose face. 这个电动车,也要弄出来战略产品,要做到经久不衰才行。冯总拿他们公司举例子,可不能到时候丢人了。 The Bing City pharmacy group thinks that the Corporation strategic product, was Powerful Little Brother, the world sold well. Naturally also has glucose series nutriment, still sells to present is very hot. Emphatically the antiphlogistic of development, this is also the China market first. 冰城制药集团想了想,公司的战略产品,就是威哥了,全球畅销。当然也还有葡萄糖系列营养品,到现在依然卖的很火。还有一直着重开发的消炎药,这个也已经是华夏市场第一了。 Fu Guangwei was somewhat ignorant at this time, what is the Taihua Supermarket Group strategic product? Membership card? Every day guarantees newest fresh? What also or is other? This a while chats with Feng elder brother well. 付光伟这时候有些懵了,泰华超市集团的战略产品是什么啊?会员卡?还是每天保证最新鲜的生鲜?又或者是其他的什么?这个一会儿得好好跟冯哥聊聊。 Establishes the valuable the strategic product, naturally establishes the treasure, but the Wahaha strategic product, is the green tea, the nutrition express train, motive power and neat Cola. As for other products, sales volume, although is also good, but truly compares to have very big disparity with these. 建立宝的战略产品,当然就是建立宝,而乐哈哈的战略产品,就是绿茶、营养快车、原力和清爽可乐。至于其他的产品,销量虽然也不错,但确实跟这几款比起来有很大的差距。 Everybody in thinking, Feng Yu had also ended own speech. These words, his previous generation listens to the course, unifies the experience of this, wants to come out. 大家都在想的时候,冯宇也结束了自己的讲话。这些话,还是他前世听讲座,结合他这一世的经验,想出来的。 Toyota and stupid field close right up against the global strategy consumption vehicle type, got the massive profits, thus the market share rises successively, the status continually is also improved. 疯田、笨田就靠着全球战略消耗车型,获得了大量的利润,从而市场占有率节节攀升,地位也不断提升的。 Previous generation Toyota becomes world car(riage) business market Boss time, once many people were studying the Toyota experience. Not only Company management experience, producer research and development, sale and other experiences. 前世疯田成为世界车企市场老大的时候,曾经有很多人都在研究疯田经验。不只是企业管理经验,还有产品研发、销售等多方面的经验。 But most loved to talk about, is the strategy of Toyota single Pinwei king, naturally, has the lukewarm water to boil the strategy of frog. With using finally, such not to burn out. 而最被人津津乐道的,就是疯田单品为王的策略,当然,也还有温水煮青蛙的策略。同用最后,不就是被这么拖垮了么。 After breaking up, many people gather together studies, how to achieve the goal that Chief Feng said. 散会后,很多人都聚在一起研究,如何实现冯总说的目标。 It looks like, the goal of making money is very simple, but wants to make money, makes money, and has made money, that is not easy. 看起来,赚钱的目标很简单,但是想要赚钱,赚大钱,并且一直赚钱,那就不容易了。 First you must let the product that the consumer likes, the next your product compared with good of colleague, then you also want the preservation technique to be in the lead, was unable to present any stain, the localization is clear, structure reasonable. 首先你要有让消费者喜欢的产品,其次你的产品要比同行的更好,然后你还要保持技术领先,还不能出现什么污点,定位清晰,结构合理等。 Said that is very easy, but the concrete operations, are very difficult. 说起来很容易,但是具体操作,却很难。 What is most fearful, when you are in the lead comprehensively, but must give others means of livelihood. Once because forms the fact monopoly, by boycott, even there is a analyzed risk. 最可怕的是,当你全面领先的时候,还要给别人一点活路。因为一旦形成事实垄断,就会被联合抵制,甚至有被拆分的风险。 No matter previous generation this, not having Company can achieve the absolute monopoly. Those must achieve shortly, will fall into various troubles. 不管是前世还是这一世,没有企业能够做到绝对垄断。凡是眼看着要做到了的,都会陷入各种麻烦。 For example Microsoft, in the operating system of computer, alone big, is not unceasing on the lawsuit. 比如微软,在计算机的操作系统上,一家独大,不就官司不断么。 Feng Yu must do, is lets the Company market share first, guarantees the lead, then can obtain a biggest cake. 冯宇要做的,就是让企业的市场占有率第一,保证领先优势,那么就能分得最大的一块蛋糕。 Currently these Company of Feng Yu, have several is the profession world first, for example Amazon, biggest internet/network commercial city, but profit actually low pity. 目前冯宇旗下的这些企业,只有几家是行业世界第一,比如亚马孙,最大的网络商城,而利润却低的可怜。 However Amazon this profession first , etc. were too more than Ebay, did not have the absolute superiority. Even this time profit, might as well Ebay. 不过亚马孙这个行业第一,也比易贝等强不了太多,没有绝对的优势。甚至此时的利润,还不如易贝呢。 Naturally, if counted third-party payment software, that valuable and payment package can be said as the profession first, second, however this time profit, is not high. 当然,要是算上第三方支付软件的话,那么呗宝和支付包就可以说是行业第一、第二的了,但是此时的利润,也不算高。 Instead is other industry rankings after Company, the profit that makes are more. 反而是其他行业排名靠后的企业,赚的利润更多。 However has not related, that is these Company catching up times has not arrived. Waits several years later, Amazon and payment package, the treasure of the profit can continuously. 不过没关系,那是那些企业的发力期还没到呢。等过几年,亚马孙、支付包、呗宝等的利润就会源源不断了。 You looked that sixth sense Corporation and AIWA can know, after becoming the profession one, there is a how big superiority. 你看第六感公司aiwa就能知道,成为行业第一后,有多么大的优势。 Each Company that Feng elder brother, you said a moment ago must have own strategic product, what is our Taihua Supermarket Group strategic product?” “冯哥,你刚才说的每个企业都要有自己的战略产品,那咱们泰华超市集团的战略产品是什么?” Thinks that the sales volume of our anything product is biggest, the profit is highest, the cost is lowest, you knew.” Feng Yu racket shoulder of Fu Guangwei, I reminded you, you should understand expression. “想想我们什么产品的销量最大,利润最高,成本最低,你就知道了。”冯宇拍拍付光伟的肩膀,一副我提醒你了,你应该明白了吧的表情。 Fu Guangwei is confused, decides to go back to ask Father, or asks other management, is the day of pig? 付光伟还是一头雾水,决定回去问问老豆,或者问问其他高管,难道说是天蓬猪? Actually Feng Yu does not know that the strategic product of supermarket is anything, but thinks in each first-rate commodity, has most attracts the product of consumer. 其实冯宇也不知道,超市的战略产品是什么,不过想想每一类商品中,都有最吸引消费者的产品。 For example the fresh day pig and Great Northern Granary rice are one, the strategic product are not only then one type, even if Toyota does not have Karora, Camry and other strategic vehicle types. 比如生鲜中的天蓬猪、北大仓大米就是其中的一种,战略产品又不是只有一种,就算是疯田不是也有卡罗拉、凯美瑞等多种战略车型么。 In everybody when seeking for own strategic product, Feng Yu quietly left. 在大家都在寻找自己的战略产品时,冯宇则已经悄悄离开了。 The matter gives others to be done, he must hurry to go home, the Li Na expected date of childbirth is not far. 事情交给别人去做吧,他要赶紧回家,李娜的预产期可不远了。 ...... …… The book friend group, 520, 98, 468, welcome into the group( to be continued.) 书友群,520,98,468,欢迎入群(未完待续。)
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