EG :: Volume #14

#1302: Strategic product( sought subscription)

Taihua Holding Group second quarter regular meeting, Feng Yu rare in Shanghai, while convenient participated, moreover this time, some Feng Yu also words, want to chat with various child Corporation representatives. 泰华控股集团的第二季度例会,冯宇难得在魔都,就顺便参与了,而且这一次,冯宇也有一些话,想要跟各子公司的代表谈谈。 Knew after this Feng Yu also participates, Liu Chuanzhi, Li Mingde and the others also came to participate, before they let Corporation total Manager and president anything frequently met. 得知这次冯宇也参加后,刘传志李明德等人也都过来参加了,以前他们经常让公司经理、总裁什么的过来开会。 „...... I spoke these, below was invited our Taihua Holding Group Chairman Feng Yu to speak for everybody.” “……我就讲这些,下面有请我们泰华控股集团董事长冯宇为大家讲话。” Zong Qingxian said that below bursts into thunderous applause. These people to Feng Yu unusual admiring, thinks to have Feng Yu, has their today. But every time talked with Feng Yu, they harvested are big. 宗庆先说完,下面掌声雷动。这些人对冯宇都非常的佩服,认为有冯宇,才有他们的今天。而每一次跟冯宇谈话,他们收获都非常大。 I usually do not appear in Corporation, the Corporation matter, relies upon Zong Qingxian and other Corporation management and various child Corporation management, actually in the operation and management of Corporation, I could not have compared everybody.” “我平时不在公司出现,公司的事情,多仰仗宗庆先等几位公司高管和各子公司的高管,其实在公司的经营管理上,我还比不上各位。” Laughter that under the stage transmits the good intentions, they believe that Feng Yu this is cracking a joke. But Feng Yu said is really the truth, must make him manage such big Company, he also is really the strength falls short. 台下传来善意的笑声,他们都认为,冯宇这是在开玩笑。可冯宇说的真是实话,要让他管理这么大的企业,他还真是力有不逮。 Naturally, I think that I give treatment, does not dare to say uniquely, but absolutely is the profession is also top. Everybody to treat me honestly, I also to honestly treat you. Although Corporation I am a major stockholder, but everybody is also a shareholder, Corporation is everybody, is our.” “当然,我想我给予各位的待遇,不敢说绝无仅有,但也绝对是行业顶尖的。各位以诚待我,我也以诚待你们。公司虽然我是大股东,但各位也都是股东,公司是大家的,是我们所有人的。” Naturally, today is not the commendation meeting, the contribution that otherwise makes to Corporation by everybody, will speak of unable to say tomorrow, if some people in the evening will not go home, perhaps had the Corporation leadership family member to behind scold my Huang Shiren again.” “当然了,今天不是什么表彰会,否则以各位对公司做出的贡献,说到明天也说不完,有些人晚上要是不回家,恐怕就有公司领导的家属要再背后骂我黄世仁了。” Everybody laughs once more, to Feng Yu these words, unusual move. Feng Yu very much has respected to them, never writes off their merit, this makes people very enjoyable. 大家再次发笑,同时也对冯宇这番话,非常的感动。冯宇对他们一直都很尊重,从来不抹杀他们的功劳,这点让人非常的舒心。 In majority of child Corporation, Taihua Holding Group absolutely holding major stockholder, but the Feng Yu actually personnel appointment does not meddle, this makes them also admire. 在大部分的子公司中,泰华控股集团都是绝对的控股大股东,但冯宇却连人事任命都不插手,这点让他们也都钦佩不已。 Had the person to think making a fresh start, but after considered, gave up these ideas. When a person has made a name for oneself, will be very difficult to discard the present achievement. 曾经不是没有人想过另起炉灶,但是考虑过后,还是放弃了那些想法。当一个人已经功成名就的时候,会很难舍弃现在的成就。 Moreover they are also very difficult to take away now these subordinates, the treatment that Corporation gives, they may now. Regarding annexes stock of Taihua holding in turn, their nobody dares, Feng Yu that net worth, can easily the crush they. Do not say that Feng Yu was good with the above relations. 而且他们也很难带走现在这些下属,公司给出的待遇,他们现在可给不出来。至于说反过来吞并泰华控股的股份,他们没人敢,冯宇那身家,轻易就能碾压他们。更不要说,冯宇跟上面的关系还非常不错了。 Was good, the joke opens, returns to the proper topic. Today what I must talk to everybody, strategic product. Strategic product that I said that also called the strategic product, can understand for the product strategy. The product strategy, with the brand strategy, the Company strategy has same, differs from.” “好了,玩笑开完,言归正传。今天我要跟各位谈的是,战略产品。我说的战略产品,也叫战略性产品,也可以理解为产品战略。产品战略,跟品牌战略,企业战略都有所相同,也有所不同。” Gives an example, believes that everybody can understand anything is called the strategic product. Old Li, I takes car to take the example, you must listen carefully. General Motors, world biggest car Company, has twenty stature brands, but also has held share of many car Corporation, true car Company jumbo. Original General Motors, grabs the North American market over 70% market shares, but these ten years, the market share unceasingly is actually dropping, now instead is surmounted by the Japan car(riage) business, the European car(riage) business eyes covetously, therefore , General Motors strategically presented the serious problem in Company.” “举个例子,相信大家就能明白什么叫做战略产品。老李,我就拿汽车作为例子,你要仔细听听。同用汽车,世界最大的汽车企业,旗下拥有二十几个子品牌,还参股了多家汽车公司,真正的汽车企业巨无霸。本来的同用汽车,是占据北美市场70以上市场份额的,但是这十来年的时间,市场份额却在不断下降,现在反而被岛国车企超越,欧洲车企又虎视眈眈,所以说,同用汽车企业战略上出现了严重问题。” However Company security strategy, what Japan car uses is the small and low energy consumption, but car of US is the vehicle type of high fuel consumption, and fuel efficiency is very low. The oil price rises unceasingly, this to having a car(riage) clan is also not the small economic pressures. But at this time, with using to seem like has taken the counter measures, or was the North American three large cart business has taken the corresponding measure, made Company gain.” “而企业战略方面,岛国汽车采用的是小型、低能耗,而米国的汽车都是高耗油的车型,且燃油效率很低。油价不断上涨,这对有车一族也是不小的经济压力。而这时候,同用看似采取了应对措施,或者是北美三大车企都采取了相应的措施,重新让企业盈利。” At this time Japan car not only has not increased to the exit / to speak of North American car, instead the independent limit exit / to speak, gives the opportunity that North America three large cart business have panted for breath. It seems like this is a decision error, but actually this is a long-term strategy. At that time Japan car(riage) business started the layout Europe market, but the car(riage) business of North America, particularly with using, to fall into an erroneous zone.” “这时候岛国汽车不但没有增加对北美汽车的出口,反而自主的限制出口,给了北美三大车企喘息的机会。看似这是一次决策失误,但其实这是一个长远的战略。那时候岛国车企开始布局欧洲市场,而北美的车企,尤其是同用,就陷入了一个误区。” They think large-scale car(riage) these people most loves, therefore has not strengthened own competitive power in energy consumption, instead thinks that the cold winter crossed, spring came. What is most pitiful, they to increase the sales volume, all brands support, but among various brands, the effective conformity, the independent operation, in research and development, manufacture, marketing, service and other aspects, cannot link, caused their cost to increase much.” “他们以为大型车还是那些人的最爱,所以没有在能耗方面增强自身的竞争力,反而以为寒冬已过,春天来了。最可悲的是,他们为了增加销量,所有品牌都扶持,而各品牌之间,并没有有效的整合起来,独立运作,在研发、制造、营销、服务等方面,都没能结合在一起,造成了他们的成本增加了不少。” Multi- brand strategy, for subdivides the market, different brands in view of different markets, but the brand are too much, the consumer chooses the difficulty, but also increased the internal friction, is among the products of their brands, has not the small competition.” “多品牌战略,是为了对市场进行细分,不同的品牌针对不同的市场,但是品牌过多,消费者选择困难,还增加了内耗,也就是他们各品牌的产品之间,也存在着不小的竞争。” However these issues, brings was I said that the issue of strategic product. With using Company, lacks can draw the global strategy truly the vehicle type. For example these race cars, have one best-selling about ten years, unfailing vehicle type. Speaking of the stupid field, everybody will think of Accord, spoke of Toyota, everybody will think of Karora, spoke of the populace, everybody will think of Santana, spoke of using?” “而这些问题,所带来的就是我说的,战略产品的问题。同用企业,缺少真正能够拉动全球战略的车型。比如那些跑车,都有一款畅销十年左右,经久不衰的车型。说到笨田,大家就会想到雅阁,说到疯田,大家就会想到卡罗拉,说到大众,大家就会想到桑塔纳,说到同用呢?” With using face brand that many, but does not have a vehicle type of best-selling world. Strategic global vehicle type consumption is huge, uses only Accord as an example, best-selling more than 20 years, renewal from generation to generation, but the technology that renews each time is not complex, but after the new style appears, can the best-selling world.” “同用下面子品牌那么多,但是没有一款畅销全球的车型。全球战略性车型消耗巨大,单以雅阁为例,畅销了20多年,一代一代的更新,而每次更新的技术并不多么复杂,但新款出现后,都能畅销全球。” This list sales volume king, has a huge advantage, that drastically reduces the production cost, drastically promotes the list profit. I spoke of here, what has everybody thought of? Right, is the best-selling product.” “这种单品销量王,有着一个巨大的好处,那就是大幅降低制造成本,大幅提升单品利润。我说到这儿,大家是否想到了什么?没错,就是畅销产品。” Everybody understands that the output increases, forms the scale, very easy cost reduction, thus enhances the profit. You look at Philips, can a model of razor blade, sell several million, how many profit should have? If he is dozens sells several million, the profit will reduce a big truncation.” “大家都明白,产量增加,形成规模,就很容易降低成本,从而提高利润。你们看飞利普,一款剃须刀,能卖几千万个,利润该有多少?如果他是几十款卖几千万个,利润会降低一大截。” Strategic product that I said that everybody can understand for best-selling single Pin simply, the star product. New product that even if we will develop in the future is few, but is impressive, the sales volume is also good, then we are successful. Therefore we develop any product, must distinguish clearly primary and secondary, must have least model of main products.” “我说的战略产品,大家可以简单的理解为畅销单品,明星产品。哪怕未来我们开发的新产品很少,但是让人印象深刻,销量又不错,那么我们就是成功的。所以我们开发任何产品,都要分清主次,一定要有最少一款主力产品。” On in all directions obvious a6 like the previous generation street, Camry, Accord, this is the main product. Other vehicle type also has certainly, but does not advocate to push. A model of product can best-selling ten years 20 years, not be the backward performance, exactly is its formidable performance. Otherwise when new product that many, why the consumer does lean the sentiment in this model of product? 就像前世街上四处可见的a6,凯美瑞、雅阁等,这就是主力产品。别的车型当然也有,但不主推。一款产品能畅销十年20年,不是落后的表现,恰恰是其强大的表现。否则在新品那么多的时候,为什么消费者还是倾情于这款产品? This places on internet/network , is the same. A point that each internet/network Corporation, must have remember. For example oq of penguin group, Sina news and blog, the forum of rancid fox, video, game of NetEase, e-mail , search of Baidu, the Chinese net of Chinese wait / etc..” “这个放在网络上,也是一样的。每个网络公司,要有最被人记住的一点。比如企鹅集团的oq,薪浪的新闻、博客,馊狐的论坛,视频,网易的游戏,邮箱,千度的搜索,华人的华人网等等。” „The Company strategy, everybody understands that everybody also attended the Company management training class that Corporation has held, but this strategic product, hopes that everybody remembers. Our goals are very simple, makes money!” 企业战略,大家都明白,各位也都参加过公司内部举办的企业高管培训班,但是这个战略产品,也希望各位记住。我们的目标很简单,就是赚钱!” ...... …… The book friend group, 520, 98, 468, welcome into the group( to be continued.) 书友群,520,98,468,欢迎入群(未完待续。)
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